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August 06, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-06

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Seventieth Year r
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Value Stimulation Needed for Studen

(Continued from Page 1)

AY, AUGUST 5, 1960


U.S. Student Political Voice
Retains Purity, Adds Volume

such as this one to enjoy a more flexible
form of government than most others. The
people who make our laws are neither born
to their positions nor do they, collectively, of-
ten last several consecutive years in them.
The lead can be taken by almost any group
with intelligent leadership and a following of
respectable size. There are remarkably few tra-
ditionally-imposed limitations on qualifica-
tions for either governmentally sanctioned
positions or informal organizing with com-
mon purpose.
Students from 40 American colleges and
universities are planning a nation-wide peace
No Equalizer
M ERE IS A SERIOUS need that the Fed-
eral Communications Commission and the
Congress give immediate consideration to
making revisions in section 314 of the broad-
cast law.
In this election year, it is unfortunate that
this "equal time" provision is a major factor
in keeping the presentation of vital issues off
the air waves.
Radio and television are, at this time, the
average citizens' main line of communication
for learning of opinions upon which to base
their voting; keeping networks and independ-
ent stations bound under section 315 makes
it virtually impossible for air time to be de-
voted to presidential (and other) candidates
with a legitimate chance of winning, without
the risk of grave financial loss from resultant
demands for time from splinter groups with
"candidates" to offer.
At the same time, of course, it is quite nec-
essary to protect the rights of minority groups
seeking to voice their views. However, the pro-
visions of 315 explode these rights into an ab-
surd opportunity for almost any crackpot to
harass broadcasters into giving him a pass to
millions of American living rooms.
JACK PARR WAS a recent victim. After
chatting with Senator Jack Kennedy for
about forty-five minutes, an FCC ruling based
on section 315 forced him to give America-
firster Lar Daly access to NBC microphones
and cameras for an equal amount of $9000-a-
minute air time. It might be pointed out that
there are about seventeen other third "parties"
entitled to time. All they need do is request it.
This could mean a cost of $8,885,000 to NBC.
The only way to avoid this potential cost is
to not invite major candidates to use air time.
This situation is keeping a thorough presen-
tation of issues offthe air.

vigil today, the fifteenth anniversary of the
bombing of Hiroshima.
reports from San Francisco, "planners of
the nation-wide demonstration hope to create
an international effect, so that the American
delegation to the forth-coming 63-nation In-
ternational Student Conference in Geneva
will be able to point to widespread sympathy
for disarmament among American students."
Hayden goes on to relate several other stu-
dent projects sponsored by members of the
National Student Association, the University
of California political party slate and inform-
al groups. Among them are national political
conferences and workshops, a planned liberal
student communications network intended to
bring immediate news of any violations of
students' rights on campuses, and further
pressure against the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee.
THE UNIQUE POSITION of the student
in society equips him for intelligent politi-
cal action on a scale yet to be appreciated by
him or anyone else. His constant communica-
tion with other students, his youth, and the
sheer numbers of his colleagues afford a po-
tential strength possibly equal to that of any
other single interest group. His intellectual
skill and the lack of pressures accrued along
with the economic responsibility he has prdb-
ably not yet shouldered make it possible for
him to bring a relatively idealistic and un-
bigoted attitude to issues which can and per-
haps should be made political, as well as soc-
ial and moral.
There are also disadvantages common to
students, such as lack of experience in politi-
cal maneuvering and a myopic and uncompro-
mising attitude which antagonizes the oppo-
sition and the public alike, but these can be
at least partially overcome through the prac-
tice students are likely to get in the future.
AMERICANS SEEM TO BE tardy compared
to other students in this respect. Student
opinion in Asia, South America and Europe is
a feared and respected factor in national
However, as recent developments show,
American students individually, nationally,
and as world citizens are beginning to realize
their capacity and responsibilities to serve
themselves and their posterity.
With dedication, foresight, and continued
clear intellectual consideration of the obvious
problems of the age, they can overcome the
influence of the inflexible attitudes cherish-
ed so commonly in a country run by old men,
and help avoid the disaster which only re-
cently has become a possible result of such

