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June 21, 1960 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-21

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Uling To Permit Resumption
f Voting Discrimination Probe

Hawaii Gaily Welcomes 1k

hi Gets New Treaty Legislation

Court Backs.
Civil Rights

If Kishi sees the security alli-
ance through, he will have to
buck the wrath of lefists that may
reach a climax tomorrow with
mass demonstrations around the
Parliament and a nationwide gen-
eral strike which they warn will
be the biggest in Japanese his-
The Communist-influenced So-
hyo Labor Federation said 5,400,-
000 unionists are set to take part
in the strike.
More Students
The leftist Zengakuren Stu-
dents Federation reported 45,000
students will join in the demon-
Students at Hoses, Tokyo and
several other universities began
boycotting classes to protest the
treaty and to demand ouster of
the Kishi government. They were
backed by many of their faculty.
The National High School Prin-
cipals Federation, however, con-
demned the universities and de-
manded the students quit med-
dling in political activities.



Nixon Backs Farm Surplus
For UN Food Distribution

This was a part of a five-point
program offered by Nixon in a
speech prepared for delivery here.
It was his first farm speech since
the congressional campaign of
The surprising part of his
speech came in what he didn't
He shied away from the contro-
versial price support program be-
cause he said it wouldn't be prop-
er for him to comment on an ad-
ministration bill which is still be-
fore Congress.
Nixon said he hadn't planned
to present a complete farm pro-
gram but that he had passed these
ideas on to the Republican plat-
form Committee.
Originally Nixon said President
Dwight D. Eisenhower had
thought about calling a confer-
ence of all surplus producing na-
tions including the Soviet Union
but this idea was dropped after
the breakdown of the Summit

preme Court yesterday blasted
aside roadblocks which have sty-
mied the Civil Rights Commission
in its 'investigation of complaints
of voitng discrimination against
Negroes in the South.
The Court's 7-2 ruling put the
Commission in a position to re-
sume hearings on such complaints,
whether against voting registrars
or private citizens.
Overturned were two injunctions
in Federal District Court for west-
ern Louisiana.
These had forced the comnmis-
sion to call off hearings in Shreve-
port, La., and to mark time with
other investigations.
Upheld Commission
In an opinion by Chief Justice
Earl Warren, the Supreme Court
specifically upheld Commission
rules which provide the identity
of persons making compaints may
not be disclosed, and thatthose
summoned to testify, including
persons against whom complaints
had been made could not cross-
examine the complainants.
Both the lower court rulings in-
volved held, in essence, that the
Commission could not deny voting
registrars or private citizens in-
volved in complaints the right to
confront their accusers and cross
examine them without specific
Congressional authorization.
One of the decisions was given
last July by Chief Judge Ben C.
Dawkins of Western District of
Louisiana in a suit brought by
private citizens to halt the Shreve-
port hearings. Last October, a
three-judge district court, of
which he was a member, made a
similar ruling in a case involving
17 voter registrars in several
Louisiana parishes.
Congressional OK
In disagreeing with the lower
court, Warren said Congress au-
thorized the Commission to adopt
the procedure in question.
Warren said the specific consti-
tutional question is whether per-
sons whose conduct is under in-
vestigation by a government
agency are entitled by virtue of
the due process clause of the
Fifth Amendment, to know the
specific causes that are being in-
vestigated as well as the identity
of the complainants and to have
the right to cross examine those
He said "due process" is an illu-
sive concept, its exact boundaries
undefinable, and its content vary-
ing according to specific contexts.

Ask Parley
For Peace
rebel leaders agreed yesterday to
send a peace mission to Paris to
seek an end to the six-year-old
The French government im-
mediately said the rebel envoys
would be granted safe passage.
But officials in Paris repeated an
oft-stated proviso: any discussion
must "concern only a cease-fire,
disposition of weapons and the
fate of the fighters." After that,
they said, discussion could turn
to a referendum on Algeria's fu-
In Algeria, troop reinforce-
ments were brought near the
major cities in event any trouble
is touched off by French settlers
immovable in their demand that
Algeria remain French. At last
report, there was calm.
Politicians Opposed
A group of influential French
politicians, meeting in Vicennes,
camne out strongly against the
talks. The group, included former
Premier Georges Bidault and
Maurice Bourges-Maunoury, and
two former administrators of Al-
geria, Jacques Soustelle and Rob-
ert Lacoste. They rejected the
"Algerian Algeria" solution fav-
ored by de Gaulle and said it
would lead to independence.
But Tunisian President Habib
Bourguiba, who won French rec-
ognition of his country's inde-
pendence in 1956, declared the
rebels' decision was a "decisive
step for peace in Algeria." Bour-
guiba has permitted the rebels to
camp in Tunisia.
To Send Envoy
A brief communique issued in
this rebel headquarters agreed to
send Premier Ferhat, Abbas to
Paris in the desire to "end the
fighting and finally settle" the
nationalist revolt. A rebel envoy
would precede Abbas to arrange
details of his trip.
Even though the rebels and the
French were for the first time
publicly agreeing to sit down to-
gether, there remain serious hur-
dles. The rebel communique said
de Gaulle's Algerian policy is still
"far different" from the rebel
De Gaulle said in October 1958,
and again last Tuesday that he
would sit down with the rebel
leaders in Paris only to discuss
military matters. French officials
hastened to reassert this yester-
day but the rebels might try to
broaden the Paris talks.

