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July 20, 1961 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-20

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Chance of


Years of Editorial Freedom

_____________1IV ET


Job Offer
Prof. Walter J. McNerney, direc-
tor of the University's Bureau of
Hospital Administration, has been
offered the national presidency of
Blue Cross.
He will announce his decision on
whether to accept or reject the
offer sometime next week.
McNerney has been head of a
three-year study or medical and

Pushes To Save
School Aid Bill
President Pressures Congressman
With Loss of Impacted Areas Funds.
WASHINGTON (M)-A squeeze play designed to save President
John F. Kennedy's $2.5-billion general school aid bill has been launch-
ed by the Administration and its backers in the House.
Caught in thei squeeze will be 319 congressmen whose public
schools stand to lose about $300 million a year they have been getting
to help educate children of federal employes and defense workers.
A provision continuing such aid for what is called impacted areas
--those with heavy federal employment-has been included in the
public school bill. However, that measure, along with two other

" Pri

... national presidency ,
hospital costs and pre-paid medi-
cal care in Michigan.
He expects that he will an-
nounce-his decision sometime after
he makes his final report to the
Governor's Commission on pre-
paid medical care next Saturday.
McNerney has been at the Uni-
versity since 1955. He graduated
from Yale in 1947 and received a
master's in hospital administra-
tion from the University of Min-
nesota in 1950. He has also co-
authored a book, Alaska's Health,
written for the Department of the
He was also a consultant on
the Pennsylvania Department of
Health's Hospital State Plan. He
received a $382,000 grant from the
Kellogg Foundation to undertake
his present study in Michigan.
To Consider
Soreign Aid
J. William Fulbright (D-Ark), yes-
terday notified all members of the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee he will call for major votes
today on President Kennedy's $4.8
billion foreign aid program.
Fulbright sent out notices to
members to be on hand at 10:30
a.m. (EDT) and be prepared to
work tonight if necessary, after
the committee spent morning and
afternoon sessions yesterday dis-
posing of non-controversial pro-
A showdown vote on Kennedy's
request for a five-year economic
development loan fun-originally
planned for today-was postponed
because of the lack of a full at-
tendance of the 17 members
The major issue swirls around
Kennedy's plea for authority to
borrow money directly from the
treasury to finance the five-year
program for making longterm, low
or no-interest rate loans, repay-
able in dollars, to help underde-
veloped nations in Asia, Africa and
Latin America build up their econ-
Some members of Congress ob-
ject to this method of financing,
insisting that money for the pro-
gram should be provided by Con-
gress on a year-to-year basis.
1.They would prefer a three-year
authorization, subject to the ap-
propriatioq process.
Senate Favors
StrongF Force
support built up in the Senate
yesterday for strengthening this
nation's bomber force after secret
'testimony by Gen. Curtis E. Le-
may, Air Force chief of staff, and
Secretary of the Air Force Eu-
gene Zuckert.
Both testified at a closed in-
quiry of the Senate Defense In-
vestigating Subcommittee into rel-
ative bomber and missile strength
of the United States and Soviet

Pledge Work
For Unity
JACKSON, Miss. (R) - Eight
Southern states agreed yesterday
to launch a campaign to strength-
en their states rights stands in
the wake of new assaults on their
segregated social patterns.
The states adopted a 4-point
program aimed at the twin goals
of economic improvements and the
"preservation of constitutional
Cite Program
Representatives of the states
met in a closed session at a hotel.
In a brief statement after the ses-
sion, they told newsmen about the
4-point program, but did not go
into how they would try to put
it into effect. Another meeting was
set for Montgomery, Ala., within
60 days.
Attending were Govs. Ross Bar-
nett of Mississippi, John Patter-
son of Alabama, Ernest Hollings
of South Carolina and Orval Fau-
bus of Arkansas, the governors of
Georgia, Florida, Kentucky and
Louisiana sent representatives.
Ask Expansion
The four-point program adopt-
ed by the governors called for
an expansion of Southern econo-
my, Latin American trade and re-
search, and for "improvement of
the- South's position in its fight
for the right of self-determination
and preservation of constitutional
The announcement made no
mention, of the 247 Freedom Rid-
ers arrested in Jackson and other
desegregation attempts throughout
the South in recent months.
Barnett told the Associated
Press he by-passed the Southern
governors conference in calling
yesterday's session because it
meetsonly once each year and
"I don't think that's enough."
He denied the new group would
constitute a new conference or a
conference within the existing or-
ganization, but newsmen covering
the session felt the effect of the
meeting was a new organization.
Calls For Unity
In a statement given newsmen
before the session opened, Barnett
called for a "S-A-F-E program-
Southern Action For Expansion."
He also said he wanted a united
South to "strike at the enemies
of the South who seem so numer-
He said a plan for Southern
unity was "long overdue and it
must come even if it is better late
than never."


