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June 27, 1962 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1962-06-27

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Coordinating Council'
Faces Challenge

TWO WEEKS AGO, about 20 men from all
over the state convened in Ann Arbor to
thrash out some of the most crucial issues pres-
sing down on higher education in Michigan.
The group was the Coordinating Council for
Higher Education, and from its meeting
emerged the first step in what could be a revo-
lution in the relationship between the colleges
and the State Legislature, and in relations be-
tween the colleges themselves.
The council, composed of the president and
a representative from the governing board for
each of the 10 state-supported schools, faces
and attempts to solve what can only be termed
a most vexing problem: how to approach Legis-
lators with a common set of operational figures
and a common confidence in negotiating for
appropriations, yet retain the t r a d t o n a 1
autonomy both in policy-making freedom from
the Legislature and in each college's autonomy
from each other.
When the council approved a cooperative
plan in graduate medical education two weeks
ago, a healthy first step was taken in coming to
grips with the basic problem.
THE PROGRAM, which won't start until at
least 1964, calls for coordination between
the University and Michigan State and Wayne
State Universities in the last two years of med-
ical school instruction. Students seeking a doc-
torate would remain at MSU for the entire four
years, but students striving for medical degree
would transfer to the University or WSU for
the final semester of the first two years, then
seek admission for their final two years at, in,
or out of state colleges.
This setup is interesting and important for a
number of reasons. First of all, the council
handled with considerable finesse traditional
complaints by the Legislature on the construc-
tion of new medical facilities.
Legislators have in the past looked with
much askance upon a third four-year medical
school in the state, and have opposed MSU's
plans for a two-year medical school for fears
that it would grow into a four-year operation.
Early this month, the Senate finally relented
and allowed MSU to construct its Institute of
Biology and Medical Science, although specific-
ally restricting it to a two-year program.
BUT THE NEW GRADUATE cooperative ed-
ucation plan, while remaining within the
letter of the Legislative decree, seems to possess
most of the spirit of a four-year medical educa-
tion. True enough, only the first two years of
medical school, plus the non-clinical doctorate
program, will be offered at MSU. But this
course schedule is inexorably linked to the on-
going four-year programs at the University and
WSU, and whose net effect will be to increase
the number of four-year graduates and to con-
solidate and strengthen the facilities for a com-
plete medical education program. The council's
adroitness at countering the Legislative reluct-
ance for medical school expansion should there-
f re be noted.
A second noteworthy feature of the coordin-
ating group's decision was its square and un-
WITH ITS USUAL MYOPIA, the state Senate
agreed to raise legislative salaries $2,000 be-
fore going home. Feeling like a pauper who just
.inherited a substantial legacy, the Senate hav-
ing approved a $76 million nuisance tax pack-
age decided to spend some of the money-on
There are many reasonable arguments for
the pay raise-the increasing personal expense
of lengthening legislative sessions and the de-
sire to draw better men into the Legislature, to
just name two of them-but the $280,000 spent
could be used elsewhere for the betterment of
the state.
T'HIS MONEY, FOR EXAMPLE, could provide
more bed space at the state's crowded mental
hosnital. Or it could raise the salaries of the
state's 280 top college and university professors
$1000 and thereby retain them. The funds could
also be used to provide 28 more welfare case
workers in Wayne County, resulting in better
use of state welfare aid to counties.
The legislators certainly have a good case for

increased pay. However, the needs of the state
come first. It is a matter of priorities.
Editorial Staff
FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .................. Co-Editor
PETER STEINBERGER .................... Co-Editor
AL JONES . .,........................ Sports Editor
CYNTHIA NEU .......................... Night Editor
GERALD STIORCH ...................... Night Editor
PHILIP SUTIN ....................... Night Editor
DENISE WACKER,..................... Night Editor

