Seventieth Year
rals printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
"Do We Use Re-Runs or Are You the
Summer Replacement?"
Tr 'illo Maneuvers-
A Pact with CastrQ?
(EDITOR'S NOTE: What's going on in the Dominican Republic where Tr
illos are being shuffled about the g6vernmental scene at a dizzy pac
Possible answer to the puzzle-an important one in the Latin Americ
picture--are examined in the following article by a veteran of AP servi
in most of the nations of the Western hemisphere.)
Associated Press' News Analyst
WASHINGTON-Strange occurrences affecting the top comman
the Dominican Republic could mean that foxy old Rafael TI
is in deep, deep trouble. Or that he.s just being foxy. OQ both.
Announcement of resignation of his brother Hector as Presi
of the Generalissimo's own appointment as ambassador to the U
kY, AUGUST 9, 1960
Tshombe Decision Unsound
'HE REFUSAL of Katanga's Moise Tshombe
to allow United Nations peace troops to
iter his secessionist state should raise some
ebrows among those who looked to him as a
estern friend and the antithesis of his Congo
lleague, Patrice Lumumba.
Tshombe brought this state out of the con-
.sion originating from the Congo Republic's
dependence. Those who had looked with dis-
vor upon the bestowing of freedom on im-
ature African states saw in Tshombe and his
ate a stabilizing factor in the madness of
frican nationalism sweeping the continent.
He had handled Katanga's affairs in an
'derny and level-headed manner. He displayed
s friendliness for the West by relying on the
:perience of Belgians to help him when the
ongo first rejected all Western assistance. He
pt his government stable under a democratic
-ocess. His state retained order when rioting
nd mutiny were the rule in the Congo and
narchy seriously threatened Lumumba's new
Now, when UN troops attempt to enter
atanga in a helpful gesture to see that order
being kept, Tshombe refuses to admit them.
ATANGA has declared herself independent
of the Congo and thus does not want UN
'oops in her territory. Congo's Lumumba called
z the international peace force to maintain
rder in his republic and since the Katanga
rovince has not been officially recognized as a
>vereign state by the UN or any country, the
N troops are within their rights in seeking
to enter the country. The delicate situation in
the Congo area demands such action.
Should Katanga be found in an orderly
condition, as it appears the situation stands
now, and in no need of UN forces, there would
be no further action by the world body. Tlae
small UN force would certainly not attempt to
occupy the province forcibly when it was ap-
parent the residents wanted to be left alone
and were capable of ordered self-government.
The UN has no right and would not attempt
to assert any right to subject these people to
the rule of Lumumba's Congo. This would be
interference in internal affairs, which is con-
trary to the UN charter.
THE KATANGA government has much to
gain from allowing UN troops to see how its
affairs are conducted and to see the people
truly desire separation from the Congo. For,
although UN recognition would not be immedi-
ate because of that body's impartiality, it
certainly would improve the views of other
countries toward Katanga, in seeing her co-
operative, and might even hasten recognition
of and to the neophyte state.
Tshombe's reaction to the UN force appears
unsound in view of the reputation of the in-
ternational body and the long range good will
and benefit for Katanga. When Dag Ham-
marskjold, UN Secretary-General, warns of
world war should Tshombe remain adamant,
the situation is indeed grave and should war-
rant reconsideration by the African chief .of
his own important decision.
NewNovels, vos. Reprints
Nations, removal of other Trujillos'
from high posts and other develop-
ments could be part of a puzzling
but well - considered long - range
For one thing, why has the
Dominican Republic for some
months been strangely uncritical
of Cuba's Fidel Castro? There
apparently has been reason for
complaint, because Castro's forces
twice-the Dominican government
charged formally-invaded the is-
land nation in a patent attempt
to topple trujillo.
ANOTHER, and perhaps more
significant, things is that the
changes in Ciudad Trujillo came
just about 10 days before Hemis-
phere foreign ministers are to meet
in Costa Rica Aug. 16 to hear'
Venezuela's charges against the
Dominican government. Venezuela
accuses the Trujillo regime of'
hatching the recent attempt to
assassinate Venezuela's President
Romulo Betancourt, and of other
plots against the Venezuelan re-
Announcement of the General-
issimo's appointment to the UN
could mean several things.
