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August 08, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-08-08

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Little change
in temperature

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Regents To Meet Today
To Reveal Tuition Boost

Threaten s





The University Regents will meet
at 2 p~m. today to announce a
tuition hike and approve a fin-
al figure for the 1967-68 operat-
ing budget.
The Regents held an extended
series of talks yesterday to dis-
cuss what one Regent termed "an
inexhaustible supply of factors"
which have to be considered be-
fore a tuition hike is finalized.
Attention was focused on the
size of the increase, its effect
on the University revenue sources
for the year and the current ra-
tio between resident and non-resi-
dent tuition.
The afternoon meeting is open
to the public and will be held in
the Regent's Conference Room of
the Administration Building.
The increase could be more
than $100 for in-state and $300 for
out-of-state students. Wayne State

University recently raised their
tuition by those figures because+
of low state allocations and the
University has an even larger;
budget deficit.
The administration has said1
that the $59.1 million allocated to
the University by the state Legis-
lature this year is below the min-
imum required to continue opera-
tions without cutbacks in pro-
grams and a freeze on salary lev-
The amount was the smallest
percentage increase given to any+
of the state's colleges and its rep-
resented a $16 million slash from
the University request made last1
None of the Regents would com-
ment directly as to how much the1
increase would be, but they said
that there would most likely be
general agreement after a morn-
ing session in which the complete

financial problem will be explain-
ed in detail.
The University has been oper-
ating without an official budget
since last Monday. The adminis-
tration has said that there will be
no problem with payrolls and ex-
penses for the week, because they
were all figured on the basis of
last year's budget which had been
extended through the month of
The Difference between mini-
mum necessary University expen-
ditures for next year and the sum
of state appropriations and stu-
dent fees will be the basis of the
tuition hike decision. Between
three and four million dollars can
only be made up in student fees
this year because of a lack of
funds in the state treasury.
Eight Raise Tuition
Eight of the 12 state-supported
colleges and universities have al-
ready announced tuition increases
ranging from $60 to $100 in-state
and from $100 to $300 out-of-
state. Michigan State University
has instituted a resident fee sys-
tem based upon the student's abil-
ity to pay; students whose fam-
ilies are in high income brackets
will have to pay as much as $146
more this year.
The factors cited for the tuition
hikes at other schools have been
the need to raise faculty salaries
by at least five per cent in order
to recruit and hold top quality
professors and the rising costs of
materials and general labor as
well. The University has already
raised residence hall fees and
apartment rental charges to meet
rising costs.
Last Raise

Two Motel Slayings
Laid to Detroit Po ice
DETROIT (P)-Two white po- Couit arraignment, Judge Donald
licemen were charged yesterday S. Leonard, a former Detroit po-

S vsOrientalists
Parley Trip
Cite World Tensions;
Fifield Cable Dispatch
Asks Reconsideration
Sixty Russian scholars sched-
uled to attend the 27th Interna-
tional Orientalists Congress at
the University Aug. 13-20 have
cancelled their trip in view of
international tensions.
The head of the delegation,
Yevgeny Zhukov, vice president
of the International Union of
Orientalists, said Friday the
Soviet scientists will stay home
because the organizational com-
mittee rejected a Soviet request
that the conference be postponed
"to a more favorable time."
The request was made on July
27, according to Zhukov, because
of international tensions aggra-
vated by "the recent escalation of
the U.S. war in Vietnam and Is-
rael's aggression against Arab
countries supported by U.S. ruling
circles, made it hard for scholars
from a number of Afro-Asian
nations to attend the Congress."
Zhukov apparently referred to

