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June 02, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-02

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FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1967




Open Fire
on Israelis
Arabs Say Helicopter
Violated Airspace;
UN Appeal Planned
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM - Arab Jordan
said it opened fire on an Israeli
helicopter and- Israel reported
gunfire from the Jordanian side f' '
yesterday as the Middle East tee-
tered on a perilous brink .
Jordan said its guns in the
Jordanian sector of divided Jeru- .. >.
salem fired on a helicopter that <>
violated its airspace.
Israel reported several bursts of
light-arms fire from the Jordan-
Ian side late in the afternoon, one
b'urst hitting a house on the Israeli
No casualties were reported.
Both sides complained to the
United Nations Mixed Armistice
New Minister
As war fever intensified, Israel
named Moshe Dayan, the 52-year- AN ISRA
old hero of Israel's 1956 military current P
triumph over Egypt, to direct the threatens
Defense Ministry. outlet to
The appointment of Dayan, a
political ally of former Prime
Minister David Ben-Gurion, fol-
lowed several days of intense ses- s
sions by Prime Minister Levi Es-
kol's Cabinet probing proposals
national unity framework.M
The great powers eyed the 4
crisis warily.
The U.S aircrift carrier Intre- B A ]
pid, with 78 jet fighters aboard,
steamed southeast through the The wor
breath, for
Red Sea last night on a voyage other shoe
that threatened to raise 'tempera- they have
tures in the crisis. tinction of
Israeli leaders debated, whether factor hold:
Israel should stand still while irrevocable
Egypt blockaded the Gulf of nations wo
Aqaba or depend on its allies, such omic dama
as the United States, to work out The shoe
a solution to the crisis. from a Mid
Dayan's appointment could in- severe in a
dicate the influence of those who by political
sought action rather than waiting. mass pover
n wang.Each tim
The focus of the Arab-Israeli selves invol
crisis was tightened further on tend to da
the Gulf of Aqaba with a report omic futuri
that ,a British freighter, the Bi- is' far less
iou,hwas approaching Port Said sources of
at the northern end of the Suez when the
Canal with general cargo for the
Israeli port of Elath, at the north D
end of the gulf. In the n
Egyptian officials were reported tries-Iraq,
ready to board the ship at Port Arabia-gov
Said and confiscate any strategic oil for 90 1
goods destined for Israel. foreign excl
Meanwhile, the Middle East their total
crisis provoked demonstrations 95 per cent
and pledges of support in behalf change com
of both the Arabs and the Israelis cent of its 1
yesterday in widely separated is even hig
parts of the world. Egypt, tot

From Britain and Sweden carne though it is
reports of volunteers lining up to About 75
rally to Israel's cause. From Arab Egypt colle
areas came offers of help to the its chief s
other side and mass demonstra- change, con
tions in support of an Arab cru- From Ku
sade against Israel. nouncement




7U.S. Seeks

Levy's Judge Overrules
Medical Ethics Defense


--Associated Press
AELI TORPEDO BOAT patrols the coast of Israel yesterday in the Gulf of Aqaba. The
Middle East crisis was touched off las week when Egyptian President Gamel Abdul Nasser
ed to close the Gulf to Israeli shipping. A qaba provides the small state of Israel with its only
the Red Sea.
si ble Loss of Oil Revenues
y Act as Restraint on Arabs

ed Press News Analyst
ld waits, holding its
the Arabs to drop the
and start the holy war
threatened for the ex-
f Israel. Perhaps one
ing them back from an
plunge is that Arab
uld suffer severe econ-
ck to Arab economies
ddle East war would be
n area already plagued
problems arising from
le the Arabs get them-
ved in a big crisis they
mage their own econ-
e. This time the West
dependent upon Arab
oil than it was in 1956
Suez crisis erupted.
Depend on Oil
major producing coun-
Kuwait and Saudi
vernments depend on
to 98 per cent of their
,ange and for much of
income. For example,
it of Iraq's foreign ex-
nes from oil and 60 per
total income. The -ratio
'er for Saudi Arabia.
o, leans heavily on oil,
not a major producer.
per cent of the tolls
cts at the Suez Canal,
ource of foreign ex-
mes from oil tankers.
uwait comes an an-
I that the Arab petro-

leum conference opening Sunday
in Iraq will act to prevent sale of
oil to any country taking part in
"aggression" against Arab states.
"Aggression" can be interpreted to
mean any move in the West to
seek a settlement of the crisis
which does not threaten the life
of Israel. The Arabs threaten to
cancel concessions to companies
of offending nations.
Potent Threat
The threat is a potent one in
many respects. But in the long
run, oil is no good to anybody
until it comes out of the ground
and is marketed.
With each crisis, new market
patterns tend to take hold, each
time lessening dependence in the
West on Arab oil.
In the 1956 Suex crisis, a halt
in the flow to Western Europe
created an atmosphere of crisis.
Europe now has supply sources
which do not depend on the
Middle East. Last year the area
supplied only about half Western

