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( lP
Chance of showers
late tonight
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
'U' Towers
Novel Lease
First To Hit
Ann Arbor
*k Manager Remodels
Building To Prepare
For Fall Occupancy
University Towers is initiating
an eight-month lease with no
premium payments this fall.
The new rental policy, the only
one of its kind in Ann Arbor, is
the result of a change in owner-
ship of the apartment building.
Usually, student renters must sign
a 12-month lease or pay 10
' months rent for the privilege of
signing an eight-month contract.
The policy is one of many
changes being made by the new
management, which is also giving
the building a face-lifting to be
completed and ready for occu-
pancy in late August, according
to University Towers' new man-
ager, Robert Ward.
Changes will include improved
sound-proofing, re-carpeting and
re-painting of halls, completely
new furniture in the rooms, and
improved lighting in the lobby.
In addition, the lobby is being re-
modeled and study and reading
rooms are being constructed.
Ownership of the 240-unit
building changed July 1 when
Northwestern Mutu5A Life Insur-
ance Co. bought out its co-owner,
Towne Realty. The building will
be managed by Student Inns, Inc.,
a subsidiary of O'Meara, Chand-
ler and Benson of Houston, Tex-
Student Inns and its sister-or-
ganization, University Inns, man-
age ten student apartment build-
ings in seven states. "Our theme
is 'excellence in educational liv-
ing," Ward explained, "and we
really believe in it."
The eight-month lease is in line
with the management's policy
that students should not be re-
quired to pay for apartment fac-
ilities during the time they can-
not use them, according to Ward.
"There will be no subleasing or
subletting in 'U' Towers," Ward
said. "Instead, we will take the
responsibility of renting in the
summer. We offer only four-
month and eight-month contracts,
and none for the entire year.
Returning residents, who pre-
viously paid ten-month prices for
eight-month leases, as well as
those who had twelve month con-
tracts, will also be included in the
new policy. Ward said no con-
tracts have been signed yet for
the fall since policy has been to
i mail them out during the sum-
Although the building has filled
only about 50 per cent of its capa-
city to date, Ward predicts "that
by the fifteenth of August we will
be sold out."
The effect of the eight-month
lease policy on the student rental
situation in Ann Arbor remains
The rental agent for Huron
Towers, while admitting that the
"U" Towers policy will be "nice
for the students," said that "it has
nothing to do with us. It will make
no difference in our rentals."
Ron West, manager of Packard
Avenue Apartments, said that his
buildings "were the first to offer
an eight-month lease." He added
that residents there pay ten
months rent for the privilege.
j y The Associated Press
DRAFT CALLS of 25,000 men for September were issued by
the Pentagon yesterday, the second highest monthly manpower
order this year. The September call was a 4,000 man drop from
August. All the September inductees will gq into the Army.
"This request," the Pentagon said, "supports previously plan-
ned and announced force levels and will assure a timely flow of
replacements for men completing their terms of service.'
ATTY. GEN. FRANK KELLEY said yesterday he believes the
courts will uphold Michigan's new income tax bill and will rule
that it is not subject to a popular referendum. Kelley's prediction
was in a letter to Sen. George Kuhn (R-Birmingham) who earlier
yesterday introduced a resolution calling on the Senate to seek
Kelley's opinion on the constitutionality of the bill.
The Legislature tried to make the tax bill referendum-
exempt by including a $3 million appropriation to the state budget
bureau which would make it not subject to a referendum petition
drive. Kelley further said the tax bill is constitutional in exemp-
ting a flat $1,200 per-dependent from taxable income and in
taxing income of persons and corporations at different rates
(2.6 and 5.6 per cent respectively).
VIETNAM SUMMER PROJECT in Ann Arbor will hold a
mass meeting at the Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw on Mon-
day at 7:00 p.m. Door-to-door leafletting in the Burns Park area
will follow the general orientation session.
Arbor on Monday, a day earlier than scheduled due to the can-
cellation of a stop-over at New York City. A telegram received
from the Glee Club, presently in Wales competing for the cham-
pionship for male choirs today, said they will return to Detroit
Metro Airport on American Airlines flight 153, Monday at 11:38
p.m. The club completed a tour of Scandinavia and is now com- {
peting in the International Musical Eisteddfod, where it is the
only United States singing group ever to have won the world's
championship twice.
* * * *
DEAN WILLIAM HABER of the literary college and profes-
sor of economics yesterday praised the newly revamped Michigan
tax structure. "Michigan is to be congratulated at having fin-
ally, after years of pointless controversy, established a basis that
can, genuinely be called tax reform."
The tax reform package provides for levies of 2.6 per cent
on personal income tax, 5.6 per cent on corporations and 7 per
cent on financial institutions.
* * * *
NEW YORK'S CONSTITUTIONAL convention has agreed
to place the question of lowering the voting age to 18 years of
age on the calendar of pending propositions starting next Tues-
day. The proposal was sent to the convention floor by a Demo-
crat-controlled committee without recommendation after Re-
publicans attempted unsuccessfully to keep the age at 21. The
convention president, Anthony Travia (D-Brooklyn), said he
thought the measure would pass, and be placed before the state's
voters on the constitutional referndum. Kentucky and Georgia
currently are the only states permitting voting at age 18; Alaska
permits residents to vote at 19, Hawaii at 20.