with murder in the shotgun' slay-
ing of two Negro teen-agers, found
dead in a midtown motel at the
peak of Detroit's racial riot.
The motel-The Algiers-stands
on busy Woodward Avenue on the
fringe of the near West Side sec-
tion where a week of pillaging,
burning and sniper activity broke
out July 23.
It is the same one where several
persons registered as guests claim-
ed they were lined up against a
wall, beaten with gunbutts and
threatened with death by 16 or 17
"uniformed men" in search of
Uniformed Men
The guests claimed two Negro
youths were shot to death by one
of the uniformed men, but none
has said "he or she actually say
Lany shooting.
The charges announced yester-
day were the first directly related
to the .deaths at the motel.
A private guard who had been
on duty at a super market across
the street has been charged with
the pistol-whipping of one of the
motel guests the same night-
July 26-but authorities have not
said whether incidents were con-
Warrants Issued
Wayne County prosecutor Wil-
lam Cahalan announced these
-Policeman Ronald August, 28,
charged with murder in the death
of Aubrey Pollard. 19, whose body
was found in a room at the Manor
House Annex of the Algiers Motel
July 26, fourth day of the riot.
-Policeman Robert Paille, 32,
charged with murder in the death
of Fred Tempele, 18, whose body
was found near Pollard's in the
same room at the same time.
Police found three bodies at the
motel annex, Temple's and Pol-
lard's in one room, and that of
Carl Cooper, 17, also a Negro, in
a room a hallway away. Cooper
also had been killed by shotgun
bast No Evidence
"There's no evidence that Carl
Cooper was killed by a man in
uniform," Cahalan told a news
conference. "On the other hand,
we have no evidence that he was
August and Paille pleaded inno-
cent at their arraignment and
were jailed without bond. In none
of the five murder warrants did
Cahalan specify what degree of
But at the Recorder's Criminal

lice commissioner, said the docket
will carry it as first-degree, for
which Michigan law provides a
mandatory penalty upon convic-
tion of life in prison.
Original Listing
Pollard, Temple and Cooper
originally had been listed in po-
lice reports as suspected snipers
"killed in exchange of gunfire."
The report said, however, that no
guns were found in the room
where the bodies were discovered.
Cahalan said results of the in-
vestigation had been made avail-
able to the Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation "for consideration of
possible violation of federal law.
"I expect we will be making ad-
ditional charges regarding in-
cidents that occurred at the Al-
giers Motel annex on that night,"
he said.

Teasim itnw i ,Arab scholars, who are unlikely
The last time tuition was raised, to attend in view of the severance
in 1965, the Regents met in early of relations between several Arab
T --) Lily UII -l-n 4-4.-n Ui-

.Tiny anct increases in-state un- !

dergraduate fees by an average of
$50 and out-of-state fees by an
average of $100. At that time, the
budget request had been cut by
$4.5 million, about a quarter of
the cut made this year.
before they actually return to


Atty.-Gen. Outlines Steps
For Federal Riot Control

Ramsey Clark sent letters to the
50 governors yesterday outlining
the steps they must take to get
federal troops if they are unable
to control riots.
In making the letter public the
attorney general said in a state-
ment it was "not written in the
expectation of any situation re-
quiring federal troops."
Clark said the three-page letter,
accompanied by applicable sec-
tions of federal law and a chron-
ological listing of state requests
for federal assistance in suppres-
sing domestic violence, was writ-
ten at President Johnson's request.
Legal Requirements
Clark said the letter will advise
each governor of the legal require-
ments for using fedral troops to
put down domestic violence. He
listed as the three basic require-
1. That a situation of serious
"domestic violence" exist within
the state.
2. That such violence cannot be
brought under control by the law
enforcement resources available to
the governor, including local and
state police forces and the Na-
tional Guard. The judgment re-
quired here is that there is need
for the assistance of federal
troops, taking into account the re-
maining time needed to move

them into action at the scene of
3. That the legislature or the
governor request the President to
mploy the armd forces to bring
the violence under control.
Written Communication
The letter said the three ele-
ments should be contained in a
written communication to the
President. This may be a telegram.
But Clark added that in case of
extreme emergency, the receipt of
a written request will not be a
prerequisite to presidential action.
Clark said also that preliminary
steps, such as alerting the troops,
can be taken by the federal gov-
ernment "upon all communica-
tions and prior to the governor's
determination that the violence
cannot be brought under control
without the aid of federal forces."
'Serious Departure'
But he added that even such
preliminary steps "represent a
most serious departure from our
traditions of local responsibility
for law enforcement. They should

countries and the United States.
Sends TelegramI
Prof. Russell H. Fifield of the
political science department and
secretary general of the congress,
dispatched a telegram to the U.S.-
S.R. Academy of Sciences asking
its reconsideration "in the in-
terests of world scholarship."
He indicated yesterday that no
further developments on the sit-
uation are likely until the presi-
dent of the congress, Prof. H.
Norman Brown of the University
of Pennsylvania, arrives in Ann
Arbor later this week.
Fifield's cable to the Russian
delegation head, Yevgeny Zhu-
kov, vice president of the Inter-
national Union of Orientalists,
Can't Postpone
"Too late to postpone Congress.
Some 1,600 scholars registered
from 50 countries, including seven
Socialist countries. Arab League
sending Egyptian professor as
representative. Other Arabs com-
ing! Ambassador of Pakistan to
"Soviet delegation was at the
University of Michigan a few days
ago for International Atomic
Energy Conference. We sincerely
urge you attend Orientalist Con-
gress in the interests of world
The July 17-21 atom conference
was the first of its kind held on
a United States college campus,
sponsored jointly by the Inter-
national Atomic Energy Agency
composed of 92 nations and the
U Thant, secretary-general of

