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June 10, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-10

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Yl t e

B tt iAan

Da itl

Variable winds,

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Nasser Resigns Office;
Assembly Rejects Move





Cease -Fire


By The Associated Press
The future role of Egyptian
President Gamel Abdel Nasser re-
mained in doubt as early today
the Egyptian National Assembly
refused to accept his resignation.
In an emotional address to the
Egyptian people yesterday Nasser
announced that he was abandon-
ing "completely and forever" all
the functions of office under the
impetus of total military disaster.
An estimated 100,000 Egyptians
shouting, "Nasser! Nasser!" crowd-j
,; ed around his home, urging that

he stay on. Then, 32 hours after
his broadcast, Cairo radio came on
with a statement from Nasser
saying that it was up to the Na-
tional Assembly, and urging the
people to be patient until today.
Early today the National As-
sembly, which often has rubber-
stamped Nasser's proposals, voted
to insist that he stay.
It said: "What has been accom-
plished recently on the national,
Arab, international level is a pic-
ture so dignified that no setback

HARLAN HATCHER, University president, will deliver the
commencement address at Eastern Michigan University this
morning. An honorary degree of doctor of humane letters will be
conferred upon him. A record number of 1,104 students will re-
ceive degrees in the school's 114th graduation ceremony.
A "SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL RALLY" intended to "marshal
the resources of the local community to provide financial assist-
ance" to Israel will be held tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in the Ann
Arbor High School main auditorium. Featured speakers include:
Philip Slomovitz, editor and publisher of the Detroit Jewish News;
Brigadier General- S.L.A. Marshall, Detroit columnist and noted
military analyst, and Abraham Kaplan, University professor of
Other University participants are William Haber, dean of
the literary college and Keeve Siegel, professor of engineering.
They will co-chairman the event, which is sponsored by the
United Jewish Appeal Israel Emergency Fund Campaign Com-
"This response to the crisis is seen as a reflection of the uni-
versal desire for peace and the feeling that the preservation of a
strong democratic Israel is essential for world peace," explained
rally chairman Charles Gelman.
DR. THEODORE TAPPAN, member of a three-man medical
team which recently selected 13 injured Vietnamese children to
be brought to the United States for treatment, will give a report
of his work tonight at 8 p.m. at the Newman Center.
The Philadelphia pediatrician is a member of Committee of
' Responsibility, Inc., sponsors of his talk. The committee is a
national organization of physicians and laymen established to
provide medical treatment in the United States for those Viet-
namese children whose war injuries cannot be adequately treated
in Vietnam. Members care for the children on a voluntary basis.
A PROGRAM TO STUDY race relations and civil rights pro-
grams in the North and South will be undertaken by social re-
searchers at the University and at Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee,
Ala. Financed by a Ford Foundation grant, the research program
will deal with social, economic, and educational problems of
Negroes resulting from, discrimination and poverty. The Uni-
versity's portion of funds-$98,530-will be directed by Irwin
Katz, professor of psychology and a member of the Center for
M Research on Conflict Resolution.
Tuskegee's research will be led by Edgar Epps, on leave from
his post as research associate at the Institute for Social Research.
University faculty members will also provide whatever technical
and consultative services are needed at Tuskegee in connection
with research design, sampling, training of interviewers and
data processing.

