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June 27, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-27

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TUESDAY', JUNE 2'7, 196




Conference la es

World 'Little Less Dangerou

NEW YORK QP) - President
Johnson and Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin have failed to resolve any
of their differences over such
major world issues as Vietnam and
the Middle East, but they intend
to keep in direct contact on these
and other problems they debated
' in their Glassboro summit con-
The conference ended Sunday
night after the two men had spent
almost 10 hours together in two
days at the small New Jersey town
south of Philadelphia. Both told
a cheering rain-drenched crowd of
their desire to promote peace in
the world.
Koscygin returned to New York
in a helicopter provided by the
President and held a news con-
ference at the United Nations.

There he abandoned the smiling
countenance displayed at Glass-
boro and reverted to familiar So-
viet attacks on Israel in the Middle
East and the United States in
Johnson returned to Washington
and said in a broadcast statement
that "no agreement is readily in
sight on the Middle Eastern crisis,
and our well known differences
over Vietnam continue."
But he added: "I believe it is
fair to say that these days at Hol-
lybush have made the world a
little less dangerous."
Kosygin left New York about
noon yesterday, returning to Mos-
cow-via Cuba-to report in detail
to his Kremlin colleagues on his
talks with Johnson.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
and Foreign Minister Andrei A.

Gromyko, both now in New York,
were left with the hard task of
trying to negotiate sone concrete
accords out of what Johnson called
"the spirit of Hollybush." They
are expected to begin a series of
talks in a day or so.
Hollybush is the name of the
home of President Thomas E. Ro-
binson of Glassboro State College
where Johnson and Kosygin met
on Friday and Sunday.
The major impression left by the
conference was that the two lead-
ers, while failing to resolve any of
their major differences, had at
least demonstrated the intention
to keep their conflicts in bounds
and thus reduce the risk of nuclear
The two leaders took sharply
different lines in their postconfer-
ence statements. Johnson con-

ceded the persistence of disagree-
ments but emphasized his hopes
for the future. Kosygin focused on
his demands for an Israeli roll-
back in the Middle East and re-
newed the Soviet accusation of
U.S. aggression in Vietnam.
Asked whether Johnson would
receive as warm a welcome in the
Soviet Union as Kosygin had re-
ceived at Glassboro, the premier
indicated that Johnson would not
be invited under present condi-
"I believe," he said, "if aggres-
sion were ended and a truly peace-
tul policy were pursued, the wel-
come of President Johnson in the
Soviet Union would be truly cor-
dial indeed."
The premier called the Glass-
boro talks "useful" because they
gave the President and him an op-

portunity to "compare positions on
the questions discussed." He made
no referennce to a point which
Johnson stressed-the chance for
the two to at least talk directly
about their discords.
Referring to Vietnam and the
Arab-Israeli conflict, Johnson
said: "I was very glad to hear the
chairman's views face to face, and
to have a chance to tell him di-
rectly and in detail just what our
purposes and policies are-and are
not-in these particular areas."
"Meetings like these do not
themselves make peace," Johnson
said at another point in his re-
;ort to the nation after returning
to Washington. "We must all re-
member that there have been
many meetings before and they

have not ended all of our troubles
or our dangers.
"But I can also repeat on this
Sunday afternoon another thing
I said on Friday: that it does help
a lot to sit down and look at a
man-right in the eye-and try to
reason with him, particularly if he
is trying to reason with you.
"I said on Friday that the world
is very small and very dangerous..
Tonight I believe it is fair to say
that these days at Hollybush have
made it a little smaller, too, but
also a little less dangerous."
Kosygin's switch from the cor-
diality of the summit meeting to
the hard line of his U.N. speech
a week ago was not wholly un-
expected by Johnson and his ad-
Some officials had suggested
privately prior to the second round
of talks Sunday that the premier

might consider it necessary to do
so because of his Arab and Chinese
The Chinese Communist have
long accused the Soviet Union of
conspiring with the United 'States
to undercut North Vietnam and to
abandon the interests of the
Arabs. The Arabs had been re-
ported critical and fearful of any'
Kosygin talks with Johnson.
In his news conference Kosyginj
stuck rigidly to his insistence that'
a precondition of any general
settlement in the Middle East
'must be Israeli withdrawal of
troops from conquered Arab ter-
He again accused Israel of ag-
gression and said it should have
to pay damages. Johnson has said
troop pullbacks must be arranged
as part of a peace settlement.

