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July 12, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-12

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

Partly cloudy with scattered
showers in late afternoon.,

LXX, No. 15s




A e





Inc iden


--AP Wirephoto
CONGO REFUGEES-Belgians fleeing the Congo arrive by plane at Paris' LeBourget Field after a flight
from Brazzaville, French Congo. They were part of a group of several hundred who escaped from Leo-
poldville before Congolese police closed off the city.

Cuba Sets
UN Action
As Protest
accused the United States yester-
day-of economic aggression and in
a suprise move called for an 1m-
mediate meeting of the United'
Nations Security Council to con-
sider the charge.
Cuban foreign minister Raul
Roa said the United States pur-
sues a policy of intervention in
Cuba's domestic affairs.
United States acts and threats,
he said, "have brought abouta
iuaton which seriously affects
international peace and heightens
the tensions brought about by the
collapse of the summit confer-
ence" at Paris in mid-May.
Roa's charges were in a sharply
worded letter handed to the July
president of the 11-nation coun-
cil, Ambassador Jose Correa of
Ecuador. Correa began consulting
delegates as to the time of the
council meeting-probably next
United States ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge was in Mas-
sachusetts on vacation but he
prepared to rush back to New
York. The United States delega-
tiop issued a statement in which
Lodge said, "The United States
has committed no aggression. It
has shown great patience and
forebearance and wants the world
to know the truth."
Will Not Oppose
Informed sources said the
United States would not oppose
putting the Cuban complaint on
the security council agenda.
The Cuban move came amid
these other developments:
1) President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower at his vacation headquar-
ters in Newport, R.I., denounced
Latin American dictators and ex-
tremists-"both right and left"-
as a threat to western hemisphere
2) Eisenhower announced a
pew "good will" aid program but
Indicated if Cuba wants to get
in on it the Castro regime will
have to mend its ways.
Castro Promises
3) Prime Minister Fidel Castro,
ill with a pulmonary infection,
promised he would be well by
July 26, anniversary of his suc-
cessful revolutionary movement.-
"This means a little rest for me
and for the people, too," Castro
In his statement about Latin
American dictators, Eisenhower
did not mention Castro or any
other leader by name. Cuban of-
ficials here, however, interpreted
his remark as referring to Castro.
"Latin America is passing
through a social and political
transformation," Eisenhower said.
"Dictatorships are falling by the,
SBack In Washington
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter flew back to Washington
after conferring with Eisenhower
on the Cuban problem. He said
the United States would have to

U.S. Troops Alerted
For Congo Service
African Republic Appeals to UN
For Assistance To Restore Order
WASHINGTON ()-The United States yesterday alerted troops
for possible duty in the mutiny-torn Congo, but left the decision to
use them up to the United Nations.
The fledgling African republic has appealed to the UN for help in
restoring order. Top United States officials said tough American in-
fantry troops, already alerted in West Germany, could be rushed
swiftly to the Congo-if the United Nations decides to intervene.
But, it was clear from cautious statements that the Eisenhower
administration did not want to take the lead in the emergency. Au-
thorities feared Russia might twist the action into a sign the United
" States wanted to snuff out the in-
tS t dependence of the 12-day old Afri-
can nation.
Sever razeUndersecretary Ralph Bunche
Severs les of therUnited Nations, on the
scene in Leopold ville, was under-
W ith R epubl- stood to have recommended that
"technical military assistance" be
made available by the UN to help
BRUSSELS ()-Premier Moise loyal loyal Congolese Army units
Tshombe of the rich copper and stop the attacks on whites.
uranium province of Katanga an- The state department, declin-
nonnced last night his vast inland ing to comment on this report,
area has seceeded from the 11- nevertheless said "There is an
day-olderCongo.-obvious need for protection of lives
He charged the central govern- of residents-by whatever means
ment was using the "disorganizing are appropriate."
tactics of Communism." Katanga
province has been noted for fierce Hecretary o State Christian A.
independence and it was the last Herter, returning from anemer-
part of the Congo to yield to 19th gency conference on Cuba with
century empire builders. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Essor du Katanga, a newspaper at Newport, R.I., said the idea of
i Elisar du an, theKatanga I UN intervention in the Congo
in Elisabethville, the "han as nobe ert"H e
capital, said Tshombe made the hasdundoubtd merit." He de-
secession announcement in a local
broadcast. Details were relayed Some 200 of the 2,000 Americans
here over a special telecommuni- in the Congo were reported to
cations setup have been evacuated, partly
A Belgian official still in Elisa- through an emergency airlift di-
bethville confirmed by telephone rected by the United States Air
that Tshombe had declard his Force. But concern mounted over
secssion. the safety of the others.
Earlier reports from Salisbury The state department clearly
in neighboring Northern Rhodesia was looking to Belgium to lead
had quoted the premier as saying the way in protecting European
that a declaration of Katanga in- residents in the former Belgian
dependence was imminent. colony.

