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June 21, 1960 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-21

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Summer Ushered In with Yearly Rites

TOTAL $377,164:
Gifts, Grants To Finan
Seholarships, Equipmei

The Regents accepted gifts,
grants and bequests totaling
$377,164 at their June meeting.
Additions to 46 already existing
funds accounted for $265,422.51
r of the total. The largest amount
in this group went to the Michi-
gan Alumni Fund, which was
swelled by $214,320.23 in contri-
butions over the last six months..
The largest single gift and
grant accepted was one of $29,-
800 from Princeton University. It
will be used to cover expenses of
the Inter-University Near East-
ern Language program to be held
here this summer. This program1
is financed by the Ford Founda-
tion, with Princeton administer-
The purchase of a computer
for the industrial engineering de-
partment will be partially fi-
nanced by a gift of $8,000 from
Socony Mobil Company, Inc.
Estate Gift
The Regents accepted a gift of
$7,605.72 from the estate of El-
freda Cosgrove, to be used for
general research.
Three grants totaling $6,500
came from Dow Chemical Com-
--7.pany. The Edgar C. Britton Fel-'
lowship in Organic Chemistry will
receive $3,000 of the total, with
$2,500 going to the Dow Scholar-
ship in Metallurgy and $1,000 to
U Professors To Begin
Retirement Furloughs

THE OLD STORY-In temperate zones around the world, sun-worshipers shed as much of their
clothing as possible with the return of hot weather and flock to the beaches.

)JOH N L EIfDY "ummer offi bean at 4:43
this morning, Prof. Hazel M. Lash
3-6779 0 601 East Liberty of the Astronomy Department re-
minded the campus.
1 This is the day of the summer

solstice when Michigan may re-
ceive the most heat from the sun
during any 24-hour period of the
year, because the sun has reached
its most direct position over the
northern hemisphere.
Around the time of the summer
solstice our days are longest, about
15 hours, with the consequence
that nights are only about nine
hours. "After today, the sun will

start its long journey toward the,
south," Prof. Losh explained.
"In spite of our receiving the
most heat around the date of the
solstice, chances are that this will
not be the hottest time of the
summer, due to the 'lag of sea-
sons.' The highest temperature is
most likely to come around August
1, when the amount of heat lost
in 24 hours will equal that re-

This summer and fall, 19 fac-
ulty members will begin retire-
ment furlough.
Among those retiring from reg-
ular, classroom work and research
activity are three deans: Earl V.
Moore of the music school, E.
Blythe Stason of the Law School

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Fully-lined, impeccably tailored separates for a wonderful color-
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and Russell Stevenson of the busi-
ness administration school.
Prof. Frederick Blicke of the
pharmaceutical chemistry depart-
ment, Prof. Harry Carver of the
mathematics department, Prof.
Francis Dalton of the education
school and Prof. George Ehlers of
the geology department will also
begin their furlough.
Retiring faculty members in-
clude Prof. Samuel Graham of the
natural resources school, Mildred
Harter of the public health school,
Prof. Harlan Koch, associate dean
of the Rackham graduate school,
Prof. Robert McMath of the as-
tronomy department, Prof. Henry
Nordmeyer of the German depart-
ment and Prof. Frederick O'Dell
of the architecture college.
Charles Still of the business
administration school, Prof. Cyrus
Sturgis of the medical school,
Prof. Hessell Yntema of the Law
School and Prof. Lewis Vander'
Velde of the history department
and director of the Michigan His-
torical Collections will also Join.
the ranks of retired faculty mem-
During retirement furlough, fac-
ulty members receive their regu-
lar academic salary,
Retirement without furlough
will begin for two faculty members
this summer: Prof. Paul Barker
of the medical schooleand Prof.
Floyd Calhoun of the engineering
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the Dow Chemical Company Fel-
lowship in Chemical Engineering.
Receiving Hospital Research
Corp. has donated $6,422 for hos-
pital administration research.
A grant of $5,400 from the
Michigan Heart Association will
be used to finance nine summer
fellowships of $900 each.
To Support Hospital
The Forney W. Clement Mem-
orial Foundation, Inc., has given
the University $5,000. The grant
will be used to support activities
in the Hospital School of the Uni-
versity Hospital.
A fellowship for college teach-
ers in the Middle Eastern feild
will be established with the $4-
000 donated by the Social Sci-
ence Research Council, Inc
A fellowship of $2,650 in chem-
ical engineering, a summer fel-
lowship of $650 in chemistry and
a scholarship of $500 in chemical
engineering are being jfinanced
by Monsanto Chemical Company,
whose three-part grant totals
The Helen Newberry Joy Fund
has given $3,500 for the Newberry
Joy Aid Fund for Women.
Chemical Fellowship
The Regents accepted $3,40t
from the American Chemical So-
ciety for a fellowship in chemical
Linguistics training for Egyp-
tian teachers of English will be
paid for in part by an additional
grant of up to $3,000 from the
Rockefeller Foundatio
A fellowship in mechanical en-
gineering will be financed by a
Texaco, Inc., grant of $3,000.
Union Carbide Chemicals Com-
pany, Technical Center, provided
$3,000 for a summer fellowship
in chemistry.
A grant of $2,600 for a fellow-
ship in chemical and metallurgi-
cal engineering comes from the
Jones and Laughlin Steel Corpor-
Establishing the Searle Gas-
troinestinal Research Fund,;
Searle and Co., gave $1,800. r.
Keith S. Henley of the medical
school will direct~ the research.4
Scholarship Grant
United States Rubber Company
Foundation has made a grant of
$1,500 for a scholarship,
Prof. Leonard W. Zambiska, of
the architecture and design col-
lege, will use a summer faculty
fellowship established with P
grant of $1,400 from the Camp-
bell-Ewald Foundation.
The Pharmacy Building Con-
struction fund was increased by
$1,000 donated by Lakeside Lab-
oratories, Inc,.
Ford Motor Company Fund has
given $1,000 for the Faculty Rg-
search Fund in Personnel Adm-
The Regents accepted $1,000
from the University's undergrad-
uate class of 1960. The grant es-
tablishes theClass of 1960 Mem-
orial Fund and will be used tor
purchase University and school
flags designed by Prof. Emeritus
Walter W. J. Gores of the archi-
tecture and design college.
For the Albert Kahn Graduate
Scholarship in architecture, the
Regents accepted $1,000 from Aml
bert Kahn Associated Architects
and Engineers Foundation.
Other gifts, grants and bequests
of less than $1,000 each, were also
approved by the Regents and
brought the total acacepted at, the
June meeting to $377,164.


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