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July 25, 1961 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-25

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Asks More Controls
On Health Expenses


To Hold Con-Con Primary

(Continued from Page 1)
ods alone, the report urged the
creation of a voluntary service
bureau for both groups.
Such a bureau could evaluate
services received by policy hold-
ers as part of cost control studies.
The development of such systems
could be accelerated by the State
Insurance Commission,.the report
noted. Despite being understaffed
and having vague legal powers,
the Insurance commissioner can
broader authority than at present,
it is said.
Ignore Purposes
"The commissioner has tended
to view his regulatory powers in
terms of the companies and the
plans being regulated, rather than
in terms of the purposes for which
financing agencies exist," it stated.
In a study of rate systems, the
report warned that competing rate
Ssystems of the insurance com-
panies and prepayment plans is
Jeopardizing health care financ-
ing for the aged, the low income,
and other disadvantaged groups.
It recommended legal curbs on
experience rating and suggested
Rnsurance companies pool poor
health risks, a practice followed in
automobile and other insurance.
Experience Rating
Under experience rating, indivi-
duals or groups pay premiums
based on their previous use of hos-
pital or medical care or on that
of people in similar occupational
or age groups.
Blue Cross and other prepay-
ment plans charges rates on a
communuity rating plan where
the good risks pay part of the poor
risk's cost. This is done by charg-
ing a common premium to all sub-
sccribers in the same contract.
Discounts, economies in over-
head costs, and their non-profit,
tax-exempt status give prepay-
ment plans an additional 15 per
cent competitive cost advantage.
Private Cheaper
However, a five year study indi-
cates that low risk, low expense
groups and individuals have left
the prepayment for the cheaper
experience rating system of the
private insurance companies.
"Unless steps are taken to coun-
teract this effect, the Blue plans
face the prospect of a spiralling
rate structure and the loss of
more desirable portions of their
enrollment," the report warned.
"If further analysis substanti-
ates the findings of this study,
legislation should be considered
limiting the- more extreme forms
1:00 P.M.-11 :00 P.M.
daily except Sun.
at the

of experience rating or providing
for pooled risks." (Connecticut re-
cently passed such legislation.)
Policies Let Lapse
In an analysis of the impact of
unemployment on subscriber lapse
rates, the report found that ap-
proximately 50 per cent of the
layed-off workers allowed their
policies to lapse. Most resumed
coverage within a year of cancel-
ing, however.
The report recommended the
labor and management study ways
of maintaining coverage for layed-
off workers, possibly using unem-
ployment insurance for this pur-
In a study of government's pres-
ent role in health care, the report
found that it spends approximate-
ly one-sixth of the total health
care expence.
Government Spending
"About $100 million of the tax
money is spent through govern-
ment operated institutions. The
balance is spend for personal
health care purchased from pri-
vate and voluntary health agen-
cies and practitioners," it noted.
Programs for the mentally ill
and retarded take three times as
much cost as any, other single pro-
gram. Programs for veterans, tu-
berculosis patients, for indigents,
for crippled and afflicted chil-
dren, and for the chronicallyhill
use receding amounts of the cost.
Paying the cost of nearly all
mental illness and afflicted chil-
dren programs, and large share of
the indigent, tubercular, and
chronic programs, the state has
the greatest burden.
Trends Unsurveyed
"Trends in the expenditure have
not been surveyed. It is clear, how-
ever, that total expenditures by
governments at all levels must go
up," the report declared.
It warned the mental illness
program must be increased be-
cause "it is grossly inadequate at
the present time." Shortages of
personnel and facilities were cited
as problems that must be over-
Medical care for the aged and
veterans care will also increase
in cost.
Urge Co-ordination
The report urged the co-ordina-
tion and consolidation of govern-
ment and private facilities for
greater medical effectiveness and
efficiency. A greater use of medi-
cal skills and an end to duplica-
tion of facilities are among the
benefits of such action.
Other recommendations include:
the addition of licensed nursing
homes to the state's medical care
for the aged program, higher state
appropriations to take full advan-
tage of federal matching funds, a
study of the possible merger of al-
coholic and mental health clinics,
and the support of a proposed
change in the federal Hill-Burton
Act to have federal payments allo-
cated to medical facilities on the
basis of a state-determined prior-
ity list.

