See Page 2
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Sir iauF
Less humid; otherwise
little change.
Years of Editorial Freedom
Westerners Come
To Japan's Prince
Special To The Daily
TOKYO-Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko grant-
ed an extraordinary private audience last week to seven Ameri-
can college students touring Japan under the auspices of the
United States National Student Association.
We met first for a protocol briefing in the outer waiting
room of a modern castle built for the newly-wed Prince two years
The protocol session was less complicated than we had
anticipated. We were told that both their Highnesses speak ex-
cellent English and that we could discuss anything, but should
let them lead the conversation. We were also told never to
stand with our backs to them but that court behavior had re-
laxed in recent years so we could smile.
Prince Speaks
Prince Akihito spoke with all of us for a minute, and then
skillfully steered the male students off for more conversation.
The Princess conversed only with the women.
The quiet-voiced, docile Princess whom we met only faint-
ly resembles the vivacious, fun-loving girl who was
president of student government at Sacred Heart College, her
friends say. She was interested in our tour and the student
organization which sponsored it.
We spoke about the varying degrees of freedom student
governments have. She wondered how American student govern-
ments conveyed their wishes to the faculty, and what the rela-
tionship of an individual student to USNSA is.
Deep Interests
The Crown Prince told the two men in our group of his
deep interest in the social welfare of the Japanese people. He
explained that while he has no voice in the government, he
occasionally offers suggestions for more welfare and assistance
He has no knowledge, himself, of the human problems which
call for public assistance. He was brought up as a non-thinking
symbol, with his reading material, his teachers, and his entire
environment carefully protected from anything resembling a
political, economic or social problem.
After several minutes of talk in the garden, the royal
couple gradually led us back into the sitting room. They shook
hands with us 'again, but neither made any attempt to speak
with students of the opposite sex. Then the soft-voiced Princess
and the young-looking future Emperor nodded and left the
Retain Respect
Conservative elements in the country maintain consider-
able respect for the traditional ruling dynasty. Politically, they
blame much of the younger generation's lack of respect on re-
visions made in the teaching of Japan's history and culture
since the war.
Socialists claim conservatives have sought for the last two
years to subtly re-instate the teaching of emperor-worship in the
public schools.
The throne can be manipulated by politicians, but the royal
family could not possibly participate in anything political. The
Emperor speaks to a Joint session of the Diet once a year, but
his speech is both ghost-written and screened before presenta-
He couldn't have a political opinion because he receives no
information on political matters except what his advisers and
the government want him to receive. If he did have an opinion,
he would have no one to tell it to. In effect, the royal family is
under house arrest on a very lavish and formal level.
Force U.S. Airliner
Into Flight to Cuba
MIAMI, Fla. (P)-With a hijacker's pistol pointed at his head, a
commercial pilot flew his prop-jet Electra into Cuba yesterday, while
a United States fighter plane tried unsuccessfully to turn him around.
The fighter, an F-102 Delta Dagger, returned to Florida after
accompanying the airliner to Cuba's three-mile territorial limit.
Thirty-three passengers and five crewmen were aboard the
Electra when it landed at Havana's Jose Marti Airport at 11:25 a.m.
Senate Gives
Foreign Aid
$4.3 Billions
WASHINGTON UP) - President
John F. Kennedy's $4.3 billion
foreign aid bill cleared the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee yes-
terday and headed for a storm of
controversy on the Senate floor.
While the committee approved
it by a 13-4 vote, this did not
reflect the margin of support for
its chief provision - authority
for the President to borrow funds
from the Treasury to finance a
5-year long-term economic devel-
opment loan program.
Sen. George D. Aken (R-Vo)
predicted that not more than six
of the Senate's 36 Republicans
will suport that method of financ-
ing when the bill is called up for
the start of long debate begin-
ning next Monday. Only one of
the committee's eight Republi-
cans, Sen. Alexander Wiley (R-
Wis), supported the treasury-
financing provision when that
feature of the bill was approved,
10-7, by the committee last week.
Kuchel Opposes
Acting Republican leader Thomas
H. Kuchel (R-Calif) also pre-
dicted the Senate will not approve
the long-range loan program
financed by Treasury borrowing.
"I'm a supporter of foreign aid
but I'm not going to vote for an
$8.8 billion blank check," Kuchel
said in an interview.
"Congress has responsibility in
this matter and I don't think it
is going to turn it over to the Pres-
House Troubles
The financing provision also
faces trouble in the House, where
the Foreign Affairs Committee is
considering the bill.
Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex),
however, told newsmen he ox-
pected Congress to approve Ken-
nedy's long-range foreign aid pro-
gram despite what Rayburn call-
ed "a terrific campaign against it
by unthinking people."
