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July 14, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-14

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


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Fells Kishi
With Knife
Ex-Prime Minister
Not Seriously Hurt
TOKYO () -- Former Prime
Minister Nobusuke Kishi was
stabbed late last night, just hours
after he had turned in his resig-
nation and a probable new prime
ministere had been selected.
Doctors reported that Kishi's
wound was not serious.
Kishi and his government will
be replaced by another pro-West-
ern leader of the Japanese ma-
jority party as soon as the Diet
appoints the newly-elected head
of the Liberal-Democratic party
as prime minister. The majority
party leader is traditionally named
to the post.
A Liberal-Democratic conven-
tion elected Ikeda party president
on the second ballot. Kishi was
scheduled to submit his resigna-
tion as prime minister soon after,
and the lower house of the Diet
(parliament) then was to meet
to name Ikeda.
The Liberal Democrats have a
solid majority in the lower house,
and the party president tradition-
ally is chosen prime minister.
Kishi resigned as party presi-
dent earlier yesterday. Under
heavy fire from some members of

UN Council Urged
To Send Congo Aid
UNITED NATIONS (P)-Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold
last night urged the Security Council in extraordinary session to
speed a military force to the Congo.
It would replace Belgian troops whose ouster is demanded by
Congo leaders.
Chief United States delegate Henry Cabot Lodge welcomed Ham-
marskjold's proposal and told the Council the United States is ready
to help transport United Nations troops and supplies to .the Congo
and to assist it in setting up communications. He also said the United

...Prime Minister stabbed

States is prepared to supply food
Haber Sees
"Michigan is a feast or famine
state," Prof. William Haber of the
economics department said yes-
terday in looking at the state's
economic condition.
It haes been a "headline state"
also, one in which the actual eco-
nomic status has been distorted
and misunderstood by newspapers,l
other states and politicians. "When
politics gets involved, the situa-
tion is exaggerated," he said.
Michigan is very sensitive to
economic fluctuation because it is
overly dependent upon its main
industry, the manufacture of auto-
mobiles. The great need of the
state is development of a diversi-
fied economy so that it will not be
tied to this one primary source of
income and thus rise and fall with
the industry.
Vulnerable to Fluctuations
The fluctuation in demand is
greatest for durable goods and the
high degree of concentration in
the automobile industry makes the
state particularly vulnerable to this
rise and fall type economy.
Although the automobile indus-
try is growing on a national scale,
the companies have been going
through a process of decentrali-
zation. The percentage of the
American auto workers in Michi-
gan has declined by 10 per cent
from 1947-58.
This has nothing to do with
taxes or individual politicians or
labor leaders, Prof. Haber empha-
sized. It is a "normal" thing.
But on the asset side of the
ledger, Michigan is one of the
fastest growing states, with an in-
crease in population exceeded by
only two states between 1940-50.
Michigan will have a population
of between nine and ten million
people in 1970, he predicted, and
if the state is to maintain the
present figure of 38 per cent em-!
ployment, it must create one mil-
lion new jobs.
Must Create Jobs
The question which the state's
citizens must answer is whether
these additional jobs will be cre-
ated by the economy automatically
or whether they will need public
Michigan also provides a fabu-
lous market for manufacturers,
with its $17 billion personal in-
come topped by only five states.
The labor factor has had both
assets and liabilities. On the one
hand it is one of the most edu-
cated, skilled and civic-minded
labor forces in the country.
But the state has the highest
degree of unionization in the na-
tion - and the highest wages, ap-
proximately $10 per week above
the national average.,
Wage Hikes Result
High wages are not necessarily
to be explained by the unions,
Prof. Haber said, but are the re-
sult of increased demands for pro-
ducts which raise prices and
wages. Also, 80 per cent of Michi-
gan's non-agricultural labor is in
high wage jobs, due to its higher
degree of skills.'
Taxation has been named as
the cause for much of the state's
poor "business climate," but the
economist said many factors in-
fluence industrial location

