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May 17, 1967 - Image 3

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Voice Fears
Of New Rail
Strike Threat
Dispute May Imperil
Congressional Action
On President's Bill
WASHINGTON (P) - Govern-
ment sources said yesterday a new
nationwide railroad strike threat
-with Congres already embroiled
in one dispute-poses "a potential
national emergency-again."
The new strike threat involves
some 20,000 conductors and brake-
men whose union informed the
railroad industry about 10 days
ago that a walkout is authorized
for June 2, informed sources said.
This dispute could complicate
congressional action on a White
House request to order a third
delay in a threatened strike by
137,000 members of six shop-
craft unions, now set for June 19.
Not Practical
Government officials told the
six unions their offer to move
essential military shipments in
event of a strike was not practical,
feasible or economical.
Secretary of Transportation
4b Alan S. Bloyd made the statement
to union representatives Michael
Fox and G. E Leighty after a
meeting at the Pentagon.
"The suggested operation would
create a situation which could
onlybe described as chaos," Boyd
Strike Not Certain
A spokesman for the independ-
ent Order of Railway Conductors
and Brakemen in Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, said the strike authorization
notice is "one of the usual things
you always do under the Railway
Labor Act."
While authorized, a formal
notice that a strike will start on
June 2 is not a certainty, the
spokesman said.
But there are no negotiations
under way and the next step in
such cases is usually the appoint-
ment of a presidential emergency
board to delay any strike 60 days.
Complete Shutdown
Both disputes involve about 90
per cent of the major railroads
and a strike in either case would
almost completely shut down the
Congress twice delayed a strike
+ by the shop unions, for 20 days
and 47 days, and is now consider-
ing a White House bill to impose
a further delay of 90 days to per-
mit intensive federal efforts to
reach a voluntary settlement.
The bill would provide for a
mandatory solution and bar any
union strike or industry lockout
if there is no voluntary agreement
at the end of the 90 days.
Possible Legislation
The conductors and brakemen's
case could reach the showdown
stage before the shopcraft dispute
is resolved, raising the possibility
of new demands for emergency
Railroad representatives and
some, members of Congress have
called for a permanent law to deal
with all such disputes, rather than
bringing each one to Congress

Reorganizes Crisis Deepens in Hong Kong


--Associated Press
RAILROAD SHOP UNIONS spokesmen Charles Luna (left) and H. H Gilbert testified yesterday be-
fore a Senate Labor Subcommittee studying the Administration's bill to head off a railroad strike.
OVER 10,000:
Remove 'Unreliable' Workers
From Nuclear Weapon Posts

WASHINGTON (/P)--More than
10,000 servicemen and civilians
have been classed unreliable and
removed from positions involving
nuclear weapons in the past four
years, it was learned yesterday.
Most of them were merely re-
assigned to non-nuclear related
jobs. The shifts were made under
a human reliability program in-
stituted in 1962 when the United
States was approaching a peak in
atomic strength.
The main reasons given for the
shifts have been poor attitude,
lack of motivation, reprimands,
overindulgence in alcohol, negli-
gence or delinquency in perform-
ance of duty, serious involvement
with the law, financial or family
irresponsibility, and cheating on
Screening Tests
The human reliability program
generally is a series of employ-
ment or placement screening tests
and continuing job evaluation re-
ports of individuals having access
to atomic and hydorgen bombs and
The purpose is to keep psy-
chotics or other unstable persons
out of hypersensitive atomic jobs.
To the extent that there has
never been an unauthorized firing
or launching of a thermonuclear
device, the human reliability pro-
gram has been 100 per cent ef-
Significant Problem
But disclosure of the large num-
bers of persons found unsuitable
to fill nuclear assignments in-
dicates the government may be
faced with a significant, persisting
problem in the age of the always-

waiting strategic bomber crews.
The problem could grow if the
a'ministration decides to proceed
with deployment of an antiballis-
tic missile-ABM-defense. The
interceptor missiles of such a sys-
tem would have thermonuclear
warheads, and woulld require at
least a few hundred top security
In response to questions, Penta-
gon officials said the Air Force,
with 26,500 officers and 85,000 en-
listed men assigned to nuclear-
type posts, has removed an aver-

age of 2,500 individuals each year
since 1962.
Figures for the Army and Navy
are, for some reason, classified
but it is understood the two serv-
ices have made about 300 reassign-
ments from atomic posts.
The whole question of how
American servicemen and civilian
defense employes behave around
strategic arms arose earlier this
year when a Soviet general spoke
of Russian soldiers showing signs
Df increased tension and confusion
while training with nuclear wea-

