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July 25, 1961 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-25

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C, 4 ffrhtgatl Baly
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Khrushchev on Berlin:
Serious or Bluffing?
S THE PRESENT THREAT of Berlin to be and East German ploice are becoming increas-
taken seriously or is it only Russian saber- ingly restrictive.
rattling that is disturbing us? In addition, Khrushchev is known to respect
A popular interpretation of the Berlin situa- only those treaties which support his policies
tion is that Khrushchev is committing himself against the west.
to his present "tough" policy merely to im- All in all, it's very effective saber-rattling.
press the masses back home, in order to brace The practical implications of this popular
up the weakening foundations of the Kremlin interpretation of the Berlin crisis are interest-
regime, ing.
He trat If Premier Khrushchev is only trying to im-
His threat to sign a separate peace treaty press the people back home, it will do little
with East Germany, is also, according to Sec- good for the United States to bait him, or to
retary of State Dean Rusk, a "legal absurdity!", "call his bluff," because this will have no effect.
because the Western powers were granted Meaningless threats are not altered by threats
rights to West Berlin by a treaty with Nazi of similar proportion.
Germany after World War II, which cannot be On the other hand, the Russian specter may
modified. prove to be real. The USSR has the strength
War over West Berlin, therefore, is not to and the determination to destroy West Berlin.
be expected. And, in its desperation, it may do any and all
things imaginable to cough up out of its throat
HOWEVER, in spite of Rusk's assurances that the offending, capitalist-backed bone. This is
Russia will not risk war over Berlin, Presi- not 1945.
dent Kennedy has promised to risk war, if The West Berlin situation must be approach-
necessary, to defend it; and the USSR has in- ed with gre'at caution.,To assume that Khrush-
creased her military budget and staged a chev's threats are meaningless is naive and
massive and frightening show of military air foolhardy, but to expect that they may be met
strength. successfully by "calling his bluff" is foolhardier
East German refugees are streaming into still.
West Berlin at many times the normal rate, -EARL POLE
Which Way the GOP?
THE TWO MAJOR PARTIES in the United states with strong unions in their constituen-
States are both uneasy coalitions of diverse cies And most of the measures involved en-
elements. Both have difficulty in maintaining larged federal expanditures. Here, on the ques-
a clear-cut identity and taking a fully respon- tion of continued spending and mounting def-
sible position before the voters. Out of office icits, signs are appearing of second-thoughts
the problem gets tougher. Just now it is the among some dissident Republicans. And here
Republicans who are trying to "find them- on the ground of fiscal integrity and responsi-
selves." bility, could be the starting point of a feasible
Between presidential elections the character policy path for Republicans.
of an American party is largely reflected in its Party unity is not going to be found by trying
congressional record. But in the last six months to nominate a presidential candidate three
the Republican record has been especially years ahead of time. Personal promotion of
blurred. On the whole Republicans in Congress Goldwater, Nixon, or Rockefeller won't provide
have followed a conservative, antispending the cohesion in Congress required to develop
course. Yet Republican votes have put through responsible and effective party action. Nor
the Kennedy administration's most important will leadership come from following reactionary
bills. Democrats.
Republican "liberals" have held the balance coming together behind a hardheaded but
of power. Nominal Democratic majorities have forward-looking program. Opposition to in-
been cut into by the defection of conservative flation is both right and popular. So is a.
Southern Democrats. The issue has been de- pragmatic approach to welfare questions and
cided by the defection of a few Republicans to issues of local versus federal action. Many
from their' party's leadership. However much federal spending projects have little utility
one respects the "independent" congressman, until local incentives, planning, and action have
this is no way to develop an effective and prepared for them. The right kind of urban
responsible opposition. renewal is both essential and popular. A gen-
Congressional Quarterly has tabulated the uinely progressive tax system, releasing more
CongessinalQuarerlyhastabuatedtheenergies than it curbs, would promote economic
specific cases where Republicans have given et
scale-tipping aid to Democratic measures. Six growth and at the same time providegreater
times in the House and 10 times in the Senate equity. And more than one politician has prov-
Republican votes saved the administration from ed that an honest courageous demand for
defeat on crucial measures. These covered such citizens to pay for benefits desired can be a
things as minimum wages, feed grains, housing, good platform.
depressed areas, federal school aid, and re- The Republican opportunity lies in offering
shaping of the House Rules Committee. On government that is both responsive and re-
some of these measures as man as 20 Republi- sponsible, compassionate and constitutional,
cans followed Democratic leadership. imaginative and economical, humane and
Except in the feed grains vote most of these honest.
Republicans were from industrialized Eastern -CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR

