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July 21, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-21

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See editorial page



Chance of isolated
showers in the afternoon

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom












Special To The Daily
JACKSON--As a vice-president
of the Consumers Power Company
4 of Jackson, Regent Robert Briggs
rates a plush air-conditioned of-
fice in-where else-the Con-
sumers Power Company building
in downtown Jackson.
Briggs, a 1925 graduate of the
University, has been connected
with the Univesity longer than any
other member of. the eight-man
Board of Regents. After spending
one year as an instructor at Kan-
sas Wesleyan University, he re-
turned in 1927 to the faculty of
the School of Business Adminis-
tration. He served there until
1941; he returned again to the
University in 1945 to accept ap-
pointment as vice-president for
business and finance, a position
which he held until 1951, when he

went for Consumers.
Over the years, Briggs has wit-
nessed what he calls "a tremen-
dous change in the campus," es-
pecially in size. "The people are
here," he says, "and the state has
to provide the facilities for them."
How to do it: "There are three
ways that the campus can ex-
pand," he says, "one is vertically,
like South Quadrangle. A second
way is to buy property adjoining
the forty acre area of the central
campus; this land is tremendously
expensive and there's only a lim-
ited amount of it available. The
third way is to continue to expand
in the north campus area. The
most logical choice is this third
way," Briggs maintains.
In this third area is included
the residential college. "The initial
efforts of the residential college
are somewhat makeshift," he says,

"since we don't have the buildings
yet. And the residential college
can't tell the whole story of the
University's expansion, because it's
only an undergraduate unit. We
still have tremendous responsibili-
ties to the graduate students," he
.As a former teacher, Briggs says
that there are basically two things
necessary for teaching: "how to
teach and what to teach. If I had
a choice," he claims, "I'd prefer
to know the subject matter instead
of just the 'methods."
One of the major differences
between the University today and
that of yesteryear is that "the sub-
ject matter today is much more
difficult," he says. "There's been
a complete acceleration of teach-
ing and learning.";
And Briggs adds that "one of my
strong convictions is that we need

to use more electronic devices in
teaching, both in order to improve
teaching, and to do the job faster.
"Students, protest , today that
they don't know any faculty mem-
bers. Part of this is the fault of
the students-if they won't go
around to see a faculty member,
and take the time to spend some
time with him in his office, they
aren't going to get to know him.
That was true when I was a stu-
dent, too," he says.
He feels that "further use of
electronic learning devices will
give both faculty and students
more free time for personal con-
Briggs claims- that "there is a
small percentage of the student
body that is jeopardizing its ed-
ucational program by its involve-
ment in outside activities. There
have always been people who reg-

istered protest-they registered it
in different ways. Today it's done
through dress, and meetings and
sit-ins. The protest today seems
more coordinated, more vigorous."
Then, too, Briggs says, "we've
become more tolerant of some
things which we weren't tolerant
of back then. The sit-in and the
picket line are relatively modern
developments. These students to-
day see the picket line being used
by adults with some success, so
they try it out. Of course, part of
it is that students are always try-
ing new things. Sometimes, they
work and sonietimes they don't."
Briggs of course has opinions
about the issues involved in re-
cent student protests at the Uni-
versity. "As for the issue of the
draft referendum, we had enter-
ed into an agreement with thou-
sands of students that we would

supply their class rank to their
local draft boards. When we turn-
ed our backs on the alleged stu-
dent vote, we were simply carry-
ing out a commitment that we
hod to a large group of students."
In regard to contact between
the students and the regents,
Briggs says, "I'm willing to listen
to students, but when it gets to
the point where a group of stu-
dents comes to the conclusion 'this
is what we want and we won't
accept anything else'-aren't they
overlooking something? Aren't
they overlooking the fact that
there may be some other judg-
ments, some other evaluations,
some other opinions which cause
us to make a decision contrary to
the one they want? All that is
part of democracy at work," he
"We do meet once a year with