can affect it. It is a picture that
can be completed under your
"The people have stressed they
do not agree with you and it al-
ways has been your practice to
accept the people's will," said the
No setback can effect Egypt's
work, it said, and that work "can
be completed under your leader-
Different from Now
The statement was addressed by
the assembly directly to Nasser.
Whatever the outcome of this
pulling and hauling, observers in
Cairo concluded that any new
government emerging from the
crisis would have some degree of
difference from the old one, Nas-
ser or not. His leadership of the
Arab world as a whole was crum-
bling, for the time being at least,
whatever the Egyptians decided
about him.
In the first broadcast Nasser
had designated one of his four
vice presidents and "my friend,"
Zakaria Mohieddin, to take over
the presidency. Cairo radio then
told its listeners to expect a
statement from Mohieddin.
Return to Normal
Instead it broadcast Nasser's
second statement.
He asked the people to return
to their normal duties "because
there are many duties connected
with responsibilities more sacred
than anything else, and which
have priority over other consider-
"I call on you, for the sake of
the nation and for my sake, that
everyone should return to the
place where he should be," the
president's statement said.
Several Resignations
Shortly after the original an-
nouncement the Middle East News
Agency, a semiofficial operation,
said Egypt's commander in chief,
Field Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer,
who held one of the vice presi-
dencies, also had resigned. It re-
ported also the resignation of
Gen. Shamseddin Badran, defense
Nasser conceded to his people
that Egypt had suffered a dan-
gerous setback in the war, and
said he assumed total responsibil-
ity for the results.
He called for the Egyptians to
stand firmly and solidly with the
Arab nations to recoup and said
they would be able "to erase the
traces of this aggression in spite
of this setback." He said the set-
back could be overcome with
"patience, wisdom, courage and
Dramatic Resignation
Nasser had prepared listeners
for his dramatic resignation when
he said at the beginning of his
speech that the near future re-
quired "a lot of wisdom, courage
and a capability to act" after the
nation's setback.
He said Egypt bore the brunt
of the Israeli attack.
"The nature of the desert did
not permit us to put up a com-
plete defense line because of the
enemy air superiority," he said.

Israel Enters Syria;
Damascus Attackied
Syrians Vow Continued Struggle;
Fighting Ends Along Egypt Front
By The Associated Press
Damascus radio announced this morning-more than five hours
after Syria agreed to a cease-fire in the United Nations-that it was
releasing all political prisoner; from jail to join in the continuing
battle against Israel.
The announcement said the ruling Baath Socialist party's deci-
sion to release political prisoners would go into effect immediately.
Earlier both Israel and Syriac }

-Associated Press
Dr. George J. Tomeh, left; Syrian ambassador to the UN, talks with his Soviet counterpart, Nikolai
T. Fedorenko, prior to the Security Council meeting yesterday. The Council demanded that hostil-
ities between Israel and Syria "cease forthwith."
Anti-=U.S. Feeling Increases
Declares Vietnam Expert


Anti-American sentiment among
the people of South Vietnam is
growing at an increased rate as
the United States prolongs the
war, Alfred Hassler, executive sec-
retary of the Fellowship of Rec-
onciliation, said here last night.
People are being driven against
their will into the arms of the
Communists because they see no
alternative but to support the
United States, and this they will
not do," he explained.
Hassler said the general belief
held in Vietnam is that the Unit-
ed States is obsessed by Commu-
nist China, and is in Vietnam
principally in preparation for a
war with China.
Hassler's speech was co-spon-
sored by the Women's Internation-
al League for Peace and Freedom
and the Interfaith Committee for
a Conference on Religion and
He noted that the "war psychos-
is" currently gripping the United
States obscures the fact that there

is an alternative to the dilemma
presented by the increased polari-
zation of the Vietnamese into
either the Communist or the Ky-
United States camps. This alter-
native is provided by the Bud-
dhists, he said.
Hassler is reputed to be the only
Westerner in the last two years
to whom Vietnamese Buddhist
leaders have freely expressed their
feelings. He said that after his last
visit to South Vietnam, in Febru-
ary of this year, he became con-
vinced that the Buddhists offer a
solution to the war which would
be "far more consistent with our
own national values."

The Buddhists are not unaware
of the dangers involved in this
plan, said Hassler. But they be-
lieve that the combination of the
great war weariness of the Viet-
namese people, the sense of na-
tional unity that does exist and
the identification of the people
with Buddhism itself are enough
to produce a reasonably strong,
stable government.
Hassler said that a continuation
of present policies would end the
war eventually "either in total an-
nihilation of the people and
country of Vietnam or a major
cataclysm involving all the world
powers in nuclear war, or both."

