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August 11, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-08-11

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Continued cool,
weekend warming.



Rebels March


Buenos Aires; Loyalists


Post pone
Railroad Kennedy





To Announce Monday


-AP Wirephoto
MOVING NOW-Insurgent troops are advancing into Buenos
Aires for a likely showdown in the Argentine army power struggle.
Marines Barricade
Argentinian Capital
BUENOS AIRES (P) - Rebel army troops demanding the ouster
of President Jose Maria Guido moved on Buenos Aires early yester-
Loyalist troops led by tanks converged on the capital from the
opposite direction.
Sailors and marines moved into the capital itself and set up
roadblocks and barricades after Guido appealed to the navy to head
- Ioff a showdown of rival army

Hoover Seeks
New Council
WEST BRANCH, Iowa (P)-Her-
bert Hoover, declaring "today we
have no peace," urged that free
nations willing to fight for their
freedom bind together in a council
to preserve world peace.
Such a council of free nations,
Hoover said, should supplement,
rather than replace, the United
Nations, stepping in "when the
United Nations is prevented from
taking action, or if it fails to act
to preserve peace."
Remote Hope
He said Communist nations are
"the disintegrating forces in the
United Nations," adding, "we must
realize that the United Nations has
failed to give us even a remote
hope of lasting peace. Instead, it
adds to the dangers of wars which
now surround us.
"During my long years, I have
participated in many world nego-
tiations, which we hoped would
promote peace.
'Today we have no peace.-
He said Presidents Harry S. Tru-
man, Dwight D. Eisenhower and
John F. Kennedy have urged more
unity -among free nations.
Strong Unity
"The time is here when, if the
free nations are to survive, they
nmust have a new and stronger
worldwide organization," Hoover
A council of free nations "should
include only those who are willing
to stand up and fight for their
freedom . .. some organized coun-
cil of free nations is the remain-
ing hope for peace in the world."
Truman, present at the dedica-
tion of the Hoover Presidential Li-
brary, made no specific comment
about Hoover's proposal. But he
told Hoover's son, Herbert Jr.,
"didn't your dad give a good
speech. It hit me right. where I
Great Responsibility
Truman said that as president,
Hoover bore "the greatest respon-
sibility in the world."
Truman pointed to Hoover's
years of public service, noted that
at 88 he continues to work, and
asked, "what more can a man do?"
Offering sympathy for any Unit-
ed States president, Truman said
some in the audience might as-
pire to that office, "but they'll be
sorry if they get it."
Russia Rejects
Zone Proposal

forces. Scattered shooting was
heard, but no major engagement
was reported immediately.
The rebels apparently won the
first round when controversial war
secretary Gen. Eduardo Senorans
and Defense Minister Jose Luis
Cantilo submitted their resigna-
tions to Guido early yesterday.
Rebellion Starts
It was the appointment of Sen-
orans yesterday that touched off
the rebel move under Gen. Feder-
ico Toranzo Montero. The rebels
demanded that the post go to Gen.
Arturo Ossorio Arana, a strong
Guido went on the radio and is-
sued an appeal to the opposing
army forces to freeze theirposi-
tions to "avoid bloodshed among
Argentines." He invited rebel lead-
er Toranzo Montero to come to
his suburban residence within the
hour to seek a peaceful solution.
Guido summoned his ministers
into an early morning conference
to find a solution to the four-day-
old crisis, Argentina's third major
crisis in four months. Ossorio
Arana reportedly was called to
the meeting also, indicating that
the rebels might be gaining the
upper hand.
The spokesman, Col. Carlos E. de
Moore Koenig, said the rebels are
determined "to oust President
Guido, and the man who will re-
place him is Gen. Arturo Ossorio
Take Position
The loyalist forces, led by tanks
and other armored vehicles, moved
on the city from Campo de Mayo,
the nation's largest military base.
The navy said it was determined
to block an army clash. Navy of-
ficers flatly denied reports that
they were demanding the resigna-
tion of Navy Secretary Rear Adm.
Gaston Clement.

