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July 13, 1961 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-13

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Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Delightful Angels Spark Farce

Interest in Con-Con
Healthy, Encouraging

DESPITE THE FACT that the public may not
get to see the Michigan Constitutional Con-
vention in living color, the proposed plans for
publicizing events are indicative of a healthy
After both Republicans and Democrats had
agreed to the necessity for an open convention,
it was disclosed by Secretary of State James
Hare that the Lansing Civic Center where the
convention will be held, is large enough to
provide desks for the 144 delegates but not
large enough for the public.
Several alternative plans are being studied
to enable as many observers as possible to view
the con-con proceedings.
A subcommittee of the preparatory commis-
sion is considering enlarging the hall so that
observers may be seated in what is now adjoin-
ing storage space.
Another suggestion is the installation of win-
dows in the rear wall of the auditorium and
special loudspeakers so that citizens standing
outside could follow the proceedings.
A third solution would be public seating in
the basement with closed circuit television to
carry the proceedings there. Although this
proposal is not nearly as good as the first, it is
certainly better than the second.

COURSE nothing can equal the real, eye-
witness point of view of the proceedings.
Any measure which would enable a substantial
crowd to attend the convention is certainly
worth the expense.
If there is no possibility of a live audience,
the next best idea is closed circuit television
with ample facilities for seating observers.
Every possible effort should be exerted to
encourage school and organization groups to
attend the convention. It would be an excellent
idea to have an additional television room
which could be open to groups on regularly
scheduled visits, with commentary and ex-
planation by a qualified guide.
. The attention focused on Lansing beginning
in September can have a profound effect on
the outcome of the long awaited convention.
The delegates will be faced with a complex and
serious situation. Their action will be crucial
to the future of the state.
The interest the citizens show in the pro-
ceedings should serve as a sobering and en-
couraging influence as the months drag on.
It is well that it has been recognized and it
must be encouraged to the fullest possible ex-

" DON'T KNOW if I'm awake or
asleep and dreaming," says
Madame Ducotel in her home be-
hind a general store in Devil's
The audience, watching ;his
scene in Sam and Bella Spewack's
ironically sentimental farce "My
Three Angels" may well agree, for
the setting, plot, characters and
action of this drama are fantastic
enough to make anyone wonder
whether he is awake or drear.ing.
The heroes of this piece are
three unlikely convicts, two "lf-
ers" convicted of murders (that
are nade wholly creditabI.i) and
an artistic juggler of business
books (who says "Most business-
men think bookkeeping is a sci-
ence. With me, its an art ") Com-
bining talents of burglary, for-
gery, skullduggery and various
other gifts, along with a poisonou.s
pet named Adolphe, the trio of
"bad guys" turn out to not only
have hearts of gold, but hairtrig-
ger minds, ready at the drop of
a body to cook up schemes to
allow virtue to be rewarded,
wrongs to be righted 'and scores
to be settled.
Just how the "painfully honest"
Monsieur Ducotel (a child at heart
who "believes in fairy tales" and
has made a mess of running his
general store at the penal colony),
and his lovely but schoolgirlish
daughter Marie Louise (who is in
love with the wrong boy) pro-
gress towards happiness is a,
story which the viewer must wit-
ness to appreciate, and, perhaps,
to believe.
YET THE remarkable thing
about the play, which must be said
in tribute to its authors, is that
it is entirely believable to the au-
dience even while it is entirely
nonsensical. In fact, it is just be-
cause it is nonsensical that it is
believable. Above all, there is rare-
ly a dull moment or a heavy touch
in this comedy-and this is what
makes it the delightful farce that
it is.
In retrospect, much of the hu-
nior in the lines seems rather or-
di nar:, despite the grotesque
comedy of some of the situations.
For example, after a death, one

New Director To Speed
Voluntary Coordinatior
Daily Staff Writer
PROF. MERRITT CHAMBERS, newly appointed "executive director"
for Michigan's public colleges, faces the task of speeding up volun-
tary coordination among the schools to match the success Ohio and
Indiana already have.
His primary problem-and the one which has caused Michigan
lawmakers the most headaches-is how to apportion the state's money
among the colleges, and how to decide the total appropriation.
Prof. Chambers, by doing research into needs and costs and mak-
ing recommendations based on them, will be important in deciding these
His office will be financed by the colleges, each school contribut-
ing a share. (While the University, Michigan State University and

-Daily-Larry Jacobs
MY THREE ANGELS-Sam and Bella Spewack's adaptation of a
French farce by Albert Husson is playing at the Lydia Mendelssohn

