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July 21, 1962 - Image 1

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


hnigh- e1
Chance of showers,
turning cooler.

vni i YVYv .T- I. o -

VOLĀ« LXXU, No,. 19-S


1FOUR. U&F.rq


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Senate Passes Aid Measure

Legislators Plan Reconvening

ate, which last month voted to bar
almost all aid to Communist na-
tions, passed yesterday a compro-
mise $4.7-billion foreign aid bill
stripped of that controversial fea-
The measure now goes to the
House, where passage is expected
next week to send it to President
John F. Kennedy after some ora-
torical protests against the legis-
lation. It is generally acceptable to
the Administration.
The Senate vote on the com-
promise worked out in a Senate-
House conference was 56 to 26.
This compares to the 61-23 vote
by which the Senate passed the aid

measure with the
June 7.

Red-aid ban on was an attempt to send the bill
y back to the Senate-House confer-

Under Request
The total of $4,672,000,000 is
only $206,500,000 under Kennedy's
original request. But this is an au-
thorization measure which merely
sets spending ceilings and condi-
The real .effort to slash many
millions more will come when the
appropriations measure providing
the money comes up later.
An effort was made in the Sen-
ate to delay action until Aug. 1
on the theory that the United
States economic outlook will be
clearer after Congress has acted on
other money measures. And there

New Southern Drive
GREENSBORO, N.C. (A)-Sociodrama is a major training aid
being used here by an interracial group preparing for an attempt to
break segregation at public facilities along highways and in cities in
the South.
"We try to dramatize what would actually happen in a real
situation," Rudolph Lombard, vice-chairman of the Congress of
Racial Equality (CORE), which sponsors the "freedom highways"
drive, explained yesterday. Lombard, a graduate student at Syracuse

4University, said the goal of the
drive is to desegregate all public
facilities on United States high-
ways and in various communities.
Aim at Carolina
Between 22 to 25 demonstrators
are training here for the drive,
which Lombard said will start on
or before the end of July and will
be concentrated in North Carolina.
"We may get into Virginia and
Tennessee," he said, "but most of
our efforts will be in North Caro-
lina. Later we'll expand into other
Southern states."
The demonstrators plan to break
into small groups traveling in au-
tomobiles along U.S. 29, 74, 1 and
interstate highways. They will test
segregation at restaurants and mo-
tels, according to Lombard. Other
groups will be sent directly to ci-
Negotiate First
He said if a groupis refused
service, it will attempt to negoti-
ate with the manager or owner.
"If the negotiation phase is un-
successful, then we will have a sit-
in phase," Lombard said and add-
ed that the demonstrators are pre-
pared to face arrest.
"As was done in the case of Free-
dom Riders, we'll have to suffer
the consequences. The CORE poli-

ence based on objections to wip-
ing out the Red-aid provision.
Both Lose
Both of these moves were beaten
A House provision which the
conference eliminated from the bill
would have shut off funds for the
United Nations for everything ex-
cept regular assessments until
other nations paysup their special
The Senate originally voted to
deny all aid to Communist na-
tions. This later was softened to
permit shipment of surplus farm
commodities to such nations as
Poland and Yugoslavia.
Make Change
A Senate provision which the
conference eliminated, at Adminis-
tration urging, was a $727-million
limit on aid to India-the same as
the past year-instead of the $815
million programmed for this year.
Kennedy is directed under the
compromise to suspend foreign aid
to any country which expropriated
United States-owned properties
since Jan. 1, 1962 and fails within
six months to take appropriate
steps to provide adequate com-
A nnounces
Dick Wakefield, Democratic can-
didate for the state Senate, and
under investigation to determine
his eligibility to run, declared yes-
terday that it was his intention to
make 1019 Berkshire in Ann Arbor
his permanent address.
Wakefield's statement came in
response to a letter sent by the
city clerk's office questioning his
voting residence eligibility.
Howard Wikel, an Ann Arbor
druggist who lives at the Berk-
shire address, explained "Wake-
field stays with us when he is in
Ann Arbor."
Noting that he is a bachelor
with an insurance and tax con-
sultant office in Detroit which
keeps him in that city most of
the time, Wakefield said that he
considers his legal residence to be
with the Wikel's.
Washtenaw County Prosecuting
Attorney William F. Ager said
that although his investigation is

