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July 27, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-27

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'U Seaker
A new era in the continuing history of the University's lecture
policy may soon begin-perhaps today.
The Regents at their meeting this afternoon may wish to continue
study of the present speaker policy-or they may announce changes
in it. If they do revise it, and if they make significant revisions, then
the policy will enter its fourth historical stage.
Twelve-Year Policy
The third historical stage began in 1949 when on February 26
the Regents passed Section 8.10 of the Regents' Bylaws. They pro-
p vided that University lecture policy "is to encourage the timely and
rational discussion of topics whereby the ethical and intellectual de-
velopment of the student body and the general welfare of the public
may be promoted ..."
Recognized student organizations may sponsor meetings and
lectures, under guaranty that during meetings and lectures there
shall be no violation "of the recognized rules of hospitality nor ad-

Policy: Regents May Change


vocacy of the subversion of the government" and that they shall be
"in spirit and expression worthy of the University.
"No addresses, the Regents ruled, shall be allowed which urge the1
destruction or modification of government by violence or other un-
lawful methods, or which advocate or justify conduct which violatesc
the fundamentals of our accepted code of morals," tme bylaw states.
This has been the policy adhered to and enforced since 1949, a
policy less restrictive than previous ones. The general policy has been
toward greater freedom of discussion and wider scope of topics. C
Early Policy Stringent
The first historical phase of the lecture policy lasted from 1913
to 1920 and consisted of a ban on all political speeches.
The second phase began in 1920, a year of intense turmoil as far
as the speaker policy issue at the University was concerned, and em-
braced a ban on speech advocating subversion, and a partial restric-
tion on political discussion. The policy instituted in 1949 dropped thec
restrictions on political partisanship.
Paralleling the evolution of the policy itself was the evolution of
its means of enforcement.c

Today (as provided for in Regents Bylaw 31.06, passed in 1958)
a Committee on University Lectures consisting of five faculty mem-
bers and two students has jurisdiction over all public lectures and
addresses held on University grounds. It reviews petitions by student
organizations wishing to sponsor a speaker.j
Committee Control
The Committee on Univerity Lectures evolved from the advisory
committee for the Oratorical Association. In 1931 the advisory commit-
tee became a standing committee judging on all lectures to be held
on campus, and in 1935 the Regents gave it its present name.
Previous to it, petition for lectures were ruled upon by the Re-
gents themselves or by advisory committees responsible directly to the
The University first felt the need for a speaker policy when it
opened Hill Aud. in 1913.
Regents' Supervision
Although the University was (and still is) a constitutionally in-
dependent institution, it felt the need for political nonpartisanship.

So the Regents set up a blanket rule prohibiting the use of Hill Aud.
for political speeches. They felt that they were protecting the Univer-
sity from being used as a political tool.
Opposition Sprang Up
Opposition soon developed within the University community to
this rule. But the Regents remained adamant, declaring in 1914 that
"the use of Hill Aud. for free discussion of all topics is not now nec-
essary nor expedient."
Politicians could speak only if they pledged to avoid political is-
sues. The University would not let former President William Howard
Taft bring up the matter of the League of Nations, or other "political
issues" in his talk here in 1920 under the first lecture policy.
Debs Evades the Issue
Eugene V. Debs spoke at Newberry Hall in 1916 on "Why Have
War? Capitalism Breeds Bloodshed!" and despite protests by campus
conservatives, the Regents tabled a written request by the Oratorical
Association to prevent him from returning to speak again. Debs had
run for political office but the Regents were still adhering to their ban.
See PROTEST, Page 2

See Page 4


ilt iau

:43 a

Pleasant today
with no chance of rain

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Passes Record-High
Defense Money Bill
Gives Administration $229 Million
For Developing Supersonic Bomber
WASHINGTON (M)-The biggest peacetime defense money bill
in history was passed yesterday by the House, carrying in it some
funds and provisions opposed by the Kennedy Administration.
Expected passage by the Senate was delayed when the chamber
adjourned early. The Senate is expected to act today on the $48,136,-
247,000 appropriation bill designed to pay, arm and operate the na-
nation's military forces in the fiscal year that began July 1.
Approved in the House by a voice vote, the measure would give
President John F. Kennedy some $229 million more than he and Sec-
retary of Defnese Robert S. Mc- -

