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July 27, 1962 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-27

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FRIDAY, Y 27,196 2


Artists Demonstrate Their Method, Media

Protest, Rally Against Regents' Bylaw

Smith Discusses,
Shows Use of Oils

Artist Hughie Lee-Smith ex-
plained and applied his philosophy
of painting in a "Demonstration of
Oil Painting" presented yesterday
as part of the Tenth Annual
Michigan Regional Art Exhibition
and Conference.
Smith classified himself as a
representational painter. "I am in
love with the image and with
people," he said.
"Action painting is so personal
that it is impossible for anyone
besides the painter to understand
it," he said. On the other hand,
"representational painting is pub-
lic in character."
Art Needs Nature
In order for a painting to be
valid, it must communicate with
nature," he maintained. The re-
lationship between man and man,
and between man and his environ-
ment is the subject of this com-
Smith explained that the micro-
scope and telescope can give in-_
sights into particular realms of
these relationships. However, "gen-v
erally we are concerned with thec
visual world as we see it and
through symbols we can com-
municate the emotion with whichv
we see it. This is the purpose ofy
In reference to realistic painters,s
Smith said that they must com-
pete with the camera, ,which iss
most difficult. Regardless of ther
type of painting that the painterq
does, he must say something aboutc
the world, he emphasized.a
Indirect MethodV
After the theoretical introduc.-
tion, Smith described the steps'
he uses in painting while demon-
strating them. His general method,
he said, is indirect, in which het
separates the drawing and struc-I
turing of the painting from theI
application of color.
First, he applied a total tone
to the canvas, usually unber, with1
a large house painting brush,

Quinlan Considers
Watercolor Skills
Although oil painting can re-
fine surfaces and textures, water-
color has a newness and excite-
ment similar to drawing, Patricia
Quinlan told the art exhibition
and conference yesterday.
While giving a "Watercolor
Demonstration," Miss Quinlan,
chairman of the art department
at Mercy College in Detroit, dis-
cussed some aspects of painting
particular to the medium of water-
color and described the steps she
uses in painting.
Miss Quinlan explained that the
painters' surface is two-demen-'
tional and he has a choice of
utilizing it as a flat surface or
introducing a third demension.
Watercolor lends itself to the first
of these choices, she said.
Taking butterflies as her sub-
ject, she developed a work which
she described as "contemporary"
(often very abstract art), but still
with a discernable subject.
Miss Quinlan first sketched the
basic lines with charcoal and then
made them permanent with a
. neutral color. She explained that
s the paper can be either wet or
Z dry, depending on the effect the
painter is seeking. Painting "wet"
e tends to give more texture.
e The artist then must decide
- whether the painting is to be
t warn or cool and choose colors
a, accordingly. Next, she established
the main areas and negative

-Daily-Michael de Gaetano
OIL PAINTING-Two artists yesterday described their tech-
niques they use in producing paintings. A painting by Hughie
Smith, who spoke on oil painting, is owned and displayed (and
pictured above) by the Michigan Union.

which he uses to apply large areas
of tone.
Frightening Purity
"It is frightening to have a
virgin white canvas staring at
you," he explained. This under-
tone also gives the final painting
some sort of unity.
Smith said he often does land-
scapes,' but works from sketches,
rather than directly from nature.
The subject he chose for the dem-
onstration was a scene including
a couple of buildings and some
The second step is to define
forms and elements of the painting
in relation to the basic lines. "I
try to establish a form as opposed
to pure emotionalism," Smith said.
He also uses "spotting" to relate
parts of the canvas.
Uside-Down Art
"Every successful painting must
have a successful structure, that
is, formal validity," Smith said.
To show this he turned the paint-
ing upside down, showing the up-
set in the balance of forms.
The third step is the application
of color. By color Smith referred
to cool and warm colors and grey
tones for relief.
Smith explained that he uses
a limited palette including ivory
black, cobalt and untramarine
blues, raw unber, yellow ochre,
two shades each of cadnium yellow
and cadnium red, and zinc white.
"Every color value has to relate

