Y, JUNE 29, 960
.. ..
Role of EnglishTeacher Stressed
University Radio To Begin Polities Ser
In Computers
eet for Day
Approximately 45 computer sci-a
entists and engineers, including
several instructors in seven spec-
lal two-week computer courses
now concluding at the University,
met recently here for a one-day
The instructors are teaching
two introductory and five ad-
vanced courses on all facets of
computer technology to men and
women representing industrial,
governmental, military, and com-
puter manufacturing groups.
The summer session courses are
the only ones dealing with aspects
of computer design, use and pro-
gramming, according to Prof.
Harvey Garner, of the electrical
engineering department, a course
"Only a half-dozen schools
offer computer courses," and "no
other school has the integrated
program the University has,"
Prof. Garner said.
"Since anyone qualified to teach
(computer courses) is also quali-
fied to hold down a very good
job In industry," there is a scar-
city of teachers in the field.
The summer session computer
students attend 60 hours of classes
and special evening lectures in
their two-week courses. The in-
troductory courses familiarize stu-
dents with digital computer oper-
ation, while the five advanced
courses deal with happenings in
"the frontiers" of computer sci-
ences, he said.
The latter include such things
as faster computation, design of
computers, planning work for
them, and mathematical tech-
Advanced students also discuss
ways of designing machines to
organize themselves and ways of
making them detect, control and
compute their own errors.
Conclude Here
The University is hosting a con-
ference on civil engineering next
Wednesday through Friday, with
the support of the National Sci-
ence Foundation and co-sponsored
by the Cooper Union and three
other engineering organizations.
This will be the third of a
series of three conferences.
At the first conference, held inj
January, the representatives
passed a resolution favoring "theI
growth in universities and col-
leges of a pre-engineering, under-
f graduate, degree-eligible program'
for all engineers, emphasizing.
huma nistic-social sciences."
The conference will include
speeches and discussions on such
topics as the background and ob-
jectives, the proposed structure,
and the aims and objectives of
undergraduate' and graduate engi-
neering education.
Speaking on "Vocabulary De-
velopment in the Classroom," Lee
C. Deighton, vice-president and
education department director forb
a publishing firm, said the cen-
tral problem of our society is
Deighton's lecture Monday was
the second in a Conference Series
for Teachers of English.
"The critical necessity of clear
communication in our society is
becoming apparent to everyone;
even to those who are daily pre-
occupied with other aspects of the
school program," Deighton said.
'Different Look'
He pointed out what he thinks is
a "different look" from ten years
ago in the teaching of English.
Besides the Impact of the Nation-
al Council curriculum study, "the
paperback revolution has gained
a foothold in our classrooms."
"Scholarly studies in semantics,
linguistics and the mass media
have provided new content of the
highest importance," he said.
He attributed the inspiration
for these changes to a new point
Astrono mer
T o Lecture
For Institute
The University Summer Insti-
tute in Earth Science is presenting
a number of local and visiting
lecturers during the six-week sum-
mer session,
Prof. Fred T. Haddock of the
astronomy department will speak
tomorrow on radio astronomy at
two p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
Prof. Harlow Shapley, emeritus
professor of astronomy at Harvard
University, spoke last Wednesday
on "Our Place in Time and
Seven other lectures are sched-
uled for the summer. Speakers in-
clude Dr. Sidney Chapman, chair-
man of the International Com-
mittee for the IGY Program, and
Dr. Morris Tepper, chief of the
Meteorological Satellite Program,
of view-a "conviction that Eng-
lish has its own unique content, a
subject matter that is vital to the
survival of our culture," and this
-The day when an independent
inventor can make a useful con-
tribution is by no means past,
according to Maurice A. Crews,
assistant commissioner of patents
for the United States Department
of Commerce.
Crews spoke at a symposium on
"Patent Facts and Trends" con-
ducted by the University engi-.
neering school's Industry Pro-
In an age of large-scale corpor-
ate and government research, the
individual inventor will continue
to play an important role, Crews
Mentions Study
He mentioned a recent study
which indicated that 60 per cent
of the most important contribu-
tions come from independent per-
sons or from small organizations.
The ratio of patent applications
filed by independent or small-
organization inventors has re-
mained constant at about 40 per
cent over the last couple of dec-
ades, he said.
The large-scale research on-
slaught has not greatly increased
patent applications, he went on.
