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July 01, 1961 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-01

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Long, Hot, Summer Days

'U',WSU Combine Faculties
For Medical Training Plan
Program Begins at Wayne County Hospital;
Hubbard Cites Expanding Classes as Cause

Beginning with the academic
year 1961-62, a program to train
medical students outside of the
University Hospital will be insti-
tuted with the cooperation of both:
Wayne State University and the
Wayne County Hospital and In-,
firmary at Wayne, Michigan, Dr.
William N. Hubbard, dean of thel
University medical school said
It will be the first program of
its kind in the nation in which
the faculties of two separate med-
ical schools assume joint respon-
sibility, with both staff members
and students freely interchanged,
Dr. Hubbard said.
"Academically, medical faculty
members identified with WSU will
oversee our students, and the re-
verse will be true for students in
the Wayne Medical School," he
Year-Old Plans
Dr. Hubbard, denying that the
merged faculty was connected
with current financial difficulties,
said that negotiations for the
training program had begun over
a year ago.
The University has been train-
ing second-year medical students
at the Eloise Hospital for 15
years, and Wayne State has also
been active at that hospital. For
this reason, he said, it was de-
cided to unify the two faculties
for the purposes of expediency.
The program at Eloise will de-
velop with the opening of a new
600-bed acute cases wing of the-
hospital, and will involve fulltime
posts at the senior physician and
resident level, he explained.
Hubbard noted that the pro-
gram, which is aimed at broad-
ening the base of clinical instruc-
tion, will not involve any addi-
tional transportation difficluties
for the personnel involved since
both schools now use the facili-
ties there. Also, he added, "it's
only a 20-minute drive from Ann
New Training-Ground
According to Dr. Hubbard, the
most important thing is not that

... explains plan

Two distinctly different inter-
pretations of Shakespeare's pres-
entation of the story of Anthony
and Cleopatra will be discussed
by Prof. Arthur Eastman of the
Inglish Department on a special
television program to be seen at
12:00 noon on Sun., July 9, over
station WWJ.
"One may be called the Roman
view. It sees the play in the old
morality pattern-Rome and Cae-
sar standing for reason and vir-
tue; Cleopatra and Egypt repre-
senting passion and vice; Antony,
caught between them finally sur-
renders to passion and vice.
"On the other hand, the Egyp-
tian view sees Caesar as cold-
blooded, withered and puritanical,
while Cleopatra and Anthony are
different kinds of human beings
-warm, vital and generous of
spirit," Prof. Eastman says.
2 . . , *
'Civil a' . .
"Background of the Civil War,"
a film will be presented under
the auspices of the Audio-Visual
Education Center at 2:00 p.m. on
Monday, July 3, in the Schorling
Auditorium of University School.
"Time Out of War" will also be
shown in Schorling Auditorium.
* *.*
'Parties, Politics' . .
Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the
history department will speak on
"Parties, Politics, and the Con-
stitution," at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day July 5 in Aud. A.
* * *
Education Films .. .
Two movies, "Poisoned King-
dom" and "The Humanities: What
They are and What They Do,"
will be shown at 2:00 p.m. Wed-
nesday July 5, in Schorling Audi-
torium of University School under
the auspices of the Audio-Visual
Education Center.
* * *
Stanley Quartet .. .
The Stanley Quartet assisted by
Lillian Fuchs, violist, will present
a concert at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday,
July 5, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall under the auspices of the
School of Music.

Modern techniques applied to
an ancient science enable Univer-
sity meterologists to study prob-
lems of the atmosphere.
Under governmental, private,
and industrial grants, studies
range from measuring rain drop
sizes to determining the amount
of pollen in the air.
In conjunction with the botany
department, the Medical School
and the public health school, Uni-
versity meteorologists are study-
ing air pollution, Prof. A. Nelson
Dingle said.
Air-Borne Pollen
Allergenic substances such as
ragweed pollen are carried through
the air by the wind, he explained.
An anemometer is used to meas-
ure the speed of the wind.
Sampling devices are used at
different points in the atmosphere
to collect the pollen. The tabulat-
ed data indicates the concentra-
tion of pollen in the air.
This knowledge is the ground-
work for Medical School research-
ers who then study the physiolog-
ical effects of these allergenic
substances, Hung-Kwong Soo,
graduate student, explained.
Study Atmosphere
At the nuclear reactor site in
Monroe, Michigan, another part

