See Page 2
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Clear and mild today;
continuing warmer
Citizens' March
On Lansing Fas
Hannah, Legislators Debate Fate
of MSUJ Labor Relations Center
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Governor John B. Swainson had called upon some
2,000 citizens to march on the Capitol yesterday and demand further
increases in state spending; it "fizzled."
House Majority floor leader, Allison Green (R-Kingston), drew
applause for his quip that "I happened to glance out the window and
notice that throng listening to the Governor. There were a handful
of people (most of them campaigning for Romney)," and equal num-
Dela s on
Bill To Close
Center Here
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The House las
night voted close down the
Veterans' Readjustment Center in
Ann Arbor and ordered the action
within 60 days.
The bill now goes into the Sen-
ate-House Conference Committe
as a part of the $78.5 million ap-
propriation for mental health
which the House passed yesterday
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) pleaded in vain to continue
the facility, saying, "don't just de-
stroy something because there
seems to be a conflict in the facts
Let's keep it going temporarily, at
least and investigate the situa-
But Reps. William Copeland (D-
Wyandotte) and Harry Phillips
(R-Port Huron) stood on Cope-
land's investigation report which
described the Center as "just not
doing the job it should be for the
amount of money being expended.'
The operations of the Center will
be relocated to Veterans' Hospital
in Grand Rapids, which Bursley
deplored as "nothing but an 'old
soldiers' home. The Ann Arbor unit
is. a long standing and accepted
need. It is a good institution, pro-
viding necessary and specialized
psychiatric treatment."
He suggested it be continued on
a $200,000 appropriation, taking
private, paying patients to make
up the balance of its needs. The
House did not agree.
Seek To Make
School Prayers
WASHINGTON (/)-Amidst an
avalanche of bitter criticism of
the Supreme Court, members of
Congress proposed yesterday that
the Constitution be changed to
knock down the tribunal's ban on
prayers in public schools.
First to introduce a constitu-
tional, amendment to p e r m It
schoolroom praying was Rep. Roy
A. Taylor (D-NC), a Baptist dea-
con who lists Evangelist Billy Gra-
ham among his constituents.
A short time later a similar
measure was introduced in the
Senate by Sens. John Stennis (D-
Miss) and A. Willis Robertson (D-
Others said they planned to of-
fer such proposals.
But doubts that a constitutional
amendment would get far were ex-
pressed by Senate Republican
Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
nois. He told newsmen:
"The proposition of separation
of church and state is so ingrained
into our people that I doubt that
such an amendment would be
adopted. Perhaps there can be
some voluntary agreement worked
out locally by which prayers could
be said in the schools."
French Push
Algerian Peace
ORAN, Algeria (MP)-French gov-
ernment officials worked tireless-
ly yesterday to negotiate peace be-
tween the Secret Army Organiza-
tion terrorists and Moslem nation-
alists at Oran, the last major trou-
ble spot in Algeria..
Officials at the nearby Algerian
administrative capital, Rochee
Noir,: expressed optimism that a
deal could be worked out and de-
struction halted in the west Al-
4ber of grade school children, sev-
eral birds and a flock of mosqui-
MSU Controversy
Legislators meanwhile were in-
side fuming over the controversy
between the Senate and Michigan
State University President John A.
Hannah over MSU's Labor and In-
dustrial Relations Center.
An investigating committee, head-
ted by Sen. Lynn Francis (R-Mid-
land) last month persuaded the
Senate to amend MSU'subudget to
close the center, alleging it has a
pro-labor bias.
Yesterday Hannah fought back.
He called upon the House to strike
out the amendment when it con-
siders the higher education budget
Defends Center
MSU "feels that the Labor and
Industrial Relations Center is ren-
dering important and valuable
. services to labor and industry," he
said, and he called the move an
attempt by the Legislature to reg-
ulate academic affairs.
Francis charged collusion be-
tween the Center and MSU Trustee
. John Stevens of Detroit, state edu-
cation director for the AFL-CIO,
in the production of a film that
"portrays labor leaders as serious,
hard-working men, devoted to
their state and to objectives of
their organization, and business-
men as idlers who would prefer to
i talk about unions .over a cocktail,
rather than in their office."
He called it "university-sanc-
tioned propaganda," and called for
1 the closing of the Center in favor
of economy. It is unneeded, he
said, since the University and
Wayne State University operate a
similar unit.
