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July 20, 1961 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-20

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e11 Aidjigan ;&tiI9
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Exclusion of Students
From Committee Unwarranted

7Bedbug' Exhibits Dull Bite

IT IS INDEED unfortunate that
"The Bedbug" bites only inter-
Third presentation of the Sum-
mer Playbill, the play by Vladimir
Mayakovsky, described as a "biting
satire," isn't worth the pun.
Perhaps the fault lies in the
translation-either from Russian
to English, or more generally,
from the Russian society to ours.

But whatever the cause, the play's
humorous moments - when it
really makes a connection with
the audience-are few and far
Genesis of the action, in Act I,
is the proposed marriage between
Ivan Prisypkin, "hero of the revo-
lution," and Elzevir Davidovna
Renaissance, member of the aris-
tocracy, whose family wants a

A COMMITTEE to study the structure of the
Office of Student. Affairs and consult with
Vice-President James A. Lewis on its re-organi-
zation will be officially appointed at the end of
the month.'
From all indications, it will be composed of
a small number of faculty members interest-
ed and experienced in the many areas that are
the concern of Lewis' office-judiciary sys-
tems, academic and psychological counseling,
residence halls systems. Committee members
will have the opportunity to consult experts
on these matters from outside the University if
they Wish to.
But the committee, as presently planned, will
include neither faculty members from the Sen-
ate committee on student relations (whose re-
port initiated administrative discussion of re-
organization) nor students.
THE REASONS Lewis advances for this ar-
rangement are plausible. Members of the
Senate committee will not be included because
this committee is his institutionally established
advisory group and he will continue to be in
close contact with them. In addition, commit-
ment to the substance of their recent report on
the structure and personnel of the Office of
Student Affairs and the philosophy of the Uni-
versity-student relationship in general could
hinder them in full and sincere participation
in the work of the flew study committee.
No such definite explanation is offered for
the exclusion of students, but Lewis stresses
that there will be "careful discussion" with
students at "certain points" in the committee's
deliberations and that no final steps will be
taken without consulting them.
Such an arrangement is superficially, at
least, efficient. It attempts to obtain the great-
est possible communication under circum-
stances designed to raise the least possible
fuss. But it fails to realize that full, free com-
munication and little fuss are mutually exclu-
sive goals.
THE PROPOSED re-structuring of the Office
of Student Affairs is far more than a simple
shuffling of administrative functions. It is to


Big Three Chc

Associated Press News Analyst
THE UNITED STATES, Britain and France
are making a strong effort to turn the
Soviet willingness to take risks with peace into
a boomerang in world public opinion.
Their three notes to Moscow represent not
only a deterrent, through their pointed resist-
ance to Soviet recklessness in creating a dan-
gerous crisis over Berlin unnecessarily, but also
initiate, through their endorsement of self-de-
termination, a positive counterattack with wide
- Here is a matter of principle on which scores
of nations are in general agreement, and in
which many of them have direct interests.
And here is a matter which vitally affects not
only the Berlin matter, but also the founda-
tions of Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe. A
Matter which involves the active discontent of
millions of people under Soviet rule.
THE ALLIES could hardly have struck at a
point more embarrassing to Soviet interests,
for the Communists have repeatedly sought to
differentiate between the self-determination
they advocate for former colonial countries and
their weak case for the claim that the sub-
servient positions of the new colonial countries
actually represents self-determination. Here
the Soviet Union will be on dangerous ground,
attempting to uphold degrees of self,-determi-
nation, and to explain why, if the situation in
central Europe really represents self-determi-
nation, they do not go ahead and confirm it
with free elections.
This point in the Allied note represents a
direct bid to the neutral nations to take up the
cudgels for an all-German settlement in the
United Nations, a battle for which they are
more eminently fitted than are the contending
powers. It also, in some respects, presents a
test of the willingness and ability of these
nations to make their neutralism more than
just a negative standoffishness, and to offset
the distinct impression given by some of them
that they actually like the cold war because of
what they can get out of the contending par-
THERE HAS BEEN great criticism of Allied
slowness in replying to the Khrushchev
gambit made at the meeting with President
Editorial Staff
MICHAEL BURNS ......................... Co-Editor
SUSAN FARRELL.......... ...........Co-Editor

