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September 13, 1969 - Image 7

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Saturday, September 13, 1969


Page Seven

Ram paging






Banks drives homer as Cubs win

* * *
Lions smash Saints, 42-7;
Giants' Sherman out

ly ' Te sociated Press
PITTSBURGH - Pitchers Don
Cardwell and Jerry Koosman each
singled home the only runs of the
night and the rampaging New
York Mets swept a twi-night dou-
bleheader from the fading Pitts-
burgh Pirates last night, taking
each game 1-0.
The sweep stretched New York's
winning streak to nine games.
Koosman pitched a brilliant
three-hitter in the first game and
drove in the only run with a fifth
inning single-only his fourth hit
and first run batted in of the sea-

In the nightcap, Cardwell lim-
ited the Pirates to four hits in
eight innings and drove in Bud
Harrelson with a second inning!
single for the only run of that
Tug McGraw pitched the ninth
inning of the nightcap, completingj
the Mets' third consecutive shut-
out and stretching the Newv York
pitching staff's scoreless string to
34 innings.
In both games, the Mets had
to escape tight ninth inning si-
Matty Alou reached first base
leading off the ninth of the opener

but Koosman pitched his way out.
retiring Roberto Clemente, Pitts-
burgh's leading hitter for the final
Alou beat out a bunt opening the
ninth of the nightcap against
McGraw but again the Pirates
could not advance him. McGraw
struck out Gene Alley, got Willie
Stargell on a 450-foot fly to center
and retired Al Oliver on a bouncer.
Koosman, whose four previous
hits this season had all come
against San Diego pitcher Clay
Kirby, stroked a single to right
following hits by Bobby Pfeil and
Duffy Dyer in the fifth of the
Then the left-hander made the
run stand up, beating Bob Moose
in a brilliant pitching duel.
In the nightcap, Harrelson dou-
bled with two out in the second
inning and rode home on Card-
well's single. That was enough to
beat Dock Ellis.
The sweep reduced the Mets'
magic number for clinching the
National League's East Division
pennant to 16.

Major League Standings

Eastern Division

BadIt i 1it44 Ic
Wadsh ill, ttIll
New York
Califori a





St. Louis
Mionit real
C'iliv ill lid I
Sat] FIranc
L~os Angel
H~oust on
Sall Diego

I:aseri I ivision
87 57
85 60
77 67
ii 76 66
lila 57 85
15 100
Western Division
80 65
ti 77 63
wil-co4 78 65
I's 'e6 65
75 67
a 45 98

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Quarterbacks Bill
Munson and Greg Landry riddled
the New Orleans pass defense,
connecting three touchdown toss-
es, as the Detroit Lions won their
fifth straight National Football
League exhibition game in six
starts, 42-7, over the Saints, last
The Lions shocked the Saints
by taking a 21-0 lead in the first
quarter. Munson, looking perhaps
the sharpest so far this year, fired
touchdown passes of 49 and 71
yards to Bill Mainchak and Earl
The first score came with only
three minutes gone and followed
a fumble recovery by Detroit line-
backer Wayne Walker. Then with
New Orleans still dazed, L i o n s
safety Tommy Vaughn picked off
a Bill Kilmer pass and raced un-
touched for 25 yards and a touch-
Detroit's defense played a strong
game and stopped both New Or-
leans passing and running game.
But Kilmer put the Saints mo-
mentarily back in the game with
a 14-yard touchdown pass to Al
Dodd to make the score 21-7.
But five minutes later, the
Lions put things out of reach
again when rookie Larry Watkins



over from the two, corn-
an 80-yard drive in 11


-Associated Press
WAY NE GARRETT. New York Met second baseman, avoids a slide by Matty Alou and completes
a double play in the first game of yesterday's doubleheader with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Alou's
200th hit of the season went for nought as the Mets won both games, 1-0, with late inning rallies.
The Met pitchers, Don Cardwell and Jerry Koosman drove in the mimining run in each game.

