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August 09, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-09

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C, r

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy and cool tonight;
fair and cooler tomorrow


No. 35S






icket Group Attempts Entry
.t Beach; Refused Admittance

UN Approves
InI Favor of


group of about 30 Negroes and
es, mostly University students,
refused admittance to a local
;h Sunday, and "stood-in"
1 after the owner had ap-
ed to close his establishment.
he group, a carry-over from
one that early in April began
eting local business estab-
nents s a i d to practice dis-
.ination either in Ann Arbor

or at Southern branches, was con-
ducting the second stage of a
stand-in experiment at the New-
port Beach on Portage Lake,
Previously Admitted.
July 31 about 40 persons, in-
cluding nine Negroes, were ad-
mitted to the beach. The group
had previously conducted- several
'test cases', and felt the policy
of the beach was contrary to the
Diggs Act, a Michigan- law for-

Ike Challenges Congress
To onsider Proposals
WASHINGTON (P)-President Eisenhower challenged Congress
'sterday to act on a lengthy legislative program.
He was promptly accused by Democrats of trying to steal their
party platform's political thunder.
Taking a leaf from Harry S. Truman's election year book,
Cisenhower tossed back at the lawmakers in a special message 21
,roposals he recommended last May but which were not actel on in
he session recessed for the two national conventions.
Proposals Listed
He told the members of Congress to "stay on the job until it is
one," adding: "Certainly we cannot adjourn the public interest."
C Included were proposals ranging
from an increase in foreign aid
Co +1 11an er funds, civil rights, a farm bill and
Commander medical help for the aged. To them
Eisenhower added requests for:
« jSS1. An increase of 100 million
s usses dollars in special funds "to keep
America posted for sudden de-
Nee rase velopments such as those in the
ongo .Latin American Aid
WASHINGTON M-)-The Ger- 2. An authorization for a 609-
ian general who commands all of million-dollar Latin American aid
4ATO's land forces in Central program.
urope said yesterday the new 3. Approval of a food-for-peace
(ATO strategy reaches beyond a program. to be laid before the
Jere static defense along the United Nations in September.
UhIne to operations deep into the Eisenhower accompanied these
furthermost eastern reaches" of with an outline of actions he has
Ientral Europe. taken and proposes to take to
Gen. Hans Speidel, who fought strengthen the nation's military
Med forces in World War II as power which he said is "second to
hief of the general staff of Ger- none and will be kept that way."
-an Army Corps and - Group, He said if additional defense
sine to Washington yesterday as outlays are necessary "I shall
major speaker at the Associa- promptly request the necessary
[on of the United States Army funds." But he added that he ex-
AUSA). pects to carry out his stepped-up
Ten years ago, said Speidel, de- program with money Congress al-
mse of Western Europe rested ready has provided.
rimarily on the strategic air Falls Short
orces, with the ground or "shield" This obviously fell short of the
roups responsible for defending demand of Sen. John F. Kennedy
ital bases and holding back of Massachusetts, the Democratic
ommunist forces until their presidential nominee, for a three-
eight was broken by air attack. billion-dollar increase in the level
Because the shield or ground of defense 'spending.
>rces lacked adequate strength, Whether it satisfied Vice-Presi-
aid the general, "one could not dent Richard M. Nixon, the Re-
scape the fact that the decisive publican presidential nominee,
attle In Central Europe could was not immediately clear.
nly begin on the Rhine and one Kennedy, in a two paragraph
oped that the war could be end- statement, commented:
: by the action of the strategic "The President has outlined once
ir arm." Then Speidel continued: again some of the general areas
"Since those early days of NATO in which executive and legislative
he pict re has changed dramtic- action has been badly needed. If
Ily. Our enemy now has a stra- he can now assure us that a re-
gic air arm. Further, his long sponsible program to meet those
age missile force equals our needs will start receiving the sup-
wn. We seem to have reached a port of at least one-half the Re-
alemate in this category. Be- publican members of Congress,
wse of this dgngerous situation Sen. Johnson and I can assure
ien we must recognize that our him that those needs will be met
hield forces must be sufficiently in every possible way that time
rong and ready to counter his permits.
maining elements of strength." "A presidential message calling
for action on bills previously ve-
toed, and complaining about
iatanga Elects spending after a broad series of
demands, if not unexpected in an
lead of State leo year-but if it can be
backed up with Republican co-
operation and leadership, this will
ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga (MP be a productive and constructive
-The Katanga assembly yesterday session." ,
ected Premier Moise Tshombe Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of
.ad of state. Texas is the Democratic floor
Formal election of the 42-year- leader.