Student Government Council," he
adds. "I don't believe those meet-
ings have been as productive as
they could be. I blame the Board
of Regents for it, I blame the
executive officers of the Univer-
sity and I blame the students for
"If a small group of students
would honestly sit down and weigh
the problems they want to talk to
the board about, and request that
we sit down and spend a couple
of hours together, I think we could
make some real headway. We
would gladly listen to them," he
"The students have got to prove
to us that they are going to do
their homework and then come
in," he noted. He added, however,
that on occasion it has been
done: "the advisory student com-
mittee for the selection of the

president was a tremendous hell
to me. They had a major hanc
in the selection of the new presi
dent. Their judgment was not ig
"But having the president a
SGC or somebody sit with th
Board of Regents at their meet
ings, trying to represent the opin
ions of all the students jus
won't work. There aren't enougl
hours for it," he stresses.
One problem that is often over
looked but is nonetheless serious
Briggs adds, is that "the Uni
versity is woefully short of play
space. We made a few moves thi
year, but it's inadequate. We'v
got to find a way to get recrea
tional facilities back onto the cam
pus. In our zeal to accomplisl
some other things, we've goofec
up in providing areas for physica

Wayne State's 'Collegian'
Struggles for Autonomy






special To The Daily
DETROIT-The question of au-
tonomy-and whether or not the
Collegian, Wayne State Universi-
ty's student newspaper, can gain
it - is a pressing one for Art
Johnston; the recently selected ed-
itor of the Collegian.
Johnston commented that he
would like to see the paper eco-
nomically autonomous. but fore-
sees certain problems which would
prevent this,' such as competi-
tion with the two major Detroit
papers for adverftising revenue.
The Collegian currently oper-
ates on funds allocated by the,
WSU Student-Faculty Council, but

the paper is required to return
all advertising income to the uni-
versity. Earlier in the year, the
SFC ruled that the Collegian could
keep all income from advertising
in excess of $56,000, but that rul-
ing was later reversed by univer-
sity legal officer Byron Higgins,
who cited a section of the SFC by-
laws as the basis of his opinion.
As a result of Higgins' opin-
ion, Johnston may be unable to
increase staff salaries. He sees this
as unfair to the staff, who, he
says, usually come from low-in-
come families and are somewhat
dependent upon their Collegian
However, Dean of Students
Duncan Sells has said that he




University for the last full term, which ended in the spring,
showed that, the 8,228 women attending had a grade-point
average of 2.86. The average for the 10,435 undergraduate men
was 2.71.
Both men and women had generally better grade than a
year earlier; when the men's average was 2.68 and the women's
2.80. The over-all average this year was 2.78, up from 2.76.
In general, seniors had the best grades and freshmen the
poorest. Senior wonen's average was 3.09, junior women's 2.94,
sophomore women's 2.82, and freshman women's 2.70. Senior
men's average was 2.87 junior men's 2.78, sophomore men's 2.66,
and freshman men's 2.56.
GOVERNOR GEORGE ROM1NEY signed several bills in
Lansing yesterday. Among those signed was the "implied con-
sent" measure, designed to combat drunken drivers and reduce
traffic deaths. It will probably become operative early in No-
Romney also signed the last appropriations in the record
new $1,101 million general fund budget, ending 19 days at
technical violation to the constitution. The last date valid ap-
propriations existed was June 30.
Also signed was a measure allowing for a city income tax
start either January 1 or July 1 of next year. Although the legis-
lature presented the appropriation and tax measure in reverse
order, Romney signed the appropriations measure first. The tax
measure, originally conceived to alliate the shortage of funds
due to cuts in the appropriations, because it was signed last, is
not subject to a referendum.

