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July 24, 1962 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1962-07-24

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. # ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
State Tuition Hikes Point Way
To End of Low-Cost Education

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Tax Cut Needed Quickly
W ILE THERE IS wide agreement that a tax cut is needed, there is
an important difference of opinion on when it should be put into
effect. The Administration's position is that a tax cut should be voted
in the next session of Congress, if possible early in 1963.If this is done,
the effects of the cut will not at best be felt until some ten months
from now.
There are others who think that it is imprudent to wait so long,
that what the economy needs is the stimulation of additional demand



AS EVERYONE KNEW it would, Michiganc
State University's Board of Trustees lastf
Thursday became the last of the 10 state-
supported schools to raise student tuition. c
In an attempt to bargain with the Legisla-
ture and at the same time modestly increase1
their own revenues, the colleges have broughtc
to a close the era of comparatively low-cost
education. In doing so, all 10 institutions
expressed deep regret, and they ought to
express a lot more for the future.
It is certain that university-Legislature re-
lations are going to get a lot more strained.
Student fees have been raised to the point
where the law of diminishing returns starts
to set in. Instate tuition at the University'
was increased to $310 a year for juniors and
seniors, a sum which most students can still
well afford.
BUT, in order to get another $1 million, the
University would have to raise under-
graduate fees by about $100 per student, which
is not so easily done. Nothing less than a really
substantial hike would suffice to bring in
enough revenue to make any tuition boost
worthwhile, yet such an increase would un-
JUST SUPPOSE for a minute that you are
an undergraduate woman enjoying your
summer vacation, free from the worries of
school, thinking of things other than the
And right in the midst of your academic
detachment comes a letter from the dean of
women's office which snaps you back into
the world of the University.
The letter is an answer, in fact fulfillment,
of your wildest dreams, for it states that
" .. If you wish to cancel your (residence
hall) contract because of the rate increase,
you must notify us within 14 days of the date
on which this letter was mailed.
"If you plan to enroll for the fall semester
and live outside of the residence halls in
other housing which may be available to you,
you will be required to reestablish your $50
Continuing Enrollment Deposit if the contract
is cancelled more than 14 days after the date
of this letter."
NOW BEING a typical University residence
hall resident, you are. relatively unskilled
in the language of the office of the dean of
women and don't catch all the clever nuances
and phraseology of the note; you don't under-
stand exactly what it means. But you think
you might.
It would appear to mean that you'll be free
to leave the dormitory system. This doesn't
sound terribly reasonable (obviously a lot
of girls would leave), but little that the office
of the dean of women does is really reason-
able.. ..
Certainly you qualify under the conditions
of the letter, for the phrase "because of the
rate increase" doesn't necessarily mean the
monetary side of the problem-a lot of girls
(including you) in your dorm were incensed
that the University would raise its rates with-
out notifying them earlier, and the moral
aspect of the rate increase could be just what
the office had in mind.
THEN, the housing they refer to-the "other
housing which may be available to you"
doesn't connote to you the idea of University
housing, but merely housing which you can
get at this late date.
So you make a few plans.
Being, a typical coed, you also subscribe to
the summer Daily. And about five days after
you received your letter from the dean of
women, there appears a little story which
explains what the letter really meant.
THE OFFICE of student affairs meant to say
that if you have proven financial need-if
you can show the $30 per year is really a strain
on you (and there aren't too many of these
cases)-you can leave the dorms. If you're a
And the "housing available to you" is the
office's way of saying University-approved

housing. Surprise, surprise.
And if you're a junior or a sophomore and
even if you can show that your family is pretty
destitute and that they can't afford $15 more
each semester, you can't leave the dorms for
the big world outside. You can leave if you can
find room in a University or ICC co-op or
in a league house. But room there is pretty
scarce and there is already a waiting list of
women who want to move in. So you don't
really qualify at all.
BUT IT'S YOUR own fault. The office of
the dean of women, the OSA, didn't intend
to mislead you, and if you misinterpreted their
clear message, you have no one to blame but
So you dry your tears and tear up your
lease and prepare for another year in the

