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July 24, 1962 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-24

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rru . myruTr A tv n 4 ?r w

TUESDA, JULY1~4, 18l T L' lUEi4ii~l.A T l 'K
r 1J i~~R.~tA J~JJN


Describes Teaching on TV

Television educational films,
wisely used, provide a valuable
means for supplementing and en-
riching a high-school course in
So said Prof. Arthur M. East-
man of the English department
yesterday in the fifth of the sum-
mer Conference Series for Teach-
ers of English.
Not A 'Takeover'
In a lecture entitled "'Franklin
to Frost' on Television: A Dem-
onstration and a Summing Up,"
Prof. Eastman assured his audi-
ence that neither his films nor
he (as their commentator) are to
be viewed as "authorities coming
in to 'take over' any classroom.
He even urged teachers to "turn

me off if I'm disruptive" and de-
clared his complete confidence in
the competence and good judgment
of the high-school instructor.
But he did suggest that the
twice-weekly use of the 30-minute
films, dealing with high points of
American literature, might help to
correct the uneven coverage of the
various texts and anthologies used
in high schools.
He cited a half-dozen textbooks
in which an author of fame might
be well represented by selections
from his work, in others poorly
represented, in still others not rep-
resented at all.
32 Hours of Work
The series on which Prof. East-
man is now working will even-
tually include 64 programs on ma-
jor American writers, including
Nathanial Hawthorne and Edgar
Allan Poe, and more recent ones
such as Eugene O'Neill and Arthur
Miller-in the film on drama-and
Ernest Hemingway.
Discussing his approach to the
series, Prof. Eastman described
his goals as the presentation of
the major works of major Ameri-
can authors in chronological or-
der,, but also pointed to problems
involved in doing justice to a
writer in 29 minutes, 30 seconds.
He has decided to stick closely to
the text and not, be tempted to
depict the setting involved, be-
cause, he said, the basic appeal of
a work of literature is to the imag-
ination in the first place.

Own March
To Salute
A session of the 14th annual
National Band Conductors' Con-
ference Thursday will salute a man
who formerly directed the Univer-
sity Band until he was forced to
leave his profession 28 years ago
because of deafness.
Nicholas Falcone, now 69 years
old, will be in the audience when
the Summer Session Band and
High School Wind-Percussion En-
semble plays his "M-Man March"
during its outdoor "Concert on
the Diag."
He was the director of an or-
chestra in a local theatre when he
composed the tune in 1925. "I
named it the 'M-Man March' be-
cause there were generally lots of
students at the shows,"
Two years later he assumed his'
University position, and "rear-
ranged the music for bands. It
since has been played over the
years by a number of other groups
about the country."
This was the time when the
young conductor's future was
bright indeed. But seven years lat-
er, his hearing began to fail rap-
idly. Several of the nation's best
doctors informed him he would
never hear again.
Nevertheless, every time since
then that a University band has
performed in Ann Arbor, he has
been in the audience, "listening"
to the music he once conducted.

(Continued from Page 1)

Romney Calls for State Referendum

give the people a chance to de-
cide for themselves how the state
should be apportioned.
The Con-Con formula for the
Senate is computed on 80 per cent
population, 20 per cent area basis.
The size of the Senate would be
increased from its present 34
members to 38.
His Master's Voice
"I am willing to stand by the
voice of the people," he said. "And
I hope the governor is."
Romney warned that the gov-
ernor and the Legislature would
probably not agree on an appor-
tionment and that an at-large
election is therefore likely.
He called such an election "Rus-
sian roulette" with the possibility
that all 32 Senators "could be
elected from a single county and
a single political party."
In reply to Romney's speech,
Gov. John B. Swainson assailed
''Ship Launches
Great Lakes Study
The maize and blue "Inland Sea"
is cruising the Great Lakes as the
University launches a study of the
bottom sediments. Refitted by
means of a grant from the Nation-
al Science Foundation, the ship
will participate in massive inter-
national research of the Indian
Ocean area later this summer.

Romney's proposal as "prepos-
terous" and declared, "What he
is urging is that the Legislature
ignore and violate a court order.
It is shocking that a man who
aspires to be governor should ad-
vocate defiance of our courts."
Honor Hoffman
Republicans from all over the
state converged on Allegan to
campaign and honor Hoffman,
who was incapacitated by a stroke
in December.
He appeared briefly during the
rally at which time he reluctantly
supported Romney for governor.

"I guess we're stuck with him,"
the congressman grumbled.
Romney's reception in this dis-
trict, which was prepared to back
anti-income tax draft candidate
L. Montgomery Shepard of St.
Joseph, was cool but cordial.
Rep. August Johansen (R-Mich)
of Battle Creek spoke in tribute
to Hoffman noting that "some
have labeled him a reactionary
and an obstructionist, but he may
just have been the prophet of
our times . ."
Meanwhile, four aspirants are
battling it out for Hoffman's seat.