favors retention of at least part
of the advertising income by the
Collegian to provide some finan-
cial autonomy.
Other financial developments at
WSU include a recent change in
the budgeting procedure which
eliminates a specific annual stu-
dent activities allowance. Some
students see this as an attempt
by the administration to gain
control of SFC and Collegian ac-
Some SFC programs have al-
ready felt pressure from the Uni-
versity Budget Committee. The
hardest hit of all SFC programs
is the year-old Course Evaluation
Program, which now has an un-
certain future.
Meanwhile,tcontroversy con-
tinues over the appointment of
Johnston as editor, a selection
made by the SFC in preference to
a candidate backed by the Col-
legian staff.
Commenting on the situation,
Johnston, describing himself as a
"political liberal," charged that
the Collegian was "dominated by
self-perpetuating clique of very
conservative persons." In an inter-
view with a Collegian reporter, he
said: "Too many things are hap-
pening in the world today that
deserve comment from both sidesI
-the right and the left."
Johnston has also enumerated
a series of changes and innovation
he plans for the Collegian. These
include :
d-a series of special issues de-
voted to topics such as, the role
of the urban university, student
movements, religion and the new,
-expanded coverage of acade-
mic matters and reviews of Wayne
Press publications;
-wider coverage of speeches
and conferences;
-and, increased quality in the
paper's layout and art work.
Johnston has also instituted sev-'
eral changes in the staff structure.
Since Johnston assumed his posi-
tion, several staff members have
left the paper. However, staff
members admit that most of the
people who left did so of their own
volition. One member who is
leaving, speculated that "most of
the people will be back in the fall."1
Johnston maintains that his staffi
policy is to geared at promoting
from within the* staff on the basis
of individual ability.
Tomorrow: Future of Course 1
Evaluation Program Imperilled.

_________________ 4

Hike In-,state $99,
Out-o'f-state $30,(
Maiitaii 3-to-1 Ratio Between
Non-Resident, Resident Student Fee
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-Wayne State University's Board of Governo
adopted a tuition increase yesterday, maintaining a 3 to
ratio between in-state and out-of-state fees.
The undergraduate increases of $99 resident and $3(
non-resident may be used as a precedent when Michiga
State University's trustees meet this morning and the Un
versity Regents meet next week to determine their tuitic
A smaller increase was set at Eastern Michigan Unive
sity's regents' meeting yesterday. Undergraduate fees at EM
were hiked $60 in-state and $115 out-of-state for. a full year
credit hours on the quarter*'

-Associated Press


Frank Stanton, president of the Columbia Broad casting System, testified yesterday before the
Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications. His comments included a statement labeling
equal time requirements of the federal communications act as wrong and unworkable.
Austerity' Budget Pressures
H amper State Universities

Leaers CallBlack Power
Possible Key to Negro Unity

Wayne State University was
forced to increase in-state tuition,
according to President William R.
Keast, "because WSU only has
four per cent out-state students.",
Keast also noted that even if
WSU raised its non-resident tui-
tion by the $650 recommended by
the Legislature, the total revenue
would be less than $800,000. He
said that a steeper increase was
avoided because "it would certain-
ly reduce the number of students
applying from out of state."
Whether this solution will have
any , effect on the tuition hike at
the University, which has 25 per
cent non-resident students, re-'
mains to be seen.
But, a regent noted yesterday
that whatever the other schools do
now are likely to, influence the
University decision, no matter how
independently it intends to act.
Meet Next Week
The regents are expected to
meet sometime next week to an-
nounce a tuition increase, and
there is a possibility of increases
even larger than WSU's for both
in-state and out-of-state students.
Edwin Novack, president of the
State Board of Education, explain-
ed that the University received
the smallest percentage increase
of any state-supported school and
this means it also needs the larg-

Profit, Eastern Michigan Univer-
sitys financial officer, "but ours
was a choice between covering
the inflating costs of education
with tuition hikes or with pro-
gram cuts. In raising tuition, we
also made sure that increased
student aid will be available," he
Student Aid
The University regents have
also indicated that they will not
initiate massive tuition hikes
without making provision for new
sources of student aid.
During the discussion of the
WSU increase, Chuck Larson,
chairman of the Student-faculty
committee made the point: "my
major disappointment was that
the decision had already been
made, and the opinions expressed

by the students were not con-
It has not been announced
whether a request recently sub-
mitted to the administration by
Ray Ashmall, grad, president of
graduate student council angd
Bruce Kahn, '68, president of Stu-
dent Government Council asking
to be allowed to participate in dis-
cussions on the University fee hike
will be approved.
There is a possibility that the
Regent's meeting will be delayed
until University President Harlan
Hatcher returns from a vacation
August 3. But a source said yester-
day that most of the information
on budget needs is already availa-
ble and that a meeting with
Hatcher absent, could be expected
as early as next Tuesday.