Still Protest
Court Ruling,
May Gather Tuesday
On Apportionment














The Legislature will reconvene
Tuesday - two days earlier than
scheduled - Sen. Carlton MorrisI
(R-Kalamazoo) predicted yester-
day, as attempts by four GOP
senators to delay the Supreme
Court's reapportionment decision
were denied by the court, 4-3.
"I anticipate a session on ap-
portionment at 2 pm. Tuesday,"
Morris declared. The chairman of
the Senate Judiciary Committee
who has been" pressing for an ear-
lier meeting refused to elaborate
on his prediction.
Senate Minority Leader Ray-t
mond Dzendel (D-Detroit) also
predicted a Tuesday session. "I
hope there is session. There should
have been one last week. It will
be an awfully tight schedule if we3
meet next Thursday," he declared.
Sets Appeal
Sen. John Fitzgerald (R-Grand
Ledge) meanwhile indicated that
he will appeal the state Supreme
Court's decision to the United1
States Supreme Court.
He said he will ask the court to
delay the original state Supreme,
Court decision voiding the current
districting, nullifying the Aug. 7
senatorial primary and ordering
the Senate to redistrict by Aug. 201
or face an at-large primary and
He also will ask for time to ap-
peal the original decision.
Only Chancet
Unless the Circuit Court of Ap-
peals in Cincinnati or U. S. Su-
preme Court grants a delaying or-i
der, there can be no further ap-3
peal until the high tribunal's reg-
ular term in October. All state Su-
preme Court deadlines for reap-
portionment will have passed by1
that date.F
Meanwhile, Senate Judiciary
Committee Republicans drew up a
series of questions for ruling by1
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, asking :
1) By what authority *the Su-
preme Court can ignore constitu-
tional language requiring the elec-
tion of senators from single dis-

Peru Leader Asks
Recognition by- U.S.
LIMA (M)-Gen. Ricardo Godoy, leader of Peru's military junta,
said yesterday he wants the United States to recognize his military
If Alliance for Progress aid is resumed, he said, the military gov-
ernment would enforce the law to insure that the aid, would go where'
it would do the most good. Perez Godoy charged that the civilian!
government ousted Wednesday siphoned off United States aid before
it reached the projects and the #{

. chairs finance group




FIiS Work
On. Tax Bill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - While Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy decided to
put off until mid-August a deci-
sion on whether to press for an
immediate tax reduction as a bus-
iness stimulant, the Senate Fi-
nance Committee yesterday tenta-
tively completed work on his tax
revision bill.
Retained in it was a modified
incentive provision for business
to modernize its plants.
The major decision by the group
in its eight days of voting on the
bill was to kill a tax withholding
plan for dividend and interest in-
Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D-
Va) stressed that all actions are
subject to reconsideration at a
further session set for next Fri-
But it appeared that the com-
mittee, in a series of votes, has
fixed the pattern in.which the leg-
islation will be sent to the Senate
The decision to defer judgment
for a month was made, it was
learned, at a White House meeting
a week ago when Kennedy confer-
red with his top-ranking advisers
on whether a recession is brewing.
Lewis, SRC
Meet on OSA,
Claim Accord
After meeting for two hours yes-
terday with Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
the University Senate Student Re-
1 a t i o n s Committee announced
nearly complete satisfaction with
his recommendations to the Re-
gents for a revised structure in the
Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
English department, who chairs
the committee, said he was "very
hopeful" and pleased' with the
vice-president's outline.
Prof. Felheim said the meeting

people it was intended for.
Cause Trouble
The general indicated that if
President John F. Kennedy refused
to recognize the junta it would be
only "to cause us trouble."
The United States suspended
diplomatic relations with the jun-
ta and cut off Alliance for Prog-
ress aid Wednesday.
Perez Godoy gave his assurances
that press freedom under military
rule would be guaranteed.
Comments on APRA
Asked about the closing Wednes-
day of La Tribuna, organ of the
American Popular Revolutionary
Alliance (APRA), Perez Godoy said
it was not shut down for what it
had printed. He did not elaborate.
APRA, long a bitter foe of the
military, is the party of Victor
Raul Haya de la Torre, who polled
the most votes in the now-discard-
ed June 10 presidential election.
Perez noted the newspaper was
closed for only one day and is now
publishing again.
More Criticism
The general, 56, appealed for
United States recognition as criti-
cism from other Latin American
nations piled up on the junta. Sev-
eral Latin American governments
have followed the United States
example in suspending relations.
Washington emphasized its de-
termination to seek a return to
civilian government in Peru with a
statement by the State Depart-
ment that military aid from the
United States has also been sus-
Perez Godoy said, "I want no
commitments from the United!
States, only consideration and to
be recognized."
Supports Ackley
For Council Seat
After testifying before the Sen-
ate Banking Committee yester-
day, Prof. Gardner Ackley of the
economics department was recom-
mended by the group to succeed
Prof. James Tobin of Yale Uni-
versity on the three-man Council
of Economic Advisors for Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy. Full Senate
confirmation is expected shortly.