Europe's petroleum. The rest came
from African, Caribbean, North
American and Communist-bloc
sources, none of which depend on
the Suez Canal.
Production Stepup
When Syria last December
closed pipelines from Iraq, during
an Iraqi dispute with the oil pro-
ducing company, production was
stepped up in the Persian Gulf
area. Plenty of shipping capacity
was available, and there was no
suply crisis. A few months later
the pipelines were reopened.
Oil companies are not reaching
for the panic button. It is dif-
ficult to plan for the contingency
of Middle East war, but the com-
panies express confidence they can
meet demands by stepping up pro-
duction elsewhere, and adjusting
shipping to meet changes in de-
mands for tanker capacity. Once
again, a new pattern would be set
which would foretoken long-range
but lasting losses to Arab coun-

Without War
Denies Possible Test
Of Aqaba Blockade;
Capitol Hill Briefed
WASHINGTON ()-The , ad-
ministration told congressional
leaders yesterday the United
States is trying for a diplomatic
settlement of the Middle East
crisis rather than an attempt to
test Egypt's proclaimed anti-Israel
blockade by force.
Vice-President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey, Secretary of State Dean
Rusk and Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara gave special
briefings to Senate and House
leaders in a move to bolster bi-
partisan support for President
Johnson's policy hi the crisis.
Without going into specifics on
how the administration thinks a
peaceful solution can be achieved,
Humphrey would give no credance
to reports that the United States
and other maritime powers are
planning to use naval force to
clear a passageway through the
Gulf of Aqaba, Israel's only link
to the Red Sea.
Closed Session
"I have not heard of any such
consideration," Humphrey said af-
ter a two-hour closed session in
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee room.
But the administraion did say
it supports Britain's move for a
declaration by maritime nations
that Aqaba is an international
The vice president also acknowl-
edged that "an additional ship or
so' has. joined the Soviet Mediter-
ranean fleet. But he said this
amounts to no particular buildup,
since it is comparable to Soviet
ship movements of a year ago and
is "nothing unusual." Besides, he
pointed out, the Russians also
have freedom of the seas.
Not Final Answer
Rusk stressed the diplomatic ef-
forts at the United Nations and
elsewhere, though he acknowl-
edged indirectly that the U.S. bid
for a formal Security Council res-
olution would not provide the final
The secretary of state declined
o discuss with reporters the pos-
sibility of any one-sided action
by the United States.
"I don't want to get into any
questions of unilateral action," he
said. "This is a matter for the en-
tire world community."
War Avoided
And he refused to predict
whether war can be avoided. To
that question, he replied: "I hope
very much it is possible to do so.
The United States is doing every-
thing it can."
Inkeeping with the administra-
tion's low-key approach to the
crisis, State Department press of-
ficer Robert J. McCloskey said he
was unable to say whether the
Egyptians have actually establish-
ed their proclaimed blockade at
the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba.
McCloskey gave out this policy
statement: "The force of our ef-
fort to solve the Middle East crisis
without hostilities is in the United
Nations. We regard its responsi-
bilities as essential and fund-
amental and we are doing every-
thing in our power to seek a fair
and just outcome of the crisis in
that forum."
British Initiative
"As part of that effort and in
support of that policy we are sup-
porting the British initiative,
which Foreign Minister George
Brown announced yesterday. We
are consulting with other mai
time powers as to their views on
the international character of the
Strait of Tiran entrance to Aqaba

Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D-
Minn), a critic of the adminis-!
tration's Vietnam policy, found
much more agreeable the atmos-
phere of this meeting than those
in which administration spokes-
men have been quizzed on Viet-