..reports Red rift

Ites Causes
Of Red Rift
"An essential cause for the Sino-
Soviet rift is the conflict of rev-
olutionary interest between the
USSR and Communist China,"
Donald S. Zagoria, of the Rand
Corporation, said yesterday.
Zagoria discussed "Tensions in
the Sino-Soviet Alliance," the last
of the present summer session's
inter-departmental series on the
Soviet Union.
The Chinese seek leadership of
the revolutionary movements in
under-developed countries by di-
rect support of "anti-imperialist"
insurrections and other militant
means, while the USSR relies upon
the "demonstrative power" of the
Soviet state to influence the gains
of Communism in Asia, and espe-
cially Western Europe, he said.
No Sharing
"There cannot be a sharing of
leadership in the Communist bloc.
Either Communist China, or the
Soviet Union must accept 'junior'
status," Zagoria explained. How-
ever, neither are willing to pursue
such. a course.
If the Chinese accept the Rus-
sian foreign policy of diplomacy
and "demonstrative power," they
will have to accept a secondary po-
sition to the USSR, because of
their inferior .military and indus-
trial might, he said.
"Tlthough the rivals are too far
apart for true reconciliation, both
sides realize what damage an open
split would do," Zagoria continued.
As long as the Sino-Soviet treaty
is operative, the United States
would not know how far to go in
dealing with Communist China
without incurring Soviet wrath.
The Chinese realize their depend-
ence upon the Soviet Union for
military support, and this need
forms a strong tie which tends to
bind the two together.
During the next few years, Za-
goria expects Sino-Soviet relations
to fluctuate between bad, and me-
dium degrees of weakness. The
death of Mao Tse-Tung and Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev may
open the way for cooperation be-
tween the Soviets and the Commu-
nist Chinese.
Future Consideration
Although Western foreign policy
towards the Communist bloc must
not be based solely upon the Sino-
Soviet rift, it is imperative that
the West consider its future strate-
gy in the light of the occurence.
The Sino-Soviet conflict accel-
erates an already strong tendency
towards ideological diversity in the
Communist camp.
TI . _ A

Namara requested.
Strike Bomber
Most of the extra funds were
earmarked to push development of
the s u p e r s o n i c reconnaissance
strike bomber, the RS-70.
Kennedy and his Pentagon chief
had asked for only $171 million
for this project, or enough to pro-
vide for three of the experimental
aircraft and their arms systems in-
cluding radar, missiles and other
A Senate - House Conference
Committee, ironing out differences
in the bill as passed originally by
the two chambers, agreed on the
addition of $191 million, for a to-
tal of $362.6 million, which4 would
provide for six of the experimental
craft designated originally as the
B-70 bomber.
Also provided in the bill is a
mandatory directive to the Defense
Department to maintain the Na-
tional Guard at a year - end
strength of 400,000 men and the
Army reserves at 300,000.
Previously, McNamara had stir-
red up a storm of, protest from
governors and congressmen by an-
nouncing plans to pare down the
two civilian soldier components to
Actually, McNamara is not obli-
gated to spend the extra millions
on the RS-70. Last year he froze
some $514.5 million of extra funds
earmarked to continue production
of the B-52 bomber.
Under the compromise bill, about
one-third of the defense appro-
priations are allotted to the re-
search, development and produc-
tion of missiles, aircraft and fight-
ing equipment. More than $3.8 bil-
lion is provided for the building
of new fighting ships for the Navy..
Treasury Notes
First Borrowing
ury Department announced yester-
day its first major borrowing of
the new fiscal year-an $8.75 bil-
lion securities offering for cash.

India To Buy,
Build Soviet
NEW DELHI OP)-Prime Minis-
ter Jawaharlal Nehru has decided
to push ahead with a plan to
buy and manufacture Soviet MIG
fighters in India despite efforts
of the United States and Britain
to steer him off the deal, authori-
tative sources said yesterday.
A team of Indian experts will
go to Moscow next month to open
formal negotiations on the tech-
nical and financial aspects of the
Soviet offer, that has been hang-
ing fire for months.
Two Squadrons
The plan calls for the possible
purchase of two squadrons of So-
viet jets and setting up a plant to
build more in India.
Soviet First Deputy Premier An-
astas I. Mikoyan talked with Neh-
ru Wednesday during a stopover
in India and sources said the Prime
Minister got the impression that
Moscow is still willing to go
through with the deal.
First reports that India was
thinking of equipping its air force
with Soviet fighters caused alarm
in Western embassies here. Unit-
ed States Ambassador John Ken-
neth Galbraith reportedly told the
Nehru government Washington
would consider the purchase of
MIG's military aid.
Nehru has always professed a
policy of rejecting outside military
help as distinct from economic aid.
U.S. Biggest
The United States is the biggest
contributor, with aid amounting to
more than $3 billion in the last 10
years. Russia is next.
Britain tried to stave off the
Indian-Soviet jet deal by offering
to sell Nehru supersonic fighters
but the Indians were reported to
regard them as unsuitable.