House leaders indicated they
would be vigorous over the mat-
ter, but they doubted the amend-
ment would be overridden.
Charges Bias
Francis' charge that the center
is overbalanced in favor of labor
has drawn comments from MSU
officials and other leaders in in-
dustrial relations education.
Charles C. Killingsworth, orig-
inal director of the Center, said
part of the imbalance problem was
created in 1956 when the business
college objected to the Center's
program for business management.
MSU trustees have an impressive
string of Supreme Court decisions
to back Hannah's case against leg-
islative interference in academic
affairs, but lawmakers have the
ultimate weapon through their
control of financial appropriations
e to universities.
Hannah pleaded "When political
bodies begin to interfere, universi-
ties often cease to perform their
duty of seeking the truth, regard-
less of its popularity.
U.S. Warns
Red Chinese
About Attack
States was reported yesterday to
have warned Red China it will de-
fend Nationalist China's Formosa
against Communist attack.
But it also reportedly made it
clear this country won't support a
Nationalist invasion a t t e m p t
against the China mainland.
Diplomatic sources said the
United States position was convey-
ed to Red China in a meeting Sat-
urday at Warsaw between United
States Ambassador John Moors
Cabot and the Chinese Communist
ambassador to Poland, Wang Ping-
The State Department had no
comment on the report.
According to the informants the
Red ambassador declared that
Chiang Kai-Shek, president of the
Nationalist government on Formo-
sa, was preparing to invade the
The United States, as of today,
is inclined to believe that a new
military buildup by Red China is
defensive in nature.
After Strike
Construction of the Physics-
Astronomy Bldg. was resumed
Thursday when a settlement was
reached with striking companies.
The International Association of
Bridge, Structural and Ornamental
Iron Workers of Detroit reached
a settlement of about a 37 cents
per hour increase in wages and
fringe benefits June 19.
Work on the 10-story portion of
the building could not continue
after April 30 since the reinforcing
steel, which is handled by the un-
ion, must precede all other con-
The Lathers' Union had struck
concurrently with the iron work-
ers' dispute, halting construction
of the lecture hall and library por-
tion of the building.
The end of both the lathers' dis-
pute and also the previous brick-
layer and mason jurisdictional un-
ion dispute makes possible the
completion of the lecture hall and
library by the fall semester.-
The loss of 35 working days
during the ideal spring months
will push the completion date of
the 10-story portion past the Feb-
ruary deadline and into the 1963
spring semester. This delay will
not increase the cost of the build-
ing to the University.
The lights (there's no curtain)
will rise at 8 p.m. today in True-
blood Aud. on an "experimental"
"The Boys from Syracuse," a
Rodgers, Hart and George Abbott
creation, is a fast-paced, song-
filled comedy set in ancient Greece
-a fairly straightforward produc-
But the University Players' pres-
entation, under the directic. of
Prof. William P Halstead of the
speech department, will be filled
with theatrical experiments.
Presents Problems
The necessity of producing "The
Boys from.Syracuse" in Trueblood,
Aud. at first seemed to present
some special problems, but now
Prof. Halstead says "I sometimes
wonder how I ever directed a
musical on a flat floor."
(Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre is
closed for "refurbishing" this sum-
Trueblood has a semi-Elizabeth-I
an stage: a central acting area
with steps leading down to a wide
apron arcing around the stage
proper. With the frequent dance
numbers and chase scenes in the
show, the two levels seemed to
present a problem, Prof. Halstead
But "we're extremely pleased
with the opportunities which the
stairs gave," allowing Elizabethf
Well, choreographer, a great dealt
more freedom in placing the actors
and dancers, he explained.-
Use Turntable
"The Boys from Syracuse" will
also mark the first time the me-1
chanical turntable will be used
as "an integral part of the action."
Previously, Prof. Halstead ex-f
plained, the turntable has beenx
used only for changing scenery or
New Record
A record-number 13,017 credit8
students have enrolled for thet
summer session, University of-
ficials announced yesterday. T
Of these students, 10,657 are
in residence on the campus, and 1
2360 outside Ann Arbor. Com-c
parable figures for last summerk
were 10,295 and 2234.
Players Experim
'U' Gets $3.85 Million
nt in BO S or everal 'Ojects
Bill Gives 'U' New Music School;
Other State Schools Get $6.5 Million
Acting City Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The House yesterday approved 97-7 some $3.85 million
- in capital outlay funds for the University during the coming fiscal
6 year, including the first payment on a new music school.