8i 56
.8 61
61 801
9 8 I
ifi 86

(:iibs crush.(;Cards

:34 _

Ne Fork5, B oston 3 ,1't
Bo'stonl 4, New Fork 3, ?nld
Baltiore ' , 'levela nd1
Washington 4. Detroit 3
Seattle 4. California I. I'd
,liniilsota 3,IKanisas (CitetiI
Oa),kland F!, Chic tago I
Toda 's Games
Californita at Seatle, niglht
Kansas City at "Muinnsota
Oakland at Chicago
C'levlanid at Balt imlore, n1ighlt
Ietwroilat Washiugtoin
Boston at New York
The third play of the trilogyI
'Mliracles at. Bloomington. Ii-
diana" will have its initial per-
formance on Sept. 20 at Lexing-
ton, Ky., as Indiana's footballt
wonders face Kentucky in the
iirst act of their finale. This fi-
nale is tentatively titled: "The
Rejuvenated Super Sophs I Alias
Sensational Seniors) Do It Again."
The team an outst anding cast'
and staff Imagnificent direction)
hope they have an equal to their
hit of two seasons ago, "Rose in
Hoosieriand." Last years s roduc-
tiotn. 'The Jatunty Juniors Try an
Encore," was somewhat of a let-
down and mediocre for several
It was a little depressing be-
cause the final season record was
6-4 after high hopes had been ex-
pressed. It. was mediocre because
of injuries to key players at cru-
cial points in the drama, soplho-
mores who weren't quite as good
as the crop of the year before,'
and perhaps lack of Rose Bowl:
The lack of Rosc cowl incentive
has become Woody Hayes' prob-
lem and with the material be has,
he needs some problems. Sopho-
mores have become juniors who,
with an added year of maturity
and working together, are expect-
ed to deliver stunning pertorm-
The injuries have had the win-
ter' to repair. Probably the most'
important name off the injured'
list is that of halfback John Isen-
barger, considered to be the best
triple-threat man in the country.
After knee surgery last winter
Isenbarger recovered so quickly
that he was able to participate in
half of spring drills. His return
sets the stage for a triumphant'

Yester~day's IResultls
Chicago 5, St. Louis1I
MotlIreal 4, Philadelphtia LI
N'w York 1, Pittsburgh 0, 1st
NeW York I, Pittsburgh 0, 2nd
Atlaita 1, Houston 3
C'incinnat:1 i at San FIranIcisco), illc.
Sani lDi&go at Lots Angeles, inc.
Today's Gamles '
Montrl a latPhiladelphinig t
New York at Pittsburgh
Chicago at St. Louis, night
Hfouston at At lanita, niight
San Diego at Los Angeles, night
icina t itSan Franc sc o
finale for the trio of Gonso,
Butcher. and Isenbarger who
gained fame as the Super Sophs
in their first hit production.
Since the offense is the center
of Indiana's fortunes this trio is
the key to a successful season.
Harry Gonso holds Hoosier ca-
reer records for touchdown pass
plays called and total offense. He
has been voted MVP for the past

ST. LOUIS-Ernie Banks drove
in lour runs with a single and a
bases-loaded double, firing the
Chicago Cubs to a 5-1 victory over
the St. Louis Cardinals last night.
The victory ended the Cubs'
eight-game slide but still fell 212
games behind the New York Mets.
The 38-year-old Banks wrapped
it up for the Cubs in the eighth
when they broke a tie with four
runs. Winning pitcher Bill Hands.
17-13. singled, went to second on
Don Kessinger's hit and scored
the go-ahead run on Glenn Beck-
ert's single.
A walk to Ron Santo set the




