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June 21, 1960 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-21

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4k Reveals Mental Health Views of Americans

To Choose Candidates,
Registrations Due July 5

ensions, fears and anxi-
the "normal" American
ented in a new book writ-
a team of investigators at
versity's Survey Research
ricans View Their Men-
,th," for the first time,
he reactions and thoughts
"average Americans,"
over 2,500 intensive in-
, cotbining not those of
ladjusted, the methods of
sychology and opinion re-

tioned by over half of those in-
terviewed as a chief cause for
concern, making it the most com-
mon worry.
However, those who mention
fniancial worries most frequently
do not come from the poorest
families but from those with in-
comes between $3,000 and $6,000
This group has many aspira-
tions which have not yet been
fulfilled while the very low in-

The authors are Gerald Gurin,
assistant program director for
j the Center; Prof. Joseph Veroff,
study director; and Sheila Feld,
study director.
The book touches on such prob-
lems as happiness in the marital
relationship and on the job,
reasons why people worry; the re-
lationship between educational
achievement and self-esteem, and
the ways people cope with their:
emotional problems.
Economic Unhappiness
The survey showed that more
than one family in four is. un-
happy with its economic and ma-
terial well-being, although given
a choice of answering "very1
happy," "pretty happy or "not
very happy," only one 4n. 10 chose
the latter answer.
While man families are not
happy about their economic situ-
ation, nearly one in three cites
material things as a source of
pleasure, 'but happiness is defined
in terms of comfort, not luxury."
Marriage and family relation-
ships were another source of
hapiness frequently mentioned by
those interviewed and dissatis-
faction with personal relation-
ships was cited less often than
material items as a source of un-
More than one person in four
talked about the death of a loved
one as their most unhappy ex-
perience, and tendencies showed
people generally think about
things that immediately affect
them as causnig the most unhap-
Depression Memories
Adverse economic effects on
happiness in a great number of
instances centered on events dur-
ing the depression of the 1930's,
while present dissatisfaction with
these matters is expressed in
terms of annoyance, rather than
The authors found that the
' person who worries is more in-
volved in the world, more aware
f his personal assets and short-
cmings and generally more opti-
mistic than the unconcerned per-
"Worrying implies an invest-
ment in life," the authors state.
Financial matters were men-

Women reported much greater
emotional distress than men, in
general. They were more worried,
more unhappy in their marriages,
more likely to feel they had ex-
perienced nervous break-down
and felt more inadequate as par-
"These findings may reflect a
greater readniess to admit dis-
tress rather than actual differ-
ences in the stresses and strains
experienced by men and women,"
the book reports.
Men expect they can cope with
their problems while women are
more apt to conform to the pat-
tern of- the "weaker sex" which
society expects of them.
Among occupational groups,
men with a clerical job and wo-
men married to unskilled workers
are the most unhappy. Clerical
laborers find themselves in an in-
active and unmasculine job.
"These men seem to be strug-
gling with marriage as a crucial
problem. Perhaps the challenge
to their masculinity on the job
transfers to a similar challenge in
their marriage." Their wives,
however, rate their marriage as
happy. Both husbands and wives
in this group are among the least
likely to feel inadequate as par-
Wives Suffer
"Wives of unskilled workers are,
perhaps the most deprived of all
women. To realize that their hus-
bands probably always be at the
'bottom of the barrel' in the oc-
cupational world may fill them
with a pervasive sense of frustra-
tion. While their husbands at
least have an outlet in their work,
these wives may find their chan-
nels of expression limited to their
The trend shows that generally
the more skilled groups are hap-
pier, although they feel more
pressure and worries.
Researchers also learned that
one out of every five Americans
has felt close to a "nervous break-
down'" during his life.
Interviewees listed five main
reasons for feeling close to a
breakdown: death or illness of a
loved one; work-related tension;
personal physical illnessbor dis-
ability; personality problems or
general tension; and interpers-
onal difficulties.
Financial reasons were listed by
about one person out of 10.
Use Professionals
The authors state that approxi-
mately 14 per cent of the adult
populatoin has actually used pro-
fessional help in trying to solve
their personal problems, and an
additional nine percent thought
they would have benefitted from
this help at some time in the

NUMEROUS INTERVIEWS-Staff workers at the University's Survey Research Center conducted
over 2500 interviews of normal American adults in compiling their report recently released in book
form. The two women above are both employees of the Center.

... compiled report
come families seem to have such
a remote, chance for economic
security that they don't worry
about it.
Younger people tend to worry
more than older people and ex-
press greater self-questioning and
dissatisfactipn about their situ-
They are also more involved
with their families, friends and
Jobs and express a more opti-
mistic view of the future. This
deeper involvement is reflected
in their worries.
The authors found from these
circumstances that happy people
worry more than average,
For example, college graduates
rank well above average in their
overall happiness and satisfac-
tion. Their outlooks are wide and
their hopes are high.
Even when incomes are taken
into account, graduates are apt
to recognize personal short-com-
ings and worry more than those
with less education.

