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July 12, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-12

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r Af~iligan Baths
Seventieth Year
'ruth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.@"ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

)AY, JULY 12, 1960


"I Thought We Left Him in Washington"
4s.~- --
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Dick Clark Teaches
Lessons of Life
A COOL, FORD CONVERTIBLE drives through the average omall
city and wheels up in front of that safeguard of American de-
mocracy, the American high school-Harrison High, by name.
A man leans over to wake a sleeping little boy and with a kin!ly
smile says, "this is the place."
No modern day Brigham Young, but fresh, young good-looking
Neil Hendry-boy teacher, And this is the "place and the man for
"Because They're Young," which sounds like an excuse for the pic-
ture, and it certainly needs one.
Starring Dick Clark of television and Congressional payola in-
vestigation fame, the picture includes all those elements and bits of

U.S. Educational Problem:
Meeting Individual Needs


[T WAS SUGGESTED in an editorial last
Saturday that American institutions of high-
r education will have to equip themselves not
nly to train larger numbers of students in com-
ng years, but to provide an increasingly wide
ariety of programs for them.
For years a college education was con-
idered necessary for very few professions,
sually law, medicine and the ministry. Now
lmost every job that makes use of high school
earning requires or benefits from work beyond
uigh school.
Colleges and universities must prepare for
nore students, more kinds of students, and
inally, students with more varying degrees of
bility within each field of study.
The first of these needs is generally recog-
iized and is at least being worried about, if
iot adequately satisfied.
In order to take care of the second need,
pecialized institutions, such as business school,
echnological institutes, junior colleges, and the
everal departments and schools within other
olleges and universities need to be encouraged
.nd supported. This is a good way to educate
pecialists and protect the quality of our more
cholarly programs .at the same time.
The third need, for developing different in-

tellectual capacities to their fullest, is the aim
of such facilities as graduate schools and honors
programs offer. Maintenance of strict high
standards will insure their value and provide a
dependable index of quality among the myriad
meaningless, watered-down degrees.
CARE MUST BE TAKEN to prevent the pres-
tige of a bachelor's degree from tempting'
possibly good training schools to overstep their
proper ground.
Also, steps are necessary to provide enough
good teachers for the multitude of students. It
is questionable whether merely the academic
ability sufficient to enable a person to acquire
a graduate degree is also sufficient proof of
the ability to stimulate and inform a class of
In summary, it is not enough that we wring
impressive sums from legislators and alumni,
in order to build more classrooms, house more
cyclotrons and hire more teachers. We must
recognize the changing nature of American
education's problems and channel our funds
and our energy accordingly, so that we may
boast of skillful, intelligent citizens in every
walk of life.

4 .,
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wisdom that appeal to the teen
set. There are Real Life rock 'n'
rollers, cut chicks, good looking
guys, teen-age gangs, and every-
body's buddy, Dick Clark.
THROUGH THE friendly guid-
ance of Clark and the inherent
virtue of youth, the principals
learn more than the ABC's in
Harrison High. The birds and the
bees and restraint; there's no such
thing as a bad boy; a teacher
should be a buddy; and one mis-
take is not fatal-all these are
the profound lessons of "Because
They're Young."
Hendry is a new history teacher
at Harrison who becomes involved
in his pupils' problems, contrary
to school rules. He has to keep his
job in order to keep custody of his
young cousin and the difficulties
seem to compromise our hero's
ideals. But never fear, justice tri-
umphs, despite administrative and
parental stodginess.
* * S
self, as the counselor-teacher who
likes everybody. Since his role is
merely an extension of his tele-
vision appearances, there is noth-
ing more to say, except his sincer-
ity is more doubtful on film.
Michael Callan, a bad boy
turned good by Clark and a knife
Iin his chest at the end, turns in
the best in a bath of mediocre
acting performances. His success-
ful opponent for the once-fallen
Anne, Tuesday Weld, is another
boy with a problem, Warren Ber-
linger, who was totally uncon-
Victoria Shaw is Clark's girl
friend and does an average job
as a withdrawn former teacher.
Although teen-age pictures gen-
erally appeal to young girls, this
movie was a little better than the
average with its cast of teen
"names," but Teacher Clark et al
still rate an E in the college class-
--Michael Burns