Bloomington, Indiana
Coach: John Pont
Coach's Record: 18-22-1
1968 Conference Record:
4-3-0, tied for 5th
1968 Record: 6-4-0
Lettermen Lost: 23
Lettermen Returning: 31

sive line which protects the valu-
able and almost irreplaceable<
Go nso.1
Indiana's Achilles heel for a
long while has been defense. Evenr
the miracle producing offenset
with its average of 25 points per
game could not quite overcome1
the defensive unit's allowance ofa
28 points per game.
Defensive coordinator. Ernie
Plank, feels this problem is on its
way to solution. "Our defense is
based on tackle play and we fi-
nally have boys with enough size'
to handle the position well. The
youtnger players have come along
well in practice and they should
benefit from the experience of a
few games. Overall this unit seems
to be the best defense we've had
here at Indiana."
Last season the Hoosiers had a
trouble spot in the amount of
turnovers, especially on punt re-
turns. According to Plank, "We've
been working on fumbles and
there haven't been too many ini
practice. One of our solutions is
to put Larry Highbaugh (Big Ten
dash champion) in on returns and
utilize his speed and sure hands."
Indiana operates from a basic
I-formation with a flanker and
split end on opposite sides. Some-
times both are split to the same
side but there are not many vari-
ations used.
Indiana experiences a depth
problem only at center where
senior Steve Applegate offers-sea-
soning but he is backed up by two
untested sophomores. Other posi-
tions where depth could become a
problem are at the defensive
tackles and at quarterback. As
Plank states, "We'd have trouble
finding a replacement of Gonso's

stage for Banks' two-out shot to
the left field wall, clearing the
Santo had doubled and scored
the tying run in the seventh.
Banks followed Santo's hit with
a bloop single to right off loser
Chuck Taylor, 7-3.
The Cardinals had taken a 1-0
lead in the first on Lou Brock's
scratch single and stolen base.
Brock took third on an infield
out and scored on Vada Pinson's
sacrifice fly. Hands then settled
down to work out of some jams
and gave up six hits the rest of
the way.
aga inEf
Vieving all facets of the up-
coming Indiana production it
looks like the Hoosiers have a hit
on their hands again. The lette'-
men have recaptured the n-
thusiasm of their exciting soph-
omorte season. The team is pre-
pared to adopt "Everything's Com-
ing Up Roses" as its theme song.
This attitude may be a bit pre-
mature but with a schedule that
offers only Purdue as a real ob-
stacle to such hopes, it isn't total-
ly unfounded. Considering the
schedule, the talents of Gonso,
Isenbaiger. Butcher',and other 'e-
tut'nees, the Hoosiers seem a good
bet to take that trip to Pasedena
next New Year's.
The sweet ending to this saga
of miraculous endings, last-minute
heroics, and "Punt, John, Punt"
depends on a defense gaining ex-
perience and a center being avail-
able to hike the ball to Gonso.

figured in three run-scoring in-
nings with three singles and Casey
Cox won his 12th game as the
Washington Senators defeaited
the Detroit Tigers 4-3 last night
Jim Northrup spoiled Cox's
shutout bid with his 22nd homer
w.ith one out iin t he sixthi immti g
and the Tigers scored their other
runs in the ninth.
Unser opened the first t )with
a single off loser Earl Wilson.
wet to second on an infield out
anid scored on Ken McMullen's
single. U~nser''s single in the third
scorecd Ed Brinkman. who led off
with a hit and moved up on Cox's
single. Frank Howard drove it a
run in the fourth after sitties by
Cox and Unser.
BI'r'es Sc)lp 'Isros
ATLANTA - Atlanta wion it:
fourth straight game, tiding a
two-r m homer by pitche,' George
501 cie and some strogrelief
pitchig by teway-acquired Hoyt
Wilhelm to a 4-3 victory over
Houston last tiight.
Orlls (clincht if'
BALTIMORE -- The Baltimore
Orioles rallied for two runs in the
sixth innting. defeating Cleveland
2-1 last night, and clinching at
least a tie for the American
L ague's Eastern Division pen-
Mike Paul startd for the In-
dians but was rtemovecd in the
fourth inning with a broken nose
after beitig struck by a hard
grounder oft the bat of Johnson.
Jim Hardin, making his first

start sinte Aug. 29, won and
brought his reco'd to 6-5 with 12;1
innings of relief help from Pete'
RHit' herr.
A walk to Frank Robinson and,
consecutive singles by Boog Po-1
well, Brooks Robinson and Dave
Johnson produced the Baltimore
runs off loser Stan 'Williams. 5-12.'

