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May 06, 1967 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-06

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Will Bubba Dunk
Or Play Tackle?
By The Associated Press pushed his STP turbine racer up to
When the Baltimore Bullets of 163 m.p.h. then brought the ma-
Associa- chine to a stop when the right
the National Basketball frntsprngcolaped
tion drafted All-America football front spring collapsed.
lineman Charles (Bubba) Smith
11th this week it caused some Nix Peace Corps
But Smith says he's serious.' Rugged pro basketball veteran
So are the Bullets. Tom Meschery surprised almost
A spokesman for the Bullets, everyone, including himself, when
he agreed to play with the new
who finished last season with a 20- Seattle team in the National Bas-
61 record, said yesterday that the ketball Association,
name of the 6-8, 280-pound line- He had planned to retire from
man came up in an executive ses- basketball and join the Peace
sion about a month before the Corps, and had so informed the
draft.h San Francisco Warriors who then
Coach Gene Shue kept saying :puthfomrS.Myssarn
IfIcudjstdftsmbdpu the former St. Mary's star on
"If I could just draft somebody the draft eligible list.
bid and strong . ." The spokes- Seattle picked him up, but it
man related. appeared he had his mind made
Smith's name was brought up. u to quit the game. Coach Al
And in the 11th and last round of Bianchi of Seattle talked with
the draft that name was called him
out by Bullets' general manager "He told me to think about it,"
Buddy Jeannette. Meschery said Wednesday. "Then
The reaction from Smith was: they came up with a fantastic of-
"'I'm going to talk to the Bulletsj fer and I'm still flabbergasted."
and try to work something out.'' The six year veteran agreed to
Smith was drafted No. 1 by the a multi-year contract but terms
Baltimore Colts of the National were not revealed.
Football League but has not been "The hardest part," he said,
signed. Ews to a 1+ he +a na m rc ht

-Daily-Robert Sheffield
Jasjit Singh (left), Notre Dame's No. 2 singles tennis player, yesterday defated Michigan's Brian Marcus two sets to one.
Michigan Tennis Squad Raps ND 6-3-;
Dell Falls Be fore IBrowne's Onslaught

Bill Browne .of Notre Dame
proved to be too much for the ace
tennis player of the Wolverine
Sophomore netter Dick Dell, un-
beaten in four straight conference
matches lost his first match since
the Wolves played Miami last
March. The rugged 'Browne un-
ceremonious dumped Dell 6-4, 6-2.
But Coach Bill Murphy fielded

a solid line in the three, four, five
and six slots and the Wolverines
swept to a relatively easy 6-3 win.
Pete Fishback, Ron Teeguarden,
Ed Waits and Bob Pritula took
their singles matches from the
Irish with one-two punches, never
allowing their opponents more
than 3 games in any set..
The other sad note introjected
into the meet was Brian Marcus'

unsuccessful comeback bid to take!
Notre Dame's No. 2 man, Jasjit
Singh. Winning in the first set
10-8, Marcus fought a lengthy
duel but fell in the second, 8-6.
The wiry Singh drove him to the
wall in the third extra-game set,
7-5, to sew up the match.
Dell and Marcus got revenge in
the doubles as they disposed of

