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July 12, 1961 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-12

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:4Ia iti,

Continued warm through

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Sees Chance of Call
For National Guard
Deputy Cites Possibility as Counter
To Menacing Attitude' of Russians
WASHINGTON OP) - A strong possibility that some National
Guard and reserve units will be called to active duty was raised yes-
terday by Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric.
He said it is one of several moves being considered to counter
Russia's "menacing attitude."
At a news conference, Gilpatric did not list what other moves
the Pentagon has under consideration in the new look at military

-__ .

.. firm stand

To Use Force
If Necessary
MOSCOW OP) - Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev declared yes-
terday the Soviet Union will rely
on force to resist any United
Nations decision that threatens its
The Soviet premier issued the
warning in a renewed demand
for reorganization of the UN sec-
Khrushchev wants Secretary-
General Dag Hammarskjold re-
placed by a triumvirate represent-
ing the Western, Communist and
neutralist nations.
"The imperialist powers wish
to preserve their rule in the United
Nations," Khrushchev said at
luncheon for visiting President
Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.
"But it is perfectly obvious that
the domination of this or that
group of states in an international
organization prevents the organ-
ization from being able to fulfill
its functions."
The Premier, whose remarks
were distributed by the Tass news
agency, added:
"For instance, even if all coun-
tries of the world adopted a de-
cision which did not accord with
the interests of the Soviet Union
and threatened its security, the
Soviet Union would not recognize
such a decision but would uphold
its rights, relying on force."
"And we have the wherewithal
to do this. The same thing would
be done by any state which loves
freedom, respects its independ-
ence and is able to uphold it."
TVA offers
Lowered Rates
nessee Valley Authority announc-
ed a new, lower price for elec-
tricity yesterday and labeled it
the "Norris Centennial Rate."
At a White House ceremony,
TVA directors said the new rate
would cut electric costs by 8 per
cent or more for home, farm and
commercialsusers in the seven
Southern states served by the
government agency.
The rate was named in honor
of the late Sen. George W. Norris
"This new low rate," the TVA
directors said, "will provide a
further incentive to the widest
possible use of electricity as en-
visioned by Sen. Norris.
TVA-a huge, pioneering rive
basin development-serves majo
areas of Tennessee, Alabama, Mis-
sissippi and Kentucky, and small-
er areas of North Carolina, Vir-
ginia and Georgia. In all, 80,00(
square miles are covered.
to show what the new rate woul
A wholesaler of electricity, TVA
generates and transmits power t

readiness ordered by President
John F. Kennedy Saturday.
No Recommendation{
However, Gilpatric did mention
several times the possibility of
mobilizing reserves and guards-
men. He said at one point that
no specific recommendation has
been made to the President, but
that this "obviously is one of the'
many possibilities."
Gilpatric .said the military re-
appraisal ordered by Kennedy will
be completed soon and will be'
aimed at quick, short-term steps
to counter Soviet moves in Ber-
lin and elsewhere.
The study was ordered in the
light of Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev's announcement Sat-
urday of a big boost in Soviet
spending for arms and calling off
a cutback in military manpower
from,3.6 million to 2.4 million.
Study Possibilities
Gilpatric said the study will help
determine what plans are best,
within the short-range goal, what
they would cost, and "whether we
have the capability" to carry out
the plans.
The study, Gilpatric said, also
will help Kennedy determine
whether he needsdmore resources
and authority to deal with the sit-
That Congress will give Kenne-
dy pretty much what he wants
was indicated by reaction on capi-
tol hill to his new move.
House Speaker Sam Rayburn
(D-Tex) predicted that the Amer-
ican people will pay.
Military Plans
Joint. Agency
In Pentagon
joint military intelligence agency,
in which all three services will
participate, is being set up in the
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Roswell Gilpatric announced this
yesterday, saying the agency will
be headed by an officer of three-
star rank, a lieutenant general or
vice admiral.
Creation of the new Pentagon
agency, he said, does not mean
"any reallocation or reassign-
ment" of intelligence functions
between the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defense Agency.
A study of the CIA is being
made by President John F. Ken-
nedy's military advisor, Gen.
Maxwell D. Taylor.
Gilpatric told a news conference
that the principal objectives in
setting up the new Pentagon
agency are to obtain "unity of ef-
fort among all components of the
Department of Defense in de-
veloping military intelligence and
a strengthening of the over-all
capacity of the Defense Depart-
ment for collection, production
and dissemination of intelligence
Gilpatric said there has been
some duplication within the Pen-
tagon in the intelligence field.
Each of the services-the Army,
Navy and Air Force-now oper-
ates its own intelligence service.
The head of the new agency
will report to the Secretary of
Defense through the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.