It might create the impression,
just before the foreign ministers
meet, that Trujillo and his family
are leaving the Dominican Repub-
lie and that a new and democratic
regime is abuilding there as the
new President says. This might
soften any verdict the foreign
ministers reach and, once that
situation is out of the way, Tru-
jillo could pick up again where he
OR, IT COULD mean that Tru-
jillo is using the UN assignment Q
a means of gaining asylum in tie
United States.
Amidst all the speculation about
what *rrujillo might be planning,
experts here seem agreed on one
thing: things are looking pretty
bleak for the Generalissimo, de-
spite a political machine of uniin-
agined power, built up in his 30-
year rule of the little nation in
the Caribbean.
There have been serious plots-
admitted by his own government-
against his regime. Then, too, the
United States, among others, is
applying economic pressure on the
Trujillo regime, and his govern-
ment and his country seem to be
having serious financial troubles.
Only last week, a Dominican
radio station referred to Cuba's
rebel leader in glowing terms, with
such expressions as "Fidel is
brave," and said Castro's revolu-
tion is "advancing against all the
foreseen conflicts and obstacles."
This sort of thing has been going
on for months, making some
people wonder if Castro and Tru-
jillo have a mutual aid pact.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p m. two days preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Attention August Graduates: Colleg
og Literature, Science, and the Arts
School of Education, School of Music
School of, Public Health, School o:
Business Administration: Students are
advised not to request grades of I o
X in August. When such grades at
absolutely imperative, the work mus
be made up in time to allow your in.
structor to reportthe iake-up grad
not later than I a.m., August 18
Grades received after that time ma
defer the student's graduation until ,
later date.
Recommendations for Departmenta
Honors: Teaching departments wishin
to recommend tentative August grad
uates from the College of Literature
Science, and the Arts, and the Schoc
of Education for departmental honor
(or high honors in the College o
L.s.&A.) should recommend such stu
dents in a letter delivered to the Of
flce of Registration and Records, Roon
1513 Admin. Bldg., before August 18.
The General Library will be close<
Saturday, August 13, and will cntinu
to be closed Saturdays and Sunday
through September 18. The library il
be open during this, period, Monda;
through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5,p.m
The Undergraduate Library will als
be closed Saturday, August 13, but wi
remain closed through September 11
From Monday, September 12.througl
Friday,- September 16, the Undergradu
ate Library will be open 8 a.m. to
p.m. daily. Both libraries will resum,
regular schedules Monday, Septembe
Divisional libraries likewise will b
closed Saturday, August 13. Hours fo
the intersession will be posted on th
doors of each library. A few individus
libraries will be closed during part, c
all, of this period, and these librarie
as well as the Undergraduate Library
will be serviced by the Circulation De
partment of the General Library, o
days when no library hours were sched
All libraries will be closed Labor Day
Monday, September 5.
Student Recital: Solveig Steen wi
present a recital in Rackhamn Assembl
Hall on Tues., Aug. 9. at 8:30 p.m. i
partial fulfillment of the requiremeni
for the degree Master of Music. Mi
Steen has included in her prograr
compositions by Bach, Haydn, Bei
thoven, Bartok, and Chopin. Open I
the public.
Linguistic Forum Lecture: Prof. Pat
W. Friedrich, University of Pennsy
vania, will discuss "The Consonanti
(Continued on Page 3)
'Search and Seizure'
T THE START of Summer Quarter main
library officials initiated a new policy which
niversity of Washington Daily staff members
ave affecitonately dubbed "search and seiz-
re." Unarmed guards at the front and science
ading room entrances inspect books, note-
>oks, briefcases and an occasional purse as
brary users trudge past.