The Age of Modern Man

"Give Me Another Helping, Comrade - I've
Had A Hard Day Nagging You"

Satire, Slapstick Form
Humorous Combination
"MAKE MINE MINK" and "School for Scoundrels" as a double feature
is a hilarious combination of opposites. "Make Mine Mink" is
pure slapstick with a story thrown in to add coherence. "School for
Scoundrels," on the other hand, is a rather sophisticated satire (with
the exception of an extremely weak and inappropriate ending).
"Scoundrels" revolves around a young man (played by Ian Car-
michael) who is frustrated at every turn and dominated by everybody.
Finally, in exasperation, he attends a school of "lifemanship" run
by Alistair Sims. Here he learns slick techniques in every field from

Local Units Face Problems

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the last of a six-part analysis
of the issues likely to be consid-
ered at the forthcoming constitu-
tional convention. Primary election
for delegates to the convention
takes place today.)
Daily Staff Writer
automobile revolution later, the
constitutional convention is going
to be faced with all the accumu-
lated ills and squabbles that af-
flict the state's local governmental
It is the automobile revolution
that has industrialized the state's
economy and outmoded much of
the philosophy upon which the
writers of the 1908 constitution
based the power structure of
Michigan's counties, townships,
villages and cities.
Many of the currently proposed
reforms-especially in regard to
counties-have been rejected in
those 53 years, thus adding to the
burden that the con-con repre-
sentatives will face.
The situation in Michigan lo-
cal governmental units is far from
completely gloomy, but many of
the steps taken by the 1908 con-
vention must be extended or re-
vised to meet present day needs.
* * *
FOR EXAMPLE, in the 1908
constitution, cities and villages re-
ceived home rule. The provision
allows these units to write their
own charters and devise their own
government, subject to the ap-
proval of the voters.
This has permitted communities
to suit local government to local
But, in writing the municipal
home rule into the constitution,
the convention also wrote in an
extremely specific form of gov-
enrment for counties.
Every two years counties must
elect a sheriff, clerk, treasurer,
registrar of deeds and a prosecut-
ing attorney. The county is run
by a board of supervisors repre-
senting the various townships and
cities within the area. There is

no overall executive authority.
There is, however, a long ballot
of elected officials most of whom
the voters, especially in larger ci-
ties, do not know.
By instituting home rule in
counties, many of these elective
positions could become appointive.
In fact, systems resembling the
city manager type government
could very likely be established.
In any case, counties could be-
come units more suited to local
needs rather than remaining
standardized, ineffective and un-
wieldy units with sometimes more
than 40 people on the governing
ANOTHER important issue the
convention will face is making
the general revision from a rural
to an urban pattern of living.
The most conspicuous example
of this need lies in Wayne Coun-
ty. Several times there has been
a proposal on the ballot to amend,
the constitution to allow home
rule for Wayne County, but it
was defeated each time. (There is
also a section of the constitution
that allows cities of 100,000 to
become seperate counties, but De-
troit has never tried this.)
None of these would, however,
really solve the metropolis' prob-
First, cities extend-both in the
services they provide and in their
economic impact-far beyond any
formal boundaries.
Also the city must constantly
increase services while not ex-
panding itself. Expressways, for
example, are in the final analysis
largely for the use of suburban
dwellers who may countribute
nothing in the way of taxes to
the city even though they work
It is here, in the question of a
city's power to levy an income
tax, or to expand ,its tax base in
some direction outside the prop-
erty tax, that the convention will
have to clear up certain areas of
very hazily defined powers.
T* *

