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July 04, 1962 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-04

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where OpinionhAreFr* STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. . ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Wfil Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Uh --- Perhaps We Should Have A Consultation"
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Econom Cooperation
WITH ITS IMPRESSIVE vote on the trade bill, the House has made
a far-reaching contribution to peace and prosperity. The bill should
now go through the Senate without crippling amendments, and the
country will then have equipped itself to deal with coming events in
It is now fairly certain that M. Jean Monnet and the friends of an
enlarged and liberal Common Market are prevailing over the advo-
cates of an exclusive and restrictive Franco-German Europe.
The aspects have become good that the Six will come to terms with
Great Britain. If so, we shall in the not too distant future be negotiating



Doctors Raise Controversy
Over Ethics, Health Plans

LIKE THE staunch autoworker or Teamster
local, the Saskatchewan College of Surgeons
have struck to back their demands. They are
as militant as the UAW or the Teamsters but
their strike does not merely affect the econom-
ic system - it deals with life itself.
Already one baby girl died when she could
not get immediate aid. However, it is not clear
whether the strike was the cause or a compli-
cating factor in her death.
What the doctors are willing to sacrifice their
usual dedication to practice to their "freedom".
Under the socialized medicine scheme, the
first far-reaching system in North America, all
medical services, except drugs, dental work,
eye glasses, diagnosis and treatment of cancer
and hospitalization would be covered under the
compulsory scheme. Hospital costs are covered
by a separate pre-existing government hospit-
alization plan and cancer detection and treat-
ment is handled by another governmental unit.
The program is financed by taxes and personal
THIS IS NOT the issue in dispute, however.
The doctors are protesting the compulsory
treatment features of the plan which allow
the Medical Care Insurance Commission to
prescribe the terms and conditions of services
which the doctor may provide and also the
plan's declaration that the government must
side with the patients in all legal disputes.
The government contends the doctors are
opposed to the plan because it might limit fees.
So far negotiations between the two disputing
parties have yielded no results and Saskatche-
wan citizens are depending on emergency clin-
ics for medical attention.
The dispute raises several serious implica-
tions both on the future of government spon-
sored medical aid in the United States and
Canada and on the right to strike.
The results of the government-doctor nego-
tiations may set the pattern for government
medical aid throughout North America. The
Saskatchewan doctors are not challenging the
basic principles of governmental medical aid.
Rather they are attacking the operation of the
THIS MARKS a major divergence from both
American and Canadian Medical Associa-
tion stands which are opposed to government
aid for reasons beyond the potential limitations
on medical practice. This acceptance marks
the erosion by time of opposition to govern-
nmental medical aid. All that seems necessary
today is to set up an operational scheme ac-

ceptable to all parties. In a startling way, this
process is occurring in Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan plan is more stringent
than the British medical scheme. The British
system allows doctors to maintain outside prac-
tices and does not put as many demands on
them. It is more an insurance-hospitalization
plan than governmentally operated medicine.
The British system is mode adjusted to the
personal nature of the doctor-patient relation-
ship than potential bureaucratic standard set-
ting of the Saskatchewan plan. By permitting
private practice, it also encourages the ele-
ment of individual choice, especially in special-
ized areas, while it assures universal medical
care .
Between the extremes of Saskatchewan plans
and American medical "rugged individualism"
the two parties to the strike must set a bal-
ance. Coverage must be maintained, yet at the
same time the doctor's professional freedom
should be assured. The manner that the doc-
tors and government solve this dilemma will
be studied carefully by an interested United
States and Canada and may spread through-
out both countries.
THE SECOND ISSUE is fundamentally ide-
ological - do doctors and others in areas
highly important to the public welfare have the
right to strike? As long as they do not abandon
the public welfare, they do. By setting up emer-
gency clinics and placing part of their number
on emergency duty the doctors have tried to
meet their, public obligations while pursuing
their private interests.
This question often occurs in dealings with
public officials, but the doctors strike puts it
into sharp focus for there is nothing to compel
the doctors to practice in Saskatchewan. In
their field, as in civil service, the public wel-
fare is the main goal of the profession. Yet, in
a broader sense, public welfare cannot be
achieved unless accommodations for all are
made. Also, the public welfare cannot be main-
tained if groups or individuals are arbitrarily
barred from exercising their basic civil liber-
ties including the right to strike.
As long as the public welfare is maintained
through emergency clinics, in this case, there
is no good reason to bar the doctors and others
in similar jobs from striking.
The unusual doctors' strike will have the ef-
fect of sharpening the dispute on both the med-
former case, the strike's,,solution may lead the
ical care and right-to-strike issues. In the
care, but in the latter case old cliches about
way toward extended governmental medical
public service will obscure the issue.

