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May 26, 1967 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-26

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h1w 31 4t Dan Baily
.Seventy-Sixth Year

Oinins re l 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

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NEws PHONE: ,764-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Greenwood: Capital
Of the Confederacy


FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1967


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'54 Dismissals:
The Melody Lingers On

THE 1954 DISMISSALS of two profes-
sors for their unwillingness to dis-
cuss their political beliefs before the
House Un-American Activities Commit-
tee (HUAC) became a focal point of cam-
pus tension in the '50's and has been bit-
terly spoken of since.
The issue was academic freedom and
the infamous HUAC affair last fall indi-
cates that times haven't changed much-
or that the University administration
hasn't changed with the times.
H. Chandler Davis, a former member
of the University's math department, was
one of the two professors fired by Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher for con-
duct unbecoming a member of the aca-
demic profession. Davis returned to Ann
Arbor last week and contended in an
interview that this institution, like most
American universities, has not learned the
lessons of the McCarthy era.
Davis is right. While American univer-
sities are quick, almost too quick, to de-
fend the principle of academic freedom,
they are too often unwilling to practice
The continued existence of the black
list-a list of professors deemed too radi-
cal for academia-seems to indicate that
the American university is unwilling to
risk attack by today's McCarthy's. For
example, the University, according to Da-
vis, now screens potential staff members
to determine whether their political be-
liefs and activities will be "acceptable" to
the campus and national community.
SOCIALISM IS NOT the taboo it once
was, but Communism still raises the
hairs on many a congressional head. The
HUAC subpoenas last fall clearly show
that while a professor or student may
hold controversial beliefs, they must be
fairly respectable controversial beliefs.
Radical activity is frowned upon, white-
washed liberalism is accepted, albeit un-
easily by some.
And unfortunately, the University must
kow-tow to the national consciousness,
for government funds finance many of
its activities. And in many cases this con-
flicts directly with academic freedom.
A universally acceptable definition of
academic freedom is almost impossible,
but it is generally thought of as simply
the freedom to explore and to question.
However, groups like HUAC severely lim-
it the areas in which one may question
and explore.
Ideally, the University should protest
these limitations. But they don't, despite
the bitter protests of faculty members
and students. For example, the literary
college, the school of education and the
Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA) condemned the Uni-
versity's compliance with the HUAC sub--
poena. They further recommended that

the entire process of decision-making
within the University be examined.
The LSA resolution implied that the
administration had violated the demo-
cratic process in its decision to comply
with HUAC. SACUA saw the need to create
a civil liberties board to protect the
rights of a member of the University
community in similar situations in the
future. SACUA also approved the Knauss
report which called for increased stu-
dent participation in decision-making.
all this has been the creation of a
series of committees to study the prob-
lems. But then, Hatcher has become ap-
pallingly adept at creating committees.
Back in 1954 a committee had been
established by the faculty Senate to in-
vestigate the faculty members summoned
to appear before HUAC and then subse-
quently dismissed by the University. The
committee was formed with Hatcher's
concurrence, several months before, when
HUAC announced its plans for an inves-
tigation. Hatcher had suspended the men
within hours after the hearings in which
they had refused to cooperate with HUAC.
Thus the administration had to have
an investigation of the three cases and
decide whether the men should be recom-
mended for reinstatement or dismissal.
Soon after the LSA executive commit-
tee and the SACUA committee had rec-
ommended reinstatement to Hatcher, the
president asked a special advisory com-
mittee of the faculty to make its own in-
vestigation of the men. And Hatcher
through this third committee finally got
his recommendation to dismiss Davis. Al-
though the committee recommended re-
instatement for Prof. Mark Nickerson,
of the Medical School, he too was dis-
missed by Hatcher anyway.
The University has made it quite clear
that its committees are not going to an-
swer the bitter protests of students and
faculty when academic freedom is violat-
ed. The University defends these viola-
tions as strongly as it defends the princi-
ple itself.
THE INCIDENTS OF 1954 and 1966 are
not isolated occurrences. They are sim-
ply glaring examples of the continual ad-
ministrative state of mind.
The University has not learned a les-
son and probably never will until it rec-
ognizes that there is a lesson to be learn-
ed. American Association of University
Professors (AAUP) censures will come and
go, but the administration's rigid think-
ing remains.
- We can only ask what is asked in a
song: "When will they ever learn, when
will they ever learn?" And it may be up
to us to teach them.