bidding discrimination in various
publicly used establishments, in-
cluding beaches operated on a
non-member basis.
Last Sunday noon the group re-
turned to the b e a c h, where
Michael Crisovan, the owner, said
he would not admit its members.
The group waited puietly at the
entrance to- the beach about three
hours, with very little distrub-
ance except for some heckling on
the part of a crowd of high school
aged b oy s whose numbers in-
creased as the afternoon passed.
Retains Camera
Paul Palmer, a member of the
group, carried a small camera,
which Crisovan tried to take from
him at one point. Later, Robert
E. Meader, an Ann Arbor lawyer
representing Crisovan, spoke with
Jack Ladinsky, Grad, coordinator
for the group, and asked him if
he would turn over the film in
Palmer's camera. Neither Palmer
uior Ladinsky relinquished the
film or camera.
Washtenaw county, Dexter, and
state policy arrived during the
three-hour period; by 3:15 when
the group left, there were five
police vehiclesrat the scene.
Crisovan repeatedly said, ac-
cording to members of the group,
that he wanted no trouble, but
he promised to close his beach
rather than admit the group. Ob-
servers said he began closing at
about two p.m., and also appeared
to discharge some of his em-
ployees. He put up a sign which
read "Closed to the Public."
Police Neutral
Ladinsky and others had several
conversations w i t h attendant
policemen, in which, he said, the
police made it clear they were
only there to prevent any trouble
from starting. Ladinsky said he
told one of them the group would
leave when there was no pointin
staying any longer.
About three o'clock Ladinsky
said, police advised that the crowd
of teenagers, some of whom were
heckling members of the group,
was "getting hot out there," and
that it might be best for the group
to leave. The departure took place
without incident, under police
A few people who are not mem-
bers of the picketing group went
to the beach later Sunday and
reported that it was still closed.
major Newport News stores with
lunch counters have begun serving
Negroes in sections previously re-r
served for white people, it was
learned yesterday.
A spokesman for one of the,
stores confirmed that desegrega-
tion of eating facilities quietly
was put into effect last Saturday
by agreement of the managements
of the various firms.
Principal stores affected by the
new policy are Nachman's, Wool-,
worth's, Kresge's and Murphy's
department stores; Sears, Roebuck
& Co., and the restaurant at the
Greyhound Bus terminal here.
All these firms have been the"
scenes of Negro sit-in demonstra-
tions this year.1
The action here followed similar
desegration of lunch counters at
Woolworth and Grant variety,
stores in Norfolk and Fredericks-.
burg and the Greyhound terminal
in Richmond. Until Saturday, all1
white lunch counters in this port1
city had closed when sit-ins were
held and Negroes were denied