No Nomination Contests
In 1st Legislative District

One Democrat, Three Republicans Seek Nomination
From Washtenaw County's Single Senatorial District

Robert W. Carr
"The basis for representation in
the Legislature will certainly be
an important issue. I favor (1)
reapportioning the Legislature in
ways that will better enable it to
more justly represent all the
citizens of the state and the ex-
clusion of the "moiety" provision
(representation of a district when
it has reached half the popula-
tion stipulated in the constitu-
tion), and (2) a strong require-
ment that reapportioning take
place after each federal census.
"I favor the retention of the
strong constitutional indepen-
dence now enjoyed -by the state
universities. As a teacher, I am
conscious of the importance of
this status.
Four-Year Term
"The four-year term for the
governor is desirable for two ma-
jor reasons. First, it will better
enable him to carry through an
adequate program, and, second it
will free him of the too-frequent
necessity to concern himself with
campaigning for re-election.
"The new constitution generally
should be a flexible document,
not burdened with detail, so that
it may be able to cope with the
new problems and changing con-
ditions of the future.
"The people of Michigan have
a unique and historic opportunity
to improve the basic fundamental
law of their state.
"Most state officials on the
Administrative Board should be
appointed instead of elected. I
would continue to elect the gov-
ernor, lieutenant governor, and
perhaps the superintendent of
public instruction.
"Election of these officials tends
to lead to their working at odds
with the governor on occasion and
increases the length of the ballot
Asks New Court
"Primary in the revision of the
judiciary are' the creation of an
intermediate appellate court, to
relieve the Supreme Court of its
heavy burden of such cases, and
study of the selection and qualifi-
cations of judges and justices of
the peace.
"The new constitution needs to
provide more flexibility for local
home rule, especially with regard
to counties and the metropolitan
areas of the state.
("For question eight see para-
graph relating to question two.)
"The taxing power of the legis-
lature should come under care-
ful scrutiny so as to establish a
tax structure which will be equi-
table, collectable, and dependable.
Taxes Need Study
"All methods of taxation should
be studied in light of these cri-
teria, and with an eye toward pro-
viding Michigan with sufficient in-
come to meet public needs.
"The state may not exceed
$250,000 in contracting debts to
meet deficits in revenue. This is
wholly unrealistic and should be
substantially raised, either con-
stitutionally or by statute.
"The new constitution generally
should be a flexible document not
burdened with detail, so that it
may be able to cope with the new
problems and changing conditions
of the future."
DIAL NO 2-6264

James K. Pollock
"I have been actively engaged
both in a study of, and in direct
participation in, the affairs of the
State of Michigan since 1925. Dur-
ing this period I devoted several
years to the establishment of the
present state civil service system,
and I have served on numerous
state advisory commissions serv-
ing every governor and many de-
partment heads.
"I have also had experience at
national and international levels
of government, both of which I
believe have given me a necessary
perspective of the place and posi-
tion of my own state in the federal
Local candidates in the Con-
stitutional convention primary
election being held today were
asked to answer the following
questions in no more than 500
The questions were:
1) What do you consider the
single most important issue
likely to be raised at the con-
vention, and what is your stand
on it?
2) What do you believe should
be the constitutional status of
state universities?
3) Do you favor a four-year
term for the governor, and for
what reasons?
4) Do you favor appointments
of most state officials rather
than popular election, and if so-
which officials and for what
5) What revisions do you
favor in the state Judicial struc-
6) What changes do you favor
in home rule for municipalities
and counties?
7) Do you favor reapportion-
ment in the Legislature, and
along what lines?
8) Do you favor extended
legislative taxing powers? If so,
what wind and under what re-
9) Do you favor raising the
state debt limit?
Because of the great impor-
tance of the coming constitu-
tional convention, and the low
voter interest so far reported In
connection with ot, The Daily
urges all readers to study care-
fully the statements made on
this page
union. I was a ,member of the
First Hoover Commission and I
am now vice-chairman of the ad-
visory commission on intergovern-
mental relations in Washington.
"I believe that the whole con-
stitution should be reviewed
thoroughly with a view toward
changing all those sections which
are not adapted to present govern-
mental conditions. This means of
course that we will haveto review
the executive, legislative and
judicial branches, look into the
operation of local government, re-
view the taxing powers, and give
close attention to the impact of
all the great changes which have
occurred in the state of Michigan
since we adopted our last con-
stitution in 1908.
"I personally consider the prob-
lems of the metropolitan areas to
be unusually acute. I also feel that
something has got to'be done to
strengthen both state and local
government and thus prevent the
trend toward Washington.
"In doing all this, I hope that
the document which emerges will
be shorter. more precise and a
better constitution in every way
than the present one."