Job Cuts
Await Decisions
On Legality
CHICAGO (AP)-A federal judge
blocked yesterday the firing of
thousands of workers on the na-
tion's railroads pending final
court ruling on the legality of the
drastic economy.
The 2/2-year economy drive by
management to reclassify jobs and
tighten work rules of 210,000 train
crewmen had been set for next
Thursday, five unions representing
the men were ready to order a
nation-wide walkout.
Yesterday's United States Dis-
trict Court action, technically,
granted the unions a court order
barring the railroads from apply-
ing new work rules pending a
union appeal to the United States
Circuit Court of Appeals.
Sign Order
Judge Joseph Sam Perry signed
the injunction, and railroad law-
yers said they will ask the appeals
court Monday to nullify it.
The brotherhoods are appealing
the lower court ruling of last Mon-
day by Perry that the railroads
may legally apply the rules, in-
cluding elimination of 40,000 yard
and freight service diesel firemen.
The railroads had scheduled a
program limiting the out-of-hand
dismissals to 13,000 and keeping
the other 27,000 firemen pending
death or retirement, cancelling
their jobs as they left service,
Drastic Shift
Vulnerability of the milder plan
to the unions' court attack led to
a shift by the carriers to the more
drastic program, announced Nov.
2, 1959, because it had sounder
legal basis.
rulings Clash
Over Strike
NEW YORK WP) - A federal
judge ruled yesterday that East-
ern Air Lines has a right to hire
flight engineers to replace strik-
,ing employes.
Minutes later, a city magistrate
issued a summons for the appear-
ance of Malcolm A. MacIntyre,
president of Eastern, on a charge
of violating a new city law which
prohibits the importation of strike
The Flight Engineers Interna-
tional Association had asked the
federal court to issue a temporary
order restraining Eastern from
hiring flight engineers and train-
ing co-pilots to replace striking
A spokesman for Eastern Air
Lines said the firm would have
no comment on the court action
pending receipt of the summons.
Meanwhile, District Judge John
F. Dooling Jr. blocked a scheduled
midnight strike against Pan Amer-
ican World Airways by extending
a restraining order against the
Transport Workers Union (AFL-
The federal judge directed that
the restraint remain effective un-
til the court rules on an applica-
tion by Pan American for a tem-
porary injunction.

Decisions on
State Losses Suspend


To Discuss

King Jail Sentence

In' Contracts
A business administration school
survey to determine why Michi-
gan has lost its position in defense
and space industries enters a new
phase next week as researchers be-
gin interviews of key executives in
state firms employing 500 or more.
The survey, undertaken by the
Bureau of Business Research, has
been underway since last May,
Prof. Alfred W. Swinyard, director
of the bureau, announced. The
study is directed by Louis J. Craf-
ton, of the Dearborn Center.
"In our field interviews, we are
primarily interested in recent con-
tract experiences of Michigan
firms with the Defense Depart-
ment and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration," Craf-
ton said.
Close Attention
"All problems in the field will
be given close attention. Among
these are recent contract experi-
ences with large systems contrac-
tors, attitudes toward procure-
ment policies, financial problems
of contracting and Michigan in-
dustry's scientific and engineer-
ing personnel resources," he con-
The reasons for Michigan's de-
cline from approximately 10 to
approximately three per cent of
defense contract awards will be
carefully studied, Grafton noted.
"Historical developments," he
added, "merely set the background
for the major emphasis of the
study which is setting up a prac-
tical action program which will aid
in reversing recent trends."
Fall End
Interviewing is expected to be
completed in late September and
the study's results will be avail-
able in late fall.
The study is being aided by the
Defense Department and the
state's industrial associations. It is
being financed by the Institute of
Science and Technology.
S pace Debate
End Prepared
WASHINGTON (P)-A fresh fil-
ibuster took shape in the Senate
yesterday against a bill to es-
tablish private ownership of Unit-
ed States space communications.
But calendar-conscious leaders
warned they're ready to invoke
cloture to choke off the long-
At the close of yesterday's no-
thing-accomplished session, Ma-
jority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-
Mont) served notice that he and
Republicans are ready to file a
cloture petition, perhaps as early
as today.

