Approve Committee Appointments
ianist Blocb
anist Joseph Bloch of the Jul-
I School of Music will be a
ured performer at the Univer-
s Summer Conference on
ao Teaching, June 27-July 1.
loch will present a concert, as
as three lecture demonstra-
s. The demonstrations will be
Kplorations" into Repetory,
bnic, and "Music Itself."
rof. Benning Dexter will pre-
a teaching demonstration on
thoven Sonata, Op. 13. A ses-
on 20th Century performance
mitces will be conducted by
. Robert Hord.'
ro. Marian Owen will talk on
nets of memorization." "The
ces of J. S. Bach" will be the
ect of a lecture demonstration
Charles Fisher,- instructor in
he~ conference will be spon-
d by the music school and the
ension Service.
illsbury Dies
t Age of 87
falter Pillsbury, professor
ritus of psychology, died sud-
ly June 3 at St. Joseph Hospi-
at the age of 87.
rof. Pillsbury was the first
irman of the psychology de-
tment, and was also the first
ctor of the Psychological Lab-
ory here. He held the former
tion from 1929 to 1942.
graduate' of the University of
raska in 1892, Prof. Pillsbury
ived his doctoral degree from
nell. He wrote several books,
ay of which were standard
is in psychology for many
:e was president of the Ameri-
Psychological Association in
), was a member of the Na-
al Academy of Science, and
ed as an exchange professor,
he Sorbonne in 1923.
rof. Pillsbury was on the fac-
at the University continually
45 years, beginning in 1897.
Thirty-one committee appoint-
ments were approved at the"June
Regents meeting.
Prof. Gordon Van Wylen of the
engineering college was named
to succeed himself for a three-
year term on the Dearborn Cen-
ter executive committee.
Caroline Dow, '63, was appoint-
ed as a student representative on
the Development Council Board
of Directors. She will succeed Su-
sanne Rockne, '60.
Two appointments for three-
year terms were made to the
Mental Health Institute Advisory
Committee. Dr. Reed Nesbitt of
the medical school and Prof. E.
Lowell Kelly of the psychology
and sociology departments were
named to succeed Dr. Thomas
Francis, Jr., of the public health
and medical schools and Prof.
Marston Bates of the zoology de-
Angell Continues
On the Committee on American
Institutions Lectureship and Pro-
fessorship, Prof. Robert Angell of
the sociology department was
appointed to succeed himself for
a~ three-year term.
Three appointments, all for
three-year terms, were made to
the Institute for Social Research
executive committee. Prof. Fedele
Fauri, dean of the social work
school, Prof. William Haber of
the economics department and
Vice-President and D e a r b o r n
Center Director William Stirton
were all named to succeed them-
Prof. Aarre Lahti of the archi-
tecture college was named for a
four-year term to the college's
executive committee, succeeding
Prof. David Reider, also of the
Flint College Committee
Five appointments were made
to the Flint College executive
committee: Prof. Douglas Hayes
of the business administration
school, Howard Jones of the' edu-
cation school, Edward Calver of
the Flint College English depart-
ment and Robert Cojeen of the
college's business administration
department were reappointed for
one-year terms.
Prof. William Murchie of the
Flint College zoology department
was also appointed for a one-year
term on the committee after serv-
ing the second semester of this
year as a replacement for Prof.
Frederick Test of the zoology de-
Profs, Irving Copi of the phil-
osophy department and Alfred
Sussman of the botany depart-
ment were named to the literary
college executive c o m m i t t e e.
Given three-year terms, they suc-
ceed Prof. Otto Graf of the Ger-
man department and Cecil Craig
of the mathematics department.
Graduate School Board
On the Rackham graduate
school executive board, Profs.
Robert Bartels of the mathe-
matics department and Sidney
Fine of the history department
will begin five-year terms, suc-
ceeding Prof s. Ruel Churchill of
the mathematics department and
Paul Henle of the philosophy de-
On the public health school ex-
ecutive committee, Prof. Kathryn
Robeson was appointed to a four-
year term and ,Prof. Solomon Ax-
Prof. Schell
To Lecture.
Prof. Erwin H. Schell, professor
emeritus at the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology, has been ap-
pointed lecturer in the business
administration school's Public
Utility Executive Program.
The appointment, which was ap-
proved at the June Regents meet-
ing, covers the two sessions of the
program to be given this summer
from June 19 to July 15 and from
July 31 to Aug. 26.
elrod was named to serve during
the period that Prof. William
Gibson is serving as acting dean.
Prof. Robeson succeeds Prof.
Mabel Rugen.
Of the six appointments to the
Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy executive committee, four
were current members reappoint-
ed for three-year terms: Profs.
Paul McCracken of the business
administration school, Robert
Parry of the chemistry depart-
ment, Alan Macnee of the engi-
neering college and T h o m a s
Francis, Jr., of the public health
and medical schools.
IST Appointments
Prof. Dugald Brownof the zo-
ology department was named to
succeed Prof. Leo Goldberg,
formerly of the astronomy de-
partment, for a two-year term on
the committee and Prof. Horace
Davenport of the medical school
was appointed to succeed Vice-
President for Research Ralph
Sawyer for a one-year term.
Three appointments for three-
year terms on the Wollow Run
Laboratories executive committee
were approved by the Regents.