Patent applications have risen
only one sixth, although research
efforts have gone up six to 12
times in this period.
Increases Inventiveness
One of the functions of the pat-
ent system is to increase national
inventiveness by getting inven-
tions out into the open so that
others may improve and build on
them, Crews explained. He said
that the use of patents as such a
base of information must be im-
The Patent Office is exploring
the possibility of doing so by
establishing patent search cen-
ters by classification outside the
one in Washington, D.C. Libraries
in 21 cities now have patent fliles,
but by number only.
A researcher in one of these
must look up the numbers of each
of the patents he wishes to see
and then retrieve them. Under
filing by classification, he needs
only go to the proper section to
find all of the patents he is in-
Stimulates Engineer
Patent searching not only tells
the inventor if he has a patent-
able idea, Crews said, but "often
stimulates the engineer, or in-
ventor, even when his own idea
turns out not to be original."
Also, to help engineers, chem-
ists, executives and inventors to
keep up with new ideas, the week-
ly Patent Office Gazette "is ar-
ranged in such a way that the
reader will need to refer only to
two or three pages to identify the
newly-issued patents he wants to
read," he added,
subject matter is found in no
other subject.
A few years ago, when curricu-
lum experts were combining Eng-
lish with science, the arts, and
social studies, English was the
handmaiden in each combination,
he said. The English department
was merely a service center for
the rest of the school,
Economists, physical scientists,
businessmen and others began to
find it necessary to communicate
their point of view, however, and
this changed the status of English
An "explosion of knowledge" in
every field of learning has, ac-
cording to Deighton, accompanied
the growth in political and social
Defends Heritage
Deighton believes that, in addi-
tion to being a defender of our
cultural heritage, the English
teacher has become a front-line
worker in the field of communi-
"Society is turning to his
unique skills and his unique sub-
ject matter as keys to survival.
For in the schools, it is only the
English teacher who can deal
with the management of language
for effective communication," he
Vocabulary development, Deigh-
ton said, depends on one thing-
an interest in words. So it is the
task of the teacher to stimulate
such an interest.
... Rotary president
Rotary Club
Picks Rowe
Prof. Tom D. Rowe, dean of the,
University pharmacy school, has
recently been elected president of
the Ann Arbor Rotary Club for
the 1960-61 fiscal year.
He assumes the post from Gage
Cooper, district manager of the
Detroit Edison Company in Ann
Arbor, whose term of office expires
at the end of this month.
Prof. Rowe was one of five new
officers elected by fellow Rotarians
at their weekly luncheon, meeting
in the Union.
The University radio station,
WUOM, will present a six-program
series on politics and voting be-
havior beginning tomorrow eve-
The series, . entitled "Back-
ground," will be heard at 7:30
p.m. on Thursday nights on
WUOM. It will also be re-broad-
cast in Ann Arbor on WHRV and
Tomorrow's program will be
"American Partisan Politics." It
was -originally recorded last sum-
mer when the participants, Demo-
cratic State Chairman Neil Staeb-
ler, Republican State Chairnan
Lawrence B. Lindemer, and Prof.
James K. Pollock, chairman of
the University's political science
department, were attending the
Institute of Practical Partisan
Politics in Ann Arbor.
Records Statements
Producer-Editor Jerrold Sandler
of WUOM recorded Lindemer,
Staebler, and Prof. Pollock's state-
/mentswith the "Background"
series in mind. All three partici-
pants in the program agreed that
a candidate can no longer buy an
election with a few drinks in a
Stabler feels that saloon-type
politiking was once an easy meth-
od, but the whole level of politics
has since been raised. He added
that we are now dealing with
many more complex issues than
we were formerly.
Lindemer explained that today
the party worker needs to keep
abreast of many more issues, while
maintaining a better understand-
ing of how parties operate md of
the historical background of poli-
Relationship Unseen
"Today people don't see the
relationship between themselves
and the political parties," Stabler
added. "Most young people who
go into partisan politics limit
themselves to a small area such as
research or publicity . ..
Prof. Pollock said that American
political parties have lagged be-
hind those of Europe in regard to
educational activities.
"Parties either have to revitalize
for the
" No Appointments Needed
" Air Conditioned
The Doscolo Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre
or die," Lindemer said. "The pub-
lic needs a greater recognition of
the importance of partisan poli-
Speakers Agree
All three speakers agree that
the proportion of participants in
Michigan partisan politics is far
too small to be effective. Staebler
noted that only about one per
cent of Michigan voters work for
either major party in the state.