Asks Report
On Charges
Soviets Say Aircraft
Crossed Frontier
By The Associated Press
Official government s o u r c e s
kept mum yesterday on Russia's
announcement that an American
reconnaissance bomber had been
shot down for allegedly violating
Soviet airspace.
In Newport President Dwight D.
Eisenhower called on the state
and defense departments for a
full report on Russia's allegations.
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty said at the summer White
House that until the President has
received the report no govern-
ment official will have any com-
ment on the Moscow announce-
Meanwhile, in Moscow, Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
scheduled a news conference for
Reported Missing
The Russian announcement re-
vealed Soviet fighters on July 1
shot down the plane-an RB-47--
which had been reported missing
in the Arti by the defense de-
Two of the six-jet plane's crew'
were captured and face trial in
Moscow. The other four are dead
or missing.
The Russians declared this in-
cident shows American aerial es-
pionage continues despite Eisen-
hower's disclaimers. The plane
was shot down, by Russian ac-
count, on July 1, exactly two'
months after United States pilot
Francis G. Powers' U2 spy plane
was downed in the Urals.
Over Soviet Waters
The location was given as over
Soviet territorial waters east of
Svyatoynos cape, a 10-mie long
projection from the Kola penin-
sula into the Barents Sea.
The plane had violated the state
frontier 14 miles north of the
cape, the Soviet foreign ministry
said, and headed toward Arch-
angel, a big terminus of the Arctic
Sea route 240 miles to the south.
"The new violation of the So-
viet frontier by an American mili-
tary aircraft testifies to the fact
that the United States govern-
ment continues to follow the same
path, dangerous to the cause
of peace," Soviet government
'Everybody Can See'
"Now everybody can see the
real value of the solemn assur-
ances of the United States gov-
ernment and of President Eisen-
hower personally about the order
allegedly issued by the President
to stop espionage flights of the
American Air Force over the ter-
ritory of the U.S.S.R."
In disclosing earlier that the
plane had vanished, the United
States Air Force said it had been
checking on northern magnetic
fields off the coasts of Norway
and the Soviet Union, in a survey
intended to provide information
for more accurate maps.














Sets Strong
Policy Tone,
Platform Approves
High Court Rulings
Sit-In Movements


-AP Wirephoto
CAUCUS VISITOR-Front-running Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts yesterday visited Gov.
G. Mennen Williams and the Michigan delegation.
To Back Stiff Rights Planks



