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July 21, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-21

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1967


Capital Outlay Cutback:
Another Blow for 'U' Growth

New U.S. Escalation
Another Futile Ste
Secretary of Defense McNamara is now back to his .huge desk
at the Pentagon and to his cost-effectiveness statistics. When he went
to South Vietnam on July 6, for a six-day visit, it Was his ninth visit
to that country. And, as in the past, his visit resulted in more troops
(25,000 or 30,000, in addition to the present 464,000) and more escala-
tion of the war.
Mr. McNamara first visited South Vietnam in April, 1962, when
there were only 9,000 "advisers." Two years later in May, 1964, when he
came to Saigon for the fifth time, the U.S. strength was 16,500. On
his eighth trip, on lOctober 1966, 331,000 U.S. soldiers were fighting iil
the jungles of Vietnam. The impressive and effective build-up of U.S.
strength was not matched by a decrease in the "enemy" forces, but by
a surge in the costs of the war, not only in terms of money, but of men.
The week that came to an end on July 8, before Mr. McNamara arrived
in Saigon, was in many ways a typicially routine week in the war. The
1.2 million men of the Allied Forces (U.S., South Vietnam, South Korea,
Australia, New Zealand) conducted 41.959 ground actions, 33,354 air
sorties and an unnumbered naval gunfire attacks. The results: 2,114
"enemy" dead-the majority of them innocent victims. On the Allied
side: $500 million spent, 2,027 casualties (not all Americans) of whom
449 were killed and the rest wounded. Three. B-52 bombers ($3 million
apiece) and an undisclosed number of smaller planes were lost. Yet.
the U.S. and South Vietnam forces did not gain one more inch of
terrain. And if Saigon got a few dozen "returnees," that is, those who
could not physically stay in their bombed villages, the growing brutality
of the war alienated more Vietnamese. Said recently Dr. Ton That
Thien, a prominent Vietnamese journalist and writer, told an American
journalist in Saigon: "If the policies of the U.S. and the government
of General Ky had popular support, it would be evident to all. The
people of this country would raise the money and pay the taxes to


THE UNIVERSITY'S capital outlay
budget got an even tougher going-
over by the Legislature than did the gen-
eral operating appropriation. The initial
request submitted by the University -
$24.1 million-had been severely trimmed
by the governor to $10.9 million, but the
lawmakers weren't satisfied and saw an
easy way to slice off another few million.
The resultant allocation-$7.4 million
-sets back by another year the starting
dates for a number of long-needed fa-
cilities which would have relieved se-
vere classroom, office and laboratory
shortages. With the happy exception of
the continuation of work on new dental
and medical science buildings, the reno-
vation of the University Hospital, draw-
ing-board stage projects temporarily rel-
egated to the sidelines include a new
Architecture and Design Building on
North Campus, the liter'ary college's
Modern Language and Office Building,
and the Psychology and Mathematics
Perhaps the biggest setback was hand-
ed to the Residential College, which must
wait another year for the construction
of a permanent home. Once again it has

been shown that this college-within-a-
university is the most talked-about, but
least financially provided-for innovation.
FURTHERMORE, the Legislature's tight-
wad policy may put off for another
year a settlement of the raging debate
between Lansing and the administration
over the provisions of Public Act 124. This
law gives .the state controller's office the
final say on architectural design and the
letting of contracts for state-financed
buildings. The University officers have
refused to abide by this stipulation,
maintaining that it infringes on their au-
tonomy. This year's allocation fails to
provide for any new construction and
therefore shunts the issue and the out-
come aside to a far removed date.
The administration, on the matter of
the capital outlay budget, as well as on
the operating budget, should continue to
press the Legislature for crucially need-
ed funds. The possibility of a surplus in
Lansing in the future should be explored
and requests for supplemental appropria-
tions followed up accordingly.