Roscoe 0. Bonisteel
"In my opinion there is no
'single most important issue' of
the convention. Each issue is im-
portant in its area. One of the
principal issues is to restore re-
sponsibility to local government
so it can meet the problems con-
fronting it. Let's turn the gov-
ernment back to the people. The
real issue for the delegates is to
frame a Constitution that will be
acceptable to the people after it
has been drafted.
"I am for constitutional status
of state universities. I favor a
four-year term for the governor
and believe there should be a
limitation of two terms.
"I believe a study will show that
some of the present elective of-
fices should be appointive, and
that others should continue to be
elective offices. Which should be
elective and which appointive on
the proposed over-all administra-
tive set-up I could discuss at
length, but time will not permit.
"We should have a plan for
judicial selection and tenure, along
the lines of the so-called "Mis-
souri Plan". There are proponents
for an appointive judiciary, and
others wish to retain the right to
elect judges. I was Chairman of
the State Bar Committee on Judi-
cial Selection and Tenure for a
number of years, and I would be
guided by the recommendations of
the State Bar of Michigan.
"As stated before, I believe that
municipalities should have tools
with which to work in attempting
to give good government to the
people. Again, as on the State
level, there should be checks and
balances, but a minimum of regu-
lation of municipalities so that
there can be local self-govern-
"Reapportionment is an issue
which is being discussed at the
present time on a head-count
basis by many. There are a num-
ber of factors involved in the
issue of reapportionment, includ-
ing geographical and territorial
areas, rural and industrial areas,
and other economic factors to be
considered. So far no plan for re-
apportionment has been submitted
which is entirely satisfactory.
Much study will have to be done
by the committee charged with
this phase of this issue. Undoubt-
edly a careful survey and a lot
of research will be done, and out
of it will come a plan which will
meet the general approval of the
"We must restore the prestige
of the executive and legislative
branches of our state government.
By doing this, we will be able to
fix responsibility, which seems to
be of great concern today.
"No matter what reasonable
bonding limit shall be fixed in
the Constitution, we will probably
find that the sum so fixed will not
be adequate ten or twenty years
hence if the inflationary trends
"There have been encroach-
ments by the three branchesof
government, the executive, the
legislative and the judicial, and
when each one is restored to its
proper place, we can then hope
for more consistent, responsible
government, including the power
of the Legislature to raise money
for the operation of the state.

Marvin L. Esch
"Providing a structure for
strengthening local and state gov-
ernment as opposed to more re-
liance on the central government,
is the main task of the convention.
We must develop a positive pro-
gram for solving our state's prob-
lems, for determining the essen-
tial services we desire and for es-
tablishing an orderly system of
obtaining revenue to maintain
these services.
"At the same time the people
must be protected from undue
government authority.
"That government is best which
is closest to the people. It is pref-
erable that the service come on
a local or state level rather than
from the central government.
'U' Status
"The University should main-
tain its present constitutional
status. The University is one of
the major assets of our state.
"We in Washtenaw Countybhav-
ing two universities must be es-
pecially concerned with the future
of higher education.
"Not only will we be affected
through the articles of the new
constitution relating specifically
to higher education but also
through articles on tax structure
and composition of the legislature.
Administrative Board
"The appointment of the gov-
ernor's administrative board would
give the chief executive more ef-
fective organization, allowing full
responsibility to the party in power
and an opportunity for the voters
to clearly evaluate the results.
Under such a system, there is
less need for a four-year term for
the governor.
"The suggestion for a new ap-
pellate court below the supreme
court has great merit. Develop-
ing a structure wherein the su-
preme court has the time and
power to more efficiently adminis-
ter the court system is most im-
"There will be a great increase
in population in many outstate
areas in the next 20 years. Wash-
tenaw County for example will
see a 56 per cent increase by 1980.
A system must be developed which
will allow the citizens in local
areas the opportunity to accept
a structure on a home rule basis
in order to provide for their es-
sentian services.
Geographical Base
"Realistically, the senate will
remain based on a geographical
base. There will probably be some
reapportionment in the House, but
we must never develop a structure
where one geographical area or
one, party can dominate the state.
"There are many bases for rep-
resentation - not population
alone - but also geographical
and economic interests.
"There should be more fexibility
in the tax structure than at pres-
ent. The concept of fewer ear-
marked funds (excluding educa-
tion) would be one positive step.
However the advantages of flexi-
bility must be balanced by con-
siderations for the protectionof
the people against undue taxa-
The present debt restriction in
unrealistic. However, once again,
the protection of the people
against an undue debt burden
must be remembered."