Expert Asks
State Study
Of Colleges
'U' Would Cooperate
With Lansing Group
LANSING (P)-A Detroit effi-
ciency expert told legislators yes-
terday that they have a right to
know how the nine state support-
ed colleges and universities are
spending the public's money.
Alfred C. Lamb made the state-
ment at a meeting of the joint'
committee studying higher educa-
Undertake Study
Lamb offered to undertake a
study of costs per student credit-
hours at Wayne State University
in combination with at least one
other college, depending on the
committee's choice.
The legislators have an appro-
priation of $25,000 to spend in
the investigation.
Lamb told the lawmakers that
there are buried costs in the col-
lege budgets which cannot be dug
out from the information now
available from the schools. He cit-
ed the cost of university press
publications and the operations of
campus radio and television sta-
Legal Function
"Without this information," he
said, "you are not able to put the
available money where it can be
best used. Yet, this is a function of
the Legislature."
(Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-presi-
dent and dean of faculties, said
that Lamb's charges of hidden
costs didn't apply to the Univer-
sity, which includes the infor-
mation Lamb mentioned in its fi-
nancial statement.
(Niehuss added that "we'd cer-
tainly cooperate" if the legislators
called for a new survey, but sug-
gested that it would be best to
work through the Michigan Coun-
cil of State College Presidents,
which is currently studying college
Not New
John A. Hannah, president of
MSU, told the committee that the
credit-hour cost idea was not new,
and he cited the Russell Commis-
sion study made a few years ago
at the cost of $160.000.
"This was a very comprehensive
study, but unfortunately very little
was done with it because the state
was financially embarrassed at
that time," he said.
Hannah said that "Before you
replow ground already plowed"
the lawmakers should check into
the information already available
to them.
The problem, he said, is not
getting the cost information but
rather in comparing one institu-
tion with another.
The MSU president objected to
lumping overhead costs with every-
thing else as being unsound and
unfair procedure.
James W. Miller, president of
Western Michigan University, sug-
gested that Michigan could adopt
a plan similar to that of Indiana,
where the colleges get together
among themselves to decide what
percentage of the total appropria-
tion each should have.
Corps Plans
First Center
NEW YORK (P) - The Peace
Corps will establish its first over-

seas field training center in Puer-
to Rico, R. Sargent Shriver, corps
director, said recently.
He left Monday for San Juan,
P.R., to discuss the proposed cen-
ter with Puerto Rican Gov. Lui,
Munoz Marin.



Optimism Prevails Among Consumers

Chinese Sign Military


Cautious optimism prevails to-
day among American consumers,
according to a report on consumer
attitudes and inclinations to buy
released today by the Survey Re-
search Center.
Summing up their findings, Prof.
George Katona and Prof. Eva
Meuller of the Center said, "Thosej
who believe the current upswing
will carry the American economy
to great heights within a short
period cannot find much support
Tyrol Rebels
Blast Railways,
Halt Traffic
VERONA OP)-Self-styled free-
dom fighters of South Tyrol rang-
ed far out of their home grounds
yesterday and blasted four of
Italy's international railway lines
in blows aimed at the rich tourist
"Next time we will cut lines of
tourists travel into Italy in even
more places," German-language
pamphlets left behind by the
bombers, said.
Old Feud
The old feud between Italy and
Austria over the South Tyrol, once
an Austrian province, flamed
Premier Amintore Fanfani's gov-
ernment announced Italy will pro-'
test to Austria "concerning the
recent grave declarations by Aus-
tria personalities which can only
be considered an encouragement
to the terroristic attacks."
In Vienna, Foreign Minister
Bruno Kreisky said Austria will
lay the South Tyrol problem be-
fore the United Nations again un-
less there is an Italian-Austrian
agreement on peaceful means to