conscious commitment on the
Examples of the first sort are
exerywhere. I recall, for instance,
talking to a girl who was on the
verge of graduation from the Uni-
versity of Michigan. When asked
what she though had been most
-valuable in her educational ex-
perience, the girl replied: "the
experience of meeting so many
different kinds of people and be-
coming aware of all the differ-
ent viewpoints there are".
Her answer, I think, is typical
on colloge campuses and seems
to be the twentieth-century
product of the celebrated system
of liberal or general education.
What is remarkable about the
statement is its apparent en-
thusiasm without deep involve-
ment. The girl had become aware
of something, but her life had not
been changed. She had become
conscious of the living world of
people and ideas but made no ex-
istential committment to either.
She may have met, for example,
oriental women in her dormitory
and agnostic literature in the
classroom but undergone no pro-
foundsattitudinal change in the
process She is ,enlightened some-
what, but not changed in the bas-
ic sentiments she held upon en-
tering college.
students share this uncommitted
consciousness of their environ-
ment, there exists in contrast the
fervent minority who are dis-
tinguishable by committment as
well as awareness.
This type has not only become
aware of the breadth and com-
plexity of persons and ideas, but
has also become intensely attach-
ed to a specific position. In many
cases this student has been so
potently influenced by a particu-
lar value climate that his personal
attitudes have been severely re-
versed. He has made a decision
demanding guts.
David Riesman has suggested
an important distinction between
these student types which brings
up the question of student politi-
cal action directly. He writes that
many students
can't feel it is worth making a
fuss, let alone a serious pro-
test, to reduce the number of
courses in which attendance is
taken, or in other seemingly
small ways to have themselves
treated as being no longer in
high school. Their rebellion
takes the rateher muted and
unconscious forms in which
dissatisfaction shows up in
withdrawal of some allegiance
to one's work and eventually to
one s self. It takes the form of
concluding that since one can't
make any great difference in
one's environment, indifference
to that environment is the best
- - -
CLEARLY, THE student Ries-
man describes is beset by an
image of society as an all-power-
ful, impossible-to-alter, mechani-
cal creature. The conscientious
but uncommitted student with-
draws from the complexities and
dangers of the social scene. He
prefers personal to social values.
According to Einstein ,the indi-
vidual does not experience his
dependence on society as
a positive asset, as an organic
tie, as a protective force, but
rather as a threat to his natur-
al rights . , his position in so-
ciety is such that the egotistical
drives of his makeup are con-
stantly being accentuated while
his social drives, which are by
nature weaker, progressively
deteriorate '
The majority of students pre-
fer security to the uncertainties
of adventure. This is called "play-
ing it cool".
But the current student politi-
cal movement, everyone will

agree, is "not playing it cool". On
the contrary, the minority is quite
willing to make a fuss, on the
assumption that social change
can be effected. Theirs is the
image of a society which is power-
ful, but nontheless malleable,
**. *

sit-ins, the San Francisco demon-
stration and every other active
protest of the last year. All are
risky, shoot-for-the-moon affairs,
based not on personal security
desires but on a willingness to
deal with the uncertain.
With these distinctions in
mind, the student movement can
better assess its current position
and hopes for the future.
One of its most serious taks
should by now be clear: the in-
creased development of the type
of human committment which de-
clares that society is malleable.
In this attempt, much failure
is certain, since never in history
has a whole society been deeply
moved to social action,
* * *
SUCCESS IN involving more
students, I believe, will most often
be the results of creating a po-
tent personally-stimulating value
climate. Such a climate is not.
characteristic of theeordinary
university, but there is no reason
why intense subclimates cannot
be effectively built within a uni-
versity community.
The subclimate necessary to
bring students to social committ-
ment can be generated by a stu-
dent political party, or even by
a great teacher in a classroom.
Unfortunately there are few of
More unfortunately, university
administrations and faculties
also, I might add, have inhibited
student development in two major
1) By failing to instill in stu-
dents the sense of a driving uni-
versity spirit and purpose.
2) By discouraging and some-
times punishing students who
practice 'public non-conformity
which allegedly damages the uni-
versity's all-important image.
All the student activist can do
on this front is continue his rais-
ing of public issues; in hope that
eventully bring him a firmer and
more tolerated position. The im-
portance of appearing responsible
cannot, be underestimated here.
* * *
WHAT GROUPS should the
'tudent liberal-activist concen-
trate oni n his attempt to success-
fully attract others to his posit-
ion? I have so far distinguished
two broad student groups in
terms of committment and non-
committment to radical social
change. There exists a sub-group
of students who favor such
change in the status quo but are
not quite willing to be members
of the so-called "avant-garde".
The job of the "avant-garde" is