Lewis G. Christman
"We should retain two houses in
the legislature, local units of gov-
ernment, strive for equitable tax-
ation with mill and debt limita-
tions, and preserve our rights of
person and property.
"Our universities have become
eminent under present status but
improvement should be possible
through closer coordination and
enlarged support.
"The constitution needs revision
for better executive responsibility
and administration including long-
er terms of office and reorganiza-
tion of commissions, departments
and bureaus, and appointment
"Judicial procedure and election
needs attention."
Bac grounds
Roscoe O. Bonisteel, an attor-
ney, is a resident of Ann Arbor.
He is former president of the State
Bar of Michigan and member of
the State Board of Law Examiners
of Michigan, and vice-president of
the Historical Society of Michi-
He is a former Regent of the
University of Michigan, and a
former member of the Wayne
State University board of gover-
A member of the American Bar
Association, he was also a former
judge advocate for the depart-
ment of Michigan of the American
Robert W. Carr is a teacher of
government and history in the
Ann Arbor public schools. He is
a graduate of the University and
a charter member of the Ann Ar-
bor chapter of Citizens for Michi-
gan. He has been closely involved
with the constitutional revisions
Lewis G. Christman has spent
16 years in the state Legislature
where he represents the 33rd state
district. He has had 40 years of
experience as teacher, lawyer,
banker and business executive.
Marvin L. Esch is an associate
professor of speech at Wayne State
University. As a conference con-
sultant, he has served numerous
industrial firms as well as the
Bureau of Industrial Relations
and executive development pro-
grams for civil service employes.
Allan W. Grossman, presently
the Saline city attorney, also has
a private law practice in Saline.
He has also had experience as a
mathematics teacher. He is a
member of the Michigan State
Bar, the Washtenaw County Bar
Association and the Washtenaw
County Democratic Committee.
He is president of the Saline
chamber of commerce, director of
the Saline Fair Board, and chair-
man of the Saline area Demo-
cratic organization.
James K. Pollock is presently
Murfin Professor of Political Sci-
ence at the University. He was a
member of the first Hoover com-
mission and is now Vice-Chair-
man of the Advisory Commission
.on Intergovernmental Relations in