Army Heads
Shakeup Rewards
Coup Supporters,
Purges Dissidents
ATHENS, Greece UP>-Greece's
military regime disclosed yester-
day a major shakeup in the lead-
ership of the armed forces. Reli-
able sources said the aim was to
get rid of dissidents or those con-
sidered untrustworthy.
Brig. Gen. Stylianos Patacos, the
interior minister, said some offi-
cers were being retired and others
promoted in their place.
Patacos said that hehimself re-;
mained in formal charge ,of the1
army tank training center but that
his deputy, Col. Constantine Mar-
vroides, has taken over administra-
tive control.
The shakeup appeared to be a
reorganization to reward the mid-
dle-ranking officers who insured
the success of the April 21 coup,
and to ease out older top-ranking
officers who may not have been
enthusiastic or who had connec-
tions with past regimes.
A top officer known to have been
retired in the shakeup is Vice
Marshal Michael Kontolechas,
commander of the 28th Tactical
Air Force headquarters at the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion base at Larissa in central
The sources said Kontolechas
was retired because the new re-
gime did not consider him trust-
The development came against
a background of apparently shift-
ing influence between the two
men regarded as thenleaders of
the coup-Patacos and Col. George
Indications have been growing
for days that Papadopoulos, who is
minister of the premier's office,
may be emerging as the top strong
Also the government has quietly
passed the word not to enforce
a controversial decree announced
earlier this month by Patacos to
ban beatnik beards and shaggy
The beatnik decree had stirred
ridicule abroad, had raised fears
of harmful effects on Greece's
vital tourist industry, and was ig-
nored in Greece.
Meantime, the regime took yet
another step in building a con-
spiracy case against arrested anti-
monarchist Andreas Papandreou,
former U.S. citizen and economics
professor in America.
George Bertsos, 33, once an aide
to Papandrou's father, former Pre-
mier George Papandreou, was ar-
rested on charges of gathering
Greek NATO secrets for the pre-
mier's son in 1964.
Papandreou has been charged
with conspiracy to commit treason
in connection with an alleged left-
ist army officer plot to overthrow
the monarchy and set up a So-
cialist state. He could get 20 years
if convicted.

Chinese Attach Official
By Name for First Time

TOKYO (R)-After a year of
"great proletarian cultural revolu-
tion" turmoil, the official Com-
munist Chinese press for the first
time has denounced a once power-
ful leader by name. The departure
may signal the beginning of an
all-out effort to sink the enemies
of Mao Tse-tung.
A broadcast by Radio Peking
yesterday published the text of a
note issued exactly a year before-
on May 16, 1966-by the Com-
munist party Central Committee,
telling of the overthrow of a Cul-
tural Revolutionary Committee
then headed by Peng Chen, the
first Politburo-rank victim of
Communist China's long power
Peng Chen, until last year the
chairman of the Peking party
Municipal Committee and thus
mayor of Peking, has been de-
nounced in wall newspapers of
Mao's Red Guards and paraded
through the capital's streets in
disgrace. But no organ of the of-
ficial press had yet attacked him
or any of the other accused "foes
of Mao Tse-tung's thinking" by
Forbade Names
Last August, when the stage was
set by the Central Committee for
the Cultural revolution, rules for
the movement forbade denuncia-
tion of any leader by name with-
out official clearance from top
political bodies.
It appeared likely -that the
forces supporting party Chairman
Mao and Vice Chairman Lin Piao,
Mao's heir apparent, now felt suf-
ficiently strong to set the rule
The official attack on Peng
Chen by name thus could be a
prelude to naming other reputed
enemies of Mao, including Presi-
dent Liu Shoa-chi and Tent Hsiao-
ping, the general secretary of the
Reports from Peking-based for-
eign correspondents indicated that
the turmoil was continuing. In
Szechwan, a key province, new
outbreaks in the past few days
were reported by theCzechoslovak
news agency CTK.
The 5,000-word statement broad-
cast by Peking radio attacking

