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May 17, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-17

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ollows JFK


Associated Press News Analyst
GENEVA - The successful con-j
clusion Monday night of the long!
Geneva tariff talks has filled in
some of the details of President
Kennedy's grand design for a part-
nership between America and Eu-
Walter Hallstein, chief execu-
tive of the European Common1
Market, had predicted: "Only
when it is united will Europe be
strong enough to assume the rights
and obligations of a full and equal
partner and so determine its own
"The Kennedy Round is the
first example of this policy in
practice. With these negotiations
the economic dialogue of the con-
tinents has been opened," Hallstein
Two Leaders
The United States and the
Common Market have emerged as
the world's two great trading units.
What they decide determines the
commercial policy of the non-
Communist world.
The Common Market has spok-
en successfully for all six member
countries: President Charles de
Gaulle's France, West Germany,
Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands,
and Luxembourg.
While the agreed tariff cuts will
average 33 to 35 per cent in some
80 nations, many tariffs will be
cut 50 per cent over a period of
five years.
Lower Auto Duties
A $5000 Italian sports car now
pays $325 duty in the United
States. Beginning next year, $32.50
will be knocked off.
.,{{":??:7" {- .r ",... } i

A $2500 American car which ; that the process may only slow on the principle of the "most fav-
now pays a tariff of $550 in West- down the natural increase. ored nation." That means if any
ern Europe will only have to pay For the first time, farm prod nation gets the benefit of a tar-
$440 beginning July 1, 1968. ucts have been included in a ma. iff cut, so must all the others
Whether the savings will be jor tariff-cutting exercise. Though that belong to the club.
passed on to the purchaser is an- the results are more modest than This arrangement may now be
other question, expected, one new thing has been inadequate.
Few of the 6300 items in the accomplished. President Johnson said yester-
U.S. tariff book are sold directlyNA day much hard work will be need-
to consumers. All pass through the An international food aid pro- ed in the weeks ahead to put Into
hands, of dealers, wholesale and intent fd dr - concrete form the Kennedy Round
retail, gram has been set up under which teareetrahdMna ih
the world's richer nations ac- agreement reached Monday night
Dealer Savings knowledge a joint responsibility in"Geneval
If past experience is any guide, for feeding the poor nations. General agreement has been
these businessmen will hang on to The program is less than half
most of the savings. the size of the one the United
This time the savings may be States has been operating on its
morepereptile.own in recent years-the giving of
The tariff cuts are expected to 10 to 13 million tons of grain
average 33 to 35 per cent, which annually to India, Pakistan, Bra-
is ,five or six times more than the zil Egypt and other countries R eaeto r
last tariff-cutting exercise, the whose population is increasing
Dillon Round of 1960. faster than their ability to feed it.
Economists say tariff cuts stim-
ulate business by facilitating a free Now a dozen governments will WASHINGTON () - James J.
flow of trade. be in on the giving. Ramey, acting chairman of the
Between 1948 and 1966 world The exporters will also rejoice Atomic Energy Commission, says
trade increased from $53.3 billion in an increase of the minimum the AEC does not foresee the prob-
to $180 billion. Five tariff cuts world wheat price. This means ability that it will reconsider areas
in that period may have had more money in the pockets of their other than its recommended site
something to do with the increase. farmers. . - near Westqn, Ill., as the location
New Opportunities ' Spokesmen for the Asians, Afri- for the $375 million atom smash-
Foreign exporters will certainly cans and Latin Americans say er.
see new opportunities to sell their they want trade, not aid. If they Ramey's statement in support of
goods in America, goods that would can only sell what they make, they Weston came in a letter to Rep.
not have been able to compete be- can raise the tiny incomes of their Marvin L. Esch (R-Mich).
fore the tariff cuts, Likewise Amer- people and make them less re- Ann Arbor, In Esch's congres-
iean producers should find new ceptive to what they hear from sional district, was one of the six
opportunities in foreign markets, the Communists about how their sites under final consideration
for tariff cutting is a two-way country ought to be run and who when Weston was selected.
street. they ought to cooperate with in Housing Question
Businessmen all over the world world affairs. A statement by Glenn T. Sea-
ought to be stimulated to improve The trouble is that the present borg, AEC chairman, that Con-
their products and bring down system of commercial negotiations, gress might not approve of the
prices to meet the new competi- the General Agreement on Tar- site at Weston if open housing
tion, but prices are rising so fast iffs and Trade (GATT) operates and other nondiscrimination prac-

reached on all the major issues in
the trade negotiations," Johnson
said in a statement. "The way is
now clear for the conclusion of a
final agreement covering billions
of dollars worth of trade among
more than 50 countries."
Johnson said he hoped the end
product will meet standards un-
derlying this country's 1962 Trade
Expansion Act-standards design-
ed to stimulate economic growth at
home, strengthen and vitality in
the cause of freedom.
No 'Shift