Flik Flls,
Down Stairs
not go to sleep last night;
and this fact caused more con-
sternation to the inhabitants of
his apartment house than the fact
that he was mentally ill and ready
to kill someone.
Since the movie itself was a
little less than mediocre, it is mis-
placed intellectualism to consider
it on its symbolic terms. However,
if you do not, the movie has no
interest at all.
The situation is essentially tri-
angular. At the apex is the "mad"
scientist. Through developments
in his laboratory, he has indir-
ectly caused the death of a loved
one. Since then, he has. been un-
able to face his work, or the
world; and his withdrawal leads
him into insanity.
At one extreme on the base leg
are the police powers. They feel
since he is now outside society, he
should be dealt with as if he were
a criminal. Meet violence with
violence, they reason.
common humanity finds itself un-
expectedly mediating between the
powers-gone-berserk upstairs and
the police who are normally hired
to do society's dirty work.
Common humanity cannot allow
the scientist to withdraw too far
from them. Moreover, they nust
see to it, rather than allow any
hired specialists (the police).
This game of symbolism rejects
the story as simply a tale of a
sick fellow in distress because the
underlying idea is more interest-
ing than the story.
-Thomas Brien


. .S .


They're Rioting in Africa

THE PAST FEW MONTHS have brought a
strange political quality to the world,
The May riots in Korea shook the nation,
and shook its president right out of the pic-
ture. Mob action took over when government
did not perform as it should have.
Since June 30 riots and streets fights in
Italy have taken eight lives. The government
pleads in vain for a truce and the violence
Now the newly-liberated Congo is ravaged
by chaos and rioting, The fledgling govern-
ment is struggling to maintain control through
force. .
Meanwhile in the United States the combi-
nation of youth, beer and music added up to
confusion, The .check was simple: stop the
music and let the beer wear off by clapping
the youths into jail. Political action centered
thousands of miles away, where the city of
Los Angeles prepared for demonstrations where
words replace the music, the liquor is harder

and more expensive than. beer, and some
people's definition of youth is 43. Politics in
the United States is not disturbed by riots at
In what is theoretically the only all-out war
now in progress on the face of the earth,
France and Algeria are conducting talks which
lend a veneer of civilization to the spectacle
of man killing man.
And although Russia walked out of the dis-
armament conference at Geneva, nobody was
incited to riot.
ACCORDING TO civilization's definitions the
bloody eruptions at various points on the
globe do not constitute war. But are they not
in fact the most real war today?
Perhaps civilization has reached a climax in
weapons of war so utterly "clean" and "effic-
ient" that man himself is not civilized enough
to suppress instinct and release his tensions
by pushing an ICBM button.

1979 Approaches 1984

Where Are We Now.


T WOULD BE NICE to believe, as Sen. Wiley
asked us to believe last week, that everything
as been as good, if not better than it ever was,
ince the breakdown of the summit and the
ancellation of the President's visits to Moscow
nd Tokyo. But it is not true that everything
s as good as it ever was. And self-deception is
s dangerous a habit as a nation can fall into.
t becomes doubly dangerous when, having
uffered a severe defeat, official spokesmen
eek to intimidate opponents by insisting that
he true patriot will deny that the defeat is a
efeat and will make itna victory by calling it
"ERTAIN THINGS which have happened
A since the explosion in May have given a
ertain but misleading plausibility to the thesis
hat everything is as good as it ever was.
For one thing, Mr. Khrushchev has taken
ains to make it clear that his quarrel is not
ith the United States but with Mr. Eisen-
ower, and that the basic policy of the Soviet
'nion continues to be to avoid war and to
egotiate for a detente and a reduction of
rmaments. Accordingly, he has, on the one.
and, broken off relations with the President
nd is refusing to negotiate with his adminis-
ation. On the other hand, he has declared a
oratorium about Berlin, and has openly -
ery openly by Communist standards-differed
ith the Red Chinese and committed the Euro-
ean satellites to the doctrine of co-existence
ithout war.
Why? In my view because the Khrushchev
olicy of co-existence without war, as distinct
'om the more orthodox Chinese doctrine that
ar is inevitable, stems from tht vital national
terests of the Soviet Union. The good will
iows between the Nixon visit to Moscow and
lay of this year did not come from a change
heart about America and about capitalism.
came from a realistic calculation of the
Editorial Staff