Critics "all around the country"
have harped on things that have
gone wrong with the program,
Rayburn said, but they say noth-
ing about "the good."
Predicts Success
He said he hoped the committee
would complete work on the bill
by the end of the week. He said'
the bill "will come through all
right" when it reaches the floor.
The measure, as reported by the
Senate committee yesterday, is
tailored to fit most of Kennedy's<
Its main new feature provides
the full authority the President
asked for a 5-year, $8.8 billion,
treasury-financed program for
making low or no-interest loans to1
help struggling nations build up
their economies.'
(EST). It had left Miami at 9:05
a.m., bound for Tampa, New Or-
leans and Dallas.
Last Words
The last word from the airliner
pilot was: "I am proceeding to
Havana at pistol point." There-
after his radio went silent.
There was silence also from the
Cuban raio. In a radio-television
speech July 4, Prime Minister Fi-
del Castro threatened to keep any
planes hijacked in the United
States and flown to Cuba.
The Electra landed in Havana
amid confusion preceding the ar-
rival of Yuri Gagarin, Russian
space man, in Havana to attend
Castro's 26th of July celebration.
Passengers Waited
The passengers were discharged
in waiting rooms at the airport
while crew members were ques-
tioned by police.
There was no word from Cuba
as to how or when the Ameri-
cans might be allowed to leave
the country.
First indication that something
had happened to the Electra came
when the $3/ million aircraft
made a sharp turn off course on
the radarscope. This occurred as
the plane was about 20 miles
southwest to Pahokee, Fla. Then it
swerved directly toward Havana.
NORAD Warned
A federal aviation agency re-
port thast the Electra had left its
pattern was picked up by the
North American Air Defense Com-
mand (NORAD) at Colorado
Springs, Colo., and an immediate
order went to the Homestead, Fla.,
Air Force Base to send up a
Ever since the Cuban invasion,
NORAD has been keeping a close
watch on the Florida area.
The fighter plane took off and
picked up the airliner south of
Cuban Prime Minister3Fidel
Castro said last night the 33 pas-
sengers and five crewmen aboard
a hijacked airliner are free to
leave Cuba at any time, the Na-
tional Broadcasting Co. reported.
Castro was quoted as saying the
dispute over the plan itself has
not yet been decided and that
the United States and Cuba "might
talk about an agreement" regard-
ing hijacked planes.
The Cuban leader indicated
such an agreement should take up
the Cubana planes currently be-
ing held in Miami in connection
with a civil court litigation.
Kennedy Talks
On New Threat
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy will go on radio
and television at 9 p.m. (EST)
today to outline his plans for
dealing with the Soviet threat to
The President's speech will be
carried live by major radio and
television networks, from 9 to
9:30 p.m. He will speak from the
White House.
To Ease Bizerte
Envoy Asks
U.S. Support
'For Tunisia
Bourguiba Withdraws
Troops from Congo
To Oppose French
TUNIS (IP)-Dag Hammarskjold
arrived yesterday to lend a hand
in settlement of the Bizerte crisis,
which has veered now from a
shooting war to an angry exchange
of charges between Tunisia and
' France.
A heavy loser in the military
action touched off by Tunisian fire
on French aircraft last Wednes-
-AP Wirephoto
BIZERTE REFUGEES-Refugees left Bizerte in Tunisia by the thousands yesterday, as the uneasy
ceasefire between French and native Tunisian forces threatened to make the North African port'
a scene of disaster for any inhabitants who chose to remain. Efforts by the Tunisians to receive
strong U.S. support against the French are so far not successful.
Welfare Chief Attacks AMA
WASHINGTON (R) - The ad-'
ministration yesterday opened its
fight for a social security health
plan for .the aged with a sharp
attack on the American Medical
Welfare Secretary Abraham
Ribicoff accused the AMA of mis-
Job Accepted
In Blue Cross
By McNerney
Prof. Walter J. McNerney, di-
rector of the University's Bureau
of Hospital Administration, has
accepted an offer of the presi-
dency of National Blue Cross.
McNerney cited the opportunity
to work in the field of voluntary
health care was one of his ma-
jor motivations in accepting the
Last week, McNerney presented
the final report of a three-year
study which he headed of prepaid
medical care plans in Michigan.
He noted that although the
study was confined to the state,
much of it had relation to more
general problems and "made
sense" as far as application to
National Blue Cross.
Among other things, the study
criticized Blue Cross-Blue Shield
for not requiring more detailed
accountings of, how money paid
out for hospitalization benefits
are spent.