ly authorizes the formation of
metropolitan districts on such
matters as parks, public utilities,
sewage, drainage, water, light,
power or transportation.
But so far, only six of these
districts have been formed since
this provision was added to the
constitution in 1927.
Such problems also exist in
larger cities that have to supply
services to suburban areas. An-
nexation is difficult and often un-
desired by sururban residents who,
though they wish to receive serv-
ices from the city, are unwilling
to contribute money for the core
city's expenses, such as welfare.
Another local problem con-con
will consider is that of the town-
Although the problems of these
units are not as crucial as those
of the cities and counties, there
are certain positive steps which
could be taken to provide more
efficient government.
One idea has been to provide
for greater home rule for town-
ships. The townships too have
gained in industry and popula-
tion. Their problems might, also
best be dealt with on a local basis,
since there is a greater variation
among them in population and
economy than there was in 1908.
Townships face the same prob-
lem-counties do with elected offi-
cers being required by the consti-
* * *
IN ADDITION, townships (re-
gardless of population) have one
representative on the county board
of supervisors. It is felt that more
proportional representation might
be fairer.
Still another question to be
faced is the inter-relationship of
cities and counties.
A two-tier system, with a coun-
ty administration handling coun-
ty-wide affairs that also effect
the cities and a city administra-
tion handling strictly city affairs,
might be more efficient than the
present system of voluntary and.
sometimes argumentative cooper-

gamemanshipto woo-manship to
Returning to society, he makes
a fool of those who made a fool
of him and nearly seduces the girl
of his choice.
But, as Sims says at the end of
the movie, "sincerity rears its ugly
head." He refrains from deceiving
the poor girl and admits he loves
her (and, one may assume, they
live happily ever after).
* * *
THE TROUBLE is that the end-
ing dulls the social satire the
movie is trying to convey. It is
sweet and light-and inappropri-
ate in a satire on the "dog eat dog"
tactics which occur in business,
romance, sports.
Otherwise the movie is first-rate.
The combination of Ian Car-
michael as the h~ero, Terry Thomas
as his rival, and Alistair Sims as
his teacher work together to pro-
duce a hilarity both subtle and
thought-provoking, although at a
few points a little slapstickish.
Further, the story is somewhat
better than a series of contriv-
ances thrown together. And al-
though the characters are exag-
gerated, they are not completely
removed from actual personalities.
The picture's humor lies in the
exposition of techniques that many
people employ naturally to one de-
gree or another. For example, the
methods of "not quite cheating"
at tennis are not unusual; but to
see them taught at a school..
"MAKE MINE MINK" is a pic-
ture that people seeking profound
themes in all films will not like.
Certainly one can draw morals
from it ("What one is to do in the
tea time of life"). But all such
morals are purely unintentional.
The movie is simply funny.
The action centers around a
group of four middle-aged people
and a young girl who works in the
household where they all live.
They start by returning a mink
coat which she "stole" (the intri-
cacies of the events are far too
complicated to explain) and end
up by running a slick gang of fur
thieves in order to support char-
itable activities.
Terry Thomas stars in this
movie and it is his flair which
carries through the broad, in-
genious strain of humor which
runs through the film.t
The movie ends after all the
characters have promised never to
steal furs again. They are last
seen entering the Tower of Lon-
don dressed as beefeaters headed
toward the crown jewels.
One would surmise that even
this venture succeeded.
* A 3
SLAPSTICK dominates the
movie, Thomas, being trailed by
the police, ingeniously slips into
a public rest room and emerges in
his underwear with a number pin-
ned on his shirt like a runner and
eludes the search for him.
A smoke bomb goes off in the
face of one of the robbers; all are
caught in a fur freezer; there are
constant mix-ups of indescribable
natures. '
Though the movie stars slowly,
after the first ten minutes there
is rarely a pause in the laughter.
It is a movie in the tradition of
Charlie Chaplin or the Keystone
The two movies complement each
other beautifully. While a double
feature of either slapstick or so-
phisticated comedy might seem
tiring, the one provides relief from
the other and yet maintains the
same mood of hilarity.
The actors are consistently good
in both films, especially Terry
Thomas who is amazingly versa-
tile. But the cartoon before the
show does seem superfluous.
-David Marcus