House Gives,
Rousing Vote
Of Approval
Shows Confidence
In Macmillan Action
LONDON ()-Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan won a 351-253
vote of confidence in the House
of Commons last night, overrid-
ing a Labor Party censure motion
that would have required him to
With his Conservative Party
rallying behind him, Macmillan
breezed through his first test since
he fired 16 members of his Con-
servative Cabinet. After the Cab-
inet purge, the 68-year-old Prime
Minister again was tagged "Mac
the Knife."
Macmillan told the House he
had no intention of acceding to
Labor Party demands for a new
'A Lot To Do'
"Before we do that .we have a
lot to do and we mean to do it,"
Macmillan declared.
He left little doubt he intended
to make full use of the political
maneuvering time that remains
before the expiration of his gov-
ernment's statutory term in Oct.,
The victory seemed to dispel un-
dercurrents of discontent among
Macmillan's Conservative Party
followers. There had been partic-
ular criticism of the firing of Sel-
wyn Lloyd, a faithful follower who
had served under Macmillan six
years, first as foreign secretary
and then as chancellor of the Ex-
Lloyd Bore Onus
Lloyd bore the onus of an un-
popular credit squeeze and a pause
in the granting of wage increases
-moves the Conservatives put in-
to effect a year ago.
"Last July, the chancellor em-
barked on measures made neces-
sary by certain pressures," Mac-
millan told the House of Lloyd.
"But since then the Government
has achieved a sound basis for
growth. I decided that for this
new phase there must be some
new commanders."
Labor Charges
The Labor Party charged that
Macmillan's Cabinet reshuffle,
particularly the removal of Lloyd,
had shaken the nation's confidence
in him as the Prime Minister.
Macmillan's reply was that he
changed the Cabinet because Brit-
ain had reached a stage of eco-
nomic growth requiring fresh lead-
Macmillan was under sharp at-
tack of Labor Party spokesmen
throughout the six-hour debate.



Give Wyllie
Of New Post
Cleland B. Wyllie, managing edi-1
tor of Information and News Serv-
ice, has been promoted to the new-
ly created post of director of In-
formation Services, Director of
University Relations Michael Rad-
dock announced yesterday.
Donald A. Morris, administra-
tive assistant in Wayne State Uni-
versity's Division of University Re-
lations and former Detroit Times;
education reporter, will replace
"In his new capacity Wyllie will
be responsible for several Univer-
sity offices including the Infor-
mation and News Service, News
Photography Office and the Com-
munity Services branch.
"He will have overall concern
for press relations for the Univer-
sity and will spend much of his
time consulting with e d ito r s
throughout the state," Raddock
Wyllie, 55, has been managing
editor of News Service since 1946.
A 1930 graduate of the University,
Wyllie joined News Service in 1942
aftera journalistic career as tele-
graph editor of the Owosso Ar-
gus-Press, 1930-35, 1937-42 and
editor of the Durand Express in
New Responsibility,
In Wyllie's position as manag-
ing editor of News Service, Morris
will be responsible for news re-
leases and photographs, issued by
the University, detailing various
aspects of this institution's ac-
Morris, 27, received his bache-
lor's degree in journalism from
Wayne State University after nine
years of part-time study. He was
a copy boy on the now defunct De-t
troit Times in 1952, reporter ins
1955, and education writer in 1957
until the paper folded in 1960.
He worked for the Detroit Free
Press briefly and then joined
Wayne State University's staff.
Formal appointment of both men
will be made at today's Regents

The Music Men

Ben Khedda
Tells Hope
For Future
De Gaulle Regime
Watches Situation;
Cite Minor Clashes
ALGIERS OP) - Troops of in-
surgent Deputy Premier Ahmed
Ben Bella were reported preparing
last night to push into this forti-
fied capital city and clear the way
for a new government.
Mohammed Khider, Ben Bella's
lieutenant, announced he would be
in Algiers today to start the wheels
of government turning.
The dissidents have appointed
a left-leaning seven-member poli-
tical bureau-including Ben Bella
to run the newly independent

Report Ben Bella




the Diag last night to an apprec
The concert was one of the hig
tional Band Conductors Confere
musical instructors from around
pus to participate in a series of
cussions on how to improve the
at all educational levels.
Regents To]
OSABylaw I
The Regents' meeting, which
the Administration Bldg., promise:
according to Cleland Wyllie, direct
He said that the agenda for tl
cussion of the budget and the fac
stressed that "this will be only dig
proved at the last meeting."
Run ofi
He added that appointments,
eral run of the mill business wil

