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June 28, 1962 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1962-06-28

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Rusk Goodwill Mission
Seeks to Reach Accord
On U.S.-Portugal Strife

Hit Farm Program
At Estes Hearings
Godfrey Criticizes Administration
For Neglecting Committee System
WASHINGTON 0A)-An Agriculture Department official lashed
out at the Eisenhower Administration yesterday as Senate Investiga-
tors opened hearings into the multimillion dollar operations of Billie
Sol Estes.
Horace D. Godfrey, administrator of the Agricultural Stabilization
and Conservation Service, said he accepted his job under the Kennedy
Administration to help rescue the Farmer Committee System from
"eight years of neglect and outright knifing by the previous Adminis-
tration." These committees are local groups which help administer
farm programs.
Godfrey's remark brought a protest from Republican Sen. Karl E.
Mundt of South Dakota, who accused Godfrey of taking advantage of
his appearance at the Estes hear-
mgtoaeve ~ oitiaistm

Discusses Reading Conference



To Continue
With Salazar
Secretary Visits Allies
On Euronean Tri

Associated Press Education Writer
CHAMPAIGN-A national con-
ference called by James B. Conant
last September to discuss the
Leaching of reading has been de-
scribed by one of the participants
as "a complete whitewash of
everything that is wrong with
reading instruction today."
Mrs. Margaret H. Greenman
said the conference report, to be
published soon, "is an attempt to
tell parents, your child is getting
the best possible instruction. Why
are you complaining?'"
Mrs. Greenman, director of ele-
mentary education in the Cham-
paign schools, said her dispute with
o t h e r conference participants
stems from their insistence on en-
dorsing whole-word recognition-
the so-called "look-say" method
-as the single best way of begin-
ning reading instruction.
Sponsored Conference
The conference was sponsored
by the Carnegie Corp. of New York,
and held there last September.
Twenty - eight experts on the

teaching of reading attended. The
chairman was Conant, former
president of Harvard University
and author of widely read reports
on the American high school and
junior high.
"It was stated specifically, and
several times," Mrs. Greenman said
in an interview, "that the purpose
of the conference was not to dis-
cuss the methods of teaching read-
ing, but only those things which
are part of a good reading pro-
"Yet, the final report insists on
endorsing one single method of
beginning reading instruction -
while at the same time trying to
say there is no single best meth-
Phonetic Approach
The Champaign schools more
than 10 years ago adopted a
phonetic approach to reading in-
instruction in which the children
learn to attack words by their
sounds. Some familiar words such
as "mother" and "father" are
learned by sight, but the emphasis
is always on phonetic analysis.

ing to deliver a poitical stump

WINDS UP TOUR-Secretary of State Dean Rusk (left) will meet
with Premier Antonio de Olveira Salazar (right) and other Portu-
guese leaders in an attempt to iron out some of the differences be-
tween the United States and Portugal.
S Government Troops Fail
I V NOffensie
SAIGON (A)-A four-day major land-air-water offensive against
pro Communist guerrilla jungle strongholds ended yesterday in ex-
haustion and frustration for Government troops.
They claimed little concrete military success.
The Government reported 43 Viet Cong rebels were killed and 26
{ captured by the 2,300-man South Viet Nam task force that struck at
three peninsulas in the Mekong River Delta region 50 miles south of