Desperate Red Giant

Theatre through Saturday night.
the speech department.
chai acter remarks: "But his doc-
tors said he would live to ninety"
and is met with "Well, now he ca'i
sue his doctors for breach of
coniract." At the time, it tier-ain'yt
seemed funny.
* * *
ALL IN ALL, the University
Players put on a good show. Theie
is no actor who can be singled out
for disapproval. All did tolerably
well, and some, of course, better
than tolerably well. In particuler,
the 'angelic" trio of convicts was
quite good: the hot-blooded vourg
Alfred, who almost looked as if he

It is directed by Donald Lovell of
sterp-d out of the Kingston Trio
(Edwf ,rd Cicciarelli), the philoso-
phic wife-strangler Jules (Fred
Oueiette) and the principal con-
vict, Joseph the book juggler
(Conrad Stolzenbach) all same to
their parts with the proper spirit.
Next on the Players' program is
the Soviet poet Vladimir Maya-
kcvsky's satire on post-revolution-
arv Russia, "The Bedbug." It is to
be hoped that the Players' sensi-
tivity to irony and farce Ng ill ex-
tend to cover the Russian scene as
well as Devil's Island.
-Mark Slobin

HISTORY ABOUNDS with allies of more
divergent views than Moscow and Peking
that stuck together as well in periods of mu-
tual distaste as in periods of mutual evangel-
ism or conquest.
There is little, therefore, inherently hopeful
for the Western powers in the present quarrel
between Nikita Khrushchev and Mao Tse-tung.
There seems little doubt that the quarrel it-
self exists. It has come to the surface too often
since about 1956 to be merely a contrived Com-
munist booby trap. And the evidence in this
latest climax includes so many ideological, na-
tional, and personal snubs that it seems safe
to say that Khrushchev is trying to rein in the
Chinese, who have so much more to gain and
less to lose than he by gambling with war.
HE BASIC FACT still seems to be that the
Communist regimes of the Soviet Union and
China have always been out of phase. And they
are tending to be more so, as Moscow has be-
come a world power able to generate its own
capital while Peking has struggled desperately
to continue on the world scene'the momentum
of its remarkable takeover in China at the same
time that its domestic "great leap forward" col-
Moscow makes a good example for the prov-
TO: The University of Michigan Regents
FROM: The University Committee on Seman-
RE: Recommended name change 'for the Stu-
dent Activities Building
WHEREAS-the new addition to the SAB is
devoted solely to administrative functions,
Whereas-the portion of the SAB now devot-
ed to the activities of the students is extremely
small, and
Whereas-the role of the student in planning
the addition was almost non-existent: the com-
mittee recommends that
The name of the Student Activities Building
be changed to the Student Administration

erb "appetite is in the eating." Peking, for the
saying "hunger comes from not eating."
This being out of phase but of the same faith
has contributed to a long line of squabbles be-
tween the two partners. But they have so far
always managed to close ranks against the
MAO APPARENTLY never fully accepted
either Khrushchev or his de-Stalinization
speech. And after the riots in Poznan, Poland,
Peking reportedly aided Gomulka against Mos-
cow. But when the chips were down against the
West at the time of the Hungarian revolt, Chou
En-lai was rung in to emphasize China's un-
dying solidarity with Moscow.
Since then there have been quarrels over Ti-
toism, Formosa policy, Khrushchev's warmth
toward President Eisenhower, and ultimately
over the policy behind all these-"peaceful co-
existence" versus "inevitable war." The latter
"hungry" Chinese policy, so abhorrent to hu-
manity, nevertheless proved a strong magnet
to Communists in the neutral world-whose
only hope of rising to power appeared to be
Moreover, these forlorn missionaries of the
Marxist faith, far from being helped, were ac-
tually being left further from power by Khrush-
chev's wooing of neutral governments with aid
and support.
IN ORDER to patch up the Moscow-Peking
quarrel over co-existence, the Communist
hierarchs met last October and papered over
the ideological cracks. That papering has now
split wide open again. But it is significant to
note that once again the quarrel is being bridg-
ed where the chips are down, as in Laos.
Knowledge of the full meaning of today's
Communist quarrel is essential to Western
diplomatic strategy. But it should not be con-
strued as an invitation to popular optimism.
For each test of Chinese power against Soviet
reins indicates that the more belligerent part-
ner is growing in a paradoxical combination of
self-confidence and desperation. And if, as
General de Gaulle suggests, Russia will even-
tually return to its European ties, such a distant
reorientation of one giant may only turn out
to reflect a loss of leverage over the ambitions
of the hungrier giant.