The new system has been greeted by a curi-
as mixture of violent objection, hearty ap-
oval and the cherished University reaction--
For half an hour the other day we questioned
eryone emerging from the library's main en-
'ance as to their reactions to the "customs
A few approved of the system; two called it
naulting, embarrassing and inconvenient."
he representative reaction of the rest was,
Huh, Oh, I don't know. It's all right, I guess.
haven't thbught much about it."
Whatever the reception, library officials as-
sure us the policy is here to stay. The form may
vary, but the guarded entrances will continue.
AN INTERESTING speculation on the situa-
tion is: Amid all the confusion, has anyone
stopped to figure the difference between guard's
salaries and the value of missing books?
The University of Washington's former sys-
tem of open stacks and no inspection was the
exception, we are told, not the rule. Most other
colleges-Idaho, Stanford, Princeton (and the
University of Michigan)-have either a closed-
stacks policy, an inspection system similar to
ours or a combination of the two. Until a few
years ago, in fact, the University of Washing-
ton employed the closed-stacks system.
Search and seizure seems to be here to
stay. But let's have a moment of silence for
the honor system, which apparently is going
the way of all flesh as apathy reigns supreme.
University of Washington Daily
Rea mn~w m ee o s
Short Shrift
., W
4ATTER OF factly, almost casually, Khrush.
chev has asked for another summit con-
ontation with Eisenhower, this time for a top
iscussion of disarmament. I don't know how
Luch pleasure it gave President Eisenhower to
efuse. Those who think history is too grim for
iese little private ironies and satisfactions for-
et how Eisenhower must have suffered in
hose May days in Paris as he took Khrush-
hiev's insults in silence.
As for 'Khrushchev, the moral to draw is
hat in pusuit of the Communist cause private
motions do not exist, any more than public
onsistency. Instead of "reason of state," which
as always enabled diplomats to lie, the Com-
runists have a kind of "reason of history,"
hich justifies every act-however cynical or
antastic-by the onward historic march of
ommunist power.
R. NIXON'S public wrath at Sen. Kennedy
for taking the "low road in the campaign"
must not be taken very seriously either. This is
'hat I should call the ethical-note-as-a-tacti-
al-device. Kennedy accused Nixon of having
etrayed the hapless Secretary Benson, whom.
at least in public) he only recently supported
nd whom he has now had' to scuttle because
therwise Benson would cost him the farm
taces. Nixon has a right to change his position,
ut it is strange for him to strike a high moral
ttitude when Kennedy points out the change
,nd questions whether he has any beliefs.
The most fascinating question about Nixon,
uite aside from these campaign exchanges, is.
'hat psychiatrists call the identity question:
midst the bewildering change of masks, cos-
.ues and faces over the years, just which of
he guises constitutes his true identity? Who
,nd what is the real Nixon?
THE LITTLE ACORN of Mr. HammarskJold's
UN force in the Congo, which will soon be
going to the mining area of Katanga as well,
may and must in time grow into a big oak of a
permanent UN military force.
But we would be wrong in thinking of it
simply as a UN army. The great role of the UN
in the future, on which world survival itself
will be tested, will be as the repository of a
monopoly of world atomic power in the form of
an atomic police.
The disarmament debate is largely illusory,
since disarmament as such will never solve the
problem of nuclear war. As it stands, what we
mean by disarmament is merely a reduction in
arms-in fact, right now all we mean is a ban
on further testing. Its importance lies in its
being a token or symbol of the willingness of
the nuclear powers to stop for a moment in
the destructive idiot arms race, and listen to the
quiet inner voice of reason.
In the end, beyond these token moments of
reason, peace will have to depend on giving a
monopoly of these weapons to a world author-
ity whom both sides-all sides-trust. We must
be eternally grateful that Mr. Hammarskjold
and Mr. Bunche are the kind of men who do
get the confidence of every side. They show
that it is possible to build up the kind of neu-
tral UN attitude on which the neutral UN
atomic police unit will depend.
NOTE that Nixon has finally chosen a man
called Finch as campaign chairman, after
first hinting 'ie would be his own. I thought
for a while, with Nixon being his own chairman
and writing his own acceptance speech, that he
would turn out to be the doingest do-it-yourself
candidate in the history of candidacy.
