See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
471 a tt
Cloudy, scattered showers and
thundershowers today and tonight
... ..
4.LXX, No. 7S
ublic Care of Aged Stressed
The role of private voluntary
agencies in providing services to
the elderly is more important than
that of governmental organiza-
tions in Great Britain, a noted
English social worker emphasized
last night.
"What we aim to provide is .. .
comprehensive care," Mrs. Bar-
bara Shenfield explained, not
"welfare statism."
"Never has there been such a
growth of private efforts" as in
the field of old age assistancesbut
the cooperation between govern-
mental, private and local agencies
has attempted to provide a struc-
ture of care for older people who
need certain care.
Mrs. Shenfleld, chairman of Ad-
visory and Welfare Services for
the Birmingham Council on Old
People, London, England, spoke
on "Interaction Between Commu-
nity and Government Structures
for Implementing Social Policies
for the Aging" in ,the Michigan
Union Ballroom.
Not Total Coverage
Contrary to the general foreign
impression, the government does
not provide a "womb to tomb"
medical care program, for volun-
tary organizations have "very
much pioneered and developed
their own approach" to the prob-
lems and programs of old age care,
she said.
The federal statutory agencies
provide the "major and most ex-
pensive financing," direction and
sanction of the social programs,
the local agencies serve as the
BRITISH CARE OF AGED-Mrs. Barbara Shenfield last night
told the Conference on Aging that private care is more important
than public programs in Britain.
administering agents for the state
and as a coordinator between the
government and voluntary organi-
zations. The private agencies
usually make the first advances
toward social progress, she said.
The means of coordinating these
branches of service is accom-
plished best through "interlock-
ing memberships of committees."
Part VI- The Legislative Process
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This seven-part series reports the current Law
School lecture series on "Post-War Thinking about the Rule of Law")
Attempts by the legislature to regulate taste in morals or
beliefs indicate that society has lost faith in itself, Prof. Sam-
uel D. Estep said yesterday.
In his lecture on the legislative process, the Law School
professor said his remarks might be interpreted by some as
fostering immorality but he dismissed this sort of criticism as,
emotional reaction.
Prof. Estep found Sunday blue laws and censorship to be
particularly offensive. When the legislature enacts laws such as
these which are unsuitable for the legal sanctions of govern-
ment, it does much to undermine the law and legal system as
a method of controlling so-
ciety, Prof. Estep said.
Statutes dictating that Sun-
day shall be a legal day of rest
are most ill-advised, Prof. Es-
tep said, and should be opposed
by the organized Bar. "These
laws are a modern day version
of the old laws of the Middle
Ages enacted clearly for re-
ligious purposes," he said. "Re-
gardless of whether they are
constitutional, these statutes
should not be enacted."
Sunday laws discriminate
against important minorities
in our society, Prof. Estep said.
Even more significant, ac-
cording to Prof. Estep, is that
the laws indicate the Church
has lost its hold on the minds
of men.
should help (the supporters of
"I do not believe the law ~"'
these statutes) reach a result
involving moral beliefs which their intellectual persuasion, with
complete access to the minds of men, had not permitted them
to do," he said.
Those who argue zealously for enactment of Sunday laws,
Prof. Estep conjectured, "are seeking to dictate to others as a
crutch for their own beliefs that subconsciously they are be-
ginning to question."
Moving on to obscenity statutes, Prof. Estep said there is
no acceptable evidence of a causal connection between porno-
graphic literature and illegal action on the part even of the
"The burden of proof in speech cases should remain on the
prosecution to show that there is at least some evidence indi-
cating a danger of action resulting from exposure to the offen-
sive material," he said.
"There is much evidence that the troubles of juvenile de-
linquents, if they be sexual along with others, are much more
deep-seated than can be explained by reading violent or dirty
comic books.
"Let's quit fooling ourselves and stop thinking we can even
help remedy the situation by passing obscenity laws."
Here again Prof. Estep offered a psychological explanation
for the zealous support for these statutes. Again, he said it is
* *... ANN an attempt of the zealots to re-
inforce their own shaky moral
standards -- a process which
psychologists call reaction for-
In similar fashion, Prof. Es-
tep criticized attempts to re-
y strain other expressions of
By choosing experts and author-
ities in a chosen field of service to
serve on subcommittees which are
actually operating in the imple-
mentation of an organization's
policies, effective action can best
be accomplished, Mrs. Shenfield
Unwieldy Council
This overcomes the problem of
having a large policy - making
council that cannot be utilized to
provide actual services.