to help meet a critical shortage in
o Leopoldville, the Congo capital.
Soviet delegate Arkady A. Sobolev
followed Lodge with a bitter at-
tack on Belgium. He charged the
Brussels government with aggres-
sion and with stirring up trouble
in the Congo.
Sobolev said the United States
has troops in West Germany pre-
pared to intervene militarily in
the Congo. He accused the United
States ambassador in the Congo,
Clare Timberlake, of intervention
in affairs of the Leopoldville gov-
ernment and compared the actions
of the United States and Britain
in the present situation to the
dispatch of troops by those powers
to Lebanon and Jordan last year.
Sobolev said the Council must
condemn the action of Belgium
and demand withdrawal of its
The UN Security Council early
today authorized Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold to send
a UN military force to the vio-
lence - torn Congo as soon as
troops. He said the Council should
take effective action to halting
aggression against the Congo, and
to halt interference in the internal
affairs of its new government.
Sobolev appeared to rule out any
chance of a vote last night, how-
ever when he reserved the right
to speak later on any proposals
placed before the Council.
Lodge in reply said Sobolev's
statement was "mendacious, ca-
lumnious . . a longwinded bit of
Soviet nonsense."
Nothing was farther from the
truth than Sobolev's statement
that the United States is trying to
undermine the Congolese govern-
ment, Lodge continued.
'Bagwell Says
Planks 'Lifted'
DETROIT (Ax-Paul W. Bag-
well, the Republican candidate
for governor, said yesterday his
program was "shop-lifted" by the
Bagwell told a "meet-your-
candidate" gathering at the De-
troit Press Club that he was first
to come out in favor of a consti-
tutional convention and a tax-
revision program. He said the
Democrats had picked up these
program planks as well as his
urging of the creation of a new
image of Michigan to attract new!
business to the state.

geles (A ) - Kennedy may have had
the votes of the delegates, but the
enthusiasm in the Democratic na-
tional convention still belonged to
Adlai Stevenson last night.
F The coy man from Illinois, who
can't bring himself to say, yes, I'd
like to run for a third time, got a
wild ovation last night when his
name was placed in nomination
" by Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Min-
His demonstration, for sheer
noise and wildness, far out-pande-
moniumed the receptions given the
front runners, Sen. John F. Ken-
nedy and Sen. Lyndon 13. John-
son of Texas.
Wave Signs
Among the signs waved for Ste-
venson were these:
"Throw Jack Back - Draft Ad-
lai," and "Invest in the Best -
From the gallery came the chant
in waves, "We want Stevenson, we
want Stevenson."
The Stevenson move was first
touched off by the revolt against
California's Governor Edmond G.
(Pat) Brown Monday and Tues-
day, when his state delegation re-
fused to go along with Brown
(who backed Kennedy) and capped
30 votes for Stevenson.
Beseiged Delegates
After that, Eleanor Roosevelt's
campaign manager, James Doyle,
had beseiged people to swing for
Stevenson, but not enough votes
were amassed.
Even Sen. Hubert Humphrey's
very strong support of the Illinois
ex - governor, voiced yesterday
morning, failed to give the Steven-
son movement the spark it needed.
Stevenson, a great favorite in
California, was getting most of his
support from the galleries.
The delegates, many of whom
cast their loyalties elsewhere long
ago, were far more restrained.
Stevenson said he was "over-
whelmed" by the demonstration.
He spoke on television while the
demonstration was continuing.
All in all, it was a wild night,
typical of the old uninhibited,
Democratic party.
Curiously, Kennedy and Johnson
ran neck-and-neck, or yell-and-
yell, in their demonstrations.
Possibly by coincidence, possibly
because the convention stage
managers wanted it that way,
each ran exactly 23 minutes.
At his hotel suite, curiously un-
like the other busy "Campaign
headquarters," Stevenson relaxed
and smiling, watched the conven-
tion proceedings on his television
Stevenson said he was unaware
of his exact strength as measured
in delegate votes before the first
ballot began. He said he was
"gratified and moved" by Mc-
Carthy's nominating speech. He
described it as one of the best
political adadresses he had ever
heard in a quarter of a century of;
party conventions.1

... Democratic Presidential Nominee


Russia Asks UN Action
On U.S. Plane Incident
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Union declared yesterday United States
Air Force activities threatened the peace and called for a swift session'
of the United Nations Security Council to consider the latest plane
incident. '
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko said the Soviet Union expects
the CouncIl to take up "without delay" the case of the United States
reconnaissance bomber shot down in the Arctic July 1. Echoing the
words of Premier Nikita Khrush-