HE CUBAN Communist paper Hoy says Cas-
tro will make two speeches at coming big
THOSE WHOSE reading tastes
run to mystery and suspense
fiction these days often face the
difficult choice between a new
work by an untried author and a
reprint edition of one or more
works by an established writer of
twenty or thirty years ago.
The quality of writing and sus-
pense in recent novels is compar-
atively high, but seldom does a
new work surpass the "classics"
of the genre in sheer ingenuity of
The latter complaint can be
made of 'Herbert Brean's recent
The Traces of Brillhart (Harper
& Brothers, $3.50). Swiftly paced
narration carries the reader from
beginning to end in a daze of
wonder. mostly at the acuteness
of the magazine writer turned de-
tective and his gay New York
But the circumstances them-
selves, which concern a murdered
songwriter and lyricist who keeps
turning up at parties and dinner
engagements, leaving his hat and
coat about and playing snatches
of his hit songs, are less exciting
than they might be.
Even the suspense-and there
is some-is seldom related to solv-
ing the crime. The real charm of
the novel lies in its affectionate
portrait of New York life and the
adventures of a sharp magazine
writer and his girl friend Twit-
Twit, a real cut chick.
FAR FROM New York City is
the setting of Eric Ambler's first
new novel in several years. Pas-
sage of Arms (Alfred A. Knopf,
$3.95) combines Indian, Chinese,
American and British characters
in a tale of gun running in Mala-
ya that is quite up to Ambler's
pre-war standard in espionage
Here the narration is as shrewd
and calculated as the internation-
al businessmen who plot to move
an illegal shipment of guns out
of the country through Singapore.
Once again the author involves
an unknowing outsider, this time
an American businessmen, in the
activities of contraband profiteers.
And, in Passage of Arms, Ambler
again demonstrates that he is one
of the few mystery writers who
have any claims on the legitimate
novel. The only worthwhile addi-
tion to this novel might be a good
* * *
AMBLER IS also represented
these days by a bargain, 632-page
volume containing his four great
post-war cloak-and-dagger nov-
els. Intrigue (Alfred A. Knopf,
$3.95), since it was first published
in 1943, has the particular dis-
tinction of being a reprint of re-
-Buttwenty years has not dulled
the finish on Background to Dan-
ger (1937), Cause for Alarm
(1939), A Coffin for Dimitrios
(1939), or Journey Into Fear
(1940), the four novels included
in Intrigue.
A Coffin for Dimitrios in par-
ticular is one of the "classics" of
Best of William Irish (J. B. Lip-
pincott, $3.45), collects the works
of Cornell Woolrich-William Irish,
an author whose early stories far
exceed in quality anything he has
written in recent years.
Two novels and a volume of six
short stories are included; Phan-
tom Lady (1942) is the best
known, having also achieved the
status of "classic," while Deadline
at Dawn (1944) is interesting and
After-Dinner Stor'y (1944) in-
cludes some of the better mystery
short stories written in the 'for-
ties ("Rear Window" is one of
Irish is one author of old whose
tempo of suspense is high. The
hero of Phantom Lady spends
most of his time waiting to be
executed for a murder committed
while he was seeing the town with
a flashily-dressed woman whom
everyone insists was never there.
* * *
NONE OF THE novels so far
mentioned boasts of a detective-
one who runs through a series of
books---and the trend today seems
to be in the other direction. All
the more surprising, then, is Philo
Vance's appearance in a reprint
of a 1927 adventure, 8, S. Van
Dine's The 'Canary' Murder Case
(Scribner's, $3.50).
The second of Vance's cases.
this book, like the others, is filled
with footnotes and maps and dia-
grams to give the aura of actu-
ality so much demanded in crime
fiction of the 'twenties and 'thir-
ties. The puzzle itself is one of the
formal ones characteristic of the
time and noticeably lacking in
crime fiction today.