The Allegan congressman has
been in office for 28 years, so
with his sudden illness, there is
no clear successor.
Speaker of the House Don R.
Pears (R-Buchanan), Con-Con
delegates Lee Boothby (R-Niles)
and Edward Hutchinson (R-Fenn-
ville) and St. Joseph Attorney
Chester J. Byrns are all vying to
represent what the South Bend
Tribune describes as "the last
isolationist district in the coun-
But Hoffman refused to endorse
any of them. "There is any one



Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, will lecture on "Major
Issues of the Convention" at 4:15
p.m. today in Aud. A. This is an-
other in a series of talks on the
Constitutional Convention by Prof.
Pollock, who was a Republican
delegate from Ann Arbor.
Athletes ...
The physical education depart-
ment is sponsoring talks today by
Prof. Wayne Van Huss of Michi-
gan State University on curriculum
and Lucille. Verhulst of Syracuse
University on research within the
field. The conference isat 9:15
a,nd 10:30 a.m. in the Women's
Athletic Bldg.
Communic ion . .
Prof. Edward Penson of Ohio
University will lecture on "Com-
munication Theory Related to
Language Development" at 3 p.m.
today in the West Conference Rm.
of Rackham. The lecture is under
the auspices of the speech depart-
Linguistics.. .

... English on the air
Prof. Eastman then showed his
audience what will be "Number
38" in the projected series. In the
kinescope, he carefully analyzes
the poems of Emily Dickinson.
The setting is of a book-lined
TV studio, somewhat modernistic,
but with a blackboard available
and used,
Several voices read the poems,
and Prof. Eastman comments on
them in detail."

216 W. William Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
Telephone NO 5-9131
We Have All Kinds of Glass-Mirrors and Furniture Tops
We Have the Nationally Advertised Paints
Also, we have' complete glass service for foreign cars.
Free Parking in Front of Our Store

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(Continued from Page 2)

Ilse Lehiste, a research associate
at Communication Sciences Lab-
oratory, will deliver a talk on
"Boundary Signals" -at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Amphitheatre
under sponsorship of the Program
in Linguistics.
The Audio - Visual Education
Center is presenting film previews
at 2 p.m. today and tomorrow in
the Multipurpose Rm. of the Un-
dergraduate Library. T o d a y' s
showings are "A Message to No
One" and "Hibernation and Other
Forms of Dormancy," tomorrow's
"Mystery of Time" and "Nearest
Grand go-
betweens t h a t
take you fash-
ion a b ly into
Fall. Come take
your pick from:.".
elegent . assort-
ment of transi-
tion Dresses;
N e w dark cot-
tons, arnels -
Blends. F r o m
10.98 to 25.00
ABOVE is - a carefree
acetate and cotton stripe
Puritan. A 3-piece Wardr
We Show It i
at 14
Sizes 10-24

A Limited Number of Ushers are
urgently needed for the School of Mu-
sic Operas, which are to be presented
in Hill Aud. Aug. 8, 9, and 10. Anyone,
students, staff members, etc. are eligi-
ble to usher and if you are interested,
come to the Box Office at Hill Aud.,
from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tues., July 24,
or contact Mr. Warner at NO 8-8597.
Next Week: Dylan Thomas' great
"Under Milk Wood," Wed. through Sat.,
Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. Tickets
available now, 10-5 daily at Trueblood
box office: $1.50, 1.00 for Wed. & Thurs.,
$1.75, 1.25 for Fri. & Sat.
Doctoral Examination for Miguel
Kourany, Epidemiologic Science; thesis:
"A Study of Intreaction between a Hu-
man Monocytic Cell Strain and Salmon-
ella typhosa," Tues., July 24, School of
Public Health, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
P. L. Kendrick.
Linguistic Movies: The following films
will be shown on Wed., July 25, at 7:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre:
"The Nature of Language and How it
is Learned," "Sounds of Language,"
"Organization of Language," "Words and