need of the Soviet Union to develop an economy
in peace and with a reduced burden of military
expenditure. Our response, however badly con-
ceived and managed, stemmed from our vital
national interest. We too cannot afford to drift
toward nuclear war, and our allies the world
around have demanded a sincere effort to relax
the tension.
These basic interests of the USSR and the
USA have not been changed, and that is why,
in one way or another, the search for a detente
will be resumed.
HIOWEVR, IT WILL BE a long time, a year
at the minimum, before the broken bridge
between the two worlds can be repaired. I wish
I could think that time will be on our side dur-
ing this year and that in this intermission when
genuine diplomatic relations are suspended, our
position will grow relatively stronger.
There is, however, no reason whatever to
think that the alliance in Europe will disin-
tegrate. The connections between North Amer-
ica and Western Europe are rooted deeply in
geography, history, kinship, culture, and re-
ligion. These connections have been tested in
all the great wars for two centuries. What will
change in the future as it has in the past is the
relative position of the powers within the alli-
ance. Our paramountcy, which began with the
frustration of Europe in the second World War,
is giving way as Western Europe revives. While
we shall remain the key piece in the Western
alliance, our position relative to Britain, France
and Germany is declining and our influence
and prestige have undoubtedly fallen.
But in Asia the prospects are very different
and less favorable. The system of peripheral
bases from Turkey around to Japan has been
obsolescent since the Soviet Union acquired
nuclear weapons. Now the system of bases has
been deeply undermined by the U-2 affair and
its aftermath. Our position in Asia is crumbling
and this will continue unless, conceivably, the
Chinese commit some act of folly which, like
their aggression against India, frightens the
nations of Asia.
THE SALVAGE of American interests in Asia
will require a reappraisal and a revision of

Robert L. Heilbroner, Harper
and Brothers, 1960.
IF YOU have felt America, in its
recent international encounters,
has behaved similar to the hunt-
ing dog that approaches his mas-
ter for approvaldafter a hard day
in the field and receives a poke
in the nose, then you should read
Robert L. Heilbroner's "The Fu-
ture as History."
Approval is not in store for the
West, and all its efforts will seem
inadequate before the frightening
pace of historical change. History
is "closing in" on an unprepared
American population that is al-
most unaware of the strenuous de-
mands that will be exacted from
the leaders of progress.
The first and perhaps toughest
demand to meet is an excruciating
change of attitude. From the ori-
gin of America as a colony and
then as a nation, historical cur-
rents have run parallel to the ob-
jectives of the American Dream.
Today, at the start of a momen-
tous second half of the Twentieth
Century, history will no longer be
on our side.
DESPITE the promise of contin-
ued material progress, other tasks
are ahead. "It is rather a time
when the West must take upon it-
self a new and more difficult role
in history than in the past: not
that of leading in the van of his-
tory's forces under the banner of
progress, but that of preserving
from the ruthless onslaught of
history's forces the integrity of the
very idea of progress itself."
This onslaught of history will
confront us in two areas: in the
rescuing of the underdeveloped
countries from the centuries-old
morass of poverty, and in the
spiritual limitations of a highly
specialized, highly collectivized so-
The two examples of industrial-
ization of underdeveloped coun-
tries today, India and China, offer
the only two alternatives possible
today for economic change. India's
population receives an estimated
yearly per-capita-income of "less
than $100." At the previous dec-
ade's rate of growth of two per
cent, by the year 2000, they will
be receiving about $200 a year.
RED CHINA, meanwhile, has
been growing at a rate of six per
cent. This growth has been ob-
tained by what appears to the
West as a dreadful manipulation
of human lives. Nevertheless, there
remain only the two alternatives.
"The choice is'between a violent
and often frightfully costly effort
for a generation or two in the
hope of freeing future generations
fro mthe yoke, or the patient en-
durance of a new bitterly resented
misery for many generations while
a more humane, but far slower
transformation is achieved."
Concomitant developments will
be serious. The initial economic
program will throw the country