flinching consideration of basic, but unpleas-
ant, facts concerning the future of health facil-
ities in Michigan. At present, the state produces
only 3.3 per cent of the nation's trained medical
students, while possessing 4.4 per cent of its
population. In 10 years, the state will have 4.9
percent of the country's population, with no
immediate prospects for raising its total of
medical graduates to a comparable figure. By
1975, the council's report said, Michigan will
have to more than double its current total of
248 graduates to 539 if it is going to produce
its fair share.
recommended that capital construction pro-
grams at the University and WSU be started to
expand medical education facilities, and reiter-
ated a proposal (which has been made by four
previous study groups) that the state authorize
a third four-year medical school. Whether the
action needed to alleviate the future crisis in
medical training will be taken or not is of
course up to the Legislature; but the council
deserves commendation for its confrontation
with the hard facts and the measures it out-
lined to provide a sound basis for health
Last, and most important of all, the council's
proceedings and recommendations were made
voluntarily. No Legislators or doctors' group
pressured the council into making its study. Its
decision was made on its own initiative, on the
basis of what it considered were pertinent facts
and trends, not by tricky behind-the-scenes
politics or a belated, defensive response to out-
side demands.
. As Marvin L. Niehuss, University executive
vice-president, has noted, the medical coordin-
ation plan was the first concrete, implement-
able decision which has come from the council,
as the group has been in formal existence now
for only five months.
AND IT IS MOVING AHEAD in other crucial
fronts. A council committee is attempting
to formulate a uniform accounting procedure,
so that for the first time budget requests from
all schools will be made with a functional
classification, thus replacing the non-compar-
able hodgepodge of colleges' data which makes
confusion rife in the Legislature. The council
is also striving to consolidate further the ex-
tension service programs undertaken through-
out Michigan by the 10 state-supported schools.
Given the council's brief existence, such pro-
gress'is remarkable. But already there are at
least two clear dangers in its operations.
The first is the tendency to adopt a common
policy on non-concrete issues. For instance, a
committee was appointed at the last meeting to
look into the possibilities of enscting a uniform
stand t o w a r d s controversial (Communist)
speakers. The issue is so complex that little
more than exchange of information will prob-
ably come out of the committee. But if a com-
mon policy were to be adopted, it would be a
great mistake.
ACADEMIC FREEDOM is a lonely battle. It
is something which each individual and each
educational institution must ponder and decide
for itself. It is too easy to hide behind a com-
mon policy, too easy to make decisions upon an
emotional matter by pointing to a previous
binding decision, thus shirking the poignant
human issues. There should be no common
policy on speakers, as there is nothing in such
matters which directly involves inter-university
The problem is one which each college must
face separately, and the coodinating council
should stick to functions (such as budget re-
quests) which necessitate by their very nature
cooperation among the state-supported uni-
A second danger is also implicit in the coun-
cil: the larger schools are dominating the
smaller ones. The only decision which has gone
beyond the discussion stage has been the one
on medical education, involving only the "big
three" universities. Most of the work on uni-
form accounting is also being done by business
officials at the large universities. The director
of the council's committee on extension services
is Everett J. Soop, who is also the head of the
University's program in this area. And, at the
last meeting, discussion by representatives
from the small schools was conspicuous mostly
by its absence.

BUT THIS IS PERHAPS not an overwhelming
danger, for the very reason that the three
large schools are in fact the dominating in-
fluence on higher education in Michigan, in
policy and in practice. Some representation is
given to the community colleges, and voting
power is distributed equally among the 10
schools. Hopefully, the small institution will
take a more active role on the council in the
Overall, the coordinating council is doing
some vital work for Michigan's educational
system. For if the colleges and universities
don't solve their own problems, somebody else
will do it for them., }
University President Harlan Hatcher recently
wrote, "The nation is watching to see what

" And Whatsoever House I Enter (Excepting Those
Participating In The Administration Medicare Plan)"
4 ( \
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(EDITOR'S NOTE - This is the
first of a two-part series dealing.
with the future of Algeria.)
Daily Staff Writer
SUNDAY the voters of Algeria
will go to the polls to, in all
likelihood, cut the country's ties
with France. The vote for in-
dependence will mark the victory
of the FLN, the Algerian liberation
movement, after eight years of
deadly debilitating war.
The voters will have three
1) Full independence;
2) A commonwealth arrange-
ment with France; or
3) Retention of the current
status as a department of France.
* * *
THE OUTCOME is quite assured
as the Moslem population, the ma-
jority of Algeria's people, have
long been behind the independ-
ence movement. Only the most die-
hard of the Europeans still active-
ly favor the retention of Algeria's
semi-colonial status as even the
Secret Army Organization has
abandoned the country to the Mos-
Sunday's vote climaxes the long
struggle of Algeria's Moslems to
gain full citizenship status in the
land of their birth. The French
have held Algeria more strenuously
than any of her other colonies,
considering it part of metropoli-
tan France rather than a depend-
This sentiment made the Alger-
ian War all the more bitter. The
French, who had taken the land
in 1830 after clearing the Barbary
Coast pirates from the western
Mediterranean, settled there. They
developed the barren land into
prosperous farms and cities and
developed the minerals of the
desert. After 130 years of resi-
dence, the Frenchman of Algeria
"I BELIEVE that every right im-
plies a responsibility; every op-
portunity, an obligation; every
possession, a duty."
-John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Address in behalf of
United Service Organizations
July 8, 1941

Did Billy Graham Bring
The Lord to Chicago?