Kosygin said a settlement
Vietnam is possible "only on I
basis of stopping the bombing a
withdrawal of United Sta
troops." When he was as1
whether he foresaw early steps
end the war, he replied:
wouldn't say that."
On a proposal by Johnson
U.S.-Soviet talks to avoid an e
panded nuclear arms race for an
ballistic missile system,nKosyg
said the Soviet Union is interest
in talking about general disarm.
ment. He gave no encourageme
to U.S. hopes for action in th
Both Johnson and Kosygin
ported progress in work on
treaty to check the spread of r
clear weapons to nations th
don't have them. But this hb
been reported in advance of t
Glassboro conference.

Hussein Says
Peace Needs
Land Return
Albania Accuses
Johnson Kosygin
Of Domination Plot
' sein of Jordan, his country reel-
ing under the impact of Israel's
military blitz, said yesterday that
only a return of Arab territory
will keep the Middle East from
being engulfed in hostilities for
years to come.
The handsome monarch, 32, ad-
dressed the emergency session of
the 122-nation General Assembly.
Earlier it had heard Albania de-
nounce Soviet Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin as a traitor to the Arab
Albania is regarded as the voice
of non-member Red China in the
UN and Peking accuses Moscow
of letting the Arabs down in the
Mideast crisis.
Nesti Nase, the Albanian foreign
minister, accused Kosygin of
hatching a plot with President
Johnson aimed at world domina-
"Down with the Kosygin-John-
son plot," cried Nase, who spoke
as Kosygin left New York for
Havana at the end of a nine-day
visit that included a two-session
summit meeting with Johnson at
Glassboro, N.J.
Hussein delivered an emotional
appeal for condemnation of Is-
rael by the United Nations and a
demand for return of land seized
in Jordan, Syria and Egypt.
He was given an almost solid
minute of thunderous applause by
Communist, Arab and many As-
ian-African delegates. The United.
States, Britain and Israel did not
Speaking in English the king
conceded his army was no match.
for Israel's armed forces, Hussein
got his military training at Sand-
hurst, the British equivalent of
West Point.
He declared the Israeli attack
on the Arab states could be com-
pared with the sneak attack by
the Japanese on Pearl Harbor.
"That Jordan was unable to
cope with it is a fact that I will
regret all of my life," he said.
He predicted that Jordan,
"ground down by sorrow at the
moment will rise again with all
the Arab nations. It is apparent
we have not yet learned well
enough how to use weapons of
modern warfare but we shall if
we have to."
W orld
By The Associated Press
Force fighter plane strayed over
Red China air space early yester-
day and apparently was shot down
by Communist aircraft, the Penta-
gon reported. The incident, it was
indicated, was caused by bad
weather that created navigational
Two pilots aboard the plane,
en route from Clark Field in the
Philippines to Da Nang, Vietnam,
were picked up unharmed by a
Navy helicopter.
of State Dean Rusk and Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
t myko plan a summit session fol-
low-up meeting tonight, diplomat-
ic sources said yesterday.
Tusk canceled his afternoon UN
appointments-including a date
with Yugoslavia's foreign minister
--to hurry to Washington.

A spokesman declined to give
Rusk's reason for going to Wash-
ington, but his timing coincided
with some administration briefings
of congressmen on the Glassboro
summit conferences.
Clark (D-Pa) proposed yesterday

Kosygin Met U.S. IMPLICATED:
By Castro, Two Syrian Majors Executed
No Crowds For Alleged Plot on Regime

JORDAN'S KING HUSSEIN yesterday addressed the emergency session of the United Nations Gen-
eral Assembly and called for withdrawal of Israeli troops from captured territory and a condemna-
tion of Israel as the aggressor in the recent Mideast war.