Domino Theory

Letters to the Editor


Do Gun Bill

that occurs in this country-whether
it be a riot which engulfs one of our
larger cities, the sniping spree of a dis-
traught student, or the assassination of
a president-produces at least one feeble
legislative attempt to curb the rather
widespread and haphazard sale of fire-
The recent convulsion in Newark has
proved no exception. Despite Ramsay
Clark's insistence that most of the weap-
ons used by the rioters could not have
been obtained legally, even under the
present laws, the Newark disaster has
inspired Senator Thomas Dodd (D-Conn)
to propose a measure tightening control
over the sale of firearms.
No one could seriously question the
desirability of sensible regulation of the
use and sale of such weapons-if restric-
tive legislation could ever surmount the
opposition raised by arms manufacturers'
, lobbies in Congress. It is a minimal pre-
caution, which this country's blatant fail-
ure to take frequently and justifiably

irritates those congressmen and citizens
who are at all informed about the issue.
But the problem is usually forgotten once
the violence which served as a reminder
of our negligence in the control of lethal
weapons has been quelled.
1THE CURTAILMENT, or. indeed the
elimination, of firearms would be de-
sirable-perhaps for no other reason than
the resources expended in their produc-
tion could be profitably turned to peace-
ful employment. But the fact remains
that masses of oppressed ghetto resi-
dents or disturbed and resentful individ-
uals will always be able to find some kind
of weapon with which to wreak disaster.
It is absurd to portray these incidents
as "freak" occurrences which can be ef-
fectively combatted with the type of
measure more appropriately directed to-
ward accident prevention, rather than a
massive assault on the deep-rooted
causes of individual and mass frustra-
tion, is absurd.

Not all students have the guts
to be as sanctimonious as The
Daily editors were in scolding the
Let's be honest and admit that
the essential issue is not the exist-
ence or quality of the institution
but who pays, for it; the typical
taxpayer, a man who supports two
children on $6,000 a year, or the
parents of the typical student
here who earns a median of $13,-
000 a year. The graduates of this
university will earn over their life-
time an average of $100,000 more
income as a direct result of going
here. Why then should the par-
ents of the boy who did not have
the advantages we had pay for
our education and the ticket to
more interesting and better pay-
ing occupations that it represents?
I agree that no student should
be barred from a higher educa-
tion because he cannot afford it.
In fact, many are right now, de-
spite low tuition. Analysis of data
from Project Talent has revealed
that a boy graduating from high
school who is in the top 10 per
cent of the nation in aptitude is
five times more likely not to go
to college if his parents have an
income under $5,000 than if they
have an income over $9,000. If he
gets to some college, he has a 15
per cent chance of going to a high
quality institution if his parents
earn less than $7,000 and a 35 per
cent chance if his parents have
an income over $11.000.
IT WAS FOUND that for high
quality institutions like the Uni-
versity, there was a tendency for
colleges with lower tuition (i.e.
good public universities) to have
a lower proportion of their stu-
dent body from low-income fami-
lies. The solution to our budgetary
crisis is not to fall further behind
than we already have in teacher's
The Daily has begun accept-
ing articles from faculty, ad-
ministration, and students on
subjects of their choice. They
are to be 600-900 words in
length and should be submitted
to the Editorial Director.

salaries, or in some other way,
sacrifice quality. It is to ask those
in-state students who can afford
it to pay 25-or 30 per cent of the
cost of their education, instead of
only '16 per cent as is now the
case. This could be done by setting
Atuition on the basis of ability-to-
pay as some of the Regents of
Michigan S t a t e have recom-
Having the poor of Michigan
subsidizing the rich of other states
is even more indefensible. There
is more diversity to be gotten from
adding one student from the Up-
per Peninsula or the ghettos of
Detroit than by five from places
like Scarsdale, N.Y. (my home
town) and Hyde Park. As an out-
of-state student who will have to
pay the tuition increase out of his
own _salari-. I agree that out-o -

state tuition should rise by at
least one-third so that it covers
approkimately the same propor-
tion of current costs as it does
in private colleges and universi-
ties. In 1964 this proportion was
66 per cent for private universi-
ties and 75 per cent for private
liberal arts colleges.
--John Bishop
Chairman. Vice President

Cutler's Student Advis
All letters must be typ+
double-spaced and should be
longer than 300 words. All 4
ters are subject to editi
those over 300 words will g
erally be shortened. No unsig
ed letters will be'printed.