Lindemer added: "People usually
only take. an interest in what is
going on in their own community.
They don't see that the things
that happen many miles away
can have a direct and pronounced
effect on themselves."
The other five "Background"
programs will fetaure three mem-
bers of the University faculty.
Prof. Warren E. Miller and Sa
H. Barnes of the political se
department and study- Din
Donald E. Stokes of the Unive
Survey Research Center will
cuss issues particularly rel
during the period of the nat
Wrote Book
Prof. Miller and, Prof. S
are two of the four co-authc
the- book "The American 'Vc
prepared by the University
vey Research Center and reo
published by John Wiley
The subjects of the remai
five broadcasts in .the "E
ground" series are major
taken from the book and
panded upon.
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Survey Finds Slight Increase
In Foreign Student Population
Cinema quild
Although more foreign students
studied in the United States dur-
ing 1959-60 than ever before, this
year's increase is the smallest rise
in the last six years, according to
an annual survey by the Institute
of International Education,
However, the 48,486 foreign stu-
dents in American college class-.'
rooms this year continue to rep-
resent the largest foreign student'
population in the world.
The slowing rate of increase in
foreign students here may indi-
cate that the influx is leveling off.
On the other hand, the traffic'
of A m e r i c a n students going
abroad increased 34 per cent.
Foreign faculty members who
came to teach or do research and
foreign doctors who served as in-I
terns and residents also acceler-
ated this last year. The number'
of American faculty teaching or1
conducting research abroad drop-1
ped almost four per cent.
These findings appear in the
sixth edition of "Open Doors,"
IIE's annual statistical report on
education exchange.
The foreign students in the
United States this year came from!
141 different countries and politi-
cal areas and studied at 1,712'
higher institutions in every state,
Puerto Rico, and the District of
Only 37 per cent of them were
here for the first time, in contrast
with the year before when 58 per
cent of the foreign student popu-
lation was beginning its studies
in this country.
The most popular field of study
(Ann Arbor's only
Espresso Cafe)
508East Wllam
open 2 P.M.-2 A.M.
Entertainment Friday, Saturday
continued to be engineering; more
than half of them were under-
The largest number of foreign
students came from the Far East,
as before, and slightly more than
half that number from Latin
Canada was the single country
sending the largest number of
students to this country.
The humanities, which was
second in popularity, attracted its
largest groups from Europe, North
America, and Africa, while engi-
neering claimed Middle, Far, and
Near East natives.
More than one quarter of the
foreign students were concen-
trated in California and New
York. The University of Califor-
nia was the institution with the
largest number of foreign stu-
dents enrolled.
Trader Horn, one of the out-
standing films of 1931, and still
the touchstone for jungle
thrills, had its inception in Irv-
ing Thalberg's ambition to cap-
italize on the popularity of the
narratives of Aloysius Horn.
This septuagenarian peddlar,
with the aid of Ethelreda Lew-
is, had published three volumes
of his African adventures, in
which highly colorful episodes
jostled homespun philosophy, a
combination that proved ir-
resistable to the American best-
seller public. No expense was
to be spared, MGM announced,
and early in 1929 a company
under the direction of W. S.
Van Dyke, whose White Shad-
ows in the South Seas had in-
dicated his talent for the ex-
otic, sailed from New York. It
was Hollywood's first great sa-
fari. Several tons of the then
new sound equipment were dis-
patched to East Africa, togeth-
er with i c e le s s refrigerators,
portable radios, and bathtub
gin. All the creature comforts
were to be enjoyed by this pio-
neer group; but in fact, they
had a rather rugged time. The
terrain was primitive, the ani-
mals unfriendly, the natives
clearly superior to the company,
and the docetor signed on be-
... radio astronomy
.. j I-~ ~ ~ . ... ...-- - . . . - .- . . - ...- .. - - ,. - - .. - , - - .......... .
iii fashion
Avow pretty,
paicka bie
. y
This fabulous dress
by Mynette is the
fashion find of the
year! it con be
(Continued from Page 2)
of Music and Nursing this date is by
July 18. In the Schools of Business Ad-
ministration, Education, Natural Re-
sources, and Public Healththisdate is
by July 20. Students wishing an exten-
sion of time beyond these dates should
file a petition with the appropriate of-
ficial of their school.
