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July 08, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-08

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U LL"--A l., 0 VJUL O, IOUJ

Romney Meets with Backers
During New Hampshire Trip

Master Director Shows How It's Done

Michigan Gov. George Romney,
Istered by fresh evidence of al-
giance from one of New Eng-
nd's two Republican governors,
ntinued yesterday to test the
litical waters in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire will be holding
e nation's first presidential pri-
ary next year.
In between ,conferences with
ssible supporters and state GOP
aders, Romney met with New
igland's other Republican gov-
nor, John A. Volpe of Mas-
chusetts, a potential opponent,
the March 12' primary.
Romney has said he' would
ather not have" Volpe enter the
ew Hampshire race, but added
e final decision is Volpe's. Volpe
s indicated interest in being a
gional favorite son candidate.
Rhode Island Gov. John H.
hafee, sporting a blue "Romney

'68" button on a light line suit,
stood beside Romney at a social
outing with New Hampshire news
executives Thursday night and re-
peated his faith in Romney's abil-
ity to win.
"He's a great winner," Chafee
said. "And Republicans are looking
for someone who can win the elec-
tion. The moderates in the party
should count their blessings that
they have some one like Romney."
Romney, who has been in New
Hampshire since Tuesday night on
a "work play" vacation to meet
would be backers, said he has "en-
joyed thoroughly this New Hamp-
shire visit. It's great to sit down'
and have a two way discussion."
At a news conference on the
porch at the summer home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Willard Marriott, his
hosts, Romney gave his views on

attempts to reach a settlement of
the war in Vietnam.
He said the South Vietnamese
should be encouraged to "break
the disenchanted nationalists in
the Viet Cong away from the hard
core Communists."
"I think we should encourage
the South Vietnamese, at any
auspicious point, to be willing to
undertake negotiations with the
Viet Cong," he said.
"I think a satisfactory negotia-
tion would have to include the
Viet Cong giving up terror as a
political weapon and also severing
relationships with organizations
outside of South Vietnam."
Romney said his decision to
enter the primary would be based
on the "attitude of the people"
and the attitude of the members,
of the Republican party.
Hugh Humphrey of Lansing, pub-
lic relations director of the Repub-
lican State Central Committee, has
said the New Hampshire primary
might be an appropriate place and
time to settle the birthplace ques-
tion of Romney's presidential eli-
Humphrey made the statement
before some 100 Battle Creek Ki-
wanians Thursday.
Romney, was born in Mexico.
The U.S. Constitution requires that
a president must be a "natural
born" citizen of the U.S.
There has been division of opin-
ion on what this means.
Humphrey said the birthplace
question should be brought in a
"friendly suit" in a New Hamp-
shire court "as soon as he Romney
decides to file for the New Hamp-
shire primary."

Last night at the Cinema Guild,
one of Hitchcock's earlier films
was shown. Entitled "Foreign Cor-
respondent," it was made during
the World War II era. As an in-
dividual who participated strong-
ly in our war effort, Hitchcock
was asked to produce films that
would strengthen American feel-
ing for the war. The answers to
these requests came in the form
of "Foreign Correspondent" and
"Lifeboat," another movie from
this period.
In these films Hitchcock, the
consummate artist, must hedge the
great ambiguity that an artist's
vision of life presents. For, from
his normal perspective, no simple
answers naturally appear, and all
questions elicit the dual response
of the oracle. How could he sat-
isfy both these impulses, then -
his moral commitment to combat
Naziism by depicting a clear-cut
evil, and his aesthetic commitment
to preserve the artistic vision in
all its complexity?
In this picture Hitchcock uses
as his vehicle the very issue of
patriotism, perhaps because his
patriotic duties were extracting so
much from him. The American
correspondent, an anti-social, self-
immersed reporter, is instructed to
cover the imminently explosive
European diplomatic scene. He is
so unconcerned with the memen-
tous issues of the times that he
cannot comprehend his editor's in-
tent at first. His main concern
is his expense account, which soon
gives way to a larger obsession,
his dedication to the story.
When he arrives in England he
meets his predecessor, a man who
lacks a dedication to anything but
the grossest forms of self-indulg-
ence, and our reporter looks good
in comparison. But the strength
of McCrae's devotion is immedi-
ately called into doubt when a