in the current survey findings
about consumer sentiment."
Prof. Meuller said "unemploy-
ment constitutes a drag on con-
sumer confidences. As far as the
consumer sector of the economy
is concerned the report therefore
implies "the upswing will not be
as buoyant unless the unemploy-
ment problem can be solved."
Quarterly Survey
This report is one in a series
based on a quarterly survey con-
ducted of 1300 adults across the
"People in all walks of life
realize that business trends have
turned upward and anticipate fur-
ther improvement. But awareness
of substantial unemployment and
concern with persistence of un-
employment represent enduring
effects of the recessions of 1958
and 1961 and restrain the con-
sumer's optimism.
These changes in consumer sen-
timent are summarized in the
Center's Index of Consumer Atti-
tudes and Inclinations to Buy. Re-
flecting the slow rise in consumer
optimism, the index rose to 95.0
from 91.7 a year ago. But it still
stands well below the 100.2 re-
corded in May and June of 1959.
Income Not a Factor
The survey revealed that con-
sumer attitude changes have been
quite similar in the various incomn
groups. "Yet, at present, upper
income people tend to express op-
timistic business expectations more
frequently than other people."
Seven out of 10 persons inter-
viewed said there was unemploy-
ment in their community. Half
this group described local unem-
ployment as "substantial."
When asked about recent trends,
31 per cent said unemployment
had been decreasing locally, 12 per
cent said it was unchanged, and
20 per cent said it had increased.

ward the automobile market


... sees cautious optimism

During the next 12 months, 42
per cent of those interviewed felt
unemployment would decrease, 42
per cent predicted no change, and
nine per cent said it would rise.
"These notions supply the major
explanation for the finding that
consumers remain cautious even
though very many believe that the
government has taken measures
to overcome the recession and
think that such help will continue.
Intentions to makeimprove-
ments, additions or repairs to
owner - occupied homes are re-
ported with the same frequency as
a year ago. On the other hand,
plans to buy major electrical ap-
pliances remain fairly low, especi-
ally among lower- and middle-
income groups.
Inflation Concern Decreases
"Concern with inflation, which
was pronounced a year ago and
contributed then to the unfavor-
able trend in consumer sentiment,
is somewhat less salient at pres-
ent. People's opinions about mar-
ket conditions reflect the fre-
quently reported comment that
good buys are available.
Intention to buy cars was used
I as one indicator by the Center. In
May-June 1961 more people ex-
pressed an intention to purchase
a car during the next 12 months
than a year ago. The proportion
was similar to that obtained in
the same period during 1959.
These data are , confirmed by
some improvement in attitudes to-

Communi st

solve the conflict.
No Reply
It was announced in Rome
Italy will not reply for the
being to a previous Austrian
posal for UN handling. Italy
siders the World Court at
Hague the proper forum.



The Italian government also
tightened its watch on travel
across the Austrian frontier. Both
Italians and Austrians entering
Italy from Austria now will be re-
quired to have valid passports and
visas and Italians must have visas
to enter Austria from Italy. Iden-
tity papers alone have served in
the past.
Italian officials obviously were
concerned at the planned attack
against tourism, a trade which
brought Italy $800 million last
year. Without that trade Italy
would have wound up in the red.
First Strike
It was the first time the sabo-
teurs had struck outside their
South Tyrol district on the Aus-
tria Frontier. There also were
bombings of three power pylons in
Valais Canton on the Swiss side
of the border, and Italian police
suspected there may have been a
connection with the incidents in
The bombings, blamed on the
German - speaking minority in
South Tyrol who claim they are
denied political rights, halted traf-
fic for hours on three of the lines
used often by tourists..