felt it was his home, not some
colony he was exploiting.
* * *
ADDED to the French were
"pied-nors," Mediterranean peo-
ples of many nationalities who
had mingled and settled in Algeria.
Many had been drifters around the
Mediterranean region. This was
their home and they were passion-
ately attached to it.
Although there had been spor-
adic insurrections previously, the
Algerian War did not get under-
way until Nov. 1, 1954 when the
FLN attacked the army base of
Tizi Ouzou. The war spread quick-
ly and within two years the FLN
had effective control of most rural
areas. -
However, the war in the cities
and its immediately surrounding
areas took on a bitter aspect. Both
sides showed no scruples. The FLN
shot unarmed civilians. The French
army adopted Gestapo methods to
fight such guerrilla action, setting
up Algerian concentration camps
from which many prisoners never
* * *
AFTER the Algerian War drag-
ged on for four years at the cost
of $2 million a day, the army de-
cided to take measures into its
own hands. With the help of Al-
gerian supporters and apathetic
and divided Frenchmen, it brought
down the inept Fourth Republic
and installed Charles de Gaulle
in its place, hoping that he would
lead them to victory.
But de Gaulle was a realist and
a Frenchman. Shortly after his
rise to power he began to make
moves towards the only possible
settlement - Algerian independ-
First he set up the French com-
munity, a British commonwealth
type of association of newly-freed
French African and Asian colonies.
Then through several referendums
set up the self determination policy
which will culminate in Sunday's
THIS was a radical change in
policy that could not be easily ef-
fected. But with the help of a new
strong-executive government de-
signed for himself and loyal sup-
port of metropolitan France, de
Gaulle managed to turn two Al-
gerian army revolts to his own ad-
In 1961 de Gaulle began secret
negotiations with the FLN, either
in France or Switzerland. The ne-
gotiations were touchy, especially

on the guarantees to Frenchmen
in Algeria and the division of min-
eral rights for oil discovered in
the Sahara.
Last March an agreement was
reached and the long, bitter eight-
year war was, for all practical pur-
poses, over,
* * *
dominated by Moslems, was creat-
ed to run Algeria until a self-de-
termination referendum could be
held. A Moslem police force was
established to maintain order un-
til the new government took over
and the French army was phased
out of the Algerian scene.
But the European population re-
fused to concur with these agree-
ments. Extremist former army of-
ficers and "pied-nors" with the
sanction of the European popula-
tion formed the Secret Army to
disrupt the March agreements, and
that having failed, to destroy Al-
geria before the Moslems took the
country over.
Moslems were shot indiscrimin-
ately, homes were shelled, and
plastic bombs were exploded, but
the Moslem population, knowing
the victory was theirs, maintained
their patience and the Secret Ar-
my failed in its first mission. Now
they are actively destroying the
country and encouraging the Eu-
ropeans to flee, hoping to turn Al-
geria into a wasteland. In this
mission the Secret Army is suc-
herit a badly scarred country, both
physically and psychologically next
week. They will face the problem
of turning a revolutionary move-
ment into a stable country. Lastly,
they must develop their underde-
veloped land.
The war is over, but the struggle
is just beginning.
The problems of an inde-
pendent Algeria.
"WAR ON THE one hand is such
a terrible, such an atrocious,
thing, that no man, especially no
Christian man, has the right to
assume the responsibility of be-
ginning it."
.-Leo Tolstoi
"Anna Karenina," 1875-1876

City Editor
Chicago Crusade has come to a
close. In its course it drew hun-
dreds of thousands of people, who
jammed McCormick Place on Lake
Michigan night after night. The
final crowd overshot S o 1 d i e r
Field's 100,000 capacity by quite
a bit.
Chicago indeed knows that Billy
Graham has been in its midst, the
question remains however: Has
Chicago realized that the Lord has
been there too?
I doubt it.
Oh, the good Rev. Graham is
sincere enough. He assembles
hundreds of singers into his gospel
choir (over 3,000 at Soldier Field).
A regular bucket brigade of min-
isters hustle about assisting Rev.
AND SPEAKING of buckets,
the Crusade flunkies pass those
freely through the crowd, hoping
for contributions, of course. One
member of the crusade even hawks
Spiritual Survival Kits-a pocket-
pack of 35 scripture readings that
one can pull out for help in a
pinch-reminiscent of a cache of
chlorophyll mints for creeping
Everything costs m o n e y-the
survival kits, the song books, even
the salvation, and the wole cru-
sade makes the pitch: dig deep,
folks, so Billy can carry oil.
In short, the Crusade is a
breath-taking extravaganza. I t
builds a feverish pitch, and the
climax comes when Billy throws
out his arms and asks the audience
to come forward and repent. He-
Billy-will facilitate it.
SOMEHOW, amid all the spec-
tacle, emotion and ginger-bread,
th Lord's message got lost. When
Billy Graham started out, he was
selling the Lord. Salvation was
his product, and he was God's ve-
hicle. Now, though he is unaware
of it and would repudiate it if he
knew, the tables have turned.
Billy Graham is selling himself,
and he is using the Lord as a
vehicle. The lure of his message is
his own personality and not the
word of theLord.
It happens to any salesman-
as he improves his technique, he
becomes smoother. Soon he sells
himself to his customers, and they
buy him, wrapped up In whatever
product he happens to be hawking.
Religion is like any other pro-
duct. It can be peddled like snake-
bite remedy from the back of a
medicine wagon or auctioned like
an antique at a rummage sale.'But
like any other product, there is a
quality factor-a miserable piece
of merchandise can be sold sim-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
opening 8:00 Tonight, Trueblood Aud.,
Frieze Bdg.-Rodgers and Hart's great
musical, "The Boys from Syracuse," with
performances through Saturday eve-
ning. Box office open 10-8 daily.
Tickets still available for entire sea-
son of summer productions - all 5
shows, $6.00*, 4.00*-any 4 shows, $5.00*,
Shows include: "The Boys from Syra-
cuse" tonight through Saturday; "Five
Finger Exercise" July 11-14; "Queen and
the Rebels" July 18-21; "Under Milk
Wood" Aug. 1-4; and opera double-
bill, Pergolesi's "La Serva Padrona" and
Puccini's "Ganni Schicchi" Aug. 8-10.
Events Thursday
Student Recital: Jerry Stafford, bari-