"We Ain't Seen Any Pressure Groups-
Have We, Pat?"

ory support the war. The young men of the country would do the fighting
against the enemy. The peasants in the countryside would not help
the Viet Cong and would supply the intelligence needed to eliminate
ied, them. But we in Vietnam are doing none of those things. You are pay-
, ing for this war and this regime, not the Vietnamese. You are fighting
let- this war with American troops, because the Vietnamese soldiers will
ng; not fight. The peasants are helping the Viet Cong and they are not
en- giving you the intelligence you want. You are confronted with a so-
gn- ciety that opposes the present policies in the only way it can-with
passive resistance." Dr. Ton That Thien whose nationalist position,
whose honesty and integrity are well known in Saigon, was expressing
the opinion of many thoughtful Vietnamese.
BUT IN THE PRESENT SITUATION, who listens to a Vietnamese?
But what about the opinion of a general whose abilities and whose
experiences and talents no one doubts: General Moshe Dayan of Israel?
Last year, as guest of the U.S. Information Agency, General Dayan
toured South Vietnam battlefields. On his return he wrote a series
of articles. The conclusion of his findings:
"If the Viet Cong abandons regular warfare (Note: they have
not done so yet) and goes over to guerilla operations, I do not think .
that the Americans will be able to subdue them. At all events, the
American reply to guerilla warfare could not be technological nor
could it be an increase in the number of their troops. I, do not be-
lieve that the Americans can bring pacification to Vietnam. The
Americanization of the war can, from the military point of view,
succeed, but the Americanization of the peace, of daily life, can only
serve the Viet Cong with terrorist objectives and propagandist
arguments against Ameriean hegemony in Vietnam."
General Dayan's opinions are not different from Dr. Ton That
Thien's. In fact, they are not opinions, they are truths-not new ones,
but very ancient.

The Real Poop

" tv
' i

"SAIGON-IN1962 no one seemed t
doubt that the war could be won. I
is now five years later. Delusions sti
crowd realities. In answer to a particular
ly pessimistic report on pacification,
U.S. official in Saigon is informed b
Washington, 'Your report is too leftis
and defeatist. Please look for more en
couraging aspects.'
"In statistical language, there are nev
er any American military defeats in Viet
nam. No matter how severe the U.S. cas
ualties, the enemy usually takes far mor
If the bodies were not actually left on th
battlefield, then they were 'dragged away
or 'killed by air and artillery too deep i
the jungle to investigate.' The ability o
many 'destroyed' enemy units to return t
the fray disputes allied claims. But eve
now the official impression is given tha
with 'just a few more troops' the job ca
be done, say 200,000 more.
"There never seems to be quite enoug
American troops to do the job. One rea
son is that hopes of stopping enemy in
filtration have not been realized, eithe
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press an
Collegiate Press Service.
Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrtc
($2.50 by mal); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 b
Daily except Monday during regular academic scho
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regul
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michiga
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Summer Editorial Staff
LAURENCE MEnOW .....................Co-Edit

o by border fighting or by bombing North
It Vietnam. With only about 20 per'cent of
11 its regular army committed, Hanoi can
- raise the ante. The war, then, can get
a very much bigger but remain just as in-
y conclusive.
- "A MILITARY MACHINE tries to justify
its role. Gen. Westmoreland, seeking
- indices of progress, will cite enemy cas-
t- ualties. Authorities have been stating for
- years that the guerrillas are demoralized,
e. have been denied recruits and are in-
1e effective. Yet the enemy seems as ob-
y' stinate and daring as ever. It breaks up
n big concentrations of American troops
f and scatters them by staging battles that
o burst like blisters across the anatomy of
n Vietnam.
tt "Units sorely needed for battles along
n the borders are often tied up securing
the victories' gained months earlier. In
h only a handful of areas has the guerrilla
- organization been adequately destroyed.
- The cost of holding this ground makes
r the prospect of spreading such security
-throughout the country almost a tactical
impossibility. Millions of American troops
would be required."
-On the eve of McNamara's visit, two
d Pulitzer Prize winning AP men, Peter
Arnett and Horst Fass, summed up their
er five years in Vietnam in a dispatch we
y saw only in the York, Pa., Gazette &
,o Daily and present abridged here.
July 17, 1967
tn the Open