'M' Linksmen Host Northern Tourney,
As 84 Players, 14 Teams Hit Fairways

Fourteen teams made up of 84
entries, including some of the
country's foremost college golfers,
will tee off in the second annual
Northern Intercollegiate G o 1 f
Tournament over the University of
Michigan course today and Satur-
The field will be made up of all
Big Ten teams as well as the Flo-
rida and Miami (Fla.) university
squads plus Notre Dame and Ohio
University. The 72-hole stroke play
will consist of 36 holes each day.
The five lowest scores from each
round will be tallied for each team
through -the fourth round, with
the lowest scores thus totalled de-
termining the winner.
Ohio State will defend the team
title it won last year at Blooming-
ton, Ind. John Schroeder, Michi-
gan senior, who tied with grad-
uated Alex Antonio of the Buck-
eyes, will return to defend his
shae of the title.
Besides Schroeder, the field will
be made up of Jim Jewell of In-
diana who finished a stroke behind
the leaders with 297 last year,
along with Mike Good, Ohio State,
299, and Bill Regnier of Notre
Dame with 299. Other high rank-
ers who will participate again are.
Willie Brask and Jim Brask of
Added spice to the competition
will be furnished by Steve Melnyk
of Florida and Jeff Alpert of the
Miami institution, two of the fore-
most collegiate golfers in the coun-
try, according to Michigan coach
Bert Katzenmayer.
Among other strong- individual
contenders will be Sandy McAn-
drew of Michigan State; Mike
Thorpe, Notre Dame; Jeff Parry,
live at One
of San Francisco's
Two Most Popular
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LIVE for less money and have
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Ohio.State; Dave Schumaker, Pur-
due and Wisconsin's John Hog-I
f. ,
Thinclads v. Illini
Michigan will be host to Illinois
in a Big Ten track meet here Sat-
urday-the first of two outdoor
meets on the schedule this spring.
The field events on Ferry Field
will begin at 1 p.m., with the track
program scheduled for 1:30.
Several interesting clashes loom
in the Illini meet although most of
them appear to be confined to the
field events except in the 400 and
the hurdles.
In the quarter George Morris,
Illinois sophomore with an out-
door time of :47.8, a leading mark
in the Big Ten to date, will match
strides with Alex McDonald and
Bob Gerometta, Wolverine 440
man who wil be stepping the dis-
tance the first time this season
in dual meet competition. McDon-
ald has a best outdoor relay time
of .46.8 while Gerometta has done
:48.0, also on the relay team.
John Wright, junior and one of
the best intermediate hurdlers in
the Big Ten and a strong threat in
the 220-lows, will tangle with Lar-
ry Midlam, Woodie Fox and Nel-
'son Graham in these events.
Jack Harvey, Wolverine captain,
won the Penn Relays for a sec-
ond straight season last weekend
with a mark of 58' 6'/2" and should
be favored here. Illini Terry Miller
and Jim Brubaker in the weight
events along with Jeff McLellan,
loom as competition. They will
meet Bob Thomas of the Wolver-
Now take the n(
multi-sens ory

ines who has done better than
146' 7" this season.
Clarence Burch and John San-
deen will be strong contenders for
the visitors in the long and triple
jumps. Sandeen has a best mark of
46' 113/4" in the triple, while.
Burch, a sophomore, has a 23'4"
leap in the long jump.
Carl Flowers, Wolverine soph,
finished fifth in the indoor Big'
Ten meet with 22'102" and has
bettered 46 feet in the triple event
but an injured foot has handi-
caped him outdoors.
"Michigan is tough, but we
should win four or five events.
We could take the triple jump, the
long jump, the high jump, the 440
and 220 and the intermediate
hurdles," said Illini coach Bob

Singh and Carlos Carriedo, 7-5
and 6-2.
Browne, however, proved to be
too much to handle, as he com-
bined with Jim Barnett to turn-
back Fishback and Teeguarden,
6-1, 7-9, 6-4. But Dell and Marcus
had already pulled tight the noose
strung by the Wolverines singles
victories; Waits and Pritula waltz-
ed over the Irish's cold Dennis
Nigro and Frank Honerkamp, 6-1,1
Bill Browne (ND) d. Dick Dell,
6-4, 6-2; Jasjit Singhi (ND) d.
Brian Marcus, 8-10, '8-6. 7-5;
Pete Fishback (M) d. Carlos
Carriedo, 6-1, 6-2; Ron Tee-
gu4rden (M) d. Jim Barnett,
6-3, 6-2; Ed Waits (M) d. Frank
Honerkamp, 6-2, 6-2; Bob Pri-
tula (M) d. Dennis Nigro. 6-1,
Dell-Marcus (M) d. Singh,
Carriedo, 7-5, 6-2; Browne-Bar-
nett (ND) d. Fishback-Tee-
guarden, 6-1, 7-9, 6-4; Waits-
Pritula'(M) d. Nigro-Honer-
kamp, 6-1, 6-'2.
By The Associated Press

