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May 18, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-18

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THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1967



THE 1~IICHICAN DAILY PAI~W 'rwvv * *~A~ .L**A~U~.~

A "I"F, irsnEr,

Court Hears Levy
War Crimes Plea
Defense Must Show Special Forces
Consistently Trained for Atrocities

Egypt, Syria Place Forces
On Alert at Israeli Frontier

COLUMBIA, S.C. (P)-Defense
attorneys for Army Captain How-
ard B. Levy were given permis-
sion yesterday to try to prove
U.S. Special Forces troops are
trained to commit "war crimes,
genocide and crimes against hu-
The defense was told Levy will
be freed if they can prove Green
Beret troops as a matter of policy
,are trained to violate war crimes
precedents. These legal precedents
were set during the trials at
Nuremberg, Germany, after World
War II.
A general court-marital is try-
ing Levy, 30, a Brooklyn, N.Y.,
*U.S. Asylum
vanyi, top ranking Hungarian dip-
lomat to the United States, has
asked for asylum in this country.
Radvanyi, whose rank was
charge d'affaires, "has decided
that he wishes to become a per-
manent resident of the United
States," State Department press
officer Robert J. McCloskey an-
nounced yesterday.
"Our position will be in accord-
Sance with the American tradition
of extending refuge to those who
seek it," McCloskey added.
First to Defect
Radvanyi is understood to be
the first head of a Communist dip-
lomatic mission to Washington to
He had been Hungary's charge
d'affaires in this country since
"It is our understanding he is
submiting a letter of resignation to
his government," McCloskey said.
He said that the Hungarian
raised the question of his defection
with American authorities late
McCloskey declined to say where
Radvanyi is now.
Carreer Diplomat
Radvanyi, 45, has been a career
diplomat since 1947. He served his
country in Ankara, Paris, Bern
and Damascus prior to coming to
Radvanyi, a manual worker be-
fore the war, joined the under-
ground, illegal Hungarian Com-
munist party between the two
world wars. He was one of the
first former workers to join the
Hungarian foreign service after
the Communist takeover in that
Radvanyi is married and has
two children. His daughter was
in Washington for several years,
attending Georgetown University.
She worked on a part-time basis
as the secretary to the Hungarian
correspondent of the Hungarian
News Agency. She returned to
Budapest two years ago, married
there and reportedly lives in Hun-
A son is attending high school
in Washington while living with
his parents.
World N ew

doctor, who is accused of refusing
to obey a lawful order to train
Special Forces medics, making dis-
loyal statements and trying to
coerce enlisted men into not serv-
ing in Vietnam.
Consitent Policy
Colonel Earl V. Brown, the law
officer-or judge-warned that a
consistent policy of unlawful
training of Special Forces troops
must be shown by the defense.
"Sporadic" incidents of atrocities
would not constitute this he said.
Brown added that in a \veek of
cross-examining prosecution wit-
nesses the defense had been un-
able to establish "any evidence
remotely showing Special Forces
have been trained to commit war
"If it's objectively true that doc-
tor's talents are being used to com-
mit war crimes, then I think you
would be morally bound to refuse
to train them," Brown declared.
Based on Nuremberg
The war crimes issue is being
raised by defense attorney Charles
Morgan of the American Civil
Liberties Union on the basis of the
Nuremberg judgments.
The legal concept evolved at
Nuremberg was that military. of-
ficers can be held accountable for
war crimes even though they acted
under orders of superiors.
"This will involve interpolating
international treaties and it is the
first time I know of that ths is-
sue has come before a domestic
court," Brown said.
Morgan said the war crimes
questions involves agreements
made by the United States at the
United Nations. He agreed that
being allowed to try to prove the
Green Berets are trained for atro-
cities sets an international prece-
Morgan said he can show that
the purpose of U.S. Special Forces
troopers in Vietnam is "the eradic-
ation of people in the South who
will not be friendly to our forces."
"We will show that those they
don't cure they kill, because they
have to," he declared.