doubtedly be too much for Michigan parents
and students to stomach.
Next year out-of-state literary college stu-
dents will pay $900 as freshmen and sopho-
mores and $960 as juniors and seniors. This
puts the University into a league with some
of the better colleges in the East, and the
most brilliant non-Michigan students may
just decide they can go to as good or better
a school than the University for about the
same price.
It is too early to tell whether the quality
of out-of-state students will decline in years
to come. But it is likely that administrators
will think twice before raising non-resident fees
at the 25 per cent clip they did last May. The
relatively small increase gained by such a
move would be more than offset by the edu-
cational deterioration such a move might
IN SHORT, the University will not be able
in the forseeable future to fall back on
raising student fees to make up the difference
which should have been provided by the Legis-
lature. Instead of getting part of the increase
it needs from Lansing, then falling back on
tuition to make up the rest, the University will
have to depend almost entirely upon the ap-
propriation for its operating revenue,
Perhaps if the Senate is reapportioned, men
with a more sympathetic view towards higher
education and the financial needs of state
institutions will dislodge the GOP old guard.
Perhaps the Coordinating Council for Higher
Education, which includes the presidents of the
10 colleges, will be able to create better under-'
standing among Legislators of the problems
facing the universities.
These are only hopes, and slim ones at that.1
Unless the University chooses to accept thec
disastrous consequences of boosting student
fees again, it is going to have to rely ulti-
mately upon the mercy of the legislators. t
EGYPT'S FIRING of rockets Saturday should'
serve as a stern warning to disarmament
negotiators in Geneva that it is time to finish
their task. The missiles, which Egyptian Presi-
dent Nasser boasted could easily hit Israel,
are the latest steps in an escalating arms race
in the volatile and ever-passionate Middle
Ever since the Palestine war of 1948, both
the Arabs and the Israelis have been con-
ducting an arms race that mirrors the greater
one carried on between the United States and
the Soviets. Both sides have strived for and
gained the most modern weapons technology
their economies would permit. The Israelis put
a small dent in the Arab stockpile during
the Sinai Campaign, but with Russian aid the
losing Egyptians caught up.
In recent years Israel has marched forward
into highly advanced weapons systems. It is
believed to all but have an atomic bomb and
last year it fired its own rockets into the
The Arabs, especially Egypt, are now trying
to catch up. Saturday, they partially succeeded.
MISSILES and atomic weapons in the hands
of parties to the world's most emotional
feud presents a great danger to world peace.
It creates the situation where the "irrespon-
sibles," as the late Nevil Shute called them in
"On the Beach," could touch off a world
catastrophe by error or miscalculation.
It is up to disarmament negotiators in
Geneva to end this threat. They must come
up with a formula that will deprive these
nations of the weapons of ultimate destruction
as well as the great powers. They cannot
delay for the greater the proliferation of these
weapons, the more complex it becomes to
control them. The roar of the Egyptian rockets
must serve as a spur to disarmament action.
Good Allies
TIME MAGAZINE, that cronicle of American
life and morality, has long and loud told
the horrors of Viet Nam, pointing out, ofttimes

with full-color plates, the inhuman acts of
the Viet Cong.
This week the series on the war continued.
Right on the spot, a Time correspondent dis-
covered another dastardly Communist act-a
tax imposed on the native population and,
horror of horrors, the giving-out of Communist
songbooks. This Time termed a "bitter, dirty
guerrilla struggle."
But, Time passed off as just a light little
interlude, and one the Reds deserved, the fol-
lowing episode:
"AS THE HUNT for prisoners continued, the
Rangers found two Viet Cong youths, 15
and 19 . . . the older boy was pinned to the
ground and-as the Rangers call it-"taken

Defends Usefulness of PhD's

To the Editor:
ROBERT SELWA has stated in
his editorial of July 14 that
PhD programs in universities need
a re-examination. Not one to leave
a captive Daily audience thirsting
for facts, Mr. Selwa has kindly
consented to provide such re-
examination in the remaining
twenty paragraphs of his article.
Mr. Selwa is to be commended
for his zeal, but his understand-
ing of his topic seems to leave a
little to be desired. There is a
considerable segment of the read-
ership population of The Daily
that,due to its youth and newness
to the university scene, most prob-
ably has an incomplete and,
through no fault of its own, a
distorted view of the purpose of
a PhD thesis. It is to these people
that I wish to make a few com-
As credentials for my com-
ments and as an excuse for poking
a bit at some of the ideas of Mr,
Selwa, I wish to state that I ac-
quired possession of a PhD degree
about a year ago, and have spent
considerable time thinking about
it ever since.
* * *
little during the past few cen-
tunes;dour understanding of na-
ture, though, has increased by
leaps and bounds during this
period, as has also the number
and complexities of civilized man's
social institutions and works of
art. This immense body of facts,
hypotheses, ideas and works of
art is certainly available for con-
sumption by so-called "modern
man," and one of the more ef-
efficient ways of getting at this
knowledge is through attendance
at an institution called a univer-
But it is hardly possible-or at
best extremely difficult - for a
person toattend a university with
the expectation of leaving after a
few years as a "learned man" in
its broadest sense. There is simply
too much to know. Specialization
in fields of knowledge is a neces-
sary feature thrust upon us by
the complexities of our times, and
it is expected that it would be the
rule, rather than the exception,
that a person at least begin his
academic career more as a spe-
cialist than. as a Greek philoso-