il . d E"1' FStatement Was Proper
LISBON (P)-Secretary of State Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark),
Dean Rusk flew to this problem- chairman of the SenateInvestiga-
filled country yesterday on a mis- tions Subcommittee, told Godfrey
sion to iron out some of the dif- he possibly went a little afield but
ferences which have all but de- "most of your statement was quite
stroyed the once close friendship proper" and added that no great
between the United States and harm has been done.
Portugal. Meanwhile, in Pecos, Tex., the
Rusk is winding up here. a 10- felony theft trial which Billie Sol
day tour among European allies Estes requested halted abruptly
of the United States, a tour on yesterday and Judge J. H. Star-
which he has touched on such ley said he will transfer the case
topics as Berlin, nuclear strategy out of this area-possibly to Ty-
and the Common Market. Here the ler, 480 miles east.
talk could range over Goa, Angola Judge Starley said Tyler was
and The Azores. agreeable to attorneys for both
Runk ThndAortugs. slesides but no order would be issued
Rusk and Portuguese leaders, i- until approval could be obtained
cluding Premier Antonio de Ohi- from Judge Otis T. Dunagan of
veira Salazar, will attempt during Tyler.T
Rusk's 22 hours inn Lisbon to ex- Not Immediately Available
ndersthed possibilities of closer The Tyler judge was not imme-
un detandings. diately available for a decision.
In effect Rusk and his official The new trial date will not be
host, Foreign Minister Franco set until after the case is trans-
Nogueira, will renew conversations ferred. Judge Starley said he will
they started last May at a North not sign the transfer order until
Atlantic Treaty Organization July 23.
meeting in Athens. Postponement Requested
Renewal of the agreement per- The postponement of his felony
mitting operation of United States theft trial was requested by at-
military bases in the Azores is at torneys for the 37-year-old Pecos
stake here. Covering facilities on promoter.
which the United States has ex- They said questioning of pros-
pended more than $100 million, pective jurors indicated knowledge
the agreement is due to expire at of Estes' activities is so widespread
the end of this year. it would be impossible to obtain a
One sore point in Portugal is fair trial in Pecos at this time.
that the United States and other The defense joined the state in
fellow members of the North At- opposing a transfer, however, say-
lantic Treaty Organization kept on ing it preferred to try the case in
the sidelines when India's armed this county.
forces seized Goa last December. The financier is accused of bilk-
Another is American criticism of ing a Reeves County farmer,
Portugal's position in Africa, par Thomas A. Bell, of $162,144 in a
ticularly in operations to put down purchase agreement involving
the revolt in its colony of Angola. liquid fertilizer tanks.



U.S. Astronaut
To Orbit Earth,
For Six Laps
WASHINGTON ()-The United
States announced yesterday plans
to try late this summer the next
big step in its man-in-space pro-
gram, a six-orbit journey around
the earth ending in mid-Pacific.
Navy Cmdr. Walter M. Schirra
Jr., a 39-year-old veteran combat
pilot, was picked as the astronaut.
If he is unable to make the flight,
his backup pilot, Air Force Capt.
L. Gordon Cooper, 36, will be in
the capsule.
The decision, to go ahead with
the six-orbit mission apparently
wag reached only in recent days.
Two weeks ago Civilian Space
} Chief James E. Webb told a con-
gressional hearing that if he had
to make a decision then he would
order more three-orbit flights. He
did not rule out six orbits as the
next. project.
However, the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration did
not say flatly that the flight will
be launched as a six-orbit mission,
only that "we are hoping and plan-
ning for a six-orbit flight."
"We believe that another three-
orbit mission will increase consid-
erably our growing knowledge of
space flights," said Dr. Brainard
Holmes, director of manned space
flight for NASA. "Anything more
than three orbits should be con-
sidered a bonus."

Saigon. There were no official es-
timates of government losses.
Government forces were backed
up by United States helicopters,
naval units and 40 United States
military advisors in the offensive.
One Jump Ahead
The elusive rebels managed to
keep one jump ahead of Vietna-
mese troops and fought only de-
laying battles.
United States advisers said one
objective of the offensive was to
clear the area of guerrillas. Thougl
this failed, Americans claimec
partial success for the huge opera-
tion that started Sunday.
Apparently feeling it impossible
to root out every guerrilla in South
Viet Nam's jungle and swamps,
the Government is putting the
greatest stress on "strategic ham-
lets," where peasants are being
trained to defend themselves
against rebel attacks.
While this effort is under way,
the Army's job is to prevent reg-
ular guerrilla units from forming
up for all-out attacks oni hamlets
and other Government installa-
tions. In this respect, the four-
day offensive succeeded, the Unit-
ed States advisor said.
Fled without Packs
The guerrilla unitsascattered.
Red officers fled without packs
and map cases and single soldiers
often were seen scooting out at
one end of a village as Govern-
ment troops entered the other end.
It will be weeks before the guer-
rilla commander regroups his units
and replaces equipment lost to in-
vaders' torches. Government troops
made no effort to hold ground they
won, but moved on quickly trying
to overtake the lightly equipped
fast-moving guerrillas.

