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May 06, 1967 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-06

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Soccer Sports Colorful History of Bumps, B


sional soccer comes to Michigan
June 4 with the first home game
of the new Detroit Cougars of
the United Soccer Association.
As rough as football, grueling
as hockey and precise as base-
ball, soccer matches those sports
not only in sheer action and
pageantry but in individual
feats of athletic ability as mem-
orable to fans as any World
Series home run. Here is a spe-
cial report on some of the
game's most colorful highlights,
plus a brief recap of the rules,
by a native of Lithuania who,
played amateur soccer- in Eng-
Associated Press Staff Writer
DETROIT (A) -- The village
lads in Olde England used to kick
around the reads of deposed Dan-
ish kings and so gave birth to

soccer, some historians believe.
The game has undergone a few
refinements since, but the new
professional sport that bowed in
in the United States this year and
debuts in Michigan next month'
has lost little of the excitement.
Soccer is played by two teams of
11 men each on a field slightly
larger than a football field.
The object, in two 45-minute
periods, is to kick, butt, bump,
nudge, sock or otherwise move but
not throw a leather ball a little
smaller than a basketball through
a goal eiht yards wide and eight
feet high guarded by one player
-the only man on either team
who can touch the ball with his
Substitution is not allowed in
some places and severely limited
An Italian team recently offer-
million for its star player, Edson
Arantes Do Nascimento, known to
much of the world as Pele. At 26,

Pele is probably the best soccer With 20 minutes left in the
player the world has seen, game and Blackpool behind 3-1,
The Brazilians turned down the Matthews electrified the stadium,
offer. A typical Pele goal shows charging all over the field, mes-
why: merizing defensement, repeated-
In the closing moments of a ly beating three and four would-
1962 World Cup game, Brazil and be "tacklers", and setting up three
Chile were tied 1-1. Pele, playing goals.
for the Brazilian national team, A tackler in soccer parlance
picked up a loose ball in his own' means simply an opponent bent
half of the field. He raced down- on taking the ball away. Actual
field, leaving five would-be "tack- tackling, as in American football,
lers" in his wake, slipped between is against the rules.
the last two defensemen, and Matthews continued playing on
blasted the ball into the top, the first string till he was 50.
right-hand corner of the goal. About 100,000 fans raved over
Brazil went on to win the World the performance, And, judging
Cup that year. from the Encyclopedia of Associa-
In England, Stanley Matthews, tion Football, the same number
the Gordie Howe of soccer, put on would have done the same thing
one of the greatest one-man exhi- in April, 1314.
bitions in the history of the game "Let the useless sport of fut-
as he led his Blackpool team to balle, and golfe be utterly cried
an English Cup final victory over down and not be used," read a
the Bolton Wanderers in 1954. He proclamation in old English from
was 40 at the time. Edward I.

The monarch castigated his
subjects for paying more atten-
tion to kicking a cloth ball into a
goal than to practicing their ar-
chery, which they could use more
effectively to protect the realm.
It wasn't until the 1920s that a
British monarch put his royal seal
of approval on soccer. George V
kicked off the ball at a Cup final.
Another monarch, Elizabeth II,
had the painful duty of consoling
Enland after eight players of the
Manchester United team were
killed in a plane crash in Munich
on February 5, 1958.
The team, generally regarded as
the best in the history of English
soccer, was on its way back to
Manchester after a European Cup
game against Red Star of Yugo-
Three times the pilot tried to
take off from the snowy runway.
On the third attempt, the plane
rose 60 feet, brushed the treetops,
then plummetted to earth.

Duncan Edwards was only 20
then, but already playing for the
national team, and considered one
of the best halfbacks in the game
He fought for life for two weeks
after the crash but finally died in
a Munich hospital.
He could kick the ball 10 yards
away from him, and it would
bounce once and obediently re-
turn to him like a boomerang. Or
he could rifle the ball into thea
net from 40 yards. Twice, goal-
keepers leaped to catch an Ed-
wards drive, and were carried
backwards into the net, still
| clutching the ball to their stom-
The team's center forward,
Tommy Taylor, also perished in
the crash. His specialty was to
soar into the air for a high cen-
tering pass, and ram the ball into
the net with his head from about
20 yards.
Another star, Dizzie Dean, scor-
ed more than 20 goals in one sea-

son in the 1930's with his back
to the goal. He'd take a pass from,
the side of the goal, step over the
ball, and back-heel it into the net
past the startled goalkeeper.
"I might get tackled if I took the
time to turn around," he'd say.
When he's out during a game,
the ice hockey player normally'
rushes to the dressing room, gets
stitched up, and flies right back
onto the ice.
Bert Trautmann, goalkeeper for
Manchester City, broke a bone
in his neck early in the second
half of the 1956 Cup final. He
stayed in the goal, diving reck-
lessly at a charging forward's feet
to stop seemingly certain goals
time and again.
Manchester City beat Birming-
ham 3-1. But Trautmann was out
of action for the next seven
months, his neck in a brace.
Several players of both nation-
al teams were injured in a famous
dressing room battle after Brazil

. .

