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July 24, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-24

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Sunny, pleasant today;
Showers likely tonight



Colorado Groups
Face Probation
Four Fraternities, One Sorority
Must Submit Anti-Bias Certificates
Four fraternities and one sorority at the University of Colorado
face probation this fall if they fail to submit certificates by Sept. 1
signed by their national president and local chapter president affirm-
ing the university's anti-discrimination policy, the Colorado Daily has
Phi Gamma Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta and
Acacia fraternities, and Alpha Gamma Delta sorority have not joined


still looking

the other 32 Greek organizations
on campus which have already
turned in the statements.. All
five have chapters here.
About three weeks ago the Board
of Regents voted 5-1 to reaffirm
its 1956 ruling which goes into
effect Sept. 1 and states that any
fraternity, social organization or
other student group "that is com-
pelled by its constitution, rituals
or government to deny member-
ship to any person because of his
race, color or religion" will be
placed on probation, Paul Danish,
editor-in-chief of the Colorado
Daily said last night.
Go Local
This means that the groups will
be prohibited from inducting new
members, Danish explained. The
only way they could pledge mem-
bers this fall is if they break off
from their nationals, he added.
University officials have re-
sponded to criticism that the rul-
ing defies the principle of freedom
of association by saying that cam-
pus groups will have more free-
dom to select members of their
Also, Kappa Delta sorority has
already withdrawn from the cam-
pus as a result of the 1956 ruling.
(Kappa Delta at the University
is one of the seven sororities pres-
ently facing disciplinary action for
failing to turn in adequate mem-
bership selection statements.)
Stricter Out West
The statement regulation at the
University of Colorado is more
stringent than the University's.
Instead of filing anti-discrimina-
tion pledges, the University regu-
lation requires that fraternities
and sororities file copies of their
membership clauses, other relevant
material and intepretations to the
Office of Student Affairs.
The president of Student Gov-
ernment Council reads the state-

LSA Group,
Still Works
Prof. David Dennison, chairman
of the physics department and
head of a six-man committee
which will recommend a new dean
for the literary college, yesterday
said that the group is "still in the
process of working to determine
whom to select for the deanship."
He said that the members of
the committee are considering "a
good many people, both inside and
outside the University, and from
time to time interviewdprospective
candidates, but he declined to
guess when its work would be com-
"The committee is very anxious
to make a good recommendation
and doesn't wish to be overly hasty
in its decision," Prof. Dennison
Last week, Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss said that
he hoped the committee would
have its recommendation ready by
the fall semester.
Currently Roger W. Heyns, who,
until his appointment last Febru-
ary to the post of vice-presidentI
for academic affairs, had been
dean of the college, must carry
out both jobs.
"We'd like to get him moved
over, here (to the Administration
Bldg.) and working in his job as
vice-president as soon as possible."
Niehuss also said that he doubt-
ed that an acting dean would be
Set Litigation
For Georgia n
ALBANY, Ga. (JP)-City officials
moved yesterday to initiate con-
tempt of court proceedings against
Negroes enjoined by a Federal
Judge from promoting or staging
desegregation demonstrations.
This action was disclosed as at-
torneys for the integrationist
leaders hurriedly sought to break
the injunction with a direct appeal
to Chief Judge Elbert Tuttle of
the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
in Atlanta.
Mayor Asa D. Kelley said a pe-
tition for contempt citations
against individuals and groups will
be presented at a Monday hearing
in Albany.
Tuttle set a hearing for 10 a.m.
today after conferring with attor-
neys for the Negro leaders. It will
be on the question of whether, he
should, as a district judge and not
as an appeals judge, advance the
hearing that had been set previ-
ously for July 30 on the question
of makin gthe injunction perma-