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of 'Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be ,
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher
will host an informal reception for
Summer Session students on Tues., July
23 from 8 until 10 p.m. at 815 South
University Ave.
Foreign Language Screening Exami-
nations: The last administration of the
screening examinations in French and
German for Ph.D. candidates will be on
Tues., July 25.from 3 to 5 p.m. In Aud
C, Angell Hal. Any person wishing to
take the regular written examination
in French or German must first pass
the screening test. No more adminis-
trations of the screening examination
will be given until the fail semester.
Events Tuesday
Educational Film Preview: "From Gen-
eration to Generation" will be shown
on Tues., July 25 at 2 p.m. in the
Schorling Aud., University School.
Student Recital: Janet Rupp, organ-
ist, will present a recital on Tues., July
25, 8:30 p.m., in Hill Aud. in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Master of Music. Compositions
are by Buxtehude, Daquin, Bach,
Franck, Durufie, and Messiaen. Open to
the public.
German Film Preview: Thomas
Mann's "The Confessions of Felix Krull"
will be shown on Tues., July 25 at S
p~m. in And. A. German dialogue with
English sub-titles. Following the film,
there will be an informal coffee hour
in the Lounge, 4072 Frieze Bldg.
The Summer Session Lecture Series:
Dwight L. Dumond, Prof. of History,
will speak on "Drummer Boy to Gen-
eral" on Tues., July 25 at 4:15 p.m, in
Aud. A.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. War-
ren Cowgili, Yale University, will dis-
cuss "The Inflection of N-Stems in
Germanic, with Special Reference to
the Nominative Singular," on Tues.,
July 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Racham
Doctoral Examination for Lewis Ralph
Tamnblyn, Education: theses: "The Effect
of a Bilevel Method of Reading In-
struction on the Reading, Social, and
Emotional Growth ofdFourth-, Fifth-,
and Sixth-Grade Pupils," Tues., July
25, 2532 UES. Chairman, W. A. Ket-
Events Wednesday
German Coffee Hour: Wed., July 26 at
2 p.m. in 4012 Frieze Bldg. All persons
interested in speaking German are wel-
Educational Film Preview: Wed., July
26 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud.,
University School. "High School Band
Day Highlights" and "Toot, Whistie,
Plunk and Boom."
Baroque Trio: The Baroque Trio,
Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Florian Muel-
ler. oboe; Marilyn Mason, harpsichord;
assisted by Clyde Thompson, double
bass, will present a concert Wed., July
26, at 8:30 p.m. In Rackham Lecture
Hall. Compositions they will play are
by Purcell, Loellet, Jommelli, Bach,
and Telemann. Open to the public
without charge.
William Warner Bishop Lecture: Dr.
Jack Dalton, Dean of the School of
Library Service, Columbia University,
will speak on "International Library
Relations" at 3 p.m. on Wed., July 26,
in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Un-
dergraduate Library. Open to the pub-
Doctoral Examination for Robert Boris
Marcus, Chemistry; thesis: "The Oxi-
dation of Thin Single Crystals of Cop-
per," July 26, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at
10 a.m. Chairman. L. . Brockway.








Associated Press News Analyst
THE NEWS that man in something approxi-,
mating his present form is a million years
older than we had previously believed certainly
opens the door to a certain amount of frivolous
and perhaps even ribald comment.
For instance, if he's one million, seven hun-
dred and fifty thousand years old and going
on two million, when's he going to grow up?
And all that sort of thing.
Or such cracks as "from Pliocene to Plastic
and Plasma," the latter having been developed
to save the wounded of modern wars, sug-
gesting that the wars of the first tool makers
may have been more decisive.
Heavier, but still on the scurrilous side, is
the question whether if man in one million
seven hundred and fifty thousand years has
been unable to produce any real order, will
Editorial Staff
MICHAEL BURNS.................. ..... Co-Editor
SUSAN FARRELL.........................Co-Editor
DAVE KIMBALL .......................Sports Editor
RUTH EVENHUIS....................... Night Editor
MICHAEL OLINICK......................Night Editor
JUmITH OPPENHETM-..-.....--.........Night Editor

he ever be able to do so or was he even
intended to do so?
PHILOSOPHERS will not appreciate such
questions, and if you go among them in
such arframe of mind you will be put down
as superfical.
Nevertheless a great many people will not
deeply ponder the effect of the new dating
process on the theories of evolution. They will
merely continue to accept the Encyclopedia
Britannica's concept that forms of life were
splitting into recognizably separate lines way
back there sometime, and that "if the taxo-
nomic approximation of the hominidae and
the pongidae in a common superfamily repre-
sents a natural classification, the assumption
follows that these two families have ultimately
been derived from a common ancestral stock
by an evolutionary process of divergent modifi-
Modern man would be-more interested if the
history of some Pliocene or early Pleistocene
Berlin could be found to give us a tip on how
to act now.
ribaldry emerge some thoughts which the
philosophers will not so lightly turn aside.
If man has so long survived the onslaughts
of nature as well as his own mistakes, if he has
so far outlived the early forms of other animals

Placement Interviews; Bureau of Ap-
pointments-Seniors and graduate stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointment with the following:
(Continued on Page 2)




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