Peng Chen said the party's Cen-
tral Committee last May abolish-
ed an old five-member "Cultural
Revolutionary Committee and its
administrative structure, and es-
tablished a new Cultural Revolu-
tionary Committee which belongs
to the standing committee of the
Military Coup
It was at about that time, ac-
cording to Peking wall posters,
that a military coup had been
planned against Mao, involving
Peng Chen and some military
leaders, including the fallen chief
of staff, Lo Jui-ching.
The. statement said the "general
report" on a program was "actual-
ly nothing but Peng Chen's indi-
vidual report." It said the five-
member committee was formed by
Peng as he saw fit, regardless of
opposition from Kang Shang and
"other comrades." Kang Shang,
a veteran security chief, is a high-
ranking member of the group
which supports Mao and Lin Piao.
The five - member committee,
said the statement, "wasagainst
the line proposed by the party
Central Committee and Comrade
Mao Tse-tung." It indicated Peng
Chen had planned a purge com-
mittee well before another purge
committee authorized by the Mao
group was established.

HONG KONG (P)-A key legis-
lative body appealed to Hong
Kong's 3.9 million Chinese last
night to remain calm and respect
the law, as a crisis deepened be-
tween Communist China and Brit-
ain over this 126-year-old colony
on the southern China coast.
A Peking dispatch said anti-
British demonstrations flared anew

Amid Rising Demonstrations

in Communist China, and Britain
protested to Peking that it failed
to protect British property and
diplomatic personnel in Shanghai
and in the Communist Chinese
capital in demonstrations that
broke out Monday.
A broaacast dispatch of the
New China News Agency said hun-
dreds of thousands of banner-

waving, fist-shaking Red Guards,
workers and revolutionaries con-
tinued demonstrations outside the
Peking office of the British charge
d'affaires protesting what they
called "Fascist atrocities" by the
British against Chinese residents
of Hong Kong.
Postpone Hearings
In Hong Kong earlier, hundreds
of Chinese chanting quotations of
Mao Tse-tung forced postpone-
ment of a British court hearing
for a score of Chinese arrested in
anti-British rioting last week.
The Hong Kong Communist
paper New Evening Post reported
that Chinese Communist Red
Guards were massing for demon-
strationsalong the China-Hong
Kong border.
The shaping of developments in
Hong Kong was sharply similar to
those that forced Portugal into a
confrontation with Communist
China in January over Portuguese
Macao, 40 miles west of Hong
Kong. Threatened by Communist
Chinese gunboats, and strikes by
Chinese in the enclave, the Por-
tuguese capitulated to Communist
Chinese demands.
Wage Strike
Trouble began in Hong Kong
with a-strike over wages and un-
employment of Chinese workers
in factories making artificial
flowers. British officials expressed
belief the workers' demands may
have been merited, but that Com-
munists and pro-Communists took
advantage of what began as a
minor labor problem.
Some British officials say Pe-
king's aim in getting involved in
the Hong Kong trouble Is to get
Britain to bar the U.S. military
from the colony.
But British officials fear that
the collapse of Red China's inter-
nationalsventures-such as in
Africa and Indonesia-and frus-
trations over the Vietnamese war
may bring Peking around to turn-
ing the heat on Hong Kong as a
means of loosening Britain's grip.