McNerney has been at-the Uni-
versity for six years. He earned
degrees from Yale and the Uni-
versity of Minnesota and has been
hospital administrator as well as
the author of several books.
leading the public and its own
members in its attempts to hang
a "socialized medicine" label on
the administration plan. He add-
"180,000 doctors are not going
to be able to defeat the will of
180 million Americans."
Republicans on the House Ways
and Means Committee, before
which Ribicoff appeared, jumped
into the fight with charges of,
misrepresentation by Kennedy
and Ribicoff's Department of
Health, Education and Welfare.
The stormy start of the hear-
ings presaged a bitter fight in
Congress next year when the con-
troversial issue will be taken up.
The hearings starting yesterday
are designed to lay the ground
work for next year's action.
Ribicoff presented the admin-
istration proposal in detail with a
heavy accompaniment of statis-
tics. It wasn't until he had fin-
ished and was being questioned
by committee members that the
fireworks began.
AsCalls for 90 Days
As outlined by the secretary, the
plan would provide up to 90 days
of hospitalization, 180 days in a
nursing home, and 240 home
health visits for 14.5 million per-
sons over 65.
It would be financed through
an increase of %/th of 1 per cent
in the social security taxes of both
employers and employes, and an
increase in the payroll base on
which the tax is applied from $4,-
800 to $5.200.
No money would be provided
doctors for' bills, other than in
connection with diagnostic studies
at the hospital.
Rep. Cecil R. King (D-Calif),
who is sponsoring the plan in the
House, served up the question
about the AMA and its charge of
socialized medicine and Ribicoff
pounced on it eagerly.
He said doctors have been spe-
cifically excluded from the plan
and that nothing in it interferes
in any way with the normal doc-
tor-patient relationship.
Primary elections for consti-
tutional convention delegates
will be held in the state today.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m.
to 8 p.m. Each legislative and
each senatorial district will
choose one Republican and one
Democrat to oppose each other
on the September 12 ballot
which will determine the one
representative from each type
of district to attend the con-
vention opening in Lansing Oc-
tober 3.
Two hundred eighty-eight
candidates will thun run Sep-
tember 12 for the 144 conven-
tion posts.
The names of candidates who
are unopposed for their party's
nomination will not appear on
the ballot today.
The major issues of the con-
vention should include reap-
portionment of the state Legis-
lature, the question of a four-
year term for the governor and
a revision of the fiscal and tax
Candidate's statements ap-
pear ondpage 3 of today's Daily.
Rhodesian Negro Strike
Turns Police to Violence
SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia P)--An appeal for a general
strike by African political extremists exploded into violence yester-
Police said two Negroes were killed and four wounded after they
stoned police cars.
The strike won only spotty support and the government mount-
day, Tunisia charged that land-
ing barges debarked French re-
inforcements at Cap Blanc, five
miles north of Bizerte.
In Washington Tunisian Am-
bassador Habib Bourguiba Jr., the
president's son, called on Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk and
urged immediate action to halt
what he called new French land-
Eyes Soviet Aid
"I suggest the free world act
now before another world does,"
the envoy angrily told newsmen,
referring to possible Soviet inter-
The Tunisian radio said French
paratroopers, ignoring the United
Nations Security Council's order
for combatants to return to their
original positions, were fortifying
strong points they won within the
city in the four-day battle.
The French admiralty charged
that Tunisians were taking at-
vantage of the UN cease-fire to
get Moslem civilians out of Bizer-
te's ancient casbah and convert it
into a military bastion from which
artillery fire could be directed
against French ships on the canal
linking Lake. Bizerte and its mili-
tary installations with the Medi-
terranean. The French insist they
must maintain French communica-
New Restrictions
Tunisia invoked new restrictive
measures against the French. El
Aquina airfield, Tunisia's only in-
ternational airport, was closed to
all French planes. Air liaison with
Paris was maintained by the na-
tional airline, Tunis Air, which
has an average of two flights
French-owned restaurants were
closed. Some 60 French citizens
were held at Sousse Prison in
what Tunisians called preventa-
tive arrest.
Financial circles within France,
however, showed no particular
alarm. French shares, especially
Sahara oil issues, recouped some
of their losses of last week on the
Paris Bourse.
Hammarskjold arrived as
streams of refugees, both French
and Tunisian, headed out from
the battle-stricken city.
Claim 670 Dead
The Tunisian news agency said
670 dead had been counted in
Bizerte and 1,500 were wounded.
French'announcements have re-
ported less than a score of French
The first contingent of Tunisian
troops serving in the UN task
force in the Congo returned to
Tunis. Tunisia hoped to bring back
all its 3,200 soldiers - the best
units of the nation's tiny army.