Want Senate
Rights Vote
WASHINGTON (P)-Republicans
disclosed yesterday they hope to
force a quick test vote in the
Senate on the politically explosive
civil rights issue-and thereby em-
barrass the Democrats.
The planned first step is the
early introduction of a bill to carry
out civil rights recommendations
President Eisenhower made yester-
day in his message to Congress.
Then the Republicans would seek
to place a bill on the Senate
calendar without referral to com-
Motion Debatable
Such a motion would be debat-
able, opening the way for a fili-
buster against it by Southern foes
of civil rights legislation. But it
is anticipated that a motion will
be made to table and thus kill the
motion to bypass committee con-
A tabling motion is not debat-
able and thus a test vote could be
forced that Republicans feel would
dramatize the split between north-
ern and southern Democrats over
civil rights legislation.
Republican leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois told avreporter
he expects to offer the bill today.
"If not, I certainly will the next
day." he said.
Plans Offering
He said also he plans to offer
the motions designed to keep the
blil out of the hands of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, headed by
Sen. James O. Eastland (D-Miss).
This committee long has been a
graveyard for civil rights meas-
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga),
chief strategist of the southern
forces, left no doubt he will use
every available resource to block
Eisenhower, in his message said
that in passing the 1960 civil
rights act, Congress deleted two
major provisions he had recom-
Asks Restoration
He asked their restoration "in
keeping with the bipartisan sup-
port evidenced for these items last
month"-an allusion to two new
party platforms.
One of these provisions would
have authorized Federal financial
and technical assistance for school
districts that voluntarily seek to
comply with the Supreme Court's
1954 school desegregation decision.
This also would have given Con-
gressional sanction to the court's
The other provision would have
set up a 15-member commission
to seek elimination of racial dis-
crimination in the hiring of work-
ers by federal contractors and em-
ployers generally.
Bill Introduced
A bill to carry out the Demo-,
cratic platform's far more sweep-1
ing civil rights program was intro-,
duced earlier yesterday by two
Republican senators, Kenneth B.I
Keating (NY) and Hugh Scott
It is given no chance of action
at the abbreviated session.

U.S. Protests Nationalization
Of American Property in Cuba


HAVANA W-)-The United States
yesterday formally protested the
Castro regime's nationalization of
more. than 700 million dollars
worth of American property in
A United States embassy offi-
cer delivered the protest note to
the Cuban Foreign Ministry. Its
contents were not disclosed.
An embassy spokesman said,


however, that aside from protest-
ing the nationalization order, the,
note reiterated a United States
complaint against a July 6 Cuban
cabinet decree authorizing Prime
Minister Fidel Castro to expro-
priate -all American-owned prop-,
erty "when convenient to the na-j
tional interests."
In a July 16 note, the United

OAS Asks Consideration
Of Subversion in Americas
WASHINGTON (M)-The Organization of American States appar-
ently stiffening its attitude toward Cuba, yesterday voted 20-1 to have
its foreign ministers review subversive activities within the hemisphere.
The action came as the United States denounced as a "calculated
plan" Cuba's seizures of remnants of what once amounted to nearly
a billion dollars in United States investments in Cuba.
Cuba Objects
Only Cuba raised substantial objections as the 21-nation OAS
council approved a four-point agenda for the ministerial conference
which will open Aug. 16 in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Similarly, the Council rejected by the 20-1 margin an alternative
agenda proposed by Cuba. The Cuban plan asked the ministers to
plan a joint defense against United

States military and economic ag-
The view of the United States
as an aggressor, U.S. Ambassador
John C. Dreier said, is a "carica-
ture . . . no connection with re-
Adopts Agenda
The four-point agenda the
Council adopted asks the foreign
ministers to consider "threats of
extra - continental intervention,"
"existing international tensions in
the Caribbean," and measures to
promote higher living standards.
A fourth point-in a provisional
agenda sent to member govern-
ments in late July-called for a
joint defense of democratic insti-
tutions against "activities of any
system incompatible with such in-
Asks Review
But the OAS Council, acting on
a committee recommendation,
toughened this up and asked the
ministers to review inter-American
cooperation "for the defense of the
democratic American institutions
against the subversive activities of
any organization, government or
their agents."
This new wording was perhaps
significant. It was adopted follow-
ing the welcome extended last Sat-
urday by Raul Castro, Cuban revo-
lutionary leader, to offers of Rus-
sian military aid, and the an-
nounced seizure of remaining U.S.
property in Cuba.
No Reference
Nowhere in the agenda, how-
ever, is there any direct reference
to U.S.-Cuban differences, or to
the Russian aid offers.
Cuban ambassador Carlos Le-
chuga argued, however, that the
Russian offers guarantee that U.S.
military and economic superiority
will not be used against Latin

BRUSSELS, Belgium (JP)-Bel-
gium is considering reducing its
contributions to the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization (NATO),
sources close to the government
The Belgian government is still
somewhat upset by the little sup-
port it got from NATO partners
during the Congo crisis. Only
France gave open support. The
French government was believed
backing Belgium in return for
Belgian support in its own Al-
gerian policy.
Furthermore, Premier Gaston
Eyskens said recently a program
of austerity and economy will be
launched soon.
Belgium has spent millions in
setting up two important military
bases in the Congo-Kamina and
These must be abandoned soon
with no compensation and this
would account for an attempt to
compensate for the loss by cutting
the defense budget.