Leader Denies
Use of Force
At Crystal Pool
A leader of the teen-age group
currently "standing in" at Crystal
Pool in Oak Park denied radio and
news reports that the group had
forced its way into the pool.
Sidney Field, Jr. said that the
group of more than 40 representa-
tives of the Detroit Youth Con-
gress on Racial Equality and the
Detroit Youth Brotherhood League
had waited in line outside the pool
until shortly after 1 p.m. when
they moved intorthe lobby and
attempted to biiy tickets.
Henning Rylander, the pool's
manager, attempted to force them
off the property and was passively
resisted in his attempts at physical
coercion. Oak Park police stood by
to curtail any violence but did not
assist Rylander in attempting to

well as persistent interest in com-
pact cars.
In addition the survey brought
out the fact that the proportion
of people who think that automo-
bile prices are unreasonable or
that they will go up in the near
future is lower today than a year
ago or two years ago.
"American consumers, who were y
well aware of the recession during i
the winter of 1960-61, also know u;
that there has been some improve-
ment in business conditions re-i
cently. Yet, on the whole, the i
improvement in judgements of
business conditions has been small.
Conditions Unfavorable c
In January 1961, when condi-b
tions were judged as fairly un-
favorable, the majority expected b
business trends to improve within t
twelve months. The optimistic an-
swers to this phase of the survey
did not change during the last
few months.p
"At all times during the paste
fifteen years the opinion that
business conditions wil be good t
during the next twelve months far
outweigh the opinion that theyc
will be bad. Yet the fluctuations inI
the frequency of favorable judg-f
ments reflect variations in senti-t
Looking towards the future, theE
report said, "rising incomes cou-
pled with cautious optimism will
be reflected in larger sales to
MVays Sparks
NL All-Stars f
To 5-4 V ictor y
By The Associated Presst
Clemente's 10th inning single to1
right field gave the National
League All-Stars a 5-4 victory over1
the American League yesterday in 1
a record-breaking comedy of sev-
en errors before 44,115 fans at
wind-swept Candlestick Park.
The National's defense collaps-
ed like a house of cards in the!
ninth after ageless Warren Spahn
and two successors had held the]
Americans to one hit - a pinch
homer by Harmon Killebrew-in
the first eight innings.1
Ken Boyer's second error of the
game in the 10th inning let the'
Americans take a 4-3 lead, but
the National struck back against
Baltimore's Hoyt Wilhelm to pull,
it out in the bottom of the 10th.
Milwaukee's Hank Aaron's pinch
single opened the winning rally
in the 10th. A Wilhelm pitch to
Willie Mays escaped catcher El-
ston Howard of New York for a
passed ball and Mays followed
with a double to left that tied the
score again. After Wilhelm, the
Baltimore knuckle ball artist, hit
Cincinnati's Frank Robinson with,
a pitch. Clemente broke it up with
a single to right, scoring the San
Francisco Giants' center fielder.
This third extra inning game in
All-Star history must have been
the wildest of all. It started in a
dead calm on a warm, sunny aft-
ernoon and wound up in a tangle
of errors while a jet stream whip-
ped papers and baseballs around
this bay-side park.
Spahn, Milwaukee's 40-year-old
left-hander started out with three
perfect innings. Bob Purkey of
Cincinnati folowed with two more
hitless innings before Killebrew's
pinch homer off San Francisco's
Mike McCormick in the sixth
broke up the no-hitter.
You had to see the wild ninth
to believe it. The Nationals went
into the inning with a 3-1 lead.
They scored in the second on Cle-
mente's triple and a sacrifice fly
by Bill White of St. Louis. The
second run came in the fourth
when Mays reached second on a
See CLEMENTE'S, Page 4

