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June 28, 1962 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1962-06-28

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n3ljAl, JLIAL' Z8, 1ybG

Sterling Cites New Uses
Of Electronic Computers

RAMAC: Impatient' Aide

Fair Exhibit Shows Trends


"Entirely new avenues for diag-
nosis and treatment" of cancer
are opened by the electric com-
puter, a report given yesterday at
the University's Institute on Can-
cer Control declares.
Dr. Theodore D. Sterling, direc-
tor of the Biomedical Computing
Center at the University of Cin-
cinnati, explained present and fu-
ture uses of computers in cancer
Whenever radiologists plan X-
ray treatments for cancer victims,
Dr. Sterling said, "the treatment of
all patients has improved im-
mensely." The computer helps de-
termine the application of the ra-
Ciation to the afflicted area, cut-
ting down on radiation hitting
halthy tissue.
Defined Field
Coming refinements in compu-
ter technique, he said, "will trans-
Wagman Elected
Officer of ALA
Frederick H. Wagman, director
of the University Library since
1953, has been elected vice-presi-
dent and president-elect of the
American Library Association. He
takes office as president in 1963.
812 Monroe
NO 2-5414

form radiation treatment into a
form of exact surgery."
Dr. Sterling told the Institute,
"Both diagnosis and treatment are
now based on relatively crude ob-
.'rvations of antecedent condi-
tions and their consequences.
"Tools are lacking for finding
the patterns of signs, symptoms
and characteristics that determine
precise diagnoses or the conse-
quences of particular treatments.
These patterns will be unearthed
by the use of computer tech-
Unlimited Field, Too
Dr. Sterling emphasized that it
is impossible to see the limits of
the medical advances possible
through computers.
"We must rely on man's ingenui-
ty to reap dividends which invar-
iably come with his increased
Dr. Frank W. Reynolds is co-
ordinator of the week-long Cancer
Institute, which is being attended
by 50 public health physicians and
nurses, and officers of govern-
ment and voluntary agencies ac-
tive in the field.
The National Cancer Institute,
American Cancer Society and the
Michigan Cancer Coordinating
Commission are among the sev-
eral groups co-sponsoring the In-
stitute with the public health
The Institute will continue its
program today with a lecture on
"Resources for Cancer Control"
at 9 a.m. in the afternoon Prof.
Frank W. Reynolds of the public
health school will give an address
on "Community Cancer Control
Programs" at 1:30 p.m.
Both will be held in Rm. 3042
of the public health school.

"Library 21," an exhibition
sponsored by the American Library
Association at the Seattle World's
Fair, was designed to boost inter-
est and participation in local li-
braries and to show the advance
being made in library science.
The display featured machines
(including photo and microfilm
copying machines, a UNIVAC com-
puter and a modern language lab-j
oratory employing color films as
well as sound recordings) which
will be used in schools and librar-
ies relatively soon, Albert J. Miller
said yesterday.
Miller, taking a graduate course
in library science at the Univer-
sity this summer, is a librarian for
the Butler, Pa., school system and
was recently sent by the ALA to
work at the World's Fair exhibi-
U.S. Pays for Trip
"About 70 librarians will be sent
to the Fair all told," he said.
"Fifteen or so are sent each
month by the ALA. They're select-
ed by local project directors, and
the trips are sponsored by a grant
from the United States Office of
Education," Miller explained.
The librarians operate machin-
ery and show tourists visiting the
"Library 21" display how new tech-
niques are used. However, in addi-
tion, there are some displays at
the exhibition which visitors may
operate themselves.



W e

LIBRARY COMPUTER-The American Library exhibition at the
Seattle World's Fair displays a UNIVAC computer (similar to the
one pictured above) programmed to enable tourists to find out the
titles of reference books on several hundred topics.


-Daily-Michael de Gaetano
HOSPITAL HELPER-Patients don't have to wait for their bills very long at the University Hospital
any more. RAMAC, a computer being rented by the the hospital from a private firm, now produces a
record of patients' bills within 45 seconds, instead of 20 minutes previously needed by non-machine
efforts. There are only four such computers in the country. Although still having "a few bugs," RA-
MAC will by fall keep track of out-patients' bills in addition to the in-patients now processed, hospital
business manager Ernest Laetz said. And within the next two years, it will compile inventory and
budget data as well.