Scientific reports (including
PhD theses) are therefore neces-
sarily specialized, and are usually
written for experts in the field.
Whether anyone likes it or not,
this happens to be a fact of life,
and an average intelligent lay per-
son should not feel too bad if he
does not understand the implica-
tions of titles such as "The Sucker
Creek-Trout Creek Miocene Floras
of Southeastern Oregon," or "Self
Stimulation and Escape Behavior
in Response to stimulation of the
Rat Amygdala," which fall into
two distinctly different areas of
NOT BEING an expert, or bet-
ter a "worker" in a particular
field of study, the lay person is
frequently in no position to judge
the worth of a particular report,
nor does he know the nature of
the audience intended by the
author of such a report. (Judging
by the title alone, I suspect that
the author of the first PhD thesis
mentioned above did not suppose
his severest critic would be a
Southeastern Oregon outdoorsman,
as was assumed by Mr. Selwa.)
There are other points in Mr.
Selwa's article that need rebuttal,
only one of which I shall men-
tion. Mr. Selwa believes, erron-
eously, that the worth of the
time spent on a PhD dissertation
lies completely in the value of the
knowledge contained therein, and
he completely neglects the effect
of the experience of the research
and dissertation work on the
sharpening up of the researcher's
wits to the ways of research in
his chosen field.
In closing (and with apologies to
Mr. Selwa's closing statement) I
wish to quote from an ancient
Chinese philosopher: "It is better
to understand a pinpoint of light
first and only then expect to un-
derstand the scene it illuminates,
because the alternative does not
work too well."
-Robert B. Marcus
Arabs us Israelis . .
To the Editor:
JN REFERENCE to the recent edi-
torial "Middle East Must Seek
Rapport" published in The Daily
on July 19, the news that an Is-
raeli-Jordanian border committee
has been established seems to be

of no great significance as such
arrangements are provided for by
the 1949 armistice agreements.
Anyhow, I do not see how such a
step can have all these "broad
implications" referred to by the
To say that now Arab states
"are not really bound to live up
to the stand of the Arab League"
and, therefore, "may go about
making their peace with Israel,"
could only be regarded, at best,
as wishful thinking if not a delib-
erate distortion of the problem.
The basic facts are that Zionists
have illegally usurped Arab Pales-
tine forcing a million of its right-
/ful inhabitants to live as refugees
rotting in tents and camps for
fourteen years; and while com-
plaining about access to Mt. Sco-
pus they themselves illegally oc-
cuply 21 per cent more land than
what has been allotted to them
by the United Nations resolution
of 1947.
NO MATTER what the situation
inside the Arab League may be,
there can be no hope for peace in
the area until the problem is bas-
ically solved and the Israeli au-
thorities recognize Arab rights and
abandon grand schemes of expan-
sion and attacks for which they
alone have been condemned 26
times, so far, by the UN.
Surely the Arabs, like any other
nation, have their differences of
opinion among them, especially at
a time when great decisions for
the future are to be made. But
too much hope should not be put
on exploiting these differences for
they are only on methods, not
aims, and imply no laxity in the
Arabs' common belief in their just
rights in Palestine.
Neither should Israelis any
longer have comfort in their belief
that big powers will continually
unjustly side with them and put
pressure on Jordan or any other
Arab country for their sake, while
they themselves have no regard
for peace, for the powersare bound
to realize sometime that their na-
tional interests can no longer be
subordinate to Israeli ambitions,
and that their position in the fu-
ture should be more compatible
with their ideals of liberty and
-Mansour Hassan, Grad