100th YlEAR:
t",let.ve lootball season becgins
Air Force and SMU should provide most of the fireworks as college
football kicks oft its centennial season tonight.
The Mustangs' Chuck Hixson is expected to provide most of the
excitement. The talented SMU junior led the nation in passing last
year demonstrated an ability to bring his team from far behind to
exciting fourth quarter triumphs.
The Mustangs don't appear to have much of a running attack, so
the Falcon defenders will be able to concentrate most of their efforts
on stopping Hixson's slings.
The Falcons vill try to counter the Mustang bombardment with
a stout deletse and a strong running game led by quarterback Gary
The game will be televised nationally on ABC starting at 8 p.m.
Conference play will be getting underway in the Pacific-Eight and
Atlantic Coast Conference as Oregon State journeys to Los Angeles
to play UCLA and Wake Forest travels to North Carolina State.
A quiet optimism has prevailed in the UCLA camp this summer
and the Bruins feel they will greatly improve on their disappointing
3-7 record of last -eason.

(cntra \uichigaII at West'rn ic ilgall
V. - Chester at Villanaova
t4 State at Wichita State
DM o lat Kent State

tLouisvile at Drake
liutralo at Ball State
Ciicinati at West Virginia
Pacific at Texas-El Paso
Xavier at Miami, Ohio

NEW YORK -- Allie Sher-
man was dismissed as head coach
of the New York Giants yesterday,
nine days before the start of the
regular National Football League
season. He was replaced by Alex
Webster, offensive b a c k f I e I d
Sherman had served as head
coach for the eight seasons dur-
ing the time the Giants won three
NFL Eastern Division titles.
The Giants compiled a 7-7 re-
cord in 1968 and were winless in
five pre-season games this year.
Webster, a former Giant run-
ning star for 10 seasons, had
served as the club's offensive
backfield coach the past two
"Since 1961," said Wellington
Mara, the Giants' president, "all
decisions affecting the operation
of our football team have been
made by Al Sherman and myself.
Because I find recent results un-
acceptable, I have taken the fol-
lowing steps:
"I have asked Al Sherman to
step aside as head coach and I
have signed Alex Webster to a
two-year contract as head coach.
"Although I will continue to be
the chief executive officer of the
Giants and, as such, will continue
to have the ultimate responsibil-
ity for all decisions, I will appoint
an experienced football man to as-
sist our new head coach in the
evaluation, selection and pro-
curement of players.
Asked whether "Goodby Allie"
chants by Giant fans in recent
seasons had forced management's
hand, Mara replied:
"Our sole desire is to please
the fans. An if we are not pleas-
ing them, we have to take a good
look at ourselves.
Mara said that Sherman, who
still has five years remaining on
a 10-year contract, will remain
with the organization. He did not
say in what capacity.


two years and there is little which
seems capable of stopping him
from performing well enough to
earn this and many other awards.
Jade Butcher's 20 touchdown
catches are a career mark and his
total of 713 yards in receptions
last year set a new mark.
John Isenbarger, although miss-
ing the equivalent of four games,
still managed to rush for 669
yards which was just 87 short of'
a season mark. He ranks fourth
on the all-tithe rushing list and'
his 39.7 yard average on punts
makes him the career leader in
that department. The third of{
his triple threats is the ability to
pass on the option. Gonso is one
of the few quarterbacks who also
carries statistics for receiving.
Guard Don DeSalle is also men-
tioned as a possible All-America
candidate. He heads the offen-



The Tenants Union still


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tact tenants in


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Tenants in these management companies and others
interested in organizing come to the Tenants Union
office or contact Nan Byam at 662-2631.
1532 SAB-763-3102




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