to bring these marginals further
into alignment.
In many cases this requires
only the persuasion that the stu-
dent movement is neither beat-
nik nor communistic. In other
cases it requires only the per-
suasion that the movement can
succeed; many students are al-
most willing to try, but still not
sure their voice means anything.
Such students are present in
great numbers; they are charac-
terized sometimes as having "ten-
sion beneath apathy". I believe
they are now on the bring of
THE MATTER OF expression
is of great importance. Not only
should more students be brought
into the movement, but so also
should members of the high
school and young adult communi-
ties (this possibility is already be-
ing explored by some). In other
words the student movement
should not only be crusading for
social causes, but it must also be
evangelical, that is, it must at-
tract converts.
If the converts are attracted,
and if resentment of the student
liberal position can be diminish-
ed, two vital goals will have been
First, a leadership role will be
established for the student ac-
tivists. At present too much con-
troversy within the student com-
munity itself surrounds their po-
sition. For example, it is easy to
recall sharp debates within many
student councils over the advis-
ability of supporting student
picketing. As the movement at-
tracts more members, anid more
important, as it gains respect, a
leadership position may evolve
more clearly. And in this society,
progress has been the product of
the efforts of committed minori-
ties who, although slightly alien-
ated, were capable of leading
their contemporaries.
Second, a more general goal: by
showing others that the student
can manage his environment,
there will emerge a certain ra-
tional confidence in the student's
ability to do the same thing after
college. The students who picket
today will be thinking of seats in
state and national legislatures
within five years.
* * *
of self-determination in the
American student is the real
point I have been indirectly
stressing. The spirit of self-de-
termination in America receded
wtih the frontier. It has bowed
to the vast industrial and organi-

HYDE PARK--Even on thi Diag, students are expressing, me
freely and more frequently, their views of our society. Soap b
orators and intensely involved protesters speak their minds befc
crowds that mingle "spectators" with followers of student moi

zational expansion of the last 75
As a result, the majority of
students feel helpless to chart
their society's direction. The pur-

pose of the student movem
then, is at once simple and
found: to prove 'human b
are still the measure. Hopei
this will be proven.

Hitchcock's 'Psycho'
AS IF IN RETURN FOR all the acclaim the French have given
during the past year, Alfred Hitchcock has made use of sev
particularly French techniques in the making of his newsusp
film, "Psycho", now at the Michigan,'
The peculiar handling of nudity, dead bodies and eroticism c
mon to French directors of comparable films has been added to Hi
cock's own slow, quietly subtle pacing, and together these elemn

To Communicate spirit of Action

NxonE an Lod g

Swarthmore College
BETWEEN OUR country's cam-
puses, each no longer ignoring,
now separately aroused by presi-
dential and congressional politics,
the sit-down movement, civil
rights, and our international de-
cisions, there is no ordered com-
munication to intensify student
campaigns of protest or demand.
Feeling his efforts pointless until
this year, the collegian has shrug-
ged from his shoulders the worry
of citizenship, turned playboy or
quiet scholar, and ignored his
campus editor and older battle
horses, who challenged that he, at
the age of vision and energy,
should lead the public eyes to new,
justice and new captains.
sive insistence-these labels,
though they stick to the picture,
do not explain it. Like the Indians,
southern objectors have offered
their bodies to fill the Jails, and in
that sacrifice of freedom have
often included their education.
Some reform inciting every
mind, some long-brewing bitter-
ness, has combined with the hope
and idealist's disregard which,
whatever one's age, can only be
held if young. But there always
have been such dreamers, the dis-
satisfied contenders-why in these
recent years alone has the power
of objection solidified from that