quickly sprouted infatuation with i sides of the conflict (which comes ately sympathizes completely withr
the daughter of a peace leader out in a scene at the height of his viewpoint.
causes him to overlook the kid- cinematic quality) that Hitchcock We discover that there will be
naping of a world-renowned dip- j feels in most natural sympathy a new pull on the loyalty of our
lomat. She, responding in a sim- with. stars. The head of the peace move-
ilar fashion, is unable to continue The mark of Hitchcock's touch ment, the girl's father, Fisher.
her high-minded speech on world is evident in the harmless but in- turns out to be an agent con-
peace when she sees McCrae in sidious way in which he commu- nected with the kidnaping. It is
the audience. nicates his message. The average during his speech about the in-
In just this short introductory viewer has nothing but a bemus- tense inspiration that motivates
portion of the film, Hitchcock ed sympathy for McCrae, and he the foreign agents, of whom he
has presented all the ingredients has probably spent a good -part of is one, that we see what a super-
for a conflict essential to any the picture thus far in laughter. ficial trifler the protagonist is.
thinking human being; namely, to McCrae is to waver between his Fisher is fighting for his country
what level beyond his own self- dedication to the story and his although it means possible alien-
ishness man can dedicate himself. love for the girl for the rest of ation from the one person he loves
We have seen McCrae as his in- the tale. In the meantime he de- most, his daughter. We know thatI
terest settled on money, then on tachedly witnesses a murder and McCrae could not possibly make
a job, and then on a girl. We sees a bystander shot with a bul- such a selection if he were placed
have seen his predecessor concern- let meant for him. He completely in the same dilemma. He would
ed solely with living the good life. disregards the consequences of have to choose the most immedi-
We have seen men, like the dip- "WAR" and only thinks of its ate gratification, the girl.
lomat, devoted to world unity; and impact on him as "STORY." His In the climatic ending the girl
we have seen, ironically, the fruits lover, shown to be a weak-willed and her father are fleeing England
of men's dedication to a nation, being throughout the story (ex- for America aboard a commercial
the very feeling the film must cept at the inconsistent ending) flight. On the same craft are Mc-
ultimately inspire, in the kidnap- has instantaneously discarded her Crae and his English cohort. The
ing of a selfless old man to fur- altruistic aims for her man. When girl finds out about her father as
ther war plans. It is probably this she stops McCrae from leaving he gives an empassioned plea for'
old man's desire for peace, and her room, she suspends all her forgiveness, describing his two de-
his distaste for the people on both former incredulity as she immedi- votins-thenfor hi nrntrv

whole message of the film, the es.
sential issue here is selfishness
versus larger purpose.
We see McCrae and his friend
saving the Fishers with out any
considertion of who deserves
more to live, a traitor who, afterall
will probably be executed, or any
of the other passengers. Blood is
thicker for the correspondent than
water. The camera cuts to show us
the suicidal mission of the pilot
and co-pilot, who must guide the
plane nose down into the sea for
the greater safety of the pas-
sengers. We see a young blonde
die as the water rushes in the ship,
possibly because McCrae has not
screamed to all the passengers what
he knows must be done for safety,
l orders to go to the tail of the
plane before impact. And finally
lwe see McCrea break the age old
custom of chivalry to old women
by getting his party out first so
that the old girl barely has time
to leave the ship safely.
But as the film closes Hitchcock,
in complete control of his work,
nulls together the strands of the
story to accomplish his more prac-
tical goal. We leave the film with
th4 warm feeling we are supposed
to have because we have forgotten
that we had seen a newsboy car-
rying a paper with the headlines
"War Erupts" just before we wit-
ness the great joy at McCrae's
newspaper as they receive "the
story." (The fact that this story
would be detrimental to the U.S.

Late Senate Gives Time Bill
ae to Committee for Study

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and the other for his daughter.
She, revealing once again her
shallow doctrinairism, forgives
him, thus coming to a quick reso-
lution of the conflict that has tor-
tured him throughout the film.
In one of Hitchcock's incredibly
dramatic confrontation scenes,
dramatic from its terse embodi-
ment of the central thematic con-
flict with in the characters, Mc-j