Hold ProgramRECREAT
For English Ann.
Instruction By BRUCE
Leisure time a
The College Entrance Examina- in the Ann Arbor
tion Board, the Extension Service joyed in many
and the English department pre- ranging from ac
sented a conference on advanced tion in the Arb
placement in English last Thurs- down the Huron
day through Saturday. Water, a qua
The program was concerned with Michigan abound
techniques for selection and teach- scene of student
ing of high school students who suit of a healthy
might become eligible for advanced ious aquatic spor
placement in college. Within easy dr
Trask Wilkinson of Brookline, campus there an
Mass., High School emphasized recreation areas c
the necessity of thorough study ferent lakes and
of literature before students can Silver
write well. The Pinckney
He and Roy E. Halladay, As- is located 20 mil
sistant Regional Director of CEEB, campus and con
urged teachers to proceed slowly the largest being
and consult with both students and and the smallerf
their parents. The Brighton

and study breaks
area may be en-
different ways,
casual conversa-
to a canoe trip
antity in which
s, will also be the
merriment, pur-
tan, and of var-
iving distance of
re four different
containing 10 dif-
picnic grounds.
Recreation Area
es west from the
stains two lakes,
Big Silver Lake,
Half Moon Lake.
Recreation Area

American Youth and the
"New Reconstruction"
in the South
Lecture by:
Durham, North Carolina
4:15 P.M. Thursday, June 28
Auditorium D, Angell Hall
Sponsored by the Office of Religious Affairs

Arbor Area Enhances Leisure

is also 20 miles north from the
campus. It has two bathing beach-
es, mnic facilities, and provision
for many outdoor sports. South
Kent Lake is -the largest in this
The Waterloo and Highland
Recreation Areas are the farthest
from the campus, being 30 and 38
miles northwest away, respective-
ly. These areas contain beaches,
extensive woodland, and a water-
fowl sanctuary.
Sport Skills
For the less-rugged individual,!
there are many opportunities for
Schwartz Sets
Talk on Russia
Harry Schwartz, member of the
New York Times editorial board
and an authority on the Soviet
Union, will speak on "Political and
Economic Tensions in the USSR"
at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. A.
Schwartz has just returned from
accompanyinghSoviet Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev on the Russian
leader's recent tour of Rumania.
He is also an author of "Red Phoe-
nix" and other works on the So-
viet Union.
The lecture, open to the public,
is being sponsored jointly by the
Summer Session and by the Cen-
ter for Russian Studies.

indoor sports and learning new
skills and handicrafts. Men can
swim at the Michigan Union from
noon to 9 p.m. daily. Women can
swim at the Women's pool from
5:20 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. Monday
and Wednesday; from 4 p.m. to 6
p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday;
and from 8:10 to 9 p.m. Monday
through Thursday.
For the student who craves a
more intellectual form of relaxa-
tion, pool, billiards, and chess are
offered at the Union.
For the new, and older student,'
the campus itself offers many at-
tractions. A visit to any one of the
museums will occupy an after-
noon's time. The Natural History
Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. daily except Sunday, when it
opens at 1 p.m. and closes at 5
p.m. The Kelsey Museum is open
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily
Law Quad
The Law Quadrangle, contain-
ing four buildings in collegiate
Gothic style, isnan attraction for
the new students
The Phoenix Memorial Labora-
tory, housing the one million watt
nuclear reactor, is interesting for
the new visitor and old alike.
The University's fine library sys-
tem, acclaimed the world over, is
an attraction for visitors, as are
the periodic concerts of the bells
in Burton Tower.
The 100,000 seat Stadium is also
of interest to many sightseers.

"That's why so many came to
the 'Library 21' building-they lik-
ed the souvenirs they received from
us. Between 50,000 and 60,000 peo-
ple came to the displays daily dur-
ing the time I was there, and more
than 68,000 Fair visitors were re-
ported to have come to our ex-
hibit one day," Miller added.
These displays, which attract the
bulk of "Library 21" visitors, prom-
ise relief for students suffering
nervous exhaustion and writer's
cramp incurred during long and
often futile searches for reference
one display, a UNIVAC compu-
ter, was programmed especially to
aid people having to do a lot of
reference work.
Provides Information
There are three programs in the
machine's "memory" section.
The first section, "World Gaze-
teer," provides the titles of ref-
erence information on more than
90 nations.
The second, "Great Ideas," gives
names of works by ancient and
modern philosophers and men of
letters on "Man, Happiness, Pun-
ishment, Family, Liberty, and
The last section is a "Personal-
ized Reading List," which permits
a researcher to learn of informa-
tion on almost any other given
For Second Wait
Miller wanted information on
mental health and, after having
filled out the appropriate informa-
tion cards for "Personalized Read-
ing," he had to wait about four
seconds for the computer to be
fed the information and was im-
mediately presented with a list of
eight books on mental health.
He added that this was probably
the most popular display.,
The exhibit also featured a lan-
guage laboratory showing a film