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Study Year-Round Operation

Governors Take a Holiday

FROLICKING THEIR WAY through the, an-
nual governors' conference, this time in
Hershey, Pa., the heads of the various states
are soberly pondering the issues of the day
with that atmosphere of dedication and team-
w'rk rare in contemporary politics.
Consider, for instance, this dialogue, culled
;- n the Associated Press:
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller (R-New York) prom-
is d a strong civil rights resolution, which
would acknowledge equal rights regardless
of race, creed or color, in housing, employment,
public accommodations and education.
A MOTION to defeat this proposal was itself
beaten down, 31-13.
Next, our own John B. Swainson concocted
a !nger and stronger amendment, which he
7'med would better express the consensus of
,h ;overnors.
By this time, however, Southern representa-
tiv s had become more than a little perturbed.
Ernest Hollings of South Carolina rose, com-
High Strategy
SERE IS NOTHING as fascinating as good,
Communist dialectic. To many Americans,
the Administration's vague stand on Quemoy
-to defend it or not-might create an im-
pression of uncertainty. But the Chinese news
agency knows otherwise:
"Any thoughtful person can see," it begins,
"that United States imperialism wishes to kill
two birds with one stone. It calculates that if
(the supposed Chiang invasion) should succeed,
United States imperialism would be able to
set up a bridgehead on China's mainland ...
and also spread the armed forces of Chiang
thin and aggravate its financial difficulties so
that it would have to be even more obedient to
United States imperialism.
"Conversely, if the adventure should fail,
then with the strength of the Chiang gang
greatly reduced, United States imperialism
would be able the more easily to attain the aim
it has been pursuing for many years, namely,
the realization of its plot of 'two Chinas,' by
kicking out Chiang Kai-shek and using a new
puppet to take over Taiwan."
In other words, no matter what the United
States does, it can't lose. Clearly, Mao's public

plained that the Rockefeller and Swainson
amendments violated a gentlemen's agreement
made previously to adopt a milder stand, and
threatened to filibuster. If the conference per-
sists in considering such matters, he said,
"you may put in jeopardy the future attendance
of some governors."
BUFORD ELLINGTON of Tennessee, who
voted last year for a similar civil rights
resolution, added he was "getting tired of hav-
ing to restate my position."
Whereupon Ray Keyser of Vermont tried to
get unanimous consent to bypass the resolu-
tion and proceed to other matters. Elmer An-
derson of Minnesota objected.
Then John Notte of Rhode Island tried to
force Hollings to stand at the rostrum, instead
of speaking while seated in a chair. Chairman
Welsey Powell of New Hampshire ruled against
MARK HATFIELD of Oregon inquired if
there was any rule permitting unlimited
debate. Powell said there was no rule limiting
Pat Brown of California asked how long
Hollings would be allowed to continue. Powell
hoped that in this matter "the rule of reason
will reply."
Brown tried to interrupt again. Powell gavel-
led him down. "The governor of South Carolina
will proceed."
"Thank you, Mr. Chairman," Hollings said.
"That's a good rule of reason," he said, and
said, and said .. .
THIS SORT OF BYPLAY of course makes
the processes of government and the gov-
ernors look ludicrous. Besides this scintillating
debate, the governors managed to reaffirm their
support of God in the face of the recent
Supreme Court ruling, and also failed to
pass a resolution to abolish resolutions.
The value of the conference appears to be
about zero. Instead of its potential as a com-
mon meeting ground to discuss mutual prob-
lems and concerns, with perhaps new and
better ideas for action governmental emerging,
the convention is nothing more than a carnival
and a handy spot for ambitious governors to
secure a few promises for support for their
congressional or presidential aspirations.
Instead of engaging in meaningful discussion,
the delegates wallow in fruitless resolutions