-Associated Press
STOKELY CARMICHAEL, who stepped down last week as chairman of the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee, addressed students at Hill Aud. last fall. Carmichael, who organized the
black power movement, said Monday that Negroes must rally around their own self-interest if they
are to achieve real power. He did not seek reelection and approved the choice of his successor,
H. Rap Brown.
SNCC To Stress Oranizing
Under Carmichael Successor
By DON McKEE said the SNCC philosophy would be ephemeral, eye-catching, dramat-
Associated Press News Analyst along the same line articulated by ic things."I
ATLANTA, Ua.--indications are Carmichael. This referred to the black power
tat the Student Nonviolent Co- Brown's prepared statement re- slogan vocalized last summer by
-dinating Committee will shift flected Carmichael's views, calling Carmichael during the Mississippi
ck into its traditional role of for nationwide antidraft program march and the resulting debate{
ndramatic political organizing and the building of political and within Negro leadership and loss-
th a new emphasis on economic economic forces among Negroes. es in white support.j
rce after .a year under black But there was perhaps a hint of A close associate of SNCC's for-I
>wer symbol Stokely Carmichael. a difference. Brown spoke of "a mer chairman said Carmichael
Carmichael was replaced as SN- programmatic approach," appar- voluntarily gave up the post be-
C's national chairman last week ently indicating, more actual plan- cause he did not want to build a
H. Rap Brown, 23, the Alabama ning and concrete programs as op- "personality cult" for himself. This
eld director in elections by the posed to considerable emphasis fits with a long-standing distaste
ganization's staff in Atlanta. on speaking tours by Carmichael. within SNCC membership for sym-
Carmichael, 26, who won an Carmichael himself said he would bolic figures.
ternal power struggle a year ago not continue his speech-making A leading role will be taken by
take the chairmanship, appar- campaign. Several SNCC sources the new program director, Ralph
ttly gave up the post without a said Carmichael would join in a Featherstone, 27, veteran SNCC
ght. He had said long before the summer drive for home rule in field worker who spent much of
aff meeting he wanted to step Washington, D.C. Carmichael said 1966 in tiny Philadelphia, Miss.,
ide. his assignment would be decided and once taught school in Wash-
No Contest by SNCC's central committee. ington, D.C.
None of the SNCC leaders would "I think Carmichael will con- I Economic Emphasis


that each presented a changing
"The conclusion that the Weston
site is the most suitable location
for the facility is, of course, bas-
ed on a balancing of all the
many factors involved, including
those pertaining to equal oppor-
tunity and nondiscrimination.
"We believe that a positive ac-
tion program, concerning the
availability of open housing and
other equal opportunities, can have
a very significant effect in this
area. The commission intends to
have such a program throughout
the life of the facility."
Ramey also told Esch that wa-
ter resources for the Weston site
are considered adequate.
Esch said he was disappointed
with Ramey's reply.
Reply Fell Short
"While it dealt with my ques-
tions," Esch said, "it fell far short
of the searching analysis the com-
mission should do on the two im-
portant issues of water resources
and civil rights.
"If such an analysis has been
done it should be published in
full and if it hasn't been done it
certainly should be."
Esch said he interpreted the re-
ply to mean the AEC has not com-
pletely shut the door on consider-
ing a different site.
"The door is left open a crack,
but it is a slim opening," Esch




... ::..... :.i '. . i ' u" I :S '
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
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Notices may be published a maxi-
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Urquhart, Electrical Engineering; thesis: taxes, etc. Some overnight travel, 28-30
"Degree Constrained Subgraphs of Lin- yrs. old, BA required; adv. degrees in
ear Graphs," Thurs., May 18, at 2 p.m., journ., law, etc. asset. Newspaper or
Room 1300 East. Engineering. Chairman, mag. exper., with some financial bkgd.
E. L. Lawler. C Leuw, Cather & Co., Engineers,
Chicago, 11.-For consulting engineer-
Doctoral Examination for George Rob- ing services. Civil Engineers, design of
ert Olsson, Aerospace Engineering; thes- highways, rapid transit systems, railroad
is: "Acceleration of a Hypersonic Boun- and other systems Mechanical engi-
dary Layer Approaching a Corner," neers, heating, ventilating, plumbing,
Thurs., May 18, Room 1028 East Engi- ME plus 2 yrs. design exper. Electrical
neering, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, A. F. Engrs., lighting, power, for indust. &
Messiter. transportation related projects, EE plus
________2 yrs. design exper.
Doctoral Examination for George Jo- Ciba Corp., Summit, N.J.-Organic re-
seph Quarderer, Chemical Engineering; search position. BS/MS organ. chem.
thesis: "Photochemical Chlorination of plus 0-5 yrs" exper. to assist-a PhD in
Sulfur Dioxide Utilizing a Plasma Light research for preparing new synthetic
Source." Thurs., May 18, Room 3201 compounols.
East Engineering, at 1:30 p.m. Chair- Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind
man, R. H. Kadiec. rocess engineering in manufacturing
________dept., BA level in Indust. Pharm., food
tech., or ChE, plus 1 yr. exper. in manut.
1 lfl- or process work. MA considered with-
Pia em ntout exper. Senior; Process Engineer,
Pharmaceutical Products BS/MS in
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ChE or Pharm. 25-35 age, 4 yrs, exper.
U.S. Civil Service Commission-An- in process dev.,in Pharm. industry.
UiS . l i R nAr o e s d v . i n p h rmt i. n f o rd stirr

