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August 06, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-06

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the text of a working paper presented
by Daily Editor Thomas Hayden to a conference on Student Politics
held last weekend near Monterery, Calif.
In the tumultous midst of the so-called "student movement"
there is a tendency for students to behave like outwardly-pro-
pelled particles within a subculture directed by vast, impersonal
Many individuals do not fully understand the issues with
which they are so emotionally involved. Further, they often
fail to understand the nature of their erupting generation. This
lack of coherence, often leading to a lack of direction, can be
dangerous to the future of the student movement, and for this
reason one should persistently attempt the clarification of im-
portant issues and their surrounding emotional currents.
A fundamental question which is frequently blurred and
sometimes overlooked is that of the student personality types
involved in campus interaction. The current political excitement
on many campuses is a product, I believe, of distinct clashes be-
tween student types.
Such a class is vitally important to explore and under-
stand since it enables one to look more fruitfully for answers
to such related questions as:
1) Is the active political minority fated to remain a minohi-
ty, or can they overcome their differences with opposing ele-
ments and exercise greater influence?




2) How can the active minority alter the world-image of
the inactive majority?
3) How can the active minority best assume a leadership po-
sition in society?
In short, I believe all the important concrete considerations
of this conference -- the creation of political parties, the de-
velopment of political techniques, etc. - can be more fully under-
stood if the abstract question of student types is more fully
Out of the broad mass of American students, two very gen-
eral types are pertinent for this discussion. One group may be
characterized loosely as being disinterested in militant student
action, more interested in development of a private welfare than
a public one, likewise emotionally and intellectually committed to
personal rather than social goals, willing to compromise for
long-run gain, more pragmatic than idealistic. They are in the
majority position.
The minority holds an inverse set of values, belief in social
action on the student (and every other) level, desire to work
toward significant changes in the status quo, deep emotional
and intellectual commitment to action, and maintenance of an
uncompromising idealism.
The fundamental student personality difference here is be-
tween an awareness without involvement on the one hand, and
See VALUES, Page 2

STUDENT PROTESTERS-This spring, University students protested allegedly discriminatory prac-
tices by a local shop, and some were carted off to Jail for their efforts. The student movement
meets resistence, but its participants remain determined and vocal.

... and social action



Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


High-$3 .-
Little change in temperature,
winds light and variable

See Page 2

L. LXX. No. 34S




khrushchev Kills Chance
For Pre-Election Summit

Soviet Leader
Sends Letter
To Macmillan
MOSCOW (P) -Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev said yesterday it
seems "impossible to envisage" a
new summit conference in ad-
vance of U.S. Presidential elec-
tions in November. But he hinted
he might ask for one thereafter.
The Soviet leader told British
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
in a letter he would like to dis-
cuss "basic issues of our time,"
such as divided Germany and
Berlinnn, disarmament, a nuclear
weapons ban and other cold war
"If the Soviet government does
not meet with understanding later,
and if obstacles to agreement on
these questions are put up, we
shall conclude a peace treaty with'
the (Communist East) German
Democratic Republic."
(Khrushchev's statement that a
summit meeting before November
seemed impossible appeared to
conflict with the latest Soviet pol-
icy gesture calling for a meeting
of the heads of government of all
82 members of the United Na-
tions when the world organization
opens its session in September.
The idea has been received with
extreme coolness in the U.S.)
Khrushchev repeated other
warnings, too, in characteristically
blunt terms. Among these was a
renewed threat to take "necessary"
measures against the territory of
Student Denies
Soviet Spy in
Salt Lake City, Aug. 5 (AP)-
An American exchange student
today categorically denied1
charges by a Moscow newspaper
that he was expelled from the
Soviet Union for espionage.
The student, Edwin B. Morrell,
31, of Salt Lake City, said he
would decide whether to make
specific answers to the charges
when he sees the original story#
as carried in the newspaper
The U.S. Embassy in Moscow
said the paper's charges were
"news to us," but it was true
Morrell had been asked to leave