JUST AS David Riesman stated
inner-direction was an individual-
istic transition from tradition-
direction of tribal or feudal society
to other-direction of today's "so-
cialistic" state, Heilbroner says
capitalism is the transition from
the collective misery of the lower
classes in pre-industrial society, to
an increasingly socialized, welfare
state. Communism is only a quick-
er alternative for capitalism in the
relentless trend toward socializa-
tion of nations.
Back home, organization (Amer-
ican style collectivism) spreads
enormously - threatening man's
spiritual life with specialization
and automation, while it remains
un - American to intelligently
"plan" economic and social
Income distribution continues
to level and income levels continue
to rise. In 1929, the living stand-
ard was $2,000 per household. Only
40 per cent had surpassed this
level. The 1959 equivalent is $4,000

and 64 per cent were above this
level. If the momentum is sus-
tained, in 1979, the average family
income will be $8,000.
THE INCREASED income will
reduce economic pressure on peo-
ple to take jobs they do not like
but are essential to society. With
almost everyone earning an upper-
middle income, who is going to
drive buses, work on production
lines, etc. Eventually, social con-
trols will be the only answer to
the maintenence of society. These
controls are not likely to be pleas-
ant if they are not planned or the
population is not prepared for
Well, many such problems are
considered in this stimulating
book. It has the readability of any
book that employs sweeping gen-
eralizations, but his generaliza-
tions seem valid and provide in-
sight into the perplexing under-
currents. of history now being
-Thomas Brien

A Niche for Stevenson

Wong's World
4Loses Magic in Mire
BILLED AS AN "oversexed smash hit," the current production at
Detroit's Shubert Theatre, "The World of Susie Wong," lives up,
at least, to its first adjective. There is enough plain talk-and innu-
end-about boys and girls (why bother with birds and bees) to de-
light any connoiseur of the slightly off-odor remark.
Played for its moments of sauciness, the comic-drama loses some

of the magic poignancy that would

LOS ANGELES-It now seems
almost safe to say Adlai Steven-
son has completed his eight-year
ascent from the world of practical
partisan politics. The direction of
his future orbiting, however, is not
yet clear.
His chances for the Presidency
grow faint here, but he is a
favorite choice for a high admin-
istrative post, should the Demo-
crats win in November. All this
week the former Illinois governor
has been the focus of adoration,
bitter criticism, and much objec-
tive, but varying, speculation.
He arrived in the city of his
birth Saturday, receiving the
greatest welcome ever seen at
International Airport. The air-
port demonstration reflected the
week-long fanaticism of his un-
authordized grass-roots campaign,
which survived more on its high
adrenal capacity than on dollars
or the aggressiveness of its candi-
STEVENSON is far from ag-
gressive. Rather he is extremely
restrained about the nomination
and convinced of the validity of
his controversial stand:
"I think my stand is very con-
sistent. It would be arrogant, and
presumptuous, for a man who has
received his party's highest honor
two times to think himself thus
fitted to seek the nomination once
again. But it would be equally
arrogant and presumptuous to
refuse the nomination. A group of
supporters have converted me into
a candidate. If the people want me
to lead them, I will lead them." ,
Political old-timer Jim Farley