HONOLULU 1) -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, gamely
smiling despite his weariness,
came to sunny Hawaii yesterday
for a rest at the end of his three-
nation good will tour of the Far
Eisenhower, a bright red le
around hiseneck, aroused cheers,
applause and showers of flowers
from upwards of 100,000 casually
dressed Hawaians who lined his
motorcade route.
The President was reported con-
vinced as he began his vacation
that his visits to the Philippines,
Korea and Formosa had promoted
better understanding of American
policy-even though his main stop
in Tokyo was wiped out by Red-
led riots,
Arriving at Honolulu's Interna-
tional Airport, Eisenhower im-
mediately struck a theme which
he emphasized in his Far East
travels-that men of all races and
creeds can live together as friends.
The 50th state, with its mingling
of Asians and Westerners, he
said, is "a true example of men
'Red Cuba'
Department official yesterday cal-
led Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba
"an utterly cynical dictatorship."
World Communist leaders like
it so well they hold it us as a
model for revolutions they advo-
cate in the rest of Latin America,
and elsewhere, Roy R. Rubottom,
Assistant Secretary of State for
Inter-American Affairs, told a
House foreign affairs subcommit-
He predicted that Latin Ameri-
ca would reject Communism's ef-
forts, since it dislikes all dictator-
One reason international Com-
munism chose the Cuban revolu-
tion as a model, Rubottof said,
is that the Cuban regime moves
"ruthlessly and without regard to
the individual and property rights
of free people."
While the Cuban revolution is
singled out for praise both in
Moscow and in Peiping, "there no
longer are favorable references
to the other national movements
of Asia and Africa which the So-
viets formerly warmly endorsed,"
he said.
The United States recently has
accused the Castro regime of de-
liberately falsifying statements
about the United States Govern-
ment, but Rubottom's statement
is one of the strongest yet made
by an American official.
He said the Cuban revolution
"represents the pattern" which
Communists "would like to see
spread throughout the underde-
veloped world to replace national
independence and strengthening
of individual political and eco-
nomic freedom."

living together in human dignity
for the benefit of all."
A phony bomb scare created a
flurry of excitement moments be-
fore Eisenhower's orange-tipped
Jet airliner landed after a 5,200-
mile flight from Korea.
An unidentified caller warned
police a bomb had been planted
at the Japanese Consulate on Eis-
enhower's motorcade route. Police

eral Communications Commission
has tentatively set a new prece-
dent, the Senate was told yester,
day, giving an advantage in TV
license contests to firms with
Congress members among their
Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis)
called this "political payola at its
worst." He said it would be just
as logical for FCC members to
adopt a policy of "taking the
gravy for themselves" by giving
preference to broadcasting com-
panies in which they held stock.
There was no immediate com-
ment from the FCC. But one
Congressman declared nothing
improper has taken place.
Proxmire based his charge on
a tentative FCC decision last
month to grant a TV license in
Albany, N.Y., to a company num-
bering five House members among
its shareholders.
The five, owning about 6 per
cent of the firm's total stock,
were listed as Republican Rep.
Dean P. Taylor, former GOP Na-
tional Committeeman, and four
Democrats-Reps. Leo W. O'Brien,
Eugene J. Keogh, James J. De-
laney and Peter W. Rodino, All
but Rodino are New Yorkers. He
is from New Jersey.
O'Brien is a member of the
House Commerce Co m i t te e,
which handles legislation affect-
ing the FCC and the communica-
tions business.
Proxmire, O'Brien said, "appar-
ently is proceeding on the as-
sumption something improper is
involved. Well, there is nothing
improper as far as I have seen or
know about."
O'Brien said he bought an in-
terest of about three-fourths of
1 per cent in 1954 "and I haven't
received any dividends."
He also said he has never
brought any pressure on the FCC,
that "I've leaned over backwards
to be fair on any legislation that
could be either favorable or harm-
ful to the broadcasting industry."

Offers Aid

LOVE those tennis rackets, imported Nelson R. Rockefeller announced
yesterday he would campaign na-
from Pakistan - beautifully, tionally for Republican candi-
hadcaftedwithgdates in the November election.
and-crafted wi genuine The. governor told a news con-
leather grips.C( ference that he would try to help
candidates for the United States
NET bigger savings from these Senate and House, as well as the
national ticket.
economical rackets priced Rockefeller, who will head New
at $5, $7, $8, and $10. York's 96-vote delegation to the
GOP Presidential Nominating
SERVE you we will with a fine Convention next month, said the
Republican National Committee
racket - in a choice of three had not invited him to make the
weigts ad may coors.tour.
weights and many Colors. Asked if the tour meant he per-
sonally would support Vice Presi-
PH A T 'dent Richard M. Nixon as the
INDI A A RT SH110PGOP presidential nominee, Rock-
efeller replied:
.330 Maynard Street "I am standing by my previous
statement that I will support the
____national ticket."
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