The French Comedy, "Mr. Hulot's
HIoliday," will be shown Thiurs., June
30 at 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room,
Undergraduate Library. The film is in
French with English sub-titles.
AMPHITRIYON 38, will be presented
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre 8:00
p.m., Wed., through Sat., July 6-9. Tick-
ets $1.50 and $1.00 for Wednesday and'
Thursday performances; $1.75 and $1.25
for Friday and Saturday performances.
Box office open daily Monday through
Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Season tickets now available for the
four remaining Playbill productions, in-
cluding AMPHITRYON 38, William'
Shakespeare's AS YOU LIKE IT (July
20-23), William Inge's PICNIC (July 27-
30), and Mozart's opera (with the
School of Music) DON GIOVANNI (Au-
gust 3-6) Season tickets $5.00 and 3y50,
plus 25c fqr each Friday or Saturdayl
performance ticket requested,
Lecture: Dr. Gordon B. B. M. Suther-
land, Director, National Physical Lab-
ortaory, Teddington, Middlesex, En-
gland, will speak on "The National
Physical Laboratory" on Wed., June
^.,9 at 3:30 p.m. In the Rackham Ampht-#
Wed., June 29, Pharmacology Library,
6th floor, Medical Science Bldg., at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, T. M. Brody.
Placement Notices
The Air Force Dependent's Schools
have vacancies in the following fields
and locations:
H.S. Physical Science-Azores & Ice-
land, French & Spanish-England, Fr.
& Latin-France, Jr. and Sr. H.S. Math/
Science-France, Italy, Germany, Mor-
roco, Tripoli, & Turkey, 2 Dorm Super-
visors for Boys-Germany, English/Lat-
in - Newfoundland, Social Studies -
Newoundland, Lnglish/Spanish or Lat-
in-Philippines, Ind. Arts/Math-Tur-
Applicants must be an American ci-
tizen, have a teaching certificate, 2
years of teaching experience, and be
Fortany additional inforation con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Ad. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Whirlpool Corp., Clyde, Ohio, young
man, background in manufacturing and
related functions, should be graduate
engineer. for assignment in Quality
Executiver Manpower Corporation,
New York. Director of Marketing. desir-
ability: B.S. in Chem., or equivalent
technical knowledge. about 10 years ex-
perience in marketing.
City of Benton Harbor, Michigan. As-
sistant City Engineer. college grad with
B.S. in CE.
State of W'isconsin, Division of Ar-
chitecture, Bureau of Engineering, State
Department of Administration: Con-
struction Specification Writer. (Archi-
tect IV).
Girl Scouts of Metropolitan Detroit:
Special Services Director, master's de-
gree in social work, or substantial ex-
perience in similar agencies, also, Dis-
trict Directors, B.A. with broad liberal
arts required, some group leadership
Neighborhool House Association, Buf--
falo, New York: Neighborhood Worker.
male, some group experience, will con-
sider B.S. degree, but graduate degree
in social work or sociology preferred.
International Harvester Company:
nel Department, Insurance Section.
young man, experience not necessary.
City of Flint, Michigan: Civil En-
gineer. Bachelor'sdegreerwith speciali-
zation in Civil Engineering, with at
least one year of experience required.
City of Detroit: Senior Stenographer
(woman), Police MatronCorrectional
Matron, Junior Zoological Curator
Wilson & Co., Inc., Chicago: men,
Biochemist, PhD plusi 3 to 10 years ex-
perience., Bacteriologistfil B.S. or M.S.
in Bacteriology with a minor in Chem-
istry. experience not necessary., Chem.
ist analytical, recent grad in Chem.
Corporation In Michigan: Analytical
Engineer for Engineering Computer
Group. B.S. In Engineering Mechanics,
or Applied Mechanics, or Engineering
Science or Electrical Eng. (communica-
tions) or Mechanical Engineering, high
scholastic average.
Michigan Cvi. Service Commission.
We have list of current vacancies, in-
cluding some positions at the boys
school at Whitmore Lake, & Northville.
Texas Instruments, Semi-conductor-
Components Division, Dallas. we have
list of technical openings,
Polaroid Corporation, Research and
Engineering Division. list of technical
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Spanish Society in conjunction with
Chorus on Contemporary Theater pre-
sents direct recording of Benavente's
"Los Intereses Creados," June 30, 3
p.m., 3050 Freize Bldg. Refreshments.