ALBANY, Ga. (P)-Negro lead-
ers called off mass demonstrations
temporarily yesterday shortly aft-
er Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was
freed from jail under a suspended
The momentary armistice dissi-
pated somewhat the air of uneasi-
ness which has hung over this
southwest Georgia city for a
Negro leaders said after a two-
hour strategy session they would
forego mass demonstrations while
seeking talks with city officials
and testing segregated public fa-
Good Faith
King said, "two prayer pilgrim-
ages" planned by Negro mothers
and an interracial group of clergy-
men from other states were tem-
porarily called off as "good faith
A telegram was sent to city com-
missioners requesting a meeting on
racial problems. There was no im-
mediate reaction from city offi-
Dr. W. G. Anderson, president of
the Albany Movement, said the
city's policy on segregation laws
would be tested before plans for
any further demonstrations were
reviewed. He said the city attor-
ney had indicated segregation or-
dinances would not be enforced.
No Time
None of the Negro leaders would
indicate a specific time limit for
reopening negotiations and deseg-
regating public facilities.
King and his associate, the Rev.
Ralph D. Abernathy, said they
would return to Atlanta at least'
for the weekend, indicating their
withdrawal was aimed at testing
the commission's position that it
would negotiate with local Negroes
if "outside agitators" left.
"But we will be right back,"
King vowed at a news conference.
The four Negroes were convict-
ed of disorderly conduct, congre-
gating on the sidewalk and refus-
ing to obey an officer. They were
among 10 persons who staged a
prayer session July 27 at city hall.
The judge suspended 60-day jail
terms and $200 fines after saying
he understood the defendants had
other court cases, apparently a
reference to pending suits to de-
segregate public facilities. The
probation is conditional upon the
Negroes observing city ordinances,
exclusive of segregation laws, and
"general good behavior."
Attorneys for the Negroe§ argued
that the demonstrators were sim-
ply exercising their constitutional
right of peaceful protest. City At-
torney H. Grady Rawls countered
that "the proper place to hold a
prayer service is not in front of
City Hall."
}.1 :'um mm agm

Levy Plans
On Television
White House Lists
National Economy'
As Address Topic
WASHINGTON () - President
John F. Kennedy will tell the
American people Monday, night
whether he thiiks an immediate
tax cut is needed.
The White House announced
yesterday the President will go on
live radio and television at 6 p.m.
Monday to "discuss the national
The announcement was made
after aWhiteHouse conference
between Kennedy and his top fi-
nancial and economic advisers.
No Inkling
Beyond the bare statement that
he will discuss the national econ-
omy, Assistant Press Secretary An-
drew T. Hatcher gave no inkling
whatever of what the President
has in mind.
Kennedy has said on several oc-
casions that he would study the
July economic indicators, which
are just becoming available, and
then decide whether to ask Con-
gress for immediate action on a
tax cut.
There has been a rising cres-
cendo of arguments both for and
against emergency tax reduction
ever since the Stock Market drop
in May.





-AP wirephoto
FREEDOM-The Rev. Martin Luther King (right) walks out of
the Albany, Ga., jail yesterday after being given a 60-day sus-
pended sentence on charges of violating anti-demonstration ordi-
nances. With King is the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, a fellow integra-
tion leader.