Twice as many persons who at-
tended college said they had per-
sonal problems which might have
been helped by professional treat-
ment than those whose education
ended at grade school.
This was true despite the tend-
ency for college-educated persons
to rate their happiness higher.
"It is not the feelings of distress
alone that are important in seek-
ing professional help, but the
ways in which this distress is de-
fined," the authors note.
Two-thirds of the college-edu-
cated who defined a personal
problem in mental health terms
actually got professional help
compared with less than half of
the grade school group.
Marriage Problems
Marriage was listed as the com-
monest mental problem for which
people seek help.
Forty-two per cent cite marital
problems and 12 per cent men-
tion children. School or job diffi-
culties, in-law relationships and
death or illness of loved ones were
other commonly mentioned prob-
Despite the personal nature of
these problems, only one in four
traced the difficulty to them-
selves. The authors say that ac-
ceptance of help does not imply
"self-insight or readiness to

Where do people go for aid? ..
..Out of every 10 people who
seek aid, four go to a clergyman,
three see a doctor and three visit
a mental health specialist,
Hear Of Marriages
Clergymen are likely to hear
about marriage problems; doctors
are apt to be told of non-personal,
external problems causing "ner-
vous breakdowns." Psychiatrists
listen to problems concerning
children or personal adjustment.
Clergymen and doctors rarely
refer those seeking their advice
to mental health specialists.
About three out of five persons
who have used professional as-
sistance feel it helped them with
their problem, but one out of five
does not.
What then are the conclusions
that can be drawn from these
findings? The researchers feel
their results show most troubles
of Americans today have a men-
tal or emotional component,
More Conscious
Americans are more conscious
of their mental health; one in
four adults have felt sufficiently
troubled to feel the need for help
-one in seven sought it.
In general people have a better
chance of dealing with their
problems, when they approach
them subjectively, seeing their

problems as internal and psy-
chological rather than as the re-
sult of external events.
When they face problems,
people have to rely upon their
own resources. Informal, tempor-
ary and expedient outside help is
usually sought.
However, the higher a person's
income and degree of education,
the more likely he is to seek pro-
fessional help. But there is a
great need for adequate profes-
sional aid in lower status groups.
Lack Help
These latter groups have the
least access to professional aid
due to location, information and
available finances.
As the educational level rises
and awareness of psychiatry
grows in America. "we should ex-
pect demands for therapeutic
facilities to increase," the book
The authors find this conclus-
ion disquieting because of the
present shortage of trained men-
tal health personnel.
"Increased mental health edu-
cation only serves to tax already
inadequate mental health serv-
ices. Inasmuch as present services
tend to gravitate to the best in-
formed, it would appear the psy-
chologically rich get richer and
the poor get poorer."

Local voters will be given a
chance to select their choices for
national, state and local offices in
the August 2 primary.
Voters who have voted in any
regular city election held in the
last two years are eligible to vote
without registering. Those who
have voted within the last 10 years
must ask to have their names
placed on the active voter list.
This may be done simply by a tele-
phone call to the city clerk's office.
Other persons wishing to vote
in the primary must register at the
clerk's office by Tuesday, July 5.
The state election code states that
a person seeking to register for
voting must be "a citizen of the
United States, at least 21 years of
age, a resident of Michigan for at
least six months and be a resident
of the city or township for at least
30 days prior to the next ensuing
regular, special or primary elec-
The following had turned in
nominating petitions for the pri-
mary election by Tuesday, June
14, the local deadline.
United States Senator: Alvin M.
Bentley, Owosso, (R); Patrick Mc-
Namara*, Detroit, (D).
United States Representative.
(Second Congressional District):
George Meader*, (R); Thomas P.
Payne, (D).
Name Bretsch
To Deanship
Of Rackham
Prof. Howard S. Bretsch was
appointed associate dean of the
Rackham graduate school, by the
Regents June 10.
Prof. Bretsch, who has been on
the faculty since 1956, was ap-
pointed on a half-time basis, ef-
fective Sept. 1, to succeed Prof.
Harlan C. Koch.
The Regents also appointed
Prof. James C. O'Neill chairman
of the Romance languages depart-
ment. Prof. O'Neill, who has been
acting chairman of the department
during the 1959-60 year, will serve
a four-year term.
In the graduate college, Prof.
Robert L. Iglehart was reappointed
chairman of the art department,
while Prof. Walter B. Sanders was
appointed to a new four-year term
as chairman of the architecture
department, both appointments
taking e:ect with the start of the
1960-61 school year.

State Senator (Washtenaw
County): William M.Bowling, (R);
John Campbell, (R); Mrs. Beth
W. Milford, (R); Stanley G. Thay-
er, (R.) Prof. Richard L. Cutler,
State Representative (First Dis-
trict) Gilbert E. Bursley, (R) ; Wil-
liam I Scheel, (R); Mrs. Grace A.
Marckwardt, (D).
State Representative (Second
District); William F. Dannemiller,
(D); Maurice J. Hoffman, (D);
Vivian S. Richards, (R); JamesF.
Warner*, (R).
Asterisks indicate incumbents.
About 2,000 prospective fresh-
men, over 60 per cent of the fall
class, will visit the University for
two - day orientation programs
which began Sunday and will con-
tinue through August 12, Director
of Orientation E. Jack Petoskey
He estimates that about 400
of the 'group will travel from
points outside Michigan to attend
the program, which was designed
primarily in preparation for fall
semester enrollment procedures
and attracted 1,700 prospective
students last year.,
Approximately 1,000 parents
from Michigan and such distant
states as Tennessee, Connecticut,
Maryland and Arizona have signed
up to participate in a parents' pro-
gram to acquaint themselves with
educational, social, and academic
services provided for University
The parents' program includes
panel discussions by faculty mem-
bers, administrative officers and
student representatives, followed
by question-answer periods. The
programs are held at 3:30 p.m.
in Jordan Hall on the opening day
of each orientation period.
A $16 fee for the two-day orien-
tation pays room and board in
University residence halls and
other expenses. The program in-
cludes language placement tests,
college aptitude tests, x-rays,
ROTC meetings, academic coun-
seling, honors testing, and physi-
cal education meetings.
All summer orientation students
will return Sept. 13 with other
new University students to com-
plete registration procedures.

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