PRESIDENT OF GRADUATE ASSEMBLY Roy Ashmall announced at a news conference yeste
that students living in University housing for married students would withhold the $10 per mi
increase in rent primarily because they had not been given sufficient notification of the hike.
Grow-ingNumber of Schools
Switch to Pass-Fail Grading

Want Notice
Of Increase
Of 60 Days
Graduate Assembly
Sends Resolution
To Regents' Meeting
Over 2,000 residents of North
Campus married student housing
have signed a petition threatening
a rent strike if a recently-an-
nounced $10 per month increase
in rent is not delayed until at least
Jan. 1.
The executive council of Grad-
uate Assembly organized the pro-
test by drawing up and circulating
the petition. It also passed a reso-
lution on the issue which it hopes
the administration will present to
thetRegents at today's 2 p.m.
Roy Ashmall, president of GA,
said yesterday at a press confer-
ence, "Our purpose is to question
if the University must charge as
much as private housing in Ann
Arbor, and yet not treat married
students as private housing does
by giving them 60 days notice be-
fore raising rents."
Withold Increase
The petition states that res-
idents are prepared to "withhold
the amount of increase in rents
until adequate notice is given of
an increase.
sacks The new rents for the apart-
rday ments would be $95 per month for
onth an efficiency apartment; $110 per
month for a one bedroom apart-
-..ment; and $125 per month for a
two-bedroom apartment.
The 900residents affected by
the increase were first informed
by letter Aug. 1. By that time most
of them had signed contracts with
the University.
Residents must give the Univer-
sity 60 days notice before break-
ing a housing contract. Even if
students were willing to break
their contracts at the end of Sep-
tember, residents of Northwood
e- and University Terrace, the units
no re- involved, claim they would have
difficulty finding other housing In
, Lake Ann Arbor at that time.
Pomona Among private landlords, stu-
omona dents claim, a 60-day notice of a
g fairly rent increase is standard proce-
e pro- dure.
justing Seek Other Housing
College If the increase were not made
lan for until Jan. 1, Ashmall said, res-
idents would have time to seek
nearly other housing for the winter se-
r edu- mester.
es, in- "A rent increase at that time,
niitiated however, would be acceptable only
year. if students are given 60 days
t yer
ograms prior notice, he added.
In the letter informing the
married students of the raise,
director of University Housing
s have John Feldkamp said, "Rising
ce and costs, especially in the areas of
people salary and wages paid to service
about staff personnel, and capital needs
gradu- have made the increase neces-
eceiving sary."
apply- According to Feldkamp, the
Student Advisory Committee on
er, are University housing had "agreed
. Elder, -I would say agreed wholeheart-
raduate edly," to the rent hike.
es, says, Ashmall claims however, that
doesn't the interests of married students
aralysis have not been adequately repre-
nd stu- sented on the student committee

reputa- and that attendance has been
suffer." poor at summer meetings of the
Alternatives Lacking
On Tom Van Lnte, grad, chairman
of Student Government Coucil's
33Student Housing Association and
emmember of the housing committee
commented, "We didn't look into
ny state alternatives to the rent increase
i1 pro- enough. For instance, $20,000 of
the $90,000 in additional revenue
SU stu- was slated to go to blacktopping
lose his a playground."
admin- Last Thursday, the University
housing office sent another letter
f Trus- to residents of married student
disclose apartments giving more detailed