Russia Asks
Total Congo
MOSCOW (P)--The Soviet gov-
ernment yesterday called for re-
moval of the UN Congo command
unless all Belgian troops are
pulled out of the Congo--includ-
ing Katanga province. It termed
"very alarming the behavior of the
UN forces command."
The Soviets also declared that
if present UN forces in the Congo
do not bring about withdrawal of
Belgian troops, soldiers should beF
sent to the Congo from "countries
which would be ready to contrib-
ute to the implementation of this
just act."
The Soviet government declara-
tion, distributed by the official
news agency Tass, said the situa-
tion in the Congo is "absolutely
intolerable." it called Belgian sol-
diers in the Congo "intervention-
ist troops" and referred again to
"aggression" it said had been
launched against the Congo.
The "token withdrawal of an
insignificant part of the interven-
tionist troops, now underway, is a
maneuver calculated to soothe and
mislead public opinion," the state-
ment said. It also declared the
authority of the UN is being un-
Declaring that the Soviet Union
is for strict and effective measures
to ensure the early fulfillmentof
Security Council decisions on the
Congo, Tass said the USSR pro-
"To evacuate in the shortest
possible time all the Belgian troops
from the territory of the Republic
of the Congo, not hesitatingto
use any means to bring this
"If the present command of the
troops continues refusing to abide
by the Security Council decisions,
it should be removed." ,






Kennedy Links Rights, Africa

HINTS AT DISCUSSION-Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev
suggested the possibility of a summit meeting in a letter to
British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan, but added that such
a meeting could not take place before the U.S. Presidential
election in November. This statement conflicts with the recent
Soviet call for a heads of government meeting when the United

By The Associated Press y
NEW YORK - Senator John F.
Kennedy, starting his first presi-
dential campaign trip yesterday
linked civil rights with U.S.-Afri-
can relations and stressed foreign
He told an overflow crowd of
foreign language and national
group newspapermen at the Over-
seas Press Club that "if we move
ahead in civil rights and provide
equal opportunity for all Ameri-
cans," it will help relations with
African countries.
When U.S. Negroes get "full
and fair and equal treatment," he
said, it will help in dealings with
Kennedy also pledged a con-
Notes Uniy
ALBANY, N.Y. (R) - The plat-
form fight at the Republican
National Convention and the re-
sulting unity dispelled the "pes-
simism" that gripped the GOP
after the Democrats selected the
Kenedy- Johnson ticket, Gov.
Rockefeller said today.
Winding up a campaign-organ-'
izing tour in the state, Rockefeller
said the election picture was "very
"I don't know when I have seen
as much unity in our party as I
have in the last four days," the
Governor told a news conference.
New York state Republicans
had been divided when Rockefeller
was contesting Vice - President
Richard M. Nixon for the party's
Presidential nomination. The Gov-
ernor came out for Nixon during
the convention.

tinuing drive to bring freedom to
peoples behind the Iron Curtain.
He said freedom for the captive
peoples is "unfinished business be-
fore the bar of world opinion."
Newsmen whose papers are
aimed at Latin American, Euro-
pean and Middle Eastern p oples
in the eastern United States ues-
tioned Kennedy in rapid-fire fash-
ion on his views on foreign affairs.
Liberal Trade
The 43 - year - old Democraticj
Senator called for more liberal
trade policies to help Eastern Eu-
ropean nations toward freedom.
Kennedy said U.S. ambassadors
abroad never should be chosen "in
the future on the basis of political
contributions." He said knowledge
of the language in the area served
is essential.
Nixon Policy
Vice - President Nixon also
stressed foreign policy in his cam-
paign warmup in Hawaii, which
ended yesterday.
"It is essential," the Vice-Presi-
dent said, "that the President di-'
rectly assume control and com-'
mand of the non-military aspects
of the world struggle."

Nixon carried this theme through
his farewell speech before an au-
dience of 7,500 at a giant rally
that wound up a two-day cam-
paign tour of Hawaii.
But he expressed in detail each
time that he did not feel his pro-
posals involved criticism of the
way President Eisenhower has
conducted the nation's foreign
policy during his 7% years in
The world situation has grown
more acute, Nixon said, and the
coming five years will be increas-
ingly more critical than the Eisen-
hower years have been.
Direct Control
The foreign policy issue became
more specific last night when
Nixon was asked whether he would
take a more direct control of
foreignpolicy than had President
"The answer to that question,"
Nixon said - and there was a
pause-"is yes."
Nixon said the non-military as-
pects of foreign policy included
the various exchange programs,
"political warfare" and foreign