Mantle's 500
Mickey Mantle is just one home
run away from joining baseball's
ultra-exclusive 500 set.
The 35-year-old Yankee switch
hitter belted his third homer of
the year in Minnesota Wednes-
day night for the 499th of his
fabulous career.
Willie Mays of the San Fran-
cisco Giants and four immortals
of the game are the only other
members of the 500 or more club.
Mays, with only one this year
through Wednesday's games, is
second on the all-tirhe list with
543. Babe Ruth tops them all with
After Mays comes Jimmy Foxx,
534; Ted Williams, 521; and Mel
Ott, 511.-
Eddie Mathews of the Houston
Astios, has 494 and probably will
join the 500 club this year. Hank
Aaron of the Atlanta Braves has
fotir this year for 446 and figures
to make the 500 club next season.
The only other active player
with 400 or more homers is Ernie
Banks of the Chicago Cubs with
two this year and a career total
of 421 for 11th place in the all-
time list.
Mantle, handicapped earlier by
a leg injury, has belted his three
this year in his last five games.
His first two were game-winners.
Indy Accidents
Practice mishaps at the Indian-
apolis Motor Speedway involving
former road racing champion Gra-
ham Hill and Rookie Gary Cong-
don resulted in little damage and
no injuries Wednesday.
Hill's Lotus-Ford skidded out of
control in the northwest turn but
was only scratched after hitting
the retaining wall in a half-spin.
Congdon, of Garden Grove, Cal.,
lost a wheel on his Mickey Thomp-
son car in the same turn and ca-
reened into the grassy infield
without hitting anything.
Mario Andretti, the U.S. Auto
Club driving champion for the
last two years, toured the track
in 166.021 in a practice run for
the Indianapolis 500 mile race May
30. The time was slightly slower
than his 1966 official record of
Parnelli Jones, Torrance, Calif.,

M-Illini Twin Bill
Illinois' pitching will be spread
its thinnest today when Michigan
invades Champaign, Illinois for a
Veteran Illini coach Lee Eibracht
has decided to go with senior
righthander Mike Rodgerson (2-5)
for today's opener, and will follow
up with junior Bill Murray (0-1),
also a righthander, for the second
Michigan's Geoff Zahn will open
against the Illini and Joe Kerr will
see duty in the second game.
The Wolves face many of the
same problems as do the Illini
after pro bonuses striped Michi-
gan' third place club of their top
pitcher and top hitter from last
season. Michigan still has Les
Tanona, though, an outfielder
who hit .330.
trip: I

San Fran. 010 001 001-3 5 0
New York 000 100 000-1 5 0
McCormick, Linzy (8) and
Haller; Cardwell, Lamabe (9)
and Grote. W-McCormick (1-
1). L--Cardwell (2-2).
Houston 201 100 000-4 9 0
Phila. 000 000 100-1 5 0
Wilson, Farrell (4), Sembera
(7) and Bateman; Ellsworth, G.
Jackson (5), Wise (9) and Dal-
rymple. W-Farrell (1-0). L--
Ellsworth (1-1).
Los Angeles 000 010 200-3 6 2
Pittsburgh 100 100 70x-9 14 1
Drysdale, Egan (7), Miller (7),
Perranoski (7), Moeller (8) and
Torborg; Veale, Mikkelsen (8)
and May, Pagliaroni (8). W -
Veale (4-0). L--Egan (1-1).

Walk to any soft-drink
machine and have some Sprite.

The superbly designed
Resortweave Sportcoat
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Paln Beach

refreshing green bottle.
reach forth and touch it.
uncap the cap. Now
you're ready to
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--but wait! before

It happens as soon as you
pay your money and take your
bottle. Suddenly, Sprite
takes you, the hedonist, on
your way to a sensually
satisfying tactile-aural-
First, you observe the
A tempting sight. Then you
Very cool. Finally, you

to the
infantile pleasure
of taking your bottle,
stop. And listen.
THE Because Sprite is so utterly noisy.
--R Cascading in crescendos of effervescent
flavor. Billowing with billions of
ebullient bubbles. And then sip. Gulp.
Guzzle. Aaaaaaaaaaa! Sprite. So tart
and tingling o'er the taste buds.
And voila! You have your
t multi-sensory experience.
But what about the olfactory
factor, you ask? Well, what do,
you want for a dime--a
R Nfsve-sense soft drink?

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a fraction of the cost of old-fashioned methods.

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