cy is not to pay fines, and wherever continuing, in light of Wikel's Usurping Powers?
possible, insist on a 'jail no bail' and Wakefield's claim that Wake- 2) If the court is assuming leg-
policy," he said. field legally lives there, there is islative powers by setting the date
Lombard agreed with Marvin a good possibility that no action of the proposed at-large elections;
Rich, CORE's community relations will be taken against him, and
director, who said in New York Wakefield's legal status was 3) By what authority a minority
that principal targets will be the questioned when Democratic of the court (the vote was 4-3; the
Howard Johnson and Holiday Inn County Chairman Peter Darrow court has eight members) can void
chains of motor lodges and restau- attempted to contact Wakefield a state constitutional amendment
rants. But Lombard said other ma- at the Wikel residence and found adopted by a popular majority.
jor Southern chains will be picked that Wakefield did not regularly Morris explained that the court
as objects of the demonstrations. live there. had done some unusual things and
his judiciary committee would like
SedOa legal opinion on them.
OS k1vesStud ents 0RBlasts GOP
Dzendel, a committee member,
charged that committee Republi-
cans are displaying either a lack
T V do iCa of knowledge of the legal and con-
stitutional principles involved in
the court decision or are engaged
By DENISE WACKER in a "cynical attempt to distort
Because of the increase in room and board fees, the Office of them.
Student Affairs will permit students who have signed University The people will not served
residence hall contracts to break them and live in other "available by either Legislative Panic org
housin ''litical recrimination. Wild charges
housing." and counter-charges could lead
A form letter, sent earlier this week by the dean of women's of- only to a solidifying of partisan
fice to women who had contracted to live in dormitories, stated that position that would block reason-
women wishing "to cancel (their) contracts because of the rate in- able resolution of this question."
crease" must notify the office -'
within two weeks of the date the
letter was sent.So p o
Te he $50 room deposit given to
insure a place in the dorm will not
be forfeited unless the women
wishing to cancel do so after the
two-week period.
Financial Need
Vice-President for Student Af-:
fairs James A. Lewis explained::;{ s
that such cancellations will be per-
mitted only if there is clear evi-
dence that the $50 per year will ..
make it financially impossible for :4.4
the woman to continue to live in:
the dorms.:
He added that the "available
housing"for women includes only
University - approved h o u si n g.:
Therefore, sophomores and juniors
even with proven financial need .
could not legally leave the resi- ..
dence hall system unless they could
live in an approved cooperative or
in a League house.
Same for Mend
John Hale, assistant dean of . .

He ads Meet
At Geneva
By The Associated Press
GENEVA-Congo differences in-
truded yesterday into the Western
camp of foreign ministers gather-
ing here for talks on Berlin and
disarmament and to sign a Laos
peace treaty.
British Foreign Secretary Lord
Home was reported by spokesmen
in London to be determined to
warn Secretary of State Dean
Rusk against using economic pres-
sures to force secessionist Katan-
ga into Congo unity. There have
been strong, but unconfirmed re-
ports, that the United States is at-
tempting to line up support for
such a move.
The British view appeared to be
that a deliberate policy of forc-
ing Katanga into hard times would
do no good to anyone, especially
since the mineral wealth of the
province is the Congo's biggest as-
set. British and Belgian interests
predominate in Katanga's big cop-
per mining industry.
O'Brien Complains
In London, the former UN poli-
tical chief in Katanga, Conor
Cruise O'Brien of Ireland, repeated
previous charges that the British
government is impeding UN efforts
for a Congo unity settlement.
He. told a news conference the
commercial interests controlling
Katanga would in his view come to
terms with the central Congo gov-
ernment only under heavy pres-
The success of the 14-nation
conference on Laos, which in 14
months evolved a treaty aimed at
ending strife there, prompted a
number of arriving ministers to
speak hopefully of settling other
Gromyko Optimistic
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko was the first of the big
power foreign chiefs to arrive. He
immediately showed his sights
were set on something more than
Laos in an airport statement say-
"The example of Laos proves
that if the interested states really
want to understand each other on
questions which divide them, they
can accomplish it."
Some of the other "questions,"
however, may involve unpublicized
complaints the Soviets have been
making to the United States re-
centlyagainst what they call the
misuse of air corridors to West
BASC Involved
Informed sources said the pro-
tests are made in the Berlin Air
Safety Center (BASC), one of the
few places where the Soviet Union
and the Western powers still work
together here.
American officers in BASC re-
gard the protests as unjustified
and have gone ahead with the
Render Advice
On Dues in UN