Report Drug
Fights Virus
CHICAGO (P)-A relatively sim-
ple compound that blocks some vi-
ruses as effectively as antibiotics
knocks out bacteria was described
yesterday to the American Medical
Dr. Herbert E. Kaufman said the 1
anti-viral drug-the first chemi-
cal agent proved effective against
any true virus disease-resulted in
apparent cures in 87 cases of a
virus disease known as Herpes
Simplex Keratitis.
He told a news conference at
the AMA convention that the com-
pound-identified as 5-Iodo-2-
Deoxyuridine (IDU)-will be test-
ed against many virus diseases, in-
cluding some types of virus formed
Herpes Simplex Keratitis is an
infection of the eye cornea that
causes the transparent tissue toI
turn opaque and develop blinding
scars. ,
The usual treatment has been
the removal of the ulcerated area.a
However, Kaufman said when
the anti-viral compound was ap-
plied directly by eye dropper, the
ulcers healed and disappeared in
a large percentage of the cases.1
UN Assembly
Votes Nations'
United Nations General Assembly.
voted independence yesterday toi
two new African countries, Rwan-
da and Burundi.
It decided that on July 1-next
Sunday-they should "emerge as
two independent and sovereign
states" from the Belgian-adminis-
tered United Nations trust terri-
tory of Ruanda-Urundi and that3
Belgium's trusteeship should end..
The resolution setting the datei
was adopted by a smashing vote
of 93-0 with 10 abstentions with
only one United Nations member,
Iceland, absent.
The whole Soviet Bloc abstained
on the final roll call after the As-
sembly voted down a Soviet
amendment calling on Belgium to
withdraw its 900 troops from
Rwanda and Burundi by Indepen-
dence Day.
The amendment was defeated
46-24 with 33 abstentions. Cuba,
Yugoslavia and 12 African and
Asian countries joined the Soviet
bloc in voting for it.
The resolution as recommended
by the Assembly'srTrusteeship
Committee and as adopted by the
Assembly itself called on Belgium
to withdraw the troops by Aug. 1.


State Legislators Boost
Own Salaries by $2000
City Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The House voted itself a pay raise yesterday, approv-
ing by a vote of 57-41 a measure granting a $2000-a-year increase for
each legislator.
After the bill was passed, House Speaker Pears (R-Buchanan)
called the action "extremely unfair to the people." "Here we have
been for the last three days," he

Under the whole-word recogni-
tion approach which swept the na-
tion in the 1930's, the children are
first taught to recognize words by
the way they look. Only after a
number of these words have been
memorized is there any instruc-
tion in phonics. Depending on the
reading books used, this number
may range from 25-30 up to 75-
80 or even more.
Mrs. Greenman said the report
"pays lip service to the use of
phonics, but only after saying that
a good reading teacher begins with
words that are memorized by
Sight Words
"This leaves it up to the teach-
er to decide how many words shall
be learned by sight. The teacher
can start out with 50 or 75 sight
words before introducing phonics.
"And what will we have? More
of the same old thing, the thing
that parents are objecting to so
strenuously today."
This, Mrs. Greenman said, is the
basic difference between the "pho-
netic keys to reading" program
used in Champaign, and the whole-
word recognition system used in
most schools :
"In our pre-primer, the cmld's
first reader, he learns 39 words.
Only seven of these 39 are sight
words which he memorizes; the
other 32 works out phonetically.
In other systems, all 39 of these
words would be memorized.
Vowel Sounds
"In our program, the child starts
out by learning the vowels. In oth-
er systems, he gets the vowel
sounds in the second semester of
the second grade.
"Our first graders learn about
syllables, prefixes, compoun d
words, contractions, suffixes, and
so forth. With other reading pro-
grams, he won't learn these things
until the second or third grade.
"The big difference is that we
teach a child to find out for him-
self what a word is-the sight
word system means that someone
has to tell him."
Mrs. Greenman also said the
Conant report lays the blame for
today's poor instruction in read-
ing on the teacher "instead of the
system, where it belongs."
Mastered Teaching
"The report says the problem is
inexperienced teachers, teachers
who haven't mastered the teach-
ing of reading, large classes, poor
libraries, inadequate equipment,
insufficient books and supplies,
and poor public support.
"All these excuses overlook the
fact that for more than 20 years
we haven't been giving our teach-
ers the proper training in how to
teach reading."