In Education Budget
PassesRomney'A js
~ Apro priations
House, Senate Look for Compromise
Around $60 Million for 'U' Budget
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The State House of Representatives sat un-
moved yesterday by appeals from its own members for a $12.5
million addition to its version of the higher education ap-
propriations bill. Every suggestion of education budget in-
creases was scrapped. The representatives then approved Gov.
George Romney's original budget figures and sent the pack-
age to a joint House-Senate subcommittee which will work
out a compromise version next week.
The only affirmative vote of the session came on a move
to give $750,000 for studies of a computer network linking the
University, Wayne State University and Michigan State Uni-
versity. A 42 - amendment-
.udget increase bill, Sponsor-
ed by Reps. Jack Faxon (D- Faxon Plea
Detroit) and Daniel S. Coop-'
ly city of Jerusalem, now er (D-Oak Park) failed by a Fail
elcome back King Hussein resounding 63-30 roll call. Fails To G et
Moves to increase state library ap-
---.propriations and community col- A *J
lege support also failed by similar H ou Se A id
There had been some hope that Cries of anguish were audible
the threat of tuition hikes due to during the debate and after every
low allocations could be used as a vote from administrators in the
lever to add $500,000 to the $5.2 House gallery.
million state competitive scholar-
ship programs. The amendment, Most House members turned
- offered by Reps. George F. Mont- away during debate and many at=
Ci V 15 e gomery, Faxon and Cooper was tempts were made to cut Rep. Jack
dumped in a 53-42 vote. Faxon (D-Detroit) short in his
Robben Fleming, University The Senate, in the meantime, plea. Faxon claimed that the Uni-
dent-elect. caucused on a House-approved versity's residential college shoul
e first of a series of explor- three-cent-a-pack cigarette tax University has made commItment
sessions into the role of increase.F
Jordanians in Amman demonstrated yesterday for the return of the hol
occupied by Israeli forces. The Jordanians had gathered in Amman to w
from a two-week tour of Western capitals.
Erhard Address To C
Sesquicentennial Coni
Ludwig Erhard, former chancel-
lor of West Germany, will make
a special visit to the University
next Friday, July 14, to deliver
the convocation address to close
a three - day Sesquicentennial
Conference at Rackham on "The
University and the Body Politic."
Erhard, who is reportedly fluent
in English, will speak in Ger-
man; the speech will be trans-
lated. It will concern the relation-
ship of the university to the gov-
The conference begins Wednes-
day and is the third of five ma-
jor conferences for the sesqui-
centennial y e a r observances.
Other important speakers will in-
clude John Gardner, secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare,
i ation
NEA Resolution Backs Desegregation;
gNew Grade Level Below First Foreseen
the university will be held Wed-
nesday afternoon and will probe
cultural developments and their
relation to the modern university,
featuring Norman Cousins, editor
of the Saturday Review of Liter-
ature, and Roger Stevens, chair-
man of the National Council of
Thursday morning, in the lec-
ture hall, research will be the
topic with A. Geoffrey Norman,
University vice president for re-
search, Leer A. DuBridge, Presi-
4ent of California Institue of
Technology, and James . Webb,
administrator of the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
The role of the government in
higher education will be taken up
on Thursday morning in the am-
pitheatre, featuring Charles Ode-
gaard, president of the University
of Wisconsin, Elivis Stahr, pres-
ident of Indiana University, and
Leonard Woodcock, vice presi-
dent of the United Auto Workers
Thursday afternoon James Pol-
lock, Murfin professor of Polit-
ical Science and Malcom Moos,
president-elect of the University
of Minnesota, will study the op-
portunities and dangers of out-
side pressures on universities.
Gardner will make his address
Thursday evening at a banquet.
However, the measure, which
would bringin about $29 million
a year, was not brought to a
Senate vote and is not expected
to be taken up when they re-
convene today. Though there were
indications that some of the mon-
ey could be used to raise educa-
tion allocations, the Senate is not4
expected to act on the cigarette
tax until the fall. ,
The House request for the Uni-
versity stands at $62.2 million,
which will have to be balanced
against a Senate proposal of $58.6
million. The Faxon - Cooper
amendment would have given the
University $64.7 million, which
would still be $10 million less than;
the University had requested in
the spring.
MSU rand Wayne State would
have received larger increases
than the University, $3 million
apiece to bring them to $62.2
million and $36.8 million, respec-
tively. Their present House figures
are $59.4 million and $33.8 mil-
The joint subcommittee will have
as long as it needs to come to an
agreement on the amounts be-
cause last year's state budget has
been extended for an indefinite
amount of time. Indications are
that a final figure will not be
ready for the Regents' special
meeting on the University budget
next Tuesday.
eor more faculty, students and
facilities and will require at least
4112 per cent increases.
Faxon also said that failure of
the increase would make a tuition
hike of between $200 and $300 a
necessity this year. "The 3 per
cent, more we are giving higher
education is the smallest increase
on this year's budget," he noted,
"and no state agency should be
expected to survive on that little."