Legislators Mull
Three Schemes
Although they have three re-
apportionment plans before them,
both parties are awaiting further
developments as the Legislature
reconvenes today.
Senators of both parties plan to
hold caucuses this afternoon to
weigh the implications of the state
Supreme Court's decision annul-
ling the present apportionment of
the Senate, voiding the Aug. 7 sen-
atorial primary and setting up at-
large primary and general elec-
tions if the Senate is not reappor-
tioned by Aug. 20.
Gov. John B. Swainson will ad-
dress a joint session of the Leg-
islature tomorrow to outline his
reapportionment views.
Sen. Carlton Morris (R-Kalama-
zoo), chairman of the judiciary
committee which has been holding
hearings on the case, has been
pushing the Constitutional Con-
vention reapportionment scheme
of a 38 seat Senate based on an
80 population factor and 20 per
cent area factor. Instead of it be-
coming effective in 1970, Morris
would submit it to a November
Pears Plan
Speaker of the House Don R.
Pears (R-Buchanan) introduced
yesterday a plan where one seat
would be added to Wayne, Oakland
and Macomb Counties. The divi-
sion of seats in Genesee and Kent
Counties would be realigned so
that and Grand Rapids would have
their own senator. The three up-
per Peninsula districts would be
reduced to one and one half.
Pears said his plan provides for
future population change. It also
pits only two sets of incumbents
against each other, one of them
being Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-
Ann Arbor) against Sen. Haskell
Nichols (R-Jackson).
A third plan, its details Incom-
plete, has been suggested by Rep.
Joseph Gillis (D-Detroit). Based
on a strictly population distribu-
tion, the plan would add three
seats to Wayne County, two seats
to Oakland and one to Macomb.
Optional Provision
It would reduce the Upper Pen-
insula representation to one and
one half seats. Under the scheme
the leaving of two seats in Gene-
see and Kent Counties would be
optional, making them either the
smallest or the largest districts in
the Senate.
"It is silly to suggest a plan un-
til all the ramifications are under-
stood," Morris commented.
The Republicans are awaiting a
ruling, possibly later this week, of
an appeal to Justice Potter Stew-
art of the United States Supreme
Court for a delay in effecting the
state court ruling, Morris indicat-
The major points of the appeal,
filed by Morris, Senators John
Fitzgerald (R-Grand Ledge) and
Paul Younger (R-Lansing), are:
1) The court allowed too little
time for redistricting; 2) the court'
orders caused general chaos and
confusion; and 3) the court took
over a legislative function - the
enactment of an election law-
when it set the Aug. 20 deadline
and set a Sept. 11 primary.
The Democrats meanwhile will
decide on a vehicle to base its re-
apportionment plan, Senate Mi-
nority Leader Raymond Dzendzel
(D-Detroit) said.

Hinges 01


City Voters
Lose Case
In Maryland
ANNAPOLIS WP)-The Maryland
Court of Appeals, in a 4-3 decision,
ruled yesterday that the state Sen-
ate does not have to be apportion-
ed on a population basis.
The high court, which inter-
rupted a summer recess to hear
the case, issued its decision after
hearing arguments of metropoli-
tan residents that they should be
given more seats in the Senate.
The lower house of the Legisla-
ture, in response to a court order,
had been reapportioned last May
31, giving metropolitan areas 19
more seats and control of that
chamber for the first time in his-
Only 55 Per Cent
Baltimore city and the four
largest suburban counties now
have 79 of the 142 House seats, a
working majority of 55 per cent.
They have 76 per cent of the
state's population.
Reapportionment forces argued
that the gain in House seats would
mean little unless the Senate also
were related to population. They
said a majority of seats in both
houses would be necessary to sat-
isfy their constitutional rights to
equal representation.
The Senate is based primarily
on geography. The high court did
not give the reasons for its deci-
sion. Opinions are to be filed later.
Expect Appeal
The ruling was expected to be
appealed to the United States Su-
preme Court.
Meanwhile, Alabama Democrats
won the right yesterday to call a
special primary to choose new
nominees in counties affected by a
reapportionment order while the
Legislature in Florida was ordered.
Gov. John Patterson of Ala-,
bama signed a legislative act pro-
viding for a new primary in the
27 counties which gain or lose rep-
resentatives under the mandate
handed down Saturday by three
Federal judges.
Alabama Autonomy I
In addition, the governor con-
curred in a recommendation from
Assistant Atty. Gen. Gordon Mad-
ison that the state accept the
court decision without appealing
it to the United States Supreme
Under the bill signed by Patter-I
son the special primary would be
held on the first Tuesday after
30 days from the date on whichI
the new apportionment was or-I
dered. A formal order from theI
court was expected to be filed laterI
this week.
Council Discusses
HRC's Ordinance1
The City Council last night heldt
an informal private meeting toE
discuss a possible anti-discrimina-I
tory housing ordinance for Ann
Arbor. The council had most of its
session on the report made lastI
month by the Human Relationsc

'U' To Build Center
On Biosystematics
The University has received a $1 million grant from the Na-
tional Science Foundation to construct a national center for research
into animal biosystematics.
The center will be concerned with the physiological, behavioral
and ecological systems of living creatures.
A five-floor addition to the present Museum of Zoology will
be built to house the expanded research facilities. A sixth level