Old Science Aids Study
Of Pollen, Atmosphere

-Daily-Fred Uleman
DUTCH ELM DISEASE-With the first coming, this summer, of 90-degree weather and hordes of
insects, an unknown citizen rests under the shade of an indifferent elm, obsessed with its own
problems. This traditional scene is sure to be repeated many times during the next two months,
and this man's solitude will be disturbed by the raucous cries of the multitude.

MSU Seeks
Atomic Tool

University Television Service
Presents Educational Series

the University will be cooperating
with WSU, but rather that the
University will be training third
and fourth year students at a hos-
pital other than the University
Hospital in Ann Arbor.
A similar program is being set
up for the teaching of surgery at
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital and
will be under the direction of Dr.
Thurston E. Thieme in cooperation
wit h the University Medical
School. The University has also
been working there for several
years at an elementary level, said
"Basic medical instruction in
the Medical School has been con-
fined to University Hospital for
years," Hubbard explained. It was
felt that the new program will
serve a purpose in the modern
approach to ilnstructing medical
students in view of "the enlarge-
ment of the Medical School's
classes and increasing emphasis on
patient care in medical training."
Acknowledging the merger of
the faculties, Hubbard said he did
nbt. see this as a beginning of a
move to unite the many state-sup-
ported schools into one giant sys-
tem with an interchangeable staff.

Picturing the modern explorer
as a scientist whose laboratories

Michigan State University re- I are "those unknown areas of theI

cently proposed the building of a
radically new cyclotron.
The University asked Congress
for $1.6 million to finance the
project. They would contribute
$759,000 if Congress approves the
fund request.
1 :00 P.M.-1 1 :00 P.M.
daily exceptSan.
at the

world, whether near at hand or
remote, where gaps in human
knowledge exist," Prof. Niel Snor-
tum of the engineering English
department will be host for a
special two program study of ex-
ploration in the modern world.
The first of these educational
experiences, produced by the Uni-
versity Television as a part of its

WORLD, will be shown at 9:00
a.m. on Sun., July 9, on station
The concluding program of the
series, "Quest," will offer a story
from the records of modern ex-
ploration. The expedition viewed
will explore little known regions
from the snow fields of Alaska to
the rain forests ofSoutheast Asia.
Special guest on the program will
be the noted explorer - archaeol-
ogist Ted Bank II. ,

Show To View
'Real' Cowboy
Seeking to reestablish the true
identity of the "real" cowboy will
be the task of Prof. Niel Snortum
of the engineering English depart-
ment on the ninth program of
the University of Michigan Tele-
vision series on the frontier his-
tory and development of the
American West.
Prof. Snortum's view that "dur-
ing the past half century, motion
pictures, popular writers and tele-
vision have literally 'made-over'
the cowboy, turning him into a
massive, all inclusive adventure
symbol," will provide the focus of
the program to be seen at 8:30
a.m. on Sat., July 8, on station
"The cowboy," according to
Prof. Snortum, "has been permit-
ted to stand for just about every-
thing except the way of life which
was uniquely his own."
Assisting Prof. Snortum in de-
picting the rise and fall of the
great cattle empires between 1865
and 1890 by discussing the skills,
activities, and courage of the
American cowboy who made it
possible, will be guest expert
Thomas L. McKnight of the geog-
raphy department.

