See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Scattered thunder showers;
fair and cool tonight.
City, State Investigate
Wakefield Eligibility
Officials Probe Claimed Residence
Of Democratic Senate Candidate
City, county and state election and law enforcement officials are
conducting investigations of the eligibility of Dick Wakefield in the
race for the Democratic nomination for state senator from Washtenaw
The former University and Detroit Tiger baseball player origin-
ally intended to seek the nomination for Congress as a Democrat, but
Live In
... committee work
Tell Works
: Of Con-Con
"The work the convention per-
formed and how they did it was
rarely reported anywhere. For this
reason the public has an incom-
plete idea of how the constitution
was drafted," said Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de-
Prof. Pollock, a Republican con-
vention delegate from Ann Arbor,
spoke on "The Deliberative Pro-
cess: Committees and Committee
Procedures." It was the third of
a six-part series of lectures on the
1962 Michigan Constitutional Con-
The convention consisted of nine
' substantive committees which
"dealt with the actual provisions
of the constitution," Prof. Pollock
Size Varied
The committees varied in size
from 15 to 27 and favored the Re-
publicans two to one, as did the
convention proper.
"Each committee always had all
the elements of the convention
represented on it, to some degree,"
Prof. Pollock said.
All of the meetings and public
hearings of the committees were
opened to the public. "This was
an important decision by the con-
vention ... It was an exceedingly
important victory for open gov-
ernment," Prof. Pollock added.
Public Hearings
The public hearings of the com-
mittees "gave the ordinary citizen
the opportunity to come before the
committee and present their own
ideas," Prof. Pollock continued.
The important thing for the
committee was to bring before the
convention definitive proposals.
Each of the 129 committee pro-
posals included a report that "ex-
plained why the committee did
what it proposed to do," Prof. Pol-
lock said.
Two problems face all of the
committees, he declared. The first
was the difficulty of keeping the
convention informed of what the
committees were doing. The sec-
ond problem arose when more
than one committee felt that it
should have jurisdiction over a
certain issue.
Judge Delays
Medicare Suit
REGINA, Sask. WP)-A Regina
judge yesterday overrode govern-
ment objections and postponed un-
til July 17 arguments on a request
for an injunction to suspend oper-
ation of Saskatchewan's compul-
sory medical care insurance plan.
Attorneys for three Saskatche-
wan residents asked for the post-
ponement to obtain more material
in their legal battle against the
10-day-old program.
Medicare opponents also planned
a protest march on this provin-
cial capital today.
A ma invity, of the nrmine.'c, I7nf
could not obtain enough signa-
tures on a petition to run. He then
posted a $100 bond with County
Clerk Luella Smith a few minutes
before the filing deadline.
Darrow Questions
The question of eligibility was
raised by the County Democratic
Chairman, Peter P. Darrow upon
discovering that Wakefield did not
live at the address he gave when
applying to register.
Darrow stated, "when I called
his alleged address a maid an-
swered and informed me that this
was the Howard J. Wikel's resi-
dence and that Mr. Wakefield had
not, and did not live there. I had
her repeat it for County Prose-
cutor Ager."
City Clerk Fred 'Looker added
that Wakefield had been an oc-
casional guest at the Wikel home.
Wakefield Missing
Investigations are now being
conducted by city, state and coun-
ty officials, but no one has been
able to contact Wakefield himself.
Charles Burns, D em oc ra t ic
chairman from the first ward, said
yesterday that the Democrats
would not encourage him to run
since previously to this he was
They are not sure that he is a
bona fide Democrat since he has
done nothing for the party, Burns
Not to Discourage
But, Burns was quick- to point
out, they would not discourage
him from running if he is found
to be qualified.
Article Five of Section Five of
the Michigan Constitution states:
"Each (state) senator and rep-
resentative shall be a citizen of the
United States, at least 21 years of
age and a qualified elector of the
district he represents . .
To be a qualified elector, one
must be registered to vote, and one
must be a legal resident to register.
Wakefield is not yet a legal resi-
dent of the district, according to
the office of the City Clerk.
'U' Officials
Release Details,
Of Grant Use
University officials yesterday
released details of two large
grants involving research to be
done on campus announced Mon-'
The grant of $1.5 million given'
by the National Institute of Health
will be used to help construct . a
new west wing for the Kresge
Hearing Bldg. Matching funds for
the same amount coming from the
Kresge Foundation, the donation
will go toward enlarging the space
available for ,research activities.