Strike Ends
SASKATOON M) - Saskatche-
wan's physicians and the socialist
government yesterday announced
seettlement of a 23-day-old medi-
cal care dispite that had brought
a doctors' protest strike in this
Canadian prairie province of 925,-
000 people.
The peace was made through a
mediator, Britain's Lord Taylor,
who was brought here as an expert
on the British government's medi-
cal program to advise on how his
principles might be applied in
Canada. The provincial health
program was the first of its kind
tried in the Western Hemisphere.
A special session of the provin-
cial legislature will be called
shortly to make changes in the
compulsory medical insurance pro-
gram agreed to by the government
and the Saskatchewan College of
Physicians and Surgeons.
The announcement said the
amendments will open a day for
"combining publicly supported uni-
versal (medical) insurance with
the true essentials of professional
The agreement follows lines of
a proposal offered by the doctors
last week that would permit phy-
sicians to work outside the medi-
cal care program and private in-
surance plans to continue opera-
The act setting up the original
program went into effect July 1
and most of the province's 625 ac-
tive doctors promptly suspended
normal services.
Too Socialized
The College of Physicians and
Surgeons, governing body of the
doctors, claimed the legislation
permitted too much government
control of the medical profession.
The act set up compulsory, pre-
paid coverage of all Saskatchewan
residents except those under the
federal government program. It
provides for fixed doctors' fee and
for financing by direct assessment
and general taxes.
At the same time the college
asked striking doctors to resume
practice immediately.
Free Service
During the strike, about 200 of
the doctors provided free emerg-
ency service at 41 of the province's
154 hospitals.
The service was augmented by
a government emergency plan,
which included about 70 British
doctors recruited by Saskatchewan



>of working space will be provided
by a sub-basement. Construction
is scheduled to begin early next
year with the 50 by 118-foot
structure to connect in an L
shape with the north wing of the
existing Museums Building. Oc-
cupancy is predicted for early in
"The new building will provide
space for experimental work with
living animals and materials-an
essential feature of work in mod-
ern systematics," Prof. Theodore
Hubbell, director of the Museum,
"We can no longer rely entirely
up on animal collections. Modern
research Jn systematics requires
studies of behavior and compara-
tive physiology utilizing animals,
particularly living wild animals.
Natural Context
"By living wild animals, we do
not mean white rats or guinea
pigs. We cannot choose an animal'
for experimental work in this field
but we must take the animal as
we find him in nature if we are
to make meaningful studies of his
behavioral and biological systems.
This is one of the reasons why
we must have special facilities,""
Prof. Hubbell said.
In accepting the NSF grant the
University must serve as a na-
tional center for biosystematic re-;
search, where graduate students,
can obtain training- in this field,,
and scientists of this and other
institutions will find the special-
ized facilities required for their,
One floor will have a laboratory,
for paper chromatography, elec-
trophoresis, and microtechniques
used in the analysis and study of;
animal tissue.
Other Features
There will also be a live insect
room and sound laboratory for re-;
cording and analyzing insect andj
animal sounds. In addition, the
new center will house an insect
range, bird and mamal live fa-
cilities, including temperature con-
trol and photoperiod rooms, plus
experimental laboratories a n d
aquariums for fish, reptiles and
"A major reason why the Uni-
versity received the NSF grant for
the biosystematics facility is the
University's history of pioneer;
work and its present leadership in
this field," Prof. Hubbell said.

. . . toes the line

ments to determine their



Overhead Limit

To Transfer
OSA Offices
The Office of Student Affairs
will transfer from the Adminis-
tration Bldg. to the SAB by the
start of the fall semester, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said yesterday.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns will then
move into Lewis' old office, located
in the south wing of the first
Lewis said, however, that it is
still undecided exactly where he
and his assistant, Peter Ostafin,
will be located in the SAB. At
present, the dean of women's of-
fice occupies the first floor, resi-
dence halls business office and the
dean of men's office the second,
and residence halls and miscel-
laneous OSA functions on the
third floor.
Also unclear is to what use the
office now used by Ostafin will
be put, as Heyns has no. assistant
for his duty as vice-president. The
assistants for his temporary po-
sition of literary college dean will
remain in Angell Hall.

Views Status
Of Midwest
Vice - President for Research
Ralph Sawyer yesterday defended
the University's pace in govern-
ment-sponsored research, although
he did concede that the Midwest
as a whole was lagging behind the
East and West Coasts.
He noted that the University
led the country in the amount of
research done, if the work that
institutions such as the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
and the University of California do
in operating government-owned
laboratories is discounted.
He cited the $7 million worth of
electronics research done on cam-
pus, plus another $8 million at
University facilities at Willow Run
as examples of important research.
But Sawyer said that Midwest-
ern industry, particularly in the
automotive field, has been slow
in seeking government contracts.
Other educational institutions in
the region are developing research
programs, but still have a long
way to go.
Sawyer's remarks were in re-
sponse to criticisms recently by
Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara, who reportedly assailed
state Republicans for killing an
income tax and depriving the Uni-
versity of money it needs to com-
pete with East and West coast in-
stitutions in the defense research
Judge Frees
In Louisiana
judge yesterday barred a group of
Louisiana officials from interfer-
ing with registration of Negro vot-
ers in East Carroll Parish (coun-
Another Federal judge delayed
temporarily a final ruling on
whether 28 Negroes in the parish
could vote in Saturday's Demo-
cratic primary.
Judge John Minor Wisdom of
the United States Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals-sitting tempor-
arily as a district judge-issued a
restraining order against State
Atty. Gen. Jack Gremillion and
State District Judge Frank Voelker
from interfering in the case.
Wisdom Rules
Last Friday Voelker had re-
strained United States District
Judge Edwin F. Hunter from qual-
ifying Negroes to vote. Wisdom
blocked this order yesterday.
Meanwhile, Hunter conducted a
hearing yesterday to hear state ob-
jections to his ruling that the Ne-
groes were qualified to vote. They
would be the first Negro voters in
the parish since 1922.
Hunter said his final decision
would be delayed until after Wis-
dom rules on the constitutionality
of the 1960 Civil Rights Act, under
which Hunter conducted the hear-
ing. The constitutionality hearing
is scheduled today.
Nn ma mV! C&