-Associated Press
LEADING A 200-MEMBER DELEGATION of the Spring Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam,
Dr. Benjamin Spock waited for President Lyndon Johnson at the White House gates for one hour
yesterday. Spock said the President never replied to his request for an inside conference. During
the demonstration Spock was hit on the head with an egg and called a traitor by a group called
"The White Party" which according to one member is anti-Negro and anti-Vietnam.
Hong Iong Polce Get Control
Of District After Night Riots

CAIRO (R)-Troops poured out
of Cairo yesterday toward the Is-
raeli frontier. Syria and the Unit-
ed Arab Republic placed their
armed forces on full alert against
what they profess to see as a
military threat from Israel.
As troop movements in both
Syria and the UAR continued, dis-
patches from Israel said the people
remained calm. Israel has threat-
ened Syria with military reprisal
for acts of sabotage in frontier
regions. Syria is reported to have
called up some reserves.
The Israelis are reported to be-
lieve that Cairo's shown of force
has been taken in a move to back
the Syrian regime and to regain
the Middle East spotlight.
Cairo Activity
The troop movements were ac-
companied by a flurry of govern-
ment and diplomatic activity in
The semi-official Middle East
News Agency said David G. Nes,
charge d'affaires of the U.S. Em-
bassy, reviewed the Israeli-Arab
border situation with Ahmad Has-
san Fiky, the UAR Foreign Min-
istry's undersecretary.
UAR Foreign Minister Mahmoud
Riad discussed "the situation re-
sulting from mass Israeli troop
concentrations on Syria's border"
with the Soviet ambassador, the
agency reported.
Agreement With Syria
The Cabinet was briefed on
"military measures undertaken by
the UAR armed forces to cope
with the situation in the light of
the military agreement between
the UAR and Syria," a spokesman
Syri, n Foreign Minister Ibra-
him Makhos has arrived in Cairo
to discuss the situation.
Field Marshal Abdel Hakim
Amer, deputy supreme commander
of the UAR armed forces, held "a
meeting of the utmost importance"
with military leadeis, Cairo radio
The U.N. Peace-keeping Force in

newspaper Al Ahram said.
The request was forwarded to1
U.N. Secretary-General U Thant
in New York. He immediately
asked Cairo for clarification. A
U.N. spokesman said Thant was
concerned by the Middle East situ-
In Gaza itself, Ahmed Shukairy,
head of the Palestine Liberation
Organization, told a mass rally
the organization "will keep send-
ing commandos into occupied

China, and these will be used in
the battle to liberate Palestine."
Meanwhile Jordan's a r m e d
forces have been placed in a state
of alert, Premier Saad Jumma
announced Wednesday.
He said in a radio statement
Jordan considered Israeli aggres-
sion on any part of the armistice
lines as an attack on all parts.
He added that Jordan was fully
determined to stand by the side
of any Arab country in danger.

House Drops Rent Subsidies,
Impedes Model Cities Plan

the Gaza Strip-separating the Palestine, contilgenit after con-
UAR and Israel-has been warned tingent, to destroy and burn."
to withdraw immediately beyond Shukairy declared his organ-
the Egyptian-Israeli armistice line ization had received "huge quan-
to escape danger, the authoritative tities of arms from Communi s

WASHINGTON VP) - President
Johnson's "Great Society" pro-
gram broke even in two fights yes-
terday as the House voted to end
rent subsidies and almost, but not
quite, halted the model cities pro-
And an administration program
to hold down the national deficit
by selling government - owned
mortgages and other securities
was curtailed by $2.35 billion,
All these administration pro-
jects were included in a $10 bil-
lion omnibus appropriation bill
sent to the Senate after being
chopped up by a coalition of Re-
publicans and conservative Demo-
crats strengthened by last year's
congressional elections.,
The roll-call vote on passage
was 347 to 56.
Rent Subsidies Out
Cut from the bill financing 20
federal agencies, including the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, was the entire $40
million requested for future com-
mitments by the rent subsidy pro-