But the lower chamber delayed action on the operating funds
for higher education until today's session.
Broken down, the University's allotment was appropriated for
f< the following projects:
General renovation of the Medical Center (continuing funds),
$350,000. Remodeling of the central heating plant. (partial payment),
-Daily-Michael de Gaetano
(Jack O'Brien, left), Luce (Jeanne Lucas, center) the wife of
Dromeo of Ephessus, and Dromeo of Ephesus (Thomas Jennings,
right) put their heads together before the opening of the show
facilitating the moving of furni- The music for the show pre-
ture down stage. Isented a major problem-"for some
One special effect made possible strange reason an orchestration
by the turntable is the broom-trap is not available for this show" and
used in the "Big Brother" ballet. only some sheet music and the
"In many modern musicals," piano part of the orchestra was
Prof. Halstead noted, "they employ
a dream ballet, but Rodgers, Hart
and Abbott have gone one step
further and included a nightmare
New Device
The broom-trap, constructed of
two strips of broom straw that
meet in the center, allows actors to
suddenly appear on stage or be
swallowed up by the wall when
they walk through it.
This nightmare ballet comes
near the climax of the musical,
when the sorcerer begins to think
he's seeing double. The plot con-
cerns "the confusion of identity
between two pairs of twins, the
Antipholi and their sevrants, the
Iworld News Roundup
LEOPOLDVILLE (P)-Negotiations begun last March for Katan-
ga's reunification with the Congo broke down yesterday.
Katanga President Moise Tshombe and Congo Premier Cyrille
Adoula parted in discord after a night of futile bargaining.
* * * *
VIENTIANE (IP)-Rightist-leftist discord showed up openly yester-
day in the coalition government
Michigan Wins World Crown
special To The Daily
HONOLULU - Michigan's red-
hot baseball team added the In-
ternational Collegiate World Se-
ries title to their NCAA title here
Monday night with a 2-1 defeat of
Hosei University of Japan in the
final game of a best-of-five series.
Junior left-hander Fritz Fisher,
who had shut out Hosei in the first
game of the series, returned to the
mound for another nine-inning
stint, and permitted the Japanese
only two hits. The only blotch on
his record came in the first inning
when he walked in the Hosei run.
Wolverines Score Two
The Wolverines countered in
the third inning with their two
runs off pitcher Yoshitaka Kihara.
Third-baseman Harvey Chapman
led off the inning with a single
and moved to second on a single
hv Fich, fipnnh..qhoeman TJoe
that took office only three days
ago to steer Laos to neutrality
and unity. Antagonists were In-
formation Minister Phoumi Von-
gvichit, a representative of the
pro-Communist Pathet Lao, and
Deputy Premier Phoumi Nosavan,
a conservative holdover from the
royal government the coalition
United Nations Trusteeship Com-
mittee last night approved without
a dissenting vote an African-Asian
resolution recommending indepen-
dence July 1 for the Belgian trust
territory of Ruanda-Urundi in Af-
Two nations, the Republic of
Ruanda and the Kingdom of Bur-
undi, are to be created out of the
territory bordering the Congo.
They have rejected political un-
ion but have agreed to economic
States disclosed yesterday it may
explode a few small nuclear de-
vices slightly above or below the
surface of the Nevada desert to
available. Paul Miller orchestrated
the whole show and gathered an
orchestra small enough to fit in
the inner above.
Putting the orchestra on stage,
on a platform above the actors,
is another experiment. Prof. Hal-
stead decided to try it because
it resembles the Elizabethan ,iiu-
sician's gallery, and would crease
a rather different blend of voices
and orchestra.
Extend Ban
OnAir Strife
NEW YORK UP) - A federal
judge, in a compromise move, yes-
terday extended for 10 days a ban
against' flight engineers striking
Pan American World Airways.
The original restraint was laid
down- last Saturday on a tempor-
ary basis.
The order signed in Brooklyn
Federal Court by Judge George
Rosling had no effect on the en-
gineers' strike against Eastern
Airlines, now in its fourth day.
Daniel Kornblum, attorney for
the Flight Engineers Union, said
he will appeal Rosling's extension
in an effort to clear the way for a
renewed walkout of Pan Ameri-
can's 500 engineers. They struck
for three hours Saturday before
the original restraining order sent
them back to work.