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Letters to the Editor

GI's and Draft Protests
I just thought that I would clue
you in on how the guys in Viet-
nam feel about the draft-card
burning college students. I met-
this guy through "Mail Call Viet-
nam" and as far as I am con-
cerned that is a man. He was 19
when he joined the Marines and
20 when he was sent to Vietnam.
(He will be 21 in less than a
month.) He is scared (who
wouldn't be?) but his letters are
sad and very depressed. He says
nothing makes the guys feel worse
than to hear about flag burnings
("Just let one of those slobs burn
our flag in front of one of us,
and brother, their lousy life won't
be worth two cents!") draft-card
burnings ("It just doesn't seem
right that those students can get
off scot-free, five years in jail
would be heavem compared to
over here") and other un-Amer-
ican activities. He says that it's
not right for us to be over there
and it's not wrong, let's just get
the job done so they can go home.
I got a letter from him yester-
day, his buddy was killed in a
surprise attack. He is supposed to
be discharged in November and
we are both praying that he makes
OH HOW YOU Gods make those
poor mortals feel that life is worth
living, how you make them feel
that they have support and that
they're not alone. I hope you
learn soon that self-centerness is
not the way to make our country
great. If you don't like our coun-
try, then you have our permission
to leave. Let the man to the men's
work and the boys to the children's
When you're on your datethis
weekend, money in your pocket,'a
girl beside you and a party ahead
of you, think of the guys that just
found out that it was a six year
old child that was selling you ice
cream with glass in it, the ones
who are out on patrol that real-
ized that they were being tracked
by the Viet Cong. The ones that
get the cold, clammy feeling when
they hear of a patrol in trouble.
The parents and wives who get
those regretful letters. Go out and
have fun, I just hope to hell that
you can sleep good.
-Linda Diller
In an otherwise accurate article
on the Sunday afternoon panel at
the First Presbyterian Church,

The Daily-misquoted me on a very
important point: "Wurfel suggest-
ed that the most realistic goal for
Southeast Asia may be 'peaceful
transition to Communism'," says
Mr. Skogland.
For "Southeast Asia" one must
substitute "South Vietnam" in or-
der to have an accurate quot.
The insertion of "Southeast Asia"
may have been a typographical er-
ror. Certainly it was in direct
contradiction to the whole pur-
pose of my remarks. Whenever
speaking about problems in South-
east Asia I have always contend-
ed, in lectures or in writing, that
the future of non-Communist re-
gimes in the region depends on
whether they are popular and ef-
fective, not on what happens in
Vietnam. Communist victory in
Southeast Asia is by no means in-
evitable, even if we do withdraw
our military forces from Vietnam.
In South Vietnam itself, however,
it seems almost inevitable that
eventually a Comniunist-domin t-
ed government will come to pow-
er, no matter what the U.S. does.
I trust the record of my remarks
can be set straight.
WITH CRITICISM, let me add
praise for the ironic truth of Mr.
Shapiro's editorial, "Oh Where,
Oh Where Have the Vietnamese
Gone?" His suggestion that West-
moreland be declared dictator in
South Vietnam was, of course,
sarcastic. Prof. John Montgomery
of Harvard was not being sarcas-
tic, however, when he suggested
in the August, 1966, issue of "Viet-
nam Perspectives" published by
the American Friends of Vietnam
that if there are no reasonable
prospects of stable government in
Saigon the , U.S. should impose
direct military government. Prof.
Montgomery is former director of
the MSU Advisory Group in Sai-
gon and an expert on the occu-
pation of Japan and Germany. His
advice is not taken lightly in
-David Wurfel
Visiting Assoc. Professor,
Political Science
Silly Reasons
Although a certain amount of
distrust of the University admin-
istration on the part of students
is only natural, the University
could minimize the problem by
stopping one of its most popular