By JOHN GRAY tivity on the part of the students.
Last of Three Parts Most schools with a pass-fail
program follow the general out-
There won't be any grades on line of the University literary
the transcripts of freshmen at- college's system. Upperclassmen
tending the California Institute are permitted to elect one or two
of Technology this fall. All the courses a semester outside their
freshmen courses will be marked major on pass-fail.
pass or fail. The literary college is more
Colleges and universities across conservative than most schools
the country are currently offering in restricting sophomores from
some or all of their courses on a the p ro g r a m. At Stanford,
pass-fail basis. Others like Cal Princeton, Berkeley and Tufts the
Tech give the student no choice, option is open to freshmen as well
but most of the programs are as upperclassmen.
similar to the literary college's Some schools allow the student
optional program. to take pass-fail courses in their
At Pomona College, juniors and major field and distribution re-
seniors have been able to take quirements. At Berkeley permis-
advantage of the pass-fail option sion of the student's major de-
in elective courses outside of their partment is required. At Oberlin
major for the past eight years. a faculty member may elect to
Freshman Seminars have the option apply to all stu-
All freshman seminars are dents in his course.
raded pass-fail. Studerse per Schools such as Tufts, Lehigh
semester, but only four of these and Mount Holyoke enter grades
may count towards graduation. of fail in the student's grade poinit
At Ohio State University, sen- average. At most schools, though,
iors, graduate students and pro- the system operates in the same
fessional students may take cer- way it does in the University lit-
tain courses on pass-fail. erary college - neither pass nor
The courses include all courses fail has any effect upon grade
in medicine and specified courses point averages.
either inside or outside the stu- The pass-fail program is not
dent's major, such as thesis the only answer to those who de-
courses and special seminars. The cry the conventional grading sys-
student may take as many courses tem. Under a grant by the Ford
as he wants under this program. Foundation, six colleges have
Cal Tech Program
Calif ornia Institute of Tech-"
nology's program is unique in tha L e i l to
it is non-voluntary and is only l el o
was in initiated in the fall of 1965 O S
3?signun MS U Tu
and was considered so successful !
that the faculty made it perman-
ent in May, 1966. LANSING (P) - A Republican
The Cal Tech faculty feels that legislator askedyesterday for an
the program allows a new student attorney-general's ruling on the
to orient himself to the- rigors of constitutionality o f Michigan
university academic .life without Michigan State University's new
forcing him to compete for grades. tuition plan.,
Other school employ more ra- In a letter to Atty.-Gen. Frank
dical forms of the pass-fail pro- Kelley, House majority floor
aram. New College. in Sarasota. leader William Hampton (R-

special programs for select
dents in which there are
quirements for courses, gra
The colleges (Alleghany
Forest, Colorado, Collby, P
and Florida Presbyterian)
that the plan is succeeding
well, although there is sou
blem for the students in ad
to the freedom. GoodardI
in Vermont follows this p
all its students.
Pass-fail programs are
becoming a fad in highe
cation. At least ten colleg
cluding the University, ir
a pass-fail program las
Many more have similar pri
on their drawing boards.
Mostly Approved
Almost all the program,
met with wide adceptan
approval. In fact, the only
who seem really worried
their advent are deans of
ate schools now are r
transcripts from students
ing for admission.
Even the deans, howev
not totally upet. John P
dean of Harvard's G
School of Arts and Scienc
"Just one course a year
bother me, but if this p
crept further, it would. A
dents from schools whose7
tion we don't know would
sks Decisi
ition Systo
present state statute or an
or federal constitutiona
--Can a parent of an M
dent legally refuse to disc
or her income to the MSU:
--Can the MSU Board o
tees require a parent to

I I the United Nations. is scheduled

not be requested until there is a for a key speech Aug. 18. The con-
substantial likelihood that - the ference scholars, described as ex-
federal forces will be needed." perts on the Asian world, include
Clark's letter follows by three, political scientists, historians and
weeks a request by Gov. George geologists.
Romney of Michigan for federal The Congress is holding its first
troops to quell rioting in Detroit. meeting in the western hemisphere
The incident developed into an in conjunction with the Sesqui-
argument between the governor centennial celebration of the Uni-
and administration officials. versity.

Milliken Tells Graduates True Freedom
Comes Only From Personal Commitment

Lt. Gov. William G. Milliken free--free in the sense of job op- stituted for personal outreach."
told some 2000 University degree portunities and equal education. He cited VISTA and the Peace
recipients at summer commence- "The tragedy of the urban Corps as examples of personal in-
ment exercises Sunday that "per- ghettoes is a tragedy that need volvement in the probmlems of,
--nl s +hn'wa Vto ln+t exist-+Ter sealieof iustice +he world. nav-to-davo nnnrtun- '

sources to solve every problem the
cities face - all you need is the
will to work them out.I
"The learning experience pre-
nare vn fnr lenadrshin hut la-

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