continued fighting, even though
the two nations had agreed to
abide by a UN plea unanimously
passed by the Security Council
Thursday afternoon.
Israeli troops invaded Syria,
charging Syria had shelled Israel's
positions. Fighting raged along the
sea about 50 miles southwest of
Damascus, the Syrian capital,
while artillery duels broke out
southward along the valley of the
Jordan River.
Damascus came under aerial at-
tack, and the Syrian radio de-
clared one plane was shot down.
'Fight to Death'
Nureddine Atassi, Syrian head
of state, called on'the people "to
fight until death in the face of
the foreign aggressors." He asked
them "to turn the world into an
inferno in the face of the in-
Syria carried a complaint of
"Israeli aggression" to the Se-
curity Council. But Israel declared
Syria "was continuing military
operations" in violation of the
By daylight today the Syrian
government radio had made no
mention of reports from the Unit-
ed Nations about the cease-fire.
It continued to harangue its list-
eners: "Kill, burn and destroy."
Crowded With Opponents
The radio did not give the num-
ber of prisoners affected by the
ruling. Syria's jails are crowded
with opponents of the extremist
Baath regime, many of them mil-
itary officers.
Before the guns quieted along
the Egyptian front on the Suez
Canal, Cairo accused Israel of at-
tacking Egyptian forces west of
the canal. Israel in turn said
Egyptians attacked east of the
Suez Canal and were thrown back.
This apparently was opposite Is-
mailia, Egyptian port in the ca-
nal's center.
The commander of a Jordanian
army hospital at Amman had an-
grily told newsmen earlier that
Israeli planes had dropped napalm
on hundreds of military and civil-
ian targets.
The Syrian government a little
earlier claimed that Israelis were
dropping paratroopers behind the
Syrian lines on missions of sabo-
Egyptian Ambassador Mohamed
A. el-Kony said that "only a few
hours ago" and while the Secur-
ity Council was meeting earlier
in the day, "many parts of the
United Arab Republic, notably
Cairo, have been under Israeli air
bombardment," but Israel's Am-
bassador -Gideon Rafael vigorous-
ly denied it.

Council Again
Seeks Slop
To Fighting
By The Associated Press
Security Council adjourned last
night without receiving word that
Israel and Syria had ended hostil-
ities in the Middle East. The
United States called for effective
UN machinery to enforce its
cease-fire demands.
In other diplomatic develop-
O Leaders of seven Soviet-bloc
countries met secretly in Moscow
yesterday and said they are ready
to help Arab nations "administer
a resolute rebuff" to Israel if Is-
raeli troops are not withdrawn
behind the 1948 armistice lines.
Israeli Aggression
A statement on the summit
meeting charged that the Middle
East trouble was caused by Israeli
aggression in collusion with the
United States and other nations.
"If the government of Israel
does not stop the aggression and
withdraw its troops behind the
truce lines," the statement de-
clared, "the Socialist states which
signed this statement will do
everything necessary to help the
peoples of Arab countries to ad-
minister a resolute rebuff to the
0 In Washington Secretary of
State Dean Rusk said the United
States should work on the Middle
East and Vietnam problems "one
at a time," rather than trying to
roll them into one diplomatic ball
of wax.
Rusk gave this view as he emer-
ged from a two-hour question-
and-answer session with 'the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee.
Some senators have expressed
hope that the U.S.-Soviet coopera-
tion in reaching a cease-fire in the
Middle East would lead to similar
cooperation in ending the war in
The Security Council adjourned
until 10:30 a.m. today with the
hope of getting additional infor-
mation from the battle area.
The Soviet Union pressed a re-
quest upon Secretary-General U
Thant to make contact with UN
observers in the area of the fight-
ing between Syria and Israel to
determine the facts of the situ-
ation, and to report ,back to the
council within half an hour.

Identification Cards for Fall
Use Social Security Numbers

Local School Board Candidates Debate
Mill Increase, Discrimination Question

."Many universities are now
using social security numbers for
student identification purposes.
The social security number is
more unique, like a person's
Thomas C. Turner, director of
statistical services explained that
this was one line of reasoning be-
hind the University's decision to
issue new student identifications
cards this fall.

refuse to acquire social security
The embossed, maize cards have
been planned for almost a year,
according to Turner. The new
cards are just another in a series
of previous identification cards,
which at one time even featured
photgraphs of the students.
IThe current cards were intro-
duced in 1961, and were the first
to utilize the "charge-plate" style
of embossed letters and digits.
The current blue identification
cards will not be collected, but will
be declared invalid at the begin-
ning of the fall semester.