Approval at WSU was made
with condition that $500,750
of the new tuition revenue be
made available for increasing
student aid funds, based on
financial need. A day of clos-
ed discussion had Wednesday
brought quick announcement
of the budget provisions and,
set the total operating figure
at $47.8 million, which is be-
low the estimates of minimum
WSU operating needs. Several
cutbacks are being contem-
plated in graduate programs
to make up the difference, ac-
cording to WSU President Wil-
Ham R. Keast.
EMU, also stipuated, that an
increase in student aid will be
made avaiable. Some funds will
be diverted from the general oper-
ating funds, but most will come
from the federal government
through liberatlized government
work-study grants in EMU's ex-
tensive programs. No cuts in pres-
ent plans were announced, but
Lewis Profit, EMU chief financial
officer said that while the ap-
proved $16.7 million budget figure
is 26 per cent higher than last
year's operating figure, there will
be no opportunity for addition of
any programs this year.
Enrollment increases 'of nearly
2,000 are expected at both schools,
but these increases were not com-
pensate for in tuition hikes. Kdast
ruled out any limitation of enroll-
ment at WSU next year saying;
"students have made their plans
for the fall, it would be unfair-
even if it were administratively
feasible-to disappoint them."
Graduate School
Graduate and law school fee in-
creases at WSU were also made
with the 3 to 1 resident-non-res-
sident formula in mind, but fees
in the medical school went up by
$100 in both categories.

Police Fore
Need Cited
After quick discussion of tui
tion increases and ? the budgei
Wayne State University Board o
Governors' meeting passed on t
an administration request to hav
members of the department o
public safety approved by the De
troit police commissioner, Ra
Girardin, as privately employe
patrolmen. At present, the DP(
members constitute a private se
curity force at WSU and do nc
have the authority to carry sid
arms. However, if such an actio
were taken by Girardin, the mem
bers would have that authority.
Paul Faulk. former vice-chai
man of the National Student A
sociation, spoke against the meas
ure& citing several incidents a
Wayne, where, in his opinion, tb
DPS had not demonstrated a lev
el of professional competene
which would justify equippin
them with side arms.
One incident he cited involve
students who alleged that a DP
officer approached them, accuse
them of creating a disturbance
opened his Jacket, revealed a pis
tol butt, and said, "we can mali
it tough for you."
D. F. Stevens, head of the DP
said later that neither of the tw
men involved were students, an
that they had frightened a secre
tary so much that she locked her
self in another room and calle
his office. Stevens said that h
men were not armed at that tim
and that they had never bee
equipped with firearms.
Other Dissent
Several other students spo
against the measure, and an SF
resolution condemning the prc
posal was read. During a short de

The following figures provide a run-down of the new fee
schedule approved by the Wayne State University Board of
Governors yesterday, as compared to last year's tuition levels at
WSU and the University. The Regents have not yet set tuition
levels for the University for 1967-68.

NEWARK, N.J. (A") - Negroes
gathering for the nation's first
major conference on black power
agreed yesterday that the once-
divisive slogan offers an oppor-
tunity for Negro uiiity and prog-
"I think there is going to be
much stronger unity and a much
more positive definition of black

history of the country, if we don't
get hung up on the words, 'black
Since the slogan emerged in the
1966 Mississippi civil rights march,
Negro leadership has split over'its
meaning and effect. Initial reac-
tion from the largest civil rights
organization, the National Asso-
Matiuiyf or Adnem nt of Clor-

and King's Southern Christian
Leadership Conference, there are;
black power followers.
Arthur D. Wright of New York,
executive director of the Catholic
Interracial Council and a delegate
here, said he considered the con-
ference an excellent move, but
"the first thing I want is a defin-
ation of what is meant by black

The University

Wayne State University
(for three quarters)

1 0 l



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