his own party after three and
one-half years in office and leftist
opponents of the new United
States-Japan military treaty, he
had announced June 23 after
bringing the treaty into effect
that he would give up the reins
- of the government.
Ikeda, 61-year-old minister of
international trade, won the see-
and convention ballot of the Lib-
eral-Democratic party convention
with 302 votes to 194 for Mitsujiro
Ishii, 71 years old, candidate of
conservative forces opposed to
Ikeda and chairman of the party's
executive board.
Lodge, Morton
Loom as Go
VT Choices
In light of the tense interna-
tional situation, Vice -President
Richard M. Nixon has two men
with foreign policy experience at
the top of his list of possible run-
ning mates.
Sources close to Nixon, the al-
most certain Republican presi-
dential nominee, said that his
prime choice for the No. 2 spot is
between UN Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge and GOP National
Chairman Thruston B. Morton, a
former assistant Secretary of
Three others getting honorable
menticn in the Nixon camp are
Secretary of the Treasury Robert
B. Anderson of Texas, Secretary
of the Interior Fred A. Seaton of
Nebraska and Charles H. Percy,
40-year-old Chicago business ex-
ecutive and GOP Platform Com-
mittee Chairman.

chev at a news conference Tues-
day, Gromyko's cable to the United
Nations said "The new aggressive
activities of the United States air
force against the Soviet Union"
were "a threat to the peace of the
The cable urged the council ot
take such measures as are neces-
sary to end "the continuing pro-
vocative actions by the United
The Soviet Union says the plane
was on a spying mission and was
shot down by a Soviet fighter
plane over territorial waters.
The United States denounced
the downing of the RB47 in a note
handed to the foreign ministry
The United States demanded
the return of two of the six-man
crew and the body of a third the
Russians said they recovered. The
Soviet Union says it will try the
two as spies.
Washington denied the Soviet
version of the incident, saying the
plane never came closer than 30
miles to Soviet soil. It accused the
Soviet air force of a wanton at-
tack on the plane.
A United States spokesman said
the United States would have filed
a complaint with the council,
charging the Soviet Union with
shooting down a United States
plane over international waters.

ayUSSR Spied
said last night the Russian traw-
ler which cruised close into the
Atlantic coast last April was an
"electronic spy ship" engaged in
a bold reconnaissance of American
This assertion came in a state-
ment which followed by only two
days the formal charge by Rus-
sians that the American RB-47
plane shot down by Russian fight-
ers was engaged in a spy attempt.
The gist of the statement:
The trawler, Vega, equipped
with 11 antenna capable of check-
ing in on any frequency, showed
up in the midst of tests being con-
ducted by the United States nu-
clear submarine George Washing-
ton on April 26. Later the Vega
cruised down the coast to as close
as 12 miles off Cape Henry, Va.
That cape is at the approaches
to the big United States navy base
and fleet anchorage in the Nor-
folk and Hampton Roads area.
The spokesman said the navy and
air force were conducting a joint
exercise in ,the area at the time
the trawler arrived off the mouth
of Chesapeake Bay.


Pass Over Others
Passed over such other party
stalwarts as:
1) Lyndon B. Johnson-one of
the master parliamentarians o
the age. A miracle man at getting
his way in the Senate, Johnson's
magic failed in the larger arena of
the convention
2) Stuart Symington-A wealthy
businessman turned politician. A
man with a distinguished look, a
specialist in defense who has gone
up and dwnthe land crying that
the Eisenhower administration has
let United States ramparts crum-
ble. His backers had hoped the
party might turn to .Symington
after a Kennedy-Johnson deadlock
that never materialized.
3) Adlai Stevenson-twice the
nominee and twice defeated.
Darling of the intellectuals, turner
of phrases and master of quips.
~His backers too had hoped he
might get thetnomination from a
Kennedy-Johnson deadlock.
Tireless Campaigning
To win this victory, Kennedy
combined tireless campaigning in
all states-including putting his
name before the voters where
there were primaries - plus in-
tensive cultivation of the indi-
vidual delegates to this conven-
It was no walkaway despite the
easy look of the final result.
In the opposition to Kennedy,
aside from the other aspirants for
the nomination, were some of the
grandest names and most respect-
ed leaders in the Democratic
Former President Harry S. Tru-
man opposed nomination of Ken-
nedy. He plugged for Symington,
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, who has
wide influence among some Demo-
cratic elements, publicly advised
her party against nominating
Kennedy. She wanted another try
for Stevenson.
House Speaker Sam Rayburn of
Texas - called "Mr. Democrat"
by many - battled against Ken-
nedy and in behalf of his fellow
Texan, Sen. Johnson.
Out of this struggle, and Ken-
nedy's victory in it, there is now
dimly taking shape a new align-
ment of the power controls in the
Democratic party.
It could mean a greater as-
cendancy for big city party or-
ganizations and for labor unions.
Such labor chieftains as Walter
Reuther of the auto workers, David
McDonald of the steelworkers and
Thomas Kennedy of the mine
workers backed the Massachusetts
Wants Firm Stand
As for civil rights, Martin Luther
King yesterday called on Ken-
nedy to "stand firmly on the plat-
form the party has passed" if he
wants Negro support in November.
King agreed that many civil
rights groups are skeptical on
Kennedy's stand on civil rights,
but he insisted that the campaign
and Kennedy's activities in it will
be decisive in determining which
way the Negro vote swings.
Yet to consolidate the shifts of
power, even within the party,
Kennedy must now win the con-
test with Vice-President Richard
M. Nixon, the prospective nominee
'of the Rnblians who will meet