to other parts of the painting and
to the total format," Smith said
"In order to do this, he works
throughout the canvas, which
helps to maintain unity.
While working further on th
painting, Smith explained some
of the principles involved in glaz-
ing and other devises. He said thai
he uses bristle brushes and is a
"squinter." Squinting gives the
artist a localized view of the paint.
ing so that he can discern if
each part contributes to the con-
tinuity of the whole.
One of Smith's works hangs ir
the lobby of the Michigan Union.
Smith's Work
Smith's painting of a view of
Palmer Field is one of the more
well-known works on exhibit ir
the Union Lobby.
It shows a long view, across
the tennis courts and looking ai
Cousins Hall andidemonstrates the
realism which the people at the
Union thrive on. Union officials
report that they receive a good
many inquiries about the painting
each year.
The painting illustrates, as
much as the lecture and display
today, that the technique Smiti
uses is effective and enjoyable for
the viewer. All three steps-in-
cluding the "tone" of the canvas,
the definition of forms in the pic-
ture, and lastly, the choice and
application of colors-show up or
his work of art.


Urges Natural Art
The final steps are to decide
value relationships, such as light
and dark, and to strengthen lines
Miss Quinlan urged painters to
work from nature, although this
does not mean "copying." The
painter should understand his sub-
ject and generally work from life,
even if the final product is im-
pressionistic or abstract.
Although painting is approachedl
in terms of individual expression,
it must have unity as its essential
element, she emphasized.
Water Colors Useful
The water colors come in two
basic varieties, hard. small "cakes"
and in tubes.
The tube-variety, which gen-
erally is more expensive than the
cakes, resemble oil paints insofar
as they are, a very flexible media.
However, the "cake" forms can
be made from the tubed type if a
small amount is left to dry in the

....math in nature
Show s Uses
Numerous uses of mathematics
in biology were demonstrated yes-
terday by Prof. Frederick E. Smith
of the zoology department in the
last lecture of the summer math-
ematics series.
Prof. Smith began by empha-
sizing that the biologist and the
mathematician do not always see
eye to eye.
Borrow Models
The biologist may begin by bor-
rowing models from cognate fields,
such as chemistry. Then certain
substitutions are made to make
the model applicable to the bio-
logical situation.
Adtuarial mathematics, used in
calculating insurance risks and
premiums, showsdup in the study
of birth and death rates in a
cell population.
Molecular genetics borrows a
great deal from information
theory, Prof. Smith pointed out.
The complete structure and
formof a man is determined by
24 "phases" made of only four
24 Chromosomes
These "phrases" are the chromo-
somes which guide in reproduction.
By decoding the chromosomes,
their meaning can be discerned.
Population ecology, which deals
with the relationships between the
growth of organisms and their
environment, also uses informa-
tion theory, he said.
Computer programming is now
being used by radiologists in the
treatment of cancer. Computers
allow the investigators to com-
pare many aproaches to irradiat-
ing a tumor in a comparitively
short time and noting, charting
and categorizing the results, Prof.
Smith said.
Checks Grids
Topology is used in biology by
making a grid, a representation
by lines, of the frequency of one
animal in an area and comparing
it to the grid of another animal.
Boys who chase butterflies in
fields should study their physical
sciences and mathematics, Prof.
Smith said, for nature and math-
ematical sciences are inseperable.
However, not many biologists are
equipped in mathematics, he said.
"Groups of workers in a field
will have to interdependent," Prof.,
Smith said, advising more inter-
departmental studies and activity.