Second of Two Parts
An indication of where the sev-
en candidates for Monday's School
Board election stand was provid-
ed by a "candidates night" held
earlier this week.
According to the moderator, the
candidates represented a fairly
broad range of attitudes, inter-
ests and ideologies.
The essence of the position tak-
en by the three candidates spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor Teachers'
Association (AATA) was best con-
veyed by Joseph T. A. Lee's com-
ment, "I'm not saying what has
been done in the past is right
or wrong, but let us do what is
right in the future."
The position of the opposing
candidates was typified by Paul
H. Johnson, who remarked, "Our
children must receive the best ed-
ucation within our cost limit. We
cannot sacrifice the quality of ed-

teachers from the staff of the
school system."
Lewis, who is running with
him, said that as the only candi-
date against raising the millage,
he had the only alternative solu-
tion. He said .e opposes It because
it is "contrary to the wishes of
the voters" and said that the
teachers would be given a 17 per
cent raise if "not a mill were
Lee commented that "if the
people who devised the idea of
raising the millage had been po-
litically astute, they would have
asked for 12 mills and then came
down to 5%/2 which is what they
need." He said this tactic of mak-
ing everything seem to depend on
the millage issue is "an effort to
penalize the teachers in order to
penalize the school board."
Good Faith
A related issue, that of financ-
ing the proposed new Huron High
School, was also raised. Lewis said

board's budget. The document ac-
tually was a budget summary, not
the 106 page detailed item used
by the school trustees.
Curby denied that busing solved
anything except a numbers prob-
lem. He also deplored destroying
the neighborhood school and op-
posed reopening Jones School
which had been predominantly
The relationship between the
H u m a n Relations Commission
(HRC) and the schools and the
recent controversy aroused by the
tactics used by HRC staff mem-
bers in an investigation of Ann
Arbor High School's Cooperative
Occupational Training Program
appeared to be the hottest issues
aside from the millage question.
Johnson condemned the HRC
as a propaganda organ. Curby
opposed anything that was "un-
American" and said that he would
bring the problem to public atten-

to recruit and then hire on the
basis of ability.
The amount of attention that
should be paid to non-college
bound students was another point
of contention dividing the candi-
dates into two main camps. Good
summed up the philosophy of the
liberal candidates. He said that
"attitudes should be changed and
programs instituted to permit stu-
dents to go on to a broad range
of non-college occupations," and
"the biggest problem is that it is
considered low status not to go
on to college."
The conservative group express-
ed a desire to re-orient the educa-
tional system along different lines.
For example, regarding the Uni-
fied Studies Program Lewis stated
that, "this is a tragic misuse of
time in the seventh grade. History
should be labeled history and not
disguised under progressive soci-
alism. We must return to teaching

The new identification numbers
i will consist of the student's social
security number, followed by a
check digit. This check digit will
help to circumvent clerical errors,
since a programmed computer
would note any inconsistencies
within the numbers.
Detected Immediately
Using this method coding errors,
incomplete numbers, transposition
of digits and similar mistakes can
be detected immediately.
A further advantage of the new
cards will be the elimination of the
need for registration certificates.
At the bottom of the cards will be
term validation spaces, which will
be stamped during each registra-
Students without social security
numbers will be given "officially
assigned" numbers containing the
same number of digits as a social
security number. The initial three
digits will be zeros to distinguish
them from actual social security
Assigned Numbers
All students who did not enter
a social security number on their

An Auction for the Love of an Airplane:
Winged Art by Manupelli Sold in NYC

Special To The Daily
NEW YORK CITY-At 10 p.m.
Thursday Charles Allsopp from
Christie's of London started to
auction off three gigantic model
airplanes together with a number
of other sundry lots. The place
was artist, Robert Rauschenberg's
New York studio. The occasion
was sponsored by a group called
Experiments in Art and Technol-
ogy. And the planes had been
built by Professors George Manu-
pelli and Joseph Wehrer of the

cowling assembly and is powered
by the conventional twisted-rub-
ber technique.
Dr. Manupelli writes in the
catalogue that these models with
their 18 feet wingspan are "made
of pine, uncovered and designed
as outdoor sculpture ,thatweather
gradually and gracefully with
Curiosity or some genuine ef-
fort to find aesthetic meaning in
these model - airplane - sculptures
brought most of the visitors to
+1-. Pvhhi4+4 n WNrwcna flr Pa on

From Robert Rauschenberg we
understood that he would like to
own a plane for his roof, which
when decorated with foliage and
reptiles would provide a pleasant
roofscape for the passing heli-
Nothing, so far, had been sug-
gested as an aesthetic rationale
for these artifacts. Either you like
them or you don't.
As the time for the aution ap-
proached the studio began to fill
up with a typical cross-section of
avant-guard art devotees: the

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