Feel Pressure
Applying the pressure will be
Kennedy on one side, and one the
other the administrators of the 3,-
500 school districts affected. Their
pressure is not part of any plan.
It stems from their urgent need
of the money-and it is already
being felt.
Kennedy gave his first gentle
prod at his news conference yes-
terday when he described the pub-
lic school bill as "probably the
most important piece of domestic
legislation I have requested." The
President said he was opposed to
separating the impacted areas pro-
vision from the rest of it.
A less gentle shove was deliv-
ered shortly afterward by Rep.
Frank Thompson Jr. (D-NJ), au-
thor of the school bill, who works
closely with the White House.
Expects Veto
"It is my considered judgment
that the President would veto any
separate impacted areas legisla-
tion unless it was cut well below
the current level, Thompson told
a reporter.
The most controversial feature
of the Senate version is a provi-
sion for $125 million annually for
three years in 40-year, moderate
interest loans for classrooms in
parochial and o t h e r private
schools. The loans could be used
for facilities to teach science,
mathematics, modern foreign lan-
guages and physical fitness.
Provides Loans
The heart of the bill is a broad
program of classroom loans for
private schools. The provision for
private schools was inserted as
some compensation to church
Congolese Join
In Parliamnent
Joseph Ileo and leading members
of his central government today
entered the security precinct of
Lovanium University, signaling
the imminent opening of the Con-
go's Parliament.
By agreement, once the legisla-
tors areeinside the United Nations
fortified perimeter they must re-
main until the end of the session,
when a new government is ex-
pected to be announced.
The central government leaders
joined members of Parliament
from the leftist rebel regime of
Antoine Gizenga and the separa-
tist mining state of South Kasai.
Of the four major Congolese fac-
tions only President Moise Tshom-
be's Katanga is unrepresented.
Tshombe has said he will send
a delegation to Parliament only if
it is preceded by a meeting of the
leaders of the various factions.

ducation bills, was shelved yes-
erday by the House Rules Com-

A-t Bizerte
TUNIS, Tunisia () - Tunisian
forces battled the French at the
big naval base of Bizerte today
with artillery fire, incendiary
bombs and strafing attacks by
French planes.
Paris said 30 French soldiers and
at least six Tunisians were wound-
ed in the fighting and accused
the Tunisians.of launching the at-
tack with artillery and mortar fire
that set part of the base ablaze.
Without giving any casualty
figures, the Tunisians accused the
French of sending planes to drop
fire bombs on the city of Bizerte,
three milles from the big base.
The Tunisians proclaimed a
blockade of the base by land, air
and sea in an effort to force the
French out of the naval and air
complex, which France says is
vital to the defenses of the At-
lantic Alliance.
Defying the ban, the French flew
in parachute troopers despite a
hail of antiaircraft fire from Tun-
isian batteries.
France sent Tunisia a warning
and reiterated again it will not
negotiate on the future of the
base under pressure from Tunis.
France retained the base under the
1957 treaty giving Tunisia in-
dependence but agreed to quit
Bizerte later.
Tunisian government officials
said French planes dropped in-
cendiary bombs and shells on the
city of Bizerte.
The city was shaken by con-
tinuous cannon and antiaircraft
fire as French planes strafed Tu-
nisian positions, Tunisian officials
French officials in Paris bit-
terly accused Tunisia of launching
an attack on the strategic base
and said the first wounded fell
on the French side. Thirty soldiers
of the Bizerte garrison were
wounded when Tunisian mortars
and artillery opened fire, the
French said.
The base commander, Vice Adm.
Maurice Amman, ordered return
fire when the base was ablaze with
explosions of Tunisian shells,
French officials said.
The city of Bizerte and the big
French naval and air bases are on
a bulge of land that marks the
northernmost tip of Africa, near
the narrowest part of the Medi-
The city itself is four miles
south of the cape and 37 miles
north-northwest of this Tunisian
Wants Troops
In Gaza Strip
Dag Hammarskjold said yesterday
the 5,300-man UN army in the
Gaza Strip should be maintained
through 1962 to insure peace be-
tween Israel and its Middle East
neighbors, despite an estimated
$836,000 boost in costs.
The UN Secretary-General said
In a report to the General As-
sembly that the cost of keeping up
the emergency force would be
around $19,836,800 for the coming
The Communist countries and a
number of Arab nations have re-
fused to pay for the force.