- .

Major League Standings


W L Pet. GB
Detroit 10 7 .588 -
Chicago 10 7 .588 -
Boston 9 8 .529 1
New York 9 8 .529 1
California 10 10 .500 112
Baltimore 9 9 .500 1/
Washington 9 9 ,500 1%
Cleveland 8 9 .471 2
Minnesota 7 10 .412 3
Kansas City 7 11 .389 3%
No games scheduled'
Washington at California (n)
New York at Kansas City (n)
Boston at Minnesota (n)
Baltimore at Detroit (n)
Chicago at Cleveland (n)

W L Pct.
Cincinnati 15 7 .682
Pittsburgh 10 6 .625
St. Louis 11 7 .611
Atlanta 11 7 .611
Chicago 8 8 .500
Philadelphia 9 10 .474
San Francisco 9 10 .474
Los Angeles 7 12 .368
New York 7 13 .350
Houston 7 14 .333
Pittsburgh 9, Los Angeles 3
San Francisco 3, New oYrk 1
Houston 4, Philadelphia 1
Chicago at Atlanta (rain)
Only games scheduled
Houston at New York (n)
Los Angeles at Philadelphia (n)
San Francisco at Pittsburgh (n)
Cincinnati at Atlanta (n)
St. Louis at Chicago


The Big Ten track record com-
mittee announced that the Michi-
gan two mile relay team establish-
ed a new Big Ten record with a
7:23.2 clocking in the Penn Re-
lays last Saturday.
The team, composed of thin-
clads Bob Gerometta, John Rey-
nolds, Alex McDonald and Ron
.Kutschinski, surpassed the exist-
ing mark of 7:24.8 set by Michi-
gan State in 1958.

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Price:$2 801 omplete.Open for inspection
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So. Africa
To Ite grate
TEHRAN, Iran () - South
Africa, currently barred from the
Olympic Games, told the Inter-
national Olympic Committee yes-
terday it would send a massive
integrated team of athletes if it is
allowed to compete in the 1968
Olympics in Mexico.
Despite South Africa's race bar-
riers Negro, colored and.white ath-
letes "can travel overseas together,
can march together in identifical
uniforms as one unit under the
same flag, and they can be housed
in the same unit in the same
Olympic village," South African
Olympic officials told the Olympic
executive board in a determined
bid to get back into the Olympics.
Fourteen African countries have
formally threatened to boycott the
Olympics if South Africa is al-
lowed to compete, despite South
Africa's relaxation of racial dis-
crimination in sport.
Olympic President Avery Brund-
age of Chicago said no final de-
cision will be made at the current
meeting and that the Interna-
tional Olympic Committee IOC,
will send a special mission to in-
vestigate the racial question in-;
side South Africa.
South Africa was banned from
the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo for
racial discrimination and barred
from earlier Olympic meetings.

beat Hungary in the final of the
World Cup in Stockholm in 1954.
Daring the game, both teams
Were decimated with injuries, no
substitutions were allowed and
players sent off the field repeated-
ly kicking each other.
One of the teams invaded the
other's dressing room after the
game. A barrage of flying bottles
and fists sent several men to the
hospital with deep cuts.
But the greatest soccer disaster
struck Lima, Peru, on April 25,
1964. What began as a normal ex-
change of fisticuffs between the
hot-blooded fans ended with a
death toll close to 300.
The crowd packed into the sta-
dium shied away from the fight-
ers and piled against the barred
exit barriers. Those who died were
trampled or suffocated.
Chances are U.S. soccer crowds
won't be thick enough to trample
you to death, at least for a few
Wills Gets
Revenge On
COld Mates
By The Associated Press
Maury Wills hit a bases-loaded
single in the seventh inning last
night, igniting a seven-run out-
burst that carried the Pittsburgh
Pirates to a 9-3 victory over Wills'
former teammates, the Los An-
geles Dodgers.
Wills, obtained by the Pirates
in an off-season trade, delivered
two runs with the single and pull-
ed Pittsburgh out of a 3-2 deficit.
He later scored on Bill Mazoero-
ski's bases-loaded triple.
Singles by George Spriggs and
Gene Alley tallied the other runs
in the big inning, which saw 13
Pirates go to bat.
Willie Davis gave the Dodgers
their 3-2 lead in the seventh when
he doubled home the tying run,
then scampered in on Ron Hunt's
single. Hunt drove in the Dodgers'
first run with a fifth-inning
Willie Mays, rallying' after a
slow start this season, drove in
the winning run as San Francisco
downed the New York Mets 3-1.
Only other game played was
also in the National League as
Houston beat Philadelphia 4-1.
The Chicago Cubs' game at At-
lanta was postponed because of
rain. No American League games
were scheduled.
Mays singled against a draw-in
infield in the sixth, scoring Jesus
Alou and breaking a 1-1 tie. Jim
Ray Hart slammed an insurance
run for the Giants in the pinth.
Mays collected six hits in the
three-game series with the Mets.
Mike McCormick of the Giants
had a 2-1 lead and a three-hitter
going into the eighth, got one
man out and then gave up singles
The Notre Dame baseball
team yesterday defeated the
Michigan nine, 6-5.
Michigan " 040 100 000-5 9 3
N. Dame 100 200 201-6 11 2
Michigan: Renkiewicz and
Kraft; Notre Dame: Arnzen,
Kernan. Home Run-Arvai (M).
ii ..................i: iJni


