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June 27, 1967 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-27

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iT11 Skliijan &zill
Seventy-Sixth Year
ere -pin1 nsAi'S 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
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the crystal


Reformers Could Be
~Urban Guerrillas'


I.'ASJarials Pirinted *.The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DAY, JUNE 27, 1967


Michigan's Fiscal Crisis.
Stumbling Block for Romney

'FISCAL REFORM should fail in the
coming days, Gov. George Romney can-
t escape a large share of the responsi-
ity. This, despite recent attempts to
,sh his hands of the whole fiscal mess
proclaiming the budget will still bal-
Romney has a penchant for the obvious.
e budget will balance, but state agen-
s will be operating on such restricted
propriations that they will not be able
maintain even their present level of
-vices. Not only higher education will
ffer; vital public and mental health
vices and welfare support benefits will
drastically curtailed.
While Romney has galavanted around
e nation in holy search of the 1968
)P convention Grail, House Republican
eaker Robert Waldron has stubbornly
ick to the hope that he could pass fis-
t reform without making necessary
mnpromises to the Democratic minority,
ping for a more equitable measure.
OMNEY SEES the defeat of a state
income tax as strictly a fiscal dilem-
L, rather than one of providing neces-
ry state services. In his usual self-right-
us manner, he proclaims he will veto
y appropriations bills which will not
ow him to balance the budget.
Romney further claims the present
ecarlous situation is drastically differ-
t from the 1958 "payless paydays" of
"mer Gov. G. Mennen Williams, who
:ned appropriations bills which exceed-
the state's revenues hoping to force
arch-conservative Republican Legis-

lature into passing increased taxes. The
trick backfired and the Legislature, hop-
ing to quash Williams' presidential am-
bitions, balked. State employes were paid
in script and only the advance payment
of taxes by a number of Michigan cor-
porations saved the state from economic
This year the state will not be over-
drawn, but the curtailment of necessary
services will be just as severe. State em-
ployes will be paid this year, but their
numbers will, in all probability, be dras-
tically reduced. Michigan, under the mod-
erate Romney, will experience a more se-
vere austerity budget than California is
suffering under the conservative Reagan.
ROMNEY CAN TRY to wash his hands
of the whole matter, blaming an in-
transigent Democratic majority who have
refused to lend their support to an in-
come tax plan which is equally regressive
as the Michigan four per cent sales tax.
He can smile proudly and say he has
achieved a balanced budget. But when
tuition increases are enacted at state uni-
versities, and when welfare payments are
held back and doctors leave state mental
institutions, Romney cannot escape
blame. Both houses of the Legislature
are Republican and there are a large
number of Democratic legislators who
were committed to voting for almost any
type of income tax, excepting the present
As Williams' presidential ambitions were
ended abruptly by the state's fiscal prob-
lems, so may George Romney's.

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"Where were you Russians
"Where were you Russians

two weeks ago ?
two weeks ago ?"

Letters to the Editor

GOP Conservatism Revival:
Shades of '64?

spectre of conservatism which many
Republicans thought they threw off after
the 1964 debacle, is still with them..This
time it assumes the form of Richard M.
Nixon and Ronald Reagan, a dark horse
whose color gets lighter each passing
The results of New York's June 20th
primary is but one of several signs that
points to a resurgence of conservatism.
For example, in the Bronx, liberal Re-
publican forces led by Mayor Lindsay
hoped to gain control of party machinery,
but the conservatives rallied to the call
of party boss Paul Fino and elected five
out of seven district chairmen. The two
races they failed to carry were lost be-
cause of technicalities which forced their
candidates' names off the ballot.
Election to a party's district chairman-
ship may not be significant in itself, but
it must be remembered that in 1964 the
Goldwater forces carried the convention
because they held the loyalties of a suffi-
cient number of county and district chair-
men, who controlled the appointments of
convention delegates.
IN THE PAST, the New York Republican
party has been one of the mainstays
of moderate-liberalism within the na-
tional Republican party, producing such
figures as Governor Nelson Rockefeller,
Senators Jacob Javits and Kenneth Keat-
ing, and Mayor John V. Lindsay. New
York Republicans have found that a mix-
ture of fiscal progressivism mixed with
pragmatic liberalism is the formula neces-
sary for political victory in that urbaniz-
ed, predominantly metropolitan state.
However, this formula is about to be
discarded by many of the Republican.
professional politicians in New York. Sen-
ator Jacob Javits, probably the most lib-
eral Senate Republican since Wayne
Morse switched parties, has been falling
out of favor with the conservative ele-
ment of his state party, even though his
popularity among the populace of New.
York is at an all-time high. It has been
rumored that if William F. Buckley, Jr.'s.
name is mentioned for the Republican
mhAT~tt isx mmbe e te ss. a ted . ress and