States termed the decree discrim-
inatory, arbitrary and confisca-
The Castro government yester-
day hailed its confiscation of the
larger part of the. billion dollar
American investment in Cuba as
a ratification of national sover-
Armed militiamen were posted
at the doors and around premises
of American properties through-
out the nation. Government 'ap-
pointed administrators took over
their operation.
Jubiliation Limited
But official jubiliation appeared
not to carry to all quarters. In
some sections of the government
and in diplomatic circles the at-
mosphere seemed charged with an
air of expectancy.
An often repeated question was:
what will the United States do
Another was: What will the
Castro government do about the
Cuban Roman Catholic Church's
expression of preoccupation about
Communism's advance in Cuba?
Health Overshadowed
These weekend developments
had the effect of overshadowing
a closely related factor: the state
of Fidel Castro's health.
The angry prime minister,
though not in perfect voice as he
pronounced the nationalization
decree Saturday night, did not
look at all like the desperately ill
man depicted in a rash of rumors
last week.
Correspondents agreed, however,
Castro did not look well.
The cloak of official silence on
his health and his whereabouts
dropped over him again yester-
No Takeover Seen
There was no sign of an official
takeover of the reins of the revo-
lution by the prime minister's
younger brother, Maj. Raul Cas-
tro, who in a TV appearance last
week admitted Fidel needed "mi-
nor repairs."
Meantime, the dwindling ranks
of American businessmen here
totted up losses under the new
confiscatory decree.
The semiofficial newspaper Rev-
olucion estimated the decree makes
Cuba richer by $829 million worth
of American property.
The businessmen said the prop-
erty involved is closer to $700 mil-
lion. But this figure, they quickly
added, is investment value and
not replacement value, "which
would be two or three times that."

By Warning
Russians Propose
Immediate Force
UN Security Council early today:
approved a Tunisian - Ceylonese
resolution to strengthen Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold's de-
mand for quick Belgian evacua-
tion of the entire Congo,
" A majority of the council mem-
bers, spurred by Hammarskjold's
warning that world war would
erupt unless the Congo crisis it"
solved, lined up behind the reso-
lution calling for withdrawal of
Belgian forces from Katanga pro-
Resolution Proposed
The Soviet Union proposed a
resolution calling for UN forces
to enter Katanga within three
days "without hesitating to use
any means to that end." But some
diplomatic sources said the Soviet
delegation and Poland, only Com-
munist members of the council;
might even go along with the ma-
jority on the Tunisia-Ceylon res-
Hammarskj old intervened late
yesterday afternoon to reject the
Soviet demand that UN troops
shoot their way into secessionist
Katanga province if necessary,
"I do not believe personally we
would help the Congolese people
by actions in which Africans kill
Africans or Congolese kill Congo-
lese," he declared.
"That will be my guiding prin-
ciple in the future."
Desires Reflected
Hammarskjold's desires were re-
flected in a Tunisian-Ceylonese
resolution that called on Belgian
troops to withdraw its forces from
Katanga. It contained assurances
that the UN forces had no inten-
tion to interfere in the Congo's
internal affairs
The Soviet resolution gave
Hammarskjold only three days to
act and report back to the coun-
Kuznetsov introduced the reso-
lution in the council at the end
of a bristling speech in which he
accused Belgian and its supporters
of trying to strangle the newborn
Congo Republic.
Cites Resolutions
Kuznetsov said previous council
resolutions gave UN forces the
right to use arms forces in moving
against any obstacle to preserve
He said if UN troops won't shoot
their way into Katanga province,
they should be replaced by troops
that will.
His resolution, however, said
only that the Secretary-General
should take "decisive measures,
not stopping from the use of all
necessary means of enforcement."
Gives Support
The United States gave Immed-
late support to the Secretary-
General's call for withdrawal of
Belgian troops.
Henry Cabot Lodge, chief U.S.
delegate, said the time has come
"for Belgian withdrawal at the
earliest moment under arrange-
ments to be worked out by the
Secretary - General for preserva-
tion of law and order."
Loadge said local authorities in
Katanga province would have no
grounds for objection to entry of
UN troops, as demanded by Ham-
marskjold, once the council has
given assurance that the UN
troops are there only to preserve
law and order.
Immediate Response
Tunisia and Ceylon responded
immediately, with a resolution to
carry out the main points of his