Followers Firm
Ben Bella's fo lowers1fappeared
Michael de Gatano tral government of Premier Ben
mer Session Band performed on Youssef Ben Khedda manned all
iative crowd of several hundred, approaches to the city. Thousands
hlights of the 14th Annual Na- more holdouts were holed up in
ence. This week more than 500 the Kabylie Mountains east of this
the country have been on cam- seaport, and their leaders called
forums, clinics, recitals and dis- for widespread resistance to Ben
instruction in wind instruments Bella.
By contrast, Ben Khedda-left;
almost alone in the rambling gov-
ernment building - presented a
calm front. He and his armaments
minister, Abdelhaf id Boussouf, ex-
pressed confidence that "every-
thingY will be arranged."
~[eet Today; t"
M eet ' Boussouf Joins Khedda
After a brief absence, Boussouf
Not on Agenda rejoined Ben Khedda in the capi-
tal and told newsmen: "the crisis
will soon be over."
At the same time, State Mi-
E WACKER ister Lakhdar Ben Tobbal - re-
will be held today at 2:30 p.m. in leased during the day by Ben Bel-
s to be "a fairly routine matter," la's followers at the East Algerian
sr of the"Unirsy'rsiNetService, city of Constantine-landed in Al-
hr of the University's News ris-.giers
he meeting Included a general dis- Two vice-premirs loyal to Ben
ulty salary increases. However, he Khedda toured the Kabylie area
scussion, since the budget was ap- and addressed a mass rally in the
Mediterranean port of Bougie.
the Mill No Signs
leaves of absence, and "the gen- But outside of roadblocks man-
l be discussed. It doesn't appear ning machine guns, there were no
that anything out of the ordinary signs of military activity around
i happen." the Kabylie capital of Tizi Ouzou.
WllieIsaid that it is likely that Inthe West Algerian capital of
Wyeitesaid hatites ielymmthatdOran, , Khider said steps would
neither the changes recommended eventually be taken against Krim
in the Office of Student Affairs and Boudiaf. He described their
lStmnthbyfice-Prmesid. etiforappeal for resistance as "a call for
nor a report regarding the Uni- of a lost cause."
versity's speaker policy will be dis- More thousands of Europeans
cussed by the Regents since neith- who had lived through the months
er item was on the agenda. of terror preceding independence
Estep Committee were leaving Algiers as further
The report, the product of a chaos loomed.
semester-long study by a com- French Watch
mittee chaired by Prof. Samuel President de Gaulle's French
Estep of the law school, concerns government watched the situation
the University bylaw permitting closely. But government sources in
pre-censorship of speeches which Paris said the 400,000 men of the
are given in University facilities. French armed forces still in Al-
The recommended changes in geria would intervene only to pro-
the Office of Student Affairs have tect any Frenchmen who were en-
already gained faculty and admin- dangered.
istrative sanction, but need the The country's only legal author-
approval of the Regents before ity-from a juridicial viewpoint-

Peace Corps Trainees Become Experts at Tak raw

Takraw, the national sport of
Thailand, is presently being learn-
ed by the Peace Corps trainees at
the University.
The trainees-who will leave for

duty in Thailand in September-
are probably the first people to
have ever played the game in the
United States.
There are two ways takraw can
be played-either as a team game
using a net, somewhat similar to
badminton, or as a circle game.
In the latter version, the circle
is divided like a pie and each play-
er is responsible for a "wedge."
A grapefruit-size wicker ball is
kicked, kneed or elbowed, the ob-
ject being to keep the ball in the

trained at the University for a'
Peace Corps mission to Thailand.
The Thai government made the
request for more corpsmen even'
before their in-the-field training
was completed.
There are 63 members of the
present group, chosen from 40
Education Varies
Their educational background
ranges from Harvard University'
to the University of Washington.
Most of the trainees have bach-

Peace Corps trainees are also
subjected to a battery of psy-
chological tests. At the end of the
training program official selection
procedures take place and not all
the trainees are sent on the pro-
gram. Other Tests
This selection is based not only
on the psychological tests which
measure, among other things, ad-
justment ability, but on physical
condition and on the individual

And the rest of the group present
nodded in agreement as if they,
were looking for the words but
could not really express their sen-
timents about the program. I

elor degrees but there is one PhD Corps' member's ability to speak
in the group. the Thai language.


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