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
TAPEI-Waves of Chinese Nationalist jet fighters flew over Que-
moy yesterday apparently as a warning to Chinese Reds against at-
tempting a new attack on the Nationalist-held offshore island.
The flights were reported, by the Defense Ministry Information
Service, which recalled Nationalist victory claims in air, battles over
Formosa Strait during the Quemoy crisis of 1958.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy appealed urgently
for passage of his trade program yesterday as the House prepared for
a final vote on the measure today. The President said the bill is "vital
to the future of this country." He opened his news conference with a
plea for bipartisan support of the bill and referred to it several times
afterward in a manner that indicated it was uppermost in his thoughts.
WASHINGTON-A shot which may have been the biggest so far
was set off yesterday in the United States nuclear test series in the
Pacific. The announcement from the Atomic Energy Commission and
the Department of Defense described it only as being "in the megaton
yield range." A megaton is the equivalent of 1 million tons of TNT.
* * * *
NEW YORK-The Stock Market rallied briskly near the close of
trading yesterday in a struggle to overcome early losses. The final
pattern was irregular with the popular averages up and declines of in-
dividual stocks exceeding advances.

said, "voting against amendment
after amendment which could in-
crease state spending. Then we
turn around and vote ourselves
a fat $2000 extra a year, when
we don't even know whether we'll
be able to meet our present com-
Speaker Pro Tem Wilfred Bas-
sett (R-Jackson) had earlier de-]
nounced this and all other spend-
ing proposals as "a program for
perpetual insolvency."
Rep. Harry DeMosso (R-Battle
Creek) noted that the pay hike
was tacked onto a major appro-
priation bill, and called it "a
sneaky way to get more money.",
Democrats generally favored the
move; the economy-minded GOP
split 2-1 against it. However, Rep.
Harry Hogan (R-Birmingham)1
and Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-
Ann Arbor) spoke out in favor;
of it, saying if we "are worth our
salt to our constituents, we should
not be afraid to go on record as
favoring the pay we deserve."
They said anyone who voted
against the bill was "hypocritical."
That remark brought House
Ways and Means Committee chair-
man Arnell Engrstrom (R-Tra-
verse City) to his feet. "Just be-
cause I want to see this thing
dealt with out in the open does
not make me a hypocrite," he said.
OAS Claims
Peace Reigns
ALGIERS (/P) -The European
Secret Army Organizationpan-
nounced in a broadcast yesterday
that peace reigns throughout Al-
geria. It called on Europeans who
have fled to return and help the
Moslems reconstruct the country.
The announcement supported an
earlier report from French author-
ities that the terrorist secret or=
ganization had downed arms in

Urges Support
Of Democrats
Former maverick Republican leg-
islator George W. Sallade has an-
nounced he is urging liberal Re-
publicans to support of Democrats
Neil Staebler and Thomas Payne
in their bids for election to Con-
Staebler, who is running for
congressman-at-large against Re-
publican Alvin Bentley, will carry
"immense prestige" to Washington
as a fighter for liberal causes,
Sallade said.
He also announced support for
Payne in his fight against incum-
bent Rep. George Meader (R-Ann
Arbor). Sallade described Meader
as "undistinguished in Congress."

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