Profs. William Dow of the engi-
neering college, Rensis Likert of
the psychology and sociology de-
partments and H. R. Crane of the
physics department will succeed,
respectively, Profs. George Hay
of the engineering college, E.
Lowell Kelly of the psychology
department and William Parkin-
son of the physics department.
Prof. G. Max Wingo of the edu-
cation school and Ernest Brater
of the engineering college were
appointed to succeed themselves
for four-year terms on the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
Registration Eased by New Form
EASIER?-Some people just don't seem to realize when they're
well off. This young woman obviously has not been told that, with
the abbrexiated new IBM registration form, registration need
not be so tiring. Perhaps someone should wake her and tell her.
r .1
-7 _______
" " "
M ~" A* *
ws T. M. not. U.Pa. CW
"I always like to do business with a firm that
uses the Want Ads I"
The Daily Official .Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced-
ing publication.
TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1960
VOL. LXX, No. 1S
General Notices
University of Michigan G r a d u a t e
Screening Examinations In French And
German: All graduate students desiring
to fulfill their foreign language re-
quirement by passing the written ex-
amination given by Prof. Lewis (for-
merly given by Prof. Hootkins) must
pass an objective screening examina-1
tion. The next administration of the
objective screening examination will
be on Wed., June 29, from 7 p.m. until
9 p.m. in Aud. C, Ang;ell Hall. Within
48 hours after the examination the
names of the students who have passed
will be posted on the Bulletin Board
outside the office of Prof. Lewis, Ex-
aminer in Foreign Languages, Room
3028, nackham Bldg(. Students desiring
to fulfill the Graduate School's re-
quirement in French and German are
alerted to an alternate path. A grade
of B or better in French 12 and Ger-
man 12 will satisfy the foreign lan-
guage requirement. A grade of B or
better in French 11 and German 11 is
the equivalent of having passed the
objective screening examination."
French Club Meeting. Wed., June 22
at 8:30 p.m. in Room 3050, Frieze Bldg.
Come and speak French with your
friends and other French people from
Ann Arbor. During the Summer Ses-
sion, four outstanding French films
will be shown beginning with "Mr.
Hulot's Holiday" on Thurs., June 30.
Future films will be "Bizarre, Bizarre"
"Casque d' Or," and "Le Plaisir."
Membership cards will be sold Wed.,
June 22.
Tomorrow evening, 8:00 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, the Departmentj
of Speech presents the opening pro-
duction of Playbill Summer 1960, Ir-
ving Berlin's "Annie Get Your Gun."
Performances tomorrow evening
through Saturday evening. Tickets
available at box office 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
today; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow
through Saturday.
Season tickets for the entire Play-
bill still available. Subsequent produc-
tions will include Jean Giraudoux'
"Amphitryon 38" (July 6-9), William
Shakespeare's "As You Like It" (July
20-23), William Inge's "Picnic" (July
27-30), and Mozart's opera (with the
School of Music) "Don Giovanni"
(August 3-6). Season tickets available
for all five productions or any four
Student Recital: Miss Esther Cupps
will present a recital in Hill Aud. on
Tues., June 21, at 8:30 p.m. in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Music. Miss Cupps
has included in her program composi-
tions by Lubeck, J. S. Bach, Franck,
and Dupre. Open to the public.
Placement Notices
Robin Hood Flour Mills Ltd., Canad-
ian, Job Rotation Training Program,
Degree:TLiberal Arts or Business Ad-
Rand McNally, Chicago. Graduate.
Junior Editor.
Automatic Electric Co., Ill,' June
Grad. Library Science, tech. library.
Also woman with Sociology or Psych.
,or personnel work.
F. A. Owen, Publishing Co., sales rep-
resentative. Education background pre-
W. H. Lambert Co., Eng. Grad, sales.
General Electric, Detroit. Mining
Sales Engineer, recent Grad.
J. M. Dain & Co. Inc., Minnesota, se-
curity analyst for stock exchange, re-
search department.
Doubleday and Co., college sales rep-
resentative, extensive travel. Also sales
representative for paperbacks. Not nec-
essarily English majors.
Harvard. Electrical or Electronics En-
ginees. BS or MA in Electrical or Elec-
tronic Engineering.
Metropolitan Planning Department,
Marion County, Indiana. Design plan-
ner. Masters or BA plus experience in
design, architecture or landscape arch-
John A. Shocter. Woman with design
background, recent grad considered.
In Ann Arbor.
Mechanical Products, Jackson, Mich,
Trainee in cost accounting. Recent
grad, Bus. Ad with accounting major,
..For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.,
Ext. 3371.
Job requests are still coming in.
Come in and browse. Room D528, Stu-
dent Activities Bldg., 1:30 to 5 p.m.
Secretary, full or part time. Waiters,
resort in the Pocanos, Pennsylvania,
July 15 on. Male for part time job with
insurance company. And there are
JET AGE EFFICIENCY-Actually, the slow process of registering thousands of students correctly and with a minimum of work has been
facilitated with the innovation-not only for registrants, but also for University employes, who find their end of the job made more than
a little easier with the end of the railroad ticket. Here we have one example of the ease with which the new forms can be arranged and
filed for future reference.
Story by
Photographs by
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