By The Associated Press
A House - approved resolution
ling on the federal government'
put Michigan in the Central
me Zone was sent back to a
nate committee yesterday for
'ther study.
At the request of Sen. Robert
nder Laan (R-Grand Rapids)
e resolution was returned from
e floor to the Senate Business
rnmittee. Vander Laan is chair-
n of the committee.
The senator said he wanted to
d out what the federal govern-
nt's likely 'reaction would be to
ch a resolution. if it were ap-
)ved by the Senate and for-
rded to Washington
Flood of Telegrams
Detroit-area senators reported
ey had been receiving a flood
telegrams and telephone calls
im constituents urging them to
pose the Central Time Zone
Sen. Coleman Young (D-De-
it) said he had received some
telegrams and another 10
one calls, all but one urging
ni to vote "no."
T'he resolution, which passed
eRouse 58-37 a week ago, asks
U.S. Department of Transpor-
ion to declare all of Michigan
Central Time.
Challenged in Courts
The new Eastern Daylight Time
s also been under challenge re-
itly in Michigan courts.
the Michigan Farm Bureau
d theater and bowling alley in-
ests, chief opponents of Day-
ht Saving Time, brought suit
ursday in Wayne County Cir-
t Court.
he sufficiency of petition sig-
ures filed with the Board of
te Canvassers was challenged.
e court was asked to order a
'iew of- the petitions.
udge Thomas J. Foley set a
-trial hearing for July 18 to
up guidelines for a possible
kttorney Tom Downs, who filed
suit, charged the Board of
nvassers held only a "p4rtial
ring" June 12 on petitions for
stern Daylight -Time and that

opponents were refused the right
to oral arguments.
The board also was charged
with permitting two filings of
petitions when only one filing is
allowed under law.
With the board's approval of
t h e petitions, Michigan -w a s
changed to Eastern Daylight Time
June 14 although the Legislature
previously had retained Eastern
Standard- Time for the state. The
petitions provide for a referendum
on the issue next year.

Churches Oppose Continuing


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-'
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
DayC alendar
University of Michigan Sesquicenten-
nial Committee and the Michigan
Folklore Indian Festival - Grand Riv-
er American Indian Society's Celebra-
tion of Michigan Songs and Dances:
Veterans' Memorial Park, Maple Road
and Jackson Ave., 4 and 8 p.m.
Cirrema Guild - Alfred Hitchcock's
"Foreign Correspondent": Architecture
Aud., 7 and 9:05 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Ron-
ald Attinger, Saxophone: Schooi of
Music Recital 'aull, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Stamp and Coin Show and Bourse:
Will be held Sat., July 8, at the West
Park Shelter from noon to 5:30 p.m.
Stamps and currency on display and
free stamps for beginning collectors.
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Recrea-

tion Department and Explorer Post No.
Doctoral Examination for Joannus
Leonardus de Jong, Information & Con-
trol Engineering; thesis: "Application
of Picard's and Newton's Methods to the
Solution of Two-Point Boundary-Value
Problems in Optimal Control Theory,"
Sat., July 8, Room 1028 East Engineer-
ing, at 2 p.m. Chairman, P. L. Falb.
Doctoral Examination for James Paul
Jankowski, History; thesis: "The Young
Egypt Party and Egyptian Nationalism.
1933-1945." Mon., July 10, Room 3609
Haven Hall, at 9:30 a.m Chairman, R.
P. Mitchell
Doctoral Examination for Joyce Ann
Livak Benjamins, Biological Chemistry;
thesis: "Studies on the Biosynthesis of
Phosphatidyl Inositol," Mon., July 10,
Room 1057 MHRI, at 3 p.m. Chairman,
B. W. Agranoff.
Events Sunday
School of Music Indian Ceremony -
"Algonquin Indian Festival (Music and
Dance)": School of Music Grounds,
North Campus, 2:30 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Graham Purkerson, Organ: Organ Stu-
dio 2110, School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-John
Hillabolt, Organ: Hill Audi, 8:30 p.m.
Events Monday
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-' The Volga" and "A Chalry
Tale": Multipurpose Room, Undergrad-
uate Library, 1:30 p.m.

Crae and the girl meet on the war effort cannot dissuade him
plane just as it is attacked by a from sending it although he has
German warship. This particular just almost scraped the story to
footage is the more amazing from preserve the image of his dead
a technical standpoint if the year father-in-law.> And too, Hitch-
in which it was shot is considered. cock adds the final pap scene to
Like the theatre panic in "Torn insure completely that he has
Curtain," and continuous with the gotten across the correct message.


U.S. Bombing of N.