Crises Diplomatic, Not Moral

Wayne State University have pri-
vately-donated money they can set
aside for this purpose, the state's
smaller institutions could theoret-
ically be told to stop paying their
share if the Legislature wished
related to education, which, as
Prof. Chambers explains, will be
his office's main research area,
there are other questions - many
political in nature-which can af-
fect education.
One of these, for instance, is
the matter of how to get taxes to
pay for schools. Prof. Chambers
thinks a state income tax-either
personal or corporate-is needed
for this, but he says he won't
be volunteering this advice unless
the council asks him to.
* * *
HE POINTS to Indiana and
Ohio as examples of states where
voluntary coordination of colleges
has worked well. In each state
the colleges decide among them-
selves what items will have prior-
ity in their budget requests; and
also determine a unified plan for
filling the state's educational
Otherwise the two methods are
quite different. In Indiana an
elaborate cost-study has been
made, and decisions determining
who will receive what are made
according to a complete formula.
(So detailed is the formula that
the percentage of the total money
given to any one school is com-
puted to the third decimal.)
In Ohio, the college presidents
meet and decide what items to
push-but do it without any elab-
orate formula or series of studies
such as Indiana has.
Up to now in Michigan the Leg-
islature alone has decided how
much money goes to each school.
The law specifies this. But, Prof.
Chambers says, if all the schools
could agree on what they wanted
and what each school should get,
the Legislature would certainly be
ready to hear the advice.
He adds, that "we're far from
that, right now," but also points
out that Michigan's troubles are
shared by many other states. In-
diana is the happy exception, and
not the rule.
HOW CLOSE can Michigan
come to Indiana, or Ohio? Prof.
Chambers believes it all depends
on public information.
"If the public is better inform-
ed, its reresentatives will be
too," he says. "The fate of edu-
cation here will be bettr-as good
as anywhere.
"People in Michigan are in a
receptive mood for information on
their colleges. Half the families
in the state have children who ex-
pect to go to college.
"The legislators have often
seemed in need of more under-
standing of education's needs, but
the way to educate them is not
to go into a conference with a
blackboard and chalk and a long
"Instead, I rather think of it
as a business of making the pub-
lic know the college situation. If
the public learns, the legislators
won't stay ignorant."

THE SURPRISE bonus of a do-
it-yourself ending accounts for
the slightly mystified but smiling
audience which leaves the Campus
Theatre after "Saturday Night and
Sunday Morning."
It looks as though the Sunday
morning life has won out over
Saturday night but Saturday
nightwill probably put upjust
enough of a fight to keep things
interesting in the future.
The film is superbly acted and
very moving until the end where
it seems all the themes come to a
dead-end and the viewer's :eac-
tion to the "The End" flashed on
the screen is wide-eyed incredul-
THE STORY involves Arthur
Seaton, a British factory worker
who hates every minute of his job
and is determined not to get
caught in the treadmill of in-
difference and routinized daily
His antedote is to live every
Saturday night to the hilt and he
knows how to do it. When he
drinks, he outdoes everyone else
in the bar and then falls down
the back stairs head first. When
he has an affair with a nariled
woman she has a baby. When he
takes pot-shots at his neighbor
with an air gun (she deserves it)
he hits the target every time.
He is a chronic liar and proudof
it. People are constantly rem'ind-
irg him that "liars don't prosper"
and "there's no rest for the
wiked" in the emphatic tones
most scientific movie-goers learn
to recognize as highly prophetic.
This is partly why everyone is
so shocked by the ending. Not only
does it defy augury, it does a com-
plete about-face and leaves the
hero, except for a few facial scars,
trembling on the verge of a beau-
tLful new existence--which is, of
course, the very humdrum he
swore he'd never fall for
DESPITE rather sow plot de-
v'lopment, the spirit of the movie
is never static. With.i quicksilver
aglity the actors move from
m'oments of real hitarity to ones
of intense pain. The nortrayals are
s,7nsitive and compiewely convinc-
ing. Except for occasional prob-
-!ms with British accents, the au-
dience is immediately won over by
the simplicity and eandor of the
dbalogue. The personalities are v-
brant and real.
It is the strength and sympathy
of the character portrayal which
prevents the ending from being
disastrous. The audience rconciles
itself to the fact that it will never
real'y know the hero, but has
gained enough insight into his
cnaracter to be wilang to trust
All told, this is one of the rare
movies in which the characters
possess the necessary stature to
fufill the potential of the plot. It
is an ambitious undertaking skill-
fully carried out by the entire cast.
It should not be missed.
-Judith Oppenh-am