U.S. Split on Bombing North;
Few Major Targets Remain

U.S. officials are beginning to
think the air war against North
Vietnam is yielding diminishing
gains while toughened ground de-
fenses are raising the price in U.S.
The Air Force and Navy were
authorized last Feb. 22 to start
hitting what one military source
called "more lucrative targets" of
an industrial and economic na-
Now there are not many major
targets left untouched. Yet the
North Vietnamese continue to
push their war effort in South
Vietnam without any apparent let-
Certain officials believe it
might be' a good idea to limit the
bombing essentially to the supply
routes running south through the
narrow neck of North Vietnam and
to cut down strikes against heavily
defended industrial-type targets in
the Hanoi and Haiphong areas.
But other authorities argue that
to do so would result in swelling

the volume of supplies and equip-
ment to Communist forces in
South Vietnam.
Those holding this general view
say the Communists have been
emplacing many more antiaircraft
guns in the 150-mile long North
Vietnamese panhandle, and that
concentrating attacks there would
not likely reduce the toll of U.S.
Moreover, they contend that
the movement of material should
be interdicted not only at the low-
er end of the funnel but at the top
where it enters the infiltration
pipeline. Officials inclined toward
a slowdown in the air war are not
all civilians. Some military men
also have doubts about the ef-
fectiveness of the bombing.
And those favor at least con-
tinuing the present level of air
strikes-and possibly an inten-
sification-are not all military.
It is known, however, that the
Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously
and vigorously oppose any easing
off of the air attacks on Commu-
nist military in North Vietnam.

Many bombed facilities have
been rebuilt or put back in shape
for at least limited use. So U.S.
raiders make repeated returns to
hit them again.
North Vietnam's biggest iron
and steel complex, the Thai
Nguyen steel mill 38 miles north
of Hanoi, is reported to be com-
pletely out of production. But it
took at least 10 raids to achieve
One of three major MIG jet
fields has been bombed and
strafed at least nine times. But
military officers do not claim that
the Kep base, 37 miles northeast of
Hanoi, is out of action. They have
seen too many examples of North
Vietnamese ability to make quick
The most important targets still
untouched are Haiphong harbor
and three MIG fields in the Ha-
noi-Haiphong area.
It is U.S. policy to spare Hai-
phong harbor andeits approaches
rrom attack for fear that raids
might force the Soviet Union into
a confrontation with the United
The military chiefs long have
urging closed Haiphong through
which an estimated two-thirds of
North Vietnam's military and
civilian imports are channeled,
much of it in Soviet ships.
The Communists claimed again
this spring that U.S. planes bomb-
ed dikes in the Red River Valley.
If the dike system were wiped
out, great areas of rice-growing
land would be flooded and spoiled,
but not even the most hawk-like
advocates of punishing North
Vietnam advocate thus striking
at the civilian food supply.

Trip to Cuba First
By Soviet Premier;
Surprises Cubans
HAVANA ( )-Soviet Premier,
Alexer N. Kosygin flew to Cubaj
yesterday for talks with Prime;
Minister Fidel Castro on problems
of the Western Hemisphere's only
Communist nation.
Castro was at the airport, butj
there was no crowd or fanfare as]
Kosygin arrived from a nine-day
visit to the United States, where
he championed the Arab cause at
the United Nations and met twice
with President Johnson in sum
mit sessions at Glassboro, N.J.
The visit to Cuba is the first
for a Soviet premier and it was
a surprise for most Cubans. There
had been no announcement of his
coming and no special prepara-
tions appeared to have been made
to get people out for welcoming
After posing for photographs
Castro and Kosygin got into a
black sedan and drove off.
Among officials welcoming Ko-
sygin were Cuban President Osval-,
do Dorticos, Foreign Minister Paul
Roa and members of the Central
Uommittee of the Cuban Commu-
nist party. Communist block dip-
lomats were also on hand.
Cuban officials declined to say
how long Kosygin would remain.
Before Kosygin's trip, the high-
est ranking Soviet official to visit
Cuba was First Deputy Premier
Anastas I. Mikoyan, who came
here in 1962 folowing the U.S.-
Soviet crisis over Russian missiles
in Cuba. The Russians withdrew
the missiles after communications
between President John F. Ken-
nedy and Premier Nikita Khrush-
The Kosygin visit comes only a
week after Cuba was indicted by
the Organization of American
States for landing an invasion
force in Venezuela last May.
"Everything we have done here
was in the name of peace," Kosy-
gin declared just before his white
Ilyushin turboprop airliner soared
out of Kennedy Airport and head-
ed south in a bright blue summer
Kosygin, now 63, displayed
warmth and cordiality in his final
meeting with American newsmen.
But when they asked him if he
had invited President Johnson to
visit the Soviet Union, Kosygin's
countenance became impassive
and he replied: "First of all, I
think we should have a relieving
of tensions in the world."
Thus Kosygin seemed to under-
line what the world already knew,
that neither he nor President
Johnson had retreated from stated
and conflicting positions on Viet-
nam and the Middle East. The two
world leaders met for more than
10 hours Friday and Sunday in
Glassboro, N.J.
However, Kosygin repeated his
opinion, concurred in by John-
son, that the Glassboro talks had
been "useful."