Diplomatic sources said the So-
viet Union and -African nations
agreed to go along.
Belgium's foreign minister Pierre
Wigny told the council his coun-
try's forces would be ready to
quit Katanga as soon as there was
assurance 20,000 Belgian nationals
there would have protection and

Engle To Oppose Action
In Senate on Antarctica
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Clair Engle (D-Calif.) said last night
he will try to block Senate action on the 12-nation Antarctic treaty
until next years.,
Then, he told the Senate, a new president and new secretaries
of state and defense can review the document "in the light of the
best interests of the United States," The Californian assailed the
treaty, in a speech to a virtually deserted Senate chamber, as posing
what he called a Soviet threat to
the security of the United States
' "70 -M 4- C 1 and'other free world nations.

ader was by unanimous vote,
e absence of 21 members of
pposition Cartel party, which
)oycotted the Assembly.
ombe's election as head of
is significant in that it prob-
clears the way for his right
man, Godefroid Munongo,
ter of the interior, to become
er of this rich, secessionist
ice. Tshombe now holds
s not yet known what added!
a he gets as head of state.
ombe told a news confer-
he has cabled Dag Hammar-
that Premier Patrice Lu-
a of the Congo is ruling
ut parliamentary support.
rimba recessed the Congo
,ment two weeks ago, before
sit to the United States.
ombe said his cable to the
cretary general also claimed
Ln inaAarcin f+rppnf th+e-

Workshop Offers Journalism

A U "

IT gu111&C

Over 100 high school students
have been testing their "noses
for news" at the high school jour-
nalism workshop this summer,
The workshop offers courses in
both yearbook and newspaper
production which include writing,
photography, layout and business
management and is sponsored by
the Journalism department.
The purpose of the workshop
is "to provide a background of
journalism fundamentals which
the student can apply to school
journalism work." Prof .T Jnh n

'courses and felt the workshop pro-
vided additional practice and new
ideas on publication organization.
Others,. who had not t a k e n
courses, felt the program provided
them with some of the necessary
"I found out my paper was
doing things all wrong," many a
workshopper sighed, as the stu-
dents learned new I d e a s and
journalistic principles.
The summer faculty of the jour-
nalism department assists with
lectures on phases of publica-
tions. John McNamara of Osborn
Mah RPann3 narn ha - -

product has betn excellent," refer-
ring to the student program.
Workshop newspapers and mini-
ature yearbooks have been printed
in some years, but Prof. Field
believes the amount of time spent
on these projects is not compen-
surate with its value. Three news-
papers will be published this year.
There will be no yearbook.
Yearbook sections are designed
to help participants plan their
own pages for fall. Newspaper
staffers, who outnumber yearbook
editors by 2-1, get practice in
writing lectures and interviews
and composing editorials.

Asks Ratification
President Eisenhower, in asking,
Senate ratification of the- docu-
ment, called it "a significant ad-
vance toward the goal of a peace-
ful world with justice."
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.),
the assistant majority leader, said
the treaty would be 'a positive
contribution to peace--a genuine
step forward" and voiced confi-
dence of the necessary two-thirds
majority for ratification.
But with Sens. Richard B. Rus-
sell (D-Ga.), chairman of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee,
Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn.) and
Ernest Gruening (D-Alaska) ex-
pected to be heard in opposition,

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