COLUMBIA, S.C. (A)-A mili-
tary judge held yesterday that an
army physician is required to obey
orders, even those which he feels
violate medical ethics.
The ruling by Col. Earl V.
Brown, law officer in the court-
-nartial of Army Captain Howard
B. Levy, apparently left Levy with-
out a defense against charges of
disobedience and disloyalty.
Levy, 30, a Brooklyn, N.Y., der-
matologist, is accused of refusing
to obey orders to train U.S. Special
Forces medics headed for Vietnam
and of promoting disloyalty and
Brown made his decision as
Levy's three-week-old trial neared
its conclusion.
In outlining how he intends to
frame his charge to the 10-mem-
ber court-martial panel of career
officers, Brown said disobedience
of "a legal command" cannot be
justified "on grounds of medical
or ethical beliefs."
Brown said he would amend his
official charge to the military
tribunal if the defense can cite
legal cases to convince him that
medical ethics should be grounds
for disobedience.
Brown had earlier refused to
admit defense testimony contend-
ing that Levy's actions and state-
ments were justified because Spe-
cial Forces troops were committing
war crimes in Vietnam. Brown
ruled that isolated cases of atro-
cities did not constitute a military
Brown discussed his prospective
charge to the court at the con-
clusion of yesterday's testimony
with members of the high-ranking
court-martial panel absent from
the Ft. Jackson courtroom.
The prosecution and defense are
scheduled to present final argu-
ments today. This means the case
could go to the panel, or jury, late
today or tomorrow.
Levy could sentenced for up to
11 years in prison if convicted on
all counts,
Brown said "willful disobedi-

ence" is "an intentional defiance
of authority." But, he said, a
legitimate order must relate to
military duty and an officer may
not give a command "in expecta-
tion that it will be disobeyed."
Specifically, Levy is accused of
disobeying orders last October and
November by Colonel Henry Fancy,'
Ft. Jackson hospital commander,
to train Special Forces medics.
Levy had set up a dermatology'
clinic for this purpose.
Brown said Levy need not have
"actually created disloyalty and
disaffection" to be guilty on that

SAIGON AP)-The U.S. Com-
mand disclosed yesterday that last
week was the bloodiest for Amer-
ican forces in the mushrooming
Vietnam war and last month was
the most costly in planes felled
over the north.
U.S. units lost 313 men killed,
2,616 wounded and 12 missing in
action through the seten days
from May 21 to last Saturday mid-
In all, 2,216 of the enemy and
554 of the allies perished in com-
bat marked by particularly sharp
fighting in and around the border
demilitarized zone and in the cen-
tral highlands.
36 Warplanes
Operations over North Vietnam
in May cost the United States 36
warplanes, three more than the
previous high last July. Coupled
with this was an announcement
that 27 Communist MIG jets were
shot down in dogfighting during
the month. The previous record
was nine'In January.
U.S. Marines won the battle of
Hill 174, under way since Sunday,

"There must have been a c
pable disregard for the effect
his statement ... and the preser
of a clear and present dange
said the law officer.
The final rebuttal witness cal
by the prosecution was Ma,
Craig Llewellyn of Berwick, I
a surgeon with the Special For(
at Ft. Bragg, N.C., and a medi
veteran of the Vietnam fighti:
He testified Special Forces me
ics provide necessary and use
medical services to Vietnam(
military and civilian personn
He said their combat role is si