tone, will present a recital on Thurs.,
June 28, 8:30 p.m., in Lane Hall Aud.
He will be accompanied by Gregory
Kosteck, pianist. Mr. Stafford will sing
the compositions of Schumann, Ravel,
and Charles Ives. Open to the general
Mathematics Education Lecture:Prof.
Delos D. Wickens, Department of Psy-
(Continued on Page 4)

ply on the strength of the sales
pitch, or a good product can go
unnoticed due to poor salesman-
THE GRAHAM crusades com-
bine the two. The people who
troupe forward for salvation do
so because Billy Graham has Im-
pressed himself upon them, but
the question is: Did he impress
the Lord upon them at the same
time? Or did they just get a bottle
of snake-bite medicine? Did these
lost souls find the Lord or did
they just succumb to Bill Graham?
Perhaps the question cannot be
answered, but it is worth consid-
ering. This crass commercializa-
tion of the Lord (Spiritual Survial
Kits, indeed) obliterates the Lord's
message. His message is basically
simple, but I fear the good Rev.
Graham loses it in a sea of decor-
ation and words.
AS ONE COMES away from one
of the meetings, he might well
remark that he didn't feel too
holy, more likely just stunned.
The Lord doesn't need an ex-
travaganza to make His point, just
as one doesn't need surgery to ex-
tract a splinter. Revival meetings
serve their purpose, but Mr.
Graham has become carried be-
yond just revivals-his is a con-
vention of no mean proportion
and just simply defeats his pur-
to the
To the Editor:
I WAS ELECTED to the Board in
Control of Student Publications
on the platform that I would at-
tempt better communications be-
tween the Board, the campus, and
The Daily, and in so doing, slight-
ly remove the campus slogan for
The Daily, "71 Years of Editorial
I have now found it necessary to
resign due to my taking my junior
year abroad. In my letter of resig-
nation I supported the following
1) Appointment of Miehae1
Olinick, '63, to my vacated posi-
2) Addition of the editors of
The Daily and The Michiganens-
ian to the voting membership of
the Board;
3) Change in the status of the
Vice-President in Charge of Stud-
ent Affairs from a voting to a
non-voting (ex-officio) member of
the Board; and
4) Elimination of one of the
two alumni members of the Board.
IN MY OPINION, Mr. Olinick is
the best qualified person for a
position on the Board: he has
worked three years on The Daily
as a writer and is the present
The addition of the editors to
the Board would give at least a
semblance of the communications
so obviously lacking in the pres-
ent structure. The editors also
have closer and less formal con-
tact with the publications staffs
as a whole and could thus act as
intermediaries and as spokesmen.
The editors supposedly have the
intelligence and stability to act
as responsible Board members and
would work towards the best inter-
ests of their respective publica-
THE OFFICE of Student Affairs
is under constant scrutiny by The
Daily and is under heavy fire for
any noticed mistakes. Any weaken-
ing of this power would be a
strong help to the OSA, since the
lessening of controversy would en-
hance public relations.
The alumni members are also
connected with newspapers, but
their effectiveness is limited to ad-
visory capacity-their knowledge

of The Daily is limited to what
they hear about it, having no
first-hand experience with the
paper for most of their careers.
I can only hope that these mea-
sures are supported by the Board
and the Regents and duly enacted.
-John F. McReynolds, '64








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