At the gentle but uncompromis-
ing hint of legislators, the Univer-
sity finds itself this summer mak-
ing the final plans for conversion
into year-round operation.
Already committed, harried ad-
ministrators must decide how
many students and faculty mem-
bers would attend an expanded
third term, which units and de-
partments could actually go on
trimester, and exactly how much
year-round operation would cost-
and all this has to be figured out
by fall.
For as soon as the administra-
tors complete making allocations
for the 1962-63 budget (approved
just last Friday by the Regents),
they will have to start planning
the '63-64 requested budget.
Since budget requests are 'tra-
ditionally submitted to the State
Legislature sometime in October,
there will be little time between
the completion of the coming aca-
demic year's budget and the
month of October.
* * *
AND when the administrators
finally emerge from the mass of
data and factors tied up with tri-
mester plans, they may very well
find that the University will have
to postpone, or junk completely,
the proposed year-round opera-
tion, because the financial, facul-
ty and student participation and
department restructuring prob-
lems appear at this time to be al-
most insurmountable.
The chief stumbling block, as
usual, is the Legislature. It was
widely speculated in campus cir-
cles that the economy-minded
legislators, striving to spend
money more efficiently, practically
forced the University into a full-
year calendar.
It is this self-same body, how-
ever, that may squelch trimester
prospects. An expanded operation
itself will need more money - at
least $1 million, in all probabil-
ity - and in view of the Legisla-
ture's insufficient revenues and
reluctance to part with same, it

may be hopeless for administra-
tors to get the extra funds neces-
THIS year, for instance,- the Re-
gents sharply raised tuition rates,
deriving around $1.9 million by
this move. But in spite of prior of-
fers by legislators to match any
increase from tuition, and in spite
of another concession by the Uni-
versity to limit out-of-state enroll-
ment, the Legislature could come
up with only ab$36.7 million ap-
propriation, about $1.3 million
higher than last year's.
The extra money will be allot-
ted to raise faculty and staff sal-
aries, and provide much-needed
funds for the libraries. These
needs will not diminish in the
years to come; they will probably
multiply. Hence, it seems futile
to expect that the Legislature next
year will be able to grant the cus-
tomary $1.5 million or so increase,
plus another $1 million to finance
year-round operation.
There is alsora slight catch in
just who is going to attend the
summer session in lieu of a fall or
spring term. This predicament
could be easily solved, of course,
if the administrators made all-
year attendance mandatory, or
else offered required courses only
in the summer. But these methods
are obviously too stern.
* * *
AT PRESENT, about 12,000 stu-
dents are attending the summer
session. Most are graduate stu-
dents, with commitments either
to research contracts or to fami-
lies. Any increase in summer en-
rollment will have to come from
the undergraduate level.
With jobs or a desire to get
away from school predominant,
however,, many undergraduates
simply would not want to partici-
pate in the expanded summer
term. Theoretically, they could at-
tend the summer session, then
leave the campus during the fall
or spring semesters, but in prac-
tice jobs and pleasure are restrict-
ed mainly to summer.,

And there is the question of
which faculty ' members would
teach a summer session. It is im-
possible for instructors to work
three conseuctive semesters; it
was tried in World War II and
didn't succeed. To solve this di-
lemma, the summer session would
be split into halves, each with
complete courses. Nevertheless,
faculty members would have to
be away during either one of the
split sessions, thus diluting the
quality of the material offered.
EVEN if the University somehow
were to get enough money and
student and faculty participation,
another crucial problem would re-
main in a full-year operation, as
academic departments and schools
would have considerable difficulty
in adjustment. Courses would have
to be refitted into a semester sev-
eral weeks shorter, thus sacrific-
ing thoroughness and perspicacity.
Physical problems would
abound. How would a small school
like the social work school or ar-
chitecture and design college pos-
sibly expand its offerings to cover
three full terms? How would the
education school, with its facili-
ties in conventionally-scheduled
University High School, align its
time arrangements? If a trimester
really would benefit a large sec-
tion such as the literary college or
engineering college, why wasn't
the move made before-especially
since the Medical School, for one,
is already functioning year-
But, in spite of all these prob-
lems, work is being done anyway
to prepare for trimester. Deans
are busy compiling figures on how
the problems of instruction in
such a system would be solved.
Surveys to determine student
opinion are being planned. And
soon the administrators will be-
gin their agonizing study of the
Somehow, one gets the feeling
that all these labors will be for