in the near future. This could be
had by action in this session of
Congress to cut by a few percent-
age points the withholding from
payrolls for taxes, as well as the
instalment payments in September
and January for incomes and cor-
porations. Eighty per cent of per-
sonal income tax is paid in the
form of withheld wages and sal-
aries. The economic effect of an
income tax cut on income and
spending would be felt by the be-
ginning of the month after it was
* * *
THE ARGUMENT for waiting
until next year rests on the idea
that if taxes are cut before the
tax structure is reformed (as pro-
posed by the Administration,) Con-
gress is likely to lost interest in
tax reform. The Administration's
current view is that for the long
run tax reform is very important
and that it should not be side-
tracked by the popularity of a tax
cut. On the contrary, the unpop-
ular features of tax reform should
be made more palatable by the tax
This may be a correct estimate
of congressional psychology. The
question is whether the prospects
of the economy today do not re-
quire a decision to stimulate and
prolong the recovery and avert a
recession. Tax reform may be more
difficult if the recovery is pro-
moted and sustained by a tax cut.
But everything will be mor'e diffi-
cult if the recovery is aborted be-
fore it has been achieved.
* * *
THERE IS GROUND for think-
ing that the underlying trend is
not towards a full recovery.I my-
self believe that this is the deter-
mining cause of the bear market
in stocks which has been in exist-
ence since December. It is true
that consumer buying is good, in-
cluding automobiles and houses,
but against this we find that in-
ventories are being kept extreme-
ly low, that while hours of work
have been steady, unemployment
remains high.
Most disturbing and most sig-
nificant is the fact that plans to
purchase plants and equipment-
which is the backbone of full em-
ployment and a high rate of
growth-are disappointingly small.
* * *
situation to say that businessmen
do not like Kennedy and the Dem-
ocrats and the therefore afraid to
invest. They did not like Truman
in 1950 but they did invest. They
liked and trusted Eisenhower in
1960 but they did not do anything
to save the 1960 Eisenhower re-
covery from being aborted.
It is no accident that the Ken-
nedy recovery of 1962 has become
throttled down as the true budget
of income and product accounts
has been coming into balance. The
truth is that the American econo-
my, far from being inflationary,
is in fact being pressed down by
strong deflationary pressure. Many
do not see this because they are
confused by the administrative
budget which does not tell the true
story. In that budget there is a
deficit. But in the really signifi-
cant budget-the income accounts
-there is 'a premature balance
achieved before recovery has been
The reason why a tax cut is de-
sirable is that it will relieve the
deflationary pressure.
* * *
throttled recovery that. the Ad-
ministration ought, I think, to ad-
dress itself primarily. As for re-
forms themselves, I must confess
at once that I do not understand
the proposals well enough yet to
write aboutthem at all. I feel rea-
sonably certain, however, that the
controversial items are not big
enough to be of such crucial im-
portance that they must have first
The President's first priority is
to get the economy moving.

(c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.

forded us Sunday night when
the University's self-organized
Chamber Orchestra presented its
first concert, featuring works of
Corelli, Bach and Burnetti. Al-
though scheduled to take place in
the League's garden, an unfortu-
nate cloudburst forced them to
make rapid adjustments to the
League's resonant but overcrowd-
ed Concourse Lobby.
The concert began with Corelli's
pure and somber Concerto Grosso
in F. Opus 6, Number 6, one in a
group of eight "concerti da chie-
sa" (of the church). Paul Suerken
directed this work with ease and
demonstrated a keen awareness of
dynamics, instrumental sonority,
and tempo, particularly in the last
Allegro movement; yet failed to
kindle the emotional spark so vi-
tal to most of Corelli's concerti.
* * *
THIS, HOWEVER, was quickly
remedied by the orchestra's per-
formance of Bach's Suite in C ma-
jor, Number 1, which seemed to ig-
nite and enflame itself with emo-
tion. Conducting this time was
Samuel Schultz who displayed a
new verve that rendered a slightly
"pumped up" quality to the works
in terms of dynamics and rhythm,
but that gave a truly refreshing
and vital air to the work as a
whole. Outstanding in this per-
formance was the Fifth Move-
ment Minuet with its ineffably
tender middle section for strings
Closing the concert, the group
played-or I should say resurrect-
ed-a symphony in F major by
Gaetano Brunetti, a prodigy of
Boccherino (who composed at the
end of the 18th Century). The or-
chestra read parts edited by Alice
Brunz from a fascimile of the
composer's manuscript. Although
certainly a satisfactory transcrip-
tion, the symphony made a rather
haphazard impression.
THIS WAS mainly due to the
orchestra's lack at this point of
the precision and musical fluency
so common to the Corelli and Bach.
The group's drive, which had pre-
viously taken such flight, was now
held "in neutral" most of the way.
Only in the Ladghetto Amoroso
was there a feeling of progression
as the smattering of accents was
built up to create a more solid
form. Although by no means of
mediocre caliber, the Brunetti
Symphony could not match the
standard set by the first two works
and left one with the hope that
new and better rehearsal attempts
would be made to give us an even
finer concert in the future.
-Virginia Scheyer
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
seniors: College of L.S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, Public
Health, and Business Administration:
Tentative lists of seniors for Aug. grad-
uation have been posted on the bulle-
tin board in the first floor lobby, Ad-
mn Bldg. Any changes therefrom
should be requested of the Recorder at
Office of Registration and Records win-
dow Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg.

(Continued on Page 3)





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