j-- out
WSU Board
Boosts Pay
Wayne State University's Board
of Governors has given its fac-
ulty members a two per cent pay
increase, while non-academic per-
sonnel will receive a pay boost
ranging from one to four per cent.
WSU President Clarence B. Hill-
berry said, however, that the legis-
lative appropriation and student
tuition hike would not allow ex-
pansion of current programs.
Hillberry recommended the fol-
lowing schedule for maximum sal-
aries: full professors, $12,500; as-
sociate professors, $10,400; assist-
ant professors, $8,150, and instruc-
tors; $6,200.
These were the same maximums
he recommended two years ago,
but the appropriation has not been


N.Lorstad Set,
To Quit Post
Defense Realignment
Affects Staff Chief,
Europe Commander
Lyman L. Lemnitzer will become
the new United States command-
er in chief in Europe and Gen.
' Maxwell D. Taylor will succeed
him as chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, the White House
announced last night.
Lemnitzer's new appointment is
expected to put him in line to
succeed Gen. Lauris Norstad as
supreme commander of North At-
lantic Treaty Organization forces.
Decker To Quit
Other changes in the Army high
command also were announced by
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger.
Gen. George H. Decker, presently
Chief of Staff of the Army, will
retire Sept. 30 and will be suc-
ceeded by Gen. Earle G. Wheeler,
Deputy United States commander
in Europe.
Taylor now is military adviser
to President John F. Kennedy.
The NATO Council which meets
in Paris next Tuesday will name
Norstad's successor. The council
presumably will ask the United
States for a recommendation.
Appointment Definite
If this is the case it was learned
authoritatively Lemnitzer will be
recommended for the job.
Norstad is retiring from the Air
Force and stepping out sometime
near Nov. 1 as United States com-
mander-in-chief in Europe and as
NATO commander.
Kennedy announced earlier in
the day in Washington his accept-
ance of the 55-year-old strategist's
request that he be relieved after
six years as supreme Allied com-
mander in Europe.
Lemnitzer's two-year term as
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff ends Sept. 30, and he will
serve it out, Salinger said.
Succeeded Taylor
Before his appointment as
chairman, Lemnitzer served from
March 1959 to July 1959 as Army
chief of staff. He succeeded Taylor
in that post.
In July 1961, Kennedy recalled
Taylor to active duty and made
him his personal military repre-
Officials said Kennedy intends
to name a new military adviser
when Taylor takes over his new
Before being recalled to active
duty, Kennedy brought Taylor to
Washington to make a study of
this country's effectiveness in
para-military operations, but the
results were never made public.



To Launch Venus Shot;
Vietnamese Victorious
By The Associated Press
CAPE CANAVERAL - Project officials pronounced everything
ready for an attempt today to launch a Mariner 1 spacecraft on a 140-
day journey to the planet Venus.
SAIGON-Jungle-tough Vietnamese troops supported by United
States air power captured a top Communist political leader and killed
nearly 100 guerrillas in big sweeps yesterday through Red-infested ter-
WASHINGTON-The Senate rejected last night moves that would
have barred Federal grants for racially segregated schools and hospi-
* * * *
WASHINGTON-William E. Simkin, chief government labor medi-
ator, reported to President John F. Kennedy yesterday aerospace labor
talks are stalemated and a strike is probable Monday at key plane-
missile plants and missile bases.

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