Council Sets
Emer gency
Hammarskjold Says
He Cannot Risk Lives
-Faced with a threat of blood-
shed, the United Nations yesterday
suddenly called off plans to send
UN troops into secessionist Ka-
tanga province.
UN Secretary General Dag Ha -
marskjold made the hard decision
and called an urgent meeting of
the Security Council on the tur-
bulent Congo situation. The Coun-
cil will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday in
New York.
Hammarskjold was flying back
to New York tonight aboard a
special UN plane to attend the
Council session.
The cancellation of the plan to
move a UN force into Katanga to-
morrow came in a day of swiftly
moving developments.
Party Barred
A 20-man UN advance party
was barred from leaving its plane
in Elisabethville, the Katanga
capital. The group had been sched-
uled to prepare the way for UN
troops to move in at dawn today.
Instead the UN party returned
here, accompanied by Undersecre-.
tary Ralph J. Bunche, who had
rushed to Elisabethville Wednes-
day to confer with leaders of the
province on the withdrawal of
Belgian troops and their replace-
ment by a UN force.
On his return here, Bunche went
immediately into a conference with
Hammarskjold. The announcement
that UN troops would not be dis-
patched to Katanga today came
two hours later.
UN officials said that during his
stay in Elisabethville Bunche had

Nations opens this September.
any nation serving as a base for
U.S. Intelligence aviation.
Khrushchev reserved his sharp-
est words for the U.S. plane inci-
dents and Britain's position con-
cerning them. He accused the U.S.
of having planned the U2 inci-
dent in May and the RB47 inci-
dent deliberately to provoke and
humiliate the Soviet Union. He
added: "We will shoot down ag-
gressor aircraft and take meas-
ures against those bases and those
countries from whose territory
these aggressive flights against our
country are made."
He also expressed annoyance
with British support of the Ameri-
can contention that Khrushchev
wrecked the mid-May summit
meeting in Paris before it could
get started.

Pair Found
Two students inadvertantly
touched off a campus-wide radi-
ation alert Thursday.
Jacob I. Trombka, Grad., and
Frederick R. Channon, Grad.,
were using highly sensitive detec-
tion equipment in the physics
signsiof when they picked up
signs ofradioactive cesium salt in
the room.
Traces of the salt were found
on both men .by health physicists
Richard C. Nevill and John Jones,
but the exposure was not harmful.

Employes Have Defected,
Defense Agency Presumes
WASHINGTON (M)-The defense department acknowledged yes-
terday that it is likely two missing employees of a top secret communi-
cations agency have gone behind the Iron Curtain.
The men involved in what may be a defection to the Commu-
nists are Bernon F. Mitchell, 31, and William H. Martin, 29, who were
employed at Ft. Meade, Md., by the super-secret National Security
Agency before they vanished June 24.
Both were listed as- mathematical analysts for NSA which is
devoted largely to monitoring radio signals and messages on an
around-the-clock basis. Presumably a major part of its work is com-

Stagng Techniques Enhance 'Giovanni']

munications intelligence which
would include breaking of secret
codes of other nations. Mathe-
matics plays an important part in

orrell said he attended Mos-
State University for 10
ths to make a political and
study of Soviet trade un-
He intended to write a doe-
e embassy said Morrell had
program approved before he
for Russia. Morrell said hie
told by the Soviet ministry of
er education that he was be-
expelled on recommendation
is Soviet advisor for not ful-
g his study plans.
one of the charges mention-
ow were brought up at that
" Morrell said. "The minis-
enied me the opportunitv to

The audience at last night's performance of "Don Giovanni" was
treated to a dazzling display of staging techniques designed by Ralph
Duckwall Jr. of the speech department.
Since Sunday the stage crew has been working in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre to prepare the scenes for the opera which has been
called both the greatest ever composed and the most difficult to stage.
A colorful curtain called a traveller is used to separate the front
of the stage from the back during scene changes. In front of the
traveller are the balconies and benches which are permanent through-
out the performance, as is the platform, at the back of the stage.
Behind the traveller are the four major arch units which are
raised and lowered by ropes to provide the ten scene changes called
for by the opera.

However, indannouncing the
possibility of defection, the De-
fense Department in a written
statement said the investigation
of the disappearance "indicates
that information in their posses-
sion if revealed could be in no way
prejudicial to the security of
United States communications."
The Pentagon added that neither
man had "access to classified in-
formation about "American weap-
ons or defense plans."
It confirmed earlier reports
that the two young men, bache-
lors and friends of years' stand-
ing, had been traced first to
Mexico City an dthen to Cuba.

... back to UN

, .,}...sue..,....


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