Their Meanings," "Modern Techniques
in Language Teachig."
Lecture: Wed., July 25, Gilbert Seldes,
critic of the Arts; the School of Com-
munications, Univ. of Penn., will speak
in Aud. A, Angell Hall, at 4:10 p.m., on
"American Youth and the Popular
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Miss Ilse
Lehiste, The University of Michigan, will
speak on "Boundary Signals." On Tues.,
July 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
University Woodwind Quintet: The
University Woodwind Quintet with Nel-
son Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller,
oboe; Albert Luconi, clarinet; Louis
Stout, French horn; Lewis Cooper, bas-
soon, will present a concert on Wed.,
July 25, 8:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture
Hall. Assisting the Quintet in a pro-
gram of American music will be Wal-
lace Berry, pianist. Compositions by
Alec Wilder, Alan Hovhaness, Elliott
Carter, Paul Cooper and Wallingford
Riegger will be performed. Two com-
positions by Hovhaness and Cooper
were dedicated to the Univ. Woodwind
Quintet. This will be the last concert
of Mr. Luconi's with the Quintet before
his retirement from the School of Mu-
sic. The concert is open to the general
public without charge.
Bell Aerosystems, Buffalo, N.Y.-Al1
degrees in EE, ME; BS-MS in Engrg.
"Let us style a
to your individual needs."
- no appointments needed -
The Dascola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre'

Mech's., Physical Chem.; BS in Engrg.
Physics; MS, Prof., PhD in Instrumen-
tation for Res. & Dev., and Design.
Must be U.S. citizen.
Detrex Chemical Industry, Inc., De-
troit-BS-MS in Chemical Engrg, for
Res. & Dev., & Design. Must be U.S.
#* r
Make appointments by signing sched-
ule on bulletin board opposite Engr.
Placement Office, 128-H, West Engrg.
Bldg. (Ext. 2182).
Kansas Civii Service-i opening in
Kansas State Board of Health for Pub-
lic Health Sducator II. BA in Public
Health and 2 yrs. pertinent exper.; BA
in other field & 4 yrs. exper., or MS
in Public Health or Public Health Educ.
Kansas residence requirement waived.
Dr. Frank Yeurs, M.D., Detroit, Mich.
(P a t h o 1 o g i s t) - Cyto-Technologist
(trainee). WOMAN. Clinical pathology-
will screen pap smeers to determine
cancer. Career opportunity: Dr. Yeur
will sponsor applicant selected for 6
mos. training prog. at special school in
Det. which trains Cyto-technologists to
become certified A.S.C.P. Tuition paid
by Dr. Yeurs. Minimum 12 hrs. in Biol-
ogy sufficient of strong interest.
United Air Lines, Pittsburgh, Pa. -
Librarian for administration of busi-
ness library with emphasis on air trans-
portation. Supervision of Asst. Librarian
& Clerical Assistant. Library School De-
gree. 4-5 yrs. exper. desirable.
Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, Mich.
-Administrative Engineer for produc-
tion scheduling. BBA or MBA or BSIE
plus MBA. (Engrg. degree not essen-
tial.) 3 yrs. exper. in production. Ex-
cellent salary.
NationalAssociation of Manufactur-
ers, Detroit, Mich.-WOMAN as Secre-
tary/Assistant to Public Affairs Direc-
tor of Central Division. To assist with
work on congressional districts; keep
up with legislation; do research, filing
& secretarial work. Political Science or
Econ. background helpful. Secretarial
exper. & trng. essential.
Hallmark Cards, Incorporated, Kansas
City, Mo.-Training program in market-

ing for Sales Division. Men, 24-30 yrs.
old, with minimum of 2 yrs. college.
Must be willing to relocate at firm's
expense. Some sales exper. required. Ca-
reer opportunity in creative selling.
For further information, please con-
tact General Division, Bureau of Appts.,
3200 SAB. (Cali Ext. 3544).
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-To sell fresh frozen crickets. Would
need a car. Full-time for 2 months.
Must know somethin gabout fish-
1-Student in Psychology or Special
Education, between the age of 20
and 25, to act as companion to a 20-
year-old boy., Full time for 1%,Z
months. Must live in.
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising, Part-time or full-
80-Psychological Subjects. Must be
students. At least one, 2 hour ses-
--Several part-time permanent secre-
taries or clerk-typists.
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
2-Sales girls-long term. Would need
1-Histologist. Must have a natural
science background with two years
of college education. Experience not
necessary. 2-time, permanent posi-

University. Players




v2~fe4A ehe4


(t. .: *
i4£SS .iS.
ut f
r ,, ..


New cool cottons too.
Sizes 7 to 15, 10 to 44,
127/2 to 247, toll 10
to 121/, tall and Petite

For Wednesday or Thursday: i
* Enclosed find $ for (number) tickets at (check one) i
$1.50 L, $1.00 Q, for the performance of (check one) Wed., Aug. 1 E,
Thurs., Aug. 2 Q.
For Friday or Saturday:
* Enclosed find $ for (number) tickets at (check one) .
r $1.75 L, $1.25 L, for the performance of (check one) Fri., Aug. 3 Q,
Sat., Aug. 4 Q.

Timeless and Priceless
d seersucker Wonder by
n Blue/Black

Please check one:
Q Self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed.
Q No envelope enclosed. I will pick up my tickets before the performance.


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