nominee for Javits' seat, he will gain the
support of a sizable number of district
Needless to say, neither will these
chairmen proclaim theiI loyalty, no less
their support, to Governor Rockefeller or
anyone else whom he supports, such as
Governor Romney..
Rather, they would probably find them-
selves more in line with one of New York's
newest residents-Richard Nixon.
EVER SINCE he moved to his new cam-
paign headquarters-a white marble
building on Pennsylvania Avenue near
the White House-Nixon has emerged as
the favorite to head the Republican tick-
et. Recent Gallup polls show him far
ahead of Governor Romney, leading by
43 per cent to 29 per cent in a multi-can-
didate preferential poll for President.
Furthermore, now that the conserva-
tive wing of the party has become firmly
entrenched, it is unlikely that the Repub-
licans will go with anyone more liberal
than Romney, such as Charles Percy.
Thus the '68 election seems to offer lib-
erals the same lack of alternatives as in
'64: a choice between the lesser of :two
evils. In fact the growing dissention over
the President's Vietnam policy is causing
many Democrats to sit on the sidelines,
and let others run the show. The recent
boycott of the President's fund raising
speech in Los Angeles by Democrats is
evidence of such dissention.
As Arthur Slesinger said, there is a lib-
eral revolution in America approximately
every 10 years. But it certainly isn't going
to be in '68.
Bomrbing Cost
RELATIVE to this picture of the frus-
trations which occur in trying to bomb
a non-industrialized society and a guer-
rilla force into submission are new dis-
closures in the same House hearings on
plane losses. These show a loss of 2,083
planes in Southeast Asia from January
1961 through June 30 of this year (the
last five months being an estimate). Of
these 1,411 were fixed wing planes and 672
helicopters. In dollar terms these losses
probably represent close to $2 billion. Re-

English Composition
~ I wish to acknowledge that I
have gladly accepted Mr. LeRoy
A. Hickel's courageous and honest
apology, printed in this column,
hastening to assure him that I in
no way thought it necessary. His
first letter was clearly a forth-
right expression of disappoint-
ment and frustration with two
English classes that seem to have
been. much poorer than any of us
wants. I hope my colleagues and
I can manage to look a little bet-
ter in the future.
-Sheridan Baker
Professor of English
Communist Threat
In re Mrs. Cook's letter (June 21):
Some of you people don't make
any sense. You are willing to call
the U.S. the aggressor, when it is
the "Communists" who are the
ones that are taking and have
taken over countries by force.
"They" have Cuba, Laos, Rhode
Island, Arizona and now they are
trying for Vietnam...
We cannot help it if Vietnam
is too backward and helpless to
fight its own wars and settle its
own differences. Haven't you ever
heard of the White Man's Burden?
In case most of you have for-
gotten, we offered Vietnam assist-
ance when this whole thing start-
ed. Now if Saigon did not want
our assistance, we would not have
gone ahead and said "Well, buddy,
you've got it anyway" (the U.S.
would never, ever do that!D, but
the fact is that "they" said that
"they" wanted it! . . With the
number of school houses, napalm,
craters and other material things
that we have given Vietnam, all
the people over there do not hate
us! One person cannot speak for
the whole country (unless he rep-
resents the Ky regime and says
things we like). Sure a group of
people feel "that way" about us
over there, but you won't hear the
people of the villages (dead men
tell no tales) who are getting
medical attention, supplies, edu-
cation, new schools, venereal di-
sease and other fun things that
war brings complain about us

over there (over there, over
there, ta ta taa, ta ta taa, over
there) . .
CHINA IS the world's number
one enemy--not the U.S. Look at
all the wars China is fighting
around thesworld, look at the
30Q,000 Chinese troops poised on
the Mexican - American border.
(There's even minced Communism
in many liverwurst sandwiches).
If the U.S. would stop helping
every little country that comes
whimpering to our door asking
for help, we could spend all that
money that we are now spending
on the war, to better our home
difficulties. So let's all support
the war in Vietnam.
I cannot write any more letters
to The Daily, my doctor has told
me to stay away from things that
upset me (reason, logic, etc.-I'm
probably "draft free"). But I will
read the editorials once in a while
to keep reminding myself that I
am an American and I am proud;
and alive . . . for the time being.
-Travis Charbeneau, Grad
A 's Calse
The case of Cassius Clay, or
Mohammed Ali, as he prefers to
be called, will be carried to upper
courts; but it is strange to observe
the lack of interest in most liberals
dedicated to the principles of
civil liberties. Perhaps it is as-
sumed that he is financially well-
heeled or that he is an ignorant
clown who deserves a fate no
worse than is ordinarily meeted
out in our halls of justice.
Conscientious objection to Se-
lective Service is automatically
granted to Quakers and Jehovah's
Witnesses at this point, and the
same automatic exemption should
be granted to the Black Muslim
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened. No unsign-
ed letters will be printed.