tics involves operation on two
broad levels: the level of ideas,
and the nonintellectual level of
personality and image. In the last
eight years Stevenson has shown
little incliation to work on the
second level.
His willingness to address a
convention of political scientists,
for example, has been much
greater than his willingness to
have tea with the ladies. And, of
course, he has suffered politically,
if not intellectually.
Since 1956-the year John Ken-
nedy began his national campaign
for the Presidency (Mr. Kennedy
operates on both political levels)
-Stevenson has undertaken the
dual task of world travel and the
articulation of the most profound
political-social philosophy he can
* * *
THE RESULT in sum of both
efforts lead one to believe that
Stevenson does not desire the
Presidency as much as he desires
to be known to future generations
as the greatest social visionary of
this age. He wants little to do with
the political chicanery, but much
to do with the statement of the
meaning of this civilization.
A portion of a recent speech is
"Our astronauts wait to venture
)n a journey more mysterious than
the quest of the golden fleece. We
are adding a city a day to, the
world's population. How can we
be content in such an age to keep
our political thinking within the
nation? How can we permit out-
narrow bonds of class or race or
dated ideology to obscure our
identity as citizens of a common

seems to be that of the most ap-
propriate podium for the gentle-
man. Ever since his defeat in
1956 Stevenson has been men-
tioned as the next Democratic
Secretary of State: "Yes, I've been
flattered by that talk," he acknow-
ledges here.
But in the past few days, vari-
ous people have begun to seriously
consider a ticket with Adlai Stev-
enson as Vice-Presidential candi-
date. Some of the ex-governor's
oldest associates, including Neil
Staebler and Averill Harriman,
are in on the drafting of the plan.
Those die-hards who still fight
for his Presidential nomination
are apparently not interested in
the Vice-Presidency for their man.
As Vice - President Stevenson
would be free to write and speak
out on world issues, help form ad-
ministration policies, travel exten-
sively. As gavel holder in the Sen-
ate, he would be powerful because
of his prestige, knowledge, and
talent for aggressive debate.
Proponents of this view would
desire Chester Bowles to be Secre-
tary of State. Bowles has been
widely hailed for his brilliant
career as ambassador to Indian
and, adding Kennedy's knowledge
and ability in international af-
fairs, the Democrats would have a
powerful three-man coalition to
assess the world situation.
* * *
settles here, the coalition is likely
to be the same. Stevenson has
more support for the Secretary of
State position at present, leaving
Bowles going either to the job of
delegate to the United Nations or
work nn foreign economic aid pro-

raise it above street level. Despite
highly competent performances,
including one of great digity and
charm by Romi Yamada in the
title role, the play has difficulty
convincing its audience that it is
more concerned with the human
heart than with the portions of
human anatomy it discusses most.
"THE WORLD of Susie Wong,"
which opened last Tuesday for a
three week run is graced by high-
ly professional performances and
cleverly colorful sets which con-
vey the vitality and excitement of
Hong Kong as well as some of its
Susie is, in her own definition,
"a common little waterfront
whore" who meets and falls in
love with a Canadian artist. As
played by Miss Yamada, she is a
combination of a jealous minx
and a stoically selfless and highly
mature woman.
The full burden of the play falls
upon the character of Susie, and
Miss Yamada does a fine job with
the role, but she is hindered by a
script which often plays sex sole-
ly for its own sake -- and for
laughs - underminiing the bal-
ance between defiance and shame
that she must maintain about her
Her shy and sensitive, but bold-
ly frank artist is adequately por-
trayed by Robert Carle-adequate-
ly but not fully. There is some-
thing missing in his performance
-perhaps a sense of vitality, even
passion, beneath the surface
naivete, that injures his role, and
through him, the play as a whole.
PERHAPS THE funniest-and
in this play, funniest is equated
with bawdiest-scenes are be-
tween Susi's "regular boyfriend,"
an English businessman, amusing-
ly acted by Joel Thomas, and the
artist who loves her.
Appearances by the other girls
in the "hntel" ae nften bright

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