be a thorough-going overhaul of the adminis-
trative unit that has the greatest direct impact
on University students.
Student concern with the Office of Student
Affairs is long-standing. Student action was,
in fact, the original impetus to the Senate
committee's study of the organization and poli-
cies of the Office of Student Affairs, particu-
larly in the Dean of Women's Office.
(The faculty study was undertaken after re-
ceiving a documented protest about the orien-
tation and practices of Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon from a student group including the
1960-61 Daily senior editorial staff and mem-
bers of the Student Government Council's Hu-
man Relations Board. The students also urged
attention to problems in the Office of Student
Affairs. The faculty report, submitted to Lewis
after three months of discussion, urged "sweep-
ing structural changes" in his office. Action to
establish the committee to consult with Lewis
was taken in the wake of this faculty report.)
SO THE EXCLUSION of students from the
full deliberative process preceding the com-
mittees's recommendations to the vice- presi-
dent is difficult to understand.
Meeting with students at "certain points" in
the discussion, as Lewis promises, will not serve
the purpose-at least not the purpose one
hopes the committee will have. And that is the
construction of a student affairs office that in
philosophy and operation actively encourages
student freedom of action, association, thought
and development, an office that embodies the
professed ideals of the University whether or
not doing so created a fuss.
Such a result cannot be achieved if the
methods to the end contradict it-as the com-
mittee presently envisioned by Lewis does.
For a small faculty committee to make rec-
ommendations on the office of student affairs
that includes neither students nor the faculty
people who have demonstrated their commit-
ment to the sort of office students have long
demanded (though it may be quiet and effi-
cient) is a patent. contradiction in terms.
Alenge Russia
John F. Kennedy in Vienna weeks ago. There
has been fear that the Communists would in-
terpret the delay as evidence of an inability of
the Allies to agree.
Impatience has been reported even among
some of the prime movers such as President
Kennedy himself. The whole process of West-
ern decision by committee-first in the White
House and then between the White House and
State Department, then between the Big Three,
and then between all the nations in NATO, has
come under question. Trying to mobilize such
a force against the central and free-wheeling
directing powers of Communism has had some
aspects of the troubles faced by formal armies
in coming to grips with guerrillas.
On the other hand, the very deliberation
with which the Allied reply has been formu-
lated, the broad attention given to principles
over and above the mere reiteration of deter-
mined firmness with regard to Allied rights in
Berlin, displays a careful regard for peace
which will not be lost in world consideration of
Soviet recklessness.
another list; this is not news. Intelligent
citizens throughout the country are protesting
this action; this, too, is not news. However,
with this latest list, things may be looking up
for those who are to the left of Mayor Orville
Hubbard and Senator Barry Goldwater; and
this most definitely is news.
Examine the situation: the Birchers are com-
posing a list of "Communist Sympathizers
('Commsymps'), Socialists and (just plain) Lib-
erals." Note the "and" in the quoted phrase
and note the gain for the Socialists and (just
plain) Liberals. They are now only dangerous
enough - or rather only "dangerously left"
enough-to be listed, yet lucky enough to be

given a separate (but, presumably, equal) cate-
gory apart from the Communist Sympathizers.
Quite a gain.
Yet even in this sunshine a cloud shows
through: the Socialists and (just plain) Lib-
erals, by virtue of their separation from the
Communist Sympathizers, have lost Earl War-
ren, Adlai Stevenson and Dwight D. Eisen-
hower. These days a guy just can't win.
THE PENTAGON issued a code of conduct
for its employees earlier this week, expand-

Party membership card-and the
way to get it, as they see it, is
through marriage to one who al-
ready has a card. The act pro-
gresses from prenuptial prepara-
tions, through Ivan's departure
from the youth hostel where he
has been living, to the marriage
itself. ;
A Russian band provides back-
ground music before the curtain
and during the wedding. They
were quite good.
THE FIRST ACT ends with a
fire, in which the building burns
down; in the process of trying to
control it, the firemen flood the
basement (scene of the wedding),
and in the cold Soviet winter, the
water turns to ice, freezing the
one surviving body-Ivan.
This now provides the spring-
board for action in the second act,
set in Moscow, 1978. The play-
wright attempts to depict the
probably sterile society of that era,
but as in the first act, the humor
is only sporadic.
The frozen hero is discovered in
some excavation, he is brought to
life in a "defrigeration plant,"
and, along with his pet budbug-
an object unknown in that ad-
vanced age-becomes the object
of much curiosity in the society.
All I will say about the ending is
that it doesn't quite fit with all
that went before, but, I suppose, is
the only way Mayakovsky felt he
could make his point.
* * *
THE SETTINGS conveyed the
different moods of the two acts, as
did the costuming; the acting was
generally competent, but it's hard
to say more than that when the
play itself was generally so dis-
Carlton Berry carried through
both acts as Ivan, and most of the
other actors doubled and even
tripled on roles. One actor is aw-
fully hard to overlook: David
Schwartz, by virtue of being both
naturally loud and gifted, tends to
dominate whatever scene he is in.
It's a pleasure, though, to find
something outstanding in this
-Selma Sawaya