Sect, who are, by their tenets of
faith, opposed to national wars.
I can only say that the failure
of the draft boards around the
country to do so lends color to
allegations that this country has
a racist bias.
-Edward Weber
Trade Bill
Senate Leader Mike Mansfield
has announced that the so-called
"East-West Trade" bill is not like-
ly to come before Congress. It is
now clear that the export-import
bill is the Communist-aid proposal
of the year.
What we need is an amendment
to forbid the use of the Export-
Import Bank to finance Red trade.
The bank wants to put the U.S.
taxpayer's credit on the line to
pay off loans to the Soviet bloc
when and if the Reds decide niot
to pay. In effect, the Ex-Im Bank
wants to deliver machinery and
equipment to build the Soviet
bloc's war-making industry, and
then, sometime in the future,
cough up the taxes to reimburse
the bankers (with interest at 5 /
per cent) when the payments come
The fact is, that no commercial
bank will extend credit to the
Soviets unless payment is guaran-
teed by the U.S. Treasury, backed
by the taxpayer. This was brought
out very clearly in the hearings
held by Congress on the big Red
wheat deal of 1963. One banker
testified that "because of the
risk of the Soviets not paying
their bills," U.S. bank examiners
required banks to carry such loans
on their books as "zero" value.
I FEEL that our government
should be opposed to aid of any
kind to enemy nations who are
supplying the Viet Cong with
weapons. I am very much opposed
to the use of our tax dollars by
the Export-Import Bank to guar-
antee loans to Communist nations.
I feel that all patriotic citizens
should write a letter to each of
their two senators and their con-
gressman urging them to insist
on an amendment to the Export-
Import Bank Bill to forbid the
bank guaranteeing such loans.
-Donald E. Van Curler

Liberal hackles have been rising
ever since Students for a Den-
ocratic Society national secretary
Greg Calvert was quoted by The
New York Times as saying, "We
are working to build a guerrilla
force in an urban environment. We
are organizing sedition."
The Times interpreted the state-
ment to mean that SDS and the
rest of the humanitarian New Left
was turning towards "A New Mood
of Violence." The liberal news-
paper went so far as implicate the
student groups by printing next to
the article a story of the National
Rifle Association calling for an
elimination of gun-control legis-
On its surface, the claim that a
minority could effectively hold city
blocks against the national guard
and police is absurd. The objec-
tives that such a force could at-
tain-assuming that the sympa-
thies of the populace were on their
side to begin with-would be too
miniscule and too temporary to be
worth the effort of armed insur-
When then does the phrase "ur-
ban guerrillas," which is not pre-
faced by the word "armed," mean
beyond the liberal press scarecrow
that it has become?
A MORE thorough-going anal-
ysis of the structure and operation
of real guerrilla movements than
the popular press has been willing
to accord reveals some startling
similarities between the tactics
employed by agrarian revolution-
aries in foreign countries and the
tactics in community organization
and draft resistance that are
emerging in this country.
In the wake of numerous "We
Won't Go" clubs that have sprung
up across the country to oppose
the war, feedback has been drift-
ing into the D~aft Resistance
Clearinghouse in Madison, Wis-
consin about sustaining the energy
and enthusiasm of the movement
after the initial appeal has worn
One of the proposals printed in
the Clearinghouse's memo calls for
sustaining the resistance by
"creating viable alternatives for
those men being threatened, build-
ing a strong sense of community
among members, and reaching
large numbers of men effectively."
This proponent is perhaps sway-
ed by the memories of the French
Resistance of the Second World
War. (A form of The Resistance
has been reactivated in Europe,
by the way; several dozen GIs who
have decided to go AWO3L rather
than be sent to Vietnam have been
aided in going into hiding by war
opponents in France and Ger-
The writer of the draft resist-
ance proposals urges that resist-
ance unions follow the structure of
guerrilla bands:
"The small units are composed
of the most dedicated members,
full time workers, part time work-
ers, etc. These liaison men meet
each week to help coordinate ac-
tivity and provide interchange of
main organization as they grad-
uate from peripheral jobs such as
correspondence, typing and so on:
"Each small unit should try to
be as self sufficient as possible and
act as independently as possible,
coordinating activities with other
units by means of liaison men.
Each unit should try to plan and
execute one meaningful action
each week, whether it be a leaf-
letting, picket, obstruction, etc....
"Secrecy, efficiency and effect-
iveness must be achieved. This type
of structure will allow us to enter
into a new dimension from which
we may hope to build a true re-
sistance movement."