HONG KONG ()--Police re- ( were being

readied and


gained control over most of the
Kowloon district early yesterday
after an evening of anti-British
rioting that surged into the area's
main hotel and shopping streets
for tourists.
Small gangs continued to throw
rocks, smash windows and set rub-
bish fires. But police said they
had broken up the leftist mobs of
up to 3,500 screaming Chinese that
had raged through Hong Kong's
chief industrial and trading cen-
More than 50 police and at least
that many rioters and spectators
were reported injured.
Authoriities put a 7 p.m. to 4
a.m. curfew on most of Kowloon
and moved 3,500 police into the
district. About 2,000 other police

Kong's 6,500 troops were put on
Huge demonstrations to support
the rioters were reported for the
third straight day in Peking. Pe-
king radio denounced "British im-
peralistic oppression."
Outnumbered police used tear
gas and wooden batons to battle at
least three separate mobs in Kow-
loon, on the mainland across the
harbor from Hong Kong Island.
But the rioters stoned police and
firemen and pushed into the busi-
ness district along Nathan Road,
the three-mile thoroughfare lead-
ing from Kai Tak Airport.
As night drew near, police lines
pulled back and the mobs headed
into the tourist areas. Some police
ran ahead of the rioters, herding

Americans and travelers from
other nations into their hotels.
There were no reports that tourists
were injured.
Fire at American Bank
Fires were started at entrances
to branches of the Bank of Amer-
ica and the Bank of East Asia
and in the doorways of theaters,
restaurants and shops.
One mob pulled cartons of bottles
from the racks of a soft drink
truck and hurled them at police
and passing cars.
Young Chinese shouting the
Chinese words for "'white devil"
attacked a European trying to take
pictures. He broke away.
Another mob threw rocks at a
British court during the trial of
30 Chinese arrested in three days
of violence last week. Trial of 50

Say Contractor Mishandled
Building of Viet Installations

The rent program, born two
years ago and financed previously
with $32 million, was designed to
encourage construction of private
housing by supplementing rental
payments for eligible low-income
Additional funds for its con-
tinuance were eliminated by the
House on motion of Rep. Glenn
R Davis (R-Wis) by roll-call vote
of 232 to 171. Sixty-nine Demo-
crats and 163 Republicans sup-
ported the cut and 159 Democrats
and 12 Republicans opposed it.
Salvage Model Cities
The model cities program, cre-
ated last year to help urban areas
cope with slums and blighted
areas, was doomed by a prelimin-
ary standing vote but salvaged by
a later roll-call vote.
Johnson had requested $662 mil-
lion for the program and the
Appropriations Committee cut this
to $237 million. An amendment
by Rep. Robert H. Michel (R-Ill)
to leave the program only $12
million for planning purposes
carried by a standing vote of 160
to 152, but lost by roll-call count
of 213 to 193.
Both the rent subsidy and model
cities programs were opposed on
the grounds this is not the time
to embark on new and costly pro-
jects which could be deferred until
the government's financial situa-
tion in view of Vietnam is better.
Cities Great Challenge
Leaders of both political partd
joined in the battle over the model
cities funds.
Speaker John W. McCormack
(D-Mass) told the House the
problems of the big cities with
their limited sources of revenue
present a great challenge that
Congress should meet.
"This is only a small amount; I
would like to see a larger amount,"
McCormack said. "We have got to
meet this problem. It is here."
GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford of
Michigan conceded that the prob-
lems of the big cities must be
solved, but he added that the bill
already contained more than $1
billion for such urban programs
as urban renewal and mass trans-
portation grants.
"This Congress is giving sub-
stantial recognition to the prob-
lems of our urban areas," Ford