Senator Named
On Initial Ballot
Massachusetts Hopeful Gains Nod
Despite Strong Stevenson Rallies
nedy last night overwhelmingly won the Democratic Presi-
dential nomination.
The party convention handed its banner to the 43-year-
old Massachusetts senator in the first-ballot climax to a
struggle of many months that was really over well before the
hour of formal decision.
By turning to Kennedy-the man with the boyish look,
Harvard breeding, Boston Irish background and winning po-
litical tradition, the Democrats:
Offered th nation one of the youngest men ever nomi-
nated by either party for the Presidency.
Brushed away the memories of the 1928 Al Smith dis-
aster and proffered a Roman Catholic once again for the
highest political office in a__
predominantly Protestant na-* Here is how the voting stood'
tion. at the Democratic National

Convention at te end of the
rfirst ballot before. Missoir
switched and the' convention
nominated Kennedy by accl
S Kennedy 9y, Johnson 409,
Stevenson 79, Symington 86
Meyner 43, ,Humphrey 41,
Smathers 30, Barnett 23, Love-
rless 1Y2.
U' nTeatre.
Should Stage
"Success should not be a cri-
terion for plays produced in uni-
versity theatre programs," Elmer
Rice said here yesterday.
Rice, a noted playwright, Prof.
William Halstead of the speech
department, and Jerrold Sandler
of WUOM, discussed the "Place
of Theatre in the Acamedic Com-
munity," as a part of the summer
program on the social implica-
tions of economic change.
"You don't demand all experi-
ments to be successes," Rice said.
The effort should be to arrive at
something new, fresh and inter-
The playwright said there seems
to be a conventionality and tim-
idity in the choice of material for
college productions in general.
Broadway hits and obscure clas-
sics, in that order, usually consti-
tute the fare of theatre-goers in
the academic community.
Choice Inhibited
"Plays for which there is a,
selective audience are necessary,"
Rice said. In many communities
there is prudishness and a genu-
flection to orthodox views of pro-
priety inhibiting the choice of
In a university especially, there
should be liberality, objectivity,
and open-mindedness. The audi-
ence should be able to appreciate
or at least sympathize with at-
tempts to present unusual and
unknown plays.
Prof. Halstead attributed re-
sponsibility for the conformis
tendencies in Ann Arbor produc-
tions to an "extrertiely coserva-
tive" local taste. He said the town:
does not respond to the things
that don't commonly attract large
audiences. "We roust earn at least
some part of our expenses," he
Dislikes Box Office
Rice called it unfortunate that
university theatres should be de-
pendent on the box office. "If six
people come and enjoy the play,
do it anyway," he said.
"Besides," he added, "it is very
good training for the actors and
playwright, as well as the rest of
the crew, to produce an experi-
mental play-one whose popular-
ity or even quality is not already
Rice suggested the University
host a young playwright and do
his plays, no matter what they are.
Prof. Halstead objected that
people should not have to put on



Warnsof Artistic Decline
The outlook for artists in modern society is "not too hot," accord-
ing to Elmer Rice, noted American playwright.
Speaking on "Economic Change and the Support of the Arts" at
the fourth in the University-sponsored program "Social Implications
of Economic Change," Rice warned that "the great majority of artists
in every field are close to the verge of starvation," and it is possible
that the arts will disappear entirely from the American scene.
Among immediate dangers to art today, Rice listed economic
pressure driving artists away from spontaneous activities into subsi-
dation and a regular salary; and the "deluge of trashy material
flooding us," such as can be found in television, radio, motion picture,
and magazine offerings.
Material Dilutes Taste
This material, he noted, is diluting the general taste; it is hard
to keep our heads above the bilge.
He traced the process of disassociation of art from the common
people and everyday life. "As society becomes more and more com-
nior '" o 'n Ai *n,.f bannmac mAnni-r 1nn+ .ra.i+ +A +n fthni nA,.tc.


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