The areas of aid to the aged in
Britain are basically five: income
support, medical care, accommo-
dations, personal services and
leisure, recreational and educa-
tional facilities.
The first two are handled al-
most exclusively by the federal
government, the social worker
said. In the area of housing, pri-
vate voluntary and local organiza-
tions have led the way. Twenty-
two per cent of all housing pro-
jects are private developments for
older people in England.
Private agencies also pioneered
the idea of smaller, more "genu-
inely homely homes" for older
people, rather than the low-
quality, communal type of pro-
jects sponsored by the govern-
ment. The federal government has
now adopted this new kind of
housing for elderly persons, she
Personal services and recrea-
tional and leisure services are also
primarily the function of the
voluntary organizations, although
some of their programs have been
adopted by the statutory govern-;
mental agencies.
These programs are best handled
in this way because of the need
for the friendly, neighborly type
of services included.
Vote Result
Close Race
FARGO, N.D. M)-Republican
Governor John E. Davis last night
held a narrow-squeak lead in a
special Senate election, but Rep.
Quentin Burdick (D-N.D.) kept
whittling Davis' margin as the
farm vote rolled in.
With 824 of 2,310 precincts re-
porting, the scoreboard showed
Davis 50,261.
Burdick 43,006.'
This gave Davis 54 per cent of
the total vote. Earlier in the night
the governor was running as high
as 59 per cent.
It looked as if this race-in the
national spotlight because it may
be a tipoff on the administration's
popularity in the farm belt-
might not be decided until the
last vote is counted sometime to-
There were several signs that
Davis might find rough going
ahead. For example:
Davis carried Fargo, North Da-
kota's largest city and Burdick's
home town, by 9431 to 6,705. But
his winning margin as compared
with his race for governor two
years ago was cut from 64 to 58
per cent.
Two years ago Davis won his
gubernatorial race by only 13,000
votes, and he has to carry his
strongholds by about the same
margin as he did in 1958 if he
expects to win.
Yet in Stutsman county, which
Davis won by 4,149 to 3,729 votes
two years ago, he trailed in early
returns, 1.140 to 1,133. And in
some other Republican areas he
was ahead by a smaller percent-
age than he had in 1958.
Yet it still was too early to
draw any conclusions.
Both sides agree that Davis has
to pile up his lead in the cities
and towns, which normally report
first, to offset the Burdick vote
from the rural areas that is ex-
pected later.
At immediate stake is the Sen-
ate seat left vacant when Repub-
lican Sen. William Langer died.
But nationally the stakes are
even greater. The leaders of both
parties feel that as North Dakota
goes, so may go the farm states
in the presidential election in
This was a long, hard fought,
well organized campaign - big
names from both parties hurried
in to help-and the candidates
still had a long wait for the ver-
Only four cities have voting
machines, and the largest, Fargo,
isn't among them. If the vote hits
around 200,000, most of which
must be counted by hand, it may
be early today, or possibly even
later, before anyone knows for
sure what happened,
Reds To Increase Arms
After Conference Failur
Missiles Set,
For Detroit
Air Bases To Lose
Hercules to Cities
WASHINGTON (A) - The de-
fense department y e s t e r d a y
abandoned plans to defend seven
United States Strategic Air Com-
mand bases with Hercules anti-
aircraft missiles and instead as-
signed the missiles to seven met-
ropolitan areas including Detroit.
It also decided not to assign
Hercules weapons to protect the
atomic energy plant at Hanford,
Wash. Apparently this was based
on a belief that so large and vital
an installation would be a prime
target for intercontinental ballis-
tic missiles, against which Hercu-
les would provide no defense.
The Hercules has about three
times the 25 to 30 mile range of
the Ajax, which it will replace.
The Hercules can be loaded with
either conventional high explo-
gives or nuclear charges, whereas
the Ajax carries only convention-
al high explosives. The army com-
mands and mans missile batteries
for both.