Admiral Reports Increasing Naval Threat
From Soviet Mediterranean Sea Buildup

ROME (M-The commander of
the U.S. 6th Fleet reported a grow-
ing Soviet naval challenge in the
Mediterranean Sea yesterday.
And in Moscow, the commander-
in-chief of the Soviet navy ac-
cused the United States of causing
last week's two ship-bumping in-
cidents during American maneu-
vers in the Sea of Japan.
Vice-Admiral William I. Martin
said Soviet vessels have sailed into
the middle of formations of his 6th
Fleet in the Mediterranean and
followed U.S. ships for days. He
called the Soviet buildup over the
past several years a significant
threat to the 6th Fleet-for 20
years the strongest naval force in
the Mediterranean.
"Undoubtedly an important mis-
sion for the Soviet forces is to
learn about our operations" Mar-
rs Roundup

tin said. "And in any event, this
force is getting more and more
professional and is an important
threat to the 6th Fleet."
Ships Near USSR
In Moscow, Admiral Sergei G.
Gorshkov said U.S. ships had come
within 80 miles of the Soviet coast
in the Pacific.
He questioned what Americans
would think if "Soviet rocket car-
riers started training near San
Francisco or New Orleans."
He said the U.S. destroyer Walk-
er caused the collisions by break-
ing rules of the sea.
In an interview in the Soviet
government paper Izvestia, Ad-
miral Gorshkov said, "American
officers and admirals imagine
themselves to be the masters of
the world's oceans. They believe
they can commit arbitrary actions
in any region of the world."
'Impudent Actions'
Gorshkov said the first of sev-
eral "impudent actions" occurred
May 9 when a U.S. destroyer ma-
neuvered dangerously close to a
Soviet destroyer and crossed its
bow several times.
The next day, he said, Soviet
ships were seven or eight miles
away when the Walker sought
them out.
He said the Walker had its
fenders down to protect the hull
close to the waterline and this was
a sign it was looking for trouble.
"Anybody who understands a
little bit about the sea must real-
ize that the commander of a ship
that within 20 hours had two col-
lisions must have acted with evil
intentions," Gorshkov said.
Doubts Planned Collision
In Sesebo, Japan, Commodore
Stephen W. McClaren, captain of
the Walker, said he believed the
Soviet destroyers that brushed his
ship in the Sea of Japan were try-
ing to force it out of position.
He blamed the incidents on
"miscalculations in judgment" by
the Russians and said he doubted
that the collisions were inten-

Read Admiral -Harry L. Harty
Jr., commander of the aircraft
carrier Hornet, joined McClaren
in a news conference at Sasebo. He
said he sighted six Soviet war-
ships nearby throughout the ma-
"They bothered us, yes, but the
)perations were successful," Harty


demonstrators in another court WASTTINGTON (M-The Gen-
was adjourned after a mob broke eral Accounting Office (GAO) ac-I
into the courtroom. cused the Navy and a major con-
Started by Strike tractor yesterday of haphazard
The disturbances grew out of a management in Vietnam construc-
strike last week at a plastic flower tion, and said this increased the
factory. Riots developed after a cost of airfields, harbors and mili-
clash between police and a Chi- tary installations.
nese group outside the factory.
Twelve men and women, be- The agency cited such things as
lieved to include leftist newspaper "property being pilfered, stolen
officials leaders, failed in an at- and misappropriated," use of
tempt to see Gov. Sir David Trench. higher quality than usual mate-
They warned that he "had better rial, and shipping by air instead
be prepared to seee us tomorrow." of ship such things as darts and
The British Foreign Office has dartboards.
sent Communist China's govern- The contractor involved, a huge
ment a sharp protest, demanding American combine called RMK-
safety for British subjects. BRJ, replied that "a runway for
an operational aircraft was much
more vital to the war effort than
y a well-managed warehouse com-
ey plete with tidy paperwork."
Inadequately Equipped
Acknowledging that the pres-
, R sssures of war and that some con-
struction projects were under
denied that Malley talked with enemy fire were in part to blame,
Chou and termed his report a the GAO said:
"fabrication." "Our survey indicated that