practices, one which only ag-
gravates the problem.
The phenomenon I am referring,
to is the practice of giving ridic-
ulous reasons justifying unpop-
ular actions. Last fall, for exam-
ple, when it was announced that
all dorm rooms might be given
the same rate, on the grounds that
there wasn't enough difference be-
tween a single and a triple room
to warrant the $115 differential,
enough dorm residents pointed out
in this column that the reasoning
was such sheer nonsense that this
justification has since been aband-
Last semester, Housing Direc-
tor John Feldkamp defended a
proposed fee increase by claiming
that services here were superior to
those at schools who are holding
fees steady, and some astute re-
search by a Daily reporter pointed
out that this just wasn't so. It
looks as though Mr. Feldkamp will
have to find a new line.
FINALLY, James Lesch, the as-
sistant to the vice-president for
academic affairs, was reported as
justifying the erection of a new
Administration Building while giv-
ing the Litetary College the old
quarters by saying that the site
of the new building was "off-
campus" and therefore less acces-
sible to students. Is West Quad,
not a hundred feet away from the
site, "off-campus" too? How does
Mr. Lesch have the temerity to
utter such drivel and expect to be
Although it is difficult to get
student acceptance of unpopular
decisions even when they are war-
ranted (and in the case of the Ad.
Building this is debatable), ad-
ministrators would be better off
saying nothing, instead of making
themselves appear to be complete
fools. If they do not change their
present policy, they have only
themselves to blame for student
-,Eric Wayne, '69
The Daily has begun accept-
ing articles from faculty, ad-
ministration, and students on
subjects of their choice. They
are to be 600-900 words in
length and should be submitted
to the Editorial Director.

flight from Atlanta to this "Capi-
tal of the Confederacy" only takes
35 minutes but it was long enough
for me to meet the station man-
ager of WABG-TV, the ABC af-
filiate in Greenwood, Miss. The
rickety old Delta prop was one
of a dozen planes waiting in line
to use the runway that morning.
After we complained to each
other about breathing the ex-
haust from the jets ahead, the
conversation quickly turned to civ-
il rights. I asked how the Green-
wood station covered the biggest
beat in the South.
"We don't," he explained. "We
just can't afford to do it. It's not
that we wouldn't mind covering
civil rights you understand. It's
just that the people aren't ready
for it yet. The advertisers just
wouldn't stand for it.
"Of course, we run the civil
rights stuff the network sends
through. But no local stuff. And
when they sent some guys down
from ABC in New York to cover
civil rights and asked us to loan
them a camera and a cameraman
we had to say no. The local peo-
ple just aren't ready for that sort
of thing yet."
I ASKED about Greenwood's
most famous citizen, Byron DeLa-
Beckwith who was accused of mur-
dering Mississippi NAACP head
Medgar Evers in 1963.
"Sure, I know Byron, friend of
"What kind of a guy is he?" I
"Well, he's a little different. Re-
member last year there was a big
civil rights rally in Greenwood.
Well Evers's brother Charles was
in town and the word was out
that he said he was going to get
Byron. Byron went out there to
some rally to find Evers, but he
had left. Anyway, afterwards I
saw Byron and asked him what
he would have done if Evers had
been there. Well, he didn't say a
word. He just unbuttoned his shirt
and pulled a gun out of a side
holster and fingered it."
"Do you think he actually shot
Medgar Evers?" I asked.
"Well," he said, "you know there
was a hung jury when he was
tried, but they did show that
the bullet thatkilled Evers did
come from a gun Byron owned.
Can't tell for sure."
By this time the plane was
rolling up the ramp at Montgom-
ery's Dannelley Field. He was trav-
eling on to Jackson, Miss., so we
shook hands. "Now ya'all be sure
to come up to Greenwood and see
me if you get a chance," he said.
"Sure thing," I told him and
walked out of the plane into the 80
degree Alabama sunshine.
Montgomery is a town of 150,000
and best known as "Wallace Coun-
try." Since the federal govern-
ment has toughened up on dis-
crimination in public accommoda-
tions (most chain motels like
Holiday Inn and many major ho-
tels and restaurants such as down-
town Montgomery's Jefferson Da-
vis are integrated) the "This is
Wallace Country" campaign slo-
gan has come in handy.
Local proprietors afraid of in-
viting civil rights trouble let Ne-
groes know they are unwelcome by
prominently displaying a "This is
Wallace Country" sign.
The slogan is also prominent on
front license plates along with
such other favorites as the Con-
federate flag, Alabama-National
(football) Champions, and "All
the Way with LBJ" (which carries
a picture of a pregnant Negro
ly a giveaway (colored entrance
means what it says outside one
downtown greasy spoon here)
there is still confusion. For ex-
ample, two weeks ago, Bob Val-
der, executive director of the Ala-
bama Council on Human Rela-