Guerrilla tactics as an effective
way of organizing counterinstitu-
tions with the ultimate aim of
revolutionizing and revitalizing
American domestic society could
be dismissed lightly both by those
who have a stake in the preserva-
tion of the status quo and those

who have been searching for pro-
grammatic means of fomenting
the revolution.
But to so dismiss the idea un-
tried is to ignore at one's peril
effective nature of these self-con-
tained, insular units in shaping
forces far larger than themselves.
Change," written with Carl Ogles-
by, Richard Shaull analyzes fur-
ther the revolutionaries' goal in a
highly developed society with a
strongly entrenched establish-
"The strategy and tactics of
revolution today should concen-
trate on the development of a
political equivalent to guerrilla
warfare," he asserts.
Again the emphasis is upon
what 'the tight, coherent organi-
zation can do for the morale of
the revolutionaries, e s p e c i a 11 y
those dedicated to changing the
institutions of a highly organized
society, a task that amounts to
almost a lifetime prospect.
Radicals in the technocratic,
urbanized society have three ma-
jor problems facing them today,
according to Shaull. The first is
the efficacy of working for reform
within the system as opposed to
working outside the institutions
with massive inertia.
Second, the problem of involv-
ing participation of the masses in
the revolutionary process has
plagued revolutions of whatever
stripe. Lastly the fierce opposition
aroused in the establishment
forces by reformers leads to a
potential for conflict resulting ef,
fective suppression of the subver-
sive elements.
A revolutionary movement aim-
ed at correcting social and politi-
cal injustices and the social in-
stitutions that lead to their de-
velopment and sustenance would
profit from organizing along the
model of a decentralized but co-
ordinate guerrilla force.
"In this perspective, the impor-
tant thing is not whether the
group is working for radical
change inside or outside the
structure, but whether or not it
has its own self-identity and base
of operation, a clear definition of
its goals and a relevant plan of
action.. .
"A political strategy that de-
pends on small guerrilla units
cannot succeed unless it is au-
thentically related to the masses
and supported by them; yet it
need not have illusions about
their reliability nor demand more
of them than they ,are prepared
to give.
"By providing an instrument for
the effective use of limited con-
flict, it might make it possible to
avoid an ideology of total con-
flict, and thus save us from the
sort of social disintegration or
total resistance to change on the
part of the established order
which delays the achievement of
the goals of revolution."
Modelling counter - institutions
and counter - movements on the
plan of flexible, co-ordinate, lo-
cally autonomous units has all the
advantages that Shaull cites. The
problem remains of actually or-
ganizing such groups on a mean-
ingful basis to do community or-
ganization, labor and white-collar
union building, draft resistance,
educational counter-institutes and
viable alternatives to a foreign
policy based on control of political
and economic systems. Hopefully,
SDS, the draft resistance unions,
the new politics groups and the
community builders will not let
the liberal scarecrows frighten
them from the task.
* * *
the CIA wrangle: The National
Student Association, which had

acted as a secret recipient of CIA
monies for 15 years before sever-
ing ties, disclosed last week that
the Kaplan Fund, which acted as
a conduit, is now trying to break
the rent-free lease on their Wash-
ington headquarters which has
another 13 years to run.



Is U.S. Intervention Accidental?

There are many good Ameri-
cans who believe that the U.S.
military intrevention in Vietnam
is quite accidental, though re-
grettable. These people believe
that had the U.S. State and De-
fense Departments known about
the complications of the American
commitment in Vietnam, they
would have never have allowed
U.S. marines to land in Vietnam.
But this belief is simply contrary
of the U.S. history, especially U.S.
Marine history. In a book entitled
"Small Wars Manual" published
by the U.S. Marine Corps in 1940,
one can read the following:
"Small wars are operations
undertaken under executive au-
thority, wherein military force is
combined with diplomatic pres-
sure in the internal or external
affairs of another state whose

who personally gives instruc-
tions without action of the Con-
"The history of the United
States shows that in spite of
the varying trend of the foreign
policy of succeeding adminis-
trations, this government has
interposed or intervened in the
affairs of other states with re-
markable regularity, and it may
be anticipated that the same
general procedure will be fol-
lowed in the future.
"During about 85 years of the
last 100 years, the Marine Corps
has been engaged in small wars
in different parts of the world.
The Marine Corps has landed
troops 180 times in 37 countries
from 1800 to 1934. Every year
during the past 36 years since
the Spanish-American War, the

will have thorough knowledge
of the trails, the country, and
the inhabitants and he will have
the inherent abiilty to with-
stand all the natural obstacles,
such as climate and disease, to
a greater extent than the white
man. All these natural advant-
ages, combining primitive cun-
ning and modern armament,
will weigh heavily in the bal-
ance against the advantages of
the Marine forces in organiza-
tion, equipment, intelligence and
"Small wars are conceived in
uncertainty, are conducted often
with precarious responsibility
and doubtful authority under
orders lacking specific instruc-
IN READING these lines, one


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