Finesse Lacked
In Haydn Works
EVIDENTLY REMEMBERING that Papa Haydn is the Grandpapa
of the string quartet, the Stanley Quartet started off its second
summer concert as it had its first-with a Haydn quartet, this time
from Opus 74. And again, Haydn seemed to be the quartet's forte.
From the opening trills to the rather stormy last movement, the group
managed to convey the eighteenth-century sounds quite adequately.
Special mention should be made here, as it should have been in
the review of the Quartet's first concert, of 'cellist Jerome Jelinek, a
newcomer to the Stanley Quartet, replacing Oliver Edel. Mr. Jelinek
has certainly proved himself an able addition and welcome one.
Following the Haydn work came a quartet by Pierre Moulaert, a

composer who seemed bent on not
the four players. Sounding rather
like a cross between late Romantic
and Impressionist music, and
carrying a haunting reference to
the Debussy quartet, the work was
well played yet remained, at least
to one listener, unconvincing.
BUT LET US TURN to the final
number on the program, the work
with the most "meat" from every
point of view. This is the Beetho-
ven B-flat Major Quartet, the.
thirteenth of his sixteen works in
this form, numbered Op. 130. To
say that the Late Beethoven Quar-
tets are complex, often profound,
and always demanding both from
a technical and an interpretive
standpoint is almost to state a
musical truism.
These five works (which include
the Grosse Fuge, labelled Op. 133)
certainly stand unique not only in
the works of Beethoven but in the
entire repertoire of chamber mu-
sic. Where else can one find
movements such as the Alla danza
tedesca or the Presto (two min-
utes long) of last night's quartet,
the B-flat Major?
Surely these are works which
deserve the utmost attention on
the part of any chamber music
players, amateur, faculty or pro-
fessional. Last night the Stanley
Quartet showed that it had given
the Op. 130 some attention-and
yet, something was missing.
Perhaps it is a certain tactless-
ness in phrasing that was respon-
sible; or perhaps the tendency of
Mr. Ross to dominate the sound of
the quartet (at times one almost
felt like shouting "interplay, in-
terplay, gentlemen!") is the cause;
or maybe it was the Quartet's
failure to notice several graceful
ways of accomplishing transitions
at key points. Most likely it is a
combination of these and other
factors that separated adequate
performance from fine perform-
Of course, this is not to say that
the Stanley Quartet lacks all pol-
ish: to do so would be as absurd
as to say that the group is per-
fect. It is clear, however, that a
number of individual factors in
the performance adds up to what
might be called, for want of a
better word, finesse, a quality
which is needed for a more bal-
anced and accomplished perform-
-Mark Slobin
'THE DEMOCRATIC way of life
is an unusual phenomenon ...
not necessarily translatable, at
this particular time (of history)
into the historical or economic
conditions of other peoples . . . It
should not be handed out to those
who do not want it, or to the un-
-Robert Hill
Former U.S. Ambassador