Students, Faculty
for 24 hr. report
on the
worn for any
cosion . . is
perfect dress
vocation and trav-
elling . . . For it's
of cool 100% or-
net triacetate jer-
sey that refuses to
. wrinkle, washes
and dries in a
flash, needs no
ironing . . . not
even the pleats!
And in addition,
this marvel has
"perfect fit" built
in: the waist is
elasticized and the
skirt con be short-
ened with your
scissors! No hem-
ming! No unravel-
ing! We show these
similar budget
pleated Beauties in
three types of
necklines, for the
tiny price of
latedly in East Africa, prescrib-
ed whisky for every ailment.
Van Dyke had not much to
go on, apart from the techni-
cal resources of the company.
The story, culled from Horn's
reminiscences by inept writers,
is almost charming in its ab-
surdity. Horn and his compan-
ion Peru are inveigled by a dis-
traught mother into searching
for her long-lost daughter, who,
she believes, is the "white god-
dess" of a ferocious tribe. Af-
ter harrowing adventures, they
reach the Isorgi and get the
welcome they deserve. Just as
the juju begins (if you have ev-
er wanted to see a juju, don't
miss 'trader Horn), the white
goddess is seized with remorse,
and contrives to escape with the
prisoners. Gunless and foodless,
they face all the dangers of the
menacing wilderness while flee-
ing before the bloodthirsty Isor-
gi, who do not take lightly the
loss of the fetish.
Harry Carey, long a favorite
of John Ford, played the title
role in a way that gave it a
maximum of credibility. As
Peru, Duncan Renaldo was ro-
mantic in the style of the day.
Since MGM was unwilling to
risk any current screen favorite
to the perils of Tanganyika, the
role of white goddess was given
to an unknown, Edwina Booth,
who was later to complain that
during her three years with
MGM she never received more
than $150 a week. The critics
found her performance vibrant
ture or in the imagination of
the Hollywood scriptwriters.
Van Dyke had, to "shoot'
blind" - the film could not be;
developed in Africa. What the
MGM moguls saw in 1930 was
an impressive documentary on
which had been imposed a
melodramatic story. Thalberg
and Goldman shook their heads
and insisted that some scenes
be reshot in Hollywood and
Mexico for greater story inter-
est. The film had to be a "colos-
sal box-office smasher."
It was just that. Critics spoke
of the "wild beauty, majesty,
and thrilling intensity of this
screen epic"'and paid tribute.
to the "terrific brutality and
somber magnificence of the na-
tural setting." The audiences
clung to their seats - under-
standably, when we consider
not only the hair-raising es-
capes and battles but the sound
track, on which was enshrined
a veritable animal symphony
of roars, screams, whistles,
groans, snaps, and howls. And
even the critics in the highest
and whitest of ivory towers felt
it worth their while to giv*
pages of extended comment.
(Vide Paul Rotha's Celluloid,
pp. 196-211.)
It was a truly colossal film,
made by big money and"to
big audiences. Van Dyke's art,,
and the talent of his cast 'and
crew,'have given it lasting in-
terest. But how remorseless the
gigantic machinery was that
decided on the film's subject
and gave it its final form can
be seen by the subsequent ca-
reers of the principal actors.
Harry Carey, the genial print.-
pal, went on to other film roles
and posthumously had John
Ford's Three Godfathers- ded-
cated to him. Duncan Renaldo
disappeared. Mutia Omoolu was'
taken back to Hollywood in
order to be a noble savage 4t
its premiere. His Hollywood ex-
periences are releted .with
coarse insensitivity in Bosley
Crowther's The Lion's Share..
Thereafter he and his com-
panion were returned to Africa,
"per the agreement made when.
they were taken away." If they
ever got there, "for the studio
lost track of him.... But what
tales he must have told when
he got home! He certainly had
his moment of triumph in help-
ing to advance the fortunes of
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer." We do
not know if Mutia got home,,
and we can hardly assume that
his tales would have been much
to advance the credit of M1GM.
Still, Mutia was a person who
could take care of himself, and
all paid tribute to his dignity.
Edwina Booth's fate was more
definite and therefore sadder,
In the fall of 1933 she sued
MGM for $1,000,000 for perma
Sizes 10-20,
Also of print, in
shades of blue at
ra F4{. iAA~ - ''''' -t',----,--.-,tG ,ltI'