Harrison Sweeps
Virginia Primary

New Treaties
Up Pressure
Against West
U.S. Defense Areas
In Pacific, Japan
Seem Main Target
TOKYO P)-Communist North
Korea signed a military treaty
esterday with Red China, round-
ng out a series of pacts stepping
up pressure against the West.
United States defense interests
n the western Pacific and Japan
appeared to be the main targets.
The new pact is almost identi-
cal to the treaty signed last week
by North Korea and the Soviet
Union. Peiping and Moscow have
been linked by a similar military
treaty for more than a decade.
Increasing Militancy
In Washington, the State De-
partment said the Korean-Chin-
ese pact symbolized increasing
Communist militancy throughout
he world.
North Korean Premier Kim Il-
Sung and Chinese Prenier Chou
En-Lai signed the new treaty of
friendship, cooperation and mu-
tual assistance at a ceremony in
Peiping, the Communist New
China news agency reported.
The two countries pledged that
if one is attacked the other "shall
immediately render military and
other assistance by all means at
its disposal."
Same Phrase
Virtually the same phrase ap-
pears in the treaty Kim signed
five days earlier with Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev in Mos-
At that time Khrushchev blamed
the West, and particularly the
United States, for tension in the
Far East.
Peiping reported that Chou and
Kim attended a reception given
by the ambassodar from Outer
Mongolia, another satellite bor-
dering on China and the Soviet
Union where the interests of both
Mark Anniversary
Pledges of friendship between
Red China and Outer Mongolia
were exchanged, the agency said.
The reception was held to mark
the 40th anniversary of Outer
Mongolia's Communist revolution.
The new Peiping pact, like, the
Moscow treaty that preceded it,
also pledged the two countries to
stay out of alliances against each
other, consult on major interna-
tional questions of common in-
terest, cooperate in economic and
technical fields and respect the
principle of noninterference in
internal affairs.
The pact had been expected as
a followup to the Moscow treaty.
In view of the high Western inter-
est in reports of disagreement be-
tween Moscow and Peiping, the
second treaty would tend to off-
set worldwide speculation about
the current state of Soviet-Chin-
ese affairs.
Lack of such a pact would un-
doubtedly have stimulated it, since
the Moscow agreement was viewed
as a Soviet -hallenge to Peiping's
role in the Communist camp in
Both treaties follow the pattern
of the Moscow-Peiping mutual as-

sistance pact signed in 1950.
Pollock Joins
David S. Pollock of the Uni-
versity Relations .ofice was
named to the Ann Arbor City
Planning Commission Monday
Pollock, replacing assistant to
the vice-president for business
and finance John G. McKevitt,
I will be the University's represen-
tative on the commission.
Also appointed to the group
were Richard A. Ware and Casper
M_ Enkemann The annnintments

County Board
Ups Standards
The Washtenaw County Board
of Supervisors yesterday passed
new regulations for the recruiting
and training of Sheriff's deputies.
Recruits will now have to have
a high school education, an in-
vestigation into their personal
backgrounds will be done,/and a
personality evaluation must be
completed by a "competent medi-
cal authority."
Further, recruits will have to
finish a course of training at the
Detroit Police Academy, the Mich-
igan State University Police Aca-
demy, or the school operated by
the Kent County Sheriff's depart-
Sheriff George A. Peterson re-
fused to comment on the changes.
He told the board he would imple-
ment them immediately.

remove the Negroes.
The pool had opened at its
regular time, admitting those cus-
tomers who were not part of the
group. Aylander has refused at-
tempts by the leaders of the group
to talk with him.
The group is making day-to-
day plans on the continuation of
the stand-in. However, Field said
he expected it to continue for


Bad Guys' Become Saints in 'My Three Angels'

Improbable and delightfully sly,
"My Three Angels" is just right
for those who wish an evening with
"a gleefully wicked gleam in its
Second production of the sum-
mer drama season, this Sam and
Bella Spewack adaptation of Al-
bert Husson's French farce will
open at 8 p.m. tonight at the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The plav. directed by Donald

rogues go to work for a local shop-
keeper, they soon decide to re-
pair more than his thatched roof.
A sweltering Christmas eve in
their French Guiana penal colony
finds the Ducotel family, poor but
honest, in the clutches of a grasp-
ing relative who not only threat-
ens to foreclose the store's mort-
gage but to break their daughter's
heart by breaking off her ro-
mance with his nephew.
neterminer to take iustice intoI

to saints and lets good triumph
solidly over evil. The trio of an-
gelic rogues is well-meaning and
likable. Their methods are rough,
but their hearts are in the right
Amazing practicality that ig-
nores the ethical in favor of the
effective and French gallantry
merge in the characters of the
three angels, who transform the
diabolical plot into preposterous


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