De Gaulle Reluctant
On British Mart Bid

Peking Expects Escalation
To Result in War With U.S.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Public opinion
continues to grow that the Viet-
nam war will last a long time,
while basic support for the John-
son administration's policy- con-
tinues high, the Harris Poll re-
ported yesterday.
For the first time, the poll states,
the largest body of opinion--45
per cent-says it wants to win "a
total victory" in Vietnam. In No-
vember, only 31 per cent felt this
way; the figure in February was
43 per cent.
* * *
NEW YORK-The Paris edition
of the New York Times and the
New York Herald Tribune-Wash-
ington Post will combine next
Monday into a single newspaper,
their publishers announced yes-
approved yesterday the controver-
sial nomination of Rutherford M.
Poats to be deputy administrator
of the U.S foreign aid program.
Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind) failed
in a final attempt to block con-
The White House also an-
nounced yesterday that William
J. Porter, until recently deputy
ambassador to South Vietnam,
will be nominated to be ambassa-
dor to South Korea.
NEW YORK - U.N. Secretary-

General U Thant declared yester-
day that the power centers in
Asia and the West were moving
farther apart, increasing the risk
of a military confrontation that
could involve the survival of hu-
manity itself.
Without mentioning Communist
China and the United States or
referring directly to the Vietnam
conflict, Thant said that unless
contacts are re-established "the
machinery of international under-
standing will never work as it was
intended by its founders, to work."
* * *
CARACAS, Venezuela -Foreign
Minister Ignacio Iribarren Borges
announced yesterday Venezuela
will ask for an inter-American
foreign ministers' conference to
study what he called Cuban ag-
gression against Venezuela.
The announcement came after
President Raul Leoni met with
his ministers to study reports on
last week's capture of two men
the government identified as a
Cuban army officer and a member,
of Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro's militia. The government
said they were captured in an
attempted guerrilla landing 90,
miles from Caracas.

PARIS (R)-Charles de Gaulle
spared the veto but not the rod
yesterday in appraising Britain's
new application for membership
in the European Common Market.
The French president indicated
a further period of waitingeis nec-
essary before various barriers to
Britain's entry can be ironed out.
At the same time, De Gaulle',
sniped again at the United States
and, without mentioning Vietnam
specifically, declared "the scandal
of foreign intervention in South-
east Asia must cease."
Less Brutal
In discussing the bid by Prime
Minister Harold Wilson's govern-
ment for Common Market mem-
bership, De Gaulle seemed to be-
a little less brutal and final than
in January 1963, when he slammed
the door on British entry. But he
appeared to hold just as clearly:
"No, not now."
Speaking before about 1,000
newsmen and officials jammed
into the ornate Salle des Fetes of
the Elysee Palace for his semi-
annual news conference, De Gaul-
le said: "There is not and, more-
over, never has been a question of
a veto."
But he said he agreed with Wil-
son that the obstacles are formi-
De Gaulle asserted that he did
not want to prejudge the coming
negotiations on the new British
bid, but then dwelt lengthily on
the obstacles and concluded with
a listing of alternatives.
The alternatives he outlined
c Admit Britain with all the ex-
ceptions that this implies including
a long period of adjustment for
British agriculture. He said this
would also lead to applications
for membership by Britain's as-
sociates in the seven-nation Euro-
pean Free Trade Area, including
the Scandinavian nations.
o Install a system of association
between the Common Market and
the European Free Trade Area.
Britain has already rejected as-
sociation status.
" To wait until the internal
and external evolution that has
been started in Britain comes to+

Senate 'Doves' Urge Hanoi To Choose
Negotiations Over More Escalation

an end.hDe Gaulle said "many
people" hope for the solution of
In London, the catalogue of con-
ditions hit hard at British hopes.
Some considered De Gaule's re-
mark as masking an eventual veto.
High authorities professed to be
disappointed, although not especial-
ly surprised. Wilson's government
resolved to press on with its ap-
plication to the end.
De Gaulle repeated previous
statements that the United States
and Britain, during a period of
balance of payments deficits, have
flooded Europe with dollars and
pounds which have had the effect
of exporting inflation to Europe.