DAMASCUS, Syria (/P) - Two'
Syrian army majors who returned
from exile during the recent war
with Israel were executed by a
firing squad at daybreak yester-
day. They were accused of taking
part in a U.S. plot to bring down
Syria's Socialist regime.
They were Salim Hatoum, lead-
er of an attempt to overthrow the
government last September, and
his chief assistant in that enter-
prise, Badr Jumma. They fled to
Jordan when that coup collapsed.
Their presence in Jordan helped
to strain relations with Syria, and
the account of their trial included
a charge that they were to make
a comback by organizing rebels in
Arrested on Return
The two were arrested June 10
on their return to Syria at the
height of the frontier war with
Reports from Beirut, Lebanon,
said the two returned voluntarily
to fight the Israelis under a Sy-
rian amnesty for political of-
Reporting their execution, Al
Baath, newspaper of Syria's rul-
ing Socialist Baath party, said a
special military tribunal found
the pair guilty of high treason
and sentenced them to death.
The two majors, in their early
30s, went on trial last Friday.
Earlier broadcasts by Damascus
radio said the pair pleaded guilty
to "sneaking back to Syria" to
overthrow the Baathist regime
and install a pro-U.S. government
of right-wing politicians in Da-
They were quoted as naming the
United States as the master-mind
of the plot and Britain and West
Germany as accomplices.
The radio said the two majors
at the trial outlined the mechanics
of the plot this way:
A terror campaign of sabotage
throughout the country and mass
assassination of senior Baath
party leaders.
Attack Border
An attack across they southern
Syrian border by an invasion force
recruited and trained in Jordan.
In working out details of the
plot the two were quoted as testi-
fying they had been in constant
touch in Amman, Jordan's capi-
tal, with U.S., British and West
German intelligence agents.

The pair received instructions
to move to Syria and set the plot
in motion when the Middle East
war erupted, they were quoted as
"The timing of the plot was
based on the assumption the war
would minimize Syria's resistance,
but when this did not materialize
the two traitors tried to flee back
to Jordan but were quickly appre-

hended by Syrian authoriti
Damascus radio said.
Hatoum was a member of
Moslem Druze minority, a sect
dissident Moslems living in sou
ern Syria and Lebanon. He i
merly commanded Syrian ar
commando units. His brother, A
Hatoum, is said to be an offi
in a Druze unit serving in
Israeli army.

Egyptian Cotton Infested;
Failure Threatens Econon

CAIRO ()-Disaster threaten-
ing Egypt's cotton-the most im-
portant factor in the economy-
sent the nation into a virtual state
of emergency yesterday.
Less than three weeks after the
Middle East war ended in a mili-
tary debacle, Egypt was fighting
an uphill battle against large-
scale leafworm infestation of its
vital cotton, A European expert
said the pest was advancing across
Egypt's fields at lightning speed.
Authorities reported a country-
wide check had established that
fields were stricken by the worst
cotton leafworm invasion in 15
years. At the same time, they ad-
mitted their stocks of insecticide
were practically exhausted. j
The threat to the cotton crop'
came at a time when the coun-
try's economy was already reeling
under other serious blows. With
the closing of the Suez Canal and
the slump in foreign tourists, cot-
ton is the last source of hard
Around Clock
Sayed Marei, newly appointed
minister of agriculture, announced
his office was working around the
clock to coordinate the fight
against the pest.
Armies of children were roam-
ing the fields to remove the
worm's egg clusters by hand from
the plants. European sources said
they were trailing badly in their
efforts in many areas, but Egyp-
tian newspapers said the hand-
picking campaign was successful.
Twenty farmers were stripped
of their plots by authorities, who
charged them with negligence in