branch operations for Congress,
was based on investigations in
Vietnam started last July and
completed in October.
The contractor said that the
pressures of time and ofwar did
not permit normal, orderly plan-
ning and construction.
The RMK-BRJ combine, with
headquarters in Saigon, handled
about three-quarters of the con-
struction scrutinized by the GAO.
The combine includes Raymond"
International of Delaware, Inc.;
Morris-Knudsen of Asia, Inc.;
Brown & Root, Inc.; and J. A.
Jones Construction Co.
The GAO acknowledged that
waste and inefficiency could not
be completely eliminated in a
construction program under war
conditions. It said the report filed
with Congress was not intended
to "detract attention from the
accomplishment of the contractor"
in erecting war facilities.

Foresee Arm
Between Chi
CHICAGO {P'-A newsman whoa
visited Communist China in March
said yesterday that top Chinese'


leaders believe a shooting war on Malley wrote that well-in form
the Soviet-Chinese border is "pos- ed foreign diplomats in Pekin
sible and even probable." were convinced that shooting in
In another of a series of ar- cidents on the Soviet-Chines
ticles, Simon Malley said Premier border already had occurred. H
Chou En-lai had told him that said China gave no hint that thi
armed conflict with the Soviet was so.
Union was possible be cause "the The report quoted Chou as say
Soviet revisionists will do their ing he was confident a change o
best to crush the present revolu- Soviet leadeis would bring an en
tion in China." to any border conflict beforei
Malley is United Nations cor- could escalate into total war.
respondent for the French-lan-
guage newspaper Jeune Afrique
and other African newspapers. His
series is based on exclusive inter- 79 fs on W-


neither the Navy nor the contrac-
tor was adequately equipped to
handle the massive expansion of
the construction program in late
1965 and the first half of 1966.
As a result, the cost of the pro-
gram was increased to a consider-
able extent, although there is no
way to reliably measure the extra
cost sustained."
The 108-page report by the
GAO, which audits executive

By The Associated Press
PARIS-Tens of thousands of
Frenchmen demonstrated yester-
day against the government's re-
quest for emergency economic
powers as a 24-hour general strike
slowed the country to a walk.
The strike and the demonstra-
tion were aimed at the govern-
ment's request to the newly elect-
ed National Assembly for power
to rule by decree on economic and
social matters until Nov. 1.
ATHENS-Archbishop Ieroni-
mos Kotsonis, former chaplain of
the king, took over as the new
primate of the Greek Orthodox
Church yesterday and defended
political freedom as a basic part
of man's personality. Greece's new
military rulers heard him in sil-
WASHINGTON-Sixteen of the
Senate's leading critics of the ad-
ministration's war policy banded
together yesterday to tell Hanoi
that they will "steadfastly op-
pcse" any American pullout In
Vietnam short of an honorable
Without moderating their criti-
cisms of President' Johnson's
course, 14 Democrats and two Re-
publicans prepared to make pub-

lic a declaration aimed at con-
vincing the North Vietnamese that
no amount of dissent at home will
result in U.S. withdrawal from the
They are saying that the alter-
native of negotiations is ever-in-
tensified war. Their statement was
approved in advance by Secretary
of State Dean Rusk.
The statement was signed by
Republican Sens. John Sherman
Cooper of Kentucky and Mark O.
Hatfield of Oregon; and by Demo-
crats Frank Church of Idaho,
George McGovern of South Da-
kota, J. W. Fulbright of Arkan-
sas, Frank E. Moss of Utah, E.
L. Bartlett of Alaska, Lee Metcalf
of Montana, Vance Hartke of In-
diana, Gaylord Nelson of Wiscon-
sin, Quentin Burdick of North Da-
kota, Joseph S. Clark of Penn-
sylvania, Stephen M. Young of
New York, Robert F. Kennedy of
New York, Wayne Morse of Ore-
gon and Claiborne Pell of Rhode



views he said he had with Chou
and other top Chinese leaders.
Communist China has officially



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