Under the plan, Hercules bat-
teries now guarding Elleworth Air
teries now guarding Ellsworth Air
the Hanford Plutonium Center
will be moved. Nike units will not
be activated as planned at air
bases at: Malstrom, Mont.; Mi-
not, N.D.; Mountain Home, Idaho;
Glasgow, Mont.; Walker at Ros-
well, N.M., and Schilling at Sa-
lina, Kan.
The seven metropolitan areas
which will get Hercules missiles
originally earmarked for the air
bases to replace Ajax batteries
are Detroit, San Francisco, Chi-
cago, Philadelphia, New York, Los
Angeles and Washington-Balti-
The defense department did not
explain its decision,
Soviet Plans
Test Shots-.
MOSCOW (--The Soviet Un-
ion announced last night it will
start a new series of powerful
rocket shoots into the central Pa-
cific between July 5 and 31.
The target area of about 50,000
square miles slightly overlaps the
zoneinto which the Russians
fired their first rocket into the
mid-Pacific last January.
It is about 1,000 miles south-
west of Hawaii,
The July target area will be
about150 miles farther to the
southeast than the one in Janu-
ary, however.
On their first try the Russians
said they came within a mile of
the target from 7,000 miles away.
The United States has since
fired a super Atlas rocket 9,000
miles, or more than a third of
the way around the world, from
Cape Canaveral past the southern
tip of South Africa,
STRENGTHEN DEFENSES-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
insisted last night that Russia has a "sacred duty" to boost Its
armed services, now that the Geneva disarmament parley has
Rockefeller Criticizes
Defene Budget Polic
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK ()-A potential stop-Kennedy cam-
paign failed to jell yesterday at the annual governors' conference..
And Nelson A. Rockefeller blasted the Eisenhower administration
as having produced a "paradox of peril" in national defense.
Four favorite son Democratic governors, from New Jersey, Iowa,
Kansas and California, talked politics at breakfast. Gov. Robert B.
Meyner of New Jersey said they accomplished exactly nothing.
The quartet was pretty much in agreement that it would be
nice to have a "real convention' at Los Angeles next month - one
that would "stay open long enough'
so we can get our money's worth."
Deny Conjectures
But they denied they were bent
on throwing themselves under the
wheels of a bandwagon for Sen.
John F. Kennedy of Massachu-
From Republican ranks. Rocke-
feller poured oil on political fires.
In defense spending -
The New York governor again
was urginy a three billion dollar
increase in defense spending --
while United States Budget Direc-
tor Maurice H. Stans was appeal-
ing to governors to resist compul-
sive spending and "government-
Democratic colleagues formed a'
sort of Rockefeller cheering sec-
tion. Some Republicans chided
him a bit.
Stans got some applause, but
also some complaints on points
he made -- such as admonitions
to the states that they can't tap
the federal till too often and
Asks Defense Hike
In a statement issued as a back-
drop for a report of the confer-
ence committee on civil defense,
which he heads, Rockefeller pro-
posed once more a $500 million
hike in civil defense spending in
addition to a three billion increase
for national defense.
Sa ys USSR
Aims at U.S.
GENEVA (i)-British Minister
of State David Ormsby-Gore said
yesterday the Soviet Union broke
up the 10-nation disarmament
talks in a further effort to "pillory
the United States before the
Ormsby - Gore, chief British
delegate, said the Western powers
suspected ever since the collapse
of the Paris summit meeting that
the Soviet bloc would put in only
a "token appearance" at the Ge-
neva parley.
He told a news conference the
Russians had made it clear ever
since the summit fiasco that they
had no intention of conducting
serious general disarmament nego-
tiations with the United States
"at this time."
The Western governments nev-
ertheless decided to assume the
Russians were acting in good faith
in ' continuing the negotiations
after the summit collapse, he said,
because "there is not the slightest
use in negotiating if you start by
saying the other side is in bad
CA s Move
Sacred Duty
Communist Leader
Warns Imperialists
May Provoke War
MOSCOW (M--Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev said last night
that in the absence of an East-
West disarmament agreement it
Is the sacred duty of the Soviet
Union to strengthen its armed
Khrushchev spoke at a Krem-
lin reception for graduates of
Soviet army and navy academies,.