for a low tariff trading area com-
prising in various arrangements
the non-Communist world.
* * *
IT IS probable that this creat-
ive movement in the Western
world will acquire a momentum
which will soon carry the trans-
Atlantic partnership to a critical
problem which will have to be
solved in the near future. It will
have to be solved if the enlarged
trading arrangements are to work.
The expanding . world economy
must have a more stable and a
more adequate world currency.
In order to do away with the
chronic exchange troubles which
now plague sterling and the dol-
lar, there will have to be some
kind of international reserve sys-
tem which does for the world
economy what our own Federal
Reserve System does for our own
national economy.
It has been increasingly evident
that the gold withdrawals and the
so-called vulnerability of the dol-
lar are an international problem
which could not be solved, even
theoretically, by the United States
alone. This is not a new discovery.
It was foreseen by financial ex-
perts during the war.
M. Monnet and his colleagues
have been at work on it for a long
time, and there is already in ex-
istence highly effective common
action by the central banks to
regulate gold movements. There
is also discussion in Europe and
in Washington which looks for-
ward to the pooling of the mone-
tary reserves of the Common Mar-
ket and from there on to an ar-
rangement with the United States.
* * *
WE SHOULD begin now to pre-
pare our minds for the effort of
solving the international monetary
problem. For while the skilled co-
operation of the central bankers
is dampening, down speculative
attacks against the dollar, there
is no use hiding it from ourselves
that in the financial markets of
the world the dollar is regarded as
Between 1949 and 1960 foreign
gold reserves and dollar holdings
had risen some $27 billion, and of
that amount the United States
contributed more than $21 billion
in the form of gold withdrawals
and short term liabilities con-
verted into gold.
THE OPERATION to redistribute
gold has had to come to an end
because under the rules of the
game as, for good but transient
reasons, we chose to play it, it is a
one-way street. Anyone, except
an American citizen, who has
American dollars can convert
them into gold.
The dollar is not vulnerable be-
cause President Eisenhower and
President Kennedy, jointly or sev-
erally, are less virtuous and re-
sponsible than they should be. The
dollar is vulnerable because we
are attempting to operate uni-
laterally a gold exchange standard
for the whole non-Communist
world. The time has come to share
the burden by agreeing on a multi-
lateral gold exchange standard.
There is a need to put an end
and there is an opportunity to put
an end to the chronic exchange
troubles inLondon and New York
-with the overhanging threats of
international deflation, or of ex-
change control, or of emergency
restrictive tariffs, or of devalua-
There is no imminent threat of
any of these disasters. But be-
cause these disasters are not ex-
cluded by formal and public in-
stitutional measures-such as an
international reserve system-we
are entering what promises to be
a period of greatly expanding
world trade and of economic
growth with unsteady nerves and
with diminished confidence.
(c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.

THE PROBLEM with a concert,
as with any performance, is to
bring all the good things together
at once. For most of last night's
concert in Rackham Auditorium
the Stanley Quartet fell just
slightly short of this goal. But
there were enough scattered
goodies around t make their re-
turn after a year's absence more
than just slightly welcome.
It is a strange vicissitude of
happenstance naming that Mo-
zart's Quartet in D, K. 575,should
be called Prussian; for this is one
of the gentlest, quietest quartets
we know. Three of the movements
are marked allegretto, even. This
is as much a state of mind as a
tempo indication, and K. 575 is
allegretto all the way -'and so
were three of the performers. To
these ears Mr. Ross's tone was so
much more controlled than we re-
call. It was as though he were
playing a different instrument.
Mr. Rosseels was every bit his
FOR THE 'cello of Mr. Jelinek
we have nought but admiration.
"Tough but oh so gentle" comes
to mind, for he provides a firm
bass when that is his role and
richly singing melodies projected
through the other instruments
when they come his way with
never a touch of stridency to mar
his tone.
The varieties of his pizzicato
are a summer festival. The only
flaw in this work was the viola,
which Mr. Courte could not seem
to keep from scratching.
The recalcitrant instrument was
finally tamed for the next work,
Quartet No. 4 by Walter Piston.
The performance was very nearly
definitive. But the definiendum
was scarcely worth the trouble.
THE PIECE has more substance
than much Piston, but it remains
a musicianly exercise more than
a composition. The first movement
is the most interesting. It is a so-
nata in which the first subject is
a kind of musical fog from which
the main theme gradually emerges.
At the recapitulation the theme
reappears, clearly visible through
the fog, a novel touch. The slow
movement is lovely, reminiscent of
the arch movements of Bartok, but
this is frightened Bartok.
How different the third move-
ment of the Brahms Quartet in
B flat, Opus 67, which closed the
program. Here, using the simplest
means, such as the viola ringing
clearly against muted violins and
'cello pizzicato, the composer has
wrought fantastic subtlety and va-
riety of color.
-J. Philip Benkard
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Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
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Preliminary Examinations in English'
Applicants for the PhD in Eng. who
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in the Sum. Sess. of 2962 should leave
(Continued on Page 4)


4 1



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