The drawback, of course, the
same in all Van Dine's mysteries
-his. detective, Philo Vance, is
undoubtedly the world's most ob-
Cuba May Propitiate
U.S.-Russia Showdown
*, . cloak-and-dagger master
noxious investigator. Appended to
the book is an early essay by Van
Dine, "Twenty Rules for Writing
Detective Stories," which is as in-
teresting as the novel itself.
-Vernon Nahrgang
Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower has an-
nounced an intensification of
the United States' arms program
amid new warnings that World
peace hangs by some very tenuous
Some of the threats he recounted
himself in his message to Congress.
Ike To Be Silent on Defense Budget
(EDITOR'S NOTE: While Drew
Pearson is on a brief vacation, his
column is being written by his as-
sociate, Jack Anderson.)
W ASHINGTON-In the name of
politics, Vice-President Nixon
has gently persuaded the Presi-
dent not to veto any reasonable
increases Congress may vote in
the defense budget at the coming
-special session . . . still smolder-
ing over the Nixon-Rockefellet
call for more military spending,
Ike snorted petulantly that he
would not support defense in-
creases, but he grudgingly agreed
not to oppose them.
The Pentagon's chief press
agent, Assistant Secretary Mur-
ray Snyder, has ordered the gen-
erals and admirals to attribute
the extra spending to '"the chang-
ing situation." He doesn't want
the Democrats taking credit. Vice-
President Nixon has called in the
military chiefs to give him a see-
abrupt maneuver caused Powers'
engine to flame-out at 70,000 feet,
then he wore out the battery try-
ing to start it as he spiralled
down. This probably left him
without enough juice to ignite the
dynamite that was supposed to
blow up the plane. Powers record-
ed his observations on a secret
tape which the Russians probably
will play at his Moscow trial.
The joint chiefs are deeply dis-
turbed over the danger that Fidel
Castro's younger brother Raul
may turn Cuba into a Communist
base. The air force has spotted
two dozen Soviet.rjet fighters, all
late-model MIGs, in Cuba. It is
also known that Russian pilots
and technicians came with them.
Cuba's trackless, almost impene-
trable Sierra Maestra mountains
could also hide secret missile
launching sites. These could be
supplied easily by submarines,
using the island's many excellent
* * *
Vice-President Nixon's decision
to ditch Secretary of Agriculture
Benson reached Republican speech
writers too late. They had already
prepared farm speeches for the
Republican "speech kit," defend-
ing Benson. Here is what they
suggested GOP Congressional can-
didates should say about Benson:
"I would like to puncture a popu-
lar myth which the Democrats
have been peddling-that Secre-
tary of Agriculture Benson is to
blame for the farm problem. Let's.
remember this one_ important
poit: the secretary of agriculture
is an administrator. He does not
make the laws. He only enforces
them. The Democratic-controlled
Congress never has given the ad-
ministration a farm law it asked
plexed over how to' handle the U-2
incident, finally , decided to claim
it as a victory. Here is what they
Dag Hammarskjold, reporting
the UN on Africa, said the "wor
was close to a "peace or war" cri;
which was not conined to tl
Cardinal Spellman told t
Roman Catholic Eucharistic Col
gress at Munich Saturday th
1960 is the world's most dangero
year since 1939.
AGAINST THIS background, t:
President's agreement to sta
spending money Congress alreai
has appropriated does nt see
likely to satisfy the demand f
defense buildup revealed by rece
political moves in both parties.
* * ,
ONE OF THE worst aspects
the. situation today is the wa
psychology being built up in R
China, and the belief often e
pressed by international Commu
ist leaders that, even if there is
atomic war, they can win.
President Eisenhower said-"
of us know about Cuba. But-
don't know all about Cuba, y
It does appear that Cuba alrea
has become the Communist 01
post in the Western hemisph
which the president has st
would not be tolerated.
Having practicaly exhausted t
American-owned business targ
which he has used to play on C
ban nationalism and so hide foi
brief time the economic failure
his revolution, will Castro ma
his last throw, at Guantananm
And how will the United Sta'
and Russia react, now that t
Communists consider Cuba virt