Americans Lose 313
In Week's Fighting

and fighting below the demilitar-
ized zone lapsed into sporadic con-
tact. The Leathernecks took over
the hill, in the Con Thien sector
500 yards south of the DMZ, after
rooting out the last of an enemy
force they originally had estimated
at two companies.
Heavy Casualties
Communist troops scored Wed-
nesday with a 500-man attack
that overran a government outpost
guarding Tam Ky, the capital of
Quang Tri, South Vietnam's north-
ernmost province. The garrison of
about 300 men was reported to
have suffered heavy casualties.
There were 112 multiplane mis-
sions over North Vietnam on Wed-
nesday. Navy pilots said they set
two fuel storage areas afire and
touched off secondary explosions
at a radar site in operations three
to four miles north and northwest
of Haiphong.
The Kep army barracks and
railway yards 38 miles northeast
of Hanoi were among other tar-
gets. Both were reported heavily
Receive Jets
South Vietnam's air force, which
has been flying propeller-driven
planes throughout the war, got 20
U.S. PS Freedom Fighter jets in
a ceremony at Bien Hoa air base,
north of Saigon.
The American buildup in Viet-
nam brought a net increase of
2,000 in the rolls last week, raising
the total to 455,000. With Viet
Cong recruiting and North Viet-
namese infiltration presumed to
balance casualties, the estimate of
enemy strength in South Vietnam
stood at 292,000.
Spokesmen announced defec-
tions last week from Communist
ranks under the Saigon govern-
ment's Chieu Hoi-Open Arms-
program totaled 528, maintaining
a 1967 rate that is running nearly
double last year's.
Below Record
Though the 2,216 Communists
reported killed last weeks were
the equivalent of about two enemy
regiments, the toll was well below
the record for the war. That was
2,774 in the week of March 18-25.
American losses since 1961
mounted, by unofficial tabulation,
to 10,566 killed and Q4,041 wound-
ed in combat.
In addition, 2,088 Americans
have died of accidents and other
causes officially classified as non-
hostile. There were 30 such deaths
last week.

Security Council Postpones
Meeting on Mideast Crisis

-Associated Press
Members of the Youth Against War and Fascism leave the court-
martial room where Pvt. Andrew Stapp was found guilty of dis-
obeying an order. Stapp had been ordered to open his foot locker,
which contained anti-war materials.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson sent to Congress yester-
day a plan for reorganization of
the District of Columbia govern-
The reorganization will become
effective automatically unless the
House or Senate vetoes it by ma-
iority vote within 60 days.
Under the plan, executive au-
thority would be concentrated in
a single commissioner, instead of
the present three-member board,
and a nine-member city council
would be created. All would be
appointed by the President, sub-
ject to confirmation by the
NEW YORK-A federal probe
into nationwide rigging of Wall
Street prices led yesterday to the
criminal indictment of six men
accused of pegging shares on the
American Stock Exchange. The
cost to regular investors was said
to approximate $2 million.
1 I

A grand jury named two New
Yorkers and four Chicago men on
charges of fraud, conspiracy and
price rigging last year of Pentron
Electronics Corp. stock. About a
million shares were involved, with
the defendants holding one-third
of them.
* *' *
WASHINGTON - A bill that
would expand benefits under the
cold war GI Bill of Rights was
passed by the Senate yesterday.
It now goes to a Senate-House
conference committee which will
attempt to reconcile differences
between the Senate and House
The Senate version, passed by
a voice vote, would add benefits
costing $170 million in the fiscal
year beginning July 1 and increas-
ing in the subsequent years.

ing of the Security Council set for
today on the mideast crisis has
been postponed to 10 a.m. Satur-
day, the United Nations an-
nounced last night.
The delay will allow the 15
member nations more time to
agree on an appeal for restraining
Arabs and Israelis.
The 10 nonpermanent members
of the council had expressed a
preference for deferring the meet-
ing. They and other members have
been talking about how to reach
unanimous agreement on issuance
of the appeal.
Soviet Silence
But with the Soviet Union
maintaining silence on its stand
there was no assurance that the
15-nation council could take even
that mild step aimed at providing
a breathing spell in the area.
Donald Grant, U.N. correspond-
ent for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
reported to his newspapers that
tre Soviet Union has offered to
restrain the Arabs if the United
States will restrain Israel. He
quoted as his source "U.N. diplo-
mats in a position to know."
Grant said the offer was con-
tained in the last paragraph of a
message sent by Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin to President Johnson last

Saturday. It was relayed to the
President by the Soviet Embassy
in Washington, he reported.
Intense diplomatic activity was
going on behind the scenes in ad-
vance of the meeting planned for
Chief interest centered on the
fate of a U.S. resolution introduced
by Goldberg on Wednesday which
would have the council call on all
parties concerned to comply with
Secretary-General U Thant's ap-
peal for restraint, and encourage
the eforts of international diplo-
macy to seek a peaceful solution.
But Egypt and the other Arab
nations were reported disturbed
over whether the resolution could
be interpreted as restricting Pres-
ident Gamal Abdel Nasser in his
blockade of Israeli shipping from
the Gulf of Aqaba-the tinderbox
issue in the current crisis.
The Soviet Union was regarded
as certain to support the Arabs
in whatever stand they take, and
a Soviet veto could kill the reso-
lution even if it got the required
nine-vote majority.


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