CHICAGO OP) - The Chicago
Daily News said yesterday that
leaders of Communist China are
convinced that war with the Unit-
ed States is inevitable and are
preparing for such an eventuality.
The News, in another of a series
on Communist China by Simon
Malley, U.N. correspondent for the
French-language Jeune Afrique
and other African newspapers, said
the Chinese look for a United
States-China conflict to result
from U.S. escalation in Vietnam.
Malley said he had reached these
conclusions as the result of ex-
clusive interviews he said he had
with Premier Chou Enlai in Peking
in March.
Communist China officially de-
nied yesterday that Chou, now 71,
had talked with Malley and term-
ed his report a "fabrication."
Roy M. Fisher, editor of the
Daily News, said it had been anti-
cipated that the Peking govern-
ment might deny the Malley story
when they realized it was to be
given wide distribution in the
United States.
Malley said China's principal
weapon against the United States

would be its 750 million people,
nearly a fourth of the world's pop-
ulation. Chou was quoted as say-
ing that in the event of an attack
by the United States, Chinese sol-
diers would be sent pouring into
Thailand, Korea, Laos, or any
other country harboring bases for
the U.S4 attack forces.
Maley said Chou had declared
that China "never will start a
war against the United States. We
do not seek war, not even pre-
ventive wars."
The Chinese Foreign Ministry,
quoted by the official New China
News Agency, said Malley arrived
in Peking from Cambodia ;last
March 27 and left two days later
for France by way of the Soviet
"Neither Premier Chou En-lal
nor any other Chinese leaders re-
ceived him," the ministry said.
Fisher said the newspaper has
c a r e f u lly investigated circum-
stances of the reported interview
and, "We intend to continue to
print Mr. Malley's series because
we believe it gives a significant
insight on China's thinking and

WASHINGTON (A') - Fifteen
senatorial dissenters to President
Johnson's Vietnam policies plan to
notify Hanoi today that the choice
lies between negotiations and ever-
intensified war.
In a statement cleared in ad-
vance by Secretary of State Dean
Rusk, 13 Democrats and 2 Repub-
licans are expected to tell Ho Chi
Minh they are steadfastly opposed
to any unilateral American with-
Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho),
who initiated the move, plans to
make the group's detailed state-
ment public at a news conference
today, it was learned yesterday.
Among the sponsors are such
vigorous Democratic critics of
Johnson's conduct of the war as
Sens. J. W. Fulbright of Arkansas,
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, W a y n e
Morse of Oregon and George S.
McGovern of South Dakota. Re-
publican signers are Sens. John
Sherman Cooper of Kentucky and
Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon.
One of the group, Sen. Joseph
S. Clark (D-Pa), proposed in the
Senate yesterday that Johnson or-
der an indefinite American cease-

fire in Vietnam in a new effort to
get negotiations.
Clark said he couldn't guaran-
tee Hanoi would respond if the
bombing of North Vietnam were
halted and U.S. troops ordered not
to fire unless fired upon, but he
said the cease-fire ought to be
tried, beginning with the one-day
truce in observance of the May 23
birthday of Buddha.,
He said such a truce might mark
"the last occasion when a cease-
fire can be arranged without put-
ting either side in the position of
having capitulated."
,"I would hope that the mem-
bers of the International Control
Commission, Secretary-General U
Thant, Premier Kosygin, Prime
Minister Wilson and other parties
who have played a part in trying
to bring about negotiations could
press the other side for a favor-
able response," Clark said.
The idea behind the dissenters'
statement, its sponsors said, is to
demonstrate that while they may
argue bitterly about why the Unit-
ed States got involved in Vietnam

and the military measures the
President has taken they will not
support any American pullout in
the absence of an honorable settle-
ment of the conflict.
The declaration comes at a time
when critics of Johnson's policies
have been voicing their opinion
that any further expansion of the
fighting may bring Chinese inter-
vention and lead to World War
Rusk was said to welcome the
senators' statement because of the
possible effect it might have in
convincing Hanoi that it would be
a mistake to reject negotiation of-
fers in the belief that dissent at
home eventually will lead to a
break in American resolve to pre-
serve the freedom of South Viet-
Rusk was reported to feel that
a statement by a similar group
several months ago warning the
North Vietnamese not to put cap-
tured American pilots on trial as
war criminals helped influence
them to decide not to take such

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