-~f J<LI,. i



Men humn's Ensemble
Shines at Fair Lane



.s sIRRY GOLDWA TER , .. . .
Plagiarizing the GOP Platform

Suite from "Theatre
Music" ....... ...... Purcell
Little Music for Strings,
Op. 16 .............. Goehr
Concerto for Piano in E-flat
major, K. 449......Mozart
Concerto for Violin'
in A minor..........Bach
Symphony No. 49
in F minor . , .....Hayden
"We're the happiest band in the
world," says Ross Pople, a youth-
ful cellist in Yehudi Menhuin's
Bath Festival Orchestra, "just an
overgrown chamber group." The
sound of happiness, more than
anything else, came through for
the orchestra at its Sunday night
concert. It was not a sound put
forth or to be taken lightly.
The orchestra was able to pro-
duce full, lively music almost in
spite of Menhuin, who conducted
without the finesse of a master.
Menhuin, of course, distinguished
himself as a violinist, and despite
some sticky fiddling late in his
performance of the Bach con-
certo, handled his solo work
hr,.k~ na +d mha nnful

most easy-going effort Sunday
night. But like a plant or some
other organic thing the orchestra
seemed to develop spontaneously
with little central organization.
The music, furthermore, was well-
blended and florid, the impression
being that their unity was not de-
rived from Menhuin's conducting
but rather was a feeling permeat-
ing the group.
Good musical vibrations are
hard to catch for those in the
rear of the Fair Lane Concert
Court, especially when thenmusic
is sprightly. A plasticized canopy
was erected over the temporary
bandshell in time for the arrival
of Menhuin's group, and it may
have made listening a little better
for some. In the future at least,
it will keep rain-off the heads and
instruments of the musicians.
Among the trees, birds, and cargo
planes, the sound of music doesn't
have much of a chance to reach
those in less-favored seats. This
is a vicissitude of a newly-emerg-
ing festival, and hopefully an
acoustically s o u n d permanent
shell can be erected to beam a
sound like Menhuin's to the back
The Bath Festival Orchestra
miii' h + the rivn +ii p f +th


Bobby Kennedy has now joined
Lyndon Johnson in the political
sport of plagarizing the Republi-
can Party platform, particularly
the "extremist" platform of 1964.
While some, Republicans de-
nounce their party's platform for
personal political advantage, and
other Republicans simply ignore
it for fear of being thought too
conservative, the Democrats hap-
pily pick their way through the
platform, appropriating what they
want. Their own platforms have
had nothing but socialism to offer
for so long that they must seek
elsewhere for nractical solutions

posal so radical, compared to the
usual Democratic proposition, that
it could almost get him kicked out
of the party if he didn't own so
much of it in his family's name.
He has suggested that private
enterprise to be given incentives
to build real jobs in blighted ur-
ban areas. One would be relief
from certain taxation to make it
practical to start businesses in
areas that are short of jobs.
In making the proposal, Sen.
Kennedy rightly said that current
poverty programs of the Great
Planned Society are "ineffective,
;-affiin"+a"A A ~crar -icr

political stance still leans firmly
to the left.
THE SAD THING is not that a
Kennedy has not been converted
to capitalism, for that is a miracle
beyond expectation, but that Re-
publicans who presumably have
never been anything but pro-
capitalist have failed to make as
much fuss about their proposals
along these lines as have such
Democrats as Bobby.
Republicans should turn to the
pledges of their platform, which
included many specific proposals
for private capital and for tax in-


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