of the research group is studying
atmospheric conditions, Prof. Din-
gle said.
The ruling of the Atomic Ener-
gy Commission requires a meteor-
ological analysis before the re-
actor may be used.
In case radiation escapes and
enters the atmosphere, this data
would be vital in telling such
things as how far and in what
direction the atir would carry the
radioactive matter, Hung Kwong
Soo, Grad, explained. Preparations
could then be made in nearby ci-
ties to protect the people from ex-
NSF Grant
With a grant from the National
Science Foundation, the meteor-
ologists are attempting to deter-
mine the mechanism of rain pre-
cipitation. A photo-electric rain-
drop size spectrometer has been
designed to measure the sizes of
rain drops when they reach
ground level.
An aerodynamic raindrop sort-
er separates the drops in a small
wind tunnel by blowing them so
that their own weight causes them
to fall in a graduated pattern,
Prof. Dingle explained. These
samples of small and large size
drops are then analyzed.
The meteorologists are Inter-
ested in relating these drop sizes
on the ground to the sizes of drops
in the clouds. They hope this will
give them a clue to the process
that produces rain, research as-
sociate Kenneth Hardy said. In
addition, the data may help in
determining the effectiveness of
rain drops in cleaning the air of
foreign particles.
Governmental grants also. fi-
nance some research.
The National Aeronautics Space
Administration has contracted the
University to study weather sat-
ellite pictures, Prof. Dingle noted.
The engineers must first deter-
mine how to interpret them and
then they can see what kind of
atmospheric information these
photographs will give.
The University is one of approx-
imately twenty schools in the
country which offer courses in
meterology, Prof. Dingle explain-
ed. The program began in 1953
and now includes twenty-five
Director To Talk
About UN Library
Joseph A. Groesbeck, deputy di-
rector, United Nations Library,
New York, will speak on "The
United Nations Library," on Wed.,
July 5, at 4:00 p.m. in the Multi-
Purpose Room of the Undergrad-
uate Library.

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Dial 8-6416

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts and Schools of Business Adminis-
tration, Education, Music, Natural Re-
sources, Nursing, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of I, X or
'no report' at the end of their last
semester orrsummer session of attend-
ance will receive a grade of "E" in
the course or courses unless this work
is made up. In the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts and the
Schools of Music and Nursing this date
is by July 24. In the Schools of Busi-
ness Administration, Education, Natur-
al Res6urces, and Public Health this
date is by July 26. Students wishing
an extension of time beyond these dates
should file a petition with the appro-
priate official of their school.
Events Monday
Educational Film Preview: "Back-
ground of the Civil War," "Time Out
of War," w1l be shown on Mon., July
3 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud., Uni-
versity School.
Panel Discussion: On Mon., July 3 at
4 p.m. in Aud. C, "How Ye Teach
Composition" will be discussed by Sis-
ter Marie Andre, St. Mary Academy,
Monroe; Mrs. Jean Butler, Slauson Jun..
ior High School, Ann Arbor; Harold
L. Smith, Roosevelt High School, Wyan-

Events Wednesday
The Stanley Quartet: Gibert Ross,
violin, Gustave Rosseels, violin, Robert
Courte, viola, and Jerome Jelinek, cello,
will perform with Lillian Fuchs, guest
soloist, in the first of their summer
concerts on Wed., July 5, 8:30 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. Included on
the program will be compositions by
Haydn, Ross Lee Finney, and Mozart.
Open to the general public.
Educational Film Preview: Wed., July
5 at 2 p.m., Schorling Aud., University
School. "Poisoned Kingdom" and "The
Humanities: What They Are and What
They Do."
summer Session Lecture Series: "Par-
ties, Politics, and the Constitution"
will be discussed by Dwight L. Dumond,
Prof. of History, on Wed., July 5 at
4:15 p.m. in Aud. A.
Lecture: Joseph A. Groesbeck, depu-
ty director, United Nations Library,
New York City, wil speak on "The
United Nations Library" on Wed., July
5, at 4:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose
Room, Undergraduate Library. Open
to the public.
Doctoral Examination for Stephen
Addam Zeff, Business Administration;
thesis: "A Critical Examination of the
Orientation Postulate in Accounting,
with Particular Attention to Its His-
torical Development," Wed., July 5,
516 Bus. Ad. Sch., at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, W. J. Schlatter.
Guest Recital: Lillian Fuchs, one of
the world's foremost violists, will pre-
sent a program of solo viola music on
Thurs., July 6, 8:30 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall. Her program will be en-
tirely that of J. S. Bach with the ex-
ception of one of her own composi-