of the waves to the force of a rac-
ing glacier?
Mass action is not 'creation or
revolution, it is mass communica-
tion. Though mass action may
well explode to violence, as in the
East German and Hungarian
strikes, or evolve to aid, as in the
workcamps of the Quakers or in
the projects for local integrated
housing helped by many picket
groups, to the pure demonstrator,
the picketer or snake dancer of the
streets, the only necessary battle
is symbolic. Demonstration does
not build or tear apart, and where
it stones an embassy or lynches,
destruction or resistance are sym-
bolic, not more than a shock wave
of psychology, a signal to the press
and organs of public formation.
are erratic, sometimes damming,
sometimes flooding information;
only the obstreperous and often
least worthy demonstrations, as
Little Rock, surmount the entrance
to the news.
the full grown, nonconforming
plant, and not the mutant seed,
but only by the nourishment of
press can that germ burst from
its case and flourish.
Organizations like CORE now
publish sit-in bulletins reporting
the spread and impact of their
movement; however, these and
other bulletins, like that of the
American Civil Liberties Union,
are not directed at the student of
Oberlin or UCLA, who would find

their subject narrow or himself
an outsider.
* * *
THE ALBATROSS would meet
two of the major needs of the stu-
dent movement: heavf pressure on
specific wrongs, and circulation of
fresh ideas and information. Be-
cause student groups apply the
time-tried tenet of Samuel Gom-
pers-concentrate and win and
then move on--they have focused
enough persuasion to integrate
southern counters' and eject from
office Kishi, Rhee, and Menderes.
Not that the Albatross should
specialize; it then would lose its
broader interest and purpose, to
speak for incipient causes and
prove the moment of those neg-
* * *
batross for facts and inspiration,
in a time of turbulence what will
restrain the magazine from the
coup of the Zengakuren, a radical
minority that seized control of the
communications and direction of
the Tokyo student riots? American
students are more sedate, but still
on every reader would fall the in-
fluence of those wings. He who can
sow or suffocate a spark can ig-
nite and direct the barrage.
There is only one control, and
that is debate. If letters of differ-
ent opinion are submitted, and a
few of excellent standard, those
shall be printed. The viable demo-
cratic faith is not that the people

produce small-screen, black-ar
white entertainment macal
enough to rival and equal that
* * *
LITTLE OF THE sequence
events in "Psycho" can be tc
without telling too much: suff
it to say that when Marion Cra
(Janet Leigh) steals $40,000 fr
her employer in Arizona a
heads west to meet her loi
Sam (John Gavin), she does
expect to stop in an out-of-tl
way California motel run by N(
man Bates (Anthony Perkins)
nor does she expect to be butt
ered in the shower.
Actually, the fun begins w
the titles and is heighter
throughout by an effective mu
cal score, occasionally unust
contrasts of light and dark, vi
ied use of sound filters, and cai
era angles that are striking if r
Moreover, Hitchcock has tl
time set out to be terrifying rat
er than merely amusingly gru
some. As a result, the plot is qu
straightforward and uncom;
cated - and, as usual, the fil
goer who fails to figure out t
solution for himself cannot blar
Hitchcock, for the clues are w
in the film lies with the last I
minutes, when a peculiarly obno
ious psychiatrist "explains it a
to those dullwits who, like t
sheriff, didn't quite grasp wi
had happened. But then perha
Hitchcock is also having fun
the expense of psychiatrists; it
hard to tell.
-Vernon Nahrgal

THE CAMPAIGN which is now beginning will
be waged at many levels both above and
under the ground. Mr. Nixon's choice of Am-
bassador Lodge was made, it is apparent, in the
belief that in the upper and open levels of the
campaigning foreign affairs are the main con-
cern of the country and the main subject,
which can be mentioned, by which votes can
be won or lost
Mr. Nixon's choice means not only that he
expects foreign affairs to be the main subjects
of the open and visible arguments. It means
also that he does not expect to talk very much
or very emphatically about the internal prob-
lems of this country. Rockefeller would have
done that. Nixon cannot do it. This is not be-
cause the two men are very far apart in what
they think ought to be done. We can see that
from Nixon's St. Louis speech and from the
Nixon-Rockefeller contact last week.
Where they do differ is that Rockefeller be-
lieves in a fiscal policy which will pay for
what needs to be done while Nixon is tied to
the essentially deflationary fiscal policy of Ei-
senhower. Without a break with this policy,
Nixon is in a very poor position to contest with
the Democrats in the field of public needs, be-
ginning with defense, going on to education,
and coming to all the aims announced by Mr.
Nixon in his St. Louis speech.
NIXON'S fundamental handicap is that he is
tied to a rate of growth which is too small
for our expanding population and for our ex-.
panding world responsibilities and domestic
needs. Because of this, he is under a great han-
dicap even in the field of foreign affairs. For
the issue there is how the balance of national