A. grant of $200,000, given by
the Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare, will support a
juvenile delinquency re search
project headed by Prof. Robert D.
Vinter of the social work school.
... good exercise
Sets Reflect
Modern Play
When "Five Finger Exercise"
opens at 8 p.m. today in the True-
blood Aud., the setting will be a
realistically portrayed interior of a
modern house.
The production, which will run
through Saturday, marks the first
time the Trueblood stage has been
used for a modern drama since it
was reconstructed last winter.
Converted into a semi-Elizabe-
than stage by Ralph Duckwall,
stage and scene designer for the
speech department, the stage is
formal in design, rather than be-
ing a blank box, as is the normal
Proscenium arch stage.
But "Five Finger Exercise," by
Peter Schaffer, calls for one set
only - the interior of a modern
house. To create a visual impres-
sion of reality, Duckwall designed
a set which does not make use of
the mechanical turntable, the bal-
cony or the back room built into
the new stage.
One of the requirements of the
play - a hallway leading down to
the living room and up to a
school room-Duckwall said he
was presented with the problem
of moving it far enough out onto
the stage so that the actors could
be seen and heard. But this led
nicely to the creation of a re-
cessed entranceway below the
school room, another requirement
of the script.,
In designing for this play -
which revolves around the discov-
ery of hidden conflicts and jea-
lousies beneath the surface of a
happy family life - Duckwall de-
cided that "the home must reflect
the touch of the mother.
"She's the one who dictates the
cultural aura of the family -
father is a little uncomfortable in
it, and he should feel that way.
The only jarring note in this 'cul-
tural elegance' is the schoolroom,"
he added, "and that's completely
the daughter's. She's detached
from the family and the room
should be detached visually, also."
In achieving the impression of
elegance a refined and snobbish
Englishwoman would create in her
home, Duckwall encountered a
problem in furnishing his set.
"Livable furniture with elegance
is the sort of thing you just don't
find everyday" and the sort of
thing' a University theatre can
hardly afford to buy, or keep in
its storeroom.
The furnishings loaned from
two local stores and set together
now give the impression of a home
designed by an interior decorator,
he said.
Ferris Raises Tuition,
Increases Enrollment
The Ferris Institute Board in Control announced yesterday that
it has approved a tuition increase effective the first semester, 1962.
The increase will place in-state tuition charges at $255 for the
three-term academic year instead of $210 charged previously. Fees
for non-resident students were increased from $480 to $570 for the
"Ferris accepted about 600 more students for its 1962 freshman
class than it had last year, and the failure of the Legislature to pro-
vide sufficient funds for this in-
crease necessitated the fee boost,"
United States District Court Sen-
ior Judge Raymond W. Starr,
chairman of the Ferris Board,
said yesterday.
College Reputation
He explained that in recent
years there has been a tremendous
increase in the number of appli-
cants because "Ferris is a highly
specialized college with a reputa-
tion for having a fine faculty and
excellent' training programs.
"But the college has had to turn
away as many as 2,400 qualified
students a year, since it simply
didn't have enough room for
them," Starr said.
Two new dormitories were com-
pleted a short time ago to house
the bulk of the 600 additional stu-
dents. Starr indicated that there
was already sufficient classroom
space for them, and therefore no
new construction of school build-
ings has been planned because of
the enrollment increase.
Fee Hike Faculty
"The higher fees will be used
primarily to hire 15 new faculty
members, and to pay the staffs of
the new residence halls.
The residence halls won't be fi-
nanced at all by the increased stu-
dent fees-they're self-liquidating
and were paid for by revenue
bonds," he added.
Franco Names
Military Aide
New Assistant
MADRID (A) - Gen. Francisco
Franco yesterday appointed his
highest military subordinate depu-
ty premier of Spain and named
seven new ministers in his first
cabinet shakeup in more than five
years, informed sources said.
The new appointments will be
announced officially today, gov-
ernment sources said.
They include Capt. Gen. Agustin
Munoz Grandes, 66, Franco's long
time military supporter and as-
sociate, as vice-president of the
National Council of Ministers, in
effect deputy premier.
Munoz Grandes, commandant of
the Spanish Blue Division which
fought alongside Germany on the
Russian front in World War II, is
considered one of the strong men
of the Spanish regime.