Berlin D


Weather Delays Space Shot

May Include
For Guard,


tronaut Virgil I. Grissom's pro-
jected space flight yesterday was
set back until 6 a.m. tomorrow by
heavy, frustrating clouds.
The 35-year-old Grissom was
within 10 minutes and 30 seconds
of being hurled through space
when the man-in-space shot was
called off.
The cancellation of today's
flight was, in a nutshell, the end
result of a gamble that the weath-
er-marginal-would improve.
At 5:38 a.m. the skies appeared
clear, but within two hours a
cloud blanket had settled over
the area.
This cloud would have prevent-
ed the photographic tracking of,
the man-carrying rocket from
blastoff to burnout which the
scientists demand.
The two-day postponement is
needed to give the missile crews
time to purge the Redstone of
highly volatile fuels and check it
for contamination.

-AP Wirephoto
CHERRY-PICKER-Astronaut Virgil Grissom is retrieved by the
Gantry crane at the left, when the flight of the Mercury-Redstone
rocket was canceled for bad weather. The emergency measure
cherry-picker is at the right. The flight is re-scheduled for to-


Pentagon Doubts Integration

tagon said yesterday it views "with
the utmost caution in these peri-
lous times" a proposal that fed-
eral funds be withheld from all
National Guard units that do not
integrate racially.
It might reduce drastically the
effectiveness of the Guard, said
the Defense Department's man-
power chief, Assistant Secretary
Carlisle P. Runge. He made the
views known in a reply to Mur-
Laos Deadlock
GENEVA (-) - A British-Rus-
sian compromise yesterday broke
a 10-week deadlock in the inter-
national conference on Laos on
how to proceed.
The 14-nation conference agreed
to cease its daily debate and
plunge tomorrow into closed work-
ing sessions on ways to make the
Southeast Asian country a neu-
tral in the cold war.
Both the United States and the
Soviet Union said the other had
yielded ground.
The Communist delegations won
their point that details of an inter-
national proclamation of neutral-
ity for Laos must be discussed
But the compromise covered
United States insistence that the
action on neutrality cannot -be-
come effective until there also is
agreement on cease-fire controls,
withdrawal of foreign troops, and
long-range guarantees of peace.

ray Gross, national chairman of
the Americans Veterans Commit-
tee who made the withholding
proposal in a letter last month.
Runge said "Advances in the
integration of Negroes into for-
merly all-white units have been
made" in a number of states. He
added that the policy of the De-
fense Department is integration in
the regular armed forces.
Discussing Gross' proposal for
a denial of federal funds to states
which do not desegregate Guard
units, Runge said:,
"If this sanction were carried to
the ultimate, under the statutes
this could mean the withdrawal of
all federal equipment and person-
nel support of the National Guard
of the states as well as the with-
holding of money for drills and
other personnel services. now paid
for from federal funds. At the
least, this could mean a serious
deterioration of the effectiveness
of these divisions and units of the
National Guard as military forces.
"The National Guard has been
characterized by the United States
Congress as the first line of de-
fense of this country. To take ac-

tion which might for all practical
purposes eliminate a substantial
portion of the major reserve com-
bat capability of our ground and
air forces is a matter which com-
mands the utmost caution in these
perilous times."
Runge also wrote Gross that the
reports Gross sent him made "ser-
ious allegations with respect to
the National Guard Bureau" of
the Defense Department. Runge
presented figures to answer alle-
gations that there was discrimina-
tion against Jews and Catholics
in staffing of the Guard.
"With respect to the chief of the
National Guard Bureau, MaJ. Gen.
Donald W. McGowan, it is of
interest to note that for a num-
ber of years he was the com-
manding general of the National
Guard of the state of New Jersey.
During his tenure in that office
he was actively responsible for
elimination of segregation in the
New Jersey National Guard. Gen-
eral McGowan has stated he would
welcome nominations from several
states of qualified National Guard
officers of the Negro race for as-
signment to active duty.