Messages of support and sym-
pathy arrived from a number of
Arab countries, many of which
until recently had boycotted Tu-
nisia, branding it "too pro-
The 11-nation Arab League
Council, meeting in Cairo, voted
unanimously to send Arab volun-
teers to Tunisia within the next
few days and organize other
groups later. League headquar-
ters gave no figures on the number
of volunteers enrolled.
Florida To Get
NI CAJI " "llf
ed an impressive show of force
British Ready
For Austerity
LONDON (WP) - Prime Ministe
Macmillan's government increase
post offices charges yesterday onl
24 hourse before the schedule
announcement of a stern austerit
program for the nation.
The new economic programn
designed to combat inflation an
protect the value of British ster
ling. It also may make it possibl
for Macmillan to open negotia
tions for Britain to Join the Eurc
pean Common Market.
The Treasury boss -- Chancel
br of the Exchequer Selwyn Lloy
- is to announce the program i
the House of Commons today.I
received final cabinet approva
yesterday, at a meeting preside
over by Macmillan.
The economic program to b
announced by Lloyd today will in
elude both short range and lon
term goals including the organ
ization of public and private in
vestment into a British five-yea
plan, it was reported.
There were forecasts that th
sale anr exise tax increase
to protect workers who ignored the
-(strike call. Some of those return-
ning from work were beaten by
agitators; others were jeered.
Violence at Salisbury'
The violence was reported in
segregated townships around Sal-
isbury, where tension is high be-
cause of Wednesday's referendum
on a new constitution. Negro po-
or litical leaders say the black ma-
d jority will not have a large enough
ly voice in the new parliament.
d Police blamed nationalists for
y the strike call but one of the
major nationalist groups, Joshua
Nkomo's African National Demo-
d cratic Party, denied it had any-
- thing to do with the stay-at-home
le movement.
The party, which held its own
- unofficial referendum Sunday and
mounted a display of opposition
to the constitution, said it had
rd called a strike for Wednesday to
d coincide with the official refer-
n endum.
Charge Shooting
yd Party Secretary T. G. Silundika
charged that police shot and kill-
e ed one Negro child and wounded
several others in putting down
g the violence.
1 There was no immediate official
- comment on the charge.
i- At dusk police began to move in
strength to strategic points with
armored cars and trucks to pro-
a tect workers who said they feared
Study Asks Health Insurance Controls
Greater public control of the fi-
nancing of health care and the in-
surance company and pre-paid
health plan rates policy were
among the major recommenda-
tions of a report issued last Sat-
urday by Prof. Walter McNerney
of the business administration
Financed by an approximately
$380,000 grant from the W. K. Kel-
logg Foundation, the study is the
last of three reports to the Gov-
ernor's Commission on Pre-Paid
Hospital Care.
The public interest in cost con-
trol should be considered of para-
mound importance in the future
development of insurance and pre-
payment plans, the report de-
Aspects Intertwined
ernment must provide strong in-
ducement to self control by the
providers of health care.
Definitive Standards
This can be done using definitive
standards, methods of monitoring
performance, and impartial stand-
ards, the report stated.
"Insofar as possible, professional
control is preferable to either fi-
nancial or legal control. It recog-
nizes the fact that, in the final
analysis, the providers of care
must make the decisions and carry
out the programs which determine
the cost, quality, and quality of
care," it noted.
Prepayment plans, insurance
companies, the government and
other purchasers of health care
can greatly increase the incentives
for development of such controls
by encouraging the use of accepted
standards and the development of
firms could make accurate cost an-
alyses a condition for payment.
The report also urged the sub-
mitting of annual cost reports to
the State Insurance Commission-
er, Blue Cross, private firms and
the public.
Besides illustrating the relation-
ships between cost and quality of
care, these reports could aid hospi-
tals in gaining full payment for
services to government supported
Shouldn't Ask Discount
"There is little reason why pub-
lic agencies should expect a dis-
count on health care'when that
discount will result either in lower
quality or increased charges to
other members of the public," the
report commented.
The report also studied the
problems of effective locations and
construction of health care facili-
ties, has been limited by its fi-
nancial power. Under the Hill-
Burton Act it may provide 34 to
55 per cent of the cost of new hos-
pitals which conform to state and
federal standards.
The new agency would develop
the state plan further, and ad-
minister the state franchising law
and the federal Hill-Burton pro-
gram .
In addition it would receive cost
reports from hospitals, license all
hospitals and medical facilities,
approve the construction of new
health care units, and enforce con-
struction standards.
Functions Now Held
Many of these functions are
presently held by the Departments
of Health, Mental Health, and So-
cial Welfare, the Fire Marshall's
office, and the Crippled Children's
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