special to The Daily
LOS ANGELES-Democrats are
willing to risk the Southern votel
in November by inserting a strong
civil rights plank in the platform
which will be presented here to-
Southern opponents of the,
plank have been ominous in their
warnings, but have yet to suggest'
a walkout of the 1948 variety.
The plank reportedly includesl
three controversial provisions:
first, legislation allowing the at-
torney generol to sue on behalf
of the citizens' rights; second, the
esatblishment of a civil rights
commission as a permanent body;
third, endorsement of the South-
ern sit-in movement.
Pro-civil rights groups, includ-'
ing organized labor and the
NAACP, are jubilant about the
plank, which reportedly includes
the stiffest language in 20 years.
Demonstration Starts
A non - violent demonstration
for civil rights, involvingithou-
sands of students and citizens,
started here Sunday and will re-
main vigilant through Wednesday
night, when the actual nominating
process begins.(
The strike, and the year-longI
movement it culminates, have ap-
parently mobilized enough senti-
ment to force a solid plank. The
need for such a plank is further
emphasized by the growing im-
portance of the Negro vote in
Northern urban areas.

The Republicans and Richard
M. Nixon are expected to offer a
firm civil rights plank which might
sway the vital urban vpte.
Criticism Heard'
Sen. John F. Kennedy's civil
rights posture has been pictured
by some as vacillating, and occa-
sional Negro criticism has been
heard. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt'
warned here yesterday about the
possibility of the Massachusetts
senator's "losing significant Negro
support," and NAACP leaders are
privately concerned about Ken-
nedy's Senate record.
But Kennedy made a powerful
bid to clear up any ambiguities at
an NAACP rally Sunday before
the major leaders of the civil
rights movement. He firmly fa-
vored, "the right of every Ameri-
can to think, to vote, to speak, to'

read, to worship as he pleases, to
stand up for his rights, and, when
necessary, to sit down for them."
What the South's reaction to
suchi strong language will be, is
not certain. A severe fight has
been reported in the secret meet-
ings of the platform committee.'
That fight may well spill onto the
convention floor tonight, but no
walkout is yet foreseen. Trouble
in November is also possible.
An extreme move would see the
South bind together to throw the
election from the electoral college
to the House of Representatives
where bargains would have to be
struck for key Southern votes. A
less extreme move, equally dam-
aging to the Democrats, would be
for Southerners to say home from
the polls. But chances of the
South supporting Kennedy in No-
vember are not completely nil.

Reds' Support of Cuba
May Back Valid Cause
Prof. Henry Bretton of the political science department yester-
day expressed the fear that "the Soviet Union has sided with a legiti-
mate cause" in supporting Cuba against the United States in recent
oil. and sugar squabbles.
Fidel Castro's dictatorship has become a scapegoat for the United
States government in the dispute, and its hypothetical Red associ-
ation has been used to rationalize unfairness on the part of the
t United States, Prof. Bretton said.

cratic convention floor battle on
civil rights was threatened last
night by southern delegates.
The threat arose whenthe plat-
form committee approved astrong
civil rights plank which was bit-
terly opposed by Southern mem-
Sen. James C. Eastland of Mis-
sissippi said an effort will be made
to have the convention repudiate
the plank.
The resolutions committee com-
pleted action on the platform,
which contained specific approval
of Supreme Court rulings on rac-
ial equality and also approved
language regarding recent sit-in
Eastland, leaving the meeting,
said Southern members also ob-
jected to platform language re-
garding state right to work laws.
Join In Protest : .
This presumably consisted of a
statement of oppoition to laws
which prohibit compulsory -unioni
membership arrangements in un-
ion-employer contracts
The Mississippi senator said
nine Southern states joined in a
statement of protest regarding the
civil rights and right to work dec-
He said a minority report of
protest will be filed. Asked if there
was a chance of a Southern dele-
gate convention walkout, East-
land said, "I'm n prophet, I don't
The vote in favor of the civil
rights plank was unofficially re-
ported at 74-20. The approval
came after more than three hours
of heated debate, conducted be-
hind closed doors.
Rep. Chester Bowles of Connec-
ticut, chairman of the 109-mem-
ber committee, said the platform
was one which he believed Demo-
crats everywhere could support
with enthusiasm.
However, he said Southern del-
egates had notified him ofrtheir
intention to file a minority report
on civil rights.
The Dixie attitude toward the
plank was expressed in the crisp
comment of Sen. Sam J. Ervin of
North Carolina when the com-
mittee met-"I cannot accept it.",
Kennedy Camp
Gaining Force
For Victory
Special to The Daily
machine had a convention stam-
pede well under way yesterday as
it ground toward a smashing first-
ballot victory,
Only an unimaginable realign-
ment of political force can now
stop the Massachussets senator
whose backers claim he has the
671 votes necessary for the nomi-
nation. Brilliant weekend timing
brought the swing to Sen. John
Kennedy to its maximum inten-
Kennedy had the big states,
New York, California, Pennsyl-
vania, Illinois, Ohio and Michi-
fan. He had the big names: David'
Lawrence, Edmund G. (Pat)
Brown, Richard Daley, Robert.
Wagner, 0. Mennen Williams, and
maybe even Stuart Symington
and Adlai Stevenson. He was