(Continued from Page 1)
Later that year the Regents re-
ceived a request for permission for
the use of Hill Aud. for addresses
on the subject of national prepar-
edness for war. The Regents grant-
ed this request on the condition
that speakers "preserve an atti-
tude of strict neutrality in regard
to the present European situation."
In 1920, however, the ban on
political speeches was not enforced
and Congressman George Suther-
land (R-Utah) gave the conserva-
tive point of view on the League
of Nations in a talk in Hill Aud.
Daily Hails Effort
The Daily editor hailed this as a{
"milestone of Michigan's forward
mnarch" to decide "to give worthy
scope to such addresses" and sug-
geszed that the other side of the
issue should also be discussed. But
the Regents put a halt to this "for-
ward march" and said they would
again strictly enforce their policy.
This was greeted by protest
from students-who held rallies-
and from faculty, who held that
political discussion was essential
on a university campus. On March
12, 1920, the Regents replied that
the safest plan was to continue
with "the present method" since
difficulty would be encountered in
deciding who should be allowed to
Everybody Agitated
Students and faculty continued
to agitate. The editor of The Daily
wrote that the University was too
great an institution of learning,
too progressive and too eager for
authoritative discussion to be
"trammeled" by the sort of timid-
ity that refused to change a policy
because somebody could not divide
"safe" speeches from "unsafe"
Representatives of the Student
Council met with the Regents in
May to outline a more liberal
speaker plan, but the Regents by
a 5-2 vote passed a resolution that
the policy remain "against the use
of University buildings for parti-
san political or sectarian discus-
Burton Liberalizes
Marion L. Burton was inaugur-
ated University president in Oc-
tober, 1920, and stressed in his
address that in every place stu-
dents meet, it should be possible to
think together about public ques-
tions. Public-mindedness was es-
sential to a democracy, he main-
tained, and criticism can be a
constructive force.

With encouragement from Pres-
ident Burton, the Student Council
for the third time petitioned the
Regents, asking that lectures be
permitted on any topic, with res-
ervations similar to those today.
The Student Council asked that
the Regents constitute a commit-
tee to review petitions for use of
University facilities for lectures.
After careful consideration, the
Regents granted some of their re-
quests, resolving:
Regents' Policy
"The use of Hill Aud. may be
granted to student organizations
for lectures or addresses by prom-
inent men on topics of the day, un-
der guarantee that during such ad-
dresses there shall be no violation
of recognized rules of hospitality,
nor advocacy of the subversion of
the government or of the state, and
. . . such meeting shall be in spir-
it, and expression, worthy of this
The Regents set up the Commit-
tee on Student Welfare, to review
petitions for speeches. This com-
mittee included the University
President ex officio and the Stu-
dent Council president.
Continue Ban
But the Regents still banned
"political gatherings and political
Three years later the banning
of George Wickersham, president
of the Non-Partisan Lsague of
Nations Association, on grounds
that a University building may be
used for the propagation of poli-
tical policies even by self-styled
non-partisans, revived the issue.
The local chapter of the Ameri-
can Association of University Pro-
fessors appointed a committee to
investigate the situation. The stu-
dents' Liberal Club denounced the
han as "a flagrant violation of the
purposes to which this institution
is devoted."
Ask Reconsideration
Faculty, students and alumni
sent a petition of reconsideration
to the Regents, but the Regents
held to their decision. Wicker-
sham then spoke off-campus, to
an overflow audience in the Con-
gregational Church.
As the years passed, the Uni-
versity began to make a distinc-
tion between public and private
speeches of a political nature. Un-
til 1949 public speeches were ban-
ned, but partisan organizations
like the University Democratic
and Republican Clubs were allow-

ed to bring in leaders from their
own parties to speak to them at
closed meetings.
Big Red Scares
Radicalism increased in the
United States as the 1920's ended
and the 1930's advanced. In 1935
a campus affiliate of the National
Student League 'invited John
Strachey, British Marxist econom-
ist, to speak, but the University
Lecture Committee banned him.
However, despite the ban, he
spoke off-campus before an over-
flow crowd of more than 1,000.
One month following this speech
University President Alexander G.
Ruthven issued a sharp warning
that "perversive activities of a few
professional agitators" would no
longer be tolerated. He said at a
Regents meeting that "no meet-
ings will be permitted on the cam-
pus or in University buildings
without permission being obtained
from University authorities" and
he warned that students guilty of
misconduct can expect disciplinary
Rather Narrow
"Persons responsible for organ-
izing or conducting meetings con-
trary to this rule will be dealt
with promptly and vigorously," he
With World War II, the campus
community seemed to become too
preoccupied to concern itself very
much with the speaker policy is-
sue or even with inviting speakers,
except for speakers who discussed
the war effort.
After the war, campus organi-
zations came back to life and be-
gan inviting more speakers.
However, both before and after
the war, occasional major contro-
versies sprang up when subversive
speakers were banned.
Dial 2-6264
1-3-5-7 and '9:20
she- r $r...