UYTII LUI I ,UIIL .11MIUt n caesI Tax Debate
But out of the welter of debate
the signs have been multiplying
recently that the President would
hold off any effort to seek con-
gressional action at this time.
By The Associated Press These signs were bolstered by
WASHINGTON - A stepped-up trade surplus and Canada's release yesterday of reports show-
trade problems played key roles in a sharp improvement in the ing a 2 per cent advance in retail
United .States balance of payments situation in the April-June sales in July and a further rise in
quarter, the commerce department reported yesterday. personal income.
M Offsetting these favorable re-
ALGIERS - Ahmed Ben Bella's ruling political bureau cracked ports to some extent was an an-
down on the rampaging guerrilla army yesterday following an ambush the factory work week last month.
'slaying of four foreign legion- Indicators Tell
nie which a French officer diarsT
nairesd w ,acofir These were among the major in-
To Evaluate branded '"asavage act of piracy. dicators that Kennedy was waiting
All military collection of taxes and for before reaching a final deci-
H ea th Plarts other acts of force throughout the sion.
new nation were banned in the The President spent more than
How to give the public the most first government action since in- an hour going over these and oth-
benefit from the billions of dollars dependence, to bring unruly guer- er reports with his topaides. Pre-
being poured into voluntary and rilla commanders under civilian sumablyhe will weigh the problem
tax-supported health programs control, further while cruising off the
will be the subject of a seven to Maine coast this weekend.
10 year study by the public health WASHINGTON -- The White Those taking part in the con
school to begin next fall,.os sepce oanuc ference included Secretary of the
schol t begn nxt fll-House is expected to announce Treasur-y Douglas Dillon, Secre-
Working under a seven-year shortly the appointment of Charles Tr o u Dillon, ere-
grant of $2.137 million from the E. (Chip) Bohlen as ambassador , Secretary of Labor Arthur
United States Public Health Serv- to France. Informed sources said Hodges, Secr et rArthur
ice, the study will also try to de- the United States had asked the D. Goldberg and Budget Director
termine what makes people accept French government if Bohlen DMembers of the President's
or reject the recommendations of would be acceptable and the Council of Economic Advisers also
their doctors. French have indicated he would were present, along with Theodore
Prof. Irwin M. Rosenstock of be. Bohlen, veteran career dip- Sorensen Kennedy's special coun-
the public health school is co-di- lomat, would succeed James M. sel and speech writing aide, and
rector. Gavin, former paratroop general.tlo echwmit nghaieueny
Gavin is returning to private lifetw economists who frequently
"for whm ahas i beenofiially es- consult with the President, Profs.
foiwha ha ben ffiialy ds-Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow,
cribed as compelling personal both of the Massachusetts Insti-
r o w th reasons. * Te iL tute of Technology.
WASHINGTON.-The council " ite
of the Organization of American Belgium
States (OAS) rejected yesterday a
Chancellor Robert Hutchins, four-nation proposal for a meeting A
n his "State of the University" of foreign ministers to consider Aceentmle .

s ,w:: r:::::.:

Building Projects Dep ict College

Like many institu
higher education, th
sity is in the midst of
toward intensive plani
struction, and remode
so that it may be abl
the needs of a stud
which by 1970 will b
the size it was six yea
Now, while a gre
schools are engaged
range developmenti
and currently attempt
cure funds for futureE
tion, there are some
which, for lack of fin
sniritimal snnnart ar

itions of

opment," which relates 10 col-
lege's growth problems and how i

they were each resolved. message for that year reported the problem of military power
e Univer- U. C. Case that "For the last 15 years, the seizures in the hemisphere. Seven Of
ing, con One of the schools cited is the university neighborhood has nations voted in favor of the pro-
ling, con- n of theCsch oo se steadily deteriorated, until to- I posal, five against it and eight,
ling work Unversity of Chicago, whose day, I am ashamed to say, the I including the United States, ab-, UNITED NATIONS (A') - Bel-
e to meet developmental problems are university has the unfortunate ,stained. gium told the United Nations yes-
ent body about as different from those distinction of having the worst- * * * terday it is willing to apply eco-
be double at the University as the philos- oi rsuet e aag
housed faculty in the nation." PARIS - An arrest warrant nom ure to get Katanga
rs ago. ophy of education used at the - poicessc nt h Cnoi
sat many two schools. The slums themselves were went out yesterday for George province back into the Congo in
in long- Chicago's South Side is a only one side of the problem, for Bidault, once premier and four case negotiation failed.
rogms-area Cdivi stret bd street with the growing bad neighbor- times foreign minister of France Belgian delegate Andre For-
programs area divided street by street in- thomme stated his government's
ing to se- to two sections, one marked by hoods the crime rate increased .tom statey ovU nerent
construe- blight and slums and the most to the point where it was un- e yJ,
colleges degrading and deplorable con.. safe for students to walk thenight go adviser to Acting Secretary-
iancial or ditions found in any American streets alone at night. g
+ iittino rity anr1 nother containIng the And four years after the imi- 7 7 General U Thant.


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