tices were not assured for that
area resulted in questions from
various sources as to whether an-
other site might be considered.
Ramey, in his letter to Esch,
said that during the long site
selection process the AEC sought
and received assurances of non-
discrimination and equal oppor-
tunity, as well as information on
racial climates, from the six fin-
alist sites that were then being
"After reviewing the assurances
and information," Ramey wrote,
"it was concluded that there were
strong and weak points associat-
ed with each of the sites, and


ve details of the week-long staff
iecting. But neither Carmichael
or other members indicated there
as any serious contest. Car-
ichael, in fact, showed plainly
hat Brown had his blessing.
At a news conference, Brown

tinue to serve as a spokesman, a
provocateur," an informed source
said. "But no one thinks we can
pull off any substantial change
with rhetoric. I'm going to push
with them not to get sidetracked.
with these traumatic events, these

Featherstone, a quiet, slender
man, talked of the need for "posi- Day Calendar
tive efforts in terms of establish- '
ing economic control by the black Second National symposium on Ra-
commnitis."dioecology-"Energy in Man's Environ-
comneities."ent: Past, Present and Future Prob-
The economic emphasis, he said, lems": Rackham Lecture Hall, 9 a.m.
will be added to SNCC'S political o
organization efforts - such as the zoology Seminar: On Wed., May 17.,
Dr. Beatrice Mintz, senior member of
third-party project in Alabama's the Institute for Cancer Research at
Lowndes County, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, will present
He said SNCC will draw volun- aseminar on "Gene Regulation of Dif-
ferentiation in Mammals," at 4 p.m. in
teers frbm Negro colleges for its |Aud. D,-Angell Hall.
summer projects, still in the plan-
ning stages. "We've done fairly Phi Kappa Phi-The annual business
, meeting of Phi Kappa Phi will be
well in terms of response," he said, held today at 2 p.m. in the East Con-

)mney Insists


Unaffectedby 3
LANSING (MP)-Michigan Gov. H
George Romney said yesterday he mig
thought there should be no ques- the
tion about his being eligible as a thin
candidate for president. Ron
Romney, considered. a leading R
contender for the Republican nom- thei
ination, was born in Mexico of to tl
parents who were citizens of the iod
United States. mon
His Mormon parents were there mar
at the time with other. members Pan
)f the religious sect, fleeing per- C
ecution. Ron
Celler Question. man
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY) den
had raised the question. inat
Celler noted that the Constitu-
tion said the President must be G
a "natural born" citizen. ' New
"Rep. Celler concedes that there for
is no question about my being bor
orn an American citizen," Rom- T
ney said, after reading an Associ- bac]
ated Press story quoting the head held
of the House Judiciary Committee Ror
o this effect. case
"I know that I was naturally "
born-during my recent trip out ler
West, I met the son of the midwife Ror
who delivered me. So," concluded satik
Romney, "that makes me a natur- don
al born citizen-as specified in the mis.
Constitution." R
Romney added that his own le- U.S
gal experts had been researching as
the question raised by Celler. vice
Celler had suggested that Re- A
publican leaders might appoint con
some sort of commission to "come gibi
up with an answer to this situa- ed x
tion." fice.

lexico Birth
e added the Republican leaders
ht throw his suggestion "in
ashcan if they wish, but I
nk this is going to plague Mr.
mney from now on out."
omney's parents never gave up
r citizenship. They returned
he United States during a per-
from 1911-12 when the Mor-
n colony in Mexico was hit by
rauders and bandits, including
.cho Villa.
eller had said a legal test of
mney's eligibility could be de-
nded if he appeared in a presi-
tial primary or if he was nom-
ted and elected.
Rockefeller Support
ov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of
York said Romney can run
president even though he was
n in Mexico.
he New York Republican, chief
ker of Romney in the East,
d Monday that the question of
mney's eligibility was "an early
e of politics."
It's a matter of law," Rockefel-
responded to Celler. "Gov.
rney and all of his friends are
sfied that he is qualified. I
't see why you need a com-
ockefeller also is supporting
. Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY)
Romney's running mate for
ides in Javits' office said the
stitutionality of Romney's eli-
lity could not be legally rais-
unless he were actually in of-