Special To The Daily
ago, the English historian Her-
bert Butterfield made a speech at
Notre Dame University in which
he identified the critical problems
of international relations today-
and, indeed, in all history-as
Questions of good and bad, of
ideology, of "morality" tend to
obscure this basic fact he said.
Significantly - both in 1950 when
he first spoke, and now - he used
for an example the problem of
What Butterfield said was that
a certain irreducible element may
lie in the "very geometry of hu-
man conflict" itself. To show this,
he employed an illustration -
admittedly abstracted from ac-
tual 'conditions - in which he
posited that both Soviet Russia
and the West are of equal moral-
ity; but both feel they must have
control of Germany to ensure their
own safety - mutually exclusive
The situation generates a "Hob-
besian fear." These men of equal
morality - at a reasonably high
level - fear what the other will
do. Each knows that it will not
use Germany to move against the
other; and each knows it does not
want war. But neither can realize
that the other has the same feel-
ings. Neither side wants conflict,
but it comes because there is no
assurance that it will not - only
fear which is, in reality, unjusti-
In this situation, it would make
no difference whether Russia
were Tsarist or Communist; the
morality of the Soviet leaders
would matter little. For, as Butter-
field argues, these factors are sec-
ondary. They cloud the basic and
diplomatic issue which exists out-
side of them. The diplomatic con-
flict is always present-in its out-
lines, it has never been resolved.
* * *
reference can be applied to the
present Berlin problem. A new
interpretation of the crisis-and
indeed of a very great deal else-
emerges by looking at things with-
out ideological considerations and
from the Russians' viewpoint. (The
latter is debatable, of course, but
the theory is fruitful enough to
be used.)
* *
facts are that the West actually
emerged from World War II with
the most significant spoils: the
best parts of Germany, Japan and
even Italy. These Axis powers had
dared the whole rest of the world
with a marked amount of success.

may reason, the West theoretically
grabbed off the balance of world
power. The West is in a position
to destroy Russia thereby. Ger-
many - the traditional nemesis
has new allies in the conflict for
hegemony raging in Eastern
Europe these many years. Not for
Communist ends but for the se-
curity of Russia does Khrush-
chev want Germany and Berlin.
* ,' 'I
have many advantages for the
Soviets. It would strengthen their
hold in the East, protecting them
better from a more powerful West
and a resuscitated Germany. It
would end a serious drain on
skilled manpower and shut a pro-
paganda showcase the West ex-
ploits. It might even shake fed-
eral Germany, even enough to dis-
lodge it from the West. Or the
West Germans might conclude the
future lay with the East, though
this seems unlikely. In so far as
West Germany goes, it seems the,
best Soviet hope is simply to des-
troy confidence in the West, not
to make it change sides - at
least not just yet.
All these are concrete and rea-
sonable aims for the Soviets. But
even if the adventure fails and
very little happens, some advan-
tage will still have been gained.
The West will have been distract-
ed from the fruitful exercise of
its preponderance of power be-
cause it got over-concerned with
Berlin and, in a period of rocket
rattling, forgot, as it usually does,
that it is able to bury the Soviets.
This last explanation can be
extrapolated to account for other
Soviet actions, too. Laos, the Con-
go, Iran, Korea, disarmament, and
all the others . . . their purpose
isn't to win the world for Marx-
ism but to protect the Soviet
Union by drawing the eyes of the
West away from what are the
hard facts in the world: its own
The place of the Communist
ideology? A useful - indeed a
magnificent - tool in the Russian
struggle. If some countries can
be made allies of Russia because
of it so much the better. The Rus-
sians will have picked up a little
small change in the market of
world relations, but small change
that means little in the face of
the real Western power.
That state socialism has proven
to be an effective means for eco-
nomic growth, that social revolu-
tion often creates openings for
Soviet success is all to the good.
But these are used, not for truly
Marxian missionary purposes, but
for Russian defense.
* * *
SO FAR, it must be admitted,