stability is to be preserved-without producing
a lot more wealth to pr6vide the extra revenue.
Inhibited from dealing with the real issue in
foreign affairs - which is what Rockefeller
wanted to do-Nixon is concentrating on the
question of who has the greater experience in
foreign affairs, and particularly in debating
with the Russians. It is, of course, a perfectly
good question to raise in a campaign.
CONSIDER, for example, Nixon's celebrated
arguments with Khrushchev in the kitchen
exhibit at the American Exposition in Moscow.
Nixon had the better of the argument. Indeed
he won it. And what were the results of win-
ning this argument and all the other arguments
we have won. Has the frontier of freedom ad-
vanced one inch? Has the empire of tyranny
receded at all? In the year that has passed
since Nixon stood up to Khrushchev in Moscow
and since Lodgetwon his debate in New York
our position in the Far East has deteriorated
seriously and our position in Cuba and in Latin
America has certainly not improved.
WHAT DOES all this show? It shows that the
job of dealing with the international Com-
munists is not the job of arguing with the Rus-
sians, whether at the Exposition in Moscow or
at the Security Council in New York. The Rus-
sians are for all practical purposes impervious
to argument, especially to public argument.
Their calculations, which are often far from
accurate, are not in terms of words or ,prin-
ciples or ideals, Their calculations are made in
terms of power-in terms of missiles and tanks,
and Sputniks. Nixon won his debate. Lodge has,
so he tells us, won all of his debates. But nev-
ertheloesth enmmunist influence is avnand_


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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August grad-

defer the student's graduation until a
later date.
Student Recital: Robert Bruce Camp-
bell will present a recital in Aud. A
Angell Hall on Mon., Aug. 8, at 8:30
p. m. in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master of
Music (Wind Instruments), Campbell
has included in his program composi-
tions by Telemann, Handel, Scott, Mi-
halovici, and Vernon. Open to the pub-
NStudent Recital: David McBride will
present a recital in Hill Aud. on Sun.;
Am ,, a 4.1Rnm-i a ..ttl f,. 1

gell Hall in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Doctor of
Musical Arts. The chairman of his com-
mittee is Benning Dexter. Collins has
included in his program compositions
by Purcell, Chopin, Ravel and Beet-
hoven. Open to the public.
University Lecture: Andreas Tietze,
Prof. of Turkish Language and Liter-
ature, Near Eastern Center, University
of California, Los Angeles, will speak
on "The Problem of Continuity in Tur-
kish Literature" on Mon., Aug 8 at 8:00
p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater.
A 's " 1T _

Males)", Sat., Aug. 6, 1611 Haven Hall,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, H. V. King.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1980-61
school year.
Addison, Mich-Biol/Gen. Sci/Chem.,
Jr. H.S. Eng., Elem. (3).
Bellevue, Mich.-Jr. HS English/His-
Caro, Mich-English, Choir
Dallas, Texas-Mathematics
Dexter, Mch.-Elementary, Elem.
Phys. Educ.
Edwardsburg, Mich.--Math.
Fennvlle, Mich.-Spec. Educ. (Educ.
Ment. Ret.), English.

Sales Department of the Corn Refini
Division. Chemical Engineering
Chemistry backgrounds.
American Steel Foundries, Chical
Ill. Announces the need for an engt
eering graduate who wishes to ent
the field of patent law.
General Electric Co., Flight Propt
sion Div., Cincinnati, 0., is looking f
a Plasma Acceleration Specialist; wi
experience in the field of gasdynan
flow, preferably with supersonic p1
nomena, Experience in fluid dynar
ics, magnetic phenomena, plasma phy
ics or vacuum technology would
helpful. Also positions in Arc and R
fractory Materials and Electrical. E
gineering. Work at the doctoral le'
would be desirable, but they will co
sider a Master of Science or the equ

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