Organizing Program ference Room of the Horace H. Rack-
A key SNCC adviser, Dr. George hamrSchool of Graduate Studies.
Hamilton, chairman of the politi-
cal science department at Lincoln ;enel l [tw* es
University in Pennsylvania, said in Computing Center Course: The Com-
a telephone interview that he puting Center announces a short course
would serve as a sponsor for the "The Use of the IBM 360/67 MTS Sys-
Negro student program of politi-; tern, including Fortran IV." Fri., May
26, 1-5 p.m., Room 1400 Chemistry Bldg.
cal organizing. Registration not necessary. Inquiries
"This is where SNCC probably may be addressed to Prof. Bernard A.
has its greatest impact," he said.: aller.
"My own notion is that SNCC is Doctoral Examination for Robert John
gaining following in the south on.
black campuses. I think this will
pay off in dividends this summer." ORGA N IZAT ON
Carmichael on a book dealing withT
black power, "The Political Forms N TICES
We Feel Are Going to be Legiti-_

nounces special examination o senior
level positions recruited from outside
the government. Most positions in
Wash., D.C., area. Generally a total
of 6 yrs. of educ., trng., exper., or com-
bination thereof is required. File two
copies of Standard Form 57, available
at Bureau, and complete one card form
5001 ABC, send in to address available
at Bureau. Application active 12 mos.
from noticesof acceptance of applica-
tion. Unless you have considerable
high-level exper., a more appropriate
examination may be better for entrance
into many fields of federal employ-
Vogue's Prix de Paris-Care ercompe-
tition for college seniors. Must re-
ceive BA before Sept, '68, in '67-68
academic yr., fill out and return en-
rollment card, available at Bureau, be-
fore Oct. 20, 1967. First winner, 1 yrt
employment on Vogue, accompany edi-
tors covering Paris couture collection,
second winners, six mos. junior editor-
ship, third or honorable mentions, $50
bond, top consideration for Vogue andF
other Conde-Nast magazines.

.* *' *
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
Phone 434-0190
OPEN 7:00


(not subtitles)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
210 S. Fifth Avenue

Melina Mercouri
Anthony Perkins
(1 62)
7 and 9:15 P.M.
Auditorium A
Angell Hall


Cultural Goal
The new chairman. again taking
a Carmichael text, spoke in his
prepared statement of SNCC's cul-
tural objecstive dealing with Negro
history and seeking "to develop an
awareness and appreciation of the
beauty of our thick lips, broad
noses, kinky hair and soul."
It was learned that a part of
the SNCC program, in the plan-
ning stage, would provide a study
of Negro political and economic
movements, such as farmer coop-
erative projects.
The study would provide case
histories and, if successful, would
offer a tool for "mass collective
action" in politics and economics.
E D I A L, N 0 2-62.64.....::<;

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student - or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1311 SAB.
Deutscher Verein, Kaffeestunde: kaf-
fee, kuchen, konversation, Wed., May
17. 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, midweek devotions, Wed,
May 17. Rev. Richard Kapfer is in
charge of the 10 p.m. service and his
message is: "Vision from a Rooftop."
U. of M. Rifle Club, Open shooting-
.22 calibre rifles and pistols, Wed.,
May 17, 7-9 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range.
All rifles and pistols furnished; am-
munition furnished at a reduced price.
Christian Science Organization, Week-
ly testimony meeting, Thurs., May 18,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 3545 SAB.
3rd WEEK!

County of Westchester, White Plains,
N.Y.-Social Case Workers in areas of
Public Assistance, Child Welfare, and
Hospitalization. BA in any field. Im-
mediate appointments available.
Medical Economics, Inc., Oradell, N.J.'
-Two positions. Midwest Editor, one-
man bureau in Chicago, light travel,
write articles and gather source ma-
terial from doctors, leaders of organiz-
ed medicine, medical society exec., hos-
pital officials and management con-
sultants to doctors, Early 30's, degreeI
preferred, min. 5 yrs. publication exper.,
good reporter-interviewer bkgd. Finan-
cial Writer, write feature articles on in-
vestments, insurance, estate planning,

ECH I OL 1.%RIRS01 1
Shown at 8:0 5& 11:40
ALSO ...
Shown at 9:50 Only








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