President Confers
With Security Council
WASHINGTON (n) - President
Kennedy made his final decision
yesterday on steps he ' will re-
commend to stiffen the nation's
defenses to meet the threat to
West Berlin.
No decisions were announced,
but the steps which Kennedy will
recommend to Congress next week
presumably include an additional
increase in the military budget
for the fiscal year which started
this month.
A call-up of some National
Guard and reserve units may also
have been decided upon.
Kennedy made what he had
termed his "final judgment"
about any new military steps
needed in consultation with his
top national policy advisers, the
National Security Council.
The council met with Kennedy
at the White House for an hour
and 20 minutes. Presidential Press
Secretary Pierre Salinger said af-
terward, in response to a reporter's
question, that "there were deci-
sions made."
Salinger told reporters Kennedy
and his advisers had concluded
their discussions of the defense
program, and "now will enter into
the phase of consultation with our
allies," as the President had said
at his new conference yesterday..
Replying to another question,
Salinger said the consultations
would be carried on thiough nor-
mal channels.
Kennedy had told his news con-
ference earlier in the day that he
was about to make a final decision
on steps he feels are needed to
meet Soviet Premier Khrushchev's
threat against Berlin.
He said he would follow up this
decision by:
1) A speech to the nation next
Tuesday night in which he will
spell out "what our hazards are"
in facing the Communist drive
and his plans for meeting them.
2) Presenting to Congress Wed-
nesday his new save-Berlin de-
fense program, which could add
under various pending proposals
up to several billion dollars be-
yond the $43 billion defense bud-
get already requested by Kennedy
for the current year.
3) Sending Secretary of State
Dean Rusk to Paris Aug. 5-8,
where Rusk will consult with the
British, French and West German
foreign ministers and other allies
on joint increases in preparedness
against any Soviet move on Berlin.
Moscow radio said tonight the
Western powers' notes reaffirming
their rights in West Berlin "were
deprived of any logic and make
no sense."
A commentator rejected the
United States view that there is
no threat to peace from the West-
ern side.
Exiles Seek.
MIAMI, Fla. (')-Fidel Castro's
10 prisoner-negotiators want Pres-
ident Kennedy to endorse a new
Tractors-For-Freedom Committee
made up of Cuban exiles.
"We are seeking from the Pres-
ident the same statement of sup-
port that he gave to the now-
disbanded Tractors-For-Freedom
Committee in Detroit," said Gus-
tavo Garcia Montes, spokesman for
the prisoners.
"We also would like to "obtain
the same benefits as the other
committee enjoyed, such as tax
exemptions for contributions. This
will speed up our success very
The 33-year-old Montes, in an
interview yesterday, also took is-

Joint Committee Gives
Approval to Space Bill

of the United States race
today of a Senate-House

President Kennedy's sharp acceleration
for the Moon won resounding approval
Conference Committee.

It voted to le
The committ
spending for spa


Summer Bargain Days' Create Impressions
. musty smell of an od ook ae the bright, splashing olors
4 r rth Ann Arbo Trifdic Salesue
buprgr siesmnBgiDysmean,"terifc
at wrls f rtan eteanernt f m
ptinetAt ir.Hroucnfndhsoy rfsorPle ,Tro
examining pottery and discuingng art with a young sculptor. Or Byron
Groesbeck, assistant director of admissions, pointing out a painting
he likes to his little son.
Here one also sees an outdoor pizza cafe, a painting display by
Ann Arbor Senior Citizens group, place mats being woven on a hand
loom, Margaret Cramer demonstrating the necessity for "cleaning
up' after silk screening and a University coed doing her German

t him spend every space penny he asked this year.
ee, assigned to work out differences on how much
ce projects Congress should authorize during the
"fiscal year that started July 1,
agreed on the full $1,784,300,000
Kennedy asked.
The measure went back to the
House, with quick passage ex-
pected there and later in the Sen-
.... The conference committee ap-
proved the bill while watching
S<>= proved the bill while watching tel-
evision sets showing the weather-
delayed attempt to launch astro-
naut Virgil I. Grissom as the
second United States short-ride-
Adds Increase
House conferees weit along with
enyincreases voted by the Senate over
s mdthe$1,376,900,000 the House had
voted previously.
In the original budget for the
fiscal year sent to Congress last
January, former President Dwight
~ D. Eisenhower asked for just over
> :> $1 billion for the national aero-
>;;.v' .nautics and space administration.
Kennedy increased this twice as
Russia moved ahead in the man-


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