To Present Film
On Soviet Schools
"The Big Red Schoolhouse," a
Russian-made film showing the
Soviet Union's masive educational
and cultural effort through the
eyes of some Russian students,
will be shown today at 7 p.m. in
the Multi-Purpose Room of the
Undergraduate Library.


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at V.F.W.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
'esponsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Ushers needed for opera: Students
wishing to see the Univ. Players dou-
ble-bill opera, Puccini's "Gianni Schic-
chi" and Pergolesi's "La Serva Padrona"
free by ushering are invited to sign up
to usher on the bulletin board at 1502
Frieze Bldg., or to call 663-1511, ext.
3383 any day between 10:30 a.m. and
12 noon. Performances will be at Hill
Aud. 8:00 p.m. Thurs., Fri., and Sat.,
Aug. 8, 9, and 10. Ushers are required
w to be present at 7:00 p.m.
Around the World Series at the In-
ternational Center this Fri., July 27,
will feature The Arab World. The pro-
gram consists of movies and slides on
the Arab World today followed by
Arab music and a talk by Dr. Sch-
roegar on Arab Civilizations.
Doctoral Examination for Jack Emil
Oihoeft, Nuclear Engineering; thesis:
"The Doppler Effect for a Non-Uni-
form Temperature Distribution in Re-
actor Fuel Elements," Fri., July 27
(conf. room) Auto. Lab., N. Campus,
at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, R. K. Osborn.
Doctoral Examination for Vernon
Guinn Williams, Jr., Psychology; thesis:
"The Conflicts of the Psychotherapist
and His Commitmnet to the Patient,"

Sat., July 28, 3419 Mason Hall, at 9:00
a.m. Chairman, E. S. Bordin.
Faculty Recital: Millard Cates, tenor,
and Eggene Bossart, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital on Sat., July 28, 8:30
p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Assisting
will be Edith Perrow; violin; Penelope
Lint, violin; Susan Schneider, viola;
and Enid Dubbe, cello. Compositions to
be performed are by Stradella, Vetter-
Drumsgaard, Mozart, Schumann, Faure,
and Vaughan Williams. The recital is
open to the general public without
Seniors graduating in Aug. are wel-
come to visit offices of Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, weekdays to look
over current position openings in varie-
ty of fields, and browse thru directories
of schools, employers, government op-
portunities and company lit.
All graduates with minimum of 12-
15 semester hours at U. of M. are elig-
ible to register for placement services.
Hours: 8:30-12:00 and 1:30-4:30.
J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich.-(1)
13 trainees for Executive Development
program - merchandising training - to
become Asst. Buyers, Buyers, Dept.
Heads. (2) 2 trainees for Machine Ac-
counting-do not need any accounting,
Graduate Outing Club-Swim and Pic-
nic, Sun., July 29 at 1:45. Meet at Rack-
ham, Huron St. Entrance.

will be trained to use machines; any
major, but preference for English.
Either :AB or AM for both positions. No
exper. required.
Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Co.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.-Internal Auditor--Re-
quire BA in Bus. Ad., accounting ma-
jor. CPA helpful, but not essential. 3-
5 yrs. exper. in internal audit work And
1-2 yrs. of "senior" audit exper. or
equiv. Minimum of 16 weeks travel to
plant locations. Age 28-35,
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Weather Bu-
reau, Wash., D.C.-Opporutnities for
college grads in the Antarctic. Espe-
cially in. need of Meteorologists, Elec-
tronic Technicians & Physicists. Are 5
station locations: Amundsen - Scott
South Pole, Byrd, Ellsworth, Hallett &
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
812 Monroe
NO 2-5414

for partitime or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-To sell fresh frozen crickets. Would
need a car. Full-time for 2 months.
Must know something about fish-
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
(Continued on Page 4)


Friday July 27


One Dollar per person
Sponsored by Grad. Student Council



WWC' T1T w.2iW9

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r ,, ?

Due to length of Program
Please Note Time Schedule
Shows at
Feature at
Week Day Matinees .... $1.00,
Nights and Sunday.......$1.25
Children.............. .50c






"Best Foreign Film."
I , uI
Ae D



The Campus Theatre
is proud to present
a retrospective pro-
gram of the works of
world-famous Swedish
ingmar Bergman.
He~re isarare nnortiinitv for


. r..

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