almost sole reliance on this is
one of their major successes. This
is not to say they wouldn't destroy
the West if they could - for
that would solve their diplomatic
problem until some new power
arose. But it is to say that more
than the SAC is needed - much
The means have been suggested:
construction of a world state sys-
tem comparable to that which
once existed in Europe.
This system, while it did not
prevent war, did limit war. In an
atomic age, a world of states with
reasonable national power and
marked self-interest, might mean
no wars at all because of the
atomic danger. At any rate, it
would appear to be a more stable
basis for world order than the
huffings and puffings of two
There's no worry that a Nas-
ser or a Nehru. a Tito or an
Mboya is going to be a Russian
satellite, once his own nation is
built up. He's not a Russian, and,
if Butterfield's downgrading of
ideology in such relationships is
correct, neither will his being a
Marxist matter very much. After
all, the West would still conflict
over Germany with the Christian
empire of Tsarist Russia.
however. The secondary question
of ideology and th3 basic problem
of international relations.
Ideology: it's a complicating
factor, but if it can be identified
as only that, then perhaps a more
realistic view can be taken. It is
not HUAC but the Peace Corps
and the World Bank that are a
means to safety in a balance of
power world. This doesn't mean
the Russians are any less dan-
gerous. In fact, their use of Marx-
ism makes them even more re-
doubtable opponents. But it isn't
their basic motivation.
International relations: as But-
terfield said, the basic problem
is still unsolved. Showing the Rus-
sians our real intent is very dif-
ficult. We can not expect them
to trust us - but the converse
is also true. More so, the latter a
midwestern ideologist might say,
but he'd be wrong.
Even after the creation of a
world state system, the crucial
problem would still remain; peace
will depend on a balance of fears,
not on genuine word order. But-
terfield's dilemma remains. But
because it is acknowledged, the
West might be a little safer.
This is the usual result of an
honest, not an ideological, moral-
ising approach.
History, Butterfield says, shows

Beauty Treatment

To Tha Edilor

F OURTH OF JULY hospitality of United
States diplomats abroad this year fell short
of the usual extravagances. Their modest, al-
most ungracious entertaining may indicate a
long-needed shift of attention in the work of
our foreign representatives.
Several years ago, "The Ugly American" im-
pressed many persons with its criticism of Unit-
ed States diplomacy. One of its charges was
that some American embassies were so busy
entertaining VIP's that they resembled tourist
agencies. The authors strongly objected to the
time spent on "arrangements, briefings, cock-
tail parties, protocol visits and care and main-
tenance of wives . .
Editorial Staff
MICHAEL BURNS .......................... Co-Editor
SUSAN FARRELL.........................Co-Editor
DlAVE KIMBALL.T.......................----sorts Editor

American tourists and foreigners used to get
their fill of free liquor and food at the Inde-
pendence Day parties of our embassies and
consulates. This year at the New Delhi embassy
party, Americans longing for hot dogs and soft
drinks could still get them-but at 20 cents a
FOLLOWING President Kennedy's order to cut
government spending abroad, United States
ambassadors entertained on a drastically re-
duced scale. They cut costs up to 90 per cent
and pruned guest lists down to five per cent of
the totals in previous years.
The economic reason for curtailing Fourth of
July parties is of course an important one.
But there is another, equally significant rea-
son which may be operating. "The Ugly Amer-
ican" attacked the lavish entertainment of
United States visitors simply because all this
partying left too little time for the actual work
of the diplomats.
Former Vice-President Richard Nixon, not-

Arab Rockets..
To the Editor:
IN AN EDITORIAL in the Daily,
July 11, David Marcus contends
that the United Arab Republic's
request to purchase weather rock-
ets, is in response to Israel's firing
of a similar scientific weather
rocket. The fact is, both sides are
trying, within their own limited
capabilities, to increase human
To our surprise we found Mr.
Marcus trying to be' an analyst
as well as a fortune teller. He
looked into his crystal ball and
saw President Nasser of the U.A.R.
upsetting the balance of power
in the Middle East, by buying
weather rockets from the U.S.A.
He therefore concluded that such
a deal should not be allowed by
the Amercian government.
** * n

revenues. The high dam has been
started and better than one third
completed. Trade has been greatly
increased with both East and
West, providing profitable mar-
kets for our native goods. Factories
have been more than tripled and
more land is being cultivated.
Currency is stable and credit is
increasingly being extended to the
U.A.R. The standard of living is
one and one half times better
than it was eight yearn ago. Over-
all the U.A.R. has been truly
building for peace and stability.
* * *
IN REGARD to Mr. Marcus' ob-
vious loyalty to Israel, I think
that Americans are becoming
aware of the fact that Israel likes
to cry with crocodile tears. Ameri-
cans are getting to know how Is-
rael utilizes American media of
communication - TV, radio and
press - for their own benefit,
even at the expense of American


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