The issue in the engineers' dead-
lock with both Pan American and
Eastern is the elimination of one
crew position in jet airliners.
Crews now number four and the
engineers union wants the third
cockpit seat for its members when
the cutback is made.
Receive Grant
For Program
The Center for the Study of
Higher Education has received a
$360,000 grant from the Carnegie
Corporation to further its efforts
in training administrators and
educators at the college level.
The grant, a five-year outlay, is
an extension of a similar sum pre-
viously given by the corporation.
$750,000. Physics and Astronomy
Bldg. (partial payment), $2 mil-
Music Bldg. (total cost not to
exceed $3.6 million), $750,000.
The Republican majority in the
House beat back numerous Demo-
cratic amendments, which would
have added funds for various pro-
jects. None of the proposed amend-
ments concerned the University,
Exceed Request
The House also approved $2.45
million in mental health operating
funds for the University's Child's
Psychiatric Hospital. This is $200,-
000 more than was originally ask-
ed by Sen. Appropriations Com-
mittee Chairman Elmer R. Porter
The capital outlay bill as passed
also will provide some $6.5 mil-
lion for other higher education
construction, as follows:
Michigan State University, $1.6
million for completion of the
Mechanical Engineering Bldg. and
to begin work on a chemistry
Other Schools
MSU-Oakland, $85,000 to re-
model libraries and plan a new
classroom building.
Wayne State University, $1.3
million to continue work on its
pharmacy building, a medical re-
search building and a physics
Western Michigan University,
Kalamazoo, $75,000 to remodel its
old natural science building and
$478,000 to continue the new one.
Northern Michigan College of
Marquette, $1 million for class-
room construction.
Grand Valley
Grand Valley College at Grand
Rapids, $930,638 for completion.
Ferries Institute at Big Rapids,
$1 million for a physical education
building and utilities.
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology at Houghton, $1.85
million for a mathematics and
physics building, and classroom
construction at Sault Ste. Marie.
Central Michigan University at
Mt. Pleasant, $950,000 for a science
Eastern Michigan University,
$750,000 for physical education
Earlier Action
The bill earlier passed the Sen-
ate 23-4. It now goes into joint
House-Senate Conference to re-
solve differences.
In other action, the House also
approved $14.3 million for public
health, $17.7 million for fiscal
correction and $500,000 for avia-
In a marathon eight and a half
hour session yesterday, the House
literally fought its way through
five major appropriation bills.
Democrats offered amendment aft-
er amendment taking a long time
for debate on each section.
However, they were never able
to muster the necessary 56 votes
to pass any of their measures. De-
bate on the mental health appro-
priation, which took better than
two hours, worked members on
both sides of the aisle into such a
frenzy that Speaker of the House
Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan) was
unable to restore sufficient order
so that the House could proceed
with dehte on the higher educa-
... on con-con
Begin Talks
On Con-con,
"The securing of a constitutional-
convention in Michigan has been
a long, slow process," Prof. James
K. Pollock of the political science
department said yesterday.
Prof. Pollock spoke on the back-
ground of Michigan's 1962 con-
stitutional convention in the first
of a series of six lectures to be
given on Con-Con.
"A state constitutional conven-
tion is a very unique and unusual
institution. It arises directly out of
the electorate and is required to
return its product to them. ,or
their ratification."
Traces History
Michigan's first constitution was
regarded by many as the best for
the later documents of 1850 and
1908 "got away from the clear and
simple principles of the 1835 con-
stitution," Prof. Pollock said.
"People voting in an election
don't vote on issues," he continued,
and for this reason attempts, after
1908, to call a convention all ended
in defeat.
However, at each attempt the
popular vote in favor of calling
a convention increased until the
issue was passed in 1960.
Michigan Fortunate
"Michigan is fortunate to have
called a convention into session at
this time . . . for it will bring the
machinery of government in ac-
cord with the times," he said.
However, he admonished the
people to view state constitutions
"as instruments to be worked,. .
not instruments to be worshipped."
"We are all aware of the mag-
nitude and importance of con-con,
and in future lectures this gather-
ing will be analyzed in its more
significant aspects," he concluded.
Stocks Close Low
After Early Gains
NEW YORK (P) - The stock
market ran up a big early gain
vefterda and then rumbled harl
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