NEW YORK (P)--The churches
are generating a swelling chorus
in behalf of peace in Vietnam,
many of them calling for a halt
to the American bombing of North
Those urging an end to the
bombardment range from Pope
Paul VI to a growing succession of
Protestant denominational con-
ventions, in addition to the Inter-
denominational National Council
and World Council of Churches.
However, some communions
have voiced support of U.S. policy
in the war. Others have appealed
for renewed efforts at negotia-
Stop Troop Buildup
Several have asked a stop by
both sides to troop buildups. Some
have simply raised an anxious
question mark.
It is a gnawing issue at meet-
ings of governing bodies of the
churches which assert a responsi-
bility to reinforce the moral stance
of the nation.
The subject also has caused
sharp debate and keen friction in
many religious bodies, including
the withdrawal of at least one
Jewish congregation from its na-
tional organization.
From several religious quarters,
including the Methodist Council of
Bishops, have come calls for a
world summit meeting of reli-

gious leaders to join their influ-
ence in seeking to end the South-
east Asia conflict.
Also urging such an assem-
blage is Rabbi Dr. Marc H. Tan-
enbaum, of the American Jewish
Committee. He says it could "sym-
bolize dramatically that the uni-
versal conscience of the people
of the world cries out for an end
to the war."
If the war continues much
longer, predicts the Rev. Dr. John
C. Bennett, president of New
York's Union Theological Semi-
nary, "we shall have the 'great-I
est conflict between the churches'
and our government that we have
ever had in time of war."
However, the war also produc-
ed sharp differences between
churches, and in them.
American Roman Catholic bish-
ops have cited these differences,
saying the U.S. position could be
reasonably justified, but adding
their "plea for peace."
The big Southern Baptist Con-'
vention last month backed con-
tinued U.S. military efforts in
Vietnam until "an honorable and
just peace" could be established.
Support American Policy
Earlier, the Standing Confer-
ence of Eastern Orthodox Bishops
expressed support for American
policy in the war, saying it "is
directed against the spreading of
totalitarian, atheistic ideology and
is justified as such."
However, numerous other de-
nominations, in conventions this
spring . and early summer, have
criticized conduct of the war.
The United Presbyterian Church
in the U.S.A. voiced "deep mis-
givings at the policy of military
escalation" and said, "It appears
that the immediate need is an al-
ternative to the bombing of North

The American Baptist Conven-
tion urged the United States to
"stop the bombing" and asked both
sides to halt "the buildup of
troops" in the south.
Pope Paul declared recently it
was "necessary that bombing over
the territory of the north should
cease and at the same time the
infiltration of arms and war ma-
terials into the south."
The policy making General
Board of the National Council of
Churches, a cooperative body of
34 American denominations with
a total of 42 million members,
called the bombing of the north
"a block to negotiations."
Urge UN Action
"We therefore ask the U.S. gov-
ernment to stop this bombing,"
the board staid, and also urged
that the war issues be submitted
to "collective, internationalhjudg-
ment and action through the
United Nations.
The Executive Committee of the
World Council of Churches, that
includes 223 member denomina-
tions with a total of more than
350 million members, similarly
called for a bombing halt.
Last fall, the National Council
of Roman Catholic Bishops, in cit-
ing differences among church peo-
ple "over the moral issues involv-
ed in this tragic conflict," said,
"While we can conscientiously sup-
port the position of our country
in the present circumstances, it is
the duty of everyone to seek other
"We are also bound always to
make sure that our government
does, in fact, pursue every possi-
bility which offers even the slight-
est hope for a peaceful settle-
The statement drew criticism
from Catholic peace groups, who
called it weak in contrast to papal
utterances against the war.

Bergman at his bawdiest, matching the in-
famous Don Juan against the chastity of a
pastor's beautiful daughter.
-Saturday Review
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 7 and 9 P.M.


375 No. MAPLE RD.-7694300

Continuous Showing 1:00


°:':;?7"i: w::;::.}totr44e.Ae~yV ,.}{~d~ .,4F,3"A;{.{A" y, " "." A Y.:{"i~~f~';t:4";:i:4t.C;:fb:';} ;,v,1:,v"}tv,.,.:,4.... ::,Y,",

NCEMENTS is available to of-ficially
mied and registered student or-
ations only. Forms are available in
n 1311 SAB.
* *s
theran Student Chapel, Hill St. at
st Ave. location. Worship service
m. with a following discussion at
a.m. At 6 p.m. a supper and
am concentrating on "The Middle
Crisis" with guest speaker George
lenhall, Dept. of Near East Stud-
Scheduled for July 9.
iversity Lutheran Chapel of 1511
tenaw is sponsoring the following
SEE! international

events on July 9: 9:45 a.m, worship
service with Pastor Kapper speaking
on "God's Hidden Persuaders"; 11 a.m.,
Bible class, "Civil Disobedience and
Conscientious Objection"; 6 p.m., sup-
per; 6:45 p.m., a panel discussion dis-
cussing "A Christian Perspective of Ayn
Phone 434-0130



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