Slugging Nationals Take All-Star Game

KANSAS CITY (AP)-Willie Mays,
Ernie Banks and Del Crandall led
the power-packed National League
team to a 5-3 victory over the
American League yesterday in the
blistering 100-degree heat of Kan-
sas City's first All-Star game.
Mays, the San Francisco Giants'
spectacular center fielder, con-
tributed a triple, double and single
and just missed a home run. Chi-
cago's Banks and Milwaukee's
Crandall each hit home runs be-
fore the sellout crowd of 30,619
paying a net $183,892.
Only Cleveland's Gary Bell and
Kansas City's Bud Daley escaped
without allowing a hit as the Na-
tionals narrowed the American's
series lead to 16-12. The 29th
game will be played tomorrow
afternoon in Yankee Stadium.
Breaks Through
Shut out for five innings by

final two runs off Buhl in the
Bill Monbouquette, the American
League starter and loser, ran into
rough going from the very start.
Mays greeted the Boston right-
hander with a triple to the right
field corner on his second pitch.
When Bob Skinner of Pittsburgh
singled on the next pitch, the
Nationals were ahead to stay.
Slugs Pitch
Banks, the National League
home run and RBI leader, slugged
a Monbouquette pitch over the
left field fence scoring Skinner
and it was 3-0 before the crowd
was able to down its first lemon-
The Nationals kept right after
Monbouquette in the second when
Crandall hit his first pitch over
that handy left field wall.
After manager Al Lopez of the

got back in the ball game by
chasing McCormick in the sixth
and teeing off on Buhl in the
Mays, going fol' the cycle after
his triple, double and single, sent
a screaming fly ball to deep right
in the sixth. Kuenn went deep
near the wall and pulled it down.
After that effort Alston gave Mays
the remainder of the day off and
let Cincinnati's Vada Pinson finish
up in center.
Incidentally, Willie turned an
ordinary single into a double in
the fourth with his speed and
daring. The hard-hit ball skidded
through Boston's Pete Runnels
into short center. Mays never
stopped at first but slammed into
second base ahead of Mickey
Mantle's throw from short center.
Friend deservedly was the win-
ner for his brilliant one-hit job
over the first three innings. The

The United States has "no way of
telling whether Castro is a front
for international communist," he
pointed out.
Legitimate Grievance
"I take the provision that the
Cuban people have a legitimate
grievance against the United
States, he explained, and we are
losing sight of their point of view
and becoming fascinated by Cas-
tro's unusual behavior."
In the past United States rela-
tions with Cuba, the United States
has given our support to former
premier Fulgencio Batista. Michi-
gan representative Alvin Bentley's
remark that supporters of the
Castro regime in the sugar dis-
putes tend to be "soft on Com-
munism" is curious as it comes
from a Republican whose party
tolerated Batista.
He mentioned that objective,
conservative commentaries - for
instance, the London "Econo-
mist's" - recognized the United
States has exploited the Cuban
New Approach
"The United States and Cuba
are drifting into a situation they
aren't going to be able to get out

I .tw

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