entitled "Je Parle Francais," de-
signed to aid people learning ele-
mentary French.
Three Dimensional Learning
"The idea behind this type of
language lab, as opposed to one
like the University's, is that this
provides three dimensional lan-
guage learning and permits; the
pupil to learn more about French
culture and scenery," Miller said.
"However, despite its expense,
many schools are considering hav-
ing it installed since it really is
quite effective," he added.
"Library 21" also had operating
a display showing the use of mi-
crocards, small plastic cards (about
2.5 by four inches) on which re-
duced reproductions of normal-
sized pages are stored.
On one microcard it is possible
to have reproductions of about 48
Fine for Cribbing
Naturally, it is possible to read
these only through the use of a
machine designed to enlarge the
reproductions. "Otherwise, they'd
be fine for cribbing on exams,"
Miller admitted.
An exhibit of some of Miller's
souvenirs from his work at the*
Fair will be on display at the Gen-
eral Library next week, he said.
Wickens To View
School Psychology
Prof. Delos D. Wickens of the
Ohio State University psycholpgy
department will lecture on impli-
cations for classroom teaching of
research and theory on the psy-
chology of learning at. 2 p.m. to-
day in Aud. A. The lecture is one
in a series of talks included in
the mathematics education sum-
mer series.


B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
1429 Hill
TONIGHT at 7:30
The first in a series of MOVIE NIGHTS
"THE HIGH WALL" a psychological
case study of a young bigot.
viewpoint on antisemitism

Abolish Hours for Seniors,
Change Other Regulations





- --------------


(Continued from Page 1)
Women's Judic Chairman Bar-
bara Portnoy, '63, said yesterday
that she was generally satisfied
with the OSA action.
She commented that the deci-
sion on freshman hours "was the
best compromise that could be ar-
rived at," and said that only two
other "minor" matters-revision of
overnight permissions and having
women guests during periods when

. s

;; -j


r .
Get off your
high horse...

at 9 P.M.
We will present a brand new feature film
with a cast of favorite stars. It cannot be
named, but we believe it is destined to be
one of the year's best motion picture com-
Come at 7 or 9 p.m.
See regular feature and preview at no extra
cost. "BIG RED" shown before and after
sneak preview.


DIAL Features Start
2-6264 at 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10
7:15 and 9:25



invites you to attend
a mixer on Friday,
June 29 at 8:00 P.M.
331 Thompson St.
daily except Sun.
at the

school is not in session-were not
Provisions for signing out have
been revised so that a woman may
accumulate up to 10 late minutes
per semester without 'penalty. Aft-
er 10monutes, however, she must
serve an hour and a half of late
Set Meeting
Miss Portnoy and other Judic
officials will attempt to meet with
Mrs. Davenport during orienhttion
week so that the changes can be
made as soon as possible.
They had met once shortly after
the close of the spring semester to
arrive at a consensus on the basic
decision. Mrs. Davenport said at
that time the changes would prob-
ably be made, then announced the
final decision yesterday as a copy
of the revised set of women's rules
came by mail from Miss Portnoy:
Mrs. Davenport elaborated on
the difficulty facing the institu-
tion of the new regulations.
The toughest problem, of course,
is the protection of senior women's
privileges from abuse by others.
"One suggestion was that all
seniors live in one dorm," she
said. "This, however, would ob-
viously restrict their freedom."
Another possibility was to estab-
lish some sort of electronic eye,
with seniors provided punch cards
to be able to get in and out the
doors. But this idea, too, didn't
pan out, Mrs. Davenport said.
So additional personnel will have
to be used. "The question is what
kind of personnel."






DIAL 8-6416

The love af fairs
of three women-
marital.., premarital..
and one marveloussurprisel

.' ,


Three wonderful stories by



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