BARBS DELIGHT, carrying exercise boy, is one of 14 entries for the 93rd Kentucky Derby.
Damtascus, Ruken Lead Field
For 93rd Kentucky Derb


cus, best in the East, and Ruken,
champion of the West, headed a
field of 14 3-years-olds entered
today for the 93rd running of the
$125,000-added Kentucky Derby at


Howard Cooper
Ann Arbor
Jim Westerman ! Bill Walter 0 Will Sexton
Don Coward 0 Appointments if desired
Overseas Delivery Available


OPEN: Mon., Wed. and Thurs., 4 P.M. to 2 A.M.
OPEN: Fri., Sat., Sun., Noon to 3 A.M. (Closed Tuesday)

Churchill Downs Saturday.
It took $500 to enter each horse
and it'll cost another $1,000 to get
into the starting line-up. In all,
%-mile run around the Downs'
flower bordered track will be worth
$162,200 with $119,704 going to the
winner. Of the total purse,-$25,000
has been earmarked for second,
$12,500 for third -and $5,000 for
Damascus, winner of three of
his four starts this year after a
light 2-year-old campaign, was
the last entered. In fact trainer
Frank. Whiteley Jr. was 15 min-
utes late.
Bill Shoemaker, who'll be riding
in his 16th Derby and seeking his
fourth victory, was listed as the
rider of Mrs. Edith W. Bancroft's
highly regarded son of Sword
Ruken, carrying the hopes of
Lou Browan of Pasadena, Calif.,
' and trained by former jockey
Clyde Turk, also was a later entry.
He'll be ridden by Fernando Al-
The only thing resembling a
surprise was trainer Johnny
Meaux's decision not to enter
fleet Free Tumble as a running
mate for Harvey Peltier's Bluel
Grass Stakes winner Diplomat
Others entered were, Reason to
Hail, Successor, Ask the Fare,
Lightning Orphan, Dr. Isby, Dawn
Glory, Gentleman James, Proud
Clarion Field Master, Barbs De-
light and Second Encounter.
Bill Hartack, with the enviable
record of four Derby victories in
seven tries, stuck by his announced
decision to ride Dr. Isby, owned
by Perne Grissom of Detroit.

No riders were listed for Proud
Clarion and Barbs Delight and
trainer Ted Cleveland said he
would place either Kenny Knapp
or Billy Phelps On Second En-
counter depending on whether
Hal Steele decides to use Knapp
on Derby Trial winner Barbs De-
In the draw for post positions,
the two favorites were placed side-
by-side with Ruken No. 1 and Da-
mascus No. 2. Diplomat Way,
probable third choice, drew No. 4
and Successor No. 6.
More than 100,000 fans are ex-
pected at Churchill Downs for the
5:40 p.m. EDT, Derby.
In addition, millions will watchI
the 5-6 p.m., EDT, television pre-
sentation of the race CBS or hear
the 5:15-5:45 radio broadcast.
Although the sports world will
be focusing on the 3-year-olds in'
the race, tension will be every-


Old Heidelber~
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Specializing in GERMAN FOOD,
Hours: Daily 1 1 A.M.-2 A.M. Closed Mondays

where, too, surrounding announced to pinch hitters Tom Reynolds
plans for civil rights demonstra- and Greg Goossen, Reynolds tak-
tions at the race track. ing third.
Some civil rights leaders have' Frank Linzy came on and
said they will force cancellation promptly got Al Luplow to ground
of the Derby, but the city and into a double play, ending the
state have said the National Guard inning.
will be called out "in sufficient Bob Aspromonte homered and
force' to make sure the race is three right-handers, two of them
run on schedule. rookies,'held Philadelphia to five
Still, their threat willcause hits in Houston's triumph.
ixd ,mtionshringatheminus- Farrell, an ex-Phillie, relieved
mixed emotions durg the m Don Wilson in the fourth and
utes before the Derby-whether Don Wilon it font nd
they try to stop the $125,000-added gave up one hit and one run to
receive credit for the victory, his
classic or not. first decision this year.
But Churchill Downs, city of- Carroll Sembera finished up,
ficials and the governor of Ken- coming on in the seventh.
tucky have promised they will do In the third Chuck Harrison
all in their power to see that the lefted a long foul to left field for
Derby goes off as it has for nearly a sacrifice fly that scored Joe
a century. Morgan, who had tripled.


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