giving a measure's rest to any of
ATLANTA - (P)--Georgia, in
its zeal to minimize the effects
of public school integration, has
saddled itself with a scheme which
could wreck the state's public
school system.
Two members of the state board
of education said as much in de-
manding repeal of a 1961 act
which provides for grants to pupils
who attend.non-sectarian private
School superintendents through-
out the state are receiving In-
quiries from parents seeking the
government aid. But no 'state
funds have been allocated for. the
grants and there is no Indication
when they will be.
The superintendents' files are
slowly filling with applications,
the state board of education is
waiting for funds, and Gov. Ernest
Vandiver is waiting to see if funds
will be available.
"This is his legislation," an of-
ficial of the board of education
said. "We're waiting for a direc-
The act was passed as part of
Vandiver's four-point substitute
for Georgia's massive resistance
the framers of the act was to
1) A means for a district which
closed its schools to subsidize pri-
vate education.
2) A system by which a stu-
dent who did not want to attend
an integrated school could trans-
fer to a private school and still
receive public funds.
But Francis Shurling of the
board of education says the law
won't do what it was designed to
do "unless it was designed to wreck
the public school system in the
state." He was joined in his at-
tack on the tuition grant plan by
board member David Rice.
Local superintendents and state
staff members say there's no ques-
tion about the law's sweeping
terms. "Any parent in Georgia
who decides he wants his child
to go to private school can ask
for aid and probably get It," one
state official said.
The wording of the act is un-
equivocal: "Every school child in
this state ... in lieu of attending
the public schools, shall be en-
titled to receive . . . a grant of
state and local funds to be ex-
pended for the purpose of at-
tending a nonsectarian private


-Daily-Larry Jacobs

Integrated Judiciary Crucial

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the third of a six-part analysis
of the issues likely to be consid-
ered at the forthcoming constitu-
tional convention. Primary election
for delegates to the convention is
next Tuesday.)
Daily Staff Writer
state's system of courts will be
one of the main issues dealt with
when the constitutional conven-
tion convenes in the fall.
The judicial part of the Michi-
gan constitution, while allowing
for some flexibility and adaptabil-
ity, is encumberedhwith a great
many details as to how the courts
will operate. Many people consid-
er the structure too exacting and
complicated in some respects and
too loosely worded and vague in
The main deficiency of the
whole Michigan judicial picture is
the lack of a unified system of
courts throughout the state.
The state Supreme Court super-
vises the lower courts and estab-
lishes rules of procedure which
they must adhere to. The consti-
tution, however, specifically men-
tions probate, circuit and justice
of the peace courts and establishes
their jurisdiction to a limited ex-
The constitution also provides
for "such other courts of civil and
criminal jurisdiction inferior to
the Supreme Court as the Legisla-
ture may establish by general law,
by a, two-thirds vote of the mem-
bers elected to each house."
The state lacks an intermediate
court of appeals, however, which
means that the Supreme Court
must devote a large portion of its
time to appellate work, burdening
the justices with excessive work
and limiting the attention they
can expend on any one case.
Daniel S. McHargue and Elea-
nor T. Lilienthal point out in
"The Voter and the Michigan
Constitution" that it is entirely
within the power of the state Leg-
islature to create an appellate
court. However, they add, this
would result in still one more
court being added "piece-meal"
fashion to the already unwieldly
superstructure of the judicial sys-
They suggest that it might be
far wiser to revise the entire judi-
cial article and establish a uni-
fied court system rather than en-
larging a segmented structure of
constitutionally and legislatively
established courts.
* * *
circuit courts is their jurisdiction.
Technically they have jurisdiction
over all the cases for which the
special lower courts are not spe-
cifically responsible.
The circuit courts also hear oc-

The justice of the peace courts
deal mainly with civil and crim-
inal cases but have very limited
authority. Because of problems of
untrained justices of the peace,
payment by fees collected and
questionable legal practices, many
students of the constitution are
urging the abolition of the justice
of the peace courts.
The main task of the convention
delegates, then will be revising the
judicial structure of the state so
that there is a sufficient variety
and number of courts to cover
varying types of cases and so that
their duties do not overlap and
duplicate onedanother.
* * *
garding the judges themselves are
method of selection and retire-
ment. At the present time judges
are chosen by popular election.
However, as with the question of
popular election of administrative
officials there seems to be some
ground for revising the system.
McHargue and Lilienthal point
out that newcomers to politics and
political opportunists may edge out
a judge who has made political
enemies by his decisions.
It is also argued that, as with
such officials as the superintend-
ent of public instruction, the voter
is seldom in a position to be fully
informed on the ability of the
judicial candidates.
The problem of the retirement of
judges requires consideration also.
Many judges are now forced to re-
tire at an age when, as the Chief
Justice of New Jersey pointed out,
they are still alert and vigorous.
The chief reason given for com-
pulsory retirement is that the
judge may tend to develop a rigid
pattern of judicial thought, but