Continue Suit
Despite Loss
Two Henry Ford community col-
lege instructors who believe that
"the House -of Representatives
should represent the people" plan
to press further their reapportion-
ment suit despite a defeat in
Federal District Court yesterday.
A panel of three judges yester-
day refused the Carl J. Jacobs and
Donald A. Calkins request for the
court to order the election this
fall of all 19 Michigan congress-
men on an at-large statewide bas-
is instead of by district.
"This, under the circumstances,
is a request for an extraordinary
remedy and one which this court
is unwilling to indulge upon such
short notice and without full
study, consideration and reflec-
tion," declared Judge Clifford
O'Sullivan, ;joined by Talbot A.
Smith and Stephen J. Roth.
View Merits
"I didn't really expect this pre-
liminary injunction to prevail, but
I have verythigh hopes of success
at the next hearing, which will
concern the merits of the case it-
self," Calkins said last night.
The suit contends that the Unit-
ed States Supreme Court's Baker
vs. Carr decision applies to con-
gressional districting in the state
and that the present districting
violates the equal protection clause
of the Constitution.
The court did not want to in-
terfere with the election at this
stage, Calkins noted last night.
"But I expect future intervention
on the part of the court," he
stressed. If the Federal District
Court does not intervene, the in-
structors will appeal to the state
Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Emert
Wingert, a special Master named
by a federal court panel, opened
hearings yesterday on that state's
Georgia Court
Sentences King
To Jail Term
ALBANY, Ga. tP)-Negro inte-
gration leader Rev. Martin Luther
King, whose brushes With Georgia
law figured in the 1960 presiden-
tial campaign, and a fellow min-
ister went to jail yesterday to em-
phasize their non-violent defiance
of racial bars.
King and the Rev. Ralph Aber-
nathy, both of Atlanta, were con-
victed in Recorders Court of vio-
lating a street and sidewalk as-
sembly ordinance by leading a Dec.
16 street demonstration without a
Recorder A. N. Durden sentenc-
ed them to 45 days in prison or
$178 fines. They spurned both the
fines and freedom on bond through
The integration leader called
both the Albany ordinance under
which he was tried yesterday and
the court that convicted him un-
just and said he would be "just
as wrong if I paid a fine under
the circumstances."
India Protests
-Daily-Bruce Charnov
SATELLITE-Frederick R. Kappel, board chairman of American
Telephone and Telegraph Co., points to a drawing of his com-
pany's Telestar satellite during a program transmitted through
it yesterday. The show was the first live trans-Atlantic television
Michigan, France Watch
Identical Video Program
Pleumeur Bodou, France and Ann Arbor received the same tele-
vision program broadcast from Andover, Maine yesterday.
This feat was made possible by the 170-pound Telstar satellite
sent into orbit yesterday morning at 3:35 a.m. The broadcast was
carried by all three major networks and lasted from 6:30 p.m. until
7 p.m.
The first thing sent over the satellite was a view of the American
ntal TV
Space Relay
U.S. Image
Bell Laboratories
Use Thor Rocket
To Lift 170 lb. Ball
By The Associated Press
flag flying in front of the fifteen
dover. The sound was that of the
National Anthem.
To Satellite
The signal from this point on-
ward was carried by land line to
Andover where it was broadcast by
the largest Microwave antenna in
the world out to the satellite or-
biting the earth at 18,000 miles
an hour. From the satellite it was
re-broadcast magnified 10 billion
The two receiving stations in the
United States for use by the ma-
jor networks were the original one
in Andover and another in Home-
land, New Jersey.
Perfect Reception
The reception of both the sound
and the picture were perfect.
Among the people interviewed
during the half hour program were
Frederick R. Kappel, Board Chair-
man of American Telephone and
Telegraph Company, whose Bell
Laboratories are responsible for
the development of the satellite,
and Newton Minow, Chairman of
the FCC.,
Both men stressed the import-
ance of the fact that this made
intercontinental live broadcasts
possible, and that America was the
first country to put up an imme-
diately useful peacetimesatellite.
The satellite was entirely financed
by the AT&T.
Britain, France
The satellite was also being
tracked in an effort to pick up the
signals by stations in Britain and
The station in France received
the picture and sound for the last
twenty minutes of the broadcast
as if it was from a station twenty
miles away. The British station
was only able to get a fleeting pic-
story plastic antenna shell in An-
Algeria Talkis
On Cleavage
End in Rabat
RABAT (P) - Talks to heal the
split within the Algerian nation-
alist regime virtually broke off
yesterday and both sides prepared
to leave Morocco.