The Communist leader insisted
the main goal of the Soviet gov-
ernment is peace, but added that
this did not mean the "imperial-
ists cannot start a war."
"The Soviet Union has submit-
ted proposals for disarmament
and striven for an agreement on
disarmament," Khrushchev said.
"So long as our partners have not
consented to this and no agree-
ment has been reached, it is our
sacred duty to strengthen the
armed forces."
Implies Debate
Khrushchev, coming close to a
discussion of the recent debate
with the Red Chinese about in-
evitability of war in modern
times, told the graduates he
wanted them to have "a correct
and profound understanding of
the policy of the Communist
Party and the Soviet government'
with regard to wars."
He said changes have taken
place, in the world which no*w
make it possible to prevent wars.
(A basic Leninist tenet is that
war between Communism and
Capitalism is inevitable.)
"As I have already said on more
than one occasion," the premier
continued, "the proposition that
war is not inevitable in present
conditions does not mean that
the Imperialists cannot start it.
'War Planned'
"Facts of the recent period have
shown again, and again that the
aggressive circles of Imperialism
are harboring plans of war. In the
postwar years we have more than
once checked the aggressors,
curbed their attempts at starting
a new war,
Reds Admit
Tibet Re volt
KATMANDU, Nepal 05)-A new
revolt has flared up among Ti-
bet's stubborn peasants, and Com-
munist troops are fighting to put
it down, Red China officially ad-
mitted yesterday,
Refugees from the montainous
Buddist kingdom have been re-
porting for several weeks that Ti-
betan guerrillas, suppressed blood-
ily after their uprising in March
1959, had come to life again and
in some cases had fought pitched
battles with the Chinese Commu-
Yesterday the Nepali foreign
office announced the receipt of a
note from Peiping confirming the
new uprising. The note said armed
forces have been sent to put down
the rebels and some of the rein-
forcements have moved into a
zone along Nepal's border, which
the Red Chinese had promised to
keep demilitarized.
The foreign office said the note
promised the troops would not
violate Nepal's territory in pur-
suing the rebels, and would with-
draw from the demilitarized strip
when the rebellion is crushed.
Protest Fails
In Leopoldville
LEOPOLDV=IL, Belgian Con-
go (P)-Members of two disgrun-
tled political groups attempted a
march through Leopoldville's
main street yesterday to protest
Less Concern with World
Causes Eccentricity in Old'
Old people are eccentric because they are less concerned with
the outer world and feel less pressure of conformity, more than 500
experts on aging were told here yesterday.
Reporting before the University's 13th annual Conference on
Aging, Elaine Cumming of the New York State Department of Mental
Hygiene, added that withdrawal from worldly concerns is a charac-
teristic of aging in America.
As a person grows older, he stops thinking of time as infinite
and recognizes its scarcity, re-orienting himself by giving up certain
long-range aspirations. "I can, myself, remember the day on which
I decided I should never read Gib-
bon's 'Decline and Fall of the Ro- ORAL INTERPRE
man Empire'," she told the ex- . 1 l
perts. &
As his view of time changes, the
individual becomes more con-0
cerned with the meaning of life
and less oriented towards action,
"As the individual gradually re-
duces his investment in the outer
world, he redefines himself as less
bound by social interactions," she
noted, adding that this makes for
greater self-expression and eccen-
Miss Cumming's conclusions1
were based on an intensive analy-
sis of 275 adults more than 50'
years old.
Miss Cumming also reported
that old people tend to value "old,
comfortable relationships." They
tend to -become close to people
who are like themselves in history
and background, a natural way of
aging that carries with it in-
,y Advocates Literary Research
Speaking on "Literary R esearch in Oral Interpretation," Prof.
L. LaMont Okey, of the speech department, sadi yesterday "we have
failed to make research our 'backyard patch."'
He was referring to an earlier statement that there is a need to
observe the whole of research, to be at ease in it.
The three r's of scholarship are research, reporting and reflect-
tive thinking.
We do oral reporting, but interpretation needs written as well as
oral research, he said.
Prof. Okey said he thought interpretive speech specialists are
better equipped to do literary research than their colleagues in Eng-
lish and other speech areas.
He also said interpretive speakers should be aware of the literary'
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