combating leafworm. The plots
had been given to them under the
land-reform program.
Authorities warned growers that
there would be more expropria-
tions unless they cooperated fully
in the fight against the pest.
During the' next two critical
months, the fight will have to
rely almost entirely on handpick-
ing, with insecticides to be applied
only in the most extreme cases.
Mostly Imported
The insecticides are mostly im-
ported against hard currency from
Western countries. West Germany
is a major supplier and is one of
the countries against which the
Arab states are considering a
total boycott.
It was recalled that during the
last serious infestation in 1961,
an airlift was sent to speed emer-
gency supplies of insecticides
from Europe.
The total crop then was 1.37
million U.S. bales.
A record harvest of about 2.22
million bales was produced in
1964. Production dropped in sub-
sequent years, but a 25 per cent
increase in export prices left total
value of sales abroad unchanged
at $350 million a year.
Most of the cotton exports go
to Soviet-bloc countries, partly
to pay for arms shipments. Ex-
ports to hard-currency countries
in the last fiscal year total $75.9
This last figure is equivalent to
almost two-thirds of Egypt's es-
timated total of gold and foreign
exchange reserves before the
fighting with Israel began.

- News Roundup

William McChesney Martin, Jr.
of the Federal Reserve Board said
yesterday prompt action by Con-
gress to raise taxes is essential if
the nation is to avoid another
round of inflation.
And Martin said he is prepared
to support an even higher tax
increase than the six per cent sur-
charge'on individual and corpor-
ate income taxes which President
Johnson proposed last January.
* * *
NEW ORLEANS - William H.
Gurvich quit yesterday as chief
investigator for Dist. Atty. Jim
Garrison and said Garrison's case
against Clay L. Shaw should be
Garrison has charged Shaw,j
wealthy retired New Orleans busi-'
nessman, with conspiracy to mur-
der President John F. Kennedy.
Gurvich went to the district at-
torney's office and tried to see
Garrison. He was physically bar-
red by Louis A. Ivon, an investi-,
Gurvich told The New York
Times Sunday he had "grave mis-
givings" about Garrison's inquiry

Press officer Carl Bartch de-
clined to comment directly on
statements attributed to Ky.
But Bartch said the United
States has declared time and
again its willingness to have a
negotiated settlement of the Viet-
nam war.
NEW YORK-Poet-satirist Dor-
othy Parker left the bulk of her
estate to the Rev. Martin Luther
King, Jr. and the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, it was disclosed
Miss Parker's will, filed in Sur-
rogate's Court Monday, named
King as the beneficiary of cash,
negotiable securities and the in-
come from a trust fund derived
from copyrights, royalties and
contract rights on her writings.
* * *
-Oregon Gov. Tom McCall warn-
ed liberal and moderate Republi-
cans yesterday that California's
Ronald Reagan is "about the hot-
test piece of political property"
in the nation and could be on
the march toward the 1968 Repub-
lican residential1 nomination.

Pope Makes Cardinals
Of 4 American Prelates

VI made cardinals of four Ameri-
can prelates and 23 others yester-
day in a consistory bringing Ro-
man Catholicism's church princes
to a record 118.
In his consistory speech, the
pontiff lamented the Vietnam and
Middle East wars, called for in-
ternationalization of Jerusalem
through a "guaranteed statute,"
and for a just solution to the
Palestinian refugee problem.

based Francis Cardinal Brennan,
a native of Pennsylvania.
There would have been nine
U.S. cardinals, but Joseph Elmer
Cardinal Ritter of St. Louis died
June 10, after the Pope had named
his new choices.
The senior American cardinals
are Francis Spellman of New
York, James McIntyre of Los
Angeles, Richard Cushingof Bos-
ton, and Lawrence Shehan of
The Pope spoke in the closed

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