Dissident Deputy Premier Ah-
med Ben Bella planned to head
after dawn for the Algerian fron-
tier on his way to Tlemcen, in
Western Algeria, where strongly
armed troops faithful to him are
Two ministerial negotiators for
the Nationalist Provisional govern-
ment - Rabah Bitat and Mham-
med Yazid - planned to return to
Algiers via Paris.
Bitat is a state minister in the
cabinet of Premier Ben Youssef
Ben Khedda, head of the provi-
sional government which controls
Algiers and the Algiers region. Ya-
zid is the Information Minister in
this cabinet.
Both have been in Rabat meet-
ing with Ben Bella and Moham-
med Khider, another dissident
leader, in an attempt to heal the
Yazid, it was reported, said the
talks were merely interrupted.
However, neither side would say
when they might be resumed.
Sources in the Moroccan capi-
tal said Ben Bella and Khider
gave the impression - perhaps
deliberately - that the talks
could not be resumed, or at least
not soon.
Intercontinental live television
became a reality yesterday when a
live broadcast from A n d o v e r,
Maine was received in Pleumeur
Bodou, France yesterday.
The program was r e la y e d
through space and a space com-
munications satellite.
This feat was made possible by
the Telstar satellite which was
boosted into orbit by a Thor-Delta
rocket from Cape Canaveral at
3:35 a.m. yesterday.
The Telstar satellite is a 170-
pound ball powered by blue-green
solar batteries.
The project was sponsored by
Bell Laboratory division of Amer-
ican Telephone and Telegraph. It
was a $50 million project.
The use of the Cape Canaveral
facilities, the-Thor-Delta rocket
and so on cost the company $4
million. It marked the first time
that a space project had been
sponsored and financed by private
The company plans to continue
putting up experimental satellites
in the next few months. They hope
to have an operational space com-
munications network within four
The satellite will provide 600
one-way channels or 60 two-way
channels. This means that one
satellite will carry 60 intercontin-
ental telephone conversations or
one television signal.
The first intercontinental live.
television broadcast was carried by
all three major networks. It was
broadcast by land line to the larg-
est horn antenna in the world,
housed in a fifteen story plastic
shell, in Andover, Me. From there
it was broadcast to the satellite,
which picked up the signal and re-
broadcast it magnified 10 billion
times. These signals were picked
up back in Andover, Me. and
Homeland, New Jersey for re-
broadcast by the networks.
There were also stations in Brit-
ain and France attempting to
track the satellite and pick up the
signal. The station in France re-
ceived both sound and picture as
if "it was from a station only
twenty miles away." The British
station only received one fleeting
The first thing broadcast over
the satellite was a picture of the
American flag before the plastic
antenna shell in Andover. The
sound was the National Anthem.
In addition to its TV chores, the
remarkable satellite also handled
a telephone message to the vice-
president of the United States and
transmit ed news photographs.
The first news photograph was
a pooled picture from the As-
sociated Press and the United
Press International.
The Telstar satellite moved
within range of the American an-
tenna at 6:20 p.m. yesterday and
transmission started about ten
minutes later. The satellite was
an estimated 3000 miles above the
To relay a live television signal
from the United States to Europe
would, until today, have required
a relay tower 145 miles high.
Dow Observes Own Exhibit
To Reciprocate Soviets' Visit
Last spring Women's Strike for
Peace, a nation-wide pacifist or-
ganization, invited 12 Russian wo-
men to visit the United States.
After the Russians had returned
home, their peace group, known
as the Soviet Women's Commit-
tee, decided to reciprocate and
about a month ago extended an
invitation to Women's Strike for a
Mrs. Orbach and the 11 other
women will spend a total of two
weeks in Moscow, conferring with
members of the Women's Commit-
tee on nuclear war and disarma-
ment. The committee has also ar-
ranged for the women to tour
various parts of the city and see
"the Russian way of life," Ethel
Van Lare, a member of Women
for Peac. enxline vesterdav.
and door-to-door solicitation by
Women's Strike.
Private Citizens
"Each of the women is going as
a private United States citizen,
and the views she presents will be
her own. We have been given no
instruction. Most of them don't
know the Russian language well
enough to converse in, but we un-
derstand there will be interpreters
....... ....