tions, "Sonata Pastorale." Open to the
public without charge.
On Thurs., July 6, a representative
from the Waterford Township Schools
in Pontiac, Mich., will be interviewing
at the Bureau of Appointments. The
following positions are available for
Sept., 1961: Auto Shop, 7th Block, HS
English, Home Ec., Speech Corr., Type
A Ment Ret., HS Library, HSrFrench,
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, Later Elem.,
Jr. HS Girls PE, Voc Music, Elem. Voc.
Music, Jr. HS Physics, HS Math/Physics.
Division of Tropical Research, United
Fruit Co., La Lima, Honduras-Research
Opening forgrad. with BS orMS in
botanical, biochemical or chemical
fields. Applicants must either have
working knowledge of Spanish or be
willing to learn. Salary plus all living
expenses provided by Company. Apply
immediately. Single persons only.
International Business Machines
(IBM), Dearborn, Mich.-Electric Type-
writer Sales-4 or 5 openings. Michi-
gan-Ohio area. Total of 9 wks. trng. in
Dearborn, Cincinnati, or N.J. Salary
plus commission. BA-any field. No ex-
perience required.
Library of Congress, Wash., D.C.-Bi-
weekly listing of current vacancies for
Notices I
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations planning to be active for
the summer semester should register by
July 5, 1961. Forms available, 3011 Stu-
dent Activities Building.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, Canoeing-In-
struction provided, July 2, 1:45 p.m.,
Rackham Bldg., Huron St. Entrance.
Hillel Foundation, Get-Acquainted
Mixer, July 6, 7:30 p.m., on the lawn
at Hillel.

college grads, men & women, now on
file at 4021 Admin. Openings for Su-
pervisors, Librarians, Bibliographers,
Science Specialists. Knowledge of mod-
ern foreign languages desirable; esp.
City of Minneapolis, Minn. - Real
Estate Deputy Assessor-Men with BA
or BS, with major in Engrg., Arch.
or Real Estate. Residence requirement
waived. Experience in construction or
architectural work desirable. Apply for
3-Salesmen, commission basis, must
have a car.
1-Experienced Therapist, 20 hours per
week permanent.
1-ENperienced house painter, in ex-
change for furnished apartment,
summer only.
15-Telephone solicitors, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.,
1-5 p.m., or 5-9 p.m., Monday thru
19-Psychological subjects, one hour to-
tal time.
2-Typists, part-time permanent, 20
hours per week.
civil service exam before AUG. 4.
Celotex Corp., Chicago-Seeking Per-
sonnel Manager for L'Anse, Michigan
Plant. Man with broad exper. in per-
sonnel field incl. employment train-
ing, safety, wage & benefit admin., la-
bor relations & employe communica-
tions. Excel. opportunity for future
growth with expanding operation.
City of Detroit, Mich.-Several open-
ings for Public Aid Worlcers. Grad.
with major in Bus. Admin. or social
sciences. Equivalent combination of 2
yrs. college and related work experience
also acceptable. Some pertinent office
& business experience required. File for
examination by July 17.
9 P.M.-1 A.M.
508 E. William

Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021
Admin., Ext. 3371 for further informa-
T Employment
The following part-time jobs are avail-
able to students. Applications can be
made in the Non-Academic Personnel
Office, 1020 Admin. Bldg., Monday
through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-tim e work should con-
tact Jack Lardie, NO 3-1511, ext. 2939.
" Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 1020, daily.
57-Psychological subjects, hours to be
1-Experienced person for housework,
8 hours per week, hours to be ar-
I -

U 'N

AIR pl l ~ a uiil u i a
:r.r Li2

NO 2-6264

Archibald MacLeish's
powerful retelling
of the Job story




His name is
He was more than a boy. He was
not yet aman.Dangerously in-be-
tween...and between three girls!



TONIGHT at 7 and 9
Ake Gronberg Harriett Andersson
LJ-t cn ..-rvt A -Jn- .


U r m...

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