Allen W. Grossman
"All provisions in a constitution
are important. Probably the most
delicate issue to be faced by the
convention is reapportionnient of
the Legislature. I favor periodic,
enforceable and practical reap-
portionment of both houses.
"The House should be appro-
tioned on a strict population basis.
Although some consideration may
be given toward function and area,
Senate apportionment must be
more closely related to population.
"It is neither fair nor demo-
cratic to protect minority groups
and interests by giving a minority
voice to the majority of the peo-
ple of the state of Michigan.
"The constitutional status of
state universities should be main-
tained, and a solution to the
problem of an increased number
of state universities should be
formulated in the constitution.
"The governor should have a
four-year term. He must have time
to carry out his programs with
freedom from the necessity of poli-
tical campaigning so that the
people may better fix the respon-
sibility for the success or failure
of his programs.
"Executive power must be com-
mensurate with executive respon-
sibility. The executive should ap-
point his administrative officers
in the same manner that the
President appoints his cabinet.
The governor and lieutenant gov-
ernor should be elected as a team.
The auditor general should be ap-
pointed by the legislature.
"The outline of a unified lower
court structure must be provided
for in the constitution with con-
siderable improvement on the
existing structures.
"I favor retention of an elected
judiciary.rMy position in this mat-
ter follows from my convictions
that the law and the interpreta-
tion thereof is a growing, organic
institution and must reflecp the
fundamental attitudes of the
people which it purports to guide.
"This can be best accomplished
by granting to the people the
power to choose the men on whose
shoulders falls the heavy respon-
sibility of judging. In addition, I
feel that retention of the integrity
of the judical branch of our gov-
ernment within the framework of
the philosophy of checks and bal-
ances demands the keeping of the
selection of the judiciary within
the jurisdiction of the people.
"I favor extended legislation
taxing powers on both state and
local level. The constitution should
not specify the kind of taxes which
the legislature has the power to
levy but should set standards of
equality for all taxes.
"Legislative power to tax may
be restricted in the constitution by
requiring approval of the particu-
lar tax by the voters in certain
cases. This would avoid the neces-
sity of constitutional amendment
to authorize the levy of a parti-
cular kind of tax without depriv-
ing the people of a voice in the
"The state debt limit should be
decided by the Legislature sub-
ject to approval by the people.
This should be a constitutional
Be a Good

DIAL NO 8-6416
"Make Mine Mink"
"School for Scoundrels"
Like a bee sipping
honey... she went
from man to
VMS, i:- man...

QcoU cwc


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SUMMER DRESSES, styled for wear-
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All spring and summer hats and whimsies,
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These are only a few of the
marvelous clearance buys we have

You'll find sheer cot-
ton prints similar to
this in 7.98 & 10.00
groups-petite sizes.


Shows at 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10
:15 and 9:20. Feature 9 mins. later


(Continued from Page 2)
Wed., July 26 - Aetna Casualty &
Surety Co., Hartford, Conn.-Trainees
for Underwriting Dept. Recent male
grade-any field-who have taken part
in a number of extra-curricular activi-
ties and who are willing to accept
transfer to any one of various Branch
Offices located in principal cities
throughout the U.S.
Personnel Requests:
Bauer & Black, Battle Creek, Mich.-
Sales Rep. with Tqtrs. in Battle Creek
for southern Mich. territory to Angola,
Ind. To call on retail drug stores, sur-
gical supply dealers, and distributor.
BA. BS-any field. Senior or recent grad
with some sales exper.
Marine Transport Lines, Inc., N.Y.C.-
play golf
Pat's Par-3
on U.S. 23-South of Packard Rd.
* 18-hole par-3 course
" 50-tee golf range
" 18-hole miniature course

New graduate for position as Assistant
Naval Architect in new dept. Require
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications can be made in
2200 SAB Monday through Friday, 8:00
a m. to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employes should con-
tact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, Ext.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Rm. 2200, daily.
5-Salesmen, salary or commission
2-Salesmen, selling magazine sub-
scriptions, commission basis.
50-Psychological subjects, several one
hour experiments.
4-Salesmen, commission basis, must
have car.
BA & D. Firm handles a fleet of 70
vessels, both privately-owned and man-
aged for other companies.
Hobbs-Schmidt & Co., Realtors, Ann
Arbor - Real Estate Trainee. Recent
grad-any field-to train in various
phases of real estate business. Experi-
ence not essential. Salary plus commis-
Please contact Gen'l. Div. of Bureau
of Appts., 3200 S.A.B., Ext. 3544 for
further information.

1-Married couple, no children, be-
tween 25-30 years of age, to super-
vise children, permanent.
2-Japanese translators, for library re-
search, part-time until November,
1-Animal caretaker, full-time for 2
weeks or less, handling rats, must
be familiar with animals.
2-Japanese translators, for library re-
search, part-time until November.
2-Saleswomen, selling magazine sub-
scriptions, commission basis.
13-Psychological subjects, several one
hour experiments.
1-Married couple, no children, be-
tween 25-30 years of age, to super-
vise children, live in, permanent
DIAL NO 5-6290
"~aley Ny





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