Studies Cost
Of Research
Sawyer Says Indirect
Expenses Run Double
That of Allotted Sums
The University will turn down
grants from the federal govern-
ment for defense research if a
congressional conference commit-
tee approves a 15 per cent limit
on the subsidy of indirect costs,
Vice-President for Research Ralph
Sawyer said yesterday.
A joint group from the House
and Senate Appropriations Com-
mittees is currently meeting in
Washington to decide whether to
include the restrictive provision
in the defense department appro-
priation. The House approved the
15 per cent limit, but the Senate
Sawyer pointed out that at the
University and at most other edu-
cational institutions, the indirect
costs for facilities to handle the
research average about 30 per
cent of the direct cost (supplies
and salaries) of the grant.
HEW Restriction
A similar limit exists with grants
from the Health, Education and
Welfare Department, but Sawyer
said the University would con-
tinue to except grants from this
source, although it would def-
initely not increase the total
amount of research done under
auspices of, this bureau.
He said that the indirect costs
had run about $.25 million last
Sawyer emphasized, however,
that the problem applies only to
grants, and not to contracted
work. Of the $25 million worth of
federal research done at the Uni-
versity last year, about $8 million
consisted of grants (which are
generally less detailed in instruc-
tion than contracts).
Two Problems
University President Harlan
Hatcher pointed out that the Uni-
versity was having two particular
problems with research grants, the
first being the 15 per cent limi-
The second, he said, was that
nine federal accountants, who
oversee research activities on cam-
pus, insist on considering work
done at Willow Run as part of a
separate facility. Administrative
officials are attempting to have
this area of research incorporated
into the regular campus account-
Sawyer testified last May before
a subcommittee from HEW and
the Labor Department. At that
time he said:
Accept Less
"Speaking for the University, I
can assure you that should these
limitations be maintained we
shall have to restrict and prob-
ably decrease the amount of re-
search grants which we can ac-
"We cannot place an unfair bur-
den upon the research activities
of departments which are not sup-
ported by federal money or upon
our educational operation by di-
verting funds.
"The universities of the coun-
try are shouldering a burden in
the support of indirect costs which
is real and which, instead of help-
ing our educational program, is
draining support from it."
Lewis .Makes
New Proposal
Instead of five directorships, as
originally planned, Vice-President

for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
is recommending to the Regents
that only four functionally-based
directorships be set up in a re-
vised Office of Student Affairs.
Lewis said yesterday that after
conferences with University Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher and other
OSA officials, it was decided that
area of sident nrganizatinns and

Kennedy Says Allies Back Lemjitzer

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy said yesterday the
North Atlantic Treaty allies have
accepted and supported the idea

of having an American general
continue to lead NATO forces.
Kennedy strongly defended the
United States nominee for the
NATO command, Gen. Lyman L.
Lemnitzer, against reported com-
plaints by the French that the
United States pushed its candidate
forward without adequate advance
* * *
WASHINGTON-An important
congressional committee moved
yesterday to examine the state of
the economy-the first such ac-
tion since talk of an immediate

the United Aerospace Workers and
the International Association of
Machinists, have agreed to post-
pone for two months a strike which
would have involved 150,000 work-
ers at 53 plants and missile bases
across the nation.
ALGIERS-Two ministers quit
Premier Ben Youssef Ben Khed-
da's cabinet yesterday. The provi-
sional government of Algeria ap-
peared to be collapsing in the face
of the determined struggle for
power by Deputy Premier Ahmed
Ben Bella.t
* * *

test strike called by Peru's main
labor force.
* * *
GENEVA-Delegates to the Laos
conference signed a treaty yester-
day intended to remove that
Southeast Asian nation from the
cold war. President John F. Ken-
nedy and Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev enthusiastically hailed
the pact as a shining example of
- *
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy said yesterday the
United States will not conduct fur-
ther nuclear weapons tests unless

. lukewarm reception
Romney Asks
City Editor
Sneal ,, T e ,. il

:. sY S:;>

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