this is by no means true in all
cases and hence the state loses
many good judges merely because
of a compulsory retirement age.
This question, along with that
of the structure and jurisdiction
of the various courts will have to
be thoroughly discussed by con-
con delegates as it is certain to be
one of the most important issues
of the convention.
New Spirit
MANY THINGS I have seen
have strengthened my convic-
tion of the merits of socialism as a
social system and made me real-
ize keenly once again the signifi-
cance of our Revolution for the
progress of ordinary people.
"Other things, however, have
forced me to the conclusion that
there are a number of very fun-
damental irregularities in the
home and foreign policy of the
Communist Party of the Soviet
Union under your leadership
which I cannot bring myself to
"I am profoundly convinced, Ni-
kita Sergeyevich, that o n 1 y
through the greatest tolerance to-
wards all heterodox individuals,
including even those w h o s e
thought is hostile, is the only
means of salvation for humanity
from mass fratricide and degen-
eration-both physical and moral
--and that no alternative exists in
our age...."
(Letter to Nikita S. Khrush-
chev from Oleg Lenchevsky, a
Russian engineer who defect-
ed in April and was granted
asylum in England. Printed in
I. F. Stone's Weekly.)


. I





Castro Ships Youths
Behind Iron Curtain
FIDEL CASTRO, with the iciness of those dedicated to refining man's
inhumanity to man, is forcing workers and peasant families in Cuba
to surrender their children to the Soviets for long brainwashing so-
journs inside the Communist bloc.
Thousands of youngsters, some 11 and 12 years of age, some
a few years older, already have been sent over. They have been flown
into Prague and shipped by freighter to Odessa. At the moment a


thousand are awaiting departure.

W.. G. . .1. ..:":..J:.:.... .............:":4"2. :rs.:: :". :.i:t ..

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for DROPPING COURSES
WITHOUT RECORD will be Fri., July
21. A course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after,
conference with the instructor.
Events Thursday
Baratin, the informal conversation
group of the French Club, will meet
Thurs., July 20, at 2 p.m. in the Ro-

include: "Siam" and "I Live in Ha-
Summer Session Lecture Series: "The
Confederate States of America" by
Dwight L. Dumond, Prof. of History on
Thurs., July 20 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A.
Linguistic Forum Lecture: Prof. Paul
Friedrich, University of Pennsylvania,
will speak on "Russian Kinship and
Semantic Anaylsis" on Thurs., July 20
at 7:30 p.m. In the Rackham Amphi-
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Warwick Butler, Jr., Electrical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Precise Frequency
Synthesis Using Nonprecise Tuning
Components," Thurs., July 20, 2076 E.
Engineering Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman,
J. A. Boyd.
Events Friday
Educational Film Preview: "Face of
the High Arctic" and "Seven Cities of
Antarctica" will be shown on Fri., July

The Detroit Public Schools will have
a representative at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments on July 25 to interview
teachers in all fields for September,
1961. For appointments and additional
information contact The Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Education Div., 3200 SAB,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547.
Placement Interviews, Bureau of Ap-
pointments-Seniors and graduate stu-
dents please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointment with the following:
Wed., July 26-Aetna Casualty &
Surety Co., Hartford, Conn.-Openings
for Trainees in Underwriting Dept.
Interested in men, ages 22-28, with
degrees in any field and who have
taken part in extra-curricular activities.
Must be willing to accept transfers to
any one of various branch offices lo-
cated in principle cities throughout
U.S. Army Signal School, Educational
Research Div., Fort Monmouth, N.J.-
Several openings for Research Psychol-
naLctG in field 'of Personnel Mesure-,

There will be thousands more. Our
government, and some civilians in
the day-by-day battle against
Castro, have concrete evidences of
this shredding of families.
We know the routes. We don't
know how long the children will
be kept behind the Curtain. We
do know that when the kids re-
turn, they will know Russian. They
will be steeped in Marxism. They
will be, many of them, disciplined
Latin Komsomolites.
Their parents will not really
ever know them again. They will
not want to know their parents-
if similar forced migration froin
European lands in the past is pre-
Just recently our State Depart-
ment officials learned that "1,000
young farm boys" are being pre-
pared for shipment "in exchange
for 300 Soviet agricultural techni-
cians." These youngsters average
11 to 12 years of age.
From other sources it was learn-
ed how the children are being


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