He was refuted by Rep. Arnell
Engstrom (D-Traverse C it y),
chairman of the Appropriations
committee, who said he is sure
that Romney's request is "neither
less nor more than the state's
schools deserve."'
Arnell said that Rep. James
Smith (R-Saginaw), will be ap-
pointed to head an interim com-
mittee on the influence of outside
grants on professors because
"grants may have gotten out of
Faxon claimed that to "shackle
the universities with such a small
increase over their last budgets
would place them years behind
comparable schools in other states,
both in quality and tuition costs.
This increase doesn't represent
generosity but our minimal edu-
cational requirements," he said.
The House figure is $4 million
more than the $58.1 the University
received last year.
National Education Association
yesterday backed school desegra-
tion in one of its strongest-worded
statements to date on the subject
and installed its new president.
Public schools of the future will
add another year of school below
the first grade, Braulio Alonsd,
Tampa, Fla., high school principal,
told a news conference prior to his
installation last night at the clos-
ing session of the NEA's 105th
An increased demand for teach-
ers will result largely from extend-
ing the number of years for man-
datory schooling, Alonso said.
Alonso, 49, succeeds Dr. Irvamae
Applegate, dean of women at St.
Cloud, Minn., College, to a one
year term as head of the one mil-
lion member organization of
Government To Push For End
To North's Racial School Bias
teachers and school administra-
Alonso said the biggest factors
in the expected need for more
teachers will be "the rapid exten-
sion downward' to include two
years below the first grade level,"
and the growth of public education
at the junior college level.
Most public schools now offer
a year of kindergarten before the
first grade level.
Although a greatly increased
number of schoolteachers will be
necessary in the future, there will
be no difficulty in finding them
"when teaching becomes a finan-
cially rewarding profession," Alon-
so added.
Backs Desegregation
Earlier yesterday, NEA conven-
ion delegates passed a resolution
backing desegregation in public
"Education must seek to elim-
inate prejudice and bigotry from
the public mind," the resolution
In its session Thursday, the NEA
called for more steps to integrate
schools racially. The statement
was the group's strongest state-
ment to date on the subject.
The NEA took official action
against Florida Thursday when
sanctions voted earlier by the
Mr nM mamh r Fleidn duatnaa
to notify business and industry of
conditions in Florida. The state
association says the situation can
be remedied only by greatly in-
creased appropriations for educa-
Should Receive Funds
The desegregation resolution ap-
proved yesterday said schools edu-
cating children in formerly segre-
gated systems, those serving chil-
dren of migrant workers and those
where the family language is other
than English should receive suf-
ficient funds, material and staff
"to carry out programs leading to
quality education."
The resolution also said edu-
cational materials should portray
the nation's cultural diversity and
the achievements of minority
groups. All state and local af-
filiates were urged "to focus the
professional judgment of their
members upon this imperative."
Among several resolutions pass-
ed Thursday night by delegates to
the NEA's 105th annual conven-
tion was one dealing with "urban
educational problems."
It stated: "Among the many
grievous problems now plaguing
American cities, none is greater or
more difficult to solve than the de
facto segregation which is pres-
ently increasing in nearly all of
+he maior ciies.
WASHINGTON () - A federal
civil rights official said yesterday
the government is planning for the
first time a major move against
racial discrimination in schools of
the North.
Since passage of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, federal officals have
had their hands full dealing with
illegal dual school systems for
whites and Negroes in the South.
But Peter Libassi, civil rights
enforcement director for the De-
partment of Health, Education
....~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _. s=.t . ~ .1".n r'n Tn
idea that when the government
sets a policy, there's going to be
immediate change."
And he cautioned that the new
effort should not be interpreted
as action against the de facto
segregation as such. In the North,
de facto segregation usually refers
to separation of the races in
schools because of where people
Libassi said, however, the most
recent federal court decisions have
found that certain practices as-
white schools and Negro teachers
to Negro schools.
-Other practices which result
in any inequality of educational
opportunity between predominant-
ly white and predominantly Negro
schools. He said these include in-
equalities in facilities, teachers
and services.
In addition to the federal court
decisions, Libassi believes that the
House of Representatives recently
made known its intent that "a
greater effort is to be made by the
Aare,, - 9f c - - ac a e
Ford Foundation Gives Grant
To Upgrade Negro Colleges
The F o r d Foundation an-
nounced Thursday a $1.1 million
program designed as a first step
in aiding 52 Southern Negro col-
leges to upgrade the quality of
their academic programs.
The initial grant is envisioned
as a small "seed money" alloca-
tion that should eventually lead
such as the Universities of Mis-
sissippi and Alabama will find
themselves partners with neigh-
boring Negro colleges in the up-
grading effort.
The foundation will also stress
advanced study of the teaching
staffs of these colleges in in ef-
fort to break the academic isola-
such quality-rated schools as Fisk,
Hampton, Tuskegee and Dillard.
"The effort is problem-center-
ed," said F. Champion Ward, a
Ford Foundation vice president,
"emphasizing specific a c t i o n
where conditions are favorable on
such matters as faculty develop-
ment, curriculum improvement,