tions, and Allen Black, of the
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, were
knifed as they left a downtown
restaurant in an integrated group.
Their assailant, Donald E. Mims,
a Montgomery mechanic, made
headlines last week when he be-

came the first white man in Ala-
bama to be convicted of a crime
against a Negro in a civil rights
case in months. He was found
guilty of assault and battery
against Black, a Negro, and fined
$100 and court costs-the maxi-
mum under the city ordinance.
Mims is appealing the conviction.
Normally justice is not so swift
in Montgomery. On April 26, the
home of Mrs., Frank M. Johnson,
Sr., mother of U.S. District Judge
Frank M. Johnson, Jr., was bomb-
ed. The judge has consistently
thwarted the wishes of segrega-
tionists and was one of three
judges who signed a recent order
desegregating all public schools in
Governor Wallace pledged to
defy Johnson's school order (which
has now been upheld by the Su-
preme Court) shortly before the
bombing took place. And her hus-
band once described the Judge as
"an integrating, carpetbagging,
scalawagging, race-mixing, bald-
faced liar." But after the bomb-
ing, Mrs. Wallace denounced the
bombing and pledged a $5400 re-
ward for finding the "malicious
and fiendish demons" responsible
for it. The district attorney prom-
ised to ask the death penalty if
the case goes to trial. But so far
no one has been apprehended.
Aside from knifing and bomb-
ing, things have been relatively
quiet in this city that has the
ironic distinction of being the
birthplace of both the Confederacy
and the modern civil rights move-
ment. In fact, the state capital
building where the Confederacy
started and the Petter Avenue
Baptist Church where the Mont-
gomery bus strike started are
across the street from each other.
STILL THERE are some politi-
cians willing to stick their necks
out and "advocate a bit of inte-
gration and fair-play for the Ne-
gro. One is L. B. Sullivan, the
city police commissioner. Former-
ly a hard-liner (he was the pro-
tagonist in the famous Sullivan
vs. The New York Times libel suit
over an advertisement blasting
the Montgomery police depart-
ment) he has softened somewhat
over the years. "We made an
honorable man out of him," says
one Negro leader.
The police department even hir-
ed a policeman who skilfully han-
dled potential racial violence and
kept close tabs on local white
"lunatics" to avert civil rights
murders. When whites protested
integrated gatherings in one
neighborhood the policeman told
them all to go back in their homes
and mind their own business.
But in the recent municipal
elections Mr. Sullivan's good deeds
proved his undoing. Governor
Wallace and others prominently
displayed a picture of Sullivan
welcoming a moderate Negro poli-
tical group, the Alabama Demo-
cratic Conference, to the city for
a convention.
The picture was carried in the
civil rights oriented Southern Cou-
rier and Wallace was careful to
remove his address label (he has a
subscription) when brandishing his
Mr. Sullivan was defeated in
the election and the policeman
who is a specialist on civil rights
is reportedly quitting rathergthan
work under the tough new regime.
Montgomery, of course, has be-
come some distance from the ini-
tial civil rights crusade launched
5y Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
to integrate the city buses. But
when I took a cab to Dr. King's
former pulpit, Dexter Avenue Bap-
tist Church, it was easy to see
that minds here have changed
Like all Southern towns Mont-
gomery has Negro and white cabs.
'egroes, of course, take Negro
cabs (Checker) and whites take
white cabs (Yellow, Red). But

what does a white do when he
wants to go to a Negro church?
I chose a white Yellow cab and
explained that I wished to go to
the Dexter Church. For once in
my life I rode with a quiet cab
driver. In fact he only said five



Volunteers for Israel

A SMALL, but illuminating, sidelight of
the Middle Eastern crisis is that Is-
raeli consulates across the country have
received a large number of inquiries from
those who desire to volunteer to fight.
The sincere dedication of these people
to Israel as a Jewish homeland should
not be slighted. But their eagerness to
partake of the blood and gore of a pos-
sible Arab-Israeli war also provides a
sobering commentary.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service
Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by car-
rier; ($2.50 by mail) $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50
by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan.
423 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Summer Editorial Staff
LAURENCE MEDOW..... .......... Co-Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN...............Co-Editor
MARK LEVIN.......Summer Supplement Editor

There is a war myth which permeates
political thought both here and abroad.
Essentially it is the view held by many
humane men that there can be such a
thing as good and just wars. This ex-
plains that deep, heart-rending nostal-
gia for the Spanish Civil War. For it, like
a war over Israel, is a good war which
beckons all civilized men to arms.
OURS IS A SOCIETY, and a world, ob-
sessed by war. From Civil War Cen-
tennials to "For Whom the Bell Tolls,"
war shapes both our amusements and
our intellectual perceptions. Despite the
constant litany that war is hell, parents
initiate their children in a world of
conflict with toy weapons ranging from
cowboy rifles to bazookas.
In such a construct the appeal of
fighting for Israel cannot be denied. For
Israel was conceived out of an admixture
of intense idealism and military might.
And its subsequent history all too vividly
reflects the paradoxes of its birth. In
this age of dirty, little wars Israel pro-
vides all the requisite makings of a real
military crusade.
Yet no territorial issue in the .world
can morally, or practically, justify the
spectacle of men using the fruits of sci-
entific advance to kill and maim. For no

Today and Tomorrow... By Walter Lippmann
On a Collision Course

The President denies that he
has put us on a collision course
with Red China and the Soviet
Union. In this he is relying upon
his ability to guess correctly how
far he can go in North Vietnam
without bringing on Chinese in-
He feels he is able tojudge
just what targets he can hit be-
fore the big Communist powers
decide to hit back. This is a
kn A Russan rniltte. The

SOME OF THE President's prin-
cipal advisers are the same men
who guessed wrong in the Korean
War. They could not then be-
lieve that if Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur carried the war into North
Korea and to the Yalu River the
Chinese would intervene. The In-
dian ambassador in Washington
passed along a message from the
Indian ambassador in Peking
warning the U.S. government that
a movement to the Yalu would

son has allowed the issue of the
Vietnam war to become a test of
whether the United States is to
continue to be a military power
on the Asian mainland. The Presi-
dent is acting through a puppet re-
gime in Saigon supported by